Soul Mechanic Book 1 "PRESENCE"



This is the first of 12 books taking a step by step journey inside the human Soul and coming to grips with who we really are, where we are from and what this life is all about. Book 1 here, as you can see has been made available to all at no cost at all.

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Copyright © 2014 David Moxey

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First Published using Project Emancipation ,2013

This book may be purchased for educational, business, or

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this title.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of

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resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


My Father, William Alan Moxey.

Thank you for always supporting my visions and

my dreams.

My Mother, Jennifer Moxey

You never judged me and have always been right

by my side, no matter how far away.


Your inspiration and creativity made this possible.

About the Author

Known as Moxi he had moved to Costa Rica and was given the opportunity to

live life at a pace of that was radically different than what he was used to. During

his time here in Costa Rica he was given the time to slow down, reflect on the

true significance of life, who he really is , and the real purpose behind what he

once used to call the “daily grind”.

The Concept of Soul Mechanics began at least 5 years ago.

Moxi was given the opportunity to meet travelers from all parts of the world. As

they passed through this small town on the pacific coast of Costa Rica, he spent

time learning from their wisdom and gleaning from their experiences.

He has sat with eastern gurus, physicists in the field of Quantum Mechanics,

masters in meditation, spiritual guides, and some of the most amazing

intellectual thinkers and philosophers in the world.

There came a point when he realized it was time to gather everything he had

learned and everything that had changed his life and put it together in a book.

This has been his daily passion.

He sits on his little patio overlooking the jungle typing away and sifting through

thousands of pages of notes full of some of the most powerful informational

truths and concepts.

The Soul Mechanic series has been split into a series of 12 books, each one

taking us closer and closer into the very center of the human Soul.



Welcome to the first book in a series known as "Soul


This first book in our series will establish the foundation as you

progress towards the very center of your adventure inside the

reality of the human Soul.














Throughout the history of mankind, especially during the past 100 years of human

history, individuals in the fields of science, metaphysics and quantum mechanics

have made shocking and profound discoveries.

Many of these discoveries have consistently been met with ridicule and disbelief.

You will find many concepts and ideas which may be easily grasped, well

understood and previously known within the pages of this book.

However, as you progress you may stumble across what I consider to be well

proven scientific theories that may reach out beyond the normal level of acceptability

and into the realm of fantasy.

Its is these very ideas and concepts that while ridiculed now, will one day be

accepted and grasped the world over. Not only by the scientific community in

general but by the common populace of mankind.

What have you been told about happiness?

What have you been told about contentment?

Do you believe you know the secret to success?

Do you even know what success truly is?

I have asked these questions to thousands of people all over the English-speaking


I have spoken to religious leaders, business people, artisans, teenagers, elderly

retirees to name but a few.


Do you think you might recognize the answers I have received?

I’m sure you would.

These are the “standard issue” answers we have all heard and at times have been

led to believe.

Each one of us with respect to our community, culture and belief system has been

fed one of these so-called answers. Unfortunately at the end of the day, perhaps

when we are resting our head on the pillow, or maybe when we are grasping for that

next paycheck, or for some, when we are at that moment of breathing our last

breath, we all come to that realization that these answers are all found wanting.

My friend Isaac was well aware that there were many unanswered questions in his

life. He considered himself a true seeker.

He was one of those people that asked the questions that many people do not even

know they have.

Our subconscious does a wonderful job at hiding our hunger for reality and

convincing us that we are content with the illusion of this world.

Are you content?

Or have you really dug deep enough to ask the ultimate question?



This is the question that is responsible for every mystery, every misdirected fear, all

confusion and every seekers journey in this life.

What is this question?

Well, my friend, it is both profound in its simplicity and wonderful in its implications.

It will either be embraced by yourself at this moment as you are reading or fully

rejected as pointless philosophy.

Before I ask you this question, please open your mind; prepare yourself to embrace

a curiosity that once explored, will radically alter everything you know to be true

about this life.

Now, let me ask you…

Who are you?

The following compilation of emails and chats are designed to be a type of overview

or blueprint giving you a personal tour of the mechanics of the human Soul.

As soon as we use the word "Soul" people tend to focus their imagination towards

concepts verging on the religious and spiritual.



The Soul is seen as this "thing" that dwells within us that one day will push itself forth

from our body and travel somewhere to some heavenly realm or unknown existence.

The unexplored mystery of the Soul is one that brought me to the very edge of


It was one that once explored, brought into focus the distinction between the illusion

and the true reality we interact with on a daily basis.

This reality is one that many live with while completely blind to its existence.

This where it gets exciting.

The Soul is NOT something we have or something we possess deep down inside.

The Soul is NOT a possession of ours.

The Soul is NOT that deep inner feeling of guilt, fear or passion.

The Soul is YOU.

You are a Soul.



The Soul penetrates and permeates every fiber of your physical and nonphysical


It dictates everything that you are, what color your eyes will be, the color of your skin

and how tall you are.

Everything that you are is your Soul.

The Soul then extends further.

It goes far beyond just the human physical body, it is not only within. It not only

permeates your being, but it extends outwards beyond the body itself.

The question then must be raised; we have to ask,

"what is the Soul."

Let us talk about something digestible.

Consider something such as music in its most basic essence, we know it as nothing

more than a vibration.

When someone listens to a high level of music, a person would then feel the

vibration in their body. It moves from the speaker to the body, you would then feel

the vibration pulsing against your chest.



Music, by its frequency, could cause a glass to shatter and break. Music moves out

and beyond, being absorbed by its surrounding world and bouncing back from its

surrounding world producing a rhythmic wavelength that can even inspire emotional

responses in those that listen to it.

What makes the leaf of a tree green?

What causes color to be color?

What makes something green or red?

It is simply because each object is consistently vibrating at a specific frequency

which in turn creates that color to be perceived in a certain way.

When you observe that blue sky or that green leaf, you are observing a frequency

that extends beyond the specific object. It travels to your eyes and then is

interpreted to be a specific color.

All of these observations are entirely conditional upon the vibrational frequency of

the object.

Everything is vibration.

Not only is color a result of this, even the very shape and form of everything that

surrounds us.



The way things vibrate actually create the shape and existence of a particular object.

The shape of a tree, or the or the form of a blade of grass.

So when we move from this understanding and then travel back to the main issue,

which is that of the Soul, we see that the Soul also is nothing more than a vibration.

There are many more things to say about the Soul, but this is where we begin.

It vibrates.

The Soul is moving at a frequency, and that frequency dictates everything regarding

your body and even creates a color that many individuals might refer to as an "aura".

It not only surrounds your body, but it moves out and past your body, interacting with

everything around it.

This happens in exactly the same way as color interacts with your eyes, or music

might interact with your auditory senses. Your Soul moves out and interacts with

everything around it. When we take time to consider this, we realize this this holds

some incredibly profound consequences.

This means that YOU have a direct interconnection with everything that is around




If you were to enter a room with 10 or 15 people that were all sad and negative, you

would say that there is a "negative vibe" in the room.

This is exactly true!

There IS a negative VIBRATION happening in the room, and that vibration is

affecting you in a specific way. This is the vibration of the specific Soul's existing

within that room.

So the human Soul has an extremely unique and profound ability to interact with

everything around it.

Have you ever considered that you have the ability to interact with other people

without having speak or do or say anything?

You can touch the world around you without using the physical body.

The trees, plants and flowers you pass as you take a stroll have a direct and

intimate connection with you.

This is simply because you are what you are in many fascinating and wonderful




There is one extraordinary thing that separates you from that blade of grass or that


The thing that makes you unique is that you can decide, manipulate or control the

vibration that you will emit at any given moment.

You can change the vibration.

You have the ability to create a higher or lower frequency which can accomplish

many amazing things.

This is just the very beginning.

This is the vibration of the Soul.

This is simply a seed that will create an opening to a doorway of a miriad of

possibilities that we will be exploring as we continue through these conversations.

TV, advertising, movies, Internet, mobile phones, music and many other

technological devices have managed to grab a hold of our attention and create a

powerful and numbing distraction.



The television alone has become a type of modern day babysitter that turns us into

zombies. We sit and stare at the screen with little going through our mind or


We absorb everything around us and have no real time to think independently. All

these distractions are happening so overwhelmingly fast at a continual rate all the


This goes on from the moment we rise in the morning until the time we fall asleep in


Overloaded and exhausted with images, sounds, and emotions that our

consciousness is constantly trying to sort out, we are not given an opportunity to

allow the brain to take a break, relax and quiet down.

However, if we do take that break, we can make contact with our inner world and

the heart.

It is there that we will find the ultimate answers and discover that we are part of

something much bigger than we have ever imagined.

The time we are living in now is all about this process of waking up and once again

becoming aware of who we really are.

This is about coming to an awareness of where we come from, what we are doing

here and where we are going.



"The world that you are familiar with, the physical, material world, is not the only one

in which you move and interact. Every day when you get up, shower and go to work,

each and every step reverberates through two sides of reality at once. Your physical

body walks in the world of matter, but a subtler aspect of you, woven within and

throughout your physical body, moves and interacts on a level of pure energy."


The Soul must take over the Ego and "Reflected self", but is this really possible?

Can we do this?

We must come to the realization that the answers we are constantly seeking are not

to be found outside of ourselves.

The answers are there; they have always been there inside of ourselves simply

waiting to emerge, waiting to be noticed and discovered by our consciousness.

It is now time to find our way back to our Soul and release our grip on this physical

external thing we consider reality.

This is not merely a simple switch that we turn on in our mind; this is a process of

understanding and releasing. This is about observing and being.

Welcome to the journey, welcome to Soul Mechanic.



- The adventure begins here.....


From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Monday, February 3, To:


It makes me sad that so many people don’t ask the

questions you do.

So many seem to think that the answers to life's apparent

problems are found in the physical world around them.

I wonder how many timeless Gurus our world and our

civilization has to live through.

How long will it be before we are impacted in such a way

that it becomes commonplace to understand the answers to

life's greatest mysteries?


When will humanity realize that these answers are nowhere

to be found around us but are waiting to be discovered

within us?

I love your questions; I love your curiosity.

It seems that deep down you know there is more to life. You

know there is a deeper purpose and a greater reason

behind it all.

Your eagerness to uncover these truths excites me. I hope

you know; big questions deserve big answers. These

questions you have will literally open a wonderland of

metaphysical truths, so I hope you're not just hungry for the


As exciting as the truth can be, it is often the journey into the

truth that provides much of the adventure in life.


IIn order to understand and know yourself, your purpose,

why you are here, and where you are going, you must

become familiar with the other realm; the realm of the non-


As you take these steps into the unseen realm, you will

notice that your Soul will experience a gradual process of


This is the realm where you truly dwell.

Isaac, this physical realm you see around you each day is

but a reflection or shadow of that which is real.

For example, if you were to pick up a piece of gold here in

our physical realm you would have a mass filled with

protons, electrons and atoms. What you would be holding in

your hand is but a representation of the REAL gold.

It is nothing more than a shadow of reality.


How can we know and appreciate the truth if we first do not

understand the lie?

We will venture into a world of pure unadulterated reality,

the world of the Soul.

We will go to a place outside of time, outside of space.

We will enter a world where everything we see in this

physical world has its origin and its birth.

Please understand, you will have to leave everything

behind; your ideas, perceptions, preconceived notions and


This world we will enter is the world of origins; there are no

shadows, types or replicas.

This is a place where all is reality.


If you can understand and grasp this world where you truly

exist, then you will have entered into the true peace of

understanding the meaning of all that is.

Not only will this give you a mental understanding, but you

will discover a wealth of non-physical resources that you will

be able to incorporate into your true self.

This in turn will transform your entire being and cause you to

become the YOU that you were created for.

Let’s start the journey.


From: "Isaac Templar" Sent:

Tuesday, February 4 To:


I think I always knew that the truth to life was found inside


Not really sure exactly what it all meant but even at this

point in my life in my mid 30’s I think I’ve seen enough to

know that the world isn’t really producing the answers I’m

looking for.

Different religions give different reasons and answers for

things, but at the end of the day they just create more

questions and more frustration.

When you talk about the “nonphysical” world, are you talking

about a spiritual world like religions do? And if answers are

not found here in the physical world then what good is the

physical world?


Are we supposed to live like monks, completely detached

from everything physical and just meditating all the time? I’m

probably asking too many questions right up front; I’m sure

you will be explaining it all, but it helps me just to write this

down and maybe come back to it later.

I know you have a lot to say and a lot to explain. I’m looking

forward to it!

I don’t often get to have these kinds of conversations with

people, let alone with someone who actually claims to have

the answers.



From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Thursday, February 6 To:


I understand your questions, and please feel free to ask

anything you want. Hopefully, we will have opportunities to

chat live online also.

I know I am making a clear distinction between the Physical

Realm around us and the Unseen Realm, but as you dig

deeper into this, you will begin to understand the

relationship between the two.

Although the answers are found in the unseen realm, the

physical realm around us still has importance. You always

have to remember that the physical realm is a creation of

the non-physical realm, so they are both interconnected in

many ways.


So, I’m going to start with an introduction to the concept of


This is a basic understanding of who you are and as we

continue our conversations it will definitely progress a lot

further from here....

Not long after the moment of your birth, you were led to

believe that you are a physical creature living on this planet.

You see, as humans, we process everything through our

five senses, allowing our subconscious mind to process and

store everything we see and experience. All of these

emotions, thoughts and experiences enter our mind and

begin to build this large collection of who we think we are. It

doesn’t take very long before we are led to believe the

biggest deception of mankind.


We believe that we are human!

Not only this, but we are led to believe that as humans, our

opinions, thoughts and beliefs have made up who we are.

We build identities and a persona based on our experiences

and beliefs and as the years go by we allow ourselves to

believe and accept certain things.

Suddenly you have become "someone".

That "someone" is very far from reality. Although far from

reality, you have joined something very common and

dominating. You have joined society and walked away from


Who you really are, your real abilities and potential, is not

even a distant memory anymore. It is as if the real you no

longer exists.


The true you has been replaced by another version known

as the “Reflected Self”. This reflected (false) self has done

an amazing job at replacing the real you.

It has convinced you that it is you!

No one challenges it or attacks it. Why would we if we all

accept it is real?

Online Chat:

Isaac: So.. You believe that we are not human??

Tam: Well according to the definition and according to

society the word “Human” suggests someone who carries

the characteristics and nature of people. These

characteristics that we act out every day, are they our true

nature that we were created to live out?


Isaac: Well, humans have many characteristics. You are

saying that they are not true to our nature?

Tam: Yes Isaac. That’s exactly my point. The daily

characteristics that we act out and live out on a daily basis

have been created by a false sense of reality. Since this

sense of reality is false, then the characteristics we are living

out are also false. Once we understand the true nature of

reality, our nature and characteristics will also change.

Isaac: And then?

Tam: And then we will exist as we were created to exist,

according to the true nature of this universe. Perhaps then

when all of humanity evolves into this new way of living, the

word “human” may carry a new significance.

Tam: I’ll explain more in my next E-Mail


From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Saturday, February 8 To:


What if one day you woke up and discovered that this “you”

that you thought you were was some fabricated self, created

by the world around you? That the real, YOU was there

deep down inside waiting to explode out and live.

What if you discovered that the real YOU had abilities,

knowledge, capabilities, power, and wisdom that you never

even dreamed of?

What if deep down inside there was this powerful creature

that had been held, hidden for a lifetime?

As C.S. Lewis put it quite simply

“You don’t have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”


Humanity has been living for years in these physical bodies

with the belief and assumption that this is who we are and

that we have these “souls” existing within us.

Nothing could have been farther from the truth.

It turns out that this is the great cause of much of the pain,

suffering, and fear that we all seem to experience

throughout our lives.

These feelings, insecurities and emotions are all generated

and felt in the day to day physical world.

Since we are beings that live with the assumption that we

are physical, we then allow our bodies to be ruled by these

feelings and emotions that have their origin in the physical


The truth of the matter is; we are not physical beings at all.


We are Souls with infinite potential, which dwell on the

nonphysical realm.

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

This body we inhabit is nothing more than a type of vessel

that our Soul has used to visit this earth. Our Soul manages

to connect to the biological controls of the body via the

nervous system. Unfortunately, at some point in human

evolution the Soul ceased to pilot this body, and the

Reflected Self began to take over as the pilot and


The reflected Self, to summarize, is nothing more than the

creation of society. It is a cocktail of dangerous thought

processes containing high dosages of Ego, Fear and

Control. When referring to the reflected self, the Ego is

always considered to be a powerful element of this



The Ego is nothing more than a product of our interaction

with the external environment.

Isaac, when you were born you had no true Ego. There was

no true separate feeling of "me" or "I". However, this was

quickly created by your surroundings. You must remember

and understand that the answers you are seeking are not

outside yourself, but they are all to be found inside. Then

and only then, will you reach the true core of who you are.

The Ego must relax its hold of the self so that you can

ultimately find your way back to the Soul. The Ego does

have a distinctive and essential function, however when the

Ego becomes all that is. Then it has gone too far. As you

notice, I also mention elements such as Fear and Control,

both of which will be discussed and understood in further



To continue; the reflected self is nothing more than what we

/ you “must” be. This society we live in has demanded a type

of creation that would not challenge or contradict anything

else that has happened in the world system.

The powers that be needed something that would simply

obey and operate under the rules given to it. Thus, the

reflected self came about, and the Soul began to be


The great sadness is that your Soul is now no longer in


We can no longer perceive all the messages and lessons

that are necessary to truly understand our existence and the

great reason for life.

We have been forced to live in a world of separation,

limitation and polarity; this is the perfect breeding ground for

the reflected self. It is the perfect place where the Soul can

never escape, and we will never truly understand our real

purpose in this life.


Not only this, but the illusion has gone even further.

For most people, when presented with the reality of life, and

the true meaning of life, they simply laugh or perhaps

believe that you are a little crazy. People are either shocked

by these statements, or many simply deny it.

This is because the reflected self does not have the ability to

comprehend these truths. Therefore, the true meaning of life

and the true meaning of who we are must be presented in

such a way that it will systematically attack and tear down

the walls of the reflected self.

Layer by layer, the powerful walls of the false self must be

destroyed to allow for the powerful nature of the Soul – the

real you, to shine through and embrace the truth once and

for all.


It's true; you are a Soul, and your Soul is constantly

searching for its true understanding of its unity with the

Source. However, as the Soul searches for this

understanding, the Ego, (powered by the false self)

manages to create so much "noise" that we all seem to

forget what it is we are searching for.

Our challenge then is to eliminate this noise, and then

silence the Ego. We must overcome the powerful

distractions of the false self, so that we might remember

exactly who we are, where we are truly heading, and where

we really came from.

So it is time to move on.

It is time to look inwards and explore that inner realm.

The answers we are searching for are not outside ourselves,

but inside.


When we reach the core of who we are, we will understand

more and more the powerful deception of the false self and

irresistible power of the Soul.

From: "Isaac Templar" Sent: Saturday, February 8 To:


“Reflected Self” – I’ve never heard of that before but I think I

understand it.

Also, I’ve heard tons of different explanations for what the

Soul is.

People are always trying to define it or even question if we

have one. I’ve never considered before that we don’t have a

Soul. That we are the Soul and what we have is a body. I

like that.


You also say that the Soul (me) has all these abilities and all

this potential, do you have more to say about that?

From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Wednesday, February 12 To:



Everything we are talking about here is really one giant

journey into the Soul.

Understanding your true potential and the real nature of the

Soul is unavoidable.

At this point, we are not there yet, it might take a while

before I begin to explain all of this, but don’t be concerned,

everything will be explained in its proper time.


From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Wednesday, February 12, To: Subject: Presence


Lets continue with the adventure. You have probably noticed

that I have previously used the word "journey". I try not to

use that word as it actually contradicts the very core and

nature of what we will be talking about. However, I'll save

that for another email.

I want to begin with an essential principle known as


I am not sure how familiar you are with this, or if you have

read anything on this subject.

Please let me know.


From: "Isaac Templar" Sent: Friday, February 14, To:

Well first of all you made me curious when you were talking

about the idea of being on a journey. I dont see whats wrong

with that concept.

You asked me about presence.

I've heard of it before, its a common word basically

meaning to be somewhere. To be present somewhere at

some time. Right?

Im guessing you have a much deeper explanation about it.

I'm curious.


From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Saturday, February 15, To: Subject: Presence

Yes you are right, there is a much deeper meaning behind

the concept of Presence.

First of all in order to understand Presence I have to talk to

you about the meaning of time.

This one of the most subtle things that this physical world

has managed to integrate into humanity. Once you

understand this you will have a strong foundation to build

everything else upon.

Much of humanity coexists in a culture that is inextricably

bound to the concept of time. It seems that nothing in our

world happens without it having some sort of time



However, the grand majority of people in our society have

no idea that time is nothing more than an illusion.

At times this is a very necessary illusion that we have

created to navigate our way through life.

So, you notice that I call time an illusion.

I'm sure this calls your attention and I'm sure you are

curious as to what type of claim I am making.

Am I asserting that time itself is not even real?

Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. In contrast to the idea

of time being a necessary illusion that prevents every event

from colliding and occurring at the same moment, it has

become clearly obvious that time is also a very powerful

illusion that distracts millions of people from following their

true path in life.

PRESENCEWhy is this?

This is simply due to the fact that most people in the world

today tend to believe that life is predicated upon two

intangible and at times completely irrelevant concepts.

Let me explain what I mean.

People cling to what will happen in the future and what has

happened in the past.

Past experiences and future expectations have become the

two fundamental ingredients of standard living. We tend to

spend and invest much of our "time" and mental energy

planning for the future, setting goals and making plans. We

look forward to what is yet to come, working every day and

planning for the weekend, working every week and planning

for that vacation that lays months away. We live in such a

way that we believe everything has some type of connection

to the future.

PRESENCEWe give this a very attractive label:


Hope sounds like a wonderful thing.

Hope is the expectation that something positive will happen,

that things will improve and our future will be bright.

PRESENCEOur world orbits around this anticipation of future events that

have not yet happened. In many ways this has become the

foundation of our lives.

However, not ALL of our mental energy seems to revolve

around the future, and what may or may not happen.

Much of our mental and emotional energy also seems to

involve the past.

The past is full of memories both good and bad. Many of us

live in fear based on past disasters, regrets based on past

decisions and even a form of happiness as we recall times

of joy and positive memories.

So what I am showing you is that past and future tend to

work in partnership like a team. We use our past

experiences and recall them, we then use these memories

as a form of wisdom to plan for future events.

PRESENCEWe base our lives on this type of thought form; this modality

of thinking.

We are creatures constantly waiting to create a new


So Isaac, what do you think?

Is there a problem with this?

From: Sent: Monday, February

17 To:

Trick question?

Is there a problem with this?

A problem with Hope?

PRESENCEA problem with having goals and planning for the future? I

feel like if I couldn’t look into the future and make plans I

would live a pretty depressed life.

At this point I feel like your gonna have to convince me

pretty hard to actually believe there is anything wrong with

living this way.

But I’m really open to what you have to say, I suppose I like

to be challenged.. And I still want to know how this ties in to

your explanation of presence.

From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Tuesday, February 18, To: Subject: Presence


The best way for me to explain is by saying that this type of

living causes the individual to live in a world constrained by

only two dimensions.

PRESENCEIt is of essential importance that we learn how to live beyond

this two dimensional world and begin to grasp the life that

lies beyond this illusion.

Those who live a life bound by this semblance of time are

constrained to live in a linear two dimensional world

consisting of nothing more than forwards or backwards.

You may be familiar with the famous quote:

“If you are not moving forward you're moving backwards”

This must be one of the most ridiculous quotes I have ever


However, it does summarize the common mentality of this

generation. Today’s generation truly believes that movement

equals success.

PRESENCEWe must be moving, changing, developing. This creates the

idea of climbing a ladder, scaling a mountain, getting closer

to the goal. Even the word "progress" creates that mental

image of moving forward.

Whenever we encounter an old friend that we haven’t

spoken to in a long time, quite often the question is “So

what’s new?” and how many times do we feel, that if we

have nothing to say, then our life may seem dull, boring and


As I mentioned before, we have convinced ourselves to live

a life in constant expectation of a future event.

However, the question is…

Does this future event ever arrive?

PRESENCEAnd when it does.. What are we doing but then waiting then

for the next moment? The obvious fact of the matter is that

the future is never present. This form of living in the past

and future can be likened to living in a dream world, a world

that only exists in the mind and not in reality.

Almost everything existing in the mind of most people is

absolute fantasy!

PRESENCEWe have no way of proving that there exists any such thing

as “the future”. The future never arrives. Even if I had the

capability to travel into the future, once there it would be the

present. The most accurate definition for what we call the

"future" is simply "an unknown moment that has yet to be


Therefore, at the end of the day, the word "future" is a term

used to refer to something that does not exist.

Now, here is the most important issue: our addiction to what

we have not yet experienced causes us to constantly miss

what is happening NOW. In its simplest form we know this:

The future NEVER arrives and the past exists only in the

mind as a collection of thoughts.

Time, as we know it is only an illusion. Mankind has created

the idea of time simply so we can differentiate between one

moment and the next.

PRESENCEIn reality, the only thing that is real is a constant flow of

present, yet ever changing moments. Since the future is

nothing but a mental construct that exists in the present, we

cannot experience the future until it "becomes" the Present.

Until then it lives in our mind as only a hope and dream. It

can't be measured, seen, felt or sensed in any way


Simply stated; our only contact with our future is in the

present. The present has merely become a bridge between

what has happened in the past and what is about to happen

in the future – If you believe that these truly exist.

The grand irony is we spend our present existence living in

two realms of time that cannot be seen or measured or


This is the life we have relegated ourselves to, one that

consists of nothing more than forwards and backwards.

PRESENCEWhat if there was another direction?

What if there were many more directions?

What if we have become so accustomed to linear

movements that we have placed instinctive blinders on,

preventing us from seeing new possibilities of movement?

I remember one day in my old job, during a staff meeting.

My boss pulled out a coin, placed it on the counter and said,

“There are only two sides to every coin” Another famous


On my way home that day, I took the time to meditate on

what he said in the staff meeting. After several days of

pondering and consideration, I came to the realization that

what he said was completely untrue.

My conclusion?

There are AT LEAST five sides to every coin.


If there are at least five sides to every coin, what are we

missing when it comes to our perspective on life and time?

To begin with, let’s look at the first, most obvious and most

important direction that we tend to ignore.

Stop for a moment and allow yourself to consider the typical

form your daily thoughts take.

“What shall I eat for lunch?”

“What should I do tonight?”

“I wonder if it will rain tonight?”

“Why did he/she say this or that?”

“I wish I hadn’t done this or that”

We live in these make believe worlds and all the while we

manage to dismiss and ignore the ever present moment of

the NOW.

PRESENCE“Now” has the ability to scare most people in today’s society.

It has no apparent movement, it is going nowhere, and it is

not speculative or unknown. Everything about “Now” is

standing still before us. The concept of "Now" is one of truth

and honesty.

The future can disguise itself as something fearful or

something exciting. "Now" is what it is, and most of us can’t

stand that. When dealing with addiction we love to say “I’ll

quit tomorrow”, or when we are having relationship problems

we can say “we need to talk sometime”.

The future is the best friend of procrastination, and it fully

embraces the idea of living an artificial life. "Now" is the

golden moment, it is the time when things really matter. The

ability to dwell in the moment and live in the NOW is one of

the first steps to tearing down the pillars of illusion that we

have surrounded ourselves with.

PRESENCEDid you notice what I said above?

The "Now" moment has no apparent movement. We all

think that nothing is happening now. There is no exciting

change happening. So in order to experience “movement”

we transport our minds to an imaginary realm of past or

future, in doing so we create the illusion of change and


How sad that we all do this, and in doing so manage to miss

this dynamic world full of variance and transformation.

Remember something, it is ALWAYS now. No matter what

we do or where we go we are always living in the present


We simply invented time in order that we might understand

the ever changing sequence of NOW moments that we live


PRESENCEOnline Chat:

ISAAC: Ok, I admit, some of this does make sense. I’m

beginning to understand your point, and It’s something I’ve

never really thought about before.

TAM: But?

ISAAC: But I’m still having a problem understanding that

time was invented, that it’s not real. I understand that we are

always in the present moment, but I can’t get past the fact

that time is always passing and the past and future are real.

TAM: I understand. This is not an easy subject to completely

comprehend. Please understand that what I am saying is

not just my personal opinion or my own thoughts. Many in

the scientific world have come to this same conclusion that

time is not what we once thought it was.

PRESENCEISAAC: Really? This is scientific?

TAM: Absolutely. In fact almost all of the principles and

concepts I am sharing with you in our conversations have a

scientific basis to them.

ISAAC: I didn’t know that.

ISAAC: But..How can time be an illusion if I remember

events that happened to me and they were clearly in the


TAM: Well there are many ways to answer that question. In

reality, the human brain does not have the ability to

experience every moment at the same time. Therefore as

humans we have taken all these still moments and we move

through them in one direction. This gives the illusion of time.

PRESENCEISAAC: So when I remember the past, it isn’t really the


TAM: Technically no. It’s actually a moment that exists right

now. But in your mind you have placed it in a category

called “memories” and you consider it to be a past event.

Can you imagine how it would feel to experience every

event of your life all at once?

ISSAC: I think I would go crazy.

TAM: Exactly. This is why we experience things the way we

do. Time does not pass us by. We are actually working

through a succession of “now moments” and we are only

able to move through those moments in one direction. This

creates the illusion of time.

ISAAC: And you also say that the Soul does not live in the

past or future.

PRESENCETAM: Exactly. Mainly because the past and future don’t

exist. The Soul bases its whole existence only on truth. The

reflected self creates thoughts, opinions and perceptions

based upon what it thinks may or may not happen in the

future, or based on its imperfect recollections of the past.

The Soul just sees things as they are now and lives in the


ISAAC: So if the idea is to live in the present, then when is it

ok to think about the future or the past? Seems kind of

confusing to me.

TAM: I agree, it can seem a little confusing, and quite

honestly it isn’t easy to explain fully. All I can say is, when

you start to practice the art of living in the present, you will

notice that it comes naturally, and you will find that balance.

PRESENCETAM: It is also good to remember that the future and past

can be the source of a lot of fears. When focusing on past

and future and fear comes into the picture, you know right

away that you are doing something unnecessary.

ISAAC: Isn’t it healthy to be afraid of the future? For

example, sometimes I’m afraid that I won’t pay my rent in

time. That fear gives me motivation.

TAM: I see where you are coming from. However at the end

of the day you are basing your fear upon something that has

not happened. For the Soul, this is very unnatural. The Soul

would approach this in another way. With an understanding

that rent is due, the Soul would then divert its focus from the

future to the now and look at your circumstances in the

present moment. Because your landlord is not standing over

you demanding money at this present moment, you have no

fear, however you still have awareness, like a call to action

to do something in the present.

PRESENCEISAAC: Ok, that makes sense. The future is unpredictable,

but the present, we can bank on and we can act upon our

present circumstances.

TAM: Yes.

TAM: I think the best way for me to explain this concept that

NOW is all that exists would be with an illustration.

ISAAC: Well, your illustrations really help me to understand

things better.

TAM: Good… So, these NOW moments exist just like

frames in an old film reel. In a movie we see the action and

events roll by but what we don’t see is that this reel is simply

a collection of still frames moving extremely quickly. Each of

these frames is simply a still, motionless image being

witnessed at a rapid speed.

PRESENCEISAAC: So you are saying that our lives are like a movie.

TAM: That’s a concept that many people actually believe.

That our lives are one giant movie that is being observed by

a higher being and we are simply actors in the movie playing

out our roles.

ISAAC: Is that what you believe?

TAM: It’s not far removed from what I believe. However that’

s not what matters right now.

ISAAC: Ha! You don’t like to tell me too much at once do


TAM: Well, let’s just say I don’t want to overwhelm you with

everything at once. This is a lot to take in.

PRESENCEISAAC: Ok, so let me ask you this again.. Am I supposed to

forget about the past and forget about the future? Am I

supposed to ignore them and only think about what’s

happening now? Because that seems impossible.

TAM: Absolutely not.

TAM: I would never encourage anyone to cease with their

thoughts of the future or fond memories or recollections of

the past.

ISAAC: So what are you trying to say then?

TAM: What I am saying is that we have fallen into the habit

of living in such a way that we have lost much of our ability

to see the present moment. Instead of occasionally looking

to the past and future, humanity is beginning to live with

their minds consistently placed in these two realms.

PRESENCETAM: It is in this present moment that we find much of the

peace, calmness and joy that is often missing in life.

Consider your fears, anxieties, and concerns. How many of

them are based on what has not yet happened?

ISAAC: I guess none of them.

TAM: In this present moment as you are sitting here reading

this, what grand disaster is happening to you? What

stressful situation is overwhelming you? In most of not all

cases there is none. Fear draws upon your expectation of

what may or may not happen in the future; often times

based upon what has or has not happened in the past.

ISAAC: So what you are saying is, people spend too much

time dwelling on the past and future, like they live in the past

and they live in the future instead of living in the now.

PRESENCETAM: That’s exactly what I am saying. That’s why I said in

the previous e mail that the Past and Future are a

“necessary illusion” in this physical realm. We do need

them. We need them to make sense out of our lives just like

we need the physical realm to live in this world. However,

what has happened is that humanity has allowed the

physical realm and illusions such as time to take over and

control us, so the metaphysical realm of the Soul can no

longer breathe.

ISAAC: So it’s about balance.

TAM: Not even balance. The metaphysical (spiritual) realm

should have emphasis. This realm controls the physical

realm. The illusion of time is a part of that physical realm.

The concept of time should never control our daily lives.

ISAAC: Example?

PRESENCETAM: Sure. An example of this may be a person who is

about to go on a journey by air. He recalls several months

ago, the last time he was on an airplane and the traumatic

experience he had on the flight as it went through a rough

storm. Next week he will be on another airline and he is

terrified about the journey. This individual is spending the

present moment recalling the past, throwing it into the future

and allowing the fear to rob him of the NOW. In this way

“past” and “future” act like a tag team to rob you of the

possibility of experiencing a real present tangible moment.

ISAAC: Interesting.

TAM: How many times in your life have you dwelt in the

present, experienced the moment, savored the tastes,

smells, sights and sounds of the very present moment and

allowed your mind to absorb them and fully enjoy everything

they have to offer?

PRESENCEISAAC: Definitely something I should do more.

TAM: This will introduce a concept known as Presence.

Once you understand and practice Presence you will really

begin to find a radical change in your daily life.

ISAAC: So what is Presence?

TAM: Well let me send you an e mail first so I can explain

more. Then we can get into the issue of Presence.


From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Thursday, February 20, To: Subject: Presence


PRESENCEAs you will notice consistently throughout our

communication, I will be contrasting the reflected self

against the true you; you’re Soul.

It is the reflected, false self that desires to live in a world that

does not exist. This is quite simply because the reflected

self is a persona constructed by the perceptions created, not

by the true mind but by the objects found in the world

around it, creating that “opinion based” synthetic world.

It therefore only makes sense that it would also thrive where

it can be a reflection of the unknown future. However, it is

your Soul that thrives in truth and reality. This is one reason

that the Soul loves creativity. If you are a creative person

you will know this.

When you are in that moment of writing, painting, sculpting,

whatever it may be, you are truly dwelling in the present

moment. This is the Soul’s opportunity to thrive.

PRESENCEThe Soul rejects anything false, anything illusionary. The

Soul completely rejects fear. Fear cannot exist in the current

moment. Fear thrives in the unknown; on the unexpected.

When fear is absent the Soul breaks free.

If you really desire to understand and experience the

deepest truth of everything as it really is, you must live in

harmony with being here, now.

PRESENCEIf you do this, I guarantee the world will become a much

different place. As your Soul breaks free it will begin to enjoy

the moment. Remember, the Soul is the true you, the Soul is

you in the deepest, truest sense. So by living in such a way,

for the first time (for many) YOU will be experiencing

everything around you.

This may not happen immediately; after all, you have been

conditioned by the reflected self to live in two other worlds

for quite some time. But as the days go by you will begin to

become accustomed to living hand in hand with your

number one companion – your Soul.

Let go of what cannot be changed, release the stress of

what has not yet happened. Free you’re Soul to comfort you

in the present moment. And remember, the more freedom

you give to your Soul, the more you are walking away from

the old you (the reflected self).

PRESENCEHave you ever noticed how you can look at a sunset or an

event and manage to miss its beauty simply because you

have other things on your mind and are preoccupied?

However, when you see these things when you are relaxed

and happy they look like the most beautiful things you ever

seen. It’s amazing that the same thing can hold so many

variations of perception and experience simply based on

your perception of time and the noise existing within your


We can now take control of our perception and in doing so

we can shape and mold our experience. As we shall see,

step by step, the most powerful way to alter our perception

and experience of the life we have been given is to take it

back from the reflected false self and hand it over to its

rightful owner, the Soul.

PRESENCEI'm sure that you have also noticed that when you are truly

living in the moment you are often “out of mind”. You are not

really thinking anything. You may have been inspired,

energized and content, but your mind was not so active with

thoughts. In fact it is during those “out of mind” moments

that we seem to receive the most inspiration! How ironic,

that the greatest thoughts come to our mind when we are

not thinking!

If a person is not fully present in his current moment he will

truly miss out on what is most important and valuable in his


I know you have been wondering what Presence really is

and how it can have such an impact on your life.

I always say, the best way to describe what something is, is

for me to help you understand what it is not.

PRESENCEA person who is not Present simply operates from moment

to moment without really being aware of what is happening.

For example, this type of person will respond and react to

each current situation simply based on subconscious

programming from past experiences and society.

Many things are not truly processed or given the opportunity

to develop and digest in the mind.

The ability to be Present allows us to redirect all of our

energy to the present moment which, believe it or not

creates a higher level of satisfaction and happiness. The

practice of being Present truly unravels the "deep mystery of

being alive". This gives you the immense pleasure of being

deeply bound and interconnected to everything that exists.

So how do we enter into the practice of presence?

PRESENCEThis is nothing more than a simple awareness of everything

that is happening around you at each moment. It eliminates

stereotypical thinking and programming. Everything you will

observe will be seen simply as it is in that given moment.

When having discussions your mind is open to the current,

unique situation you are in. Allowing yourself to pause,

reflect, and as I mentioned before, digest every thought

before you speak.

What is happening?

What do you feel?

What do you see?

What do you hear?

Imagine for a moment that you died.

If you did die, all your responsibilities and obligations would

immediately vanish. It is no great surprise that these issues

would somehow manage to get worked out without you

having to be there.

PRESENCEShould you walk away from all responsibilities and


Absolutely not.

However, by taking a few moments each day to "die on

purpose" you will give yourself the freedom to experience

and understand the present. Then when you begin to move

on and continue with that "daily grind" you will find that life

will begin to feel so much more rich and colorful. And don't

forget Isaac, something I once read in a great book:

"the best way to get somewhere is to let go of trying to get

anywhere at all".

Take a moment, dwell in the NOW, become Present and

meditate on this concept.

PRESENCEFrom: "Isaac Templar" Sent:

Wednesday, February 19 To:


I took your advice, spent some time to go over what you

wrote and meditate on it all. I realized that I can’t just read

what you are saying and agree with it, even if I only agree

with part of it.

I really need to take it and put it into action.

Then I was thinking, how do I take information like what you

are sharing with me and really let it affect my life? I will have

to think about that for a day or so. But I realize now that I

can’t just agree with what you are saying and think it’s

interesting, I have to let it be a part of my life.

PRESENCEWhen I let that happen I literally start looking at things

differently. So I just want you to know, this is really

impacting me quite a bit. I know this is still early and I’ve

only been taking this in for a few days but if it’s impacting

me this much already then that makes me excited about

what’s to come.

But like I’ve learned, I’m not even focusing on what’s to

come. The future, whatever that is, isn’t really important like

it was. I’m not so excited about the future of our

conversation. I’m more excited about where I am now with

what I’ve learned and how it makes me feel and how it has

changed the way I think right now. Hehe, I would never have

said that before!

I would normally have been waiting for more, anxious to

hear what else you have, and I know that would have

undervalued everything I’ve learned thus far. I’m really liking


Thanks Tam.

PRESENCEFrom: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Thursday, February 20, To: Subject: Being


Wonderful. It’s encouraging to see this change taking place,

and you are absolutely right. Enjoy where you are in this

moment, don’t become overly anxious just to absorb more.

Being present in your current understanding will bring peace

and contentment, and as you are present in each moment

you will grow more and more.

That is where we are now.

Ready to move on?

Ready for the next step?

PRESENCEThis is very interconnected with the concept of timelessness

and Presence, and you are most definitely ready to absorb

all this.

As you begin to understand the concept of timelessness

then you can begin to wrap your mind around the idea of


Let me explain:

Being is understood as a “state”, such as being happy. You

cannot explain a state, nor can you do a state. You can only

be a state.

You cannot do happiness; you can only "be" happy.

Being comes from the Soul.

PRESENCEThe typical problem is, many have lost their ability to know

how to “be”.

Everything in the physical world is thinking and doing.

We are excellent thinkers and planners.

We are trained at “doing”. This is the busy world of the

reflected self.

However, no one is Being. We have forgotten how, and we

have lost the reason as to why it is so important. Living in

the present moment, which we have discussed, is the root

and foundation for Being.

Everything begins at this level.

Being speaks of existence. It is the state of something

existing. A person cannot do something unless he “is”.

Therefore Being precedes and causes thinking.

PRESENCEBeing is the foundation, the root and the source.

Being is the world of the Soul. However, as soon as we

move past Being and into the realm of thinking we must be


It is when the mind becomes overly alert that we become

prone to that same old reflected self invading our lives once

more and reclaiming us.

We have to be careful when our mind is thinking, that it is

under the influence of the Soul. This is yet another grand

irony; that we are the safest and most secure when our

minds are silent.

Doesn't this suggest that a grand problem exists in

humanity, that when our mind switches on, the problems

begin to arise?

PRESENCEWhen your mind begins to operate under the power of the

false self – the reflected self, things begin to fall apart and

the Soul vanishes into hiding.

Being is the concrete foundation or the first rung in the

ladder, and it is essential that we practice this mindset

before rushing on.

I think you have started doing this already - taking time out

each day to sit still and meditate quietly. Observing the

objects around you, noticing where you are, the colors,

shapes, sounds and smells.

Absorb everything around you.

PRESENCETry not to “think” about them, try to simply be present with

them and be at peace with your current state. Actually let

me re-phrase that. If you "try not to think" then you are

trying. This, ironically, causes the mind to become busier. It

is not the action of trying not to think that will help you; it is

the action of releasing your thoughts and walking away from

them for a moment.

The more we think about something, the greater the

chances of it leading to perception which leads to

interpretation and then judgment, opinions, frustrations and

fear can arise.

All of these thoughts feed the reflected self which damages

the Soul and leads to misery. We are all well used to

perception. We practice it all the time, and we are very good

at it, at least the reflected self is very good at it.

PRESENCEFrom: "Isaac Templar" Sent:

Wednesday, March 19, To:


It’s getting easier to follow what you are saying now. I totally

understand what you mean when you explain Being.

Could you explain a little more about perception? You

mentioned it at the end of your email. You mentioned that

perception leads to interpretation which causes misery. Don’

t you think we perceive things all the time? Isn’t the task to

try and perceive things in the right way? Not to stop the act

of perception altogether.

From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Sunday, February 23, To: Subject: Being


As we talk about things you will notice that it will be easy to

get sidetracked into other issues.

PRESENCEI am going to try to deal with these issues one at a time. The

idea of perception is an important one and I will definitely

explain more about that later.

From: "Isaac Templar" Sent:

Monday, February 24, To:

Haha, you just love to keep me hanging. Im really curious

about what you are saying about perception. Can we talk

about that now?

From: "Tam Shepherd" Sent: Monday, February 24, To: Subject: Being

Sure, we can chat soon. Ill be gone for a few days and when

I return I'll send you an e mail and we can discuss it, or of

you prefer we can have an online chat.


The Reflected Self and the strength of the Ego have a

strong connection to the concept of "I".

When you typically refer to "I", it is not who you really are.

This is merely who you think you are, based upon your

connection to objects, concepts and images of the world

around you. Even the things we have in our lives seem

valuable not simply because of the intrisic value of the

object, it is simply because they are considered to be


All of these concepts of "me" "mine" and "I" give us this

illusion of self that is so unnecessary. This illusion of self is

taken advantage of and highly abused by society and all the

industries they push in our paths.

The marketing and advertising industry all know that they

have the powerful ability to sell things that people do not

really need at all.


These things are simply desired by each individual because

they have this inner thought that these objects will somehow

add to who they are and take their identity to a new level.

People associate between their false self and the objects

around them simply to try and "become" different or unique

or many times ironically to be just the same as everyone

else. People do this in order to keep up with the evolving

trends around them.

Because the Soul is not fully active or awake in most

peoples lives, each individual feels like they must identify

with something outside of themselves. Therefore; we spend

much of our time and energy creating an environment that

will surround us. This is supposed to give us a relevant

place in this world. We then take those things ind integrate

them in our lives so deeply that we see them as a part of our



Obviously these things are all different based on age,

gender, our social class and immeadiate environmment.

This is how the false self operates. It simply responds to its

environment and attempts to become relevant or unique in

comparison to the physical world around us.

This constant change, and self maintenance is an ongoing

battle we fight to identify with who we think we are, when all

the time, in reality the true inner self does not even have the

opportunity to expose itself and have any form of self


The act of presence is a great step forward in destroying our

constant obsession with "things".

Although it might seem simple to practice the art of Being

and Presence, it is not necessarily an easy thing to do.


It requires you to exercise a measure of discipline; this is

simply because of the forces that continually work against


The forces that are working against you are your own

programming from society. This has created a strong

unawareness which has made you operate in a complete

automated fashion.

We have all have been born and raised in a culture that

every act we do each day can be done without pausing for

one second of contemplation. Every act moves and flows

into the next without that single moment to pause and exist

in the moment.


However, as we practice this art of being we become

liberated. We then become aware and we see more clearly.

We understand more deeply the aspects of our lives that we

were formerly out of touch with and subconsciously reluctant

to look at.

As you enter into Being, you confront the true emotions

buried deep inside. You will be brought face to face with

each issue such as sadness, grief, anger or fear.

All of these issues are ones that you did not have the time to

observe beforehand. You were able to hide and avoid your

deepest issues since the world around you kept you so



However, although these inner emotions will certainly

emerge, they will then pass and lead us to a new world full

of feelings such as happiness, peacefulness and joy which

in the past, went by as if they never existed.

You will no longer fall into the ruts that you previously fell

into. As you become aware and pay attention in this new

way, you will discover new and fresh reservoirs of creativity,

intelligence, clarity, determination, and wisdom within you.

For most people, they seem to be completely unaware that

they are constantly thinking. This incessant stream of

thoughts flowing through our minds gives little time to pause

and allow for inner silence.

It is because of this that we allow very little time for

ourselves just to be, without having to run around doing

things all the time. Everything we do is driven by society,

nothing is actually undertaken by our inner awareness.


Everything in our mind has become automatic impulses that

run through our brain like a rapid flowing river.

To escape from all this means meditation.

However, you may have noticed that Tam did not spend

much time talking about the art of meditation. We seem to

have this image in our mind of meditation as some sort of

"act" that we perform. We see ourselves sitting in a low-lit

room in the lotus position with our eyes closed and the mind

in silence.

The true art of meditation is one that can be carried out on a

daily basis throughout every seemingly inconsequential act.

These daily acts that we perform, whether preparing a meal

or walking down the street can themselves become acts of

daily waking meditation.


Everything we do or see can enter our minds and become

an act that is not just performed in such an automated

sense. We can perform these tasks routinely and at the

same time allowing what many consider to be meaningless

to become something completely different.

This act of waking meditation causes you to be aware of

everything you do. You begin to notice the way your feet

move as you walk, the feeling in your feet as you take each

step, the sound of the rain as you walk through the park.

Everything becomes its own unique experience.

As you move about your life day to day you become more

and more aware of every act, every movement and

everything that you view or listen to. What was once just a

typical day transforms into a day full of divine observance

where you enter into a deep connection with everything

around you.


By being with yourself...... by watching yourself in your daily

life with alert interest, with the intention to understand rather

than to judge, in full acceptance of whatever may emerge,

because it is there, you encourage the deep to come to the

surface and enrich your life and conciousness with its

captive energies. That is the great work of awareness; it

removes obstacles and releases energies by understanding

the nature of life and mind..... Alert attention is the mother of



Are you able to come to a stop in your life, even for one


Could it be this moment? What would happen if you did?

Shift from "doing" into "being", step outside of yourself and

observe yourself. Watch the moment without trying to take

control, without trying to change anything.


What is happening?

What do you feel?

What do you see?

What do you hear?

We all want to DO we want to ACT we want to MOVE and

we want a specific outcome from our actions. We all want to

be in control of everything that surrounds us. However, we

have never considered the act of letting go of these actions

and observing the outcome of absolute observance and


When you look at other people, begin to ask yourself, are

you really seeing them or just your thoughts about them.

Our thoughts color everything in a particular way and we

create opinions and images in our mind and then we

become busy with our thoughts once again.


Always remember, true daily meditation is not about

shutting yourself off from your environment. It is about

seeing things clearly and consciously placing yourself in a

new position with regards to your relationship to the world.



