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Issue 21


A Weekly Newsle er Of


7th Ramadan al-Moazzam 1435HIssue 21

Fatemi Madrasa – Munajaat ModuleText, transla on (DZ and ENG), Audio, Vocabulary and explana on of Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA first Munajaat.


(Surat al-Baqara: 110)And pray namaz and submit zakaat: And whatever good you do for your souls, ye shall nd it with Allah for ,

Allah sees Well all that you do.

The month of Ramadan is the month of 'Fas ng and Forbearance' (see Sijill 20). It is also the month of prayer and zakaat. Prayer because each voluntary sunnat prayer is the equivalent in reward to praying a compulsory farizat in any other month and praying a compulsory farizat in Ramadan is equivalent to praying 70 farizats in any other month. It is the month of zakaat because our kiraam have hudaat guided us to submit our zakaat in this month so that we are rewarded m u l fo l d ( 7 0 m e s ! ) o n t h i s compulsory farizat amal. The two are inextricably linked in the Quran. The exact same phrase “And be steadfast in

salat prayer and submit zakaat” ( ) occurs 6 وأقيموا الصـــــــالة وأتو الزكاة

mes in the Quran, one of which is quoted above.Prayer – – is the remembrance of NamazAllah Ta'ala. It is compulsory five mes a day. In those five mes we are to put the material world aside and focus all our senses towards the Almighty. Maulana Ali SA said that when you pray, “pray as if you are seeing Allah Ta'ala in front of you ( ) – for if you do not see أعبد هللا كأنك تــراهhim, be sure that he is seeing you ( يــراك It is also narrated .”( فإن لمتكن تـــراه فإنهthat Maulana Ali SA used to get so engrossed in namaz that during ba les, if an arrow head was lodged in his back, people would remove it while he was praying and he would not even no ce. A short bayaan by Shz Taher bhaisaheb on the importance and significance of namaz has been uploaded on the website. The other part, , is the fourth Zakaatpillar of Islam, which as men oned in the previous Sijill, we are obliged to submit t o t h e s u c c e s s o r o f o u r N a b i Mohammed, the Imam, and in his seclusion to his Dai. Just as it was incumbent upon the people in the me of Rasulullah to submit to him, zakaatand incumbent upon Rasulullah to collect and distribute as per the norms of Shari'at, it is so in the period of each

بسم ا الرمحن الرحيموأَقيموا الصّالة وآتُوا الزّكَاة وما تُقَدّموا اللَّه ندع وهرٍ تَجِديخ ّنكُم مأَنفُسل

ريصب لُونما تَعبِم اللَّه ّإِن


Video Series – Namaz and DoaTwo 20min bayaan videos of Shz Taher bhaisaheb on the importance and meaning of Namaaz and Doa


Imam and his Dai. literally means Zakaat purifica on. Zakaat is the purifica on of our funds by submi ng to Allah a part of what He has given us. That part is Allah's right ( ). And because khuda no haqq chethe Imam is the representa ve of Allah on this earth and the Dai is the representa ve of the Imam during seclusion, we submit this to him. As believers in Syedna Qutbuddin TUS as the 53 Dai it is a farizat obliga on that rd

we submit our zakaat to him every year. Zakaat is also a purifica on of our souls because the concept of helping those who are less fortunate or have fallen on difficult mes is one of the main purposes of zakaat. It is also important to stress that zakaat must be calculated and given according to the norms of Shari'at. It is not an arbi trary number that som eone mysteriously comes up with, nor a number that has to increase (or double) regardless of whether one's income has increased or not. Those submi ng zakat as per Shari'at in Ramadaan to Dai-z-zamaan fulfill their farizat obliga on. They also receive immense barakaat, par cularly, the doa of Syedna TUS.

ZAKAAT:ZakaatCalculation&otherVajebaatA detailed explana on of the principles of t he Shar i 'a t i s presented on with the raza Mubarak of Syedna Qutbuddin TUS. These are the fundamental principles for the calcula ng zakaat: Zakaat is compulsory every year @ 2.5% (1/40th) of your 'zakatable income' minus basic living expenses: this is your “zakaat-wajib”'Zakatable income' includes:

1- Fixed assets: This includes land, buildings, shares

and equipment. Fixed assets are zakatable just once at the me of the ini al purchase, and not every year. If you have already paid zakaat on the money used to buy the fixed asset, you do not need to pay it again at the me of purchase. The realized gains/ losses on the sale of the fixed

assets are Zakatable income, and not on the unrealized gain. Fixed assets for personal use rather than investment are excluded; e.g., the house you live in is not zakatable.

In the context of Zakaat, stocks are considered fixed assets. o In accordance with the rule for

fixed assets, Zakaat must be paid one me only based on the cost basis of the stock por olio. If you have already paid Zakaat on that money, i.e., if you used part of your Zakated income to invest in stocks, you do not need to pay it again.

o Only the realized gains of the stock por olio are Zakatable i n c o m e , a n d n o t o n t h e unrealized gain. This is calculated by adding all your realized gains and losses of the year.

2- Liquid assets: Includes all cash and savings and

total value of your business's inventory of goods (if its value has remained stable or risen in the last year, and not if its value has depreciated).

3- Income: This includes salary, net business

profit, rent on al l investment proper es, dividends, royal es, etc.

The final consolidated annual Zakatable income is calculated by taking the net value of (1) Total purchase cost (if applicable) of all fixed assets PLUS (2) total net realized gain of all fixed assets (including stocks) for the year PLUS (3) liquid assets PLUS (4) income MINUS (5) basic living expenses (which includes food, rent, clothing, and u li es ,)If your income and liquid assets are at or below “nisaab” or subsistence level (i.e. they do not, or just, cover basic food, shelter and clothing), you do not owe any zakaat. But you should s ll araz a nominal amount for barakat. Rasulullah SA said: “If you are hit by poverty, transact [for your rizq] with Allah by giving Him zakaat.” Mumineen cannot be denied the right to araz zakaat, ci ng other wrongdoings.For a more detailed explana on with

e x a m p l e s a n d r e f e r e n c e s a n d descrip ons of other vajebaat (khumus, fitra, haq-un-nafs, kaffaraat-uz-zunoob, kaffaraat of missed rozas, mannat, nazrul maqam, najwa and silat-ul-imam), please visit the current circumstances in Dawat, we have made temporary arrangements for mumineen to submit zakat to the 53 Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna rd

Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS. Details of t h e s e a r r a n g e m e n t s a r e o n and on the 'Zakaat and Vajebaat Form”.

RECENTEVENTS:SyednaQutbuddin'ssonsvisittoRozatTaheraAbdeali Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin, Husain B h a i s a h e b Q u t b u d d i n a n d A z i z Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin, three sons of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin, and grandsons of the 51 Dai al-Mutlaq st

Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA, went in peace in the early morning of July 4, 2014 to Raudat Tahera, the mazaar of their holy grandfather the 51 Dai al-Mutlaq, st

and of their holy uncle the 52 Dai al- nd

M u t l a q S y e d n a M o h a m m e d Burhanuddin RA, for ziarat during this auspicious period. Unfortunately, they were prevented from peacefully performing ziarat by certain members of the community who pushed and assaulted and insulted them. When they returned to Raudat Tahera with police protec on, which they had sought, they were assaulted again. The police officers then discussed with the rowdy elements to allow access to the grandsons of the 51 Dai, and when they st

entered the Roza with police personnel they were yet again verbally and physically assaulted and pushed out by a large group of unruly elements from the community. Syedna Qutbuddin's sons have filed a complaint with the JJ Police Sta on. In correspondence between the advocates of the contes ng par es in the court, the advocates for the Defendant Shehzada Mufaddal Saifuddin have clearly stated that their client has no objec on to the Plain ff Syedna


bhaisaheb in two 20 minute videos. The bayaans focus on the importance of namaaz and doa respec vely and irshadaat of our Mawali Tahereen about how to pray namaz and do doa. The bayaans also refer to many historical anecdotes and contextualize these two extremely important amals. We encourage Mumineen to listen to these bayaans during this holy month, preferably before or a er namaaz, together with Mumineen or the family. These are some of the themes which will be covered by the series: , Roza Zakaat, Walayat, Q&A Qasar Namaz, Q&A Islamic Finance, Q&A Food.

FATEMI-MADRASA:Riwayat&MunajaatModuleThis week, we are presen ng the 'Munajaat' module on Fatemi Madrasa. The module contains 'ya sami'ad-da'awaa ' with Dawat ni Zaban fehwa and English transla on, vocabulary, audio, Dawat ni Zaban and English explana on of the concept and prac ce of Munajaat. This is an excerpt from the explana on:During the month of Shere Ramadan, one should pray a lot of Munajaat. The literal meaning of Munajaat is 'to talk with in solitude at night'. It is the great fortune for a Mumin that he is able to 'talk', do munajaat with Allah Ta'ala, especially in the month of Shere Ramadan. Mawlana Ali (as) explains what 'Munajaat' i s in one of his Munajaats that is prayed at the me of is ah namaz during bihori. In this he explains that when the servant of Allah reaches out to Allah reading Munajaat, Allah Ta'ala answers him with 'labbayka', (I hear you and answer you), that I have heard your voice. But how can a servant of Allah do Munajaat? Our Mawali Tahereen have wri en down many Munajaats which we are privileged to read and do Munajaat. When a Munajaat is read, its melodious sound is joy for our ears and our heart is consoled and feels at peace through its impact and its meanings. What great happiness

Burhanuddin's . Such people janazadid not care or maintain the hurmat and dignity of Rozat Tahera this Friday and from this unfortunate incident, it is clear that they would not have cared even for the hurmat of Syedna Burhanuddin's janaza. Husain Imam chose not to perform SA

Hajj and travelled far away from Ka'batullah so that his enemies would not desecrate the hurmat of Baytullah, and his Dai Syedna Qutbuddin took the very heavy decision of not going to the janaza mubaraka of Aqamola Burhanuddin, so that such people would not desecrate the hurmat of our Mola's janaza.

3- Our Du'at mutlaqeen, especially Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA reared us to be a peace-loving community, one that can be a 'misaal' for other communi es to follow. Does this conduct reflect the teachings and hidayat of these Awliya? To what level have such community members stooped?

In wake of this sad incident, many people have wri en to us expressing their sadness. We deeply appreciate your empathy. At the same me this is a me for courage. Those who believe in Syedna Qutbuddin TUS need to come out of the shadows and stand up for principle and truth.

A mumina bairo recently did araz of her dream to Syedna Qutbuddin: she saw that Syedna Burhanuddin came in her dream and said “Bhai Qutbuddin ne kaho ke maari ziarat waaste jaldi aawe”. Khuda ye din jaldi dikhawe ke Taher Saifuddin Aqa na nur-e-nazar, Burhanuddin mola na waaris Syedna Qutbuddin amno amaan ma Rozat Tahera padhaare. Ameen.

BAYAANVIDEOSERIES:Namaaz&DoaWe are proud to present the first two Bayan video series this week. The first is on Namaz (prayer) and the second on Doa (supplica on). The two concepts are brilliantly presented by Shz Taher

Khuzaima Qutbuddin or his family members entering Raudat Tahera or any other Dawoodi Bohra community proper es. Believing that such promises will be honoured, the sons of the Syedna Qutbuddin went in peace to do ziarat, only to be faced with this illegal reac on. Unfortunately the acts of the Burhani Guards and other unruly elements have desecrated the hurmat of the Roza mubaraka of our Molas, the most holy place for us Dawoodi Bohra mumineen in Mumbai.A number of things should be noted:

1- Many years ago when Syedna Taher Saifuddin was visi ng Karbala, certain radical leaders prevented him from peacefully performing ziarat because of differences in belief. They sent people to harass, shout vile language at, and ridicule Maulana al-Muqaddas as he walked to and from the Haram Shareef. Syedna Taher Saifuddin sent them a message saying 'tamay manay kahi na maanta how, pun itnu to jaano cho ne ke may Husain Imam no zaa'ir thai ne aayo chu, anay Husain na zaa'ir ne tamnay aa misal takleef aapwu jaa'iz thaai?! (Even if you do not believe me to be anything, you know this much that I am a – one who has come for zaa'irziarat – of Imam Husain SA. Do you find it permissible to treat a of zaa'ir Husain in such a way?!) Syedna Qutbuddin's sons had come in peace as of their holy grandfather zaairs Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and their holy uncle Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin R A . How was i t permissible to harass them and try to prevent them from doing ziarat, much less assault them physically while using undignified language in the sanc fied Roza of our Molas?

2- Reflec ng upon the violent ac ons of the unruly elements in the c o m m u n i t y t o w a r d s S y e d n a Qutbuddin's sons in the sanc fied haram of Rozat Tahera six months a e r t h e o f S y e d n a w a f a a tMohammed Burhanuddin , imagine RA

what they would have done had Syedna Qutbuddin come to Syedna
