SNA Newsletter Dec 2010


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  • 8/8/2019 SNA Newsletter Dec 2010


    Southwood Scene 1

    Southwood SceneVolume 2, Issue 1 December 2010

    Letter from SouthwoodsPast PresidentDear Friends,

    Thank you for givingme the honor to serve asyour Southwood Neighbor-hood Association Presidentthese past two years. I LOVEliving in our neighborhood. Ifeel so fortunate to havefound it when I was searchingfor my first and most proba-bly, my only home, as I cantimagine ever moving fromhere. Our hood has contin-ued to become the kind of place that I was hoping it wouldbe when I moved here. Thanks to all of you, we have ac-complished a lot in the past few years. One of the things Iam most proud of is that we very successfully encouragedthe City Council to expand the McMansion Ordinance.This could not have been done without the shared respon-sibilities of attending the lively and usually entertaining

    Planning and Zoning Commission, emailing our City Coun-cil, attending neighboring neighborhood meetings, attend-ing information meetings, talking to the press and attend-ing and lending support at the Council meeting when theyvoted unanimously in our favor. We all learned a tremen-dous amount about how our wonderful city of Austinworks. (I mean that seriously, but you are welcome to takeit facetiously!) We also FINALLY got our newsletter going!If anyone wins the lotto any time soon, wed love a dona-tion for mailing out the newsletter to every single house-hold (Over 1000!) in Southwood at least once a year.

    We have slowly, but surely, gotten more

    neighbors involved in various activities such as coming tothe meetings, volunteering for and attending the South-wood Thing, writing for the Southwood Scene Newsletter,getting down and dirty at Its My Park Days, forming Par-ent/Family Groups and Neighborhood Watch groups andfinally, just being dang good neighbors and friends.


    Missy Bledsoe

    Note from our In-ComingPresidentHi Neighbors,

    I'd like to start by saying thanks to everyone for makingme President of the Southwood Neighborhood Association(SNA). I love where I live and look forward to working withyou to make Southwood an even better place to live. I'dlike to also thank all of the past and current officers for set-

    ting such an impressive (and intimidating!) precedent forwhat can be accomplished when neighbors work together.

    I have two goals that I plan to personally focus on whilepresident. The first is to make sure more people are awarethat the SNA exists and what its goals are. I know that inour big neighborhood there are lots of great people whowould be willing to help out if they only knew that the SNAexists! All of the people that currently do come to meet-ings, events, and participate on the list serve are proof ofthis. The second goal is to reach out to all of the peoplewho know about the SNA but are not sure how they canhelp. I want to make sure they know all of the opportunities,

    big and small, tocontribute. Wehave a lot of tal-ented people inour neighbor-hood and I can'twait to see whatthey can do.Lastly, I'd like tothank HelenRockenbaugh forstepping forwardto become our

    new Vice President as well as brand new officer! I'm look-ing forward to a great year in Southwood!

    Josh Maxwell, President

    Southwood Neighborhood Association

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    Southwood Scene 2

    Neighborhood Lanes

    Re-ConfiguredMichael CosperCOA Neighborhood Contact for Salem Walk

    Association of Neighbors

    Emerald Forest was recently resurfaced.

    This triggered the City of Austin policy that looks

    at bike lane configuration and parking modifica-

    tions to eliminate parked cars in the bike lane.

    After mail notification and a meeting with

    the stakeholders the city decided:

    To remove on-street parking on the east side

    of Emerald Forest from Aberdeen south tothe bridge over Williamson Creek.

    Vinson has no parking on both east and west


    South of the bridge, parking was removed on

    the west side of Emerald Forest from the bridge

    south to Stassney.

    Parking was removed on the east side of Emer-

    ald Forest from Pine Meadow south to Stass-


    A traffic study has been done to determine

    if a four-way stop should be put in at the intersec-

    tion of Emerald Forest and Radam Circle along

    with a right-turn-only lane southbound at Emerald

    Forest and Stassney. No decisions have been

    made at this time.

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    Southwood Scene 3

    Free Tax Assistance near

    Southwood Neighborhood

    Joan Owens, Secretary Southwood

    Neighborhood Association

    Did you know that near our Southwood

    Neighborhood boundaries that there are two con-venient locations for free tax assistance? Bothprovide no-cost tax preparation by certified volun-teer tax preparers, as well as free electronic taxfiling to those qualified.

    New to our neighborhood is the Founda-tions Communities Community Financial Center at2600 W. Stassney Lane. In addition to TaxPreparation that begins in January, they also pro-vide year-round financial coaching, home buyereducation, self-employed/small business help, and

    information on a Cash for College program.

    AARP, the nations largest membershiporganization for people 50+, has provided taxpreparation at the South Austin Senior ActivityCenter, 3911 Manchaca Road for years. Althoughthey cater to those 50 years old and older, AARPTax-Aide program is there serving low-to-middleincome taxpayers of all ages.

    Foundation Communities

    2600 W. Stassney Lane at Westgate

    (512) 447-2026

    You may be eligible for free tax preparation if you


    An individual who makes $25,000 a year or less.

    A family (2-4 people) making a total of $50,000 a

    year or less.

    For larger families, the income limit goes up

    $5,000 for each individual (a family of 5 can

    make up to $55,000, a family of 6 can make up to

    $60,000, etc.).

    You are qualified to use tax forms which volun-

    teers are certified to prepare.


    Have an idea?We are looking for contributors for Southwood

    Scene. Please to

    volunteer and help grow ourneighborhood newsletter!

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    Southwood Scene 4

    December 20101st - Hanukkah starts at sundown4th-5th - UT Fall Graduation5th - Zilker Tree Lighting10th (6-10pm) - Urban Farmer's Market Extrava-ganza at 5109 Manchaca12th - Sunrise Community Church Youth Pro-gram Christmas18th (6:30pm) - Woodlawn Baptist Church Sin-gles Christmas Party20th-31st AISD Schools closed25th - Christmas, all area churches have pro-

    grams as well as Christmas eve programs31st - First Night Austin

    January 201117th - MLK Day (schools, banks, etc. closed)18th - Classes begin at UT for Spring semester

    20th - (7PM) Southwood Neighborhood Associa-tion Meeting, ACC South Austin Campus (notethis is the 3rd Thursday of January)24th - (11AM-2PM) Austin Job Fair at EmbassySuitesFebruary 20115th - Carnival Brasiliero

    20th - Austin Marathon (Livestrong)

    *General SNA meetings fall on the second Thursday of odd-

    numbered months. If youd like to include an event for the

    neighborhood on this calendar in a future issue, please email

    Calendar of Eventswhats happening in and around Southwood

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    Southwood Scene 5

    Custom Remodeling

    & Handy Man Service30+ Years Experience

    Ray Withers

    (512) 970-4104

    Kyle Withers

    (512) 810-7434

    5018 Lansing Drive

    Austin, Texas 78745

    October Park Work DayThanks to everyone who got down and dirty to help

    clean up and improve the butterfly garden!

    Before: lots of weeds.

    The hard-working crew: Sara Dunn, Dawn Leach, Lupe Sosa, NicoleSanford and Jennifer Thomas (not pictured: Josh Maxwell)

    After: weeds pulled, new plants put in,mulchedbeautiful!

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    Southwood Scene 6

    Urban Farmer's Market:

    A Market in our Neighborhoodby Miriam McKinney, Southwood Neighbor

    I had driven past the handmade signs for

    weeks. "Urban Farmer's Market, 5109 Manchaca,

    Saturdays 10AM-3PM". I had even driven by thehouse where I saw a few card tables set up and I

    figured it to be this new farmer's market. A few

    weeks later, I didn't see the signs and I thought that

    the market hadn't made it.

    I was wrong. It turns out that they had simply

    closed as not to conflict with Halloween. The next

    week, the signs were back up and I was determined

    to go and investigate this new Farmer's Market that

    is in Southwood Neighborhood. I have frequented

    the Farmer's Markets in Sunset Valley and the one

    at Barton Creek Mall in the past and was curious

    what this market would have to offer.

    I drove south on Manchaca just past Jones

    Rd and saw the tables and tents up in the yard of a

    residence. I pulled on to the next street and parked.

    As I approached I realized that the offerings at this

    market were much more than I had seen from the

    road. I immediately met Robin Reid who owns the

    house at 5109 Manchaca. She explained, "One dayI just realized that I couldn't eat all the food that was

    growing in my garden." And that's how the Urban

    Farmer's Market started. She placed some ads in

    Craigslist offering up free booth space for interested

    local merchants with natural, homemade or home-

    grown goods. She hopes to expand to use more of

    her lot and possibly some space just to one side of

    her. On this particular Saturday, there were seven

    booths set up by noon and it seemed a few more

    were on the way. Robin has a vision of hosting fifty

    booths one day.

    Each person I talked to had a story about

    what had brought them to be selling their goods at

    this Farmer's Market. They were each equally en-

    thusiastic about explaining what they had brought

    on this day, suggesting that next time it could be

    something a bit different. One of the woman, who

    makes and sells natural lotions, soaps and hair ton-

    ics was also offering some homemade cranberry

    muffins since she decided that she, "felt like baking

    this morning." I got a lesson on why it's easier and

    better to raise quails than chickens. I was taught

    how to "trim" my lettuce garden (if I had one or

    wanted to purchase my own small one on this day),

    I learned that a BBQ sauce can still taste great even

    if it is a combination of Missouri and Texas flavors. I

    found jars of pickled okra, which I love, and pickled

    watermelon, which I'd never seen. There were arti-

    sans who had made beautiful magnets and hand

    knitted hats. And, of course, there was fresh pro-

    duce. I chatted with a few of the patrons, too. Some

    were from our neighborhood and others traveled to

    South Austin to shop at all of our Farmer's Markets.

    Everyone was warm and friendly, just what youdexpect from our neighbors.

    Where in Southwood?

    Do you know where this picture was taken in the

    Southwood neighborhood? Email your answer to and a winner will be

    drawn from the correct answers submitted. The win-

    ner will receive a Southwood Neighborhood t-shirt!

    Answers must be emailed by February 1, 2011.

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    Southwood Scene 7

    Recently in Southwood...

    How long have you lived in Southwood?

    I have lived in my home in Southwood 31 years

    What do you like best about Southwood?I like the size of our lots, that NOW I know many of my neighbors share myconcern for the environment, belonging to SNA, the SNA Yahoo and thethings I have learned through the emails sent out by all.

    What's your best tip to be a good neighbor?

    To me, being a good neighbor is sharing what you have with each other,praying for the neighborhood and accepting the differences without conflict

    What one thing about Southwood would you like to see improved?

    Because of health for both my husband and I we are at doctors offices or

    South Austin hospital often. I agree with Angie on S. 2nd

    about James Casey

    and St Elmo needing more visibility. I hate cutting down the brush/trees but it needs to be done. Not sure who owns

    the lot on the eastside but maybe a nice garden with low bushes at the corner.

    Carol, Southwood Neighbor

    Meet Your Neighbor

    Carol on Birchwood Ct.

    Specializing in Remodels

    Bathroom * Kitchen

    Granite Counter Tops * Room Additions

    Decks * Enclosures * Metal Roofs



    Jorge Perez


    National Night Out on Hank Ave.

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    Southwood Scene 8



    Josh Maxwell President

    Helen Rockenbaugh First Vice President

    Missy Bledsoe Second Vice President

    Dawn Leach Treasurer

    Joan Owens Secretary

    Park Beautification Chair: Nicole Sanford

    Safety and Crime Prevention Chair: Jill Prikryl

    Newsletter Chair: Julie Maxwell

    Southwood Parents Network Chair: Jennifer Thomas

    Cap Metro Committee Chair: David Foster




    The purpose of Southwood Neighborhood Association is to seek

    to preserve and improve the quality of life in the neighborhood and

    to provide support in all matters of neighborhood concern. The

    Mission Statement of the Southwood Neighborhood Association is

    to promote a sense of community, and to encourage active

    participation and pride in our neighborhood.


    Southwood Scene is an online newsletter for the Southwood

    Neighborhood Association. Copies are printed by neighbors and

    passed out at the Southwood Neighborhood Association meet-

    ings. For those neighbors without internet access, we encourage

    you to print a copy of the newsletter and take it to them. We

    welcome everyone to contribute to the newsletter. To find out

    about the next Southwood Scene meeting, please email

    Southwood NeighborhoodBoundaries