SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


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  • 7/30/2019 SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


    Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Soroptimists! I hope youall are having a very happy and blessed holiday season.

    As we enter the new year its a good time to reflect on 2012 and the good work thatwe have done. WOW, what a year! A major Soroptimist convention, an incrediblysuccessful fundraiser, hosts of District Meeting, lots of money and goodies raised

    for Hale Ola Windward Abuse Shelter, a three club service project, a fruitfulmembership drive and more. Phew! That is a lot, but I feel as though we are justgetting started.

    As we look ahead to 2013 there is much to look forward to. Our awards committeeis collecting applications and about to start the judging process for our WomensOpportunity Awards, Violet Richardson Award, and Ruby Award. This is theculmination of all our hard work. We get to see, first hand, the lives of women andgirls improved through these monetary awards.

    2013 will also bring us our 75th Anniversary. Our club has a long and wonderfulhistory. We will join together on the evening of February 27 th to celebrate thismilestone for our club. Make sure to save-the-date.

    Lastly, we will be taking an ALL CLUB PHOTO at our January Business andProgram meeting. I encourage you to attend so that we dont miss anyone. I hope tosee you all there!

    I am so thankful to you all for allowing me to serve asyour President and I look forward to another greatSoroptimist year.

    Cheers to an awesome 2013!


    Shawnee Hammer

    SI Honolulu President

    PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: Individually we can make a difference,together we can make an impact

    November-December 2012

    Volume 7, Issue 3

    Soroptimist International

    of Honolulu





  • 7/30/2019 SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


    SIH had the opportunity to Share the

    Light of Soroptimist at the Wahine

    Forum on October 26. Membership

    information was passed out to manyconference attendees.

    Wahine Forum

    Membership Drive Dinner

    SIH held a membership drive dinner at Nobu Waikiki on November 7, 2012. President Shawnee

    Hammer gave a presentation on the Soroptimist Organization and guests had the opportunity to get to

    know our members.

  • 7/30/2019 SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


    Our October Business and Program Meeting was held at

    the Nohona Kahala Community Clubhouse.

    A WHOO (We Honor Our Own) Award were presented to

    Paulette Suzuki for spearheading the organization of theDistrict VI meeting, to Jennifer A-Rahim for hosting and

    coordinating the October Clothing Swap event and to

    Mollye Lewis also for coordinating the Clothing Swap


    In lieu of a program speaker Mollye Lewis facilitated

    delightful ice breaker game for members and guests.

    October 24, 2012 Business and Program Meeting

    Hale Ola Holiday Party

    Under the leadership of Paulette Suzuki SIH was able to put together a wonderful holiday party for the

    staff and residents of the Hale Ola Windward Abuse Shelter. A delicious meal was provided by the

    Moana Surf Rider and Executive Chef Willis Chen. SIH members and members of Cross Fit East Oahu

    (owned by Keoni and Rose Subiono) contributed to a treasure chest of gifts for the residents. In

    addition SIH presented each woman at the shelter a H.O.P.E. ring with the wish that whenever they

    feel down or like giving up they can look at their hand and remember that there is HOPE in this world

    and that we are praying for them and will continue to be there for them.

    SIH members reaching out to the

    women of the them

    strength to be empowered and

    move forward.

    SIH members spending time at a

    local domestic violence shelter.

    Thank you to Crossfit East Oahu from

    SIH and the staff at Hale Ola.

  • 7/30/2019 SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


    On December 16 SIH members and guests celebrated Christmas at the Pacific Club. Merriment was had

    by all with food, gifts for the children and a grab bag gift exchange all followed by a trolley ride to view the

    Honolulu City Lights at Honolulu Hale.

  • 7/30/2019 SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


    3 Quarts Water 1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted1/2 tablespoon fine sea salt Zest of one lemon8 ounces whole wheat linguine 1/4 cup roughly chopped fresh basil leaves1/2 cup basil pesto1/2 cup oil packed julienned sun-dried tomatoes, drained

    In a stockpot over high heat, combine water with about 1 1/2 tablespoons salt. Bringwater to a boil, add linguine, and cook according to the package. When pasta is done,

    drain, reserving 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking water.

    Return pasta to pot and stir in the pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, about 3/4 of the pine nutsand the lemon zest. Add cooking water if needed. Plate and garnish with basil leaves and

    remaining pine nuts. Serve and enjoy.

    Contributed by : Shawnee Hammer


    Happy Birthday!


    July 7, 2012


    British Columbia

    Photo courtesy ofJasalyn Thorne Photographers

    - Hal Borland

    - Oprah Winfrey

  • 7/30/2019 SIH Newsletter Dec 2012


    January 8, 2013 February 27, 2013

    CBP 4th Floor Conference Room TBA

    January 23, 2013 March 5, 2013

    Waialae Country Club CBP 4th Floor Conference Room

    January 25, 2013 March 23, 2013

    Next Step Shelter Waialae Country Club

    February 5, 2013

    CPB 4th Floor Conference Room

    P.O. Box 3341

    Honolulu, HI 96801-3341

    LIKE us on Facebook!

    $50.00 full page, $25.00 half

    page, $15.00 quarter page

    Submit for future newsletters!

    - Got anything to share?


    Soroptimist is an international volunteer

    organization offering programs that

    improve the lives of women through three

    distinct platforms: economicempowerment, elimination of violence,

    and gender equality.

    Soroptimists seek to become an active

    influence for positive change in society

    through Awareness, Advocacy, and


    Soroptimist International of Honolulu

    Sorpotimist International

    Of Honolulu