Society for Modern Greek Studies: Poster for May 2010 Annual General Meeting


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invites members and non-members to its

Annual Open Meeting on Saturday 15 May 2010

The event will take place in the Lecture Theatre of the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford, 66 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LU

––––– PROGRAMME –––––

2.00p.m. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Society (members only) 3.00p.m. WELCOME by the Chair of the Society, Prof. Marc Lauxtermann 3.15p.m. LECTURE by Professor Roderick Beaton on "From Frankenstein to Missolonghi: why Byron went to Greece" 4.00p.m. TEA

Professor Roderick Beaton graduated from Cambridge with a first degree in English Literature and a PhD in Modern Greek. In 1981 he became a Lecturer in Modern Greek Language and Literature at King’s College London, and in 1988 he was appointed Koraes Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature. He has published extensively and won several awards for his writing. His most recent book is entitled The Making of Modern Greece: Romanticism, Nationalism, and the Uses of the Past (1797-1896), which he co-edited with David Ricks (Farnham: Ashgate 2009). Other titles include: From Byzantium to Modern Greece: Medieval Literature and its Modern Reception (Farnham: Ashgate 2008), George Seferis: Waiting for the Angel. A Biography (London and New Haven: Yale University Press 2003; Greek translation 2003), The Medieval Greek Romance (2nd ed., London:

Routledge 1996; Greek translation 1996) and, a favourite with all students working in this field, An Introduction to Modern Greek Literature (2nd revised edition in paperback, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1999). Professor Beaton was recently appointed to a Major Leverhulme Fellowship for the period October 2009 to September 2012, to work on a project entitled Byron’s War: The Greek Revolution and the English Romantic Imagination.

The website for the Society of Modern Greek Studies can be found at:

If you would like to join the Society for Modern Greek Studies, you will find details and a downloadable application form on our website.

To find out more about the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, please visit The Ioannou Centre is 15 minutes walk from the rail station or 5 minutes walk from the bus station. If you wish to drive, the Park & Ride scheme is recommended, as parking close to the venue is limited: Map and directions are available from the Publicity Officer, Elizabeth Sandis:
