SOL Review Powerpoint By Gretchen MacIlwaine



SOL Review Powerpoint By Gretchen MacIlwaine. Who was the monarch of France leading up to the revolution?. Louis XVI. How was the social structure of France set up before the revolution?. The three estates. Who made up the First Estates?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SOL Review PowerpointBy Gretchen MacIlwaine

• Who was the monarch of France leading up to the revolution?

• Louis XVI

• How was the social structure of France set up before the revolution?

• The three estates

• Who made up the First Estates?

• The clergy of the Catholic church, they paid no taxes.

• Who made up the second estate?

• The Nobility, they paid little in taxes.

• Who made up the Third Estate?

• Everyone else. 97% of the populations, paid very little taxes.

• Why was the Three Estates system unfair?

• Each estate had the same voting power in the government, the 1st and 2nd could always outvote the 3rd.

• The third estate rebelled and began the revolution when they attacked and captured what building in paris?

• The Bastille.

• During the revolution, what was the period of time called when enemies of the revolution were arrested and executed?

• The Reign of Terror.

• Who was responsible for leading the Reign Of Terror?

• Maximillien Robespierre.

• What happened to King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette?

• Beheaded on the guillotine.

• What document was created that guaranteed certain rights to some people in France?

• The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

• The ideals of what movement were used to justify the revolution?

The Enlightenment.

• In 1799, who rose to power in France?

• Napoleon

• Why did the people of France support Napoleon?

• He was a popular war hero and promised peace and stability after the 10 years of chaos and revolution.

• What was the name of the law code Napoleon created?

• The Napoleonic Code.

• What made the Napoleonic Code different than previous law systems?

• Everyone was equal before the law.

• With the start of the Napoleonic Wars, what was Napoleons ultimate goal?

• The unification of Europe under French domination.

• In 1812, Napoleon invaded what country?

• Russia

• What strategy did the Russians use against Napoleon?

• Scorched-earth

• What does scorched earth mean?

• Burn or destroy anything that could be of use to the invading army. Draw the French deep into Russia and wait for winter to hit.

• Following his defeat in Russia, France was invaded and Napoleon was exiled to Elba. He escaped and was finally defeated where?

• Waterloo

• What was the legacy of Napoleon?

• Napoleonic Code, better roads in Europe, rise of Nationalism in Europe, end of Holy Roman Empire.

• What was the peace conference after Napoleon called?

• The Congress of Vienna.

• The Congress of Vienna was controlled by people who wanted to restore Europe to how it had been before Napoleon. What were they called?

• Reactionaries

• The Congress of Vienna wanted to make it so that one country would not be more powerful than others. What is this called?

• Balance of Power

• What happened to the government in France as a result of the Congress of Vienna?

• Monarchy restored with Louis XVIII.

• The Congress of Vienna redrew the map of Europe. What country did not get restored?

• The Holy Roman Empire.

• Two new political philosophies began to emerge in the years after Napoleon. What were they?

• Liberalism and Conservatism.

• What are the main ideas of liberalism?

• Things should change and move forward based on new ideas.

• What are the main ideas of conservatism?

• Things should stay how they are, or go back to the way they were before.

• What two countries unified in the late 1800’s, partially as a result of the increased nationalism begun under Napoleon?

• Germany and Italy.

• Who led German unification?

• Otto Von Bismarck.

• What methods did Bismarck use to get the people to support unification?

• He appealed to their sense of nationalism and started wars with Austria and France.

• Who led the unification of Italy?

• Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Cavour.

• What areas did each of them help unify?

• Cavour united Northern Italy, Garibaldi united the South and then led the joining of North and South.

• What was Realpolitik?

• Bismarck’s philosophy of using whatever means are necessary to achieve his goals.

• Latin America was controlled by what European countries?

• Spain, France, Portugal.

• What was the dominant religion in Latin America?

• Roman Catholic.

• How was the class structure set up?

Viceroys - colonial officers

Creoles – Mixed descent

Mestizo - Natives

• What two revolutions influenced the desire for independence in Latin America

• American and French.

• Who led the independence movement in Haiti?

• Toussaint L’Ouverture.

• Who did L’Ouverture lead the revolt against?

• France

• Who led the independence movements in South America?

• Simon Bolivar

• What was Bolivars goal?

• To unify the northern portion of South America into one country.

• What policy did the United States issue, stating that Europe must stay out of the Western Hemisphere?

• The Monroe Doctrine.

• Why was the Monroe Doctrine important?

It told Europeans that they could no longer colonize Central of South America.

• Why did the colonies of European countries think the years after WWII was a good time to try and gain independence?

• European countries were weakened from the war and unable to hold onto all their territories.

• In what areas of the world did the independence movements take place?

• Asia, India, Africa

• India was trying to gain independence from who?

• Great Britain

• Who led the Indian independence movement?

• Mohandas Ghandi

• What methods did Ghandi use to try and gain independence

• Peaceful resistance and civil disobedience

• When India gained independence, it was divided into what two countries?

• India and Pakistan

• Why led to India and Pakistan being separated?

• Religious Divisions, India is Hindu, Pakistan is muslim.

• Following independence, what form of government did India adopt?

• Democracy. Today India is the largest democracy in the world.

• Indian society is divided along what lines?

• The Caste System

• How were the revolutions in Africa different than in India?

• Africa had both peaceful and violent revolutions, while India was relatively peaceful.

• What country underwent a violent rebellion against British rule?

• Kenya

• Who led the independence fight against the British in Kenya

• Jomo Kenyatta

• Which European countries lost their colonies in Africa?

• Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal

• Which country had a violent rebellion against France?

• Algeria

• What was the policy of racial discrimination in South Africa called?

• Apartheid.

• Under apartheid, who controlled South Africa?

• The minority white population controlled the government and military.

• Who led the fight against apartheid in South Africa?

• Nelson Mandela

• What happened to Mandela as a result of his struggle against apartheid?

• He was jailed for over 30 years. When he was finally released he became the first black president of South Africa.

• The new countries of Jordan and Palestine were originally part of the Mandate system set up by what organization?

• League Of Nations

• What new country was created in the Middle East in 1948 as a homeland for the Jews

• Israel

• Golda Meir led Israel to victory in the Yom Kippur war. Which of the superpowers in the world supported Israel?

The United States

• Who was the leader of Egypt who built the Aswan High Dam, nationalized the Suez Canal, and established a relationship with the USSR?

• Gamal Abdul Nasser

• The fall of this city in 1453 encouraged Europeans to look for new water based trade routes

• Constantinople

• What did the Europeans want from Asia?

• Spices, tea, silk, paper, porcelain, textiles

• Europeans were also driven by the desire to spread what religion to new lands?

• Christianity

• This man sponsored early voyages of exploration.

• Prince Henry The Navigator

• What two European countries led the early stages of exploration?

• Portugal and Spain

• Who found a water route to India and established trade routes to there?

• Vasco de Gama, who sailed for Portugal

• Who was trying to reach Asia, but actually ended up finding North America?

• Columbus who sailed for Spain

• Who conquered the Aztecs in what is present day Mexico?

• Hernando Cortez, who sailed for Spain.

• Who conquered the Incans in present day Peru?

• Francisco Pizarro, who sailed for Spain.

• Who made the first attempt to sail around the world? He gets credit for it even though he died halfway.

• Who made the first attempt to sail around the world? He gets credit for it even though he died halfway.

• Magellan, who sailed for Spain.

• Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world? He also led the English defense against the Spanish Armada in 1588.

• Francis Drake.

• Who was the French explorer who claimed Eastern Canada for France?

• Jacques Cartier

• How was Christianity spread to the New World?

• Colonists moved to the New World and missionaries set out to convert Native Americans

• What country led the colonization of Central and South America?

• Spain

• What country in South America does not speak Spanish

• Brazil

• What happened to most of the Native Americans within a few years of the arrival of Europeans?

• They died either from war against the Europeans, or from European diseases like smallpox.

• Who was at the top of the social classes in the New World colonies?

• The people of pure European descent. The Natives were under them.

• With most natives dead, Europeans turned where to find a source of labor?

• Africa

• Africans were forced into slavery and brought to the New World for what purpose?

• To grow cash crops

• What is a cash crop?

• A crop grown only to sell and make money

• The system of trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and the New World became known as what?

• The Triangular Trade.

• What was the Middle Passage?

• The part of the Triangle Trade that carried slaves from Africa to the New World.

• What is the name given to the massive exchange of plants, animals, ideas, religions, people, and diseases between the Old and New World?

• The Columbian Exchange

• What things went from the Old World to the New World?

• Horses, technology, diseases, religions.

• What things went from the New World to the Old World?

• Cash crops, corn, potatoes, tobacco.

• European nations like Spain got very wealthy from what?

• Taking gold and silver from the New World, and selling goods to their colonies there.

• What was the original location of the Ottoman Empire?

• Asia minor. What is present day Turkey.

• The Ottoman Empire expanded to conquer what areas?

• Southwest Asia, Northern Africa, and the Balkan peninsula

• What was the capital city of the Ottoman Empire?

• Istanbul. It used to be called Constantinople.

• What was the religion of the Ottoman empire?

• Islam

• What goods did the Ottomans trade to Europe?

• Coffee and ceramics.

• What was the location of the Mughal Empire?

• Present day India

• What famous building was created by the Mughals?

• Taj Mahal

• Indian textiles influenced the development of a textile industry in what European country?

• Great Britain.

• What was the religion of the Mughals?

• Islam

• What was Japans policy towards European trade?

• Isolationist, they wanted nothing to do with Europeans.

• How did the Chinese control European influence in their country

• They set up trading enclaves. These were the only places the Europeans could go to, limiting their impact on the people.

• Who ruled Japan?

• There was a powerless emperor, and a military leader called a Shogun who actually ruled.

• What was the Commercial Revolution?

• When European nations began competing for colonies and resources.

• What economic theory says that colonies exist only to benefit the mother country?

• Mercantilism.

• Following WWII, who occupied Germany?

• The USA, USSR, Britain, France

• The British, French, and American sectors joined together to become what?

• West Germany

• In the years after WWII, what two countries became known as Superpowers?

• The USA and USSR

• The Nazi’s responsible for the Holocaust were put on trial where?

• Nuremberg, several were executed for their crimes against humanity

• The United States created what to help rebuild Western Europe after the war?

• The Marshall Plan

• What did the Marshall Plan do?

• Gave money to European countries to help them rebuild

• What international organization was created after WWII?

• The United Nations

• The UN issued what document, saying that all people have certain rights?

• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

• Who was responsible for the occupation and rebuilding of Japan after the war?

• General Douglas MacArthur

• Following the war, West Germany and Japan quickly rebuilt and experienced what?

• Great economic growth

• What phrase was used to describe the split between Western Europe and Eastern Europe?

• The Iron Curtain

• What terms would describe the government and economy of Western European countries?

• Democracies, capitalist

• What terms would describe the government and economy of Eastern European countries?

• Communism, socialist

• What military alliance was formed after WWII, led by the USA?

• NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

• What military alliance was formed after WWII, led by the Soviet Union?

• The Warsaw Pact

• As a condition for them giving up their militaries, the United States guarantees the security of what two countries?

• Germany & Japan

• What conference laid the foundations for what would become the Cold War?

• Yalta

• The United States created what doctrine to deal with the threat of communism?

• Truman Doctrine

• What did the policy of containment state?

• That we would fight to stop the spread of communism, but not attack it where it was already established

• What was the point of containment?

• To stop communism from expanding, while not having a major war with the Soviet Union or China

• What was the first military conflict of the Cold War?

• The Korean War 1950-1953

• What happened in the Korean War?

• Communist North attacked the Democratic South. The UN and US helped the South. War ended in a stalemate with no winner. Korea divided along 38th Parallel.

• To stop people from leaving East Berlin, the Soviet Union built what?

• The Berlin Wall

• What role did the United States play in the Chinese Civil War?

• None, we did not get involved at all

• Who was the leader of the Chinese Nationalists?

• Chaing Kai-Shek

• Who was the leader of the Chinese Communists, and became the leader of China after the Civil War ended?

• Mao Zedong/Tse-tung

• Following their defeat in the Civil War, the Chinese Nationalists fled to what island?

• Taiwan

• The Vietnam War began as a revolution against what European colonial power?

• France

• Who led the North Vietnamese against the French and later against the USA?

• Ho Chi Minh

• Why did the USA get involved in Vietnam?

• Because of our containment policy.

• Why did the US use a strategy of limited warfare in Vietnam?

• We wanted to stop the aggressive North, but not provoke a war with the USSR or China

• What was the end result of the Vietnam War?

• The United States withdrew, South Vietnam fell to the communists afterwards.

• What event happened in 1962 that almost led to a nuclear war between the US and USSR?

• The Cuban Missile Crisis

• What happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

• The USSR tried to sneak nuclear missiles into Cuba, US found out and tried to stop them. Standoff lasted 13 days, ended with USSR removing the missiles.

• What theory says that both sides having thousands of nuclear weapons means that neither will ever use them?

• Deterrence. If one side uses theirs, the other will respond, and both will end up destroyed.

• Who was the British Prime Minister who developed a closer relation with the US during the Cold War?

• Margaret Thatcher

• Who was the leader of the Soviet Union towards its end?

• Mikhail Gorbachev

• What events led to the eventual collapse of the USSR?

• Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, arms race with the USA, poor living conditions at home.

• Why was the USA able to spend far more money on our military than the Soviet Union?

• The capitalist economy generates more money for the government than the socialist version.

• What role did Nationalism play in the end of the Soviet Union?

• People in Eastern European countries got tired of Soviet domination and worked to be free again.

• The Enlightenment sought to apply the use of reason to what areas of life?

• Government and philosophy.

• This English writer believed the best form of government was an absolute monarchy because people needed strong control and protection?

• Thomas Hobbes.

• What book did Thomas Hobbes write?

• Leviathan.

• What writer thought people were good and had natural rights?

• John Locke.

• According to Locke, what are natural rights?

• Life, Liberty, and Property.

• According to Locke, what are people allowed to do if a government is unfair and abusive?

• Revolt and overthrow it.

• What French philosopher said the best form of government would include a separation of powers?

• Baron von Montesquieu.

• What book did Montesquieu write?

• The Spirit of Laws.

• According to Rousseau, government is a contract between who?

• The ruler and the ruled.

• What book did Rousseau write?

• The Social Contract.

• What philosopher emphasized the use of reason, religious tolerance, freedom of speech , and separation of church and state?

• Voltaire.

• The ideas of the Enlightenment influenced what American?

• Thomas Jefferson

• Jefferson incorporated Enlightenment ideals into what documents?

• The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

• The ideas of the Enlightenment can be credited with influencing revolutions in what countries?

• The United States and France.

• The Enlightenment also encouraged change in what other fields?

• Art and Literature.

Name two famous composers of the Enlightenment time period.

• Bach and Mozart.

• Who was a famous painter of the time?

• Eugene Delacroix, painted “Liberty leading the people”

• Who wrote the first novel?

• Miguel Cervantes, wrote Don Quixote.

• What new technologies were also developed during the Enlightenment era?

• Better roads, farming techniques, ship design.

• Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

• England

• Why did the IR begin in England?

• England had a supply of resources, money, and available labor.

• What was the Enclosure Movement?

• Large farms being formed, forcing small farmers out of business and leading them to move wherever jobs are.

• What resources were important for Industrialization to begin?

• Coal and Iron

• Where did the IR spread to from England?

• United States and Western Europe

• What industry led the industrialization movement?

• Textiles.

• What source of power was used to power the first machines?

• Water power, factories were located near waterways.

• What industries developed to support industrialization?

• Mining, metal refining, railroads.

• What invention allowed factories to move away from water and into the cities?

• The Steam Engine.

• Who is credited with inventing the steam engine?

• James Watt

• As factories moved to the cities, what happened?

• People moved to the cities because that’s where the jobs were.

• What is the term for the growth of cities?

• Urbanization

• What were some positive effects of the IR?

• Increased standard of living, population increases, education rises, literacy rates rise, better medicine, better living conditions, better transportation.

• The IR led to the beginning of using who as a cheap labor source?

• Children

• What were some negative impacts of the IR?

• Pollution, labor abuses.

• Eli Whitney invented what?

• The cotton gin. It was designed to make the lives of slaves easier, but actually led to increased slavery.

• Henry Bessemer invented a better for making what?

• : Steel. His process made it much more affordable and easier to produce.

• Edward Jenner saved many lives when he developed what?

• A vaccine for smallpox

• Louis Pasteur advanced the scientific understanding of disease when he discovered what?

• Bacteria.

• Did everyone’s lives get better during the IR?

• No, life got better for most people but not all.

• Labor unions formed to fight for what?

• Better working conditions, more pay, shorter hours.

• Child labor was eventually ended through the work of?

• Labor unions and government regulations.

• What economic theory was developed by Adam Smith?

• Capitalism

• What book did Adam Smith write?

• The Wealth of Nations

• According to Smith, what is important in capitalism?

• Competition, no government intervention, people having choices.

• Capitalism led to some people being rich and some being poor. A new economic theory came about that said everyone should be equal. What was it?

• Socialism.

• Who developed the ideas behind Socialism and Communism?

• Karl Marx

• What books did Karl Marx write?

• Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto.

• According to Marx, everyone should be __________.

• Equal

• In Socialism, what role does the government play?

• Redistribution of wealth and resources to ensure all are equal

• What is it called when labor unions negotiate with business owners or management?

• Collective Bargaining.

• As countries industrialized they needed more resources. This led to a desire for more colonies. What is the desire for an empire called?

• Imperialism

• Where did European countries look to establish colonies?

• Asia and Africa

• European countries set up areas they controlled in China. What were these called?

• Spheres of influence. Each European country had their own where only they could go to trade.

• European colonization led to the rise of what in Asia and Africa?

• Nationalism.

• After World War I, what international organization was created to maintain the peace?

• League of Nations

• The League was the idea of who?

• US President Wilson

• What major power did not join the League?

• United States

• What system was created to watch over the colonies and territories of the defeated countries?

• Mandate System

• The economic boom in the US was fueled in part by the growth of what?

• Stock Market

• Who rose to power in Italy?

• Benito Mussolini

• Italy invaded what African country in 1936?

• Ethiopia

• Who was the emperor of Japan during the Interwar Years?

• Hirohito

• What areas of Asia did Japan invade in a drive to capture resources and raw materials?

• Korea, China, Manchuria

• What is the term for a person who is forced to leave their homeland?

• Refugee

• Where have there been ethnic and religious conflicts in recent years?

• Middle East, Northern Ireland, Balkins, Africa

• What have conflicts in the Middle East been over?

• Territory and Religion

• What are some of the effects of globalization?

• Rich countries exploit the poor, environmental pollution, use of resources.

• One of the major environmental issues facing the world today is what?

• Climate Change

• What is the relationship between economic and political freedom?

• As people gain economic freedom they begin wanting political freedom as well. Examples include Taiwan and South Korea.

• What are some examples of international terrorism?

• Munich Olympic attacks, 9/11/2001 attacks in the USA, car bombings, suicide bombings, airline hijackings.

• How did the Renaissance lead to the Reformation?

• The ideas and spirit of seeking new information and questioning things led to people questioning the authority of the Catholic Church.

• Whose actions began the Protestant Reformation?

• Martin Luther

• What did Martin Luther write and post?

• His 95 Theses, a list of complaints against the Church.

• What happened to Luther?

• He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church and formed the Lutheran Church.

• What are the main ideas of Lutheranism?

Salvation by Faith.

Everyone is equal before God.

The Bible is the ultimate religious authority.

• What is secularism?

• Non-religious.

• How did the Renaissance and Reformation lead to a greater sense of individualism?

• People felt more free to question ideas and teachings, education increased, and people began to think of themselves in secular terms instead of religious

• The Renaissance began where?

• Italian City States

• What does the word Renaissance mean? Of what?

• Rebirth” of the ideas of the ancient world. Classical knowledge of Greece and Rome rediscovered.

• What is Leonardo Da Vinci know for?

• Painting the mona lisa and the Last Supper

• What is Michelangelo known for?

• The Sistine Chapel and sculpting the statue of David.

• Why were trade routes important?

• Allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas between places.

• What were some advancements that were exchanged along trade routes?

Paper, compass, silk from China

Textiles from India and Middle East

• This movement focused on the lives of individuals instead of religious matters.

• Humanism

• Who was the famous Dutch humanist who wrote a book attacking the Catholic Church?

• Erasmus

• What previous time periods had great influence on the beginnings of the Scientific Revolution?

• The Renaissance and Reformation

• Why did they have such influence?

• They encouraged people to think for themselves and weakened the power of the Catholic Church over people.

• Louis XIV was from what dynasty?

• Bourbon Dynasty

• What did Louis XIV have built to show off the wealth and power of France?

• Palace of Versailles

• Which is the oldest of the world religions we have studied?

• Hindiuism

• What is known about the early history of Hinduism?

• The founder and time are unknown. There is a general idea that is began approximately 6000 BCE.

• Who is the founder of Judaism?

• Abraham

• Islam teaches that Muhammad received what?

• The Third and Final Revelation

• In what regions of the world would you find Judaism today?

• North American and Israel

• What was the term for pride in ones country, and a willingness or desire to fight to prove your country is superior?

• Nationalism

• What was term for placing great importance on the military, and wanting your military to be the strongest?

• Militarism

• What was the term for the desire of European nations to have colonies and an empire around the world?

• nationalism

• Who led the United States in World War I?

• Woodrow Wilson

• What was the name of the peace plan Woodrow Wilson had?

• The 14 Points

• Wilson wanted the creation of what international organization?

• What role did Nationalism play in Europe in the lead up to WWII?

• Allowed aggressive dictators to gain power by promising their people revenge and glory.

• The failure of what international organization allowed aggression to occur?

• The League of Nations

• Why was the League of Nations unable to stop aggression?

• No power to enforce decisions, US did not join.

• Why was Germany unable to block the trade routes to Britain?

• The British navy was stronger and once America entered the war we helped to secure the routes.

• Who was at the Potsdam Conference?

• Truman, Stalin, Churchill

• What did Truman issue that warned Japan to surrender?

• The Potsdam Declaration

• Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!