SHOALHAVEN HIGH SCHOOL...All assessment tasks must be submitted on or before the due date. Students...


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SHOALHAVEN HIGH SCHOOL Providing Quality Education in a Caring, Supportive Environment






Assessments may be scheduled at the class teacher’s discretion but the due date must be no later than:

Each Common Test must be completed in the week beginning:

Assessment 1 TERM 1 Week 9 Assessment 2 TERM 2 Week 9 Assessment 3 TERM 3 Week 9 Assessment 4 TERM 4 Week 6

Common Test 1 Term 1 Week 6 Common Test 2 Term 2 Week 6 Common Test 3 Term 3 Week 8 Common Test 4 Term 4 Week 5

Tasks in Stage 4 (Year 7-8) are designed to cover syllabus outcomes in the

following areas:

Reading, listening, viewing

Writing, speaking, representing

Communicating and context

Analysing language

Interpretive, imaginative and critical thinking

Expressing views

There are four assessment tasks (which can be completed in any order

depending on your teacher’s individual program) and one assessable


Narrative (EN4-1A, EN 4-3B, EN4-4B, EN4-5C, EN4-9E)

Persuasive speech and VR/Listening Task (EN4-2A, EN4-4B, EN4-5C, EN4-6C, EN4-8D, EN4-9E)

Poetry Portfolio (EN4-1A, EN4-3B, EN4-5C, EN4-8D, 4-9E)

Review (EN4-1A, EN4-4B, EN4-5C, EN4-7D, EN4-9E)

Classwork (EN4-1A, EN4-2A, EN4-3B, EN4-4B, EN4-5C, EN4-6C, EN4-7D, EN4-8D, EN4-9E)

Students will also complete a common comprehension skills test each term.

Important information

All assessment tasks must be submitted on or before the due date.

Students must sign the assessment task sheet when handing in their work.

Late assessment tasks will lose 10% of the full mark per day for 5 days.

After five days, late tasks will receive zero.

Communication will be made with parents/carers in the event of non-completion of tasks.

In the case of an unexpected event which stops a student completing the task on time, a note

clearly outlining the circumstances should be submitted to the class teacher.


________________________ Ms L Bailey HT ENGLISH (Relieving)

NARRATIVE: Weighting: 20%

In this task you will write a narrative (short story) based on the topic or theme studied in

class. Submit your planning and draft response together with your final copy.


Part A Compose a persuasive speech and visual representation based on the cultural

issue or place supplied to you. In preparing your speech and visual representation

you should conduct research into the topic. You need to present this as a speech

in front of the class, persuading your audience with your visual representation as


Part B Complete a listening task based on the presentations of other students. This will

be in the form of a work sheet, completed during and after other students’



Create a portfolio of five different types of poetry, as assigned by your class teacher. Submit

your drafting together with your final copies.

REVIEW Weighting: 20%

Compose a review of a text assigned by your class teacher. Use the language forms,

features and structure of the text type to shape your response. Submit your draft response

together with your final copy.


Students will complete a range of learning activities throughout the year and complete one

common test each term. Class work, home work, and common test results will form the

basis for assessment of this component.

Shoalhaven High School Mathematics Year 7 Assessment Schedule 2019 Year 7 Mathematics Topics • Computation with positive integers• Angle relationships• Computation with positive and negative integers• Understanding fractions, decimals and percentages• Probability• Computation with decimals and fractions• Computation with decimals and fractions• Time• Algebraic techniques 1• Equations 1• Measurement and computation of length, perimeter and

area • Introducing indices

Assessment Schedule A student’s mark will be determined based on their performance in the following areas • 50% for completion of coursework• 50% for assessment

More detail concerning each component is given below

Assessment • A student’s understanding of the course can be assessed in several ways including but not limited

to:o A4 Topic summarieso Topic tests, single-topic tasks, exams or multi-topic taskso Informal observation of student work in the classroom

Topic summaries • Students are encouraged to prepare topic study summaries for each topic they complete. This

encourages careful re-reading and presentation of notes as a prerequisite for success.o Each topic summary should take up no more than 2 sides of a single A4 sheet of paper.o Students can bring all their own topic summaries into classes, tasks, topic tests and

examinations at the classroom teacher’s discretion.o Topic summaries can be hand-written or typed, but not photo-copied.

Tests or topic assignments • Students should expect some form of assessment at the end of each topic.

Multi-topic assessments • A multi-topic exam or assignments may be administered in place of individual topic assessments.• These tasks will assess skills and understanding across multiple topics• Students will be notified of these tasks at least 2 weeks before the task is delivered.

Informal observation • Observations will inform the student’s topic grade rather than their overall course mark.

Penalties and Appeals • Non-serious or non-attempts, copying or poor behaviour during assignments or assessment tasks

may lose some or all marks.• Please provide a medical certificate if a student has a valid medical reason for non-completion of a


Coursework May include: • Bookwork

o Exercise books are kept neat and up to date (includingdates and headings to keep notes organised)

• Work bookletso Pages are completed neatlyo Booklet is kept safe in a folder or document sleeve

• Worksheetso Sheets are complete and stuck into exercise books

• Computer Lab taskso Work produced during lab sessions is submitted

correctly and on time• Practical lessons

o Active participation in activities of a more practicalnature

• Other classroom taskso Other learning materials supplied by the classroom

teacher are completed and documented appropriately

Last Modified: 20 March 2019 D:\2019 SHS\Jenny\2019 SHS assessment schedules\Year 7\Yr7 Science Assessment Schedule.docx

Science Assessment Schedule Stage 4 Year 7

Name: ___________________ Class: ___ Teacher(s): ________________

In Year 7 you will be assessed in three ways.

1. Ongoing assessment of class work: This will consist of assessing day-to-day class work, practical work, homework, assignments, bookwork and computer based activities. Each term you receive a ‘class mark’ which will contribute to your report grade. You may be given booklets and worksheets for each topic. Keep these in a clip folder or plastic envelope. Together with your book they form part of your ongoing assessment

2. Formal assessment tasks: Each term you will have a formal assessment task which will assess the knowledge, skills and processes developed in class. Formal assessment tasks will contribute to your report grade.

In Year 8, you will be examined in a State-wide Science assessment called VALID. It is helpful if you keep your booklets from Year 7.

Task Weight Term Week

Common task 1 15% 1 5/6

Term 1 class mark 10% 1 Ongoing

Common task 2 15% 2 2/3

Term 2 class mark 10% 2 Ongoing

Common task 3 15% 3 4/5

Term 3 class mark 10% 3 Ongoing

Common task 4 (Examination)

25% 4 3

Note: These dates may be subject to change Parent/Guardian signature ______________________ Date ___________ Student signature ______________________ Date ___________

This sheet must be glued into your Science and signed by you and a parent/guardian.

HSIE Faculty Year 7 Course Outline: History 2019

Assessment Due Dates

Term One: Research Assignment – History Mystery (Term 1, Week 6) 30% Term Two: Written Response – Ancient Egypt (Term 2, Week 4) 30% Ongoing: Classwork (worksheets) 20% Ongoing: ICT/Participation/Bookwork 20%


Topic 1: Term 1 Investigating the Ancient Past

- Role of historians and archaeologists - Nature of the sources - Approaches to historical investigation - Importance of conserving the ancient past

Topic 2: Term 2 The Mediterranean World (Egypt)

- Physical features of ancient Egypt - Roles of key groups in the Egyptian society - Significant beliefs, values and practices - Contacts and conflicts with other societies - The role of a significant individuals

Topic 3: Term 2 The Asian World (China)

- Physical features of ancient China - Roles of key groups in China including the influence of law and religion - Significant beliefs, values and practices - Contacts and conflicts with other societies - The role of a significant individuals

Important Information

All assessment tasks must be submitted on or before the due date

Students must sign the assessment task sheet when handing in their work

Late assessment tasks will lose 10% of the full mark per day for 5 days.

After 5 days late tasks will receive 0.

Communication will be made with parents /carers in the event of non-completion of tasks

All requests for extensions must go through the Head Teacher with a note clearly outlining the circumstances.

Year 7 PDHPE Assessment Schedule

Stage 4 outcomes

PD4-1 examines and evaluates strategies to manage current and future challenges

PD4-2 examines and demonstrates the role help-seeking strategies and behaviours play in

PD4-3 investigates effective strategies to promote inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships

PD4-4 refines, applies and transfers movement skills in a variety of dynamic physical activity contexts

PD4-5 transfers and adapts solutions to complex movement challenges

PD4-6 recognises how contextual factors influence attitudes and behaviours and proposes strategies to enhance health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical


PD4-7 investigates health practices, behaviours and resources to promote health, safety, wellbeing

PD4-8 plans for and participates in activities that encourage health and a lifetime of physical activity

PD4-9 demonstrates self-management skills to effectively manage complex situations

PD4-10 applies and refines interpersonal skills to assist themselves and others to interact respectfully and promote inclusion in a variety of groups or contexts

PD4-11 demonstrates how movement skills and concepts can be adapted and transferred to enhance and perform movement sequences

Term 1

Practical Task Ongoing assessment of Initiative Games Due: Week 6 Outcomes: PD4-4, PD4-5, PD4-10

Theory Task Changes in My World Assessment Task Due: Week 10 Outcomes: PD4-1, PD4-2, PD4-3, PD4-9, PD4-10

Term 2

Practical Task Gymnastics Due: Week 6 Outcomes: PD4-4, PD4-5, PD4-11

Theory Task Better Safe Than Sorry Assessment Task Due: Week 5 Outcomes: PD4-2, PD4-6, PD4-7, PD4-8, PD4-10

Term 3

Practical Task Ongoing assessment of fundamental

movement skills/games

Due: Week 1-10 Outcomes: PD4-4, PD4-5, PD4-10

Theory Task Adolescence and Change Assessment


Due: Week 8 Outcomes: PD4-1, PD4-2, PD4-3, PD4-9, PD4-10

Term 4

Practical Task Ongoing assessment of modified and minor


Due: Week 1-10 Outcomes: PD4-4, PD4-5, PD4-10

Theory Task Risky Business Assessment task Due: Week 5 Outcomes: PD4-2, PD4-6, PD4-7, PD4-9, PD4-10