smeg refrigeration brochure



Degree project for the brand Smeg.

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Smeg introduce their exclusive range of Artstyle Refrigerators with designs inspired by contemporary art movements.

CD Rob & Nick Carter


1. Technology with style

2. CD of screensavers

3. Artist profile: Rob and Nick Carter

4. Smeg Artstyle: Light art.

5. Artstyle refigeration range: Light art

6. Artist profile: Jackson Pollock

7. Artstyle: Abstract expressionism

8. Artsyle refigeration range: Abstract expressionism

Rob and Nick Carter create abstract non hued pieces with light and photo sensitive paper instead of paint and canvas, produding lush, high gloss images 2 - 4 metres in length.

LED technology offers experimentation. “The colour changing lights are an amazing new paintbrush for us. We can use computer programmes to control

how and when they change.” Says Rob. “One light can generate 16m colours, so there are infinite possibilities.”

Smeg have commissioned Rob and Nick to design some screensavers exclusively for Smeg customers.

Spiral through blue


Red dragon

“Sometimes accidents work. When you’re working in the dark you don’t know what you’ll get until the piece is developed.” Rob and Nick Carter

“Artists adopt every means at their disposal under an all embracing movement called Pluralism. Artificial light becomes dynamic, plastic material in their hands.

Light Art on Piano design

The Piano Design refrigeration unit is more than just an item for conserving food; it is a beautiful piece of furniture in it’s own right. The design comes in four artstyles; one Light Art and three Abstract Expressionist.

The contemporary design is finished on all sides, making it possible to use the appliance anywhere in the house. The single door design and the fact that there is no visible logo on the outside projects an image of a fine and elegant piece of modern art.

Light Art on Retro Style Smeg offers the soft round curves reminiscent of 50’s styling. The FAB28 refrigeratkor with icebox comes in three artstyles; two in Light Art and one in Abstrat Expressionism. Frost free Energy rating A+

“His paintings may seem chaotic action daubs but they radiate structure and meaning, like the masks carved by America’s north - western Indians, or the Jazz music Pollock loved to listen to while he painted.” Jonathon Jones, Art Critic

Shimmering substance

Lavendar Mist No. 1

No. 4

Jackson Polock represented the first great stream of Abstract Expressionism. In Action Painting Pollock poured the paint directly from

the can or splattered it from the brush. The result was paintings of unusual power and beauty.

In Abstract Expressionism the canvas becomes an arena of uninhibited action - brushing, dripping, throwing, pouring. Acts in which the artist can give free reign to his emotions.

Piano Design and Retro style refrigerators in the Abstract Expressionist style.




