Skyward Purchasing. Requirements for a Purchase Order Who What When Where Proof of Co-op status: –...


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Skyward Purchasing

Requirements for a Purchase Order

• Who• What• When• Where• Proof of Co-op status:

– Region 7– TCPN– Buyboard– TXMAS (State)– Term Contracts (State)– DIR (State)

• Other:– Sole Source– Bid (Minimum of 3 quotes from non co-op vendors)

Proper Documentation to attach to Request

• Registration Form• Mileage (Mapquest)• Quote from vendors• Travel Request Form

– Hotel/Auto/Flight Confirmations

• Minutes for Student Activity Acct (865)• Any type of backup that shows the (4) W’s and why you are doing a

request in the first place.– Emails– Web printouts


• The district will not be financially responsible for a purchase that was made without an authorized purchase order in place before the order for goods or services is conducted. This applies to every service and all materials and goods that the district will acquire.

• The district has many purchasing cooperatives we are members with. We will need to use the vendors associated with these purchasing cooperatives unless it is a professional service or sole source. Please see the legal policy concerning sole source purchases. SEE BUSINESS OFFICE WEBSITE.

• We require all purchase orders to be properly received into the Skyward receiving system. Effective, September 1 we will not accept emails as confirmation of goods and services.

• District purchases will not be shipped to any address except the district. • Only district personnel are authorized to place orders for goods and services

with an authorized purchase order executed through the Skyward purchasing system.

Entering a POClick on PurchasingClick on Requisition

Click on the Apply Filter Button

Click on the Add Button to Enter a new Request

Fiscal Year: On the pull down list choose the appropriate year

Click on the Vendor pull down list and begin typing your vendor in

Ship To: Should be your dept/campus which will go to 1400 Silver Falls Road

Invoice To: Leave Blank

Attention: Should be filled automatically for you

Leave Due Date and Ship Date with the current dateShip Via: Type in Best Method


Click on Save and Add Detail

Line Number begins with 100 and you can have as many as you needIf there is a line number for each item; we can verify that we received the entire order

Line Type: Merchandise when ordering items

Line Type: Narrative if you need further explanation; there is NO Qty or Unit Cost associated with Narrative

Quantity: How many of each items you are buyingUnit of Measure: Ex: Each, Miles, Boxes

Unit Cost: How much each item costsTotal Amount: Is automatically calculated by Skyward

Hit the Save Button

Click on Add Requisition Accounts

Choose the appropriate account and click on the Selected BoxThe amount remaining has to be 0 before you can click Save Account Distrib

Click on the Notes

Click Add

Click Note Category pull down arrow and choose the appropriate item; ex Region 7 Coop Expiration DateIn the Note box put the expiration date; ex 8/18/12

Click on the Back Button

Click on Attachments

Click on Add File

Click on the Type: pull down arrow and choose which type

Must have a description of the attachment

Click on the Attached File and find the location where you scanned the backup for the request and choose the file; click on Open and the item will be attached in SkywardClick on the Save button to finish the attachment process

Click on the back button to get back to the submit screen

Here you can click on the Submit For Approval to begin the process of obtaining an authorized purchase order.If you are not ready to submit then click on Save and Finish Later and the request will go into your WIP (Work in Progress) status, and will not affect your budget.

You have now concluded the Purchasing aspect of Skyward and you will receive an email when the request is approved and the Purchase Order can be printed.Click the back Button to be taken to the Main Screen

Purchase Order Printing

Step 1: Click on My Req Approval Hist

Step 2: Click on Apply Filter

Step 3: Highlight the appropriate request that you want and click on Print

Step 4: Type REQ into the Password box and hit Submit

Step 5: The Print Queue will run and once the status has completed you just need to hit the Display Report

Step 6: Your Purchase Order will be ready to print and send to the vendor because you will see Judy Downing’s signature on the bottom.
