Sharing Incident Information Using the Emergency Incident Data Document MICHAEL SMITH - DSS CORP....


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Sharing Incident Information Using the Emergency Incident Data Document



What we’ll cover

•Basic overview of what the EIDD is

•Status of EIDD development

•Potential operational impacts of using EIDDs

What is an EIDD

•Emergency Incident Data Document – a standardized “container” for sharing Incident information

•XML, for you “techies”…

Status of EIDD Development

•Joint NENA/APCO WG finalizing the EIDD ANS◦ANS document in final stage of being edited◦EIDD IEPD (mapping spreadsheet and XML Schema) – created and updated by SEARCH. A few tweaks remain. Will be adjusted to support external schemas (PIDF-LO, etc.) by WG

◦Sample EIDD XML instances need to be added to document by WG

◦Once this work is completed, entire package will be released for internal and then public review

◦EIDD specific registries need to be created and managed at designated site

◦Expected approval and full implementation – 1st quarter of 2016

What can it carry?•Header has Incident ID, Timestamp and other critical information

•Agent information

•Agency information

•Split/Merge information

•Link information

•Incident information

•Call information

•Updated callback number information

What can it carry?(continued)

•Dispatch information

•Disposition information


•Person information

•Additional Data information

•Vehicle information

•Location information

•Emergency Resource information

•Alarms and Sensors Data

Test Events

•IJIS/APCO Springboard initiative◦Over 15 public safety vendors participating◦ Primary focus is CAD to CAD data exchanges◦ IJIS will create EIDD use cases and implement a test harness for each use case

◦ Participating vendors will exchange EIDDs through test harness◦ IJIS will provide feedback to WG on any recommended EIDD changes

•NENA ICE 7 event◦ In the planning stage◦Will test NG9-1-1 related EIDD data exchanges◦ Feedback provided to WG on any recommended EIDD changes

What is it used for?- some simple cases -

•Call arrives, EIDD is sent to the logger

•Call is transferred, EIDD is included

•Normal dispatch, EIDD included with request


Normal Operations

EIDDs sent internally

What is it used for?

•Multi-agency Incident ◦When any on agency’s state of the Incident changes, it updates the other Agencies by sending an EIDD containing the changes

•Outages, outside agency assistance


Minor outage affecting local PSAP

EIDDs sent between PSAPs


Major outage affecting a large local area

EIDDs sent between PSAPs and to Federal/State Emergency Management Agencies

What is it used for?

•Out of area dispatch:

•A PSAP receives a call from the brother of an accident victim.  The call comes to the brother, who calls 9-1-1.  The incident is in California, the brother is in New York.  While processing the call, the call is lost.  The primary PSAP that received the call needs to inform the PSAP whose jurisdiction includes the incident location about the call.  It sends an EIDD to the California PSAP.

What is it used for?

•Self Dispatch:

•A major incident is in progress. A small fire department decides that it will go help out.  It sends an EIDD to the primary agency handling the incident that it is sending a crew and equipment.   Consider both the case that the self-dispatching agency does know the IncidentID of the Incident it is self-dispatching to as well as the case that it does not.

What is it used for?

•Request for a specific service:

•A major fire is in progress and an additional long reach ladder truck is needed.  The agency fighting the fire does not have the required unit.  It requests availability of that piece of equipment from all of its neighbors by sending EIDDs to them, with the incident details and the specific request.  Two agencies respond that they have the requested unit and can assist.  The primary agency replies to one of them requesting dispatch and the other that it is not needed at this time.

Incident Data Exchange

•The IDE facilitates EIDD exchange

•Internally and Externally

•It is the front door of the PSAP for EIDDs

•So every Agency needs one

•Transport mechanisms being worked on

When are they sent?

•Any significant change in Incident status triggers an EIDD

•Updates contain just the changes

•Any EIDD that is sent must be logged

•How might this impact monitoring and reporting?

What about limiting updates?

•You should be able to subscribe to Incident updates when you need to.

•You should also be able to “throttle” updates per your needs

Querying Incident Status

•You may want to query for the status of an Incident – everything that is known

•This query may be internal or external

•It may or may not be followed by a subscription to updates

What about controlling content?

•A major incident is in progress. The policy of an agency handling the event is to notify the press of such incidents. However, the content of the EIDD is different for the press than it would be for another agency getting EIDDs. The press recipient EIDD has fewer elements than the normal EIDD the agency would send.

What about controlling content?

•Applies to EIDDs sent to other agencies as well. What can/should you send? What are the consequences of sending data, or of not sending it?

•Next, we’ll discuss policy and statutory implications

What are the issues?

•Who gets what?

•What can be shared?

•Who controls data access?

What about collaboration?

•A “Collaboration” Functional Element is defined for the PSAP – it will support sending EIDDs, media, etc.

•Should help with mutual aid, but what are the issues?

EIDDs to Responders

•A standardized container

•Will allow interoperability with Mobile Computer Systems, and other devices

•What are the issues?

Questions / Comments

