SIOG Opening Address · 2019. 6. 7. · SIOG Opening Address 08:20-08:30 - Opening address by SIOG...


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  • SIOG Opening Address

  • SIOG Opening Address

    08:20-08:30 - Opening address by SIOG President

    Stuart Lichtman (US)

    08:30-08:40 - Scientific programme overview by the Chair of

    SIOG 2018 Annual Conference

    Pierre Soubeyran (FR)

    08:40-08:45 - Welcome address by National Host

    Johanna Portielje (NL)

    08:45-09:00 - Special address

    Pratap Singhasivanon (TH)

  • SIOG Opening Address“Geriatric oncology – becoming mainstream cancer care”

    Stuart LichtmanSIOG President 2016-2018

  • Disclosure

    No disclosures

    No conflict of interest.

  • Memorial Program in Honor

    Arti Hurria, MD

    Amsterdam, NL

    November 16, 2018

  • From City of Hope

  • Personal Thoughts

    Lamed Vav Tzadikim (Hebrew: ו ַצִדיִקים"ל ,x“)

    36 righteous ones

  • Welcome to Amsterdam

    18th Conference of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology

  • Meeting Theme

    • “To improve the care of older patients with cancer around the world”

    – Assessments

    – Predictive models

    – Accumulated databases

    – Clinical trials

    • Now is the time to act; to use these tools in practice

    • Keeping in mind more needs to be done

  • My thank you’s…

    • Thank you for this great honor…

    • We all need help along the way….

  • Paul Calabresi Silvio Monfardini Harvey Cohen Jean-Pierre Droz

    Martine Extermann Ricardo Audisio Arti Hurria Etienne Brain

    SIOG Presidents

  • Thank you to Etienne and Hans

  • SIOG

    • Thank you

    – To the membership

    – To the SIOG staff

    • Najia Musolino, CEO

    • Laurence Jocaille, Executive Administrator

    • Nina Heraud, Events Coordinator

    – To the SIOG Board and Executive Committee

    – My colleagues at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

  • Najia Musolino Nina Heraud Laurence Jocaille

    CEO Events Coordinator Executive Administrator


  • SIOG Governance

  • SIOG Governance

  • Young SIOG

    • Nienke de Glas (Netherlands) -- Chair

    • Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti (United Kingdom) -- Vice-Chair

    • Capucine Baldini (France) -- Member

    • Mandy Kiderlen (Netherlands) -- Member

    • Melissa Loh (Malaysia & USA) -- Member

    • Enrique Soto Perez de Celis (Mexico & USA) - Member

  • Nursing and Allied Health

  • SIOG- A Unique Organization

    • Our mission is to help the most vulnerable members of our society

    – The vulnerable and frail elderly

    • To improve outcomes

    – Survival

    – Quality of life

    – independence

  • SIOG-An Inclusive Organization

    • Join committees

    • Suggest guideline

    • Join taskforce

    • Present at meetings

    • Publish in JGO-it is the Society’s journal

  • Our only stakeholder

    • The elderly patients with cancer

    • As older patients will become the majority of the patients that we evaluate and treat, they need to become the focus of our endeavors.

    • They deserve nothing less.

  • Enjoy the meeting…

    • The education

    • The camaraderie

    • The exchange of ideas

    • The friendships

    • The inspiration

  • Next year 2019


  • Thank you

    Let’s continue to work hard and work together to honor Arti’s


  • Scientific Programme Overview

    Pierre SoubeyranSIOG 2018 Scientific Committee Chair

  • We are making progressbut a lot remains to be performed

  • Enregistrez vous avant le 9 octobre pour bénéficier de réductions!

    Plus d’informations sur

    “Geriatric oncology – becoming

    mainstream cancer care”

  • Pierre Soubeyran, SIOG Chair, SIOG 2018 Scientific programme committeeStuart Lichtman, Co-Chair, SIOG 2018 Scientific programme committeeJohanna Portielje, Local chair, SIOG 2018 Scientific programme committeeMatti Aapro, Chair, SIOG Corporate Relations CommitteeMarije Hamaker, SIOG 2018 scientific programme committee

    SIOG 2018 Scientific Programme Committee

  • Track 4: Modern diagnostics and therapeutic areasLaure de Decker (FR)Fabio Gomes (PT/GB)Mandy Kiderlen (NL)Gerrit Jan Liefers (NL)Anita O'Donovan (IE)Martine Puts (CA) Ishwaria Subbiah (US)

    Track 5: Geriatric assessment, nursing/allied health and patient careKatarzyna Broczek (PL)Frank Cornélis (BE)William Dale (US)Kristen Haase (CA)Cindy Kenis (BE)Beatriz Korc Grodzicki (US)Cecilia Lund (DK)Shane O'Hanlon (GB)Carolien Smorenburg (NL) Melisa Wong (US)

    SIOG 2018 Track leadersTrack 1: Solid tumours in the elderly and basic scienceCamille Chakiba (FR)Romain Corre (FR)Nienke de Glas (NL)Grégoire Desolneux (FR)Havaleh Gagne (US)Karis Kin-Fong Cheng (SG)Malcolm Reed (GB) Armin Shahrokni (US)Enrique Soto Perez de Celis (MX)Frederiek Van den Bos (NL)Kathelijn Versteeg (NL)

    Track 2: Hematologic malignancies and basic scienceRaul Cordoba (SP)Melissa Loh (US)Simon Mooijaart (NL)Nina Rosa Neuendorff (DE)Petra Stolz-Baskett (NZ)Sonja Zweegman (NL)

    Track 3: Supportive and palliativeShabbir Alibhai (CA)Rupert Bartsch (AT)Matthieu Frasca (FR)Domenico La Carpia (IT)Ginah Nightingale (US)Mackenzi Pergolotti (US)Carla Ripamonti (IT)Cornelia van Zuylen (NL)Grant Williams (US)

  • Conference Accreditation

    ➢ECME certified by EACCME = 19 ECMEC credits

  • Geriatric oncologyBecoming mainstream cancer care

    • From multidisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity

    • Updates and recommendations

    • Case-based sessions and Mini Multidisciplinary team case discussion

    • Young SIOG with trainees from the SIOG Advanced Course

    • Awards• SIOG Nursing and Allied Health Award

    • Young Investigator Award

    • Best poster

  • Enregistrez vous avant le 9 octobre pour bénéficier de réductions!

    Plus d’informations sur

    “Geriatric oncology – becoming

    mainstream cancer care”

  • Welcome Address by National Host

    Johanna PortieljeSIOG 2018 Scientific Committee Local Chair

  • Amsterdam1720 2018

  • Special Address

    Pratap SinghasivanonSecretary-General/Coordinator

    Southeast Asian Ministers of EducationPublic Health Network

  • Q&A tool

    A live Q&A tool will be used for all the Conference sessions.

    This tool will allow you to ask your questions via your phone,

    tablet or laptop during the session right as you think of them.

    Your question will then immediately appear on the screen,

    where you will be able to view all the other attendees’ questions

    and vote for the questions that you find most relevant or

    interesting, even if you do not have any question of your own.

    At the end of the session, all of the questions will be projected

    on screen and the questions with most votes will be addressed

    first, ensuring that the speakers and moderators address the

    matters that are most relevant to the audience.


