Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


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  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr Pcrecs

    Pd`eli Jl`tdrs Ljjc`teob Rdgcos

    Pus`cpteheiety td MEZ eo Eonel

    Vreyl Ilii

    Od. >=3Kuoc 86

    Lselo Ncvcidpgcot Hloa Eostetutc

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    ^mc Rdraeob Vlpcr screcs es l `doteoultedo dj tmc jdrgcriy olgcn Nes`ussedo Vlpcr screcs1tmc oughcreob dj tmc plpcrs `doteoucn wetmdut eotcrruptedo dr `mlobc. LNHEs wdraeobplpcrs rcjic`t eoeteli encls do l tdpe` lon lrc pdstcn doieoc jdr nes`ussedo. LNHE co`durlbcsrclncrs td pdst tmcer `dggcots do tmc gleo plbc jdr cl`m wdraeob plpcr (bevco eo tmc

    `etltedo hcidw). Pdgc wdraeob plpcrs gly ncvcidp eotd dtmcr jdrgs dj puhie`ltedo.

    Pubbcstcn etltedo;

    Ilii, V. 86. Pd`eli Jl`tdrs Ljjc`teob Rdgcos Pus`cpteheiety td MEZ eo Eonel. LNHE RdraeobVlpcr >=3. ^dayd; Lselo Ncvcidpgcot Hloa Eostetutc. Lvleilhic;mttp;//www.lnhe.drb/wdraeob-plpcr/86/6:/

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii


    Eonel es tmc cpe`cotcr dj tmc MEZ/LENP cpencge` eo Lsel. Vrcvedus rcsclr`m eone`ltcs tmlt tmcglkdrety dj MEZ-pdsetevc wdgco eo Eonel wcrc eojc`tcn hy tmcer mushlons, tmcer doiy scxuliplrtocr, wme`m glacs tmcg nejje`uit encotejy ls l mebm-resa pdpuiltedo. ^mes plpcr sccas td

    lsscss sd`eli jl`tdrs lssd`eltcn wetm tmc trlosgessedo dj MEZ hlscn do ncgdbrlpme`nctcrgeolots, su`m ls lbc1 scxuli hcmlvedr1 lon bconcrcn nes`regeoltedo, su`m ls ndgcste`vedico`c.

    Xcsclr`m jdr tmes plpcr `dosests dj sc`donlry stlteste`li loliyses dj tmc Oltedoli JlgeiyMclitm Purvcy, wme`m `diic`tcn qulotetltevc nltl do ncgdbrlpme` lon sd`edc`dodge`nctcrgeolots jdr loliyses dj mclitm`lrc, ndgcste` lhusc, lon cgcrbeob mclitm essucs. Lsgdst plrte`eplots wcrc tcstcn jdr MEZ ls plrt dj tmc survcy, et prdvencs rcbedoli cstegltcs djMEZ scrdstltus jdr tmc bcocrli pdpuiltedo eo Eonel.

    Xcsuits jrdg tmc hevlreltc loliyscs eone`ltc tmlt jdr tmc jcglic plrte`eplots, sd`edc`dodge`stltus mls lo lssd`eltedo wetm scrdstltus, ls MEZ-pdsetevc wdgco wcrc seboeje`lotiy(p96.66), Meonu (DX78.03, @E7.3>), dr cgpidycn (DX73,@E76.5:8.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Jdiidweob Hlroctt lon Rmetcsencs (8668) gdnci, tmc ncpconcot vlrelhic uscn eo liihevlreltc lon guitevlreltc loliyscs es tmc scrdstltus dj tmc plrte`eplot, wmeiceoncpconcot vlrelhics lrc rloacn l``drneob td tmcer nestlo`c jrdg resa lon stru`turli`dgpdocots. Jdr eostlo`c, vlrelhics nccgcn td hc rcjic`tevc dj c`dodge` lon pdiete`li`dotcxt lrc lssebocn td tmc gl`rdcoverdogcotli negcosedo dj sus`cpteheiety.

    ^mc gl`rdcoverdogcotli negcosedo dj sus`cpteheiety co`dgplsscs (e)sd`edncgdbrlpme` `mlrl`tcreste`s, eo`iuneob lbc, rcbedo, lon lrcl dj rcsenco`c1 (ee)sd`edc`dodge` stltus, `dgpreseob icvci dj cnu`ltedo, wclitm, lon d``upltedo1 lon (eee)sd`eli stltus, eo`iuneob rciebedo, `lstc encotety, lon glretli stltus. ^lhic < nespilys mdweoncpconcot vlrelhics wcrc liidttcn td gclsurc Hlroctt lon Rmetcsencs (8668) gdncidj sus`cpteheiety, wme`m es gdnejecn jdr tmc purpdscs dj tmes plpcr.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    gclsureob eotcr-rciltedosmep nyolge`s, lon mestdry dj ndgcste` lon scxuli vedico`c djjcglic rcspdoncots1 (ee) bcdbrlpme`li gdheiety, wme`m eo`iuncs vlrelhics lsscsseobjcglic plrte`eplots prcvedus typc dj rcsenco`c, mdw gloy yclrs tmcy mln hcco ieveob eotmcer `urrcot mduscmdin, lon glic rcspdoncots plttcros dj gebrltedo1 lon (eee) lttetuncstd MEZ, wme`m eo`drpdrltc gclsurcgcots dj plrte`eplots aodwicnbc dj rdutcs djtrlosgessedo. Gclsurcgcots dj rcspdoncots lwlrcocss dj MEZ eo`iunc tmceruoncrstloneob dj gctmdns td prcvcot scxuli trlosgessedo, 8 tmcer aodwicnbc djtrcltgcot rcquercn jdr MEZ,0lon ges`do`cptedos mcin rcblrneob tmc eiiocss.>

    Jeoliiy, hcmlvedrli nctcrgeolots wcrc eovcstebltcn. ^mc OJMP-EEE eo`iuncn gclsurcs djscxuli hcmlvedr, wme`m rc`drncn rcspdoncots rc`cot lon iejctegc mestdry dj scxulihcmlvedr. ^mcsc vlrelhics nd`ugcot tmc oughcr dj iejctegc scxuli plrtocrs, rc`cotscxuli l`tevety, lon eojdrgltedo do scxuli plrtocrs nureob tmc . Eo `dotrlst, tmc lbc nestrehutedo dj MEZ-ocbltevcwdgco wls mclveiy sacwcn tdwlrn tmc yduobcst lbc brdups. Jeburc < eiiustrltcs tmc

    nestrehutedo dj lbcs hy MEZ stltus jdr wdgco.:

    8Vlrte`eplots eo tmc OJMP-EEE wmd mln mclrn dj MEZ/LENP wcrc lsacn ej et wls pdssehic td prcvcot

    trlosgessedo dj MEZ hy lhstleoeob jrdg scxuli eotcr`dursc, hceob jletmjui td docs plrtocr, lon hy useob`dondgs. ^mcsc rcspdoncots wcrc lisd lsacn td iest dtmcr wlys td lvden MEZ.

    0Vlrte`eplots wcrc lsacn ej tmcy aocw tmlt MEZ `duin hc vcrte`liiy trlosgettcn jrdg gdtmcr td `mein nureob

    lon ljtcr hertm, wmctmcr tmes `duin hc prcvcotcn tmrdubm nrubs bevco td tmc gdtmcr, lon wmctmcr tmcymln mclrn dj spc`eli loterctrdverli nrubs td prdidob tmc iejc dj lo MEZ-eojc`tcn pltecot.

    >Vlrte`eplots eo tmc OJMP-EEE wcrc lsacn wmctmcr tmcy hciecvcn tmlt l mclitmy iddaeob pcrsdo `duin mlvc

    MEZ lon wmctmcr et `duin hc trlosgettcn tmrdubm mubbeob dtmcrs, gdsquetd hetcs, dr smlreob jddn wetmMEZ-pdsetevc eonevenulis.

    3Xcspdoncots wcrc lsacn td encotejy tmcer rciltedosmep wetm tmcer prcvedus scxuli plrtocr, nurltedo dj tmcer

    rciltedosmep, lon usc dj `dondgs nureob tmc tegc.:Cxplosedo wcebmts wcrc prdvencn wetm tmc OJMP-EEE nltlsct eo drncr td `rcltc cstegltcs dj tmc sezc dj tmc

    MEZ-eojc`tcn pdpuiltedo lt l oltedoli lon stltc icvci eo Eonel. ^mes eo`rclscn tmc sezc dj tmc slgpic tdsu`m lo cxtcot tmlt gdst hevlreltc loliyscs wduin mlvc mln stlteste`liiy seboeje`lot rcsuits. ^mcsc


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Jeoliiy, tmc `iustcrcn olturc dj MEZ prcvlico`c eo Eonel wls jurtmcr eovcstebltcn hypcrjdrgeob l `me-squlrcn tcst do MEZ stltus lon rcbedo dj rcsenco`c jdr tmc jcglicplrte`eplots. mcrc wls l mebmiy seboeje`lot (p96.66%), lon sdutm(6.3%) dj Eonel. Gdrcdvcr, tmc huia dj jcglic MEZ-pdsetevc plrte`eplots wcrc ieveob eosdutmcro stltcs (30%). ^lhic 0 nespilys jcglic plrte`eplots scrdstltus l``drneob tdtmc rcbedo dj Eonel tmcy ievc eo.

    ^lhic 0; Pcrdstltus lon MEZ Vrcvlico`c dj Jcglic Vlrte`eplots hy Xcbedo djEonel



    Pcrdstltus dj Jcglic Vlrte`eplots

    MEZ ocbltevc(%)

    MEZ pdsetevc(%)

    Vrcvlico`c Oughcr

    Eonel ^dtli 6.88 38,=3>


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  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Jeburc 8; Jcglic Vlrte`eplot Pcrdstltus L``drneob td Icvci dj Rclitm

    (wcebmtcn, % dj plrte`eplots)

    Pdur`c; EEVP lon Gl`rd Eotcroltedoli 8662.

    ^mcsc rcsuits `duin hc eone`ltevc dj wencr sd`eli nyolge`s rciltcn td tmc trlkc`tdry djtmc MEZ cpencge` eo Eonel. Eo tmc clriy pmlscs dj tmc MEZ cpencge` eo suh-PlmlrloLjre`l, scrdprcvlico`c wls mebm lgdob wdgco jrdg hcttcr-djj hl`abrduons ([ecbicr ctli.

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  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    tmcrc wls l prdhlheiety tmlt `crtleo typcs dj resa hcmlvedrs `duin hc id`ltcn wetmeo lsglii bcdbrlpme`li lrcl, wme`m wduin rcsuit eo pd`acts dr muhs dj MEZ prcvlico`c.

    ^mc dhkc`tevc dj tmc guitevlreltc loliyses wls td encotejy seboeje`lotgl`rdcoverdogcotli prcne`tdrs dj MEZ stltus wetmeo tmc jcglic slgpic, `dotrdiieob jdr

    tmc cjjc`t dj `dojduoneob jl`tdrs. ^mc jerst jdr`cn gdnci (Ptcp

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ^lhic 5; Gl`rdcoverdogcotli Vrcne`tdrs dj MEZ Ptltus lgdob JcglicVlrte`eplots eo tmc OJMP-EEE


    Ptcp < Ptcp 8 Ptcp 0

    Eotcr`cpt ***6.66 ***6.66 ***6.66

    Pd`edncgdbrlpme` `mlrl`tcreste`s


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    nespilycn mebmcr dnns dj hceob MEZ pdsetevc eo `dgplresdo td tmcer `duotcrplrts. ^mcscjeoneobs subbcst tmlt l idw icvci dj cnu`ltedo `duin l`t ls l `dotrehuteob resa jl`tdr, lsrcspdoncots gly mlvc iettic dr od lwlrcocss dj MEZ (Xlmhlr ct li. 86621 Pmrdtre ct li.86601 Alilslblr ct li. 866:) wetm ocbltevc cjjc`ts do tmcer scxuli resa hcmlvedr (Jertm ctli. 86.6

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    lon scxuli vedico`c.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    `duotcrplrts, RIML wcrc seboeje`lotiy (p96.63) gdrc ieaciy td lbrcc tmlt et wls kustejecnjdr l wejc td hc hcltco ej smc ocbic`tcn mcr `meinrco (3

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Jeoliiy, MEZ-pdsetevc jcglic plrte`eplots wcrc seboeje`lotiy (p96.66

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    iegeteob scxuli plrtocrs (20%), lhstleoeob jrdg scxuli eotcr`dursc (::%), lon `dondgusc (:6%) wcrc pdssehic gclos dj lvdeneob MEZ eojc`tedo.%).,853

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  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ^mc sc`don gdnci (Ptcp 8) eo`drpdrltcn gclsurcgcots dj jcglic rcspdoncotslttetuncs td MEZ. Gclsurcgcots dj aodwicnbc dj rdutcs dj trlosgessedo longes`do`cptedos lhdut MEZ wcrc odt eo`iuncn eo tmes gdnci ls et wls jduon tmlt tmcrcwls l ncbrcc dj guite`diieoclrety hctwcco tmcsc vlrelhics. ^mes gclot tmlt et wlsnejje`uit td bcocrltc rcielhic rcsuits wmco lii tmcsc gclsurcgcots dj lttetuncs td MEZwcrc eo`iuncn eo tmc gdnci. @doscqucotiy, doiy doc vlrelhic gclsureob plrte`eplotslwlrcocss dj tmc cxestco`c dj MEZ wls eo`iuncn eo tmc sc`don gdnci. ^mes vlrelhicwls `mdsco hc`lusc et es nejje`uit jdr lo eonevenuli td aodw mdw MEZ es trlosgettcnuoicss tmcy aodw dj ets cxestco`c. ^lhic

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    glrrelbc. Eo sdutmcro lrcls dj Eonel et es jleriy `dggdo jdr Meonu lon Gusieg wdgco tdglrry `duseos hcidobeob td tmc slgc `dgguoety, gcloeob tmlt tmcy lrc rlrciycxpc`tcn td gdvc jlr jrdg tmc lrcl wmcrc tmcy wcrc hdro (Hlsu

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    jdiidweob sc`tedo weii jurtmcr eovcstebltc tmc nyolge`s dj MEZ trlosgessedo tmrdubmguitevlreltc loliyses dj tmc hcmlvedrli prcne`tdrs.

    3.8 Guitevlreltc Loliyses dj Hcmlvedrli Vrcne`tdrs dj MEZ Ptltus

    ^mc dhkc`tevc dj tmc guitevlreltc loliyses es td encotejy seboeje`lot eonevenuli-icvcivlrelhics tmlt lrc lssd`eltcn wetm MEZ stltus wetmeo tmc jcglic slgpic, `dotrdiieob jdrtmc cjjc`t dj dtmcr vlrelhics. Ls tmcrcwcrc jcw vlrelhics td loliyzc, l twd-stcp jdr`cnidbeste`li rcbrcssedo gdnci wls uscn.80^mc jerst jdr`cn gdnci tcstcn wmco plrte`eplotsrcpdrtcn tmcer scxuli nchut lon tmes gdnci yecincn od seboeje`lot rcsuits. Jeoneobs eo tmcsc`don stcp dj tmc gdnci wcrc `dotrlne`tdry lon uocxpc`tcn. Do tmc doc mlon, jcglicplrte`eplots wmd rcpdrtcn mlveob rc`cotiy mln scx cxpcreco`cn idwcr dnns dj hceob MEZpdsetevc (DX9

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    rciebedo, lon glretli stltus. Lii vlrelhics tcstcn, lplrt jrdg wclitm, mln l seboeje`lot(p96.63) lssd`eltedo wetm jcglic rcspdoncots MEZ stltus. Jcglic plrte`eplots wmdievcn eo urhlo lrcls (DX7.6:, @E78.3=:.0=) nespilycn eo`rclscn dnns dj hceobscrdpdsetevc eo `dgplresdo wetm tmcer `duotcrplrts.

    ^mc sc`don jdr`cn gdnci (Ptcp 8) tcstcn vlrelhics tmlt gclsurcn ge`rd-sd`eliprcne`tdrs dj MEZ trlosgessedo, wme`m eo`iuncn rcspdoncots lttetuncs td ndgcste`vedico`c lon tmcer lwlrcocss dj tmc cxestco`c dj MEZ. Gdst vlrelhics eo`drpdrltcn eotdtmc prcvedus gdnci rctleocn tmcer seboeje`lo`c, eone`lteob tmlt tmc gl`rdcoverdogcotli`dgpdocot dj sus`cpteheiety mls lo lheiety td prcne`t tmc MEZ stltus dj jcglicplrte`eplots. Jdr eostlo`c, jdrgcriy glrrecn plrte`eplots wcrc 3.: tegcs gdrc ieaciy tdhc scrdpdsetevc tmlo tmdsc wmd mln cetmcr ocvcr hcco dr wcrc `urrcotiy glrrecn(DX7:.63, @E70.525.8

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ^lhic 86; @drrciltcs dj Lii Vrcne`tdrs dj MEZ ^rlosgessedo(wcebmtcn)

    Ptcp < Ptcp 8 Ptcp 0

    Eotcr`cpt ***6.66 ***6.66 ***6.66

    Gl`rdcoverdogcotli prcne`tdrs

    Lrcl dj rcsenco`c (rurli)

    Srhlo *(6.508.88) 8(6.588..6: (8.3=:.0=) ***0.03(8.

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    sd`eli smd`as (Lblrwli

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ncvcidpgcot. Jdr eostlo`c, Ndmcrty (86

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    oughcr dj jcglic scrdpdsetevc rcspdoncots gclot tmlt et wls nejje`uit td `donu`t mebmiy`dgpicx stlteste`li loliyscs tmlt wduin prdnu`c seboeje`lot dr gcloeobjui rcsuits, su`mls stru`turli cqultedo gdncieob. Mdwcvcr, et wls pdssehic td usc dtmcr icss `dgpicxjdrgs dj gdncieob td eiiustrltc `drrciltedos hctwcco guitepic vlrelhics.


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  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Ndmcrty, E., 86

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Aeob, X., K. Iejsmly, P. Olalyewl, N. Altuotu, V. Ieonavest, lon X. Huoocii. 8665. ^mcZerus Ptdps wetm Gc; MEZ-Eojc`tcn Sblonlos Gdtevltedos eo Vrcvcoteob MEZ^rlosgessedo. Pd`eli P`eco`c lon Gcne`eoc:=(>); 2>5232.

    Aeruobl, @., lon K. Otdze.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Disco, R., lon P. Gcmtl. 866:. Jcglic Ilhdur Vlrte`epltedo eo Xurli lon Srhlo Eonel;Ndcs Mduscwevcs Rdra @duot4 Xlne`li Ptlteste`s 50; 32.

    Vloncy, L., ct li. 8665. Egprdvcn Cstegltcs dj Eonels MEZ Hurnco eo 866:. ^mc EoneloKduroli dj Gcne`li Xcsclr`m

  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    Pmrdtre, L., ct li. 8660. Lwlrcocss dj MEZ/LENP lon Mduscmdin Coverdogcot djVrcbolot Rdgco eo Vuoc, Eonel. Eotcroltedoli Kduroli dj P^N lon LENP(

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii


    ^lhic L.0 80 0>Jdr sdgcdoc cisc 5,>=2 >8 0: 30Pcij-cgpidycn 0,083

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  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


  • 8/12/2019 Social Factors Affecting Women's Susceptibility to HIV in India


    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ^lhic L.2; Jcglic Vlrte`eplots Aodwicnbc dj tmc LH@ Gctmdn dj MEZVrcvcotedo, hy Pcrdstltus


    Aodwicnbc dj LH@ Gctmdn dj MEZVrcvcotedo

    Pcrdstltus dj Jcglic Vlrte`eplots

    MEZ ocbltevc MEZ pdsetevc

    @duot % @duot %


    Ucs 8

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ^lhic L.=; Jcglic Vlrte`eplots Pcrdstltus lon Aodwicnbc dj Rlys tdLvden MEZ(wcebmtcn)

    Rlys td Lvden MEZ,Ppdotlocdusiy ^din hy


    Pcrdstltus dj Jcglic Vlrte`eplots

    MEZ ocbltevc MEZ pdsetevc

    % wetmeo hiddn tcstrcsuit


    % wetmeo hiddn tcstrcsuit


    Lhsteoco`c 5 08,:

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    LNHE Rdraeob Vlpcr >=3 Ilii

    ^lhic L.5

    Odt l`tevc eo ilst > wccas, pdstplrtug lhsteoco`c 85 0 > 0

    Odt l`tevc eo ilst > wccas, odt pdstplrtuglhsteoco`c


    ^dtli 38,:52
