SHAZAM Core Services...Safe Deposit Box functions can be handled by the Compass XD Deposit Box...


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SHAZAM Core Services Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance, 2019

Compass XD™ CONFIDENTIAL – For Client Use Only

Last Modified 10/21/19

Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance, 2019

SHAZAM Core Services Documentation ii ©2019 ITS, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Revision/Approval History Date Description Author

9/1/19 Original Lanisha Lomax 10/21/19 Approval from IP Counsel Lanisha Lomax

Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance, 2019

SHAZAM Core Services Documentation iii ©2019 ITS, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Revision/Approval History ................................................................................................................. ii

Preface ............................................................................................................................................. iv

Purpose of Document ........................................................................................................................ iv

Who Should Read This Document ..................................................................................................... iv

Printing This Document...................................................................................................................... iv

Trademark Attributions ..................................................................................................................... iv

Safe Deposit Box User Permissions and Security .................................................................................5

Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance ............................................................................................6

Inquiry ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Relationships ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Related .............................................................................................................................................. 11

Transfers ........................................................................................................................................... 12

Restricted .......................................................................................................................................... 20

Activity .............................................................................................................................................. 20

Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 23

Miscellaneous Codes ......................................................................................................................... 23

Profile ................................................................................................................................................ 25

Other ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Officer ............................................................................................................................................... 27

Notice ................................................................................................................................................ 28

Month End ........................................................................................................................................ 28

Amounts ............................................................................................................................................ 30

Dates ................................................................................................................................................. 30

Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance, 2019

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Purpose of Document This document describes features and functions within the Safe Deposit Box application within Compass XD. This program will allow authorized users to enter, inquire and maintenance safe deposit boxes.

Who Should Read This Document • Compass XD™ Users • SHAZAM Core Services Personnel

Printing This Document This document has been formatted for double-sided printing. If the reader chooses to print using a single sided print option, this document will produce blank pages in the introduction sections. This document is confidential and shall not be provided to any third-party without the express written permission of ITS, Inc.

Trademark Attributions The following trademarks are referenced in this document:

• ITS, Inc. has registered trademarks at the United States Patent and Trademark Office which include SHAZAM® and the SHAZAM logo.

• Compass XD™ is a trademark of ITS, Inc. • IBM® iSeries™, IBM iSeries Access™ for Windows®, IBM iAccess Client Solutions™ for Windows®,

IBM iAccess Client Express™ for Windows®, iSeries Operation Navigator™, and AS/400 NetServer™ are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

• Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows NT®, and Microsoft® Word™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, registered in the United States, other countries, or both.

• Java® is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners, registered in the United States, other countries, or both.

• Seagull Software® and J Walk® are trademarks of Rocket Software, Inc., registered in the United States, other countries, or both.

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Safe Deposit Box User Permissions and Security To enable users to have access to the Safe Deposit Box function available within Compass XD, the Compass XD Administrator should review the permissions level records.

From the Admin Console – XD Permissions module, select the Edit Icon next to the user’s name or role.

Expand the Role Permissions accordion.

Expand the Safe Deposit Box Account record to view permission options available for Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance user or role.

Press Submit to save changes. The user must log out and back in to see new permissions.

Reminder: Editing the role will change permissions for all users within the role.

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Safe Deposit Box Inquiry & Maintenance Safe Deposit Box functions can be handled by the Compass XD Deposit Box application. Safe Deposit Box functions have their own unique characteristics, easily handled by the many parameters and fields available in the deposit box systems.

The input and maintenance programs are very similar; most fields that hold information about a safe deposit box can be accessed through both types of programs. Some fields are system-maintained and as such cannot be changed manually.

Inquiry To inquire on a Safe Deposit Box or perform a maintenance on a Safe Deposit Box, inquire on the customer or Create a New Customer if the CIS key is not yet established.

From the Account List, select the Deposit Box tab.

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To inquire on the currently rented Safe Deposit Box, Select the Account Number hyperlink listed.

Summary The Summary tab will give an overview of the Safe Deposit Box. This screen will display details regarding the Deposit Box that may need to be quickly references, such as;

• Account number or box number • Box size • Term of Rental • Rental Dates • Rental Amounts • Late Fees

From the Summary tab, the Additional Options tab will allow the following:

• View Documents • One Time Transfer • Delete this Account

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Relationships This section will display the owners of the Deposit box.

To view the Relationship, select the expand button.

To edit an existing Deposit Box relationship, select Manage Relationships.

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The current Relationships will display.

Select the Expand Icon on the selected Relationship.

Select the Edit Icon.

The Relationship information will display.

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Maintenance All changes to the deposit box account can be displayed in the Maintenance tab.

To display the details of each maintenance record, select the Expand Icon next to the selected function.

Note: Notice, Statement and Email preferences can be set within the Edit screen.

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Related The Related section allows related accounts to be added to an existing Safe Deposit Box.

To add a Related account to Safe Deposit box, select the Add button.

The Customer Search screen will display. Search by Account Number, CIS Number, Social Security Number, Tax ID Number or Short Name.

The selected customer’s CIS information will display. Select the General tab to choose the preferences for the added customer.

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From the General tab, complete the following information in each box.

Relationship Select the appropriate relationship type from the menu drop-down. User Code (Optional) Select a valid user code from the menu drop-down. Description Enter a description of the relationship between the two accounts. Notify if Primary Closed This function is not used at this time. Notify is Secondary Closed This function is not used at this time.

Once the fields are correct, click Submit.

Transfers Any existing transfers that have been set will display in the Transfer tab. To create a new Transfer, select the Add button.

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Select Debit/Credit Info.

Complete the following fields:

Debit Branch Select branch number if account type G is selected. Debit Account Number Enter the account number to debit the safe box payment. Debit Account Type

Select the correct account type from the menu drop-down. Select the type of account:

• D-Demand Deposit • S-Savings • X-Club • T-Time Deposit (CD) • L-Loan • K-Safe Deposit Box • G-General Ledger • H-Shareholder

Debit Tran Code Select the correct debit transaction code from the menu drop-down. Use Tran Code Debit Desc Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu if the tran

code description should be used as the transfer description. Credit Branch Select branch number if account type G is selected. Credit Account Number Enter the account number to credit the safe box payment. Credit Account Type

Select the correct account type from the menu drop-down. Select the type of account:

• D-Demand Deposit • S-Savings • X-Club • T-Time Deposit (CD) • L-Loan • K-Safe Deposit Box • G-General Ledger • H-Shareholder

Credit Tran Code Select the correct credit transaction code from the menu drop-down.

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Select Transfer Information.

Complete the following fields:


Select the appropriate status from the menu drop-down. • A Active Transfer • P Paid (Closed) • S Single attempt tried, transfer put in inactive status.

The default for a new transfer is A. If either the debit or credit account has a status of P, then the status of the EFT is also changed from A to P, with the exception of originations. If the credit account is a loan that has been paid off, the system will change the EFT status from A to P. This will also happen once the expiration date on the EFT has passed. All transfers with a status of P will be removed from the EFT master file when the bank performs its scheduled purge of accounts. If a user changes the transfer status from S to A to reflect the reactivation of a transfer, the next transfer date will likely also need to be maintained.

User Code (Optional)

Select the appropriate user code from the menu drop-down. This is helpful if the financial institution wants to group EFT’s for information or query purposes.

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Transfer Amount

Enter the amount of the transaction. This field should be blank if Transfer Interest Only, Use Loan Payment Amount or Irregular Transfer Period is selected. If the transfer is for a Christmas Club account (identified by the Y in the Club Transfer Amount field) and the status of the EFT is active, that when the check program is processed this field will be updated with the transfer amount. If the debit side of the EFT transactions is an account type H indicating a shareholder account, then the transfer amount will be automatically populated when the dividend payment program has been processed.

Transfer Interest Only

Select this option to transfer the interest paid on the debit account to the credit account. This option is only valid for DDA, Savings and Time accounts. This cannot be used to transfer interest on a loan.

Next Transfer Date

Enter the desired next transfer date using the MMDDYY format, or by selecting a date from the Calendar Icon. This field should remain blank if Transfer Interest Only or Use Date from Loan have been selected.

Day of Month

Enter the transfer day of the month if the DD date falls on the following days: 29, 30 or 31. If the transfer should always process on the last business day of the month, enter 31. If the transfer should process on the 29th or 30th, enter that specific day of the month. If there are fewer days in the month, the transfer will happen on the last business day of the month. When there are more days in the month the transfer will take place on the day specified.

Before/After if Closed

Select the appropriate code from the menu drop-down to control if the transfer should take place on the processing day before or after the date of the transfer if the date falls on a non-processing day.

• B Before the processing date • A After the processing day

Ending Date

Enter the ending date if the transfer should no longer apply after a specific date. Note: On loan accounts, some banks choose to enter the month prior to the maturity date of the loan. This is especially important if the loan has a balloon payment and a fixed amount is not specified. The FI then informs the customer at the time if they have setup the transfer that they will need to contact the bank to make the final payment.

Transfer Frequency

Enter the transfer frequency to control how often the transfer should take place. The number will represent how many days or months will pass until the transfer is processed again. Select the value of months or days from the menu drop-down.

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• M Months • D Days

Example: If the transfer should take place on once a month the transfer frequency should be entered as 1 M, if the transfer should take place biweekly than the transfer frequency should be entered as 14 D.

Suppress Printed Notices

Select Y for Yes to prevent a notice from being printed when and EFT takes place. Select N for No if a notice should be printed.

NSF Instructions

Select the appropriate NSF Instruction from the menu drop-down. The available codes will determine how the EFT reacts in different scenarios.

• S The system will stop trying to transfer funds after the first attempt when there are not sufficient funds in the debit account to cover the transfer.

• K The system will keep trying to make the transfer until there are enough funds to cover the entire transfer amount.

• A The system will keep complete the transfer regardless of the balance in the debit account, possibly resulting in an overdraft.

• F The system will keep trying the transfer but will freeze the account from all other debits until there is enough money in the account to complete the transfer.

• P The system will take as much funds that are available in the debit account and keep trying until the full amount is satisfied. However, this option only works if certain criteria is met:

o On deposit to Loan EFT’s where, Use Date from Loan and Use Loan Payment Amount are selected.

Note: If a credit is being sent outside of the financial institution, then the system originates the items to Fed either a day or two days prior to the transfer date, depending on the ACH parameters. Therefore, the system does not check the balance of the account before sending the credit out. This type of transaction carried a certain amount of risk and it is up to the financial institution to develop internal policies and procedures for originating items outside of the bank.

Irregular Trans Period

Select this option if the transfer is based on when the balance of the credit account falls below a designated amount. If this option is selected, then the Transfer Amount, Transfer Frequency, Next Transfer Date and Transfer Day of the Month must remain blank.

Trans in increments of

Enter the dollar amount in increments of how the transfer of funds should take place. If this field is left blank the transfer amount will be the exact amount needed to cover the potential overdraft or minimum balance requirement.

Enter the dollar amount in this field that will trigger the transfer. If the credit account should always have a minimum balance of $1.00, then a $1.00 should be entered in this field.

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Select Fee Information.

When Credit Bal Below If this field is blank, then the irregular transfer will occur when the credit account balance is at zero. In this scenario, the credit account should be set to not close on a zero balance.

Apply Based on Payment

Select this option to calculate and apply a payment to a loan in accordance to their billing notice. If this is not selected, the payment may be calculated and applied based on the amount due on the loan and not in accordance to the loan terms. This option pertains only to maturity payments, not all payments. Note: If the Use Loan Payment Amt and Use Date from Loan options are selected, it is advised to have this option, Apply Based on Payment, selected. If there is a set transfer amount, the transfer should be closed before the final payment is due. This would be advised to have set to YES, if the loan has a balloon payment or is an interest only payment.

Use Date from Loan

Select this option if the credit account is a loan, and the due date of the loan should be the transfer date. This option will keep the loan payments in line with their repayment schedule. If a customer pays ahead for a few months, no transfers will be generated for that period of time. If the loan payment is being sent to an account outside of the bank, this option will not apply as the bank will have no way to determine the loan due date at another financial institution.

Use Loan Payment Amt

Select this option if the transfer should look at the attached loan account to determine the amount of transfer. If this option is selected, the Transfer Amount field must be blank.

Delete EFT when LN Closes

Select this option if the EFT record should be deleted once an attached loan is closed.

Delete EFT when DD Closes

Select this option if the EFT record should be deleted once an attached deposit account is closed.

Delete EFT if GL Open

Select this option if the EFT record should be deleted when it is attached to a GL but the offset account/loan has been closed and the GL is still open.

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Complete the following fields:

Select Outgoing ACH Information.

Fee Amount Enter the amount of the transfer fee. Fee Debit Branch Select branch number if account type G is selected. Fee Debit Account Num Enter the account number to debit for the transfer fee.

Fee Debit Account Type

Select the correct account type from the menu drop-down. Select the account type:

• D-Demand Deposit • S-Savings • X-Club • T-Time Deposit (CD) • L-Loan • K-Safe Deposit Box • G-General Ledger • H-Shareholder

Add Fee to Transactions Select Yes or No (Y or N) if adding the fee to the transaction amount. Fee Credit Branch Select branch number if account type G is selected. Fee Credit Account Num Enter the account number to credit for the transfer fee.

Fee Credit Account Type

Select the correct account type from the menu drop-down. Select the value of the account type

• D-Demand Deposit • S-Savings • X-Club • T-Time Deposit (CD) • L-Loan • K-Safe Deposit Box • G-General Ledger • P- • A- • H-Shareholder

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Complete the following fields:

When all fields are complete, select Submit.

Outgoing Entry Code Select the correct entry for the transfer (Debit or Credit). Company Entry Description

Enter a description for the transfer.

Send Pre-Notice Code Select Yes or No (Y or N) to determine if a pre-notice will be sent. Standard Entry Code Select the correct entry code for the transfer. Receiving DFI Id Enter the Receiving Bank’s routing number. Send Acknowledgement Select Yes or No (Y or N) to send acknowledgment. Company Id Enter the Company Id for person/company sending the transfer. Company Name Enter the company name submitting the transfer. Company Discretionary Data

Enter any information helpful to identify the transfer. This field is optional.

Individual Id Number Enter the customer Id number. This field is optional. Individual Name Enter the name of the individual receiving the transfer. Special Account Number

This field is used if the receiving bank requires a specific number of digits or if the account number is longer than 11 digits. This field is optional.

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Restricted Any restrictions that exist on the account may be displayed in the Restricted tab.

To enter a restriction on the account, select Restricted Text.

Enter a description of the restriction in the Description tab.

Select Submit and the Restriction will display.

To edit a Restricted entry, select the Edit Icon.

Edit the entry, then select Submit to display the changes.

To Delete a Restricted entry, select the Delete tab.

Select Delete to confirm the removal of the restricted entry.

Activity All payment activity on any Safe Deposit box can be found in the Activity tab.

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To see the details on a deposit box payment, select the Expand Icon.

A specific payment can be displayed by selecting the More Search Options tab.

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Search by Date, Check Number, Amount or Tran Code.

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Maintenance Authorized users will have the ability to maintain deposit boxes and parameters, input information and administer maintenance on all deposit box accounts. All maintenance options are located in the Additional tab.

Miscellaneous Codes The miscellaneous codes for each safe deposit box can be viewed under the Miscellaneous Code tab. To edit the Misc Codes, select the Edit Icon.

The Safe Deposit Box Misc Codes Edit Form will display.

The following fields are available.


Select the correct Status. There are three possible values for an account.

• A – Active • N – New • P – Paid (Closed)

Term of Rental Enter the number of days or months for the term of the rental.

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Select the Notice Information tab.

The following fields are available.

When all fields are complete, select Submit.


Select the value of months or days from the menu drop-down. • M Months • D Days

Rental Amount Code Select the correct Rental Amount Code from drop-down menu. This

field is not used if the Rental Amount is completed. Rental Amount Enter the month or daily amount for the box rental. This field is only

used if the rental amount differs from the rental amount code. Primary Officer (Optional) Select the officer that is assisting the customer renting the

box. Customer Classification (Optional) Select a customer classification from the drop-down menu. Key ID (Optional) Enter the Safe Deposit Box Key number. This field is optional. Branch Number Select the Branch Number from the drop-down menu.

Advance Days for Notices Enter the number of days to send an advance notice. Days Past Due 1st Notice Enter the number of days past due to send 1st past due notice. Days Past Due 2nd Notice Enter the number of days past due to send 2nd past due notice. Mail Code Select the correct Mail Code as defined by the branch. Print Coming Due Notices Select this option to print coming due notices. Print Past Due Notices Select this option to print past due notices. Print Letters on Closed Account

Select this option to print letters on closed accounts.

Include on Combined Statement

Select this option to include a combined statement for printing.

Print New Account Letter Select this option to print a new account letter.

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Profile The Profile tab allows users to define a specific condition about a customer.

Select the Mgt/Profile Codes tab. Select the Add Icon.

Select the desired Profile Code from the Available Option Menu. Drag the option to the Selected Menu and drop in the box.

Once the option is selected and dropped, the Code Assessment box will display.

Select Y (Yes) to apply code.

Select Apply Code to add the Profile Code to the selected option.

When all preferences have been chosen, select Submit.

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Select the Management Codes tab.

Select the correct option from the category menu drop-downs.

When all preferences have been chosen, select Submit.

Other Select the Other Info tab to continue.

To add additional information, select the Add Icon.

The Information tab will display.

Complete the following fields:

Text Enter the text. Text ID Select the appropriate Text ID from the menu drop-down. Amount Enter the amount. Amount ID Select the appropriate Amount ID from the menu drop-down. Number Enter the number. Number ID Select the appropriate Number ID from the menu drop-down. Date Enter the date. Date ID Select the appropriate Date ID from the menu drop-down. Percentage Enter the percentage. Percentage Rate ID Select the appropriate Percentage ID from the menu drop-down.

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These fields can be used to retain additional information if required by the financial institution’s policy and procedure.

When all fields are complete, select Submit.

Officer The Officer tab allows an Officer Code to be assigned to the account.

Select the Officer tab.

From the Officer tab, select the Add Icon.

From the Available Options Category, drag and drop the selected officer into the Selected Category.

Once the officer is selected from the Available Options List and dropped, an Officers Remarks tab will populate.

Enter the remark in the Remarks location.

Note: The Remarks field can describe the job function of the officer, or the reason why the officer is listed on the account.

Examples: Personal Banker, Commercial Loan Officer, etc.

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Select Add Officer, officer will populate into the Selected List.

When all preferences have been chosen, select Submit.

Notice All notice forms for safe deposit boxes can be viewed in the Notice tab. To omit a notice, select the Expand Icon.

The option to Omit a notice will populate. To omit a notice, select the Add Icon.

Once the notice to omit is chosen and dropped in the Selected category, a Description Box will appear.

When the description is added, select Add Description.

The omitted notices will display in the Notices Omitted section.

Month End The Month End tab will display all functions that have been set for the Safe Deposit Box Month End reporting.

Note: VIP Customers do not send notice, only send to secondary


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To view or modify the month end entry, select the Expand Icon.

Select the Edit Icon.

The General tab will display.

The following fields are available:

Select the Amounts tab.

The following fields are available:

Branch Number Enter the branch number. Rented/Open Select Rented or Open from the drop-down menu. Available for Rent Select this option if the box is available for rent. This field is rarely

modified. CIS Key End of Month Enter the CIS Key located on the Customer Information screen. Product Code Select the correct product code from the drop-down menu. Rental Code Select the correct rental code based on the box size from the drop-

down menu.

MTD Rental Fees Enter the month-to-date rental fees. MTD Late Fees Enter the month-to-date late fees.

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When all fields have been completed, select Submit.

Amounts The Amounts tab will show all late fee amounts for the safe deposit box.

To edit the fees, select the Edit Icon.

The General tab will populate.

If populated information is incorrect, select the Edit Icon to update.

The following fields are available:

Dates The Dates tab will display all dates related to the safe deposit box.

Late Chrgs Assessed This field displays the total dollar amount of late charges assessed. Late Chrgs Paid This field displays the total dollar amount of late charges paid. MTD Late Chrgs Paid This field displays the month-to-date late charges that have been paid. Late Chrg Amount This field displays the amount of one late charge. Days for Late Charge This field displays the number of days late.

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To edit the dates related to the box, Select the Edit Icon.

The General tab will populate.

The following fields are available:

When all fields have been completed, select Submit.

Original Date Enter the date the box was rented. Last Active Date Select the date of the last activity on the account. Rental Due Date Enter the date on which the rent will become due. Rental Due Day Enter the day portion of the rental due date field if the rent is due on

29, 30 or 31st of the month.
