Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · Alicia Magana Amber Ramos Fr. James O’Toole + Fr. Mathew...


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Weekend of July 19 , 2020 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Mailing Address: 2200 Roberts St., Vernon, Texas 76384

Phone: 940-552-2895 —Fax 940-552-6084 (Hours:9am-12pm M-Fri )


Pastor: Fr. Philip D. Petta 940-552-2895

Accounting: Debbie Frerich 940-552-2895

Youth Ministry: Cheyenne Marrinan 940-781-7648

Office 940-552-9870

DREs: Mary Christy Medina 940-552-2895

Salvador Perez 940-552-2895

Secretary: Christine Martinez 940-552-2895 Catholic Charities: 940-716-9669 Wichita Falls Office

Holy Family Catholic Church

Mass: Saturday 5:00 PM (English)

6:30 PM (Spanish)

Sunday 11:15AM (English)

Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:30-5:00 PM

Daily Mass: M 8:30am, W-F- Noon

St. Mary Catholic Church

609 Mercer Street

Quanah, Texas 79252

Mass: Sunday 9:30 AM

St. Joseph Catholic Church

1103 N. Main Street

Crowell, Texas 79227

Mass: Sunday 8:00 AM

“The seed that falls on good ground

will yield a fruitful harvest. (Psalm 65)

Señor Jesús, tu sembraste las semillas de mi-

sericordia y reconciliación entre nosotros Se-

ñor, ten piedad. (Salmo 65)

Collections Regular Needed/wkly

Holy Family $1,118.00 $3,532.00

St. Mary $463.00 $483.00 St. Joseph $194.00 $350.00

Please remember St. Joseph in your will. Please remember Holy Family in your

will. Please remember St. Mary in your will.

Worship Oppor-

tunities Daily Mass

schedule Mondays ,

Wednesday through Friday at


Misa Diaria


Miércoles a Viernes

A las

Adoration On hold till further notice

Adoración En espera hasta nuevo aviso

Knights of



Meeting’s July 21st at 1825 Lamar St For any

questions contact Mike

Newell 940-256-8245.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, July 18th

5:00p.m.– Salvador Perez

6:30p.m.– Claro Ferrales

Sunday, July 19th

8:00 a.m. –Frances Favilla +

9:30am — Filemon Meza +

11.15a.m – Salvador Perez Sr.

Wednesday , 2020 Meals From 5:00-5:50p.m.

Kids K– 5 $1 Kids 6th and up $2

Ministry Schedule for July 25th and 26th

July 25th

Lectors: Sherri

Host: Bette Cup:


July 26th

Lector: Jerry

Host: Teresa, Stephanie Cup:


Servidores en la Liturgia Para 25 De Julio

Lectores: Guillermo F.


Guardias: Miguel G. Cipriano C.


Eucaristía: Bernabé S.

Boletín: Gloria S.

Prayer List Tommy Jackson Koby Peterson + Dale Marrinan Kerry Love Fred Marrinan Morris Family Janet Rivera Michael Ybarra + Jannett Guzman + Ian Lorenzo Alicia Magana Amber Ramos Fr. James O’Toole + Fr. Mathew Kavipurayidam +

Armando Palomares Guadalupe De Los Santos Sr. Salvador Perez Sr. Antonio Sandoval Salvador Perez Jr. Bertie Roetschke For all those who are sick of mind body and soul not listed

Priest Care Fund Special

Collection August 1-2, 2020 For retired priests, that they may ex-

perience God’s abundant love as they

walk a new path of prayer and servant-

hood in retirement, we pray to the

Lord… For the clergy of our diocese—

the infirm, elderly and retired priests,

the parish priests, the deacons and our

bishop—we pray to the Lord…

Colecta para el Fondo de

Cuidado al Sacerdote. Para los sacerdotes jubilados, para que

puedan experimentar el abundante

amor de Dios mientras caminan por un

nuevo camino de oración y servicio en

la jubilación, roguemos al Señor ... Por

el clero de nuestra diócesis —los sa-

cerdotes enfermos, ancianos y jubila-

dos, los párrocos, los diáconos y nues-

tro obispo— roguemos al Señor ...

Rosary: will be done in the church at 7:00p.m. on

Wednesday nights.

Holy Family Youth Mass: August 16th, 2020 at the

11:15am Mass. If you would like to sign up for lector,

extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, usher, or greeter

please do so in the youth chapel.

Rachel’s Vineyard Corner “At the retreat forgiveness is found, shame is lifted, healing is bestowed, and most of all mother-

hood is given back. God has restored ALL! How can God love us so much? I don’t know, but I’m

so glad He does.” - Testimony after a Rachel Re-treat Join us on our next retreat for healing after

abortion and see how much God loves you! Rachel Ministries Next English Retreat is Septem-

ber,11, 20120. to register and for more information, contact Betsy Kopor at 817-923-4757 or

Rincón del viñedo de Rachel En el Retiro se encuentra el perdón, se levanta la vergüenza, se concede curación y, sobre todo, se devuelve la ma-

ternidad. Dios ha restaurado TODO! ¿Cómo puede Dios amarnos tanto? No lo sé, pero estoy muy contento de que

lo haga. "- Testimonio después de un Retiro de Rachel ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro próximo Retiro para la cura-

ción después del Aborto y vea cuánto Dios lo ama! Ministerios Rachel . Próximo Retiro en 11 de Septiembre

Llamen al 817-886-4760 o

Garden Counseling

Liz Ivy with Garden Counseling will now be

seeing clients at Holy Family. If you are in need

of counseling please call Liz at 405-362-0911 to

schedule an appointment. A sliding scale is of-

fered for clients with financial need. Please men-

tion you saw this referral in our bulletin or if you

would like to be seen if Vernon when you make

your appointment.

Garden Counseling

Liz Ivy con Garden Counseling ahora verá clien-

tes en Holy Family. Si necesita Consejería, llame

a Liz al 405-362-0911 para programar una cita.

Se ofrece una báscula deslizante para clientes

con necesidades financieras. Mencione que vio

esta referencia en nuestro boletín o si le gustaría

que le vieran si Vernon cuando haga su cita.

Holy Family Love

Offering Project If you would like to do-

nate an engraved brick

to have placed in our

sidewalk please contact

the Parish for a form

and or any questions

regarding this ongoing


Proyecto de Ofrenda

de Amor de la Sagra-

da Familia Si desea donar un ladrillo

grabado para haber coloca-

do en nuestra acera, pónga-

se en contacto con la Parro-

quia para obtener un for-

mulario y o cualquier pre-

gunta con respecto a este

proyecto en curso.

Northwest Deanery The July meeting of the Northwest

Deanery is cancelled due to covid.

The October convention in Fort

Worth is still in planning stage.

Please continue our NCCW goal vote

serve pray. Our Lady of Good Coun-

sel Pray for us.

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1522 Fannin St.

Vernon, Texas 76384

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“We Treat You Like Family”!

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School will be the week of July 20th. We have

5 days worth of activities for you and your child to do at home.

Please fill out the google form so we are able to make sure we

have plenty of supplies. We need all forms filled out by July

13th.We will have pick-up times for you to pick up all the sup-

plies for your child at the parish office or church. We will have

pick-up times for you to pick up all the supplies for your child

at the parish office or church. We are excited for you to join

us! Google form can be found at:




La Escuela Bíblica Vacacional La Escuela Bíblica Vacacional será la semana del 20 de Julio.

Tenemos 5 días de actividades para que usted y su hijo lo ha-

gan en casa. Por favor, rellene el formulario de Google para

que podamos asegurarnos de que tenemos un montón de sumi-

nistros. Necesitamos llenar todos los formularios antes del 13

de Julio. Tendremos horarios de recogida para que usted recoja

todos los suministros para su hijo en la oficina parroquial o en

la iglesia. Tendremos horarios de recogida para que usted reco-

ja todos los suministros para su hijo en la oficina parroquial o

en la iglesia. ¡Estamos encantados de que te unas a nosotros!


“The faithful are dispensed from the obliga-

tion to attend and to participate in Sunday

Mass. ‘‘There are still legitimate threats to our

health from the highly contagious COVID-19 vi-

rus; these threats are especially critical for the el-

derly and for people with a compromised im-

mune system because of other pre-existing condi-

tions. ” - Bishop Michael F. Olson.

“Los fieles están dispensados de la obligación

de asistir y participar en la Misa domini-

cal. Existen todavía amenazas legítimas para

nuestra salud debido al virus COVID-19, que es

altamente contagioso. Estas amenazas son espe-

cialmente críticas para las personas mayores y

para las personas con un sistema de inmunidad

comprometido debido a otras afecciones preexis-

tentes.” - Obispo Michael F. Olson

Thank you to all who continue to give of

your treasure during this pandemic. Your

generosity is amazing as we do continue to

maintain our church plants and payroll

costs. As a reminder you may also make a

secure donation using PayPal by logging

into your account or by clicking the donate

link on our website:

Gracias a todos los que siguen dando de su tesoro

durante esta pandemia. Su generosidad es increí-

ble a medida que continuamos manteniendo

nuestras plantas de la iglesia y los costos de nó-

mina. Como recordatorio, también puede hacer

una donación segura utilizando PayPal iniciando

sesión en su cuenta o haciendo clic en el enlace

de donación en nuestro sitio web: holyfami-
