Shaumbra Monthly December


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Spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and profound experience. It can be lonely, challenging, and at times it can turn your entire world upside down. But you are never alone!

The Crimson Circle is a global affiliation of human angels that understands the journey of awakening. We share our wisdom, our stories and our love of life, all without membership, dues or rules. From our home base in Colorado, USA we connect with people in over 140 countries.

We love to laugh, we’ve been known to cry, and more than anything we welcome you to join us in the celebration of awakening.

Shaumbra Monthly is published by the Crimson Circle, Golden, Colorado USA. Click here to read past issues.

Geoffrey HoppeFounder – Chief EditorLinda Benyo - Founder

Jean Tinder - Editorjeant@crimsoncircle.comMark Benyo – Art Director

STAFFAlain Bolea

Bonnie CapelleJohn Kuderka

Michelle MacHaleMary Alyce Owens

Suzy SchemelJean TinderLindsay Yogi

Crimson Circle Energy Co.PO Box 7394

Golden, CO 80403 USA

© Copyright 2012 Crimson CircleEnergy Company, Inc.

In This Issue

Living Ascension 3Geoffrey HoppeUpcoming Crimson Circle Events ................................ page 3Shoud Recap Video ....................................................... page 4Halloween DreamWalk – Update ................................. page 4New!! Crimson Circle Website ..................................... page 5Choosing Life or Choosing Freedom 6Theresa HardyGift from CC – $12 Discount Coupon .......................... page 7Spanish Translations 8New Event! – DreamWalker Life in Brasil ................... page 9Shaumbra Events 102012 – What A Year 11Gerhard FankhauserShaumbra Heartbeat 12Jean TinderShaumbra Creations ................................................... page 14Awakening Zone – Upcoming Episodes ..................... page 15Crimson Circle Classes Around the World ................. page 17Become a Crimson Circle Teacher .............................. page 19International Translations ........................................... page 20


By Geoffrey Hoppe

We just got home from our last overseas trip of the year. After traveling more than 100,00 miles (160,000 km) this year, Manly Beach, Australia was an ideal location for the last event of 2012 outside the U.S. The weather in the Sydney area was warm, and the beach was a welcome relief for our jet-lagged bodies. We rented a flat with a terrific ocean view and listened to the sound of the surf day and night.

The Sydney event was titled Living Ascension. We had done the workshop one time earlier in the year in Sedona, Arizona. It is a unique class because it deals with life as enlightened beings, in the New Energy. Adamus talks about both the ease as well as the challenges of living simultaneously in the old and new energy worlds. Adamus’ Living Ascension class is humorous, insightful, aggravating, challenging, and consciousness-shifting. It brings up as many questions as it answers, but the real value is that it gets us contemplating a new way of living.

As Shaumbra, we are now talking about “how,” instead of “when.” The time has come…. No more waiting. I think this is the biggest issue facing us right now. We are living in both the old mass consciousness and the new energy worlds. We didn’t wake up one morning and suddenly find ourselves in the New Times. We’ve been easing into it, step-by-step, day-by-day. Now we’re partly in it, and partly still in the traditional consciousness.

Living Ascension is an appropriate title for the workshop, if not a little ironic. It’s the antithesis of Dead Ascension, or the way the Ascended Masters used to do it. They would usually leave the physical body at the moment of enlightenment because it was too difficult to stay. The new Masters are choosing to live an enlightened life while staying embodied.

According to Adamus, one of the most noticeable attributes of enlightened living is that there is a natural ease and grace. The struggle of survival is replaced by the ease of everything coming to you naturally, in the Now moment, without having to think about it, wish for it or stress about it. This includes abundance, new opportunities, relationships and personal insights. We no longer worry about what the future will bring, because there is a knowingness that everything will be there. Can you imagine how much energy and mental efforting is freed up because there is no worry about the future?

And, according to Adamus, one of the biggest challenges of enlightened living


Living Ascension

Continued next page

Upcoming events withGeoffrey and Linda Hoppe, and

live Adamus channels.For more information go to:

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA December 1, 2012

12-12-12 Beyond the Prophecieswith Steve & Barbara Rother Scottsdale, Arizona, USA December 9-12, 2012

December 21 - End of the Whatever PartyBlack Hawk, Colorado, USA December 21, 2012

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA January 5, 2013

Geoff & Linda guest onHealing Journey'sWith Jaentra Gardener on A2Zen.fmJanuary 24, 2013

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA February 2, 2013

Shaumbra Egypt Adventure 2013Cairo, Egypt February 9-21, 2013

DreamWalker Life™Iguaçu Falls, BrasilMarch 22-24, 2013

Quantum AllowingKauai, Hawaii, USA April 14-19, 2013

Click for more information on Events


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December 2012

is feeling disconnected from other people and mass consciousness. It is harder to be in the midst of human drama, limited thinking, and lack of sovereignty. Energy-feeding games are immediately apparent and nearly intolerable. Our energy will come from within, so it could be physically painful to be in close proximity to humans who still feed like vampires.

As enlightened beings we will embrace simplicity. The mind creates complexity and perceives chaos, but now we will naturally distill life into its essence. We’ll strip off the clutter and confusion that used to surround our awareness, and by doing so we will see the true beauty and joy of life. This is where colors become more colorful, music has more depth and richness, food is more flavorful, and you can actually feel the heartbeat of nature.

But also, as enlightened beings, we will ask ourselves, “Why should I stay?” The contrast between your inner peace and the harshness of the outer world can be arduous at times. You’ll need plenty of time to yourself, away from the energetic noise and seduction of mass consciousness.

Enlightenment comes in degrees. We are now living in both worlds, some days a little more in our sovereign consciousness, some days more in the old mass consciousness. It’s no wonder that we get confused, disoriented and exhausted! I could see the “ah ha!” lights go on at the Living Ascension workshop as Adamus discussed the joys and challenges of embodied enlightenment, especially as we are living in both worlds simultaneously, tethered to neither and feeling the pull of both.

Adamus said it’s like floating through a wide tunnel. The sides of the tunnel appear soft and luminous as we gracefully allow ourselves to experience the transition from one state of consciousness to another. But the moment we start worrying or doubting or manipulating, we are drawn into the side of the tunnel only to discover that the surface is highly abrasive and very sticky.

If you're wondering what's going on and why you're feeling the way you do, there's a good chance that you're in between the two worlds. Take a good deep breath and give thanks to your Living Ascension.



“The Voice of Freedom”

Click here to enjoy the recap video for the November Shoud

with Adamus, titled “The Voice of Freedom.”

Adamus talks about how forgiveness relates to true

freedom, the effects of the recent Halloween DreamWalk, and

much more.

Click here to watch the recap video

Click here to read, watch or listen to the entire Shoud

On Halloween Day (October 31), Adamus did a special DreamWalker into the earthbound realms. The event was webcast on the Crimson Circle Show on the Awakening Zone Radio network. At the time there were over 1,000 people in the AZ chat room and another 2,230 people listening in on BlogTalk Radio. Since then over 50,000 people around the world have taken part in this unprecedented journey into the realms where many people making the death transition get stuck and remain eaerthbound. It's a transformational personal experience, and according to Adamus it has helped free many lost souls from ghoulish realms. You can listen to it now on the Awakening Zone archives at:

DreamWalk into the Earthbound Realms

Living Ascension – Continued


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December 2012

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On November 9 the new Crimson Circle website was launched onto the World Wide Web. It came after months of hard work to update the technological features, page layout, text and graphics.

Michelle MacHale, Crimson Circle’s Internet Service Manager, started the project in March 2012 with Aydus Consulting. According to Michelle, this is the 5th evolution of the Crimson Circle website since we started an Internet presence in February 2000. It features the latest “dotnetnuke” software technology. The website runs off of new, high tech servers with built-in back up and redundancy to assure no down-time in case of system failures.

The Crimson Circle website is considered an enterprise-level website. It contains thousands of pages, links, audio and video files, and e-commerce capabilities. It has international features including multiple languages and currencies. It’s bigger and more complex than most corporate websites because this is our primary tool for staying in communication with Shaumbra around the world. It is one of the largest metaphysical websites in the world.

Over the years the Crimson Circle website has made it possible for people around the world to access the extensive Library with 12 years of Tobias and Adamus channelings free of charge, to check for the latest news and event information, to read channel translations in 22 different languages, and to become part of the international Shaumbra community. The website receives over 200,000 views each month from over 120 countries around the world.

Here are some of the features of the new website:

SIMPLE LOGINTo make it easier for everyone, the login is now identical

for both the Crimson Circle Store and the main Crimson Circle website. This means that if you already have an account in our Store, you can login to the new website with that same email address and password. If you do not have an account in the Store, simply register on either site and your information will work on both sites. Note if you do have an account in the Store, it is not necessary to reregister for the webcast.


You will find updated and intuitive navigation capabilities on the new Crimson Circle Website. The menu area at the top of each page gives you access to all the content areas. Each content area has an easy-to-use left navigation menu.

Note that the international websites will continue using the old design for a few months. Over time they will be updated to the new design in collaboration with our wonderful Crimson Circle Webhosts. You will find access to the international areas through the International link on the top main menu.


If you have questions, suggestions, or need assistance with any of this, please send an email to

We're very excited about this new website and invite you to explore the new safe and sacred space at!

THE NEXT GENERATION:your new Crimson Circle W e b s i t e

Will I hoard my last pennies or blow them on chocolate? Will I breathe with my physical challenges, or stay in the comfort of known discomfort? I do not wish to rattle round this life that is so defunct with dead dreams and the whims of others. On a day when the matrix seems too overwhelming, when the “desert sighs in the bed and the crack in the teacup opens, a lane to the land of the dead”*, I remembered a leap to life that I had made and took another breath into the spiral of myself.

In my mid 20’s I loved to explore underground caves in the Mendip Hills in England. I loved the danger, the underground beauty, being in a completely different environment, being so close and intimate with rock and water. I enjoyed the physical, emotional and mental challenges of extreme sport. I loved the awareness and aliveness required and learnt a lot about myself during those underground journeys. Have you ever sampled true darkness? Sitting with the lights out in the silence of the cave, the eyes become so relaxed when open in darkness....

Yet, it isn’t always silent.The roaring of rushing water battered my ears. The

cave was in flood – a flash flood. The three of us slogged uphill, spread-eagled over a fast rising swollen stream, aware of the necessity to get out before the water level rose and drowned us. The cost of misplacing a hand or foot could result in losing grip or balance; we could be torn downstream, dashed against boulders or wedged tight under water.

After 30 minutes or so of stretching and climbing at a steep incline, my limbs began to stumble; I refocused myself in the relentless roar, took a deep breath and paid attention. Nick and Dave had stopped on an outcrop of rock above; we had reached the last 40 foot vertical pitch. A torrent of waterfall bounced down where less than an hour earlier, there had been a lazy trickle. We rested a moment, watching for the rise in water level and searching exposed rock for footholds. There were not many places to get a grip. We had no rope.

Nick and Dave went first so that they could pull me over the top of the waterfall where the floodwaters were

funnelled by rock formations into a powerful jet of energy. They reminded me not get under the water because it would snatch me from the rock face as if I was a gnat. I watched them reach the top and carefully step high and wide over the roaring water to safety.

I stood alone for a moment, looking up at the ascent, scanning for possible hand and foot holds and a route upwards. It was awesome and captivating – the spray, the loudness, the brightness of pounding water. I felt the hard darkness of wet rock and boulders as my headlight shone its small beam around me. I had never been close to water in its power like this before. For the first time, I became aware of its great life force and energy. Savouring the moment, I felt the blood in my veins answer and quicken and I began to climb.

It was difficult and slippery; I had made it to a small boulder at the top and now, behind me a cavernous dangerous drop; in front the focussed power of the floodstream. Nick and Dave reached out to me as far as they dared. I realised my legs were not long enough to straddle the water. Casting around in dismay I saw no other way out. I had to go on. There was no point in going back. Shaking from exhaustion, cold and the exertion of the climb, I stepped as wide as I could.

Missing Nick’s outstretched hand, I slipped into the fast running, implacable water, somehow grabbing onto a lump of rock above my head. Lying on my back with 6 inches of solid water pouring over my face I could make out the helmet lights of Nick and Dave. They tried to pull me out, but the water would not let me go. Again and again, working against the flow, they tried to pull me out. I had wedged my feet against a ridge of rock so that the fast flow did not take me over the edge into the abyss, but the force of the water kept me pinned to the streambed.

In a strange lucid moment, I saw the apology in Nick’s eyes clearly through the mass of water. They had given up hope. They were tired out.

My body began to struggle with the lack of air. I had been holding my breath, taking in great gulps of air each time they managed to lift my head clear only to drop me back again.

Choosing Life or Choosing Freedom

By Theresa Hardy

SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 6 December 2012

I had a choice. I could hold on, struggle with the water, fight for life till my breath was gone, let the water take me and be flotsam in this vast power; or take a chance, let go and choose the abyss. At the very least it would be my choice to let go, my choice to go with the flow.

I did not wait for the water to take me. I let go. Quickly. Before the chance to choose was lost.An experience followed that no words could express. Expansive consciousness

flooded me with an acute feeling of searing joy. Weightlessness. Awareness of infinite energy. Was this a glimpse of myself? In those moments nothing mattered.

Something bumped my head. I lost consciousness.Coming to in the dark, half immersed in churning water, I felt for the light on

my helmet. No helmet. Somehow I could see where the rocks and water were and crawled to a dryer place to take stock of my body and find my light. Nothing hurt.

There was a banging crashing noise as Nick and Dave panic scrambled down the waterfall, tears of relief on their faces. We looked about for my safety helmet. It was crushed. I pushed it roughly back into shape so that it was possible to wear and re-affixed the light.

Once again, standing at the bottom of the 40 foot pitch, watching the water pound and surge, a wave of energy expanded through me and I climbed with ease up and out of the cave, singing and full of life, leading the two tired men towards the daylight.

I took the choice to look death in the face and release my foothold, allowing myself into the vast flow of life instead choosing to fight death with the biological imperative of survival. (Although, yes, there were a few precious moments spent in physical screaming fear with my mouth shut.) It was not only the adrenaline that brought me out of the cave after the fall. There was a renewed

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December 2012

trust in myself and in life. I felt a surge of possibilities. I felt feelings of great joy, awareness of the strength of my body and its free flowing movement in harmony with the water and rock of the cave. There was not a scratch on me. Looking back, maybe something else was soul.

So what potentials did this open up for me? This experience gave the chance to reset my life. I dumped the dumb relationship, ended the draining job and began studies for a science masters degree, learning every dance I found along the way. And maybe set up the potential of deeper understanding of trust on this current turn of the spiral.

I learnt that my choice and my energy are required to get out of tricky situations, not the reliance on others to help me out. This is very pertinent right now. There is no point in seeking old matrix ways. They, like Nick and Dave, cannot reach out across the stream of New Energy.

Is this why we have to make our choice alone, without knowing the outcome, without relying on anyone, not even Adamus, just ourselves? I have discovered that I have the most power, the best of myself, when I choose to take action without depending on anything or anybody else. The second time I climbed the waterfall, I went with my Self and without fear. This time, I was not relying on the help of Nick and Dave to pull me to safety. I went up with my own sovereignty. It is this that serves me best.

My dilemma right now, is how to let go, listen to the Self, free myself in from a ‘just enough’ situation, rather than a life/death situation. Without the biological imperative, how do I find the impetus to seek true freedom? Do I make my way difficult so that I can gather the energy and desire to meet with myself? Will I only get to the trust once I have exhausted the fear, the drama, the poverty and everything else? Can I trust that it is truly as simple as taking a breath, making a choice and ignoring the distractions? Do I defer my freedom until mastery of abundance, health, whatever, is achieved? Ha, are the secret deals we make with ourselves our true limitations?

For me the fear of physical death has now changed to the fear of identity death. But the feeling is the same. How hard it seems to breathe some days. Am I in danger of drowning? There is a big difference between nothing matters when there is not enough air to breathe, when the level of physical danger offers “nothing left to lose,” and the conscious choice for freedom, to take a breath and let go of the old stories. After all, without my story, who am I?

It is the desire to push through the limits, to have new experiences and the sense of adventure that opened up the Crimson Circle teachings for me. If anybody asked me what is the most important issue in my life, I would say Freedom. Not really knowing what it meant, but always seeking it. Danger puts me on the edge; it enlivens, it requires focus and awareness. Now I am ready for what seems to be the biggest danger of all – losing my story. There are lifetimes of stories, parallel universes of stories, and everybody else’s stories. What is life without a story or two? Could it be Freedom?

*As I Walked Out One Evening by W.H. Auden.Theresa lives in London, she used to dance for her dinner.

Less than two years ago her life hit a dead end, there was nowhere else to go. Then Adomus boomed into her life and the unraveling began in earnest as she began her next stage on journey of awakening. Now Theresa is learning to dance with her Self.

The Crimson Circle is blessed to have dozens of dedicated translators in more than 20 languages. We are happy to note that some particularly useful websites have been put together for the benefit of Spanish speaking Shaumbra.

Please visit Danzando la Expansion de la Conciencia where certified teacher Hilda Diaz maintains a current listing of all Crimson Circle products that have been published with Spanish translations.

Also visit grupo33 where you can find simultaneous audio translations by Hernán Baez of the monthly Shouds as well as most of the Free items currently available in the CC store.

A heartfelt Thank You to all Crimson Circle translators, especially those who go above and beyond to provide these materials.



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December 2012

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Join us in Foz do Iguacu, near world-renowned Iguaçu Falls (Cataratas do Iguaçu), Brasil in March 2013 for a passionate and enlightening DreamWalker Life school with Adamus Saint-Germain. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the world, and our first Shaumbra event in this location.

In DreamWalker Life Adamus talks about living life in joy, which includes living abundantly, integrated with aspects and Self, enjoying a balanced relationship with others, allowing physical and mental health, and having a conscious relationship with your divine.

DreamWalker Life is designed for Shaumbra who are choosing a joyful, abundant and conscious experience in physical reality. Adamus has said that the new Masters will not necessarily leave their bodies when they realize enlightenment; they will live within the Body of Consciousness to enjoy life, work and play with other humans, experience Nature in a new way, and serve as Standards for coming generations. DreamWalker Life offers insights and guidance for living an enlightened life, in joy.

Thousands of people from all corners of the world who have attended the previous DreamWalker Life courses,

have noted that it was life-changing and transformational. Includes Portuguese translation Iguaçu Falls (Cataratas do Iguaçu), One of the most famous attractions in Brazil, the falls on the Iguaçu River have a flow capacity equal to three times that of Niagara Falls and were globally elected one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011. The falls are shared between Brazil and Argentina, and each side has its own network of trails and viewpoints. On the Brazilian side it's located in the Iguaçu National Park, established as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1986, which offers numerous tours in the region, including helicopter flights, boat rides, hiking trails, rafting etc. More information at:

Hosts: Silvia Tognato

Conrado Sotomaior Justus de Souza

Click here for more information

Foz do Iguacu, Brasil • March 22-24, 2013

Adamus Saint-Germain's

DreamWalker ™ Life SchoolPresented by Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe, with channelings from Adamus

Featuring live music with Gerhard Fankhauser and Einat Gilboa

Gerhard Fankhauser& Einat GilboaGeoffry & Linda Hoppe

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Online registration is now available for these upcoming events (except for those that are sold out). Go to > Events for more information.

Shaumbra Events

Kauai, Hawaii, USA, April 14 - 19

Quantum Allowing, Adamus’ next major step with Shaumbra, opens the pathways for the energies of creation to support what you and your soul-self choose in life. It dives deep into the natural state of grace in order to break through seen and unseen barriers. It is an experience rather than a teaching; it soars past compromises and the fear of change.



Black Hawk, Colorado USA, December 21

According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 marks the end of an era, while others say it marks the end of the world. But we Shaumbra think it’s really the End-of-Whatever….. whatever YOU want to end in order for a new personal beginning. Join us in person or tune in for the live online webcast.

Scottsdale, Arizona USA • December 9 - 12

Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe of Crimson Circle and Steve and Barbara Rother of Lightworker collaborate for the first time in this very special event. Attendees will experience unique, profound and powerful presentations helping them to become charged creators walking in divinity, in the new world, beyond the originally scripted Prophecies. Join live or via webcast!

Cairo, Luxor and more, February 9 - 21, 2013

Join Adamus, Kuthumi, Geoff & Linda, and our amazing Egyptian crew for a journey of a lifetime. Experience a living book of ancient sites. Mingle with the divine energies. Laugh and sing into the night while floating down the Nile River. Climb deep into the pyramids, and tone in the magical space of the temples. This sacred Egypt Tour is an experience beyond words.

This 2012 year has been talked about for a long time and I guess we all are a little bit excited about what’s going to be after all those "end of the world" predictions. I know quite some people that prepared themselves very well for that auspicious date with food stocks, alternative electric power systems, money investment, being at auspicious places for the big departure, welcoming the Aliens that are going to save the chosen ones, and so on. Well, why not?

I mean, no doubt a lot is happening already and the pace of strong events in nature, politics and economics has definitely grown during the last decade. There is a feeling of change in the air, a restructuring of many fields of life, and there is a worldwide community of people connected through the Internet and informed on a completely new level. Everybody can choose what kind of stuff he believes and resonates with and how to relate to this period of time. But I guess the most important parameter is our personal life and how we really feel and manage with things.

For me it really has been a fantastic and intense year so far, and there was a new quality of awareness and flow in our life, work and creations. The amount of creative output we had during 2012 is simply stunning, as well as the easiness of most of the process. I felt more focused in my vision and decisions and less delay in manifesting them. Einat and I were part of four different musical creations that are already finished and there is a deep sense of satisfaction concerning those new discs.

“Shamia – Traveling the Unseen” is a creation based on the live recordings from 2011 Shaumbra Egypt journey, including some magical recordings from within one of the most powerful place in the world, The Great Pyramid of Giza. In “Dance of Life” we recorded music to go on a dance journey like we do together with Amir in many live Crimson Circle events. While in Colorado, we went into a recording studio in Boulder with Geoffrey & Linda for an amazing week of recording sessions where we created the “Merabhs” and Kuthumi’s “Studio K.” This whole process was so inspired and magical, all I can say is that it was simply New Energy at work.

I really want to mention my deep appreciation for the high standards, professionalism and accuracy of Geoffrey, Linda and the Crimson Circle team in manifesting creations without any delay. Actually I really don’t know how Geoff & Linda manage all their commitment and schedule. Maybe Adamus supplies them with super new energy or quantum allowing.

Einat and I have also worked for about a year on our new CD of heart songs that will be released next spring. Of course we did several live events in Europe together with the CC as well as our own tour of peace concerts in Austria and it all just flowed so beautifully. There is something about allowing that flow, ease and grace without pushing or controlling so hard, and that kind of easy energy flow just seems much more available now.

In autumn I got a nice little surprise of ending up in the hospital for a while. I had to remove the metal from last year’s surgery on my leg and the wound got infected after the operation and there was a danger of that infection reaching down to my bone that was still open. I suddenly found myself in the hospital for another 10 days, hanging on infusions and tubes, in a dark room without sun and view and in a kind of void. But from the moment I got into the surgery room my soul took over the story, relaxed me and guided me through that experience in ease and with blessings. This was truly incredible and helped me a lot to keep a positive attitude and spirit. It was still a difficult period of time but at least I was in peace with it and enjoyed the journeys and insights my soul was sharing with me.

Finally in early November I traveled to Israel and had the best arrival ever. I felt so good coming home to Einat, to so many precious friends, to sunshine and sea. We had a weeklong journey in the desert with a concert and workshop and the days were really smiling on us, my leg healing well, and my heart being simply happy.

Now, only a few days ago, a new wave of conflict and violence started here in Israel, and a possible war is looming. It’s stupid and outdated, like every war, but there is no possibility of peace as long as there is hate and pain in people’s hearts and a strong identification with nations and religions. Lets see where this goes. Things are moving and changing on all the levels and some of it feels pretty crappy, but I guess that’s also part of it.

It’s been an intense year, but also very exciting and full of transformation. We have another month until the 21st of December; enjoy the ride, mind your steps and be aware of what you wish for because things really manifest fast these days! And, like a good old friend often says, “All is well in all of creation!”

Thank you all for being who you are. We invite you to keep in touch with us and check out our channel on You Tube. Here a sweet video of a peace concert last summer in a magical celtic place in the mountains of Austria.

Heart greetings, Gerhard

What A Year!2012

By Gerhard Fankauser co-founder of

The Yoham Project

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Continued next page

During the October Shoud, Adamus sounded a call to freedom, and at the end of his message dropped the hint that the secret to true freedom is forgiveness. This, of course, set off a cascade of discussion among Shaumbra on the message board, Facebook, and elsewhere. “Haven’t they said there is no sin? What’s to forgive if we can’t really do anything wrong? Isn’t it all just about experience?” and so on. Then, returning to the topic in November, Adamus gave his own eyebrow-raising definition of forgiveness: It is being able to look at your past deeds and say, “That wasn’t me.”

That hit a nerve, and the question was asked, “But what about responsibility?” Well, what about it? "Shouldn’t we be responsible for our actions?" So, he asked, is it really responsible to carry around “a backpack full of yesterday?”

It began to dawn on me that realizing “It wasn’t me” is actually a brilliant step into freedom, if we choose it.First of all, there’s the obvious level – dealing with the issues many of us still have that began in other lifetimes.

Who among us hasn’t felt the fear of speaking out? Or feeling not quite ready for our authentic selves to be heard and seen? Keeping quiet may feel like staying safe, but it’s also a self-imposed limit on our freedom. Perhaps a reminder that “it wasn’t me” who suffered the last time I spoke up will help me find my voice.

And what about the ones who imposed their censure on that expression of my soul? Can I forgive them? Even if the mantle of “power” is worn just well enough by someone to trigger that old fear and even hold me back, I still can step toward freedom by declaring “It wasn’t you that hurt the one who isn’t me.”

It’s actually a choice that offers everyone the freedom to be fully in this moment, to make our choices based on here and now and sovereignty, instead of fearing both the future and the past.

Now bring it just a little closer, into this lifetime. Maybe there was something I did a couple years ago that hurt someone or humiliated myself, and it still haunts me. Using the standard version of forgiveness, I might “forgive” myself but still feel a debt to somehow pay, a lesson still to learn, a wrong still waiting to be set right. After all, shouldn’t I take responsibility for what “I” did? But you see, it wasn’t me. And that is where the key to freedom lies.

As long as I feel “responsible” for deeds and misadventures of the past, I’m securely bound to it and by it. Like an account that cannot be closed until the balance is zero, I will constantly try to add or subtract “karma” (guilt, remorse, revenge, hunger for fairness) until it is balanced. But it will also remain an i m p o s s i b l e dream because the perception of "balance" depends on the one perceiving it. Do you ever hear the victim of a crime say, “Now, because the perpetrator has finally served his time, I am free to love and trust again?” When a rocket is fired, does the one fired back in "remittance" stop the conflict? It isn’t the “payment” for a wrong that sets one free, because that is not forgiveness. (Which, by the way, is why Christianity never made sense to me. If the debt of sin required payment, whether by me or someone else, it was never actually forgiven, was it?)

What truly sets me free is finally knowing, “That wasn’t me, and that wasn’t you.”

Imagine yourself as an aviator, a fighter pilot assigned to an aircraft carrier on the endless sea. You’ve trained for years to be a flyer and you’re finally ready, just itching for that long awaited freedom. But even in the final preparations for takeoff, your vehicle is still tethered to the deck. It’s

It Wasn’t Me…?

Shaumbra Heartbeat

By Jean Tinder, Shaumbra Monthly editor, Advanced Studies Teacher


SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 12 November 2012

for safety of course, for you don’t want it washed away to sea when things get rough. You need to keep your bearings at all times, and these bonds have been very important. But now the moment comes for finally letting go.

Your engines rev, and your plane begins to strain against the bonds that, until now, have kept it safe. Facing into the wind, the wild blue yonder beckons. Now is the time to let go of the past, to drop every reference to how things used to be, because up there the rules are different. The freedom that would spell your doom on deck becomes your only choice once you go beyond the edges of the safety that you’ve known. It’s time to shout, “That wasn’t me!” and release the ties that have bound you to the limits of the past.

No matter how much we try to keep our lives secure, the time will always come when the rules must change. The jet that’s tied securely to the heaving deck of the past just isn’t you. The real you is a pilot of new energy, new consciousness and freedom. Holding onto the guilt, pain or “responsibility” of the past will not let you launch. And, no matter how much you love or hate the crew, no matter what unfinished business there may be with them, you cannot take them with you. This flight is for you alone – unbound, unlimited, and finally free. By letting go and taking off, you prove it can be done for those who follow.

Dear Shaumbra, it is time. Your jets are fueled up and ready, you’ve trained and prepared, the ground crew has stepped back, the flag is going down. All those arguments and tussles and squabbles and stumbles on your way to the cockpit – it wasn’t you. YOU are here – goggles on, shield down, engines roaring – ready to soar.

The ground crew – the ones you’ve hurt and who have hurt you – they don’t want you to turn back now. They’ve been there to prod you forward and help you soar, to watch you prove it can be done. There’s no time now to waste on old regrets.

A most amazing thing that happens when “it isn’t you.” The future is no longer an extension of the past, because tomorrow in the sky looks nothing like yesterday on deck.

We go from the same old thing to something new, from linear to quantum. And that’s what we enlisted for.

Shaumbra Heartbeat – Continued from previous page

SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 13 December 2012

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Featured on the August Shaumbra Launch Pad!Creator – Patricia AburdeneCreation – Conscious Money

Bestselling author Patricia Aburdene presents a comprehensive strategy to grow prosperity with integrity and make a difference by integrating personal values and persona finance. “People are disillusioned with Wall Street, big banks, and the entire financial establishment,” says Patricia. “To reclaim our power and make better choices, we must ground our money decisions in positive values, inner wisdom, and sound financial principles.”

“Conscious money begins with you. Not your wallet, savings, home, possessions, or stock portfolio, but with you. It starts with your values and your state of consciousness about money.” Every chapter of Conscious Money features exercises, checklists, practical steps, and inspiration to help you create a personalized financial plan that alights your values and your financial goals.

Order at:

Creator – Hannah BrownCreation – The Portal Opener 2

Freya and Christian are equal souls, partners for eternity, but now they are realms apart, and Ulric is to blame. As Christian mourns his return to loneliness, Freya has forgotten her time spent with him...or has she? As their story continues, can Christian overcome his self-depleting demons? Does Freya remember her

passion for portals and the special soul that waits for her in the Realm of the Dead? Will she dare open another portal with Ulric lurking, ready to destroy her soul? In this second installment of The Portal Opener trilogy the equal souls must conquer their doubts and banish their fears in their attempt to be together again. This stunning sequel will have you hooked from cover to cover.

Email address: Order at:

Creator – Ursula KellerCreation – My Awakening – A Story for Humans in Change

Each story of awakening is unique but this experience often involves similar challenges. This is the story of how Ursula experienced it but, in a way, it is also your story. Awakening begins when you start listening to the voice inside the heart, which creates a new connection to your own soul and wisdom. Life changes and feels very different than before. Join the author on her way to herself and to the reconnection of her human with her eternal nature. Let yourself be touched and inspired. Available in English and German (Mein Erwachen) in Paperback and Ebook formats.

Order at: Email:

To submit your creation for an upcoming issue of Shaumbra Monthly, please click here.

Continued next page

AWAKENING ZONEUPCOMING EPISODES The International Radio Network for Empowered Awakening

If you would like to receive the weekly Show Schedule via email, just click here to sign up. It’s easy!And be sure to browse through the Archives for plenty of amazing and entertaining shows on many different topics.

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The Animal CodeWith host Asia VoightThursday, December 20 Guest: Barbera Techel

Alquimia Divina con Maria MagdalenaCon Malu Gaxiola &Raiza PreziusoMartes, 20 de noviembre Invitado: Andrea Tohme

AstrodocWith hosts Dr. Douglas Davies &Linda Benyo HoppeCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

Breath of LifeWith hosts Norma Delaney &Garret AnnofskyWednesday, November 21Sunday, December 2Wednesday, December 19

Bright LightWith host Dee WallaceMonday, November 26Monday, December 3

The Clear Vibration With host Joe RumboloCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

Come il VentoOspitato da Enrico Madrigano &Graziella PesceControllare il Calendario Zona Risveglio

Conversation at the Cutting EdgeWith host Sandie SedgbeerThursday, November 22 Guest: Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

Conversations with Jim SelfWith host Jim SelfTuesday, November 20 Guest: Barbara Hand Clow

Cosmic ParticlesWith host Dr Meg Blackburn LoseyCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

The Crimson Circle ShowWith hosts Geoffrey & Linda HoppeWedesday, November 28Saturday, December 1 Guest: Adamus Saint-GermainSaturday, January 5 Guest: Adamus Saint-Germain

Czas Tworzenia (Time of Creation)Goszczony przez Vie Pallé Oraz Iwona WirkusTjek Awakening Zone kalender

The Dr. Elizabeth ShowWith host Dr. Elizabeth LambaerCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

The D-SpotWith host Kelly Sullivan WaldenMonday, November 26 Guest: Devra Jacobs

Feeling GoodWith host Marisa CalviSunday, December 9Sunday, January 13

Frissito (Refreshment) A házigazdák Alfred Halasz & Timea ThomazyKedd, 27 november

The Great ShiftWith host Kahu Fred SterlingThursday, November 22Thursday, November 29Thursday, December 6Thursday, December 13Thursday, December 20Thursday, December 27

Heart SightWith host Nina ImpalaFriday, December 14

New BeginningsWith host Lee CarrollWednesday, December 5 Guest: Geoffrey Hoppe

New Consciousness ReviewWith host Miriam KnightCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

NEW PotentialsWith host David McMasterWednesday, December 12 Guest: Robert Theiss

Nova EnergijaZ Tjaša Pavček in Branka BočičSreda, 21. November Ocene: Joe Rumbolo

Pleiadian Tools for Self-RealizationWith host Christine DayMonday, December 3Monday, December 17

Polskie Tlumaczenia ShouduGoszczony prezez Lukas SalekTjek Awakening Zone kalender

Pure Presence – Aligning to SelfWith host Suzy MillerFriday, December 7Friday, December 21

Pure Presence – All About the KidsWith host Suzy MillerFriday, November 30Friday, December 28

Radio Ahmyo – Ny BevidsthedGazduit de Silvia MarinTjek Awakening Zone tidsplan

Romanian AwakeningsMed værter Anne Maribo & Finn AndersenSâmbătă, 24 noiembrie Oaspete: Manuela SfirschiSâmbătă, 22 decembrie Oaspete: Manuela Sfirschi

El Explorador del Alma NEW!Con los anfitriones Pablo MoranoRevise el calendario Awakening Zone

Solutions for a Small PlanetWith host Pepper LewisCheck the Awakening Zone calendar

Sunday Healing ServiceWith host Kahu Fred SterlingSunday, November 25Sunday, December 2Sunday, December 9Sunday, December 16Sunday, December 23Sunday, December 30

Visiones Multidimensionales (Multidimensional Insights)Con los anfitriones Hilda Diaz y Norma Isabel OjedaJueves, 06 de diciembre Invitado: Anders HolteJueves, 21 de diciembre Invitado: Anders HolteJueves, 18 de enero

Helen & Ontwaken (Healing & Awakening)Mit hosts Dr. Eppe Kaizer & Nelleke KaizerControleer de Awakening Zone kalender

Hispanoamerica en Sintoníacon el ShoudSábado 1 de diciembre Invitado: Adamus Saint-Germain

InnerSpeak Soul AdventuresWith host Jean AdrienneTuesday, November 20 Guest: Sunny Dawn Johnston

Journeys with JonetteWith host Jonette CrowleyThursday, November 29 Guest: Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha

Kendini Seç (Choose Yourself)Ev sahibi ile Deniz SertbarutÇarčamba 28 Kasım

La Nueva Revoluciónç LatinoamericanaCon los anfitriones Roberto & Silvia MendozaDomingo, 9 diciembreDomingo, 6 eneroDomingo, 10 febrero

The Light LoungeWith hosts Steve & Barbara Rother & Meg Adamson-GourSaturday, December 1Saturday, December 29Saturday, January 19Saturday, February 16

Мы Есмь Галактический Человек (We are Galactic Beings)Larisa ArtamanovaСредe, 12 декабряСреды, 9 январяСреды, 13 февральСреды, 13 Март


Continued next page

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Advanced Studies Classes taught by Certified Teachers – click here for information

Sibiu, Romania December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Florin Mandiuc

Munich, GermanyDecember 28-30, 2012Presented by certified teacher Elisabeth Geissler

Rancho Cordova CA ( Sacramento area) USA January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Iwona Wirkus

Syke (near Bremen), Germany January 18-20, 2013Presented by certified teachers Sigrid Nullmeyer & Lutz Nullmeyer

Zurich, SwitzerlandMarch 22-24, 2013Presented by certified teacher Rosmarie Lotmar

Budapest, HungaryMarch 12-14, 2013Presented by certified teachers Kata Szénasi and Erno van Doesselaar

DREAMWALKER™DEATH TRANSITIONS Vienna, Austria November 30-December 2, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Marianne Fürlinger & Heinrich Balatka

Bern, Switzerland December 7-9, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Ursula Keller

Milan, Italy December 7-9, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Gioia Villa

Geneva, Switzerland December 7-9, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Herbert Eichenberger

Lelystad, Flevoland, The Netherlands December 7-9, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Kata Szénasi & Erno van Doesselaar

Brasov, Romania December 27-29, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Carmen Meera & Florin Mandiuc

Berlin, Germany January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Sandra Heuschmann

Munich, Germany January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Silke Steininger

DREAMWALKER™ASCENSION TRANSITIONS Moshav Tal Shahar, Israel November 29-December 1, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Yanna Volfinzon

Bruehl / Baden, Germany December 7-9, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Maria Kempe

Penticton, BC, Canada December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Crystal Rose

Lelystad, The Netherlands December 21-23, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Kata Szenasi & Erno van Doesselaar

Rush Valley, Utah USA December 22-24, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Yvonne Jarvie

Berlin, Germany January 4-6, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Sandra Heuschmann

Rødvig Stevns, Denmark February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Anne Soevang

Penticton, BC, Canada February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Crystal Rose

DF. México February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Malu Gaxiola and Raiza Preziuso

Krakow, Poland April 5-7, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Liliana Tough-Wojciechowska

Warszawa, Poland April 12-14, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Liliana Tough-Wojciechowska

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany August 23-25, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen

DREAMWALKER™ BIRTH TRANSITIONS Bucharest, Romania November 30 – December 02, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Silvia Marin

Munich, Germany November 30-December 2, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

TBA, Denmark January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Anne Soevang

Geneva, Switzerland January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Herbert Eichenberger

Denver, Colorado, USA January 25-28, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Paul Cook

Syke (near Bremen), Germany February 1-3, 2013Presented by certified teacher Sigrid Nullmeyer

Bucharest, Romania February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Carmen Rivalet

Golden, Colorado, USA February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Joep "Youp" Claessens

Zurich, Switzerland March 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Rosmarie Lotmar

Munich, Germany March 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent

Krakow, Poland March 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Liliana Tough-Wojciechowska

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany June 14-16, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Brise Baulitz

ASPECTOLOGY® SCHOOLMunich, Germany December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

Syke (near Bremen), Germany December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Sigrid Nullmeyer & Lutz Nullmeyer

Bensheim, Germany December 27-29, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Maria Rebhahn

Perth, Western Australia December 28-30, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Yvonne Bost

Zurich, Switzerland January 4-6, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Rosmarie Lotmar

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Netania, Israel March 13-16, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Inna Gorokhovsky

DISCOVERING YOUR PASSIONMunich, GermanyNovember 26-28, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Angelika Rupper

Munich, Germany January 19-20, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent

Heidelberg, Germany March 2-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Maria Rebhahn

SEXUAL ENERGIES SCHOOL Mexico, DF. November 30-December 1, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Emma Araela & Aliyah Nahyhu

Arcore, Italy November 30-December 2, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Antonia Medda & Christian Meister

Copenhagen, Denmark December 7-9, 2012 Presented by the certified teachers Bettina Maria Weigel Andersen & Anne Søvang

Thessaloniki, Greece December 7-9, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Maria Grigoraki & Kostas Oikonomou

Bucharest, Romania December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Costinel Floricel & Georgeta Blanaru (Gratia)

Sirmione, Italy December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Gioia Villa and Lucia Ligi

Sacramento area, California, USA December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Iwona Wirkus & Carleta Tiba

Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain December 14-16, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Liliya Kiselova & Jean-Pascal Danos

Warsaw, Poland December 28-30, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Angelika Ruppert & Vie Pallé

ASPECTOLOGY® SCHOOL, cont'dGolden, Colorado USA January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jean Tinder & Joep “Youp” Claessens

Penticton, BC Canada January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Jamye Hanson

Berlin, Germany February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Sandra Heuschmann

Munich, Germany February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent

Bucharest, Romania February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Carmen Rivalet

Jutland, Denmark March 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Anne Soevang

Murrieta, California USA March 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Elizabeth Rodriguez

Geneva, Switzerland April 13-15, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Jutta Bosch

Ft. Collins, Colorado USA May 24-26, 2013 Presented by certified teachers David McMaster

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany July 12-14, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen


Bucharest, Romania December 6-9, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Manuela Sfirschi and Silvia Marin

Bucharest, Romania December 13-16, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Mirela Ghenea

Munich, Germany January 3-6, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

Lelystad, The Netherlands January 31- February 3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Kata Szénasi & teacher Erno van Doesselaar

Bruchsal, Germany January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Viola M. Koehler & Marika Kontuniemi

Penticton, BC Canada January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Crystal Rose and James Hanson

Arad, Romania January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Tiberiu Mihnea

Köniz, Berne, Switzerland January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Heidi Stäheli & Rosmarie Lotmar

Murrieta, California, USA January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Elizabeth Rodriguez & Stephan Weigandt

Bucharest, Romania January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Mirela Ghenea & Carmen Rivalet

Oxnard, California USA February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Sue Loves and Laurie Hefner

Munich, Germany February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent and Karin Hoyer

Syke (near Bremen), Germany February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Sigrid Nullmeyer & Lutz Nullmeyer

Zurich, Switzerland February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Rosmarie Lotmar and Jutta Bosch

Penticton, BC Canada February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Crystal Rose and James Hanson

Helsinki, Finland February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Irma Rantala and Auli Jääskeläinen

Glastonbury, Somerset, England February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Nataša Babnik and Edward Sharp

Advanced Studies Classes taught by Certified Teachers, cont’d – click here for information

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Salt Lake City, Utah USA March 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Heather Teach and Michael Larson

Helsinki, Finland March 29-31, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Irma Rantala and Marika Kontuniemi

Kauai, Hawaii April, 2013 Presented by certified teachers John McCurdy and Mary Beth Shewan

SEXUAL ENERGIES SCHOOL, cont'dHanau am Main (near Frankfurt), Germany March 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Angelika Ziegler and Karin Hoyer

Golden, Colorado USA March 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jean Tinder and Joep Claessens

Albuquerque, New Mexico USA March 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers John McCurdy and Mary Beth Shewan

Heidelberg, Germany April 12-14, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Maria Rebhahn and Maria Estella Duernecker

Neuenstadt (near Heilbronn), Germany May 9-11, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jessie Jandt and Karin Hoyer

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany May 9-11, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen

Advanced Studies Classes taught by Certified Teachers, cont’d – click here for information

TEACHER TRAININGS offered by our Mentor Teachers in various languages around the world.Note: To become a certified Crimson Circle teacher, applicant must have completed desired class as well as Sexual Energies School

ASPECTOLOGY™ SCHOOLTEACHER TRAININGCumbaya, Ecuador, Nov 29-Dec 1, 2012Presented by Malu Gaxiola and Raiza PreziusoLanguage: Spanish

SEXUAL ENERGIES SCHOOL TEACHER TRAININGCumbaya, Ecuador, November 22-25, 2012Presented by Malu Gaxiola and Raiza PreziusoLanguage: Spanish

Sacramento, CaliforniaMarch 28-31 2013Presented by Iwona Wirkus and David McMaster



DREAMWALKER™ DEATH TRANSITIONSTEACHER TRAININGBerlin, Germany, December 7-10, 2012Presented by Sandra Heuschmann and Silke SteiningerLanguage: English

Mexico City, MexicoFebruary 10 - 13, 2013Presented by Malu Gaxiola and Raiza PreziusoLanguage: Spanish

Ft. Collins, Colorado, USAApril 30 - May 3, 2013David McMaster and Paul CookLanguage: English

DREAMWALKER™ BIRTH TRANSITIONSTEACHER TRAININGBerlin, Germany, March 15-18, 2013Presented by Sandra HeuschmannLanguage: English

Lelystad, Flevoland, Netherlands, April 25-28, 2013Presented by Kata Szenasi Language - English

Lake Chiemsee, GermanyMay 9-11, 2013Presented by Kathleen HawsLanguage: English

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DE DK ES FI FR GR HU ID IT JP NL NO PL PT RO RU SL SR SV TRSPECIAL TOPICS10-10-10 Adamus in Berlin X X X2011: Intense and Personal X X X X X X X2012: Deliverance X X X X X X XAdamus: Unleashed in Sedona X X X X X X X XAddictions X X X X X X X X XAncestral Karma X X X X X XAspectology X X X X X X XThe Beauty of Life X X X XBiological Rejuvenation X X X X X X X X XBody-Mind Integration X XBody of Consciousness X X X X X X XChaos X X X X X X XConspiracies X X X X XDei Un Gnost X X X XDepression X X X X X X X XDreams X X X X X X X XDreamWalker for Pets X XEnergy In Motion X X X X X X X XThe Energy of Food X X X X X X XThe Energy of Music X X X XThe Evolution of Gaia X X XFields of Potentials X X X XThe High Definition Life X X XKuthumi & Adamus in Rome X X X XLiving Ascension X XMental Imbalance X X X X X X XMormons & Other Spiritual Families X X XNew Consciousness X XThe New Earth X X X XNew Earth Update X XNew Energy Business X X X X XNew Energy Education X X X X X X X X XOn Death & Dying X X X X X X X X X X X XOut of the Box X X XPets X X X X X X X X XProbabilities & Potentials X X X X X X X X XThe Quantum Leap X X X X XRelationships X X X X X X X X X X X X XRe-Order Your Reality X X X X X X XReunion XRising to Freedom X X X XSacred Geometry X X X X X X XSoul Encounter X X X X X X XSovereign One X X X XThe 13th Strand X X X X XTime, Space & Measurement Systems X X X X XWhat Lies Ahead X X X X X X XWhat on Earth X X XYes, I Am Enlightened X X X X X

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INTENSIVESAlchemy of Consciousness (Egypt) X XThe Alchemy of Light & Dark (France) X X X X X XAngels & Aliens (Poland) X X X X XAtlantis & the Wound of Isis X X X X X XMidsummer Conference 2010 - Munich X X XMidsummer Conference 2011 - Santa Fe XMoving Stuck Energy (EU) X X X X XMysteries of Love (France) X X XThe Oslo Sessions X X X X XSounds of the Soul (Egypt) X X X XTime Travels (Egypt) X X XTobias Returns to Israel XPERSONAL STUDY COURSESDiscovering Your Passion X X X XDreamWalker Birth XExpanding Your Intuition X X X X XInterdimensional Living X X X XJourney of the Angels X X X X X X XNew Energy Synchrotize X X XStandard Technology X X X X XWhat's Missing? X X XMUSICSeven Seals X X XCall To Awaken X XOpening Into Consciousness XStudio K XFREEAdamus on Japan X XChemia –FREE X X X X X X XDeath & the Astral Realms - FREE XDrama - FREE X X X X X X X X X X X XDo You Remember? –FREE X X X X X XIt Doesn’t Matter XLetter to Awakening Humans - FREE X X X X X X X X X XSedona Tri-Channel X XSES Intro X X XSilent Prayer –FREE X X X XThe Darkness is Your Divinity - FREE X X XTo the Messengers - FREE X XTwelve Awakening Signs - FREE X X X X XTobias & Kryon in Madrid - FREE X X XAWAKENING ZONETuning In Again, Vol. 1 X X X X X X X X X XTuning In Again, Vol. 2 X X X XMERABHS X X X X X X X X X
