Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Veronica Catholic ... · Jesus in Luke's gospel...


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Fax: 650-588-1481 Phone: 650-588-1455

434 Alida Way South San Francisco, CA 94080

Established 1951

St. Veronica Church

July 17, 2016

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus with Martha and Mary by Paul-Alexandre-Alfred Leroy (1860 - 1942)

“Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” - Luke 10:42

Parish Office email:

St. Veronica Parish Parish Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481

Parish Staff

Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Nicasio G. Paloso Jr., Parochial Vicar

Fr. Don Sharp, S.J., Weekend Assistant Fr. Al Grosskopf, S.J., Weekend Assistant

Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Patricia Spiteri, Parish Secretary, Ext. 301 Oneyda Perez, Parish Bookkeeper, Ext. 304

Karen Guglielmoni, Faith Formation & Wedding Coordinator, Ext.305

Christopher Lindstrom, Music Director, Ext. 308

Jim Rodriguez, Custodian/Maintenance

St. Veronica Catholic School

Phone: 650-589-3909

Mrs. Kathryn Lucchesi Mrs. Geninne Ruegg Principal Vice Principal


Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are to be arranged through the Parish Office.

Baptisms in English are typically held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.

Baptisms in Spanish are typically held on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

Baptismal Preparation classes are held once a month. Call the Parish Office at 650-588-1455

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Call the Parish Office to register 650-588-1455 Ext.309

Faith Formation: 650-588-1455 Ext. 305 Catechetical instructions (1st to 8th grades)

Confirmation Classes: 650-588-1455

Mass Intentions for the Week of July 17, 2016

Sun 07/17 7:00 † Henry Risso 8:30 † Gordon O’Keefe 10:00 † Tony Martinez 11:30 † Donald Bartolotti 6:00 † Juan Herrera Cornejo

Mon 07/18 6:30 † Karen Castagnetto 8:30 † Francisco Valera

Tue 07/19 6:30 † Guadalupe Sanchez 8:30 † Maria Fernandes

Wed 07/20 6:30 † Esperanza Cusio 8:30 † Carlos Baluyot II Thu 07/21 6:30 † Catalina Ceballos 8:30 † Aldo DeTomasi

Fri 07/22 6:30 † Mandy Hernandez 8:30 † Bill Bidleman

Sat 07/23 8:30 † Mr. Apolinario Benedicto Abranches 5:00 † Paulino King

Sun 07/24 7:00 † Ida & Tony Volkmann 8:30 † Dan Kelsey 10:00 † Lois Burton 11:30 † Erlynda Elvina 6:00 † Guadalupe & Juan Herrada

St. Veronica Parish Mission Statement

St. Veronica Church is a multicultural community of believers who treasure Jesus Christ at the center of their profes-sion of faith & practice. They worship & work together to build up a community of family & friends according to the mind & heart of Christ. Out of the abundance of joy & gratitude, they live & share the good news of faith & hope, striving to stand up for peace & justice, to spread love & compassion, to care for those who are in need, and to make our nation & the world a better place for all.

Parish Registration Please complete and return form to the parish office,

or simply drop it in the collection basket. Kindly print all information.

Name(s): ____________________________________

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Mass Schedule

Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 a.m.

Spanish Mass: Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. (English)

Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m.

Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Liturgy of the Hours Monday - Friday: Morning Prayer at 6:00 a.m.

Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

except as posted for holidays and parish events


While renovation work is being done in the Church, Eucharistic Adoration will be suspended. Adoration is expected to resume on Monday, August 1, follow-ing the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Daily adoration is offered at

our neighboring parish, St. Bruno in San Bruno.

Thank you for supporting St. Veronica Parish and its works.

Envelopes received in the First Collection:

June 25 & 26: 250 July 02 & 03: 282 July 09 & 10: 264

If you currently receive envelopes but do not use them, please prayerfully consider including your donation in the collection basket.

Saturday 07/09/16 5:00PM 1020.00 198.00 1218.00

Sunday 07/10/16 7:00AM 884.00 211.00 1095.00

8:30AM 1304.00 258.00 1562.00

10:00AM 1038.00 188.00 1226.00

11:30AM 1253.00 212.00 1465.00

Spanish Mass 6:00PM 298.00 145.50 443.50

TOTAL IN-PEW DONATIONS: $5,797.00 $1,212.50 $7,009.50

Other Contributions 214.00 n/a 214.00

Day Mass Time 1st Collection Music Ministry Totals

Archdiocese Catholic Divorce Ministry - The Arch-diocese of San Francisco has a special ministry for those men and women who have experienced the pain of separa-tion and divorce. The Church has a rich treasury of people, Holy Scripture, tradition and pastoral ministry on which it can draw to serve its members whose marriages end in di-vorce. A support group meets twice a month and makes known Christ’s abundant healing love so that those suffering from separation and divorce might experience healing, reconcilia-tion and new life. They also recognize that separated and divorced people - through their vulnerability, suffering, courage, faithfulness and patient endurance - bear witness to Christ and his redeeming grace in the world. Those interest-ed in attending the support group meetings are welcome to contact Father Al Grosskopf, S.J., at 415-422-6698.

Are You Receiving Catholic San Francisco?

First published in 1999, Catholic San Francisco newspa-per ( is part of the Department of Com-munications and Outreach in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Home delivery is offered free to all registered parishioners . . . another benefit of being a registered member of our parish! If you are a registered parishioner at St. Veronica and have not been receiving Catholic San Francisco and wish to, please contact the Parish Office with your name and address, which will be submitted to the Circulation Department.

From the Pastor’s Desk - A Scripture Reflection

Dear Parishioners, In a Peanuts cartoon, Lucy, seeing a record of Brahms’s Fourth Symphony in Schroeder’s hands, asks him what he is going to do with it. Schroeder says he is going to take it home and listen to it. She asks him if he is going to dance or march to it. “No, I’m just going to sit and listen to it,” he re-plies. Lucy persists: “You mean you are going to whistle or sing to it?” Schroeder insists he is just going to listen to it. As he leaves, Lucy gazes at him in disbelief, exclaiming, “That’s the most ri-diculous thing I’ve ever heard.” Listening is hard for us. At times impossible. Being busy doing something is what everyone seems to want. With competing and conflicting voices with-in and without, coupled now with the so-called multi-tasking, just listening to someone or some-thing deeply with undivided attention is not at all easy. The word of God calls us to just listen to God. He speaks; all we have to do is listen to him. Just hear his word. There are other traditionally-emphasized themes in the word of God this Sunday. One is of hospitality, shown by Mary and Martha to Jesus, placed along-side Abraham’s incredible hospitality as he enter-tains angels. A vital sign of Christian faith, hospi-tality is crucial for building up faith communities, evangelization, and stewardship. Reimagining the Church for our times depends on our practice of the ministry of hospitality so that everyone is welcome and no one is a stranger. It consists not so much in words as in making everyone an essential and pre-cious part of the community. Unless each one is welcomed with the inclusive and life-giving spirit of Jesus and made sharers of the treasures of the grace of God, we cannot revitalize the Church, es-pecially in these times when secularization is ram-pant and faith is pushed to the edges of life. In the Gospel, there is the other theme of the dia-lectic between contemplation (Mary) and action (Martha); between faith and justice; between wor-ship and service. With Martha as my mother’s

name, I have forever been biased in favor of you-guessed-who. It is important for us as Church to live out the charisms of union with God and service of fellow human beings. Endowed with varying emphases on these charisms, the Church celebrates the dynamic journey from contemplation to action and vice versa. Faith necessarily flows into service and service brings us back to faith. Faith does jus-tice, but justice leads us back to union with God. However, the central theme in Mary-Martha story is that we hear the word of God. Martha’s hospital-ity is impeccable. We no longer consider Martha as an over-zealous or jealous woman. Jesus in Luke's gospel emphasizes that “listening to him speak” is vital for both worship and service. Similar empha-sis is seen in other passages in Luke: Mary is blessed rather because she hears the Word of God and keeps it (Luke 11:28) and anyone who hears God’s word and obeys it is Jesus’ mother and brother (Luke 8:21). In the other book Luke wrote, the Acts of the Apostles, deacons’ ministry origi-nates in this concern: “It is not right for us to ne-glect the word of God to serve at table” (Acts 6:2) so that the apostles can “devote” themselves “to prayer and to the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4). Lukan Jesus’ vision is that the essential “service” of the Church is to the word of God, out of which all ministries and missions will flow. The invitation and challenge for us, therefore, is to hear God’s word in the Scriptures and the sacred traditions of the Church, in history and in mystery, in prayer and in the signs of the times, and, ulti-mately, to hear Jesus himself, God’s own Word. Let’s just listen to Jesus. Your Friend & Pastor, Fr. Charles Puthota (This Scripture Reflection for this Sunday’s read-ings---16th Sunday in Ordinary Time---was pub-lished in this weekend’s Catholic San Francisco.)

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Mass Times is a non-profit web site that al-lows traveling Catholics to locate Mass times and information for Catholic Churches around the world.

Adult and Youth Faith Formation Registration Open

The RCIA (Rite of Christian Ini-tiation of Adults) program is now accepting registrations for the 2016-17 year. Those 16 years of age or older who would

like to become Catholic (having never been bap-tized) or who would like to complete the Sacraments of Initiation (having been baptized into a Christian faith, but not received Communion and/or been con-firmed) are invited to call the Pastoral Center offices at 650-588-1455 and leave their contact information. A member of the RCIA team will follow up with details about the program, which begins in Septem-ber. Registration forms are available in the Pastoral Center.

New and continuing registra-tion is now being accepted for the 2016-17 Faith Formation program. Registration forms may be found on the parish

website under the “Faith Formation” tab, or may be requested by calling the Faith Formation office at 650-588-1455 ext. 305. Even if your child will be coming back to Faith For-mation in the fall, a 2016-17 registration form is re-quired. Registration forms are also available in Spanish through the Pastoral Center. Please complete your registration process as soon as possible as class sizes are limited. Classes will begin in September, but the summer is needed to order books and supplies and set up the classes. A reminder that preparation for the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are each two-year programs, beginning no earlier than first grade for Communion and no earlier than 8th grade for Confirmation.

The Archdiocese of San Francisco announces the following events in

conjunction with the Jubilee Year of Mercy,

as announced by Pope Francis. The Jubilee continues through Nov. 20, 2016

Jubilee of Mercy Speaker Series - Saturday, July 23, 2016, 10:30 a.m. - Noon at St. Mary’s Cathedral Event Center, 1111 Gough St., SF: The Church, Recipient and Agent of Mercy will be the topic of the talk given by the Most Reverend George

Niederauer, Ph.D., Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco. The presentation is open to the public and free of charge. Monthly Mercy Series Talks at Presentation Sis-ters’ Convent, 2340 Turk Blvd., San Francisco, 2:00-4:15 p.m. Email or call 415-614-5535 to register for these free talks. ♦ Sunday, September 25 - “To Admonish Sinners,

to Bear Wrongs Patiently, to Forgive Offenses Willingly” with Vivian Clausing, Program Di-rector, Catherine’s Place

Movie Event (Held in the Pastoral Center)

Friday, July 22, at 1:00 p.m.: Spotlight, the 2015 Oscar winner for Best Motion Picture of the Year and Best Original Screenplay, will be shown. Spotlight is the true story of how the Boston Globe uncov-ered the scandal of child molesta-tion and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese ( “[Spotlight is] not anti-Catholic, as has been written, be-cause it manages to voice the shock and profound pain of the faithful confronting the discovery of these hor-rendous realities.” - editorial in L’Osservatore Romano (the Vatican newspaper), February 29, 2016

128-minute running time, R rating

Baptism Information

Registration forms are available from the Pastoral Center during regular office hours,

or you may download a form from our website at

Baptisms are generally celebrated monthly on the 1st and 3rd Saturday in English

and on various 2nd Saturdays in Spanish. Please call the Parish Office to sign up.

Upcoming baptism dates are as follows: August 6 (1 slot left) & 20 (full)

September 3 & 17 (full) October 1, 8 (Spanish) & 15

Preparation classes for parents and godparents

are held on the second Tuesday of the month. Classes are conducted in the Pastoral Center from

7:30 - 9:00 p.m. (Adults only please). Please call the Parish Office at 650-588-1455 for specific dates and to reserve your space for the

Baptismal Preparation Classes.

Reflecting on the Word

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What does hospitality require? When I invite someone for dinner, I need to provide food and drink (or at least order a pizza) and be present to my guest, attentive to her or his needs. The combination of Martha and Mary’s gifts does just that. Mary sits at the feet of Jesus, listening and attentive to their guest. Martha busily provides food and drink. Some scholars say that Mary chose the better part because she accepted her role in providing hospitali-ty, while Martha wanted Jesus to have Mary change and take on Martha’s role. Knowing and accepting our own gifts and those of others is how we choose the better part. Abraham and Sarah also offer hospitality. In their nomadic society this was expected and not to do so could have dire consequences. They still could have chosen not to welcome the three strangers. Abraham sits with them, attentive to their needs. He also provides food for them and waits on them. Sarah, while busy in the tent, is not absent from their awareness. Asking for her, they promise to return and announce that she will have a son. How often we try to be what we are not, or we want someone else to change to do what we are do-ing, rather than appreciating both their gifts and ours. St. Francis de Sales would write to his friends that they ought to be who they are, and do that well. To be who we are we must listen to God’s voice, sit at Jesus’ feet, and pay attention to the gifts we have or can develop. Choose the better part. Accept and appreciate those gifts and thereby welcome Christ, however he visits us.

For Prayerful Consideration & Discussion

♦ What are the gifts that God has given you to wel-come others?

♦ How can you use them to thank God for those gifts and to affirm the gifts of others? - Living the Word

Marriage Preparation Guidelines

Planning a winter or spring wedding? Archdiocese of San Francisco guide-lines require a six-month period of

preparation leading up to your big day. The first step is to contact the Parish office to check on avail-able dates and set up an initial meeting with a mem-ber of the clergy.

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“REPAIR MY CHURCH” St. Veronica Church Building Renovation Project

(RMC Project Phase I)

Phase I Renovation is Nearing Completion!

Through approximately the end of July, all Masses will be held in the Parish Center, including Funerals, Weddings, Quinceañeras, and other special Masses.

Baptisms and confessions will also occur in the Parish Center.

What is happening while we are out of the church: Week 5 - Beautiful new stained wood baseboards have been installed in the main part of the Church, the side chapel, and confessionals. The carpet has been installed in the choir loft and side chapel. The pews have returned from Los Angeles and are being installed.

This is only Phase I - projects like upgraded lighting and sound system, and refurbishment of the outer doors will take place during Phase II.

If you haven’t yet donated to Repair My Church, please prayerfully consider doing do. Please help make our Church the beautiful worship space we all deserve!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Detach and return the bottom portion with your donation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I would like to donate the following amount to the St. Veronica “Repair My Church” Project:

___ $50 ___$100 ___$250 ___$500 ___$1,000 ___ $2,500 ___$5,000 _______ Other Amount

Name: _____________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________________

Phone number: ______________________ Envelope Number (if applicable): ___________

Francis heard the invitation of Jesus: “Francis, go repair my Church.”

“Yes!” said Francis. “This is what I long for with all my heart.”