Social media agencies vs




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Social media agencies vs. In-house Social media agencies vs. In-house social media social media

JOUR 4210

Personal learning project

Sara Alderman

Business type Business type

• Small to medium size

• 20-100 employees

• Already has some presence online

• Deciding how to execute social media better

Decision Factors Decision Factors

• Time

• Budget

• Skill set

• Involvement

• Other

TimeTimeSocial media agency


• Out of sight, out of mind feeling

• Send them the info and wait

• Third party takes longer to post

• Takes time out of someone’s day to post

• Responding and monitoring

• Creating info to put on the web

Budget Budget

Social media agency In-house

• One stop shop

• Set amount of money

• Larger portion of budget

• Separate out parts of budget

• Money amount varies month to month

• Smaller portion of budget

• Need contingency money

Skill Set Skill Set

Social media agency In-house

• Knowledgeable about social media

• Know how to work metrics

• Experienced with other clients

• Knowledgeable about product service

• Usually a recent grad or media director

• Not knowledgeable in metrics

Involvement Involvement

Social media agency In-house

• Must be sent content

• Constantly monitoring pages

• Not the only client

• Content is easily created

• Monitoring may not be constant

• Only client

Other –pro’s Other –pro’s

Social media agencyIn-house

• Know how to deal with angry customers

• Work with other people with different skills

• Help build goals and give opinions

• More control on content

• Control on responses and giveaways for customers

• Content is given one voice

Other- con’s Other- con’s

Social media agency In-house

• More than one client per person

• May only work 8-5

• Crisis communication falls on the client not agency

• Limited knowledge

• No bouncing ideas

• Overwhelming workload for one person

• Measurement ability


• Factors for each company depend on what they want to accomplish

• No magic formula for deciding

• Some factors may be more important than others for different businesses

• Without taking these four factors into consideration there may be missed opportunities.

Resources Resources

• Nichole Luna- Splash Media





