Shrine Herald · Shrine Herald Royal Oak, MI www ... Covenant; it is he himself ... exhortation to...


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Shrine Herald Royal Oak, MI

“We proclaim Jesus as Lord and ourselves as servants for His sake.”

December 2, 2012 First Sunday of Advent

Holy Day December 8

Next Saturday, December 8, is the Solemnity of the

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

and a Holy Day of Obligation. On Holy Days of

Obligation, all Catholics are obliged to make every

reasonable effort possible to attend the celebration of

the Holy Mass.

Normally when a Holy Day falls on a Saturday or a

Monday, the obligation to attend Mass is mitigated.

There are 2 exceptions, Christmas and the feast of the

patron of a nation. Because the patron of the United

States of America is the Blessed Virgin Mary under the

title of the Immaculate Conception, the day remains a

day of obligation even though it falls on a Saturday this


Given the times in which we live, and the many

challenges facing our nation and the world, it is most

appropriate for us to gather and celebrate the

Eucharist seeking the protection and assistance of our

national patron, the Blessed Virgin Mary. For this

reason, there are extra Masses on Saturday morning

next week.

On Saturday December 8, the Masses for the Holy

Day will be at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am and 12:30

pm. The regular Masses on Saturday evening will be

the Masses of the Second Sunday of Advent.

Sacraments of Initiation

The Celebration of the Eucharist

(from the Catechism of the Catholic Church)

1346 The liturgy of the Eucharist unfolds according to a

fundamental structure which has been preserved

throughout the centuries down to our own day. It

displays two great parts that form a fundamental unity:

• the gathering, the liturgy of the Word, with

readings, homily and general intercessions;

• the liturgy of the Eucharist, with the presentation of

the bread and wine, the consecratory

thanksgiving, and communion.

The liturgy of the Word and liturgy of the Eucharist

together form "one single act of worship";170 The

Eucharistic table set for us is the table both of the Word

of God and of the Body of the Lord.171


Notes from Monsignor Easton

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Day of Obligation

Saturday, December 8

Mass Schedule

7:30, 9:00, and 10:45 am,

and 12:30 pm

Page 2 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Please pray for

the repose of

the soul of

Verda Arlene Reid

Advent Giving

It’s time to renew our hearts and souls to welcome Jesus in the many

ways He presents Himself to us. One of those ways is to recognize Him in

the faces of our brothers and sisters in need.

This is the final weekend of our book collection. These will become

part of a gift package prepared by the Ladies of Charity, Catholic women who

serve those in great need. Some of the 900 families are served through the Jail

Ministry, Catholic Social Services and the Pontiac area parishes. We are very

grateful for NEW, unwrapped books of interest to children ages 2 through 18.

Thanks to Molly Daly for coordinating and securing them until they are

picked up this week. May every parent help a child learn to love reading.

We are on our way to having 1000 pairs of tube new Socks for the Jail

Ministry Christmas bags. Collection bins are in the vestibules, or socks may

be dropped off at the office during the week. These are due by

December 9. Thank you!

Our Giving Tree invites you to make a generous cash or check donation to help

many of our core city Catholic ministries for children, the homeless, and

the elderly in need. Families who eat at the Soup Kitchens receive help,


New Gift Cards are also appreciated by many of those projects

that request our help. Checks may be written to Shrine Church Giving

Tree and dropped in the collection or at the parish office.

Truly it is more blessed to give than to receive. Every sacrifice

you make will be given with prayer and love to those in need of the

hope and peace of Christmas.

Sister Noreen and Shrine Christian Service Committees

248.541.4122. ext. 411

“Welcome Inn” Homeless Ministry Volunteer Orientation

The Welcome Inn, the day center and services for our area homeless population,

will be located in the Starr Presbyterian Church this year, at 13 Mile and Crooks.

Parishioner, Norma R, is a very active board member of the South Oakland Citizens

for the Homeless, and many of our parishioners donate time, skills, and casseroles to

this day program.

Roy Watson, coordinator invites all volunteers, new and experienced. Roy

encourages nurses, or nurse assistants who would like to volunteer to help on a

particular day, to contact him at 248.885.4881. The Welcome Inn will be open from

mid-December through mid-March 2013. Orientation at Starr Presbyterian Church,

Wednesday, November 28 at 6:30 pm.

Please pray for

the sick of our parish

Eugene Bienkowski

Jack Brady

Alfred Bucci, Sr.

Garret Burtwell

Elsa Castagneto

Deanna Conway

Carl Culver

Betty Faris

Prudi Hillert

Donald Holden

Joylene Jabboori

William F. Janelle III

Robert Kimble

Jim Kowalski

Mrs. Louis Krige

Jan Lubic

Meghan Malley

Robert Maybee

Christina Nardone

Yukie Ota

Robert Perry

Eileen Quenneville

Jim Ross

Emily Sobeck

Deanna Swincicki

Cecelia VanAntwerp

Cecilia Vargo

Karl Wolfe

Bonnie Zook

Healing Service

Emmanuel Healing Ministry invites you to come to a Healing Service on Thursday,

December 6 at the National Shrine of the Little Flower from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

Confessions will be available at 6:20 pm. Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing

of the Sick will be offered followed by the opportunity to be prayed over for any

intention. Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, will preside. Call Margaret Williams 248.477.0767 for

information. December 2, 2012 Page 3

continued from page 1 Bearings ...

The movement of the celebration

1348 All gather together. Christians come together in one place for the Eucharistic assembly.

At its head is Christ himself, the principal agent of the Eucharist. He is high priest of the New

Covenant; it is he himself who presides invisibly over every Eucharistic celebration. It is in

representing him that the bishop or priest acting in the person of Christ the head (in persona

Christi capitis) presides over the assembly, speaks after the readings, receives the offerings,

and says the Eucharistic Prayer. All have their own active parts to play in the celebration,

each in his own way: readers, those who bring up the offerings, those who give communion,

and the whole people whose "Amen" manifests their participation.

1349 The Liturgy of the Word includes "the writings of the prophets," that is, the Old Testament,

and "the memoirs of the apostles" (their letters and the Gospels). After the homily, which is an

exhortation to accept this Word as what it truly is, the Word of God,173 and to put it into

practice, come the intercessions for all men, according to the Apostle's words: "I urge that

supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings, and all

who are in high positions."174

1350 The presentation of the offerings (the Offertory). Then, sometimes in procession, the bread

and wine are brought to the altar; they will be offered by the priest in the name of Christ in the

Eucharistic sacrifice in which they will become his body and blood. It is the very action of

Christ at the Last Supper - "taking the bread and a cup." "The Church alone offers this pure

oblation to the Creator, when she offers what comes forth from his creation with

thanksgiving."175 The presentation of the offerings at the altar takes up the gesture of

Melchizedek and commits the Creator's gifts into the hands of Christ who, in his sacrifice, brings

to perfection all human attempts to offer sacrifices.

1352 The anaphora: with the Eucharistic Prayer - the prayer of thanksgiving and consecration -

we come to the heart and summit of the celebration:

In the preface, the Church gives thanks to the Father, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit, for all his

works: creation, redemption, and sanctification. the whole community thus joins in the

unending praise that the Church in heaven, the angels and all the saints, sing to the thrice-

holy God.

1353 In the epiclesis, the Church asks the Father to send his Holy Spirit (or the power of his

blessing 178) on the bread and wine, so that by his power they may become the body and

blood of Jesus Christ and so that those who take part in the Eucharist may be one body and

one spirit (some liturgical traditions put the epiclesis after the anamnesis).

In the institution narrative, the power of the words and the action of Christ, and the power of

the Holy Spirit, make sacramentally present under the species of bread and wine Christ's body

and blood, his sacrifice offered on the cross once for all.

1354 In the anamnesis that follows, the Church calls to mind the Passion, resurrection, and

glorious return of Christ Jesus; she presents to the Father the offering of his Son which reconciles

us with him.

In the intercessions, the Church indicates that the Eucharist is celebrated in communion with

the whole Church in heaven and on earth, the living and the dead, and in communion with

the pastors of the Church, the Pope, the diocesan bishop, his presbyterium and his deacons,

and all the bishops of the whole world together with their Churches.

1355 In the communion, preceded by the Lord's prayer and the breaking of the bread, the

faithful receive "the bread of heaven" and "the cup of salvation," the body and blood of Christ

who offered himself "for the life of the world":179

Because this bread and wine have been made Eucharist ("eucharisted," according to an

ancient expression), "we call this food Eucharist, and no one may take part in it unless he

believes that what we teach is true, has received baptism for the forgiveness of sins and new

birth, and lives in keeping with what Christ taught."180

Rosie, Carlito & Lord Stanley

Rosie is older. Lord Stanley is bigger. Carlito is LOUDER. All is well in the animal kingdom.

Baptized in Christ

Aiden Nader son of

Nader and Janeen

(Boji) Fakhouri

Katherine Claire

daughter of Michael

and Kelly(Cashen)


Matto Rassaele son of

Fabio and Roula

(Korkis) Agostinelli

Zoey Elizabeth daughter

of Andrew and Nicole

(Druschke) Hill

Divine Life

Page 4 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Mass Information

Monday, December 3

6:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Servers Henry True, Joey Lynch

8:30 am Fr. Espinoza

Servers Katy Zink, Carolyn Luddy

Tuesday, December 4

6:30 am Mass Fr. Camilleri

Servers Katie Arce, Kira Jenkins

8:30 am Mass Fr. Lang

Servers Marie Vidosh, Rose Vidosh

Wednesday, December 5

6:30 am Mass Fr. Lang

Servers Anthony Massucci, A.J. Massucci

8:30 am Mass Fr. Espinoza

Servers Elijah Harbut, Luke Cerone

Thursday, December 6

6:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Servers Owen Smith, Blake Smith

8:30 am Mass Fr. Camilleri

Servers Lydia Moylan, Claire Cerone

Friday, December 7

6:30 am Mass Fr. Espinoza

Servers Stephen Klimushyn, Ian Grimes

8:30 am Mass Fr. Lang

Servers Catherine Warner, Elizabeth Warner

Saturday, December 8—Holy Day of Obligation

The Immaculate Conception of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

7:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Lector Phil Clark

Servers Dominic Romano, Patrick Romano,

Alex Sobeck, Joey Lynch

9:00 am Mass Fr. Lang

Lectors Children TBA

Servers Madelyne Luddy, Maureen Luddy

Carolyn Luddy, Colleen Hull

10:45 am Mass Fr. Camilleri

Lector Van Rohr

Servers Christian Rozanski, Brad Chaklos

Andrew North, Sean Ruhle

Emcee Mark Ruhle

12:30 pm Mass Fr. Espinoza

Lector Rebecca Joseph

Servers David Zobl, Dmitri Krick, Ben Vidosh

Nikolas Wills

Sunday, December 9

Second Sunday of Advent

Vigil Masses (on Saturday)

4:30 pm Fr. Camilleri

Lectors Lisa Pickering, Kay Cyrek

Servers Marie Vidosh, Rose Vidosh

Sarah Zobl, Allie Wagner

Hospitality Margie Suchyta, Team

6:30 pm Mass Fr. Espinoza

Lectors John Sier, Rebecca Joseph

Servers Michael Grace, Jack Grace

Joe Romano, Dan Romano, Luke Cerone

Hospitality Gerald Schaffran, Team

Sunday Masses

7:30 am Mass Fr. Lang

Lectors Marjie Chouinard, Donna McNamara

Servers Sam Ilkka, Matt Abell

Jacob Warren, Michael Niehaus

Hospitality MaryAnn Skaggs, Team

9:00 am Mass Fr. Camilleri

Lectors McKenna Lynch, Victor Carpenter

Emily Turner

Servers Brandon Whitmore, Hayden Haran

Stephen Klimushyn, Henry True

Hospitality Tony Recchia, Team

10:45 am Mass Msgr. Easton

Lectors Mark Mason, Jerry Sedick

Servers Andrew Jaeger, Niklas Jenkins

Erik Jenkins, Brian Palmer

Emcee Alex Bain

Hospitality Wayne Friedman, Team

12:30 pm Mass Fr. Lang

Lectors Joseph DeFauw, Dave Uchalik

Servers Irene Peaslee, Madeline Rozanski

Catherine Warner, Elizabeth Warner

Maria Ruhle

Hospitality Hugh Brennan, Team

4:00 pm—Spanish Mass Fr. Espinoza

6:00 pm Mass Fr. Espinoza

Lectors Gabrielle Schmidt, Jessica Klimushyn

Delaney Brown

Servers William Arce, Joe Arce

John Ginotti, Justin Cantrell

and Joel Marquard

Hospitality Tom Torma, Team December 2, 2012 Page 5

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

"I place myself in the presence of Jesus in the

Most Blessed Sacrament, contemplating Him as

the Redeemer and Sanctifier of my soul."

"He came with love to Bethlehem; He comes

with grace into our souls; He will come with justice

at the end of the world: Christ's triple coming, the synthesis of

Christianity, an invitation to a vigilant, trusting expectation,'Lift

up your heads, for your redemption is at hand!'...O my God,

Word of the Father, Word made flesh for love of us, You

assumed a mortal body in order to suffer and be immolated

for us. I wish to prepare for Your coming with the burning

desires of the prophets and the just who in the Old Testament

sighed after You, the one Savior and Redeemer. 'O Lord,

send Him who You are going to send...As You have promised,

come and deliver us!' I want to keep Advent in my soul, that

is, a continual longing and waiting for this great Mystery

wherein You, O Word, became flesh to show me the abyss of

Your redeeming, sanctifying mercy." - Divine Intimacy

Due to early Herald deadlines, contact Marie Lama at

248.655.0309 for the most up to date list of open Holy

Hours. Open Holy Hours: Sunday, Noon; Tuesday, 4 am;

Wednesday, 3, 4 am; Friday, 11 am; Saturday, 1 am. The

following Holy Hours have persons who desire partners with

which to share their Holy Hours: Sunday, 10 am, 2, 3, 4 pm;

Monday, 10 am; Tuesday, 4 , 9 am, 7 pm; Wednesday, 2, 3

pm; Friday, 1, 2, 5 pm; Saturday, 4 pm; M-F, 1 pm.

Thank you to the anonymous donors of new plants in the

chapel! God bless you!!!

Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us!!!

Monday, December 3

St. Francis Xavier

6:30 am �Sharon Coyne

8:30 am �Joseph DeBella, III

Tuesday, December 4

St. John Damascene

6:30 am �Diane Margaret Ross

(5th Anniversary)

8:30 am �Charles Gottschalk

Wednesday, December 5

6:30 am �Rosemary Gilbert

8:30 am �Deceased Members of the

Dysarz, Feyers, and Wojcicki Families

Thursday, December 6

St. Nicholas

6:30 am �Elmer F. Schneider

8:30 am �Carol Hoolehan

Friday, December 7

St. Ambrose

6:30 am Perpetual Mass

8:30 am �Carol Hoolehan

Saturday, December 8—Holy Day

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed

Virgin Mary

7:30 am �Dr. Juanito C. Tang

9:00 am Intentions of the

Benefactors of NSLF

10:45 am Intentions of the

Parishioners of NSLF

12:30 pm Intentions of the

Staff of NSLF

Sunday, December 9

Second Sunday of Advent

Vigil Masses (on Saturday)

4:30 pm �Clementime Groesbeck

6:30 pm �Joe Coyne

Sunday Masses

7:30 am �Albert Gassmann

9:00 am �Mary Selewski

10:45 am Special Intention

12:30 pm �Dr. John Paul Mehall

6:00 pm Intentions of the

Parishioners of NSLF

Mass Intentions

Monday, December 3

Is 2:1-5

Mt 8:5-11

Tuesday, December 4

Is 11:1-10

Lk 10:21-24

Wednesday, December 5

Is 25:6-10a

Mt 15:29-37

Thursday, December 6

Is 26:1-6

Mt 7:21, 24-27

Readings of The Week

Friday, December 7

Is 29:17-24

Mt 9:27-31

Saturday, December 8

Gn 3:9-15, 20

Eph 1:3-6, 11-12

Lk 1:26-38

Sunday, December 9

Bar 5:1-9

Phi l 1:4-6, 8-11

Lk 3:1-6

Page 6 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Sgt. Daniel J. Allen, US Army

Maj. Eric Ansorge PhD, US Army

Patrick Paul Atallah, USMC

Christopher Babcock, USAF

Envin E. Billings, US Army

Cpl. James Bolitho, USMC

Corey Brady, US Navy

Capt. Matthew Cain, US Army

Pat Carroll, USAF, Shrine ‘61, MIA

Crisanto R. Delos, USCG

Lt. Joseph W. Doman, US Navy

Col. Thomas M. Doman, USMC

Specialist Raymond Dorierty

PV2-E2 Melissa Ducastel, US Army

Capt. Elena Elwart, US Army

Lt. Jason D. Everts, US Army

Thomas Fern, USAF

LCpl. Sarah Fitzpatrick, USMC

Sean Gillion, US Army

Lt. Cmdr. Troy Perry Glendye, USCG

Joseph Haddad, USMC

Capt. Richard Holt, USAF

SSgt. Philip Huber, USMC

Cpt. Kevin Joyce - US Army

Jacob Kindl, USMC

Andrew Kostrzewa, US Navy


Lt. Nicholas Robert Langan, US Army

Peter Laperriere, US Navy

Brian MacKenzie, USAF

Sgt. Jonathan D. Maten, US Army

GS13 Dan Marem MI BN

Spec. Ryan McWilliams, US Army Rangers

Capt. Christopher Mellon, USMC

Sgt. Beau G. Messer, US Army

Sgt. Eric Michael Mihelcich, USMC

LCpl. Troy Alan Mihelcich, USMC

Aaron Mingle, US Navy

Sgt. Alan Mullin, US Army

Airman Sean P. O’Dell, USAF

Spec. Kevin C. Oldani, F.A.S.T. USMC

Capt. Daniel P. Palmer, US Army

Lt. John F. Palmer, US Army

Lt. Martin J. Palmer, US Army

Lt. Col. Loren D. Penney, US Army

Sam Piontkowski, USMC

1st Capt. Johnny Pruitt, ASAF

Anthony Reynolds, USAF

Maj. David N. Roberts, USMC

Lt. Col. Eric J. Simpson, FA

Capt. Michael Szalma, US Army

Spec. David Wittla, US Army

1st Private Wyatt Wray, USMC

Please pray for our Military


Just a reminder, please notify us when you

have additions to the Military prayer list, or

when one of our Military members can be

taken off the prayer list.

Thank you!

Life Matters

As we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception, may

we model Mary’s trust in God.

“O Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all, we turn to you

today as the one who said "Yes" to Life. "You will conceive and bear

a Son," the angel told you. Despite the surprise and the uncertainty

about how this could be, you said yes. "Be it done unto me

according to your word." Mary, we pray today for all mothers who

are afraid to be mothers. We pray for those who feel threatened and

overwhelmed by their pregnancy. Intercede for them, that God may

give them the grace to say yes and the courage to go on. May they

have the grace to reject the false solution of abortion. May they say

with you, "Be it done unto me according to your word." May they

experience the help of Christian people, and know the peace that

comes from doing God's will. Amen. (Priests for Life) December 2, 2012 Page 7

Events Calendar Lending Library

In this busy world, The Sacrament of the

Present Moment by

J e a n - P i e r r e D e

Caussade, (Translated

by Kitty Muggeridge

from the original text of Self-

Abandonment to Divine Providence) can

help one pause and re-prioritize. "In this

superb new translation of the celebrated

spiritual classic of wisdom, hope and

inspiration De Caussade offers guidance

for daily living in communion with God

[and]. . . shows how God speaks to us

through every moment of every

day. These timeless spiritual reflections

probe the mystery of faith, illuminate the

nature of authentic contemplation, and

help us recognize and carry out God's

purpose in our own lives. They stand as

powerful testimony to De Caussade's

conviction 'that there is nothing easier,

more ordinary, more available to all than

saintliness' ". (back cover) Section 1,


Lending Library hours are Sundays from

10 am to 2 pm, and Fridays from 9:15 am

to Noon, in the National Shrine

Conference Center, Room C (across the

alley from the Northwood parking lot). For

information call Kathy McGuire at

248.541.6834 or JoAn Gilleran at


Events Calendar Location Guide

A Academy

AC Adoration Chapel,

Coughlin Building

CC-SH Conference Center, Seton Hall

CC-A Conference Center, Room A

CC-B Conference Center, Room B

CC-C Conference Center, Room C

CL Choir Loft

CR Choir Room

GS Grade School

HH-BR Heritage Hall Board Room

HH-B Heritage Hall Mtg. Rm. B

HH-EW Heritage Hall East Wing

HH-WW Heritage Hall West Wing

HH-MF Heritage Hall Main Floor

HS High School

STC St. Thérèse Chapel

YR Youth Room

Sunday, December 2

First Sunday of Advent

Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;

12:30 pm and 4:00 (Spanish)

and 6:00 pm

RF Preschool

YR 9:00 am

Lending Library

CC-C 10:00 am

Vine for Girls

CC-SH 4:30 pm

Rosary for the Unborn

STC 5:00 pm

CREW Youth Group

YR 7:00 pm

Monday, December 3

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Girl Scout Junior Troop #42412

YR 3:15 pm

RF Reconciliation

Church 4:30 and 6:30 pm

RF Grades K-2

GS Classrooms 4:30 pm

RCIA for Children

CC-SH 5:00 pm

RF Grades 7-8

Church 6:15 pm

Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting

HH-BR 7:00 pm

Legion of Mary Meeting

CC-B 7:30 pm

Tuesday, December 4

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

GS Reconciliation

Church 9:30 am

Mission Ladies Sewing/Quilting Group

CC-A 10:00 am

Vine for Girls

CC-SH 4:30 pm

Cub Scouts Pack #1634

GS-Café 6:30 pm

40 Days for Life Meeting

CC-B 7:00 pm


STC 6:45 pm

Boy Scout Troop #1634

YR 7:00 pm

USB Meeting

HH-BR 7:30 pm

Love of God Prayer Group

STC 8:00 pm

Wednesday, December 5

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Men’s Bible Study

CC-A 6:30 am

Special Needs Religious Formation

CC-SH, B 5:00 pm

Shrine Cub Scouts

GS-Café 6:00 pm

Altar Server Training

Church 7:00 pm


CC-A 7:00 pm

Militia Immaculata Prayer Village

HH-B 8:00 pm

Thursday, December 6

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Shrine HS Mothers’ Club Pinochle Group

CC-SH 10:30 am

Grupo de Renovacion Carismatico

YR 6:00 pm

Healing Mass

Church 7 :00 pm

Militia Immaculata Prayer Village

HH-B 8:00 pm

Friday, December 7

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Homeschool Group

YR 9:00 am

Lending Library

CC-C 9:15 am


CC-SH, A, B 9:30 am

Daisy Troop #70199

YR 3:00 pm

Girl Scout Troop #43068

CC-B 7:00 pm

Saturday, December 8—Holy Day

The Immaculate Conception of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

Masses 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 am,

and 12:30 pm

Market Day Sale

GS-Gym & Café 9:30 am

Sunday Liturgy 4:30, 6:30 pm

Teams of Our Lady (TOOL) Gathering

CC-SH After 6:30 pm Mass

Sunday, December 9

Second Sunday of Advent

Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;

12:30 and 4:00 (Spanish)

and 6:00 pm

RF Preschool

YR 9:00 am

CFSC Family Event

HH-MF After 9:00 am Mass

Ladies’ Guild Christmas Tea

CC-SH 9:00 am

Lending Library

CC-C 10:00 am

Rosary for the Unborn

STC 5:00 pm

CREW Youth Group

YR 7:00 pm

Crisis Pregnancy?

Mother and Unborn Baby Care can

help! Call 248.559.7576

Hurting from an abortion


Call Silent No More 800.395.HELP

Miscarriage Help?

Call Colleen at 248.677.3094 or email:

Page 8 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Family Activities

Totally Catholic – Totally Holy Lego Build


Kids and adults alike are invited to submit a Catholic

theme entry in a Lego building contest. Drop-off for entries

start November 30. The announcement of winners will take

place after the 9 am Mass on December 9. See elsewhere

in this Herald for additional details.

Preschool Religious Formation

Christmas Break

Last class December 16

The last Preschool Religious Formation class

before Christmas break is December 16. Our

annual Christmas play takes place that day right after mass.

Please see the catechists for details!

Preschool classes resume Monday, January 6.

Elementary Religious Formation and

Sacramental Preparation

Religious Formation Reconciliation Service

Monday, December 3

Children in grades 3 – 6 who attend the 4:30

session will meet in their classrooms for

attendance before being escorted to the

church by their catechist.

Children in grades 3 – 6 who attend the 6:00

session should go directly to the church where

they will meet their catechist for attendance before the

service starts at 6:30. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME AND LOCATION

CHANGE for this date only!

For children in grades K – 2, classes will meet at the

normal time and place on December 3.

Christmas Eve Actors Needed

Calling all students grades 5 and up! Actors

are needed for the Christmas Eve Nativity Play.

Rehearsals, held in the church, are:

Tuesday, December 11, 6:30 – 8 pm AND

Thursday, December 20, 6:30 – 8 pm.

We have several parts to fill for our play to

be held during the 4 pm Mass, December 24. To

participate, you must be able to attend BOTH rehearsals, as

well as come early for the Mass on Christmas Eve. To

volunteer, email Mrs. Lynch at or

call 248.541.5133.

Christmas Break

Last class December 17

The last Religious Formation class before

Christmas break for children in grades K through

8 is December 17. Classes resume Monday, January 7.

Grades 7/8 Religious Formation

Religious Formation Reconciliation


Monday, December 3

Students in grades 7 and 8 should go

directly to the church where they will meet their

catechist for attendance before the service


CHANGE for this date only!

Christmas Break

Last class December 17

The last Religious Formation class before

Christmas break for children in grades K

through 8 is December 17. Classes resume Monday,

January 7.

Confirmation Servant Ministry Opportunities

Christmas Tree Sales

Variety of evening and weekend times

November 17- December 22

Calling all Confirmation Candidates!! Grab your dad

and come help the Shrine Dads Club sell Christmas trees!

This is a fun way to help our community celebrate this holy

season. A variety of times are available on evening and

weekends. Email Mrs. Cerone and she will send you the

link for the google document where you can see

available times and sign up. She will also send you the

Reflection Sheet. Please note that this project falls in the

“Communtiy Service” category in which all candidates

are limited to one project. You can reach Mrs. Cerone at

248.541.5133 or with the words

“Christmas Trees” in the subject line.

Wreaths Across America Remembrance


Saturday, December 15, 11:30 am, Oakview


“In honor of those who have had to spend a Christmas

away from home. In honor of those who never made it

home.” Help honor our veterans by participating in the

wreath laying ceremony. Confirmation candidates that

would like to be part of this powerful, nationwide event

may email Mrs. Cerone at

with the words “Wreath Ceremony” in the subject line or

call 248.541.5133. More information can be found at

Focus: HOPE Food Distribution

Saturday, December 8, 9 am, Ferndale Site

Parents and youth are needed to unload the truck for

the Focus: HOPE food distribution site. It is located in

Ferndale on 9 mile Rd at the OLHSA building (across from

the Police Station). To register, please contact Mrs. Cerone

at 248.541.5133 or with the

words "Focus Hope" in the subject line.

Religious Formation December 2, 2012 Page 9

C.R.E.W. High School Youth Ministry

Surrender: Status

Sunday, December 2, 7:30 to 9 pm

In high school we tend to put labels on the group of

friends we are in and ones that others associate with.

These labels start to define us and we get lost in our

status. This week we will learn how to surrender that

status to stand up for who we are as individuals.

Surrender: Sin

Sunday, December 9, 7:30 to 9 pm

Sin is something that we have a hard time avoiding

completely. This week we will figure out what sins are

worse than others and how we can try to live our lives

to fight sin.

Surrender: Self

Sunday, December 16, 7:30 to 9 pm

We need to work on our relationship with Christ

daily. We will take a look at how we can work on this

relationship and make this our number one relationship.

Fundraiser Alert!

C.R.E.W. members will be selling “Peel and Save”

cards for $10 until December 10 during the last three

weeks of November. These “Peel and Save” cards are

good throughout all of Oakland county at any Burger

King, Chicken Shack, Dominoes, Joe’s Crab Shack,

White Castle and many more with online discounts at

places like Best Buy, Target, Meijer and nine more

stores. If you are interested in purchasing a card,

please see a C.R.E.W. member or email to purchase one. Thank you

for your continued support of our teens!

Adult Religious Formation

Catholicism 101

7:00 to 9:00 pm; dates and topics listed below

Calling all parishioners! Want to brush up on basics of our

Catholic faith? Are you a Catechist working towards

certification? Do you desire to discuss the faith with others who

love the Lord? Then these evenings are for you! Judy Maten,

Director for the Office for Evangelization and Master Catechist,

will present a variety of topics focusing on our faith. All sessions

will be held in the Shrine Conference Center from 7-9 pm (unless

noted otherwise). Cost is $10 per session; there is no cost to

current Shrine Catechists and teachers. All Catechists in

attendance will receive credit towards the Archdiocese of

Detroit's Catechist Certification. To register, email Renee Cramer

at or call 248.541.5133.

NOTE: Please bring your Bible to any of the below topics you


Date: Topic (Catechist Certification Topic Number):

January 11 Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation

and Eucharist, Topic #10

February 8 Forming a Christian Community, Topic #13

March 22 Covenant Living: The Ten Commandments &

the Gospel, Topic #12

April 19 Dynamics of Faith, Topic #9

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Notice

The Christmas Sign Up Book is on the Mass Sign Up Table.

Please remember to volunteer to serve as a Minister when you attend Mass during the

Holiday Season. Because we always have many visitors during the Christmas Masses, we will

need more Ministers at each Service than normal. So, please come forward to serve.

If you have pre-signed up to serve, please check in with the Eucharistic Minister

Coordinator when you arrive for Mass.

Mass Coordinators Notice

Please sign up to serve at the Mass of your choice also. Thank You.

Page 10 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Market Day

Please support the Shrine Catholic Grade School and High School Mothers’ Clubs by ordering through

Market Day! The December specials include:

• FREE Pork Tenderloin with $90 online purchase. Promo Code: DECBONUS.�

• Cookie Bonus Days- The more cookies you buy, the more the school earns. Buy your cookies now for the

holiday season!�

• Great Holiday Gifts Available!

• Redeem Your FREE Carry-All Tote! If you’ve been participating in the Freequent Buyer® program, this is the

month to redeem your reward. If you made two purchases of $40* between September and November,

simply place a third $40* purchase this month to receive a FREE Carry-All Tote at your December sale pick-


You can order online until midnight on Monday, December 3 at, phone it in at

1.877.MD.APPLE or return your order form to the Grade School office by Thursday, November 29. The delivery

date is Saturday, December 8. Pick-up is from 9:30 to 10:30 am at the Grade School cafeteria. If you have

any questions, please call Lisa Cormier-248.809.9101 or Tricia Uhl-248.548.7569.

Mark your calendars!!! Market Day Sale Dates 2013

1/19/2013, 2/09/2013, 3/16/2013, 4/20/2013, 5/18/2013, 6/08/2013

Cookie & Candy Sale

Saturday, December 15, 4:30 & 6:30 Masses

Sunday, December 16, 7:30, 9:00, 10:45, 12:30, & 6:00 Masses

Heritage Hall

The proceeds of all sales and donations will help to send Shrine Parish teens to Rainbow 31 in Detroit

and the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis next November.

We will be selling individual cookies, brownies, rice krispie treats, and candies as well as offering plates

of assorted cookies for you to take to any holiday party you are attending that week! As a special treat,

we will also have sand art brownie and cookie jars for sale. These are a great way to make sweets fast or

also make great gifts!

This year we will also be featuring blank note cards that Fr. Anthony made to support the youth group.

Make sure to stop by our tables and support the teens at Shrine Parish.

C.R.E.W. Fundraiser Alert

Peel and Save cards are filled with coupons to many popular restaurants and stores. They are good

throughout all of Oakland county at any Burger King, Chicken Shack, Dominoes, Joe’s Crab Shack,

White Castle and many more with online discounts at places like Best Buy, Target, Meijer and nine more

stores. Cards are $10 a piece and make great stocking stuffers!

Buy a Peel and Save card from any one of our C.R.E.W. members or email Christine Wist at December 2, 2012 Page 11

Are you called to be a Vincentian?

The Vincentian Rule defines the essential elements of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul as

“Spirituality, Friendship, and Service.” Part of our service is helping those in the community

with their needs.

In October 2012, Shrine Vincentians met with 65 clients (affecting 108 total family

members) at the Shrine or in our clients’ homes. We were able to provide:

• 13 clients with non-perishables from our food pantry (food donated by parishioners during food drives) or

fresh-food vouchers.

• 4 clients with rent assistance that avoided eviction.

• 1 client was helped with a medical prescription(s).

• We joined with 5 other SVdP conferences in helping their clients with rental needs.

• 12 clients with bus tickets or transportation assistance to job or medical appointments.

• 1 was added to our Thanksgiving basket list.

• 35 clients were referred to the appropriate social service agency, such as South Oakland Shelter, Easter

Seals, Michigan Department of Human Services, Section 8 Housing, or their local SVdP Conference among

other agencies.

(Note: some clients receive multiple forms of assistance)

The National Shrine St. Vincent de Paul is in need of new members who hear the call of St. Vincent and

Blessed Frédéric Ozanam to serve the less fortunate in our Parish and community. Being a Vincentian is never

easy, but nothing this fulfilling ever is. Do you have a morning or afternoon to meet clients and change their


Call the National Shrine SVdP at 248.541.4122 and ask to be connected to the St. Vincent de Paul office.

Grade School Happenings

Music Notes

Christmas is a time of beautiful music. Young children learn the classic carols that adults so lovingly sing

year after year. Older students share the gift of Christmas music with others. As we grow older the Christmas

music that has been a part of our lives year after year is deeply rooted in our memories of the season, forever

linked to special time spent with family and friends.

The first and second grade students at the Grade School have spent the past months preparing to present

a Christmas program to their families. While telling the Christmas story of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethle-

hem and Jesus’ birth in the manger, the children lovingly share the traditional songs “Away in a Manger,” “The

First Noel,” “Joy to the World,” and others. In a meaningful way they learn the story and songs that we know

so well.

The fifth and sixth grade students who comprise Shrine’s choir, the Knights in Harmony, will present several

concerts this Christmas season. On December 4th

they will share the gift of music with the residents at Abbey

Nursing Home in Warren. The choir will perform beautiful Christmas music and then invite the residents to join

them in singing Christmas carols. And, as you can’t have Christmas without Christmas cookies, the parents

and children will bake cookies to share with the residents as well.

On December 19th

, the choir will perform a Christmas concert entitled “A Knight of Christmas Musings,” at

the Grade School. Music will include songs such as “What Can I Bring,” “Carol of the Bells,” “Walking in the

Air,” “We Need a Little Christmas,” and others. Parishioners are warmly welcome to join our audience of family

and friends at 6:30 pm in the gym.

Mrs. Warzecha

Page 12 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower December 2, 2012 Page 13


We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas

and a Happy and Blessed New Year!and a Happy and Blessed New Year!and a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Christmas DayChristmas DayChristmas Day

Tuesday, December 25Tuesday, December 25Tuesday, December 25

7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses

12:30 pm Mass and 12:30 pm Mass and 12:30 pm Mass and

4:00 pm Spanish Mass4:00 pm Spanish Mass4:00 pm Spanish Mass

No 6:00 pm MassNo 6:00 pm MassNo 6:00 pm Mass

Christmas VigilChristmas VigilChristmas Vigil

Monday, December 24Monday, December 24Monday, December 24

4:00 pm Children’s Mass4:00 pm Children’s Mass4:00 pm Children’s Mass

6:30 pm Mass6:30 pm Mass6:30 pm Mass

11:00 pm Musical Prelude11:00 pm Musical Prelude11:00 pm Musical Prelude

Midnight MassMidnight MassMidnight Mass

Sundays of AdventSundays of AdventSundays of Advent

First Sunday First Sunday First Sunday ––– December 2December 2December 2

Second Sunday Second Sunday Second Sunday ––– December 9December 9December 9

Third Sunday Third Sunday Third Sunday ––– December 16December 16December 16

Fourth Sunday Fourth Sunday Fourth Sunday ––– December 23December 23December 23

New Year’s EveNew Year’s EveNew Year’s Eve

Monday, December 31Monday, December 31Monday, December 31

4:30 and 6:30 pm Masses4:30 and 6:30 pm Masses4:30 and 6:30 pm Masses

New Year’s DayNew Year’s DayNew Year’s Day

Solemnity of MarySolemnity of MarySolemnity of Mary

Tuesday, January 1Tuesday, January 1Tuesday, January 1

9:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses9:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses9:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses

National Shrine of the Little FlowerNational Shrine of the Little FlowerNational Shrine of the Little Flower

Taize andTaize andTaize and

Communal Penance ServicesCommunal Penance ServicesCommunal Penance Services

Monday, December 17 Monday, December 17 Monday, December 17

at 7:00 pmat 7:00 pmat 7:00 pm

Page 14 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Year of Faith

Council Quotes

“At all times and in every

race, anyone who fears God

and does what is right has

been acceptable to him. He

has, however, willed to make

men holy and save them, not

as individuals without any bond

or link between them, but rather to make them into

a people who might acknowledge him and serve

him in holiness…”a chosen race, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation…who in times past were not a

people, but now are a people of God.” (Lumen

Gentium 9)

How do I experience myself as an essential part

of my parish community of faith?


O God, who have taught your people to love

you by loving our neighbor, grant us the grace to

be devoted to your entire family so that we may be

one people of faith. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ,

your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity

of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Amen. Pray for Vocations—31 Club

Pick a day of the month and

sign-up at the church entrance.

No Dues. No Meetings. Just Prayers.

If you know residents at the facility or you

would like to join us for Mass to pray and sing,

you are welcome. For more information,

contact Sister Noreen 248.541.4122, ext. 411.

WaltonWood Assisted Living

3450 West 13 Mile Rd

Monday, December 10, 9:30 am

American House Residence

1900 N. Washington (near Mary St.)

Friday, December 21, 10:00 am

Mass at Senior Centers

Adopt a Family for Christmas

As Christmas draws near, many local families are

struggling to meet direct financial needs – needs as

basic as food, prescription costs, rent, and utilities. The

families in need in our area represent every age and

ethnic origin, and reside in every county of the


Catholics can give an especially meaningful gift

this year by “adopting” one of these families for


You can help by participating in the Adopt a

Family program sponsored by the Archdiocese of

Detroit’s Department of Parish Life and Services. Each

family in need has been screened by sponsoring

parishes and agencies and is identified by a number

to remain confidential. Donors may request their gift

be given to a specific family or evenly split between

all families. All funds collected will be distributed

through the sponsoring parish or agency, not directly

by the Archdiocese of Detroit.

To read about the families in need, or to learn more

about the program, visit the Web at

adoptafamily, or call (313) 237-4696. Donations can

be made online through major credit cards. Those

wishing to donate by mail to the Adopt a Family

program should make checks payable to the

Department of Parish Life & Services. Send your

donation to the Department of Parish Life & Services,

305 Michigan Ave., 10th

Floor, Detroit, MI 48226. Be sure

to include your name and address if you would like to

receive an acknowledgement for tax purposes.

Year of Faith

Sts. Timothy and Maura from Egypt

Timothy lived in Penapeis at the Kemet Thebaid,

in the valley of the Nile. Both Timothy and his new

wife Maura studied scriptures. During the persecu-

tions of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Timothy was

turned in to the authorities for teaching Christianity

in the community. He steadfastly refused to surren-

der the holy and sacred books, and sacred vessels.

The Thebaid Governor ordered hot iron spits through

Timothy’s ears. They brought his wife Maura to pres-

sure him into worshiping idols. Maura did not do so,

and declared herself ready to die for Christ at her

husband’s side. The Governor ordered all her hair

pulled from her head, and her fingers chopped off.

She was then placed into a boiling water cauldron,

but she suffered no harm from the boiling liquid. Fi-

nally Timothy and Maura were nailed side by side to

a wall, where the two consoled each other for nine

days until their death. December 2, 2012 Page 15

Parish Office

2100 W. 12 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073-3910

Pastoral Staff

Parish Main Number .......................................................................................... 248.541.4122

Rev. Msgr. William H. Easton, Pastor .................................................................... ext 415

Rev. Joseph Lang, Assoc ...................................................................................... ext 412

Rev. Anthony Camilleri, Assoc ............................................................................. ext 419

Rev. Adalberto Espinoza, Assoc .......................................................................... ext 416

Rev. Mr. Thomas R. Avery, Deacon ..................................................................... ext 422

Christian Service, Sister Noreen Ellison, SC .......................................................... ext 411

Director of Liturgical Music, Mr. Rob Abbott ...................................................... ext 442

Parish Education & Religious Formation Staff

Shrine Catholic High School & Academy, 3500 W 13 Mile Rd. R.O. 48073

Principal, Mrs. Gabrielle Erken ..................................................................... 248.549.2925

Shrine Catholic Grade School, 1621 Linwood R.O. 48067

Principal, Mrs. Sharon Dixon ......................................................................... 248.541.4622

Director of Recruiting, Mrs. Meg Armstrong .................................................. 248.549.2925

Religious Education

Office Coordinator, Renee Cramer ........................................................... 248.541.5133

Preschool & Elementary Coordinator, Janie Lynch ................................. 248.541.5133

Youth Minister (9-12 grades), Christine Wist ............................................... 248.541.5133

Grades 7/8 Religious Formation, Michael Reece ..................................... 248.541.5133

Director of RCIA and Adult Formation, Mr. John LaCroix ....................... 248.374.9045

Parish Staff

Chief Financial Officer, Mrs. Andrea Safranski................................................... ext 432

Parish Accounting/Tuition Manager, Mrs. Tracy Vincent ................................. ext 421

Parish Receptionist, Mrs. Charlene Lewandowski ............................................. ext 410

Director of Special Projects, Mr. Kevin Sutherland ............................................ ext 414

National Shrine Director/Church Tours, Mr. Jack Hoolehan ............................ ext 418

Parish Solutions Specialist, Mrs. Vicki Holtyn........................................................ ext 448

Office Hours

Monday - Friday ........................................................................ 9 am-5 pm, 6:30 pm-9 pm

Saturday ........................................................................................................... 9 am-2:30 pm

Emergencies handled at any time.

Please limit other visits or phone calls to the above times.

Church Hours

Monday - Friday .............................................................................................. 5:30 am-5 pm

Saturday .................................................................................. 7:30 am-after 6:30 pm Mass

Sunday ..................................................................................... 6:30 am-after 6:00 pm Mass

Gift Shop Hours

Monday - Friday ................................................................................................... 1 pm-4 pm

Second Saturday of the Month ................................................................ 5:30 pm-6:30 pm

Second Sunday of the Month ....................................................................... 9:30 am-2 pm


Sunday ........................................................................ 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30, 6:00 pm

Saturday ..................................................................................... 8:30 am, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Weekday ........................................................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am

Holy Day ...................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

After 6:30 am Mass; Saturdays 3-4 pm and 5:30-6 pm.

Sacrament of Baptism

Sunday at 2 pm. Please contact Charlene Lewandowski in the Parish Office at ext 410.

Sacrament of Marriage

Parish members, please contact Charlene Lewandowski in the Parish Office at ext 410 at

least six months in advance.

Spiritual Care for the Sick and Homebound

Please notify the Parish Office or Sister Noreen at extension 411 if there is an illness,

hospitalization or need for homebound ministry. We will do our best to provide spiritual

support for our parishioners.

Parish Tours

Docents are on duty from 10 am-4 pm Monday-Saturday except during services. Groups of

10 or more call Jack Hoolehan at 248.541.4122, ext. 418 to schedule a time.

Shrine Herald

Submissions are due Monday by 1 pm. Articles should be emailed to to be considered for publication. For questions and/or

comments, please contact the Shrine Herald Editor.

While we urge our readers to consider patronizing our advertisers, we cannot and do not

endorse their conduct or performance. For information on advertising in the

Shrine Herald, please call 586.979.4241, ext. 326.

NATIONAL SHRINE of the Little Flower Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions

December 2012

General Intention: That

migrants throughout the

world may be welcomed

w i th genero s i t y and

authentic love, especially by

Christian communities.

Missionary Intention: Christ, light for all

humanity. That Christ may reveal himself

to all humanity with the light that shines

forth from Bethlehem and is reflected in

the face of his Church.

Shrine Devotional Groups

Rosary for the Unborn

The Rosary for the Unborn is said every

Sunday at 5 pm in the Adoration Chapel.

Mother of Perpetual Help and Chaplet

of Divine Mercy Devotions

Tuesdays at 6:45 pm in the St. Thérèse


Love of God—Charismatic Prayer


God blesses us abundantly. He is so

faithful and continues to pour His Spirit out

on us at the Tuesday night prayer

meetings. God encourages us to praise

Him. Consider joining us Tuesday evenings

at 8 pm in the St. Thérèse Chapel.

League of the Little Flower

Devotions to St. Thérèse are

held every second and fourth

Wednesday of the month at 7

pm. Please join us on

December 12 and 26 at 7 pm

in the St. Thérèse Chapel, as

we seek the intercession of St. Thérèse in

offering up our petitions to Our Lord.

Remembering her words, “I will spend my

heaven doing good on earth...I will let fall

a shower of roses.”

Holy Hour for Vocations

The Holy Hour for Vocations is held

every Wednesday at 7 pm in the Stone

Chapel at St. Hugo of the Hills.

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William M. Palm, DDS

Office (248) 398-6046




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