Solution Criteria



Solution Criteria

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Aqeel 800839116Will this course of action really do whats wanted?Yes, it will.There is clearly a problem with the products which slows down the performance. By identifying the problem, and then solving it, the products will run smoothly and its performance will be much better.

Can we implement this course of action? Yes, we can. It does not need any kind of changes in the equipment. It needs a team of programmers to look up the codes of the program, and identify the error. Then, debug the code and fix the problem.

Can we afford it?Yes, we can.We need a team of computer scientists, and software engineers to solve the problem. Identifying, and solving the issue should not take more than a month. The solution will be permanent too. The cost of establishing the team might be a little costly, but the company can afford it.

Is it desirable?It is desirable. Many people posted this issue in adobe forum. And solving it will eliminate the time needed to respond to the users, or the chatting online to solve this problem. In this way, supporting team will have more time to solve other issues.
