Shot List - The Last Drop




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Harry Preston - The last Drop Off

Draft 1 - 12/10/14

Shot No.LocationShot TypeAngle MovementLengthDialogueMusic & Sound EffectsDescription of ActionActorsEquipment

1Inside Isaac's carPovLow angleNo Movement 4Trunk slamming Issac is looking down into the trunk of the car and closes itIsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

2Isaac's CarMedium Low angleFollowing issacs feet6Opening and closing car doorIssac walks around the car and sits the driver seatIsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

3Isaac's CarLongLow angleNo Movement 5Car engine starting upIssac turns on the engine and drives our of shot IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

4Isaac's CarOTSLevelNo Movement 3Driving musicIssac drives in silent.IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

5Isaac's Car CloseHighNo Movement 3Driving musicIssac chanages gear IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

6Isaac's CarLongMediumNo Movement 4Driving musicIssac looks in the rear View.IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

7Drop Off pointExtremeMediumFollow car6Driving musicIssac's car pulls into a empty car park and stops on one side.IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

8Drop off point.OTSMedium No Movement 5SilenceIssacs car pulls in front of them and stops. The lights on his car flash and anderson puts the car into drive.Anderson, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

9Drop off point.long-closeLow No Movement 6SilenceAndersons car pulls in front of issac who is still in his car.Anderson, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

10Isaac's CarMedium LevelFollow Isaac4Isaac steps of of the car and stands in front of it. Anderson and the guard do the same.Anderson, Guard, IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

11Drop off point.Medium LevelNo Movement 4ANDERSON: "Evening rookie. Looks like your not dead then."Issac, Anderson, Guard engage in a conversation.Anderson, Guard, IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

12Drop off point.OTSLevelHand held sway3ISAAC: "Geez thanks for the confidence"Issac, Anderson, Guard engage in a conversation.Anderson, Guard, IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

13Drop off point.OTSLevelHand held sway5Anderson: "its just Ive seen a fair share of rookies crack in my timewell did you get it done?"!Issac, Anderson, Guard engage in a conversation.Anderson, Guard, IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

14Drop off point.OTSLevelHand held sway4ISAAC: "Do you really think I would be here if I didnt."Issac, Anderson, Guard engage in a conversation.Anderson, Guard, IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

15Drop off point.OTS LevelSlight pan to the side 4Screams from the trunk of the car. ISAAC: "Would you look at that, seems likes hes up"Screaming is heard from the trunk of the car.IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

16Drop off point.Medium level Tracking 3Issac walks around the the trunk and opens it up IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

17Drop off point.POVlowNo Movement 3ISAAC: "Rise and shine"Sound of hinge unlockingPoint of view from insde the trunk looking at isaac IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

18Drop off point.POVHighNo Movement 4Man in the trunk moaning Man in the trunk moaning with duct tape as issac reaches in to grab himMarkSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

19Drop off point.TwolevelNo Movement 4ANDERSON: "Would you look at that" MoaningTwo guards look at each other and wait for the man to be brougt over. Anderson, GuardSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

20Drop off point.LonglowPan up5ANDERSON: "you did good rookie didnt think you had it in you"Isaac stands next to mark facing the two guards.Anderson, Mark, Isaac, GuardSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

21Drop off point.TwoLevelNo Movement 5ISSAC: "You really do underestimate me Anderson. Ok lets talk business wheres the agreed amount."I saac is standing next to mark holding the back of his hands which I tied up.Isaac , MarkSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

22Drop off point.Medium/ Close LevelPan down4Pans down guard to show the duffle band in his hand. Which he then throws towards the ground infront of isaacGuardSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

23Drop off point.LonglevelNo Movement 5Issac pushed mark towards the anderson and the guard.Isaac, Anderson, Mark, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

24Drop off point.TwolevelNo Movement 3Anderson: "Thanks for your cp-operation"Guard turn mark around and kicks his back leg putting him on his knees. Guard, Anderson, Mark Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

25Drop off point.Medium LevelFollowing Isaacs hand as he picks up bag5ISAAC: "This isnt a co-operation. I'm Doing What I need to do"Issac walks over a picks up the blakc duffle bag.Isaac, Anderson, Mark, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

26Drop off point.Close up Level Following issac as he walks back to the car 3ANDERSON: "Evening Boss.. Yes we have him now. Yeha the boy did good"Issac walks back to his car with th emoney but is stops when andersons phone starts to ring Isaac, Anderson, Mark, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

27Drop off point.Close up levelNo Movement 2Issac leaning on the open car door about to get in.IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

28Drop off point.Medium Level No Movement 5ANDERSON: "Are you sure you want him to do this I mean hes only a rookie Ok sorry boss ill tell him now"Anderson is on the phone Anderson Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

29Drop off point.Close up Level No Movement 4ANDERSON: "Hay Isaac"Isaac lifts his head IssacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

30Drop off point.Medium High Zoom in on bag5ANDERSON: "See that bag right there how would you like to make a couple more just like it?"Issac looks at the bag and then back at Anderson Anderson Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

31Drop off point.Medium LevelNo Movement 3ISAAC: "I Know when to get out"Issac gets back into the car.Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

32Drop off point.Medium, From car seat LevelSlight movemnt 6ANDERSON: "Listen Issac I think youre a smart Man with a very good future ahead of him. I know you will make the right choice"Anderson walks over to the car window and opens his brief case and gives isaac a bunch of folders Issac, AndersonSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

33Drop off point.Close up HighNo Movement 4Close up of the folders.Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

34Drop off point.Medium, From car seat LevelNo Movement 3Anderson "Just Think About it"Anderson walks away from the window and back over to his car infront of MarkIsaac, Anderson, Mark, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

35Drop off point.Extreme LevelNo Movement 8Gun Shot.Isaac drives away fron the meeting point and as he levels the shot anderson shots Mark Isaac, Anderson, Mark, Guard Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

36Isaacs CarMedium LevelNo Movement 4Issac drives and keeps looking over to Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

37Isaacs CarLong lowNo Movement 3Isaacs car pulls over on the side of the road. Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

38Isaacs CarMedium Level No Movement 4Hand break sound Issac picks ups the folders fron the seat next to them and looks at them and smiles Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

39Isaacs CarMedium LevelNo Movement 3Music begins to play Isaac smiles and drives away. Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting


41Dining room Long LevelZoom 4Music continues playing Issac is standing at the end of the table looking at the files Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

42Dining room Close up high zoom 3Music continues playing Zooms in on a file Issac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

43Park LongLevelNo Movement 8Music continues playing A man is sitting on a bench reading a news paper (Covering his face) and jogger runs past him. Issac, Victim 1 Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

44Park OVSHigh None 6Music continues playing The over the shoulder shot reviles isaacs is looking at a files behind the newspaper and turns his head slightly to the left to show him watching the runner. He sees him turn back around so isaac stands upand walks towards him.Issac, Victim 1 Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

45Park Medium LevelTracking 8VICTIM 1: Hay man watch where your going. Music continues playing Issac walks past the runner with his head down and accidnetily slips into him. The victim continues to run but starts to become unstable. Issac lifts his hand and counts down from 3 with his fingers on 0 the runner falls to the floor. Isaac them smiles and removes a sering fron his sleave. He then turns around and starts walking towards the runners bodyIssac, Victim 1 Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

46Park Medium Low None 4Music continues playing Victim 1 is dragged out of shot.Victim 1Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

47Drop off point.Medium Two shot LowNone 4Music continues playing Shot from Inside the Trunk as it opens. Issac opens the trunk and anderson is next to him and hands isaac a black bag. The boot then closes. Isaac, Anderson Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

48Tailor Medium Level None 5Music continues playing Gets new suit mesured.Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

49Elavator Medium Pan Level Pan 5Victim 2: Wait hold the lift. Music continues playing Shot of folder with mans picture on it on the floor, this then pans up to a man frantically runs over to the lift wearing a suit and brief case inhand. Victim 2Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

50Elavator OVSLevelNo Movement 4Victim 2: Wait wait.Music continues playing A arm is reaching out of the lift holding the doors open. Victim 2, Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

51Elavator Medium Two shot LevelNo Movement 5Victim 2: Thanks.(Breathing heavilly)Music continues playing Isaac is standing in the lift next to himand as the doors close he slowoly looks over to the victimVictim 2, Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

52Elavator Medium High No Movement 4Music continues playing Victims 2 Body is dragged out of the lift. Victim 2, Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

53Drop off point.Medium Two shot LowNone 4Music continues playing Shot from Inside the Trunk as it opens. Issac opens the trunk and anderson is next to him and hands isaac a black bag. The boot then closes. (Different Clothes Isaac, Anderson Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

54House Long LevelNo Movement 5Music continues playing Isaac buys a new house Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

55Music continues playing Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

56Music continues playing Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

57Music continues playing Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

58Music continues playing Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

59Drop off Point Medium Two shot LowNo5Music continues playing The trunk of the car keeps opening and closing and anderson hands isaac a bag of money. Issac, Anderson Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

60House LongLevelNo6Music ends Issac drives his car into his new house and the music stops when he turns the car off. Issac gets out. IsaacSony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

61House Medium LevelTracking 5Isaac walks over to his fron door and gets his keys out. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

62House Close up LevelNo4Issac goes to put his keys in the door but before he can he relises the door is open slighlty and pushes it. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

63House Medium Level No Movement 5Door creaking Shot from inside as the door slowly swings open and issac is standing in the porch. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

64House Close up Eye level No Movement 4Issac turns around and looks out into the fields. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

65House POVLevel Sway with eye momvemnt 6Pov of isaac looking around thew garden. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

66House Close up Eye level No Movement 4Isaac walks into the house and closes the door behind him. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

67House Long Eye level Infornt of him tracking 6Isaac is walking down the corridoor slowly and cautiously. And slolwy removes his gun from his back. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

68House Long LevelNo Movement 6Door opening and slamming, Light switch noise Issac opens a door looks in to check and then closes the door. (1)Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

69House Long LevelNo Movement 6Door opening and slamming, Light switch noise Issac opens a door looks in to check and then closes the door. (2)Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

70House Long LevelNo Movement 6Door opening and slamming, Light switch noise Issac opens a door looks in to check and then closes the door. (3)Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

71House Long LevelNo Movement 6Door opening and slamming, Light switch noise Issac opens a door looks in to check and then closes the door. (4)Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

72House Medium HighNo Movement 4Isaac walks over to his desk and places the gun on it and walks away. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

73House Medium Low No Movement 5Issac walks over to the babenit and pours himself a small amount of jack daniels and walks away. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

74House Medium Level No Movemnt 6Moaning noise Isaac sits behind his desks and places the drink onto the table. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

75House Medium Level Nomovemnt 3Issac leans forward and starts to read some papers. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

76House Medium Level Nomovemnt 3Fade to isaac still reading but this time with his head on his arm. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

77House Medium Level Nomovemnt 3Thud noise Fade to isaac Asleep on the desk. When he hears a thud noise which wakes him up. He stands up and beguns to walk over to the window. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

78House Long (Outside) Level No Movemnt 5Issac walks over to the window and stairs out. With one arm lent on the window. Isaac Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

79House Close up Level (Side)Pan 4Click noise of a pin being pulled back on a gun. Issac jumps at this sound and slolwy turns around. To see a man in a balaclva standing there pointing a gun at him. (Shacking a little) Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

80House Medium Low Focus change from Isaacs face to empty table where the gun was left. 4Issac looks over at the table to see a gun but its not there. Then retuns to look back at carter who is holding it. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

81House Medum Level No movment 3Carter has his hand up and is Shivering. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

82House Shot reverse shot. Level No Movement 15ISAAC: I would highly recommend you dont do what your thinking about doing. CARTER: Stay back ISAAC:This is only going to work out bad for you. CARTER: Im warning you. ISAAC: So Put the Gun down and lets talk about this. Issac starts to slowly walk over to carter Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

83House Medium Level No Movement 4Clicking noise of empty gun. Carter trys to fire the gun but it is empty. He trys to fire 4-5 times. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

84House Two Level Shake on hit5ISAAC: big mistake. Issac leaps forward and grabs the gun following through with grabbing his neck,Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

85House OvslevelShake on hit 3ISAAC: Next time bring your own gun.Punching noises Issac holds him up by his neck and then hits him with the gun he just disamred. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

86Interrigation Close up Level No Movement5ISAAC: Your going to shut the fuck up and listen.Gun Click noiseIssac pulls of carters balaclarva and puts a gun up to his mouth. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

87Interrigation Long Side View level No Movement 6ISAAC: I know why youre here I found the files in your bag. Issac still holding a gun to carters head with a files in his hand. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

88Interrigation Close up High No Movement 4CARTER:(Trys to speak) ISAAC: ah,ah,ahhh Issac stops carter from speaking. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

89Interrigation Medium Low No Movement4So You work for anderson. I work for him too. Infact its coming up to about 3 years now. Isaac looks over at the files and then back at carter, still with the gun pointed at him. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

90Interrigation Medium Level Side No Movement 5ISSAC: I'm Guessing this is your first job huh?... Consider yourself lucky im your first target or yours brains would be splattered all over the wall by now. Issac walks over and leans of the fire place. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

91Interrigation Long Level No Movement 3ISAAC: I'm going to give you some slack I had a first target too, I know whats its like. Carter is looking aroundIsaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

92Interrigation Medium Low No Movement 5ISSAC: How much are they paying you? Isaac turns to face carter who sits there without saying a word and looks away. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

93Interrigation Close up levelNo Movement 5CARTER:.Carter sits there quitley. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

94Interrigation Medium Low No Movement 4ISSAC: I asekd you a question. Issac Keeps looking over to Carter sitting on the chairIsaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

95Interrigation Close up Level No Movment 4CARTER: EighEighEighty Six Thousand. Carter lifts his head and speaks to Isaac Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

96Interrigation Medium Level Tracking him walking 6ISSAC: Really, Thought I would be worth more than that. (Chuckles)Isaac starts to walk around the room, looking at the folder again. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

97Interrigation OVS Isaacs Level Change focus 5CARTER: Youre a deadman Issac, You hear me Finshed. Focus on isaacs face and then chnages focus to carter in the back. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

98Interrigation Medium Level no Movement 6ISAAC: Oh quite the contary, Ive only just begun. Shot from carter with isaacs back turned. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

99Interrigation Close up Level No Movement 6CARTER: You kill me and more will come. If you cut of the head two more will grow.Carter sitting in the chair. Talking to isaacIsaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

100Interrigation OVS Carters Level No Movement 7ISAAC: see what your not undertsanding here is if heads keep growing I can keep cutting ISAAC: but what if you dont have to die right now. Isaac turns around and starts to walk towards Carter and puls out a chair and sits infront of him. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

101Interrigation Shot reverse shot. Level No Movement 15ISAAC: I'm Going to make you a deal (contiunue) Issac sits infront of carter and makes a deal with him. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

102Interrigation Side medium LevelNo Movement 6ISAAC: Do we have a deal. Isaac reaches his hand out for carter to shake. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

103Interrigation OVS Isaacs Level No Movement 6CARTER: OK, ok we have a deal. I wouls shake your hand but mine are kinda tied upCarter trys to put his arm forward. Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting

104Interrigation OVS Carter Level No Movement 5ISAAC: Good choice. So heres what we are goin going to do. .Issac leans in Isaac, Carter Sony Camera, Boom Mic, Lighting
