Sharmila Dance Newsletter March 2013



Sharmila Dance Newsletter March 2013

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Vol 2 Issue 08 Sharmila Dance Bi-Monthly Newsletter March 2013

Content • Sharmila Dance Tracksuits

Recent Events - Pg. 2

• Sharmila Dance Extravaganza 2013 Pg. 3

• Getting to know the company members – Olya - Pg. 4

• 15 Truths about being a professional dancer - Pg. 5

• Editors Note – Pg. 7

It’s March and we are two months late with the Newsletter, which clearly shows how busy we have been! We have been super busy with our Extravaganza rehearsals which I’m very happy to say are developing nicely. The students have all been working really hard and remain enthusiastic, which makes it so much easier for me. The choreography for the show has been an enormous undertaking for me this year as many of the dances have mini segments within them that have increased the workload for me. However the advantage is that there are smaller groups, allowing the students to be noticed better on stage. I also have taken into account your suggestions that the seats should be allocated rather than free for all and hopefully this year we will be able to comply, whereby the stall seats shall be numbered and the balcony will remain free seating. Our tickets for the show should be on sale first week of April and I hope that you will be there to support all our hard work. My team and I, try our very best to come up with new and innovative ideas to allow you to enjoy this yearly event. I personally continue to be very proud of every single dancer that shows the commitment, dedication and love for dance. On another note we are about to start rehearsals for a few large projects, Dubai World Cup, being one of them. It’s going to a spectacular event once again and I’m happy to have my students partake in the event along side professionals both locally based and International. Lastly, I would like to thank you for your continuous support and trust in teaching you and or your children. A quote that rings true for me, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” 1

Words from Sharmila Kamte

Issue 08 March 2013


We cannot stress how important it is to be part of our social media, due to the fact that it is the quickest way to find out about current news or changes!

For Facebook we offer a fan page, which is for open for everyone! (Product/Service)

We offer a closed group for students only, which our entire student base should be, part of!

Please make sure that you subscribe to our YouTube page so you can stay up to date with that latest dance routines.

Follow us on Twitter to have daily updates on the latest buzz!

Our official Sharmila Dance wear is out and selling fast, there are 2 colors available White and Yellow. Sizes available: White: XS – Available (Few Left) Small – Sold Out Medium – Available Large – Available Yellow: XXS – Available XS – Available (Few Left) Small – Available (Few Left) Medium – Available Purchase of tracksuits is available during office hours or class timings throughout the week! Be proud to be part of the Sharmila Dance culture and represent your dance school. Show performers will need one as their backstage pass.

Issue 08 March 2013 Sharmila Dance Extravaganza 2013

The ‘Dance Extravaganza’ has reached its 13th year of production. This year we have 210 performers ranging from children from the age of seven right up to mature adults. All of this is made possible in only just 20 rehearsals! Committed to sharing the energy and delight of dance as a form of art and sport, the Sharmila Dance school hosts a range of classes and workshops throughout the year for students of all ages and levels. The Sharmila Dance Extravaganza is a professional showcase of the dedication, passion and talent of the school’s students and the Sharmila Dance troupe of pro dancers.

It’s an extremely busy season for Sharmila Dance; we will be launching ticket sales begging of April, so be sure to get yours!

We are looking for volunteers to work backstage, ushering and selling brochures and parents to look after the young level 1’s during the performances. If you are interested please call Alicia on 0552061971.

Most Hard Working Student Of The Month

Words from Sharmila Kamte I’m very happy to award Marion Thomas for her hard work and determination. She has shown that dance means a lot to her by being extremely regular and persevering with her ballet and St.Jazz. With her effort she is now able to put a lot more of herself into her performance and is finding it easier to see the difference between what is right and what is wrong in the technical side of dance. She is a lovely girl, with a bright future ahead of her.

Congratulations to: Marion Thomas

Age: 10 Level 1B


Issue 08 March 2013

When did you start dancing? For as long as I can remember, my mom and grandma tell me that I danced before I could even walk! How long have you been with Sharmila Dance? I started coming to Sharmila’s classes when I first arrived in Dubai, 3 years ago and have been professionally dancing with the Sharmila Dance company for almost 2 years now. What do you enjoy most about dancing? I enjoy performing the most. The adrenaline rush of pouring your heart out on the stage, connecting with the audience, pushing your limits and stepping outside of your comfort zone is indescribable in words and totally addictive.

Getting to know the team

Fun Facts • Favorite Color: Green

• Favorite Food: Sushi

• Role Model: My Grandmother,

Elena • Random Fact: When I feel silly

I like to pinch people with my

toes and I can also pick up

small objects with them like a


• Favorite Singer: Sade


Dance  Class  Tracks  Current  Music:    • Muse  by  O.C.A.D  (Adults,  Teen  &  Level  

2)  • Beauty  and  Beat  by  Justin  Bieber  

(Level  1A  &  1B)  

Opel Car Launch Dubai - Flashmob

Samsung Award Ceremony Commercial Bank of Dubai – Gala Dinner

Issue 08 March 2013 15 Truths About Being a Professional Dancer 1. Dance is hard. – No dancer ever became successful riding on their natural born talents only. Dancers are artists and athletes. The world of dance today is akin to an extreme sport. Natural ability and talent will only get us so far. Dancers must work hard and persevere. Dancers give years of their lives plus their sweat, tears and sometimes blood to have the honor and pleasure of performing on stage. 2. You won’t always get what you want. – We don’t always get the role we wanted, go on pointe when we want, get the job we want, hear the compliments we want, make the money we want, see companies run the way we want, etc. This teaches us humility and respect for the process, the art form and the masters we have chosen to teach us. The faster we accept this, the faster we can get on with being brilliant. We’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but we can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. 3. There’s a lot you don’t know. – There is always more a dancer can learn. Even our least favorite teachers, choreographers and directors can teach us something. The minute we think we know it all, we stop being a valuable asset. 4. There may not be a tomorrow. – A dancer never knows when their dance career will suddenly vanish: a company folds, career ending injury, car accident, death…Dance every day as if it is the final performance. Don’t save the joy of dance for the stage. Infuse even your routine classroom exercises with passion!

5. There’s a lot you can’t control. – You can’t control who hires you, who fires you, who likes your work, who doesn’t, the politics of being in a company. Don’t waste your talent and energy worrying about things you can’t control. Focus on honing your craft, being the best dancer you can be. Keep an open mind and a positive attitude. 6. Information is not true knowledge. – Knowledge comes from experience. You can discuss a task a hundred times, go to 1000 classes, but unless we get out there and perform we will only have a philosophical understanding of dance. Find

opportunities to get on stage. You must experience performance firsthand to call yourself a professional dancer. 7. If you want to be successful, prove you are valuable. – The fastest way out of a job is to prove to your employer they don’t need you. Instead, be indispensable. Show up early, know your material, be prepared, keep your opinions to yourself unless they are solicited and above all be willing to work hard.


Issue 08 March 2013

8. Someone else will always have more than you/be better than you. – Whether it’s jobs or money or roles or trophies, it does not matter. Rather than get caught up in the drama about what others are doing around you, focus on the things you are good at, the things you need to work on and the things that make you happiest as a dancer. 9. You can’t change the past. – Everyone has a past. Everyone has made mistakes, and everyone has glorious moments they want to savor. Dance is an art form that forces us to concentrate on the present. To be a master at dance we have be in the moment; the minute the mind wanders, injuries happen. 10. The only person who can make you happy is you. – Dancing in and of itself cannot make us happy. The root of our happiness comes from our relationship with ourselves, not from how much money we make, what part we were given, what company we dance for, or how many competitions we won. Sure these things can have effects on our mood, but in the long run it’s who we are on the inside that makes us happy. 11. There will always be people who don’t like you. – Dancers are on public display when they perform and especially in this Internet world, critics abound. You can’t be everything to everyone. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who thinks differently. So concentrate on doing what you know in your heart is right. What others think and say about you isn’t all that important. What is important is how you feel about yourself. 12.Sometimes you will fail. – Sometimes, despite our best efforts, following the best advice, being in the right place at the right time, we still fail. Failure is a part of life. Failure can be the catalyst to some of our greatest growth and learning experiences. If we never failed, we would never value our successes. Be willing to fail. When it happens to you (because it will happen to you), embrace the lesson that comes with the failure.

13. Sometimes you will have to work for free. – Every professional dancer has at one time or another had to work without pay. If you are asked to work for free, be sure that you are really ok with it. There are many good reasons to work for free, and there are just as many reasons not to work for free. Ask yourself if the cause is worthy, if the experience is worth it, if it will bring you joy. Go into the situation fully aware of the financial agreement and don’t expect a hand out later. 14. Repetition is good. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insane. – If you keep doing

what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. If you keep doing the bare minimum of required classes, don’t complain to your teacher when you don’t move up to the next level. If you only give the bare minimum in your company, be happy staying in the corps. If you want to grow beyond your comfort zone, you must push yourself beyond your self-imposed limitations. 15. You will never feel 100% ready. – Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises. Dancers have to be willing to take risks. From letting go of the ballet barre to balance, to moving around the world to dance with a new company, from trusting a new partner to trying a new form of dance, dancers must have a flexible mind and attitude as well as body. The greatest opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means you won’t feel totally comfortable or ready for it.


[Issue] :: [Date]


Sharmila Dance Located at the Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Center (DUCTAC) at Mall of the Emirates Phone: +971-4-341 4777 ext 209 Mobile: +971-50 8581083 (Emma) BB PIN: 2883A685 Mobile: + 971-50 8581084 (Charis) BB PIN: 285C1F81 Email: Email: Website:

Editor’s Note It brings me great pleasure sharing all the exciting news that are happening with Sharmila Dance. The newsletter was an idea that Sharmila has been talking about for a while and now we are on our second year releasing content every two months. Our aim is to make all of our followers more engaged with all our activities and news. I hope you are enjoying the newsletter and would love to hear your feedback. Additionally, if there are any suggestions that you would to like see included please let us know and we will perhaps feature it in the next edition.

March 2013 World Cup – Meydan Horse Races Show Day – 30th

April 2013 Sharmila Dance Extravaganza 2013 Show Days – 25th, 26th & 27th

June 2013 Sharmila Summer Workshop 2013 Summer Workshop Days – 27th to 1st July

Important Dates

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