SMP - Scotland Pathology Network (SPAN), The Scotland-Malawi link in Pathology, Prof. FA Carey



The Scotland-Malawi link in Pathology Presentation Presented by Prof. FA Carey of the Scottish Pathology Network (SPAN) at Scotland Malawi Partnership's Health in Malawi: Towards a Coordinated Strategy Conference, 9th June 2009, Edinburgh City Chambers

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The Scotland-Malawi link in Pathology

Prof. FA CareyScottish Pathology Network




Clinical – tissue diagnosis of disease Academic – study of disease

SchistosomiasisMycobacterial infection in HIV


Our involvement in Malawi

College of Medicine (COM) Blantyre Diagnostic need is massive (very

few patients in Malawi ever have a tissue diagnosis)

Education need Medical students Laboratory technical training Postgraduate Support for existing pathologist


What we do…

3 pathologists visit each year Work with national and international

bodies (IAP, RCPath, Italian network) Development of clinical support (case

exchange, digital images) Broader support of laboratory testing

(VSO, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)

Consistent with MoH (Malawi) priorities(tripling no. of doctors etc.)


Benefits to us….

Teaching in a different disease context

Exposure to clinical material rarely seen in Scotland

Forging links with colleagues in Malawi


Exit strategy….

Malawian doctor currently training in South Africa


Scottish health strategy….

Does one exist……? Many competing sectors involved on

our side We can be subject to competitive



First steps…. (2006 slide!)

A joint (Government/NHS Scotland/Universities/Charities) clinical board

Develop mechanisms to embed this effort in our culture (realising the need to minimise impact on service delivery in Scotland)

A means for ongoing clinical commitment


Why has this not happened?

I would love to know Enthusiastically embraced at Oct

2006 Health Conference A political hot potato

Are we to conclude that the central effort is just window dressing?