SOLUCIONARIO. NIVEL 2 - · SOLUCIONARIO. NIVEL 2 Página 3 - Plumbers can plumb...


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1. Listening “Charles Hayward”.

arrive – go out – comes – cook – brings – relax – listen

stay – get up – go – play – go – go – love – eat

get up – go – do – go

2. (Sugerencias)

1. Where do you live?

2. Where do you work? What do you do?

3. What do you do at work?

4. What time do you (usually) get up?

5. Do you like your job?

3. (Sugerencias)

1. Does she like dancing? Yes, she does

2. Does he like it? No, he doesn’t.

3. Does he like meat and fish? Yes he does.

4. Does she like it? No, he doesn’t.

4. (Sugerencias)

1. Sheila likes dancing but George likes going to the theatre.

2. George likes eating meat and fish but Sheila likes eating salads, vegetables and fruit.

3. Sheila doesn’t like cats and dogs and George doesn’t like pets.

4. Sheila doesn’t like football and basketball and George doesn’t like sports in general.

5. (Sugerencias)

1. I love staying in bed on Sundays.

2. German is a difficult language.

3. They play basketball in the afternoons.

4. I’d like a lemonade with ice, please.

5. Do you go to school every day?

6. I have an apple for lunch.

7. The students in my class are very friendly.

8. I’m a teacher. What do you do?

9. She goes to work by bus.

10. What time do you have breakfast?

6. 1. Teaches

2. have / drink


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3. likes / meets

4. don’t smoke

5. does / do / sings / plays.

6. go / makes.

7. 1. don’t

2. does

3. is

4. don’t / are

5. is / doesn’t

6. are

7. are

8. does

9. do

10. is


8. (Sugerencias)

1. I get up at half past six/very early.

2. Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

3. I work as a teacher / doctor / plumber… / I am a teacher / doctor / plumber…

4. I go by car/train/bus/taxi…

5. I play with my daughter / I play… / I go out for a walk / I go shopping…

6. I go to bed at 10:00 p.m. /early / late…

7. I go to have dinner with my friends / I go to

8. I visit my grandparents. I

9. I do my homework in the afternoon, after having a snack/…

9. Writing. (redacción)



Tareas y habilidades

1. - Pilots can fly any kind of plane.

- A bodyguard can shot at any suspicious person.

- Cowboys can ride horses and gather the cattle.

- Directors can coordinate a group of workers.

- Secretaries can type very fast.


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- Plumbers can plumb in a dishwasher.

- A model can participate in fashion shows.

- A translator can read and write more than one language.

2. 1. Pilots can’t fly any kind of plane.

2. A bodyguard can’t shot at any suspicious person.

3. Cowboys can’t ride horses and gather the cattle.

4. Directors can’t coordinate a group of workers.

5. Secretaries can’t type very fast.

6. Plumbers can’t plumb in a dishwasher.

7. A model can’t participate in fashion shows.

8. A translator can’t read and write more than one language.

3. 1. No le es posible venir esta tarde.

2. ¿Puedo ir al servicio?

3. Sé hablar tres idiomas.

4. Puede comerse un pollo entero.

4. 1. No pudo venir la pasada tarde.

2. Yo sabía hablar tres idiomas.

3. Él podía comerse un pollo entero.

5. Listening.

6. (Sugerencia)

1. Jaan can draw, can create original clothes and can take pictures of his models.

2. Christine can’t play the drums but she can play the guitar and the violin too.

3. Orlando can design games for children, programmes for other companies and he can compose music on the PC.

4. Dimitra can not explain the rules of the verb can.

5. Akís can use the verb and understand its meaning, but he can’t explain the rules.

7. Writing.

8. 1. could / were

2.’m / is not / is / can

3. were / went

4. can / is

5. were / couldn’t / was

9. (Sugerencias)

1. Can you cook Italian food?

2. Were they at the party last Saturday?

3. What did you do on holidays last year?


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4. Could you draw when you were at school?

5. Can you speak English?

6. Where did you find my workbook?

10. (Sugerencias)

1. Snakes walk as fast as a person.

2. Cheetahs can run 75 mi/hr!

3. Elephants can remember another elephant’s call for years.

4. Kangaroos can jump over an eleven-feet-tall fence.

5. Penguins can’t fly.

6. Cats can see in the dark.

7. Bats can see UV-light (Ultraviolet light).

11. 1. He can play the guitar and the flute.

2. We aren’t at home in the mornings.

3. They live near the beach.

4. She doesn’t like reading very much.

5. When I was eight years old I could swim.

6. Were you good at mathematics at school?

7. My sister doesn’t study at university.

8. I don’t have any coffee for breakfast.

9. Can you cook ‘paella’?

10. I don’t work in the mornings, I work in the afternoons.

12. take photographs

do exercise

make the beds

play baseball

do the ironing

have a bath

go shopping

catch the train

take the bus

go jogging

have breakfast


13. (Sugerencias)

1. I was at the university/ in Seville…


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2. Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t.

3. I can speak four languages.

4. It was Saturday.

5. My mother was born in 1960.

6. I travel by car / by bus / by train…

14. Writing. Redacción.



Las tiendas más típicas en Gran Bretaña

1. A pair of shoes - shoe shop

Bread - baker’s

A pen, envelopes – stationers

Butter, cheese – grocer's

Potatoes, apples – greengrocer's

Medicine, make up – chemist's

A book – bookshop

Some fish – fishmonger’s

Sausages, meat – butcher's

A newspaper, a magazine – newsagent's

Whisky, wine – off-licence

A holiday – travel agency

Cigarettes, matches – tobacconist’s

A table – furniture shop

Fórmulas de cortesía

2. Señora – Madam

Señor – Sir

3. 1. Give me a coffee.

2. I want a coffee.

4. Descortés: I want a coffee; Give me a coffee.

Neutral: Coffee, please; I'd like a coffee.

Cortés: May I have a coffee, please? - Can I have a coffee, please? - Could I have a coffee, please?


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5. Bread – uncountable

Ham – uncountable

Cheese – uncountable

Vegetable – countable

Eggs – countable

Potatoes – countable

Crisps –countable

Tomatoes – countable

Wine – uncountable

Beer – uncountable

Coke – countable

Chocolates – countable

Coffee – uncountable

Milk – uncountable

6. 1. would you like

2. some milk

3. how much sugar

4. any biscuits

5. how many people

6. some

7. would like

8. any rice

9. How much money

10. How may bottles

7. Listening. ‘At the restaurant’.

Waiter: Good evening, Madam. Good evening, Sir. John & Lidia: Good evening. Waiter: Have you got a reservation? Lidia: Yes, a table for two. Waiter: Could I have your name, please? Lidia: Lidia Ferrer. Waiter: Oh, yes, Mrs Ferrer! Waiter: Would you like to come this way, please? (Dímitra comes to greet Lidia and John at the table:) Dímitra: Good evening, Lidia. Good evening, John. Welcome to our restaurant! It’s really

nice to have you here! Would you like an apperitive? Lidia: Yes! I would do with a drink. I think I’ll have a dry Martini. Dímitra: Dry Martini with ice? Lidia: Yes, please. And a slice of lemon. John: And I’ll have a gin and tonic. Ice, no lemon. Dímitra: Fine! A gin and tonic. Here are the menus. I’ll get the waiter to take your order

as soon as you’re ready. Enjoy your meal! (A few moments later:) Waiter: Are you ready to order now, Sir?


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John: Yes, I think so. My friend would like a green salad to start and the moussaka as a main course. And I’ll have the lamb with fried potatoes.

Waiter: Very good. And would you like a starter, sir? John: Yes, I’d like some soup. Nice and hot, please. Waiter: Have you chosen your wine, Sir? John: What do you recommend? Waiter: The house wine is excellent. It’s a light white classical Greek wine, the Retsina. John: Fine, we’ll have a bottle of Retsina. Waiter: Very good! And would you like some water, Sir? John: Water? No, that’s OK. Waiter: Fine! (Later...) Waiter: Would you like a dessert? Lidia: Yes, some fruit would be nice. Waiter: Any fruit in particular, madam? Lidia: Strawberries with fresh cream. John: And I’d like some cheese and crackers. Waiter: Any cheese in particular? John: No, the house assortment will do. Waiter: Fine. (Pause...) Waiter: Would you like some coffee now? Lidia: I think I’ll have a black coffee. Waiter: Sir? John: Not for me, thanks. But, could you bring me an ashtray? Lidia: Yes, and the bill, please! Waiter: Certainly, Madam.

8. 1. There aren’t any more tomatoes.

2. There is no coffee left.

3. There are no good films on TV.

4. I watched no films yesterday.

5. There weren’t any people in the café.

6. I have no food in the house.


10. 1. I’d like to listen to music a lot.

2. She wouldn’t like to see him again.

3. Two tickets for the theatre, please.

4. Do you like George?

5. I’d like to go to Paris next Spring.

11. 1. How much beer is there in the fridge?


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2. How much wine do you drink every day?

3. How many onions would you like?

4. How much money do you have in the bank?

5. How many people are there in the stadium?

6. How much sugar would you like in the coffee?

12. 1. Hay dos buenos restaurantes en el hotel.

2. ¿Hay alguna tienda de souvenir cerca de aquí?

3. Sé hablar italiano, pero ruso, no.

4. Ella no pudo ir a la reunión el pasado lunes.

5. Comenzó el trabajo cuando tenía dieciséis.

6. No le gustó / gustaba su primer trabajo.

7. ¿Adónde fuiste / fuisteis de vacaciones el verano pasado?


13. (Sugerencias)

1. My favourite food is Spanish omelette.

2. I like eating it with salted tomatoes.

3. I have it at lunch time.

4. I normally drink fresh water with my meals.

5. In Spain, people usually drink beer or wine with their meals.

6. I usually have white coffee with toasts.

7. Spanish people use to have hot/cold things for breakfast.

8. Yes, they do. / No, they don’t

14. (In my fridge, there is no milk, there are some vegetables...)



Vocabulario y estructuras para hablar del tiempo

1. a) Tense

b) Weather

c) Time

2. Listening. “Comparing Cities”.


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3. 1. heavier

2. longer

3. uglier

4. nicer

5. more/less expensive

6. worse

7. weaker

8. more/less comfortable

9. slower

10. more/less dangerous

4. 1. Heavy – light – lighter

2. long – short – shorter

3. ugly – pretty – prettier

4. nice – rude – ruder

5. expensive – cheap – cheaper

6. bad – good – better

7. weak – strong – stronger

8. comfortable – uncomfortable – more / les uncomfortable

9. slow – fast - faster

10. dangerous – safe – safer

5. 1. Sarah’s mother is younger than her father.

2. I feel better than yesterday.

3. It’s hotter today than yesterday.

4. My camera is more expensive (than yours).

5. The red bag is heavier (than this one.)

6. 1. It’s a very good Greek restaurant. It’s the best Greek restaurant in London.

2. He’s a very popular singer. He’s the most popular singer in our country.

3. It was a very hot day. It was the hottest day of the year.

4. Claudia is a very interesting person. She’s the most interesting person I know.

5. That painting is really ugly. It’s the ugliest painting in this room.

7. (Writing)


8. 1. nicer

2. stronger

3. heavier

4. more beautiful

5. worse

6. more polite

7. more expensive


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8. bigger

9. more tired

10. more modern

11. larger

12. further

13. colder

14. better

9. (Sugerencias)

1. Germany is bigger than Spain.

2. Painting is more creative / interesting than watching TV.

3. Women are more sensitive than men.

4. Cheese is tastier than fish.

5. A Rolls Royce is better / faster / more expensive than a Seat.

10. 1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

11. 1. The president is the most luxurious hotel.

2. The Station is smaller than the Lodge.

3. The Lodge is nearer the centre than the Stadium.

4. The Station is the cheapest hotel.

5. The Station is more modest / simpler than the Stadium.

6. The Stadium is the largest hotel.

12. 1. exchange bureau

2. under ground

3. pedestrian crossing

4. car park

5. police station

6. traffic lights

7. department store

8. post office

9. book shop

10. bus stop

13. 1.The most romantic city I know is Paris

2. Travelling by train is cheaper than (travelling) by air.

3. The fastest car drove off the road and crashed into a tree.

4. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

5. Jean doesn’t work as hard as I do.


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14. (Writing.)

15. (Writing.)



Verbos asociados a la vestimenta

1. 1. suit

2. mach

3. fit

2. 3. I'd like a pair of trousers.

3. - Carry – Llevar

- Get dressed – Vestirse

- Put on – Ponerse

- Take off – Quitarse

- Try on – Probarse

- Wear – Vestir, llevar puesto


Presente continuo

4. (Reading)

5. 1. Dímitra and Sarah are in the hotel lounge.

2. She is relaxing before her next class.

3. Ákis is very busy because he is preparing a wedding banquet.

4. She is reading a fashion magazine.

5. Not much.

6. They are the most famous couple of the moment.

7. They got married.

6. 1. ¿Qué estás haciendo?

2. Me estoy relajando un poco.

3. Está preparando un banquete de bodas.

4. ¿No le ayudas?

5. ¿Qué estás leyendo?


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6. Todo el mundo habla / está hablando de él estos días.

7. Writing.

1. Good afternoon.

2. Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir?

3. Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.

4. What size?

5. Mmm, I think it’s size 15.

6. Oh, let me see, size 15? You’ve got this blue sweater and then there’s this red one.

7. Mmm, can I try them on?

8. Of course. If you follow me, I’ll show you to the changing room.

9. well, red doesn’t really suit me. I think I’ll take the blue one. How much is it?

10.That’ll be £25.99

11. Here you are.

12. Thank you very much. Goodbye, Sir.

13. Goodbye.

8. Listening


9. 1. does / do

2. live / are spending

3. are / singing / ‘m watching. Don’t / sing

4. are / doing. Am / ‘m cooking

5.’s not wearing

6. do / drive. ’m going

10. 1. Where are you going?

2. This is not your dictionary! Yours is under that desk.

3. I work as a shop assistant.

4. At the moment Cris is travelling all over the world.

5. Why are you wearing those horrible yellow glasses?

6. My sister is studying English in the USA.

7. The Kents have got three children. Their children are triplets.

11. 1. is / doesn’t

2. are / am /do

3. are/are

4. don’t

5. does

6. are /are

7. does


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12. 1. What time are we playing tennis this afternoon?

2. These days prices are going up continually

3. He is going home because he is not feeling well

4. Where do you usually stay when you are in Paris?

5. My parents are buying a new house on the coast.


13. (Sugerencias)

1. Take an umbrella if it is raining.

2. I’m buying her a present because it’s her birthday today!

3. I’ve got exams next week. That’s why I’m studying.

4. I’m wearing a coat because it’s very cold outside.

5. I’m taking some exercise because I want to lose some weight.

6. I’m eating so fast because I’m very hungry!

14. Writing.



Expresiones típicas en conversaciones telefónicas

1. a. Hi, this is … speaking.

2. c. Can you put me through to … ?

3. b. Hold the line, please.

4. - Call paid by the person who receives it – Reversed charge

- Hold on – Wait

- Book of phone numbers – Directory

- Ring a phone number – Dial

- Time when phone calls are cheaper – Off-peak

- Person who helps you make a phone call - Operator

Vocabulario relacionado con la gastronomía

5. 1. A cooker is a thing which cooks food.


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2. A cooker is a person who cooks dishes.

3. A recipe is a number of instructions for preparing a dish.

4. A dessert is the last course of a meal.

5. My favourite dish in winter is chicken soup.

6. Listening. ‘Preparando la cena’.

7. 1. True

2. False. Claudia has taken her friends to her flat.

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. False. Orlando is an expert on wines.

7. True

8. True

9. False. Orlando knows what moussaka is.

8. 1. has gone

2. have met

3. have read

4. have never spoken

5. has flown

6. have eaten

7. has never had

8. has lived

9. has waken up

9. 1. John went to Ireland last summer to improve his English.

2. We met a lot of famous people when we worked for a Fashion Magazine.

3. I read most of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets the year I studied English Literature at University.

4. The Johnsons never spoke to any of their neighbours during the three years they lived in our neighbourhood.

5. My sister flew to Hawaii several times because she worked for South Pacific Airlines from 1991 to 1995.

6. Did you ever eat snake when you lived in the Amazon

7. My grandmother never had an operation until the age of 88, when she broke her leg.

8. He lived in many foreign countries when his father was a member of the British Embassy.

9. The baby woke up at midnight because she was hungry.

10. 1. already.

2. yet.


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3. just/yet.


11. 1. I have just spoken to my boss about having a salary rise.

2. We have been to London three times.

3. This is one of the most boring holidays I have ever seen.

4. They arrived a couple of minutes ago.

5. He has applied for several jobs but he hasn’t found a job yet.

6. They climbed Mount Kilimanjaro last Easter.

7. Martha has written a poem at school.

12. 1. have / ridden

2. arrived

3. Did / see

4. has been

5. Did / win

6. left has written

7. has stolen / disappeared

13. 1. been / was

2. written / writes

3. swum / swam

4. got / got

5. forgotten / forgot

6. known / knew


14. (Sugerencias)

1. I have never taken a plane.

2. I have never been to Australia.

3. I have never ridden a race car.

4. I have never hit another person.

5. I have never played soccer.

15. 1. broke up

2. put down

3. took out

4. put on

5. turn off


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6. have never woke up

16. Writing



1. Listening. ‘Con la policía’

2. 1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. F

7. F

8. T

9. F

3. 1. was cooking / didn’t see

2. were working / came

3. took / were aiming

4. were putting/asked

5. saw/was happening / tried to escape

4. 1. much

2. much/many

3. few

4. some

5. many

6. enough

7. many

8. much / any

9. some / a few


5. 1. was getting

2. was raining

3. were walking

4. lived


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5. worked

6. drove

7. took

8. was driving

9. came

10. saw

11. was standing

12. braked

13. approached

14. opened

15. asked

16. answered

17. began

18. was speaking

19. cried

20. stopped

21. walked

22. was going

23. drove

24. heard

25. did, know

26. got

27. started

28. didn’t continue

29. realized

30. was speaking

6. (Sugerencias)

1. He was getting home.

2. It was dark and cold and it was raining.

3. He lived in a small village about 30 kilometres from the city where he worked.

4. Because the road was very narrow and there weren’t any lights.

5. He saw a white figure / a young girl standing in the middle of the road.

6. She asked if he could give her a lift to the village.

7. He stopped at one side of the road and walked a few metres away.

8. A lorry drove past him very fast.

9. Because he realized that he was speaking by himself since the girl wasn’t in the car anymore.

10. She had vanished.

7. 1. was having / rang.

2. were you doing, arrived

3. arrived, had, went

4. was watching, was bathing

5. met, were studying

6. was wearing

7. finished, went

8. 1. There are too many people queueing for the cinema. Let’s go somewhere else!

2. How much money did you spend on your holiday?

3. I’d like a little sugar in my coffee, please.

4. (Right)

5. - How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

- Not many. About four or five.


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9. (Sugerencias)

b) I don’t drink too much coffee.

c) Yes, I did. A pickpocket took my wallet out my bag.

d) I’m wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt.

e) No. I’m only child.

10. (Sugerencias)

1. I was driving to my work.

2. I was having breakfast.

3. I was attending a conference.

4. I was having lunch.

5. I was having a coffee with some friends.

6. I was bathing my baby.

7. I was watching a TV show.



2. A) Have / read

- started / I’ve been reading

- I’ve heard

- I’ve read / I’ve / finished

B) have / doing?

- I’ve been running

- Have/done

- did / have been / ’ve been training

C) have/ smoked / ’ve been smoking

- have tried/tried

D) (have o has) condemned/have discovered/have won/beat

3. Listening.

4. Reading.

5. 1. Arthur 2. George 3. Edward 4. Joane 5. Alice 6. Brigid 7. Karen 8. Joe


6. 1. - They have been painting their house.

- They have painted four rooms so far.


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2. - He has been doing his homework for one hour.

- He has done two exercises so far.

3. - He has been driving since he was 10.

- He has been the world champion four times.

7. 1. has written

2. has been doing

3. have / been waiting

4. have broken

5. haven’t visited

6. has been learning

8. 1. spoilt

2. ambitious

3. shy

4. forgetful

5. impatient

6. adventurous

7. lazy

8. stubborn

9. 1. interesting old

2. nice little

3. beautiful blue

4. attractive old

5. brown leather

6. big black

7. old lovely little

8. expensive French.


10. 1. interesting/old

2. nice/little

3. beautiful/blue

4. attractive/old

5. brown/leather

6. big/black

7. lovely/little/old

8. expensive/French

11. 1. How long have you been learning piano?


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2. How many plays have you already written?

3. How long has he been going out with Alice Goldwater?

4. How many times a year does he go to New York?

5. How long have you been playing football?

12. 1. Because he has been on diet for many months.

2. Because they have been playing in the schoolyard after it was raining.

3. Because she has been crying while she was slicing onions.

4. Because I’ve been running round the park.

5. Because I’ve been dancing all night.

6. Because he has been painting his new house’s ceilings.



1. 1. Miss

2. Make

3. Do

4. Take

5. Catch

6. Lose

7. Have

8. Get

9. Leave

10. Win

11. Meet

12. Know

2. Listening.

3. Open answer.

4. falta

5. 1. The girl told her mum that she didn’t want to go to school.

2. Karen said she had met a wonderful boy.

3. The teacher said that they/we had to study harder.

4. She said that she was afraid she wouldn’t come to work the following/next day.

5. The child asked what they were having for lunch.

6. Sonia asked her husband if he could help her with the housework.

Or: Sonia asked her husband to help her with the housework.

7. The man explained that they had gone fishing but that they hadn’t got any fish.

8. I told her that I had something to tell her.

9. The boy wanted to know what country I came from.


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6. 1. knocked / was sleeping.

2. got / had already departed

3. had closed / realized / had left

4. fell / was trying

7. 1. We didn’t go on holiday because we hadn’t saved enough money.

2. The room looked nice because we had painted it only a week before.

3. The passengers fell fast asleep because they had been travelling all night.

4. The guests didn’t get a table because they had forgotten to reserve one.

5. My parents got angry because we hadn’t tidied up after the party.

6. The driver stopped at a motel because he had been driving overnight.

7. The children were disappointed nobody had told us there was overbooking.

8. 1. agreed

2. suggested

3. denied

4. warned

5. asked

6. advised

7. offered

8. recommended

9. offered


9. 1. am not

2. have/was

3. didn’t/weren’t/didn’t

4. is

5. had

6. has/were

7. does/has/doesn’t

8. are/don’t

9. were

10. don’t/has

10. 1. He said he was going out but that he’d be back by nine.

2. She wondered why her brother wanted to be an actor and said that nobody in their family had ever been one.

3. She asked if Liz was in and said that a man on the phone was asking for her

4. The little boy asked his mother if he could have a sweet.


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5. The boy said he was doing a History exam the following / next day and that he hadn’t started studying yet.

11. Writing.


2. Open answer.

3. Listening

4. 1. was busy/to take

2. he was doing/hadn’t taken

3. had taken/was taking

4. if he was

5. wasn’t/ had/drunk

6. had/his

7. was trying/his/had given him/him

5. 1. me not to worry about her.

2. Diane that he would always love her.

3. he might visit his uncle in Greece next summer.

4. she had never seen the sea.

5. He told me he was looking for another job.

6. he had to finish it by the following / the next Thursday.

7. me she could meet me the following / the next day

8. me to help her.

6. 1. I wonder who Jack Ruby is.

2. He asked me what time it was.

3. I’d like to know if there is a God.

4. Sean asked me what time the film began.

5. She asked me where all the flowers had gone.

6. He wanted to know if she was happy.

7. She asked me if I understood reported questions.

8. He asked me if I would like to do something more interesting.

7. 1. accused

2. suggested

3. insisted

4. warned


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5. apologised

6. admitted

7. advised

8. denied

8. 1. were getting

2. would finish

3. hadn’t been able

4. didn’t like

5. had never eaten

6. would like


9. writing
