Some highlights of social media in 2012


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Some highlights of Social Media in 2012

Time spent on social mediums has increased from 88.4B minutes in July 2011 to 121.1B in July 2012

How we connect: Computers 94%, mobile phone 46%,  tablet 16%, hand-held music device 7%, game consoles 4%, internet

enabled TVs 4%, e-readers 2%

51% of people age 25-34 use social networking in the office

People spend the most time on Facebook as compared to the other social network sites (See photo)

26% of people are more likely to pay attention to an ad that has been posted by one of their social network acquaintances

17% of people feel more connected to brands seen on social websites/channels

One in three social media users prefer social care to contacting a company by phone

Social likes are the most common action taken after seeing a social ad and can be a great way to raise a

brand’s visibility

U.S. Asian consumers are currently the most engaged audience with social ads; Caucasian consumers are the least-

likely to take action

Pinterest’s unique visitors grew 1,047% (No, that isn’t a typo)

You're likely to lose business if people have a hard time accessing and using your website on their

mobile phones.

An increasing number of people use their mobile phones to shop, and research

businesses and products.

We pursue new media with a passion and provide both creative and technical direction to clients

wishing to further their on-line presence particularly in the field of mobile-friendly website design, smartphone app development and mobile

