Sociology 323 Economy & Society February 5 – Canada's Resource Development Plans


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Sociology 323

Economy & Society

February 5 – Canada's Resource Development


Question From Previous Class -

Gender Wage Gap

Wage Gender Gap ControversyCanadian ParliamentStatistics CanadaWages - Pipelines

Canada's Economic Action Plan

Canada Economic Action Plan - Responsible Resource Development

Canada Economic Action Plan – Resource Development and Jobs

Pipeline Raises Questions

Idle No More Video

Economic Plans and Resistance to these

PlansCanada Economic Action Plan

Idle No More

Quebec North Plan

Funding North Plan

Barrie Lake Algonquin Community

The Big Picture

Environment: The Big Picture

Good vs Bad Growth

Financiers determine what types of commodities are produced by directing their investments towards certain types of industries and away from others.

In most cases, financiers are concerned about the risk and return of their investments and not social consequences of the companies that receive investments.

The process of growing sectors of our economy is not democratic.

Responsible Investments

Socially Responsible Investing

Socially Responsible Investing StrandbergUN Principles of Responsible InvestmentsEducation and Training for Canadian EndowmentsResponsible Investment Association in CanadaESG Screening PossibilitiesResources: Community Foundations & Responsible Investing