Singaporeans go barking mad over bid to silence dogs


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Singaporeans go barking mad over bid to silence dogs

SINGAPORE Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:14am EDT

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - a suggestion through Singapore's public housing authority which peoplethat just love noisy dogs contemplate "debarking" their particular pets in order to avoidinconveniencing neighbours has raised animal lovers' hackles within the city-state and prompted alot ridicule about social media.

The authority, your Housing as well as Development Board (HDB), suggested in a discover posted ina residential block any certain one option for dogs that will won't keep quiet is often to "debark"them.

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Debarking involves getting rid of a section of your dog's vocal cord to cut back the volumeassociated with its bark and it is advised as an answer associated with "last resort" for you tomanage noisy pets, according to the web site of Singapore's Agri-Food as well as VeterinaryAuthority.

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Animal welfare teams repeat the practice will be cruel and also unfair.

"A dog furthermore barks in the huge event it will be in a stressed or anxious mode, and not hearingyour new puppy does certainly not mean the dog is actually in the stable state of mind," the groupMotion for Singapore Dogs said inside a Facebook post.

In a statement in Thursday, the actual HDB apologised pertaining to causing anxiety for you to dogproprietors as well as said hello had taken on the notice.

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The notice is at reaction in order to feedback concerning "dog barking nuisance within the middle ofthe night" in a block of public housing apartments.

Other alternatives it suggested to manage dogs had been obedience coaching as well as coachingcollars, the photograph of the Aug. 22 notice, posted on your internet by action pertaining toSingapore Dogs, showed.

"I'm positive everyone has someone they will wish they can 'debark'," said a new Twitter user withall the handle @frhn.

"Debarking? Maybe you should attempt sewing the mouth," stated an additional with just about allthe handle @salihinsuran.

Singapore's limited property region indicates the vast majority with the island's 5.3 millionindividuals live in apartments. Your metropolis locations any great deal of significance in becomingcourteous and also tidy.

(Reporting by simply Aradhana Aravindan and also Theodora D'cruz; Editing through RachelArmstrong, Robert Birsel as well as Clarence Fernandez)

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