Short Vowel Sounds /ă/ apple /ĕ/ Ed /ĭ/ itch /ŏ/ octopus /ŭ/ up Add the Spelling words to the...



Short Vowel Sounds /ă/ apple /ĕ/ Ed /ĭ/ itch /ŏ/ octopus /ŭ/ up Add the Spelling words to the correct column

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Short Vowel Sounds // apple // Ed // itch // octopus // up Add the Spelling words to the correct column Long Vowel Sounds // a-consonant-e ai ay // ee ea // i-consonant-e i igh // o-consonant-e oa ow o // or /y/ Author: Ivy Ruckman Author: Jim Murphy Night of the TWISTERS Genre: Realistic Fiction Characteristics: Stories that take place in modern times Characters are involved in events that could happen Setting: Place: Grand Island, Nebraska Sand Crane Drive Text Structure: Narrative What does the word twisters mean to you? Frame of Reference How do you know what you know? twisters Tornados Natures Most Violent Storms Night of the TWISTERS Vocabulary Vocabulary Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? lull Civil Defense Emergency huddledalert flickering reception bolting a calm period lull We heard it next. The lull. The deadliest quiet ever, one that makes you think you might explode. Synonyms: stillness pause silence a warning signal alert This guy. He kept saying, Tornado alert, tornado alert! Then it went dead. Synonym: alarm siren converting electrical signals into sound or light, as in a radio or TV reception Theres no radio reception anymore. It just went dead! Synonyms : clarity bolting Ive got to go home! Arthur cried all of a sudden, bolting for the door. moving suddenly Synonyms: scram run off shining unsteadily flickering Quietly, I closed the door behind me. Thats when the lights started flickering. Synonyms: glimmer crowded together huddled Ryan and Arthur and me, huddled together there on the floor. Synonyms: clustered grouped a situation in which people must take steps to protect themselves from a natural disaster or other emergency Civil Defense Emergency The TV was flashing these big letters that filled the entire screen: CD.CD..CD.. Whats it mean? Arthur cried. Civil Defense Emergency! alert reception bolting flickering huddledCivil Defense Emergency A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! lull Draw! Draw! Draw! Free Association When I say a word, you write down any words you can think of that remind you of that word. For example: The word is school: 1.learning 2.Science 3.pencils 4.Reading 5.Math 6.teachers 7.P.E. And on and on and on 1.bolting 2. lull 5. flickering 4. reception 6. huddled 3. alert 7. Civil Defense Emergency Blizzard Genre: Nonfiction Characteristics: Presents factual information May be supported by detailed descriptions Clearly reveals the authors point-of-view Setting: Time: March 12-13, 1888 Place: On the East River in New York City Text Structure: Informational/Time Order Vocabulary Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? immense ominous floes stranded desperate treacherous immense very large Up close, the distance across looked immense and the ice was clearly not a single sheet, but many big and small ice floes jammed together. Synonyms: mammoth colossal vast floes masses of floating ice Up close, the distance across looked immense and the ice was clearly not a single sheet, but many big and small ice floes jammed together. stranded left in a difficult position The ice came close to the Fulton Ferry pier and some of the stranded tried to grab hold, but the pilings were too slippery. Synonyms: marooned left high and dry desperate willing to do or try anything Farther and farther out the desperate man drifted, and many watchers felt he would be lost. Synonyms: frantic distressed treacherous dangerous Not everyone had an easy crossing. Many slipped on the treacherous ice or were blown over by the still- fierce wind. Synonyms: perilous hazardous ominous signaling trouble or danger Synonyms: threatening warning That was when a deep, ominous grumbling began coming from the ice. floes stranded desperate treacherous ominous A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! immense Draw! Draw! Draw! Free Association When I say a word, you write down any words you can think of that remind you of that word. For example: The word is school: 1.learning 2.Science 3.pencils 4.Reading 5.Math 6.teachers 7.P.E. And on and on and on 1.ominous 2. floes 3. desperate 4. immense 5. stranded 6. treacherous Vocabulary Classifying Place the following words in categories: flickering huddled desperate lull bolting alert reception stranded floes immense bolting ominous treacherous Decide the names of the categories. Determine how many categories. Determine which words go in which categories. After classifying the words, write a paragraph explaining each of the categories and why certain words go in a particular category. Synonym Search Match the vocabulary words on the left to the correct synonyms on the right. Some vocabulary words have more than one synonym. Ready, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a. maroonedf. groupedk. run off b. scramg. stillnessl. clustered c. threateningh. distressedm. glimmer d. clarityi. perilousn. siren e. colossalj. silenceo. hazardous treacherous flickering stranded alert bolting lull ominous reception huddled immense desperate Can You Find the Context Clues ? 1.There was a ______ in the winds after the tornado passed by us. 2. The ___________ amount of rain caused flooding in the plains. 3. The penguins ____________ together for warmth. 4.Travel on the interstate became ______________ as the blizzard began. 5.We could hear the weather _______________ as it flashed across the television screen. 6.Many animals were _________________ after the flood and had to be rescued from rooftops. 7.They could see the ___________ light of the lighthouse as they made their way towards the coast. 8.Animals could bee see _____________ from the woods away from the wildfire. 9.Radio ____________ was poor due to the downed communication tower. 10.The rescuers could hear the _____________ cries for help from the survivors of the earthquake trapped beneath the rubble. 11.The _____________ skies let the forecasters know that dangerous weather was approaching. 12.The activity beneath the waters surface caused ____________ to be scattered across the lake. 1.Which word goes with a cell phone? Why? Word Association Challenge 2.Which word goes with a Christmas tree? Why? 3.Which word goes with a cancelled airline flight? Why? 4.Which word goes with a football team? Why? 5.Which word goes with a SOS signal? Why? 6.Which word goes with a skyscraper? Why? Tell Me What You Know 1.List occupations that could be considered treacherous. 2. What are some situations which may cause an alert to be issued? 3. Name items that need a good reception to work properly. 4. What are some reasons lights may flicker?
