Soal MCQ Blok 16


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MCQDirections: Each of the question or incomplete statements below is followed by four suggested answers or completions, select the one BEST answer in each case

1. One of the most important examples of mental disorders caused by organic changes or abnormalities in the brain are:

A. Huntington’s diseaseB. Alzheimer's diseaseC. Bipolar disorderD. Rett syndrome

2. The fist human disease to be cause by unstable trinucleotide repeat sequenceA. Turner syndromeB. Huntington’s diseaseC. Fragile-X syndromeD. Down syndrome

3. Psychotic symptoms that cause by polygenic is:A. Bipolar disordersB. Schizophrenia.C. Alzheimer’s diseaseD. Huntington’s disease

4. Possible routes or mechanisms by which parental mental health might have an impact on their children. Choose the wrong statement:

A. Genetic factorsB. Social impactC. Indirect effects of parental symptoms on childrenD. Impacts on children mediated less directly, by disruptions in parenting

5. Early onset of Alzheimer disease, is also associated with……A. Turner syndromeB. William syndromeC. Down syndromeD. Huntington syndrome

6. The inhibitory neurotransmitter of CNSA. dopamineB. serotoninC. nitric oxideD. gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

7. Plasticity in neural connection meansA. an ability to change neuronal connection on the basis of experience

B. region that integrate information from multiple sensory and motor areaC. influence of behavior on motor systemD. simple reflex pathways initiated through brain

8. Cholinergic system of diffuse modulatory system in cerebrum can influenceA. attentionB. learningC. moodD. pain

9. During sleep, relay neurons in thalamus reduce information reaching the cerebrum by

A. modulating its frequencyB. turning off its signalC. altering membrane potentialD. decreasing neurotransmitter

10. Language skill is the most elaborateA. emotional stateB. cognitive behaviorC. motor skillD. memory processing

Questions no. 11 – 15 is related to the following scenario.

A man in his mid 30s was found lying on the ground and brought to the ER of hospital by a police officer, because he exhibited slurred speech and irrational behavior. A history of the patient was impossible to obtain because he seemed to be disoriented and delirious and was apparently having visual hallucinations. In addition, his tongue and mouth were very dry, making speech difficult.

11. The most likely diagnosis of the patient is …A. somatoform disorder.B. sleep disorderC. acute psychosisD. neurosis

12. The symptoms and signs of the patient are due to dysfunction of …A. Broca’s areaB. limbic systemC. cholinergic systemD. dopaminergic system

13. His behavioral abnormality was presumably attributable to …

A. a block of cholinergic transmission system within the brainB. stimulation of dopaminergic neuronsC. damage of brain left hemisphereD. malfunction of sensory area in cerebral cortex.

14. He exhibited slurred speech. The normal speech center is located in …A. left hemisphereB. right hemisphereC. limbic systemD. hypothalamus

15. Hallucination that occur in this case, confirms that ..A. brain can generate information and out put signal in the absence of

external inputB. there was a damage in his frontal lobeC. plasticity of neuronal connection on the basis of experienceD. over stimulation of visual association area in cerebral cortex

16.Moods and drives are mostly related to :A. Visual cortexB. Superior temporal gyrusC. AmygdalaD. Insula

17. Antipsychotic medication can induced extrapyramidal syndrome due to disruption of :A. Serotonin reuptakeB. Dopamine receptorsC. GABA productionD. Motor cortex function

18. In Papez’s circuit, Hippocampus sends fibers directly to:A. Anterior thalamic nucleusB. Cingulate gyrusC. Septal areaD. Mammilary body

19. Center in the brain described as center of language understanding is :A. Broca AreaB. Wernicke areaC. Auditory cortexD. Prefrontal cortex

20. Auditory hallucination might occur if there is a lesion involving:

A. Temporal lobeB. Frontal lobeC. Parietal lobeD. Occipital lobe

21. The effect of undernutrition to brain growth isA. Hyperactivity in childrenB. Increasing learning abilityC. Decreasing the ultimate number of cellsD. Improving dendritic branching

22. An optimal well balanced breakfast in children can increaseA. Learning capacityB. Learning behaviorC. Interpersonal relationshipD. Motor skills

23. One goal of nutritional rehabilitation in patient with AN is toA. Correcting the psychological disturbancesB. Normalizing eating behaviorsC. Determine ritualistic eating behaviorsD. Diminish the utilization of bad food

24. The very essential component of treatment for AN and BN from nutritional point of view is

A. Diet historyB. Assessment of nutritional statusC. Regulation of nutrients intakeD. Nutrition education

25. Autistic children have higher threshold of pain sensation due to the presence of opioid gliadomorphin which comes from diet rich in

A. Food additiveB. Wheat flourC. MilkD. Vegetables

26. The Feingold Kaiser Permanente diet may success as supportive diet therapy in hyperactive children if it is combined with

A. Restriction of sugarB. Restriction of gluten and caseinC. Restriction of caffeine

D. Restriction of food additives

27. In promoting high intellectual development, adequate nutrition is needed in separable from

A. Adequate intake of foodB. Exclusive mother’s milk during infancyC. Stimulated family environmentD. Health status

28. A family insisted to perform an autoption to a dead family, because they did not admit that he is already dead. Children refuses to see their “bad” father turned to be a funny and kind doll. Or one afraid person turned to be a “Superman”

A. projectionB. introjectionC. denialD. represssion

29. Changing unacceptable impulses to other socially aceptable impulsesA. sublimationB. introjectionC. repressionD. altruistic

30.Which of the following of Freud's ideas is still important to psychopathology today?

A. Those thoughts are the basis for behaviour.B. Behaviour is learned from experience.C. Psychopathology has origins in early experience rather than being a

manifestation of biological dysfunction.D. Dream analysis.

31.Which of the following is an example of repression?A. Stopping yourself from behaving the way you want toB. Suppressing bad memories or current thoughts that cause anxiety.C. Suppressing your natural instincts.D. Stopping others from behaving inappropriately.

32. Example of symptoms of the Bleurer’s primary rank criteria for schizophrenia include all the following except

A. IncoherenceB. HypothymiaC. Autism

D. Ambivalence

33. Schneider’s criteria for schizophrenia includes all the following exceptA. Audible thoughtsB. Somatic passivity experienceC. PerplexityD. Sudden delusional ideas

34. Hebephrenic schizophrenia includes all of the following exceptA. Prominent schizophrenic symptomsB. OneiroidC. Disorganized thoughtD. Bizarre behavior

35. An almost pathognomonic symptom for schizophreniaA. Systematic delusionB. Commanding hallucinationC. OneiroidD. Visual hallucination

36. Included in Axis II in the multiaxial diagnosisA. Personality disordersB. Mental retardationC. Personality disorders and mental retardationD. Clinical syndromes and personality syndromes

37. The term melancholia now meansA. Mild depressionB. Severe depressionC. Bipolar depressionD. Unipolar depression

38. The GAF Scale of patients with some danger hurting self/othersA. 50-41B. 40-31C. 30-21D. 20-11

39.Manic type of the affective disorders includes all of the following exceptA. Flight of ideasB. Frequent hallucinationsC. MegalomaniaD. Irritability and excitement

40. Involutional melancholia includes all of the following exceptA. Clearly melancholia symptomsB. Prominent schizophrenic symptomsC. The delusion is usually nihilisticD. Suicidal thought maybe present

41. Involutional paraphrenia includes all of the following exceptA. Better prognosis than involutional melancholiaB. Often mixed with melancholiaC. Systematic delusionsD. Premorbid personality usually rigid, critical, and easily suspicious

42. Poor prognosis for schizophrenia is not attributed byA. Young onsetB. Negative symptomsC. History of perinatal traumaD. Family history of mood disorders

43. Schizoaffective disorder, manic type includes all of the following exceptA. Elation of moodB. Typically schizophrenic symptomsC. Irritability and excitementD. Retarded motoric activity

44. Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type includes all of the following exceptA. Prominent delusionB. Typically schizophrenic symptomsC. Hallucinations maybe presentD. Poorer prognosis compared with hebephrenia

45. In Folie a Deux, the facts includes all of the following exceptA. Usually in close relativesB. Introduced by Laseque and FalretC. Induced delusional ideasD. Persistent bizarre delusion

46. In delusional disorders, all includes of the following exceptA. Systematic delusionsB. Bizarre and systematic delusionsC. Premorbid personality tendency to paranoidD. Usually occurs in age around 40 years

47. The term dementia praecox was introduced byA. Morel

B. KahlbaumC. Emil KraepelinD. Eugene Bleurer

48. The term schizophrenia was introduced byA. MorelB. KahlbaumC. Emil KraepelinD. Eugene Bleurer

49. Good prognosis for schizophrenia, includes all of the following exceptA. Good premorbid social, sexual, and work historiesB. Late onsetC. Acute onsetD. Negative symptoms

50. The human personality is A. Fixed and unchangeable after adulthoodB. Unique for each personC. Can be directly observedD. The only focus in psychiatry

51. The concept of normality as a process states that normal behavior A. Is an idealized fictionB. Shows no psychopathology manifestationC. Is between two extremesD. Is the end result of interacting systems

52. According to the psychological model, a mental disorder occurred as a result ofA. an organic disruptionB. experience acquired before adulthoodC. repetitive maladaptive behaviorD. interaction with environment

53. According to PPDGJ-III, a mental disorder must be characterized byA. Severe distressB. Severe disabilityC. Marked psychopathologyD. Marked reality impairment

54. A symptom characterized by confusion of temporal, spatial, and/or personal awareness is

A. StuporB. ComaC. Twilight stateD. Disorientation

55. A disorder of discriminative judgment will be seen asA. Diminished ability to act appropriately and expectedly with situationB. Unable to recall the past experience correctlyC. Failure to understand the cause and reason of things happeningD. Inability resisting impulse, drive, or temptation

56. A false interpretation of stimuli is calledA. DelusionB. HallucinationC. IllusionD. Fixed Ideation

57. False belief that is firmly held and patently absurd or fantastic is calledA. Bizarre DelusionB. Systematic DelusionC. Primary DelusionD. Secondary Delusion

58. A flight of ideas is not characterized byA. Inability to finish ideasB. Pressure of speechC. DistractibilityD. Illogical order of words

59. A hallucination that occurred a moment before sleep, which is often considered non pathological, is

A. Hallucination on Sensory DeprivationB. Hypnagogic HallucinationC. Hypnopompic HallucinationD. Formication

60. A persistent, pathological, unrealistic, intense fear of an object or situation is calledA. ObsessionB. PhobiaC. HypochondriaD. Confabulation

61. An unfavorable temptation which cannot be eliminated from one’s mind is calledA. Intellectual ObsessionB. Contrast ThoughtC. Impulse ObsessionD. Obsessional Image

62. An autistic thought is defined byA. The inability to draw conclusive ideaB. Unable to think abstractlyC. Illogical and irrational ideaD. Understandable only to one’s self

63. Which of the following statement concerning REM sleep is correct?A. For adults, the REM occupied about 50 percent of nocturnal sleepB. All the physiological parameter is normalC. The more the age, the less the REM percentage of nocturnal sleepD. Any occurring dream is clear and meaningful

64. Difficulty on maintaining sleep can be found onA. DepressionB. AnxietyC. PainD. CNS Lesion

65. The diagnostic criteria for Nonorganic Insomnia according to PPDGJ-III includesA. Minimal occurrence rate is 3 times a week for at least 2 monthsB. Awake when others were asleep, and asleep when others were awakeC. A preoccupied idea that one cannot sleep wellD. Overly slept and difficulty on staying awake

66. The diagnostic criteria for Sleep Terrors according to PPDGJ-III includesA. Upon awakening, one is fully awareB. Unable to, or fragmented, recall the reason of awakeningC. Usually occurred at the end of sleepD. The dream caused discomfort

67. Other nonorganic sleep disturbance does not include the diagnosis ofA. Restless leg syndromeB. BruxismC. SomnambulismD. Somniloquy

68. The symptom or deficit affecting voluntary motor or sensory function cannot, after appropriate investigation, be fully explained by a general medical condition, or by the direct effects of a substance, or as a culturally sanctioned behavior or experience; the psychological factors are judged to be associated with the symptom or deficit which preceded by conflicts or other stressors; are the characteristics of:

A. Somatoform disorder, B. Conversion disorder,C. Organic brain syndrome;D. Acute stress disorder.

69. An inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by normal forgetfulness, is the essential feature of:

A. Amnesia,

B. Dissociative amnesia,C. Dementia,D. Depression.

70. Characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality state that recurrently take control of the individual’s behavior accompanied by an inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness, is the essential feature of:

A. Depersonalization disorder, B. Dissociative identity disorder,C. Character disorder,D. Personality disorder.

71. The essential feature:As sudden, unexpected travel away from home or one’s customary place or daily activities, with an inability to recall some or all of one’s past; this accompanied by confusion about personal identity or event that assumption of a knew identity. These are the syndrome of: A. Amnesia, B. Dissociative amnesia,C. Dissociative fugue,D. Depersonalization.

72. “Is a non specific response of the body to any demand”. This statement is presented by Hans Selye as the definition of:

A. Anxiety, B. Apprehension,C. Stress,D. Mourning.

73. The stages of “General adaptation syndrome” consists of: A. Alarm, Warning, Acting out, B. Alarm, Fight or Flight,C. Alarm, Aware, Run away,D. Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion.

74. Behavioral disorder that characterized by: a combination of overactive, poorly modulated, behaviour with marked inattention & lack of persistent task involvement and pervasiveness over situations & persistent over time, is diagnosed as:

A. Hyperkinetic disorder, B. Conduct disorder,C. Tic disorder,D. Emotional disorder.

75. This symptom is not included in the Kleptomania:

A. Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal objects that are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value,

B. Increasing sense of tension immediately before committing the theft,C. Pleasure, gratification, or relief at the time committing the theft,D. The stealing is committed to express anger and vengeance.

76. Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair resulting in noticeable hair loss; an increasing tension immediately before pulling out the hair or when attempting to resist the behavior; pleasure, gratification, or relief when pulling out the hair; is the syndrome of:

A. Impulse-Control disorder, B. Trichotillomania,C. Intermittent explosive behavior,D. Pyromania.

77. A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being other sex) is the essential feature of:

A. Gender identity disorder, B. Paraphilia,C. Voyeurism,D. Fetishism.

78. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectation of the individual’s culture. This is the general diagnostic criterion of:

A. Character disorder, B. Behavior disorder,C. Conduct disorder,D. Personality disorder.

79. The disorder that characterized most commonly as a diffuse, unpleasant, vague sense of apprehension, often accompanied by autonomic symptoms, is:

A. Emotional disorder, B. Anxiety disorder,C. Conduct disorder,D. Depression disorder.

80. The disorder which not classified as anxiety disorder, is:A. Panic disorder, B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),C. Depression disorder,D. Social phobia.

81. Anti noradrenergic, anti serotonergic, anti histamin, and anti acetylcholine effect are some the effects of:

A. Anti Psychotic, B. Anti OCD

C. Anti Depression,D. Anti Phobia.

82. The psychic pathological defense mechanism that play a role on the anxiety disorder (anxiety neurosis) is:

A. Displacement, B. Projection,C. Avoidance, D. No defense at all.

83. Psychiatric therapy of the patients consists of:A. Psychopharmacological therapy, B. Electro compulsive therapy (ECT),C. Psychotherapy, D. All of above.

84.Mental Health approach used by The Ministry of Health of RI:A. Promotive, Preventive, B. Curative,C. Rehabilitative, D. All of above.

85. The specific therapy in Psychiatry which differentiates it from other medical discipline, is:

A. Drug therapy, B. Psychotherapy,C. Music therapy, D. Detoxification.

86. Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her. This is one of the symptoms of :

A. Paranoid personality disorder, B. Schizoid personality disorder,C. Anancastic personality disorder, D. Antisocial (Dissocial) personality disorder.

87. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. This are some of the symptoms of:

A. Paranoid personality disorder, B. Schizoid personality disorder,C. Anancastic personality disorder, D. Antisocial (Dissocial) personality disorder.

88. Which of the following is included in somatoform disorder?a. Somatization disorderb. Conversion disorderc. Hypochondriasis

d. All of the above

89. Not a diagnostic criteria for psychosomatica. There are many physical complains and of various symptoms that can’t be described

as physical disorder, that happened at least 2 yearsb. Unwilling to take advice from medical professional concerning one’s physical

normalityc. There is an evidence of disability in social or familial function, which is attributable

to the symptoms characteristic and the effect of the behaviord. There is an evidence of severe anxiety accompanied by mild depression

90. The drug used for somatoform without physical symptom isa. Beta blockerb. Rivastigminc. Benzodiazepind. Lythium

91. Included in the psychosomatic a. Headacheb. Essential hipertensionc. Peptic ulcerd. Semua benar

92. A boy 12 years old had an alopecia on the parietal, the hairs broken at the different lengths. His mother said he pulled his hairs since his father died 2 months ago. What is the diagnosis for this patient ?

A. TrichotillomaniaB. Alopecia areataC. Tinea capitisD. Seborrheic dermatitis

93. Co-morbid psychiatric disorder on the trichotillomania is… .

A. AnxietyB. SchizophreniaC. Manic depressionD. Neurosis

94. Clinical appearance of the neurotic excoriations is… .A. Multiple excoriations with various stages.B. The lesion rarely scarringC. The mostly lesion on the flexor areaD. Multiple excoriations in same stages

95. Neurotic excoriations is frequently associated with… .A. Obsessive – compulsive personalityB. Histeric personalityC. Manic – depressionD. Anxiety

96. The most common indications of antipsycochotics in dermatology is … .A. Delusion of ParasitosisB. TrichotillomaniaC. Atopic DermatitisD. Dermatitis Artefacta

97. One of the predisposing factor of psychosomatic disorder isA. The symbolic meaning of an organB. Primary advantage of being allowed to pass a dutyC. Organic illness not common in the familyD. Constitutional hereditary force

98. The system not commonly associated with psychosomatic disorderA. MusculosceletalB. RespiratoryC. BrainD. Cardiovascular

99. A child suspected to suffer Mental Retardation when :A. He was born from premature gestationB. His height is shorter for his ageC. His normative developmental milestones is below for his ageD. He does an not say anything at 3 years old

100. The mayor genetic cause of Mental Retardation is :A. Down syndromeB. Alcoholism syndromeC. Hypothyroidism syndromeD. Malnutrition

101. A child who have IQ score 65, clasified as :A. Borderline intelectual functioningB. Mild Mental RetardationC. Moderate Mental RetardationD. Severe Mental Retardation

102. The Mild Mental Retardation is appropriate to the following condition :A. They may learn to sit up, walk and talk later than other childrenB. They may learn to getting dressed and eating later than otherC. They learn to write and read longer than the other

D. They may die prematurely because of Alzheimer disease103. The Moderate Mental Retardation is appropriate to the following

condition :A. May not be obvious in early childhoodB. They may have a normal life expectancyC. They may semiindependently with significant suppportive servicesD. They need intensive support and supervision for long life

104. The most common finding in Pervasive Developmental Disorders are :A. Impairments in socialinteractionB. Impairments in movementC. Impairments in mental functioningD. Impairments in hearing

105. The Pervasive Developmental Disorders includes all of the following condition, EXCEPT :

A. Autistic disorderB. Asperger syndromeC. Rett syndromeD. Down Syndrome

106. The abnormality pattern of behavior in autistic disorder is :a. Stereotypicb. Repetitivec. Hyperactived. All above

107. A three years old girl with reduced head circumference, and loss of social-relatedness who develop stereotyped hand movements and have impaired language and mental functioning, may suffers from :

A. Autistic disorderB. SchizophreniaC. Rett syndromeD. Down syndrome

108. The medication that reduces specific symptoms in autistic disorder is :A. HaloperidolB. RisperidoneC. MetylphenidateD. Chlorpromazine

109. The most notable disorder of function in MCI:A. VisuospatialB. LanguageC. EmotionD. Memory

110. MCI is included in:

A. SenescenceB. DementiaC. SenilityD. Degenerative age

111. The brain of dementia shows decrease in:A. Dopaminergic cellB. Cholinergic cellC. Epinephrine cellD. Muscarinic cell

112. Most of Alzheimer drug is included in:A. KolinesteraseB. Dopamine inhibitorC. Muskarinik inhibitorD. Asetilkolinesterase inhibitor

113. The normal forgetfulness of elder people is called:A. Acute forgetfulnessB. Benign forgetfulnessC. DementiaD. MCI

114. Not found in MCI:A. Memory disturbanceB. Language disturbanceC. DementiaD. ADL disturbance

115. MMSE score of MCI patient:A. 20 – 30B. 18 – 23C. 9 – 17D. Below 9

116. Drug below that can control manic symptoms of bipolar disorder is :A. LorazepamB. AmitriptilyneC. DiazepamD. Carbamazepine

117. Extrapyramidal signs due to anti psychotic medication best treated with:A. ChlorpromazineB. Phenobarbital

C. L-DOPAD. Carbamazepine

118. Lithium can be used to treat:A. AnxietyB. DepressionC. ManiaD. Insomnia

119. In penal law of Indonesia (KUHP 44), nobody one who do criminal case can be punished if he/she in condition….a. On drugb. Mental retardationc. Out of controld. Alcoholic addiction

120. After mother delivery her baby, in several hours, she killed directly her baby, it means….a. Severe post partum syndromeb. Infanticidec. Baby bluesd. homicide