Social Services Agency -€¦ · Services (PAflHSS) in Alameda County, during FY...


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Alameda County AGENDA June 7, 2011 Social Services

Thomas L. Berkley Square 2000 San Pablo Avenue, Fourth Floor Oakland, California 94612 510-2712-9100 I Fax: 510-271-9108

Lori Jones I Dan Kaplan Interim Co-Directors


May 6,2011

Honorable Public Authority Administration Building Oakland, CA 94621

Dear Public Authority Members:

SUBJECT: Approval of Funding Renewals of FY 201 ]-20 12 Pennanent Employees of Publ ic Authority for In Home Supportive Services


To continue providing services to the commumtIes served by the Public Authority for In Home Support Services (PAflHSS) in Alameda County, during FY 2011-2012, it is recommended that your Board:

• Approve renewal of Public AuthoritylIHSS Pennanent Employees contracts as detailed in Attachment A to be effective July 1,2011 through June 30, 2012, with individual employment contract levels to be detennined upon final approval by your Board, and delegate authority to the Social Services Agency to execute the contract agreements.


This letter requests action by your Board to approve and authorize the annual listing of Pubic Authority/IHSS Pennanent Employees whose employment contracts must be renewed annually by the Social Services Agency (SSA), acting as the County fiscal agent for the PNIHSS, to be effective July I, 20 II. In addition, your Board's approval for employment contract renewals with related maximum funding levels serves as a policy reference for the Auditor-Controller in encumbering contracts.

The anached list (Attachment A) identifies recommended pennanent employees working for the PAlIHSS to be effective July 1,2011 for which funding renewal is requested. This action is recommended by County COWlsel to allow payment for PNIHSS employees from July 1, 2011 when continuing employment participation contracts are finalized at a later time. Approving these contracts will pennit encumbrance and payment for services effective July I, 2011. This leuer requests authority for the Agency Directors, or designee, to approve contract exhibits.

Honorable Board Members 2 May 6, 2011


All oJthe agreements on the attachment have been approved by previous Board action. All were recommended according to the County's contracting and Human Resources policies. Some were awarded through an RFPIQ process: others were determined by the contractors' specialized skills and services.


Financing for contracts on the attached list for your Board's approval will come from state, federal and County General funds included in the Social Services Agency proposed budget for FY 2011-2012. This request will not require any additional appropriation of funds. There is no change to net County cost resulting from approval in principle of these contracts.


~,~!C~e.1-- ~ Daniel B. Kaplan Lori Jones Interim Co-Director Interim Co-Director

AIT: Attachment A, Contract Funding Renewals for Public Authority Permanent Employees

c; Auditor-Controller County Administrator COlmty Counsel

V:\BoardLetters\20 I 1\06. 7. 11 Approval of PA fl H55 Employee Contracts Fund ing Renewal s for FY 20 I J- 12 bdltr


CONTRACT FUNDING RENEWALS FOR PUBLIC AUTHORITY PERMANENT EMPLOYEES To be effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 {1}{2}

DepUD Program Contractor Service Description Funding Location Principal 320300 33500 Cecilia Carey Adult IHSS:Health Benefits Enrollment Specialist $71,978 Oakland Cecilia Carey 320300 33500 Charles Calavan Adult IHSS:Executive Director $159,805 Oakland Charles Calavan 320300 33500 Cheryl Dunn AdultlHSS:Registry Coordinator $64.384 Oakland Cheryl Dunn 320300 33500 Christine Morgan AdultlHSS: Operations Manager $95,633 Oakland Christine Morgan 320300 33500 Dawn Shelstad-Walls AdultlHSS: Registry Coordinator $72,919 Oakland Dawn Shelstad-Watts 320300 33500 Debra Howell Adult IHSS: Registry Coordinator $76,487 Oakland Debra Howell 320300 33500 Linda Ayala Adult IHSS: Training Coordinator $92.156 Oakland Linda Ayala 320300 33500 Lucy Lee Adult IHSS: Registry Coordinator $72.919 Oakland Lucy Lee 320300 33500 Nicole Albertini-Norris Adult IHSS: Senior Registry Coordinator $81.935 Oakland Nicole Albertini-Norris 320300 33500 Pashtana Haroon Adult IHSS:Focus Group Organizer $3,000 Oakland Pashtana Haroon 320300 33500 Rose Acampora Adult IHSS: Registry Coordinator $73,270 Oakland Rose Acampora

{1} Funding levels represent maximum amounts; actual contract amounts may vary as result of funding decisions, revenue sources or terms subsequently determined by the administering department. Public Authority for IHSS staff, by state law, are independent contractors of the County. {2} Funding levels include salary, pension. health and life insurance and payroll charges

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