Silhouette Greek Epic Illustrations · a woman in her graduation cap and gown throwing...


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Silhouette Greek Epic Illustrations

Open illustrator and create a New Letter sized file

Find and copy your first image. If its a figure makes sure its a full body or most. Right click > copy image

Edit> paste

Click ctrl to scale

Open your layers window> layersLock the layer

Add a new layer

Choose your pen tool

Prep your pen tool for tracing by going to the boxes at the top of your screen and pick NO FILL and a color for STROKE

Start tracing the contour by starting in the corner

Remember to trace around the Whole image and click back and the start to END

Choose the selection tool

Change the fill to black and the stroke to black

Toggle of the picture layer

Lock the traced layer

And add a new layer

Edit > paste

Lock that new layer

And add a new layer

Continue and pen out this picture to get a silhouette just like the first and do another go get three silhouette

Using the selection tool

Unlock all panned out silhouette and rearrange and size them
