Sources of variability in Gulf of Maine circulation, and...


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Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–2476

Sources of variability in Gulf of Maine circulation, and theobservations needed to model it

James M. Pringle

142 Morse Hall, UNH, 39 College Str., Durham, NH 03824-3525, USA

Accepted 24 August 2006


Variability in the circulation of coastal oceans must ultimately be driven by changes in the meteorological conditions

that force currents in the coastal ocean, and by variability in the waters entering the coastal ocean from elsewhere. If a

coastal ocean is to be understood and modeled accurately, the external forcing that drives the largest portions of the

circulation variability must be observed adequately. Thus, some method of comparing the relative importance of various

sources of circulation variability must be developed, so that there is confidence that the most important sources of

variability are included in any analysis or modeling. This is done for variability in the time-integrated transport across a

section in a coastal ocean.

The relative importance of various sources of circulation variability in the Gulf of Maine (GoM) are then quantified,

with an emphasis on variability on timescales longer than tidal or weather-band timescales. In order to concentrate on

interannual changes, the seasonal cycle is not included in estimates of variability. It is found that the variability forced by

fluctuations in the winds and the volume of water entering from the Scotian Shelf to the GoM produce roughly comparable

amounts of circulation variability. However, changes in the density structure of the GoM produce changes in time-

integrated transport that are an order of magnitude larger, at least in the central GoM. The changes in the large-scale

density gradients are governed by mixing processes in the Gulf and by changes in the water masses entering the GoM from

the Scotian Shelf and the Northeast Channel. Unless the heat, freshwater and volume transport of the waters entering the

GoM are routinely observed, numerical models will fail to capture much of the variability in the circulation of the Gulf. An

analysis is given of the minimal set of observations needed to allow numerical models of the GoM to resolve adequately the

true variability in the circulation.

r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: USA; Gulf of Maine; Ocean observing; Coastal circulation

0. Introduction

There is an increased desire to understand thesources of interannual variability in the ecosystemsof coastal oceans, and thus of the variability ofthe ocean circulation that governs these ecosystems.

front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved



In order to understand the circulation variability,the relative importance of the sources of thisvariability must be understood. In the analysisbelow, the relative importance of various sources ofcirculation variability in the Gulf of Maine (GoM)is quantified.

The transports driven by the currents in theGoM control many important ecological processes,







Model Domain

200 kilometers





"CpS" Cape Sable CpS

Scotian Shelf






"W" Wilkinson Basin"J" Jordan Basin"G" Georges Basin"GB" Georges Bank"SB" Sable Island Bank"NEC" North East Channel

"EMCC" Eastern Maine Current"WMCC" Western Maine Coastal Current

Fig. 1. The domain of the FVCOMmodel, including the 300; 200; 100 and 50m isobaths. Indicated are the sections across which transport

is calculated, and the major basins and other features of the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–24762458

and the examination of circulation variability belowwill focus on time and space scales of broadecological interest. The transport of near-surfacewaters from the northeast GoM to the southwestand then onto Georges Bank move copepods fromthe Gulf where they can reproduce successfully ontothe Bank, where they are food for economicallyimportant larval fish (Hannah et al., 1998). Trans-port along the coast of Maine can move harmfulalgal bloom species along the coast and drive toxicblooms in the western GoM (Franks and Anderson,1992). Many economically important benthic spe-cies have planktonic larval stages that are dispersedby the currents. The population dynamics and theretention of these populations are thus stronglyinfluenced by the variability in the currents,integrated over the time the larvae are in theplankton (Byers and Pringle, 2006). In each of thesethree examples, what matters is not the instanta-neous value of the currents, but the Lagrangianpathways of the planktonic stage over the ecologi-cally relevant timescales of weeks to several monthsto a year. These Lagrangian motions are stronglyaffected by the large-scale circulation in theGoM integrated over these ecologically relevanttimescales (Johnson et al., 2006). Thus it is thevariability in the largest spatial scale of circula-tion—the transport across sections connecting the

three deep basins of the GoM to each other and thecoast—that will be quantified (Fig. 1). In order tofocus on changes from one year to the next,variability due to the annual cycles in circulationwill be removed from the analysis, as will motionson tidal timescales.

The GoM is a semi-enclosed sea, bounded to thenortheast by Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, tothe southwest by the Massachusetts coast, andoffshore by large shallow banks and shelves,including Georges Bank, Nantucket Shoals, andthe Scotian Shelf (Fig. 1). At depths below 70m, theonly connections to the outside ocean are throughrelatively narrow channels, the Northeast Channel(NEC) and a mid-shelf channel entering from theScotian Shelf (SS). In the GoM, there are three largedeep basins, Georges, Jordan and Wilkinson Basins.

The circulation in the GoM and its variability areultimately forced by the flow through alongshoreand offshore boundaries, the heat and freshwatertransported into the domain by these flows, thewinds, and by the surface fluxes of heat and water.However, to quantify fully the variability driven bythe boundary forcing, it would be necessary to haveaccurate information on the variability of the watermasses entering the GoM. Unfortunately, thevariability of the temperature and salinity trans-ported through the open boundaries on the SS and

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through the NEC is poorly constrained. Thus, theexamination of the sources of circulation variabilitywill be constrained to include variability forced bywinds, the changes in the volume of water enteringthe GoM from the SS, and the variability in thelarge-scale density field in the Gulf of Maine. Thislater source of variability will implicitly include theeffects of changing heat and freshwater transportinto the GoM from the SS and NEC, as well assurface buoyancy fluxes, river inputs, and wind-driven mixing of density. A brief analysis of theorigins of the variability in density-driven circula-tion will then be given. Variability forced bychanges in the volume of water entering the NECwill not be considered, because in the modelingdescribed below, it was found that the inflowthrough the NEC was controlled by the winds, SSinflow, and density gradients in the GoM (cf. Rampet al., 1985, Appendix). It was not found to bepossible to change the inflow through the NECindependently of these quantities. Variability drivenby radius of deformation scale features in thehydrographic field, such as eddies formed bybaroclinic instabilities (e.g., Vermersch et al.,1979), will not be included in this analysis, thusmaking the estimates of variability presented here alower limit on the actual variability. Likewise, dueto lack of adequate data, the impact of warm-core Gulf Stream rings on the circulation will notbe included, except insofar as they modify thedensity in the GoM by altering the water propertiesentering it.

This partitioning of sources of variability intowind, boundary inflow transport, and hydrographicforced variability introduces some ambiguity.Winds and changes in the volume of water enteringthe GoM can alter the hydrography in the GoM,and care must be taken to prevent double countingsources of variability. To avoid this, the analysis ofthese sources of variability will be limited to the sub-inertial currents they drive directly. This partition-ing of sources of variability can be made because thetimescales over which the GoM first responds to achange in winds or inflow volume are a few days orless, while the effects of the change in currents ondensity occurs on advection timescales. At least fordensity changes caused by the alongshore advectionof density, these advection timescales are muchlonger, with Oð10 cm s�1Þ flows and distances ofmany hundreds of kilometers leading to timescalesof weeks to several months. The analysis below willbecome suspect in locations where density advection

modifies the baroclinic flow field on weatherbandtimescales, e.g., near the coast where a few days ofupwelling-favorable winds can create an upwellingfront.

It will be found that most of the variabilityrelevant to the transport on timescales of severalmonths or longer is not captured in most currentmodels, not because of any failures of the models,but because of the inadequacies of our observa-tional schemes that initialize and provide theboundary conditions for our models. A minimalset of ongoing observations needed to allow modelsto capture the true variability of the Gulf will bedefined.

1. Methods

1.1. Quantifying sources of variability

1.1.1. Comparing two sources of variability

In order to compare the relative importance ofvarious sources of circulation variability in theocean, it is necessary to examine how circulationvariability of a known magnitude and timescaleaffects the transport across a section when averagedor integrated over a fixed time interval. If afluctuating forcing produces a flow with a decorr-elation timescale of t, and induces a transportwhose standard deviation (SD) is sV across thesection, then over a single random fluctuation of theforcing it can be expected to drive a net time-integrated transport that scales as tsV . After N

random fluctuations of this magnitude, the SD ofthe net time-integrated transport is N1=2tsV (de-rived from Bevington and Robinson, 1992). Therandom fluctuations decorrelate on a timescale t, soN ¼ T=t, where T is the time over which thetransport is integrated. Thus the SD of the transportintegrated over a time T is

SD of time-integrated transport

¼ ðDispersionÞ � T1=2, ð1Þ

where the dispersion is defined as

Dispersion ¼ t1=2sV . (2)

Thus for timescales longer than t, the relativecontribution of two uncorrelated random processesto the SD of the integrated or mean transportthrough a section will scale linearly with theirdispersion, as defined in (2). On timescales less thaneach t, the relative contribution of each processes

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would scale linearly with their sV . Implicit in thisdiscussion is an assumption that the ocean respondslinearly to the two sources of variability—e.g., thatchanges in the ocean caused by one source ofvariability do not effect the magnitude of the oceansresponse to the other source of variability.

1.1.2. Relating transport variability to forcing


In order to calculate the transport dispersiondefined in (2), it is necessary to relate the strengthand decorrelation timescale of the ocean transportto the strength and decorrelation timescale of thevarious forcing mechanisms of interest.

As a simple model of ocean dynamics, consider atransport which responds linearly to some forcing F,with a linear first-order friction of strength l:


qt¼ F � lU . (3)

This is a good model of the depth-integratedalongshore current forced by an alongshore windof infinite extent along a straight coast (e.g., Dever,1997), and is a reasonable model of many forcingprocesses in the coastal ocean which at firstaccelerate an alongshore or along-isobath flow untilsome other mechanism retards the flow. In order tounderstand the decorrelation timescale of U, it isuseful to examine the case in which F is a white-noise process, and thus the expected value of theFourier transform of F, F , is a constant independentof the frequency o and of some magnitude F 0.Fourier transforming (3) allows us to write thespectra of the transport U:

U ¼F 0

ioþ l. (4)

From (4), the expected power-spectra of U can becalculated. From the convolution theorem (Brace-well, 1986), it can be shown that the Fouriertransform of the power-spectra is the unnormalizedlagged auto-correlation function, allowing thecalculation of the auto-correlation function of U

from (4) as a function of a lag tlag

Auto-correlation of U ¼ expð�l tlag�� ��Þ (5)

from which it can be seen that the decorrelationtimescale of this simple model ocean when forced bywhite-noise forcing scales as l�1. This can beexplained by noting that in this simple system U isa low-pass filtered version of F. On timescaleslonger than l�1, U is proportional to F. On

timescales less than l�1, U is proportional to thetime-integral of F. If F has a decorrelation timescalegreater than l�1, and thus has little energy inperiods less than l�1, U will be roughly propor-tional to F.

From this it can be seen that if the responsetimescale of the ocean to forcing l�1 is greater thanthe timescale of the forcing, then the decorrelationtimescale of the transport is set by l�1, while if l�1

is less than the decorrelation timescale of the forcingit is the decorrelation timescale of the forcing whichsets the decorrelation timescale of the transport.

1.1.3. Calculating timescales t from observations

The decorrelation timescale of a time series can beestimated from the integral decorrelation timescaleas discussed by Davis (1976). For a finite length ofdiscrete time data of length greater than l taken atan interval of Dt, the timescale can be estimatedusing l lags of the data with

t ¼Xl


l �nj j


� �rðnDtÞDt, (6)

where rðnDtÞ is the lagged auto-correlation of thedata lagged by a time nDt. The maximum lag l mustbe greater than the actual decorrelation timescalefor this to be valid. Where data are missing, it is notincluded in the lagged correlation. Because rðnDtÞ

becomes poorly defined as n approaches the recordlength, t is estimated for the value of l that producesthe largest t, and l is limited to half the recordlength.

In all calculations below, the seasonal cycle andany super-inertial and tidal energy is removed fromthe data, and the time series were detrended.

1.2. Numerical modeling

To estimate the variability in GoM transportdriven by the fluctuating winds or SS inflow, anumerical model was used to estimate the transportdriven by these fluctuating forcings. Model runswere used to estimate the time it takes theGoM circulation to reach a nearly steady statecirculation after a change in winds or SS inflow (the‘‘response timescale’’). The numerical model runswere also used to estimate the transfer coefficientsbetween the wind or the SS inflow and the transportin the GoM on timescales longer than the responsetimescale, and were used to examine the linearity ofthe oceanic response to forcing on timescales longer

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than the response timescale. The GoM was numeri-cally modeled with the Finite-Volume CoastalOcean Model (FVCOM). FVCOM is a free-surface,hydrostatic, primitive-equation numerical modelwith an unstructured triangle-based finite elementmesh (Chen et al., 2003). Descriptions of the modelconfiguration, boundary conditions, model runs,and forcing are given in the Appendix.

1.3. Hydrographic data

The hydrographic data used in the analysis belowwere taken from the Bedford Institute of Oceano-graphy (BIO) hydrographic database, and includeall data from 1970 to 2003. These data come from alarge number of sources, including National MarineFisheries Surveys, Canadian and US Governmentsurveys, and US and Canadian academic sources.BIO has endeavored to include all publicly availablehydrographic data in this region in its database.Data were removed if they extended below the waterdepth given by the USGS 15’ GoM bathymetricproduct (Roworth and Signell, 1998).

2. Wind-driven variability

The monthly mean winds in the GoM arepersistently upwelling favorable as defined by theMaine coast (55�T), but the SD of the windstressaveraged over a single month is much larger thanthe climatological mean windstress for that month,indicating that in any specific month there is a largeprobability that the month’s averaged winds will noteven be of the same sign as the climatological meanfor that month (Fig. 2, from the NCEP reanalysis ofKalnay et al. (1996) at 42.8�N, 67.5�W for the years1970–2003). Variability is largely isotropic and ismuch stronger in the winter and early spring (Fig. 2;Manning and Strout, 2001). The decorrelation timesof the windstress varies less from season to seasonthan do the winds themselves, with a decorrelationtimescale of 2.1 days in the winter and a slightlylarger 2.4 days in the summer for the alongshorewinds. (More details on the winds, and their spatialscales, can be found in the Appendix.)

The response of the GoM to these winds has beenstudied extensively, both observationally (Brown,1998; Noble et al., 1985) and numerically (Green-berg et al., 1997; Naimie, 1996). The response of theGoM is strongest to winds along the Maine coast,and weaker to winds across the Maine Shelf (Nobleet al., 1985; Greenberg et al., 1997). Upwelling-

favorable winds (defined here and below with respectto the Central Maine coast) and offshore winds drivesea-level setdown over the entire GoM, and thepressure gradients so formed drive substantial cur-rents. The current and pressure response to the windsis rapid, with roughly 80% of the response observedto occur within 36 h (Brown, 1998), and the responseis observed to be very nearly linear to windstress,both with respect to magnitude and direction (Nobleet al., 1985). These results are consistent with thoseobtained with the numerical model (see Appendix).The modeled response of the GoM to winds does notchange greatly by season, suggesting that typicalchanges in the density field do not significantly alterthe response of the GoM to winds. Since the time-scale of the response of the GoM to the winds is lessthan the decorrelation timescale of the winds, thetimescale of the winds shall be used to estimate thedispersion of the wind-driven flows.

Consistent with observations, FVCOM and othernumerical models of the region find that analongshore (55�T) upwelling-favorable wind drivesan offshore surface Ekman flux (Fig. 3), whichcauses a sea-level setdown that drives a largelybarotropic flow along the shelf, through the NEC(Ramp et al., 1985), along the ridge betweenWilkinson and Jeffreys Basins and to the west ofWilkinson Basin, along the Maine coast to NovaScotia and out the SS (cf., Greenberg et al., 1997).The wind-forced flow is roughly along lines ofconstant depth. The wind-forced depth-averagedtransport across the section between Georges Basinand Wilkinson Basin is relatively small in thenumerical model, as the geostrophic transportacross this section is nearly equal and opposite tothe Ekman transport across the section.

Similarly, an offshore wind (145�T) drives asurface Ekman transport to its right in FVCOM,to the southwest. There is a divergence of thissurface transport when it leaves the coast of NovaScotia and a convergence when it encounters thenorth/south trending Massachusetts and NewHampshire coasts. These divergences and conver-gences are fed by Ekman transports from the SS andby a geostrophic return flow that travels north-westward along the Maine coast.

In Table 1, the dispersion of the wind-driventransport is shown for the depth-averaged transportacross the standard sections. These dispersionresults are valid for times greater than the decorr-elation timescale of the winds for each season. Thealongshore wind-driven dispersion is large through


0 2 4 6 8 10 12-0.02









n W




mean cross-shore stress

mean alongshore stress

mean alongshore stress, Manning & Strout

mean alongshore stress, Manning & Strout

0 2 4 6 8 10 120











n of



cross-shore stress

alongshore stress

0 2 4 6 8 10 120











n T



, day


cross-shore stress

alongshore stress




Fig. 2. Monthly windstress statistics from the 1970 to 2003 NCEP reanalysis and from Manning and Strout (2001). (A) Monthly mean

winds in the alongshore (55�T) and cross-shore (145�T) direction, as defined by the coast of Maine. (B) The standard deviation of the

NCEP wind stresses. (C) Decorrelation timescales of windstress by month.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–24762462

the NEC, across the central GoM, along the EMCCand WMCC, and out the SS. This dispersion ismuch less in the summer than in the winter, aswould be expected from the seasonal change in thevariance of the winds (Fig. 2). The transportdispersion driven by the cross-shelf winds is againas expected from the model-derived depth-averagedwind-driven currents shown in Fig. 2, with thecross-shore winds forcing less transport dispersionthan alongshore winds in most sections.

3. Inflow-driven variability

The transport along the SS is dominated byalongshore currents in thermal wind balance with

cross-shelf density gradients (Smith and Schwing,1991; Loder et al., 2003). The effect on thecirculation in the GoM of the volume of waterentering from the SS and driven by cross-shelfdensity gradients is quantified in this section—theeffects of changes in the heat and freshwatertransported into the GoM from the SS will beconsidered briefly in the next section and in thediscussion. The effects of SS transport fluctuationsimpact the entire model domain quickly, within afew days, consistent with the observed coastaltrapped wave speeds on the SS of 6:5m s�1 or faster(Schwing, 1989), while the different water massesentering the SS shelf affect the GoM on a sloweradvective timescale set by the Oð10Þ cm s�1 mean


850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









10 cm/s 10 cm/s

10 cm/s 10 cm/s

transport of 20 m2/s transport of 20 m2/s

Alongshore Winds Cross-shore Winds



s at

7 m




at 1

00 m









Fig. 3. The oceanic response to 10ms�1 alongshore (left) and cross-shore (right) winds at (top) 7m, (middle) 100m, and (bottom) the

depth-integrated response. Alongshore and cross-shore are defined with respect to the Maine coast; the response is found from the

difference between model runs with no winds and model runs in which the winds had been blowing long enough that the circulation has

become nearly steady. Arrows are not shown for currents of less than 0:75 cm s�1 and transports per unit length of less than 2m2 s�1. Wind

converted to stress following Large and Pond (1981).

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–2476 2463

currents (Smith et al., 2001). The response of theGoM to changes in SS inflow does not varysignificantly in model runs made with differentmonthly mean hydrographies, suggesting that theresponse is not significantly altered by realisticchanges in the Gulf’s hydrography. (The changes inSS inflow driven by winds whose spatial scales arelarge enough to include the GoM and the SS are

included in the analysis in the previous section—seethe Appendix for details.)

The variability of the inflow along the SS isquantified from three different data sets—therepeated occupations of a cross-shelf section atHalifax, Nova Scotia (Loder et al., 2003), ananalysis of this and other hydrographic datagathered by the BIO, and current meter data


Table 1

Dispersion as calculated from (2) for the sections defined in Fig. 1


Alongshore winds

March 2.10 161.3 75.3 236.6 103.9 132.8 28.6

August 2.50 53.1 41.6 94.7 46.5 48.2 5.0

Cross-shore winds

March 1.60 100.3 78.0 22.3 34.6 56.9 43.4

August 1.50 33.2 25.2 8.0 10.9 18.9 14.4

Scotian Shelf variability

March 10.00 144.6 44.8 99.8 78.7 21.1 123.6

August 10.00 89.7 17.4 72.3 60.0 12.4 77.4

Hydrographic variability

Winter (see text) 738 700* 1336

Summer (see text) 616 428* 916

Starred estimates are unreliable due to poor estimates of

decorrelation timescale. Decorrelation timescale in days, disper-

sion in 106 m3 s�12.*Estimate not robust due to uncertainty in decorrelation


J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–24762464

gathered as part of the Canadian Atlantic StormsProgram (CASP) from December 1985 to April1986 (Anderson and Smith, 1989).

The analysis of Loder et al. (2003) divides thealongshore transports into ‘‘inner’’ and ‘‘outer’’portions, the former from the shore to the 244-misobath in a deep mid-shelf basin, the latter fromthat isobath across an offshore bank to the shelfbreak at 341m. Experimentation with FVCOMindicates that little of the transport in the ‘‘outer’’section enters the GoM, and alterations made to theouter transport by changing the upstream boundaryconditions have negligible effects on the GoM cir-culation. Thus attention will be focused below onthe variability of the transport in the ‘‘inner’’ sectionof Loder et al. (2003), and the effects of changes ininflow through the model’s open boundary arecalibrated by its effect on the Halifax ‘‘inner’’transport.

The SD of the inner-shelf transport as determinedfrom 1955 to 1970 hydrographic sections with alevel of no motion at the bottom is 0.24 Sv for theentire year (data courtesy of C. Hannah, from theanalysis of Loder et al., 2003). The variability is48% greater in the winter, with a SD of 0.28 Svfor December through April and 0.19 Sv from Julyto September.

Unfortunately, the Loder et al. (2003) data aretoo widely spaced in time to calculate a decorrela-tion timescale—so to do so, current meter data fromthe CASP program of the winter of 1985–1986 were

used (data courtesy of Smith are described inAnderson and Smith, 1989). A comparison wasmade between the vertical shear in the sub-inertialalongshore currents between the depths of 16 and110m on the 165-m isobath and the vertical shearpredicted from thermal wind and the sub-inertiallyfiltered cross-shelf density gradient calculated at70-m depth between the 100- and 220-m isobaths,36 km apart. The correlation between the thermal-wind shear and the observed shear was r ¼ 0:8, andthe magnitude of the shears differed by only 6%(cf., Anderson and Smith, 1989). The decorrelationtimescale was about 10 days for both the cross-shelfdensity gradient and the vertical shear in the sub-inertial alongshore currents. Of course, thesecalculations are only valid for the one winter overwhich the CASP data exist.

To confirm the validity of the decorrelation timeestimate, all hydrographic data from the BIOhydrographic database between 43.8–45�N and63.8–62.5�W from 1970 to 2003 were used tocalculate a time series of cross-shelf density gradi-ents. Any data taken within 2 days of each otherwere assumed to have been taken simultaneously.The density observations were differenced from themean cross-shore density gradient at 50, 70 and100m, and all data in the 2-day window were usedto compute a cross-shelf density gradient anomalytime series at each depth. To estimate robustly adecorrelation time from this unevenly spaced timeseries, the data were broken into sets of pairs of dataseparated by a fixed time—e.g., all pairs of data 2–7days apart, 7–14 days apart, ad infinitum—and thenumber of pairs both above or below the mediandensity were recorded. If this number was greaterthan would be expected by chance, as judged by thetest for a fair coin toss at the 95% level, the timeseries was considered auto-correlated at the testedlag. With this test, there is significant correlation forlags of between 2 and 8 days, while there is none ontimescales longer, except for a weak indication of aseasonal cycle. This result does not change if thesummer or winter data are excluded. Thus theresults of the analysis of the CASP data seemrobust. Because the decorrelation time of the inflowtransport is longer than the timescale of theGoM response to the change in inflow, the formersets the decorrelation timescale used to estimate thedispersion.

The circulation induced in the GoM by a giveninflow along the SS shelf is essentially identical inthe summer and winter. Fig. 4 shows the effect of a


850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300








200transport of 20 m2/s

Fig. 4. Anomalous depth-integrated velocities forced by Scotian Shelf inflow for the month of March, for an anomalous reduction of

Scotian Shelf inflow of 0.24 Sv, the standard deviation of the Inner Shelf Halifax transport from Loder et al. (2003) for the winter months.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–2476 2465

decrease in the transport across the Halifax inner-shelf section of 0.24 Sv on the GoM circulation. Theanomalous flows forced by a reduction in SS infloware strikingly similar to the alongshore-wind-drivenflows. Flow enters the GoM through the NEC,flows along the ridge between the basins, along theEastern Maine coast, around Cape Sable and outthe SS.

In Table 1, the transport dispersion driven by SSvariability is seen to be somewhat greater than thewind-driven dispersion in the central and easternGoM. This is not as much because of the greaterstrength of the currents the inflows force, but due tothe longer timescales of the variability.

4. Density-driven variability

Near-surface geostrophic flows in the GoM arestrongly driven by density gradients at depths below100m (e.g., Brown and Irish, 1992). The deepdensity structure can be clearly seen to stronglyinfluence the surface circulation in Fig. 5. As will beshown below, these deep density gradients varygreatly from year to year, and thus are an importantsource of transport variability. However, changes inthe internal density field are not an external sourceof variability affecting the ocean—they are instead

the result of multiple processes that are either hardto quantify with available data (e.g., changes in thedensity of water entering the GoM) or processesthat interact non-linearly (such as the interaction ofwind- and cooling-driven vertical mixing). In thissection, the effects of changes in the density field willbe quantified, and in later sections the sources ofdensity gradient variability will be discussed.

Unfortunately, the available density observationsare insufficiently dense in space and time to be usedto initialize the numerical model adequately, for themodel needs a relatively widespread data coverageto model the circulation realistically. So instead ofusing the numerical model to estimate transportvariability driven by changes in hydrography, thehydrography from the BIO hydrographic databasewill be used to estimate directly geostrophic trans-ports between the three basins, Georges, Jordan andWilkinson, and thus to determine the variability ofthese transports. The numerical model will only beused to check the dynamic consistency of assump-tions about the level of no motion. Unfortunately,this method fails between the basins and the shore,where temporal and spatial variation of the densityfield are on shorter scales than in the basin interior,and so are not reliably resolved by the relativelysparse hydrographic data.


850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300









Mean Currents at 20 m; Depth of σ=29.67 isopycnal

10 cm/s










Fig. 5. Climatological depth of 29.67 s isobath overlain by 20m detided currents for the month of March, from FVCOM with no mean

winds and no anomalous SS inflow. Both the currents and the isopycnal depth are calculated with the climatological density described by

Chen et al. (2006).

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–24762466

In order to aggregate multiple density observa-tions from multiple space and time points, threeareas in the deep basins are chosen where the meanhorizontal density gradients are weak, to reduce thealiasing of spatial gradients into a temporal signal.These three areas are shown in Fig. 6 and aredefined by the 200-m isobaths around Wilkinsonand Jordan Basins, and by the 200-m isobath ofGeorges Basin less a region near Georges Bankwhere there are large spatial gradients associatedwith tidal mixing (Chen et al., 1995). The data arethen binned by quarter. This quarterly data areincluded in the analysis if the number of casts withboth temperature and salinity data in a bin in aquarter year is equal to or greater than 4. Theresults presented here change little if the thresholdnumber of points is decreased to 2 or increased to 8.

From these binned averaged densities, the geos-trophic transport is calculated assuming a level ofno motion at 170m. This depth is about 20mshallower than the depths of the sills separating thebasins. This estimate of a level of no motion isroughly consistent with that used in past observa-tions (Brown and Irish, 1992; Brooks and Town-

send, 1989), and it is also consistent with thenumerical model results. In Fig. 7, the seasonalcycle of transport across the sections connecting thedeep basins of the GoM from the numerical model(with no wind forcing and monthly climatologicaldensity) are compared to estimates of geostrophictransport calculated from the density profiles in thenumerical model at the endpoints of the sections.The seasonal cycle of the actual transport and thegeostrophic estimate of transport agree well for thetransport across the section between Jordan andGeorges Basins (r ¼ 0:82), and Jordan and Wilk-inson Basins (r ¼ 0:73). There is poor agreement(r ¼ �0:15) in the seasonal cycle of the transportbetween Wilkinson and Georges Basins, though theoverall magnitude agrees well. This disagreement isdue to the seasonal variation in the SS inflow,which, as can be seen in Fig. 4, affects flow acrossthis section. This is confirmed in numerical modelruns in which inflow from the SS is blocked. In theseruns, there is good agreement between the modeledand geostrophic transports between Wilkinson andGeorges Basins. Regardless of the SS inflow,however, an anomaly in the density gradient


150 m density, Summer, 1970-2003 150 m density, Winter, 1970-2003




















71°W 69°W70°W 68°W 67°W 66°W 65°W 71°W 69°W70°W 68°W 67°W 66°W 65°W







Fig. 6. Mean density at 150m for (left) July–October and (right) January–April for the years 1970–2003, using all data from the BIO

database. The thick black line around the south and west portions of Georges Basin mark the boundary of the area included in the density

averages. Elsewhere along the perimeter of Georges Basin, the 200m isobath is the limit of the averaging area, as it is in Wilkinson and

Jordan Basins. The 300-, 200-, 100- and 50-m isobaths also are shown.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–2476 2467

between Wilkinson and Georges Basins would drivean anomalous transport across the section connect-ing the basins.

As can be seen in Fig. 8, the density differencesthat drive the transport are at a maximum at depth,and are much reduced or even reversed near thesurface, and thus it is the deep density gradients thatdrive the majority of the transport.

The decorrelation timescale of the geostrophictransport anomaly was calculated from quarterlyestimates of the geostrophic transport. The seasonalcycle and a linear trend were first removed fromthese time series. The decorrelation time for thetransport between Wilkinson Basin and GeorgesBasin was between a year and a year and half (withroughly N ¼ 40 data points in each correlation).The decorrelation time for the transport across thesection connecting Georges Basin and Jordan Basinis about a 3

4of a year (with N about 20 for each

correlation). The decorrelation time for the trans-port across the section between Jordan Basin andWilkinson Basin is difficult to resolve with quarterlydata; when the analysis is repeated on bimonthlydata, the timescale is about 4 months, but this isdependent on assuming that a single CTD cast inthe basin in a monthly period is sufficient tocharacterize its density. The estimate of the decorr-

elation timescale in the geostrophic flow betweenJordan Basin and Wilkinson Basin cannot beconsidered robust.

The SD of the transport is (Table 2) higher in thewinter (quarter 1) than in the summer. Thedispersion of the transport (Table 1) is correspond-ingly greater in the winter than the summer, but ineither case, the dispersion of the transport driven bydensity changes is much greater than that driven byother sources of variability. Thus, on timescales ofseveral months and longer, the transport variabilitydriven by changes in hydrography dominates theother sources of variability. The implications of thisfinding to the predictability and modeling of theGoM flows are discussed below.

5. Discussion

The interannual variability of the density differ-ences between the deep basins of the GoM is shownabove to cause the large majority of the variabilityin the time-integrated transport in the centralGoM on longer timescales. But these densitydifferences are, of course, not a phenomenonexternal to the GoM. They are forced by the surfacefluxes acting upon and the inflows into the GoM. Inthe following sections, the sources of these density


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-2






4x 105




rt, m

3 /sT



, m3 /s



rt, m

3 /s


Model Transport Local Geostrophic Transport

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120







3.5x 105


Wilkinson-Georges Basin

Model Transport Local Geostrophic Transport

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-1







2.5x 105


Georges Basin-Jordan

Model Transport Local Geostrophic Transport

Fig. 7. Transport from the numerical model for the sections connecting the deep basins, and the equivalent geostrophic transport

calculated from the density difference in the model between the basins, with a level of no motion at 170m. (Top) Transport between

Wilkinson and Jordan Basins. (Middle) Transport between Wilkinson and Georges Basins. (Bottom) Transport between Georges and

Jordan Basins.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–24762468

differences will be briefly examined, and from thisunderstanding recommendations of the observa-tions needed to understand and model the circula-tion in the central GoM will be made.

5.1. Origin of large-scale density differences in the


The mean circulation in the GoM is counter-clockwise, with water entering from the NEC andSS flowing from Georges Basin to Jordan Basin andthen to Wilkinson Basin and then out of theGoM either through the Great South Channel, the

NEC, or over the north flank of Georges Bank(Brown and Beardsley, 1978; Smith et al., 2001;Hopkins and Garfield, 1979). The density in thebasins at depths below 50m decreases as the waterflows around the basins, with the lowest deepdensities in Wilkinson Basin (Fig. 8; Smith et al.,2001). This decrease in density is associated withdeep freshening and cooling, as the warm saltywater entering the GoM through the NEC at depthis mixed during winter mixing events with coolerand fresher surface waters from the SS and fromestuarine outflows (Brown and Beardsley, 1978;Smith et al., 2001).


25 26 27-250

















Georges Basin Jordans Basin Wilkinson Basin

-0.5 0 0.5



J-GbsnW-J Gbsn-W

-5000 0 5000

∫ ugeostrophic dy

J-GbsnW-J Gbsn-W

Fig. 8. Mean hydrography of the deep basins, averaged with all data from January to April for years 1970–2003. (Left) Density in the deep

basins. Error bars indicate � one standard error in the average density. (Middle) Density difference between two basins. Error bars

indicate � one standard error in the average density difference. (Right) Horizontal integral of geostrophic velocity between two basins,

with level of no motion marked by asterisk at 170m. Integrated transports and density differences do not sum exactly to zero because

means are calculated over slightly different years, due to different missing years in the data for each basin.

Table 2

The mean and standard deviation of the geostrophic transport across the sections connecting the basins, and the number of years which

contributed to each estimate

Georges–Jordan Jordan–Wilkinson Wilkinson–Georges

(105 m3 s�1) (105 m3 s�1) (105 m3 s�1)


Summer �0.94 �3.28 4.26

Winter �0.99 �1.56 2.21

Standard deviation

Summer 1.27 1.32 1.46

Winter 1.52 2.16 2.13

Number of years in average

Summer 22 20 22

Winter 13 11 17

Units are in m3 s�1. The means do not sum to zero for slightly different years contribute to each estimate, according to the availability of

data in each basin and in each year. Each yearly estimate of the transport is independent, or nearly so, so the standard error in the mean

should be approximately the standard deviation of the transport divided by the square root of the number of years which contribute to the

data. Summer is defined here as July through October, and Winter as January through April.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–2476 2469

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The climatological cycles of density, temperatureand salinity suggest that both winter fluxes ofheat and momentum are important contributersto vertical mixing. Xue et al. (2000) found thatmuch of the circulation in the GoM is driven bybuoyancy fluxes, especially around the perimeterof the GoM. However, the water mass alterationsexperienced by the water moving through thecentral GoM are not consistent with mixingdriven by surface cooling alone. When cooling orevaporation drives vertical mixing, the entire mixedwater column becomes denser. When verticalmixing is driven by surface-forced mechanicalturbulence, deeper waters become less dense, andsurface waters denser, as the water column ishomogenized.

In a monthly climatology (Fig. 9) of the density ofWilkinson Basin, the waters below 100m arefreshest, coolest and least dense at the end of thewinter. Furthermore, as the deep waters circulatecounter-clockwise through the GoM, they get

Climatology of Wilkin



, kg


2 4 6
















, °C

2 4 6



ity, P


2 4 6

Fig. 9. The monthly climatology of density, temperature and salinity in

all data from 1970 to 2003. Density and salinity inversions in the upp

resolution between the beginning and end of the data period.

steadily less dense. Thus mechanical mixing, pre-sumably driven at least in part by winter storms,must be an important contributer to the deepmixing. This is not to say surface buoyancy loss isunimportant: the surface waters are coldest at theend of the winter, and this contributes significantlyto their densification. (A vertically homogeneouswater column is not seen in the climatology to thefull depth of the apparent effect of winter-timemixing because the climatology is an average overyears with deep mixing and years without. The lateryears will contribute an average stratification to thedeep waters in the climatology.)

The other basins show similar but weakerseasonal cycles of density as a function of depth,but their climatological stratification remains muchstronger. This suggests that deep winter-time mixingis much less common in the other basins than inWilkinson Basin, which agrees well with prioranalysis (Hopkins and Garfield, 1979; Brown andBeardsley, 1978).

son Basin

8 10 12

8 10 12

8 10 12
















Wilkinson Basin from the BIO hydrographic database, including

er 100m in February are a result of changes in vertical sampling

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A qualitative estimate of the relative importanceof surface cooling and wind-driven mixing to thevariability in the density gradients in the centralGulf can be found by comparing the density anddensity differences in and between Wilkinson Basinand Georges Basin to the surface fluxes of heat andmomentum. (Jordan Basin is excluded from thisanalysis because its relatively poor data coveragereduces the power of the statistical analysis there).Comparisons were made between the density anddensity differences averaged from May to July andthe integrated surface heat fluxes and the integratedabsolute value of windstress for the precedingJanuary through March. The time lag between thefluxes and the density was introduced in order tocapture the full effect of the mixing (e.g., Januarydensities do not incorporate the effects of Marchwinds) and to take advantage of the greater oceanicdata coverage in the summer. The strength of thewind mixing was estimated from the integratedabsolute value of the windstress from the NCEPreanalysis (Kalnay et al., 1996). Using the integralof stress raised to the three-halves power (e.g., u�


)made little difference. The mixing effects of buoy-ancy fluxes were estimated from the integratedsurface heat fluxes from the NCEP reanalysis aswell. This product is known to over-estimate latentand sensible heat fluxes (Renfrew et al., 2002).However, comparison of the fluxes with in situestimates over the period of February–April 1995(Beardsley et al., 2003; data courtesy of Beardsley)finds that the correlation between the total heat fluxand NCEP fluxes, both low passed with a 3-dayfilter, is 0.95. This indicates that the NCEP fluxescapture the variability in the surface buoyancyfluxes very well.

The density in Wilkinson Basin is significantlypositively correlated with winter cooling from 30- to170-m depth with a peak correlation of about 0.7between 60 and 150m (the surface 30m has beenwarmed by the summer sun). The density inGeorges Basin is more weakly correlated to theintegrated cooling, and the significant correlationbetween cooling and density is limited to the top90m of the water column, again suggesting limiteddeep mixing in this basin. Thus the densitydifference between the two basins is negativelycorrelated to the net cooling (peak correlation ofr ¼ �0:6 from 150 to 50m), with greater coolingreducing the density difference between the twobasins. The geostrophic transport across the sectionconnecting the two basins, as calculated above, is

significantly correlated to the net cooling with morecooling resulting in less transport (r ¼ �0:6). Allcorrelations greater than r ¼ 0:42 are significant atPo0:05 with 21 degrees of freedom from 21 years inwhich both basins had at least four casts within thebasin in the months of interest.

There is a similar relation between integratedwindstress and inter-basin density differences, butthe correlations are weaker. The density in Wilk-inson Basin is weakly but positively correlated tothe strength of the integrated winter windstressmagnitudes from 30- to 150-m depth, while thepositive correlation in Georges Basin is limited tothe surface 80m. The density differences betweenthe basins is only weakly correlated to the integratedwindstress from 110 to 200m, and then with onlymarginal significance (r ¼ 0:43). The geostrophictransport is not significantly correlated to thestrength of wind mixing (r ¼ 0:25).

The correlations of cooling and integrated winds-tress magnitude with between-basin density differ-ences are consistent with a model of deep mixing inWilkinson Basin setting up deep density contrastswith Georges Basin, which then drive cross-Gulftransports. Winter time vector-mean alongshoreand cross-shore winds are not correlated to thegeostrophic transports, suggesting that mean wind-driven transports are not important drivers of inter-basin density differences. Nor are the density ordensity differences between basins correlated to thepeak windstress magnitudes in each winter.

The relative unimportance of interannual changesin integrated windstress magnitude to the inter-annual changes in horizontal density gradients,despite the importance of mechanical mixing tothe evolution of the mean vertical density structuredescribed above, perhaps can be explained by therelative lack of variability in the time-integratedwindstress magnitude. The ratio of the SD to themean integrated windstress magnitude is about 6%,while the same ratio for the integrated cooling is28%. Thus while the wind mixing is important, itsrelative constancy means it does not contribute assignificantly to year-to-year changes in the verticalmixing of the water column or to the variation inthe horizontal density gradients. Also, much of themechanical mixing may be caused by the strongtides in the GoM, and especially in Jordan Basin,and this will have little variability from year to year(Brooks and Townsend, 1989).

Neither the variation in the winds nor the surfacecooling explains a great deal of the variance in the


Table 3

Decorrelation timescale in years for density in the deep basins in

the GoM as a function of depth

Depth Georges Basin Jordan Basin Wilkinson Basin

(m) (years) (years) (years)

10 0.62 0.57 0.31

50 0.50 0.72 0.57

100 0.43 0.54 0.89

150 0.30 0.54 0.89

200 0.27 0.56 0.75

The seasonal cycle was removed before making the calculation.

J.M. Pringle / Deep-Sea Research II 53 (2006) 2457–24762472

density difference between the basins, or in thegeostrophic transport these density differences drive.At most, year-to-year variation in cooling explainsabout 36% of the variability in the geostrophictransport between Georges Basin and WilkinsonBasin. The rest of the variability is likely to arisefrom two sources. First, time variation in the densityof the waters flowing into the GoM will translateinto density differences between the basins untilwater with the new density is able to flow into all ofthe basins. Second, a change in the stratification ofthe waters entering the GoM through the NEC orthe SS, or a change in the density differencesbetween these two inflows, could modulate thestratification in the basins, and thus ability of thewinds or cooling to mix the waters. To understandthese sources of variability, we must sample theseinflows on the timescales needed to resolve thefluctuations in their heat and freshwater transport.

5.2. What must be observed to explain

GoM circulation variability?

The majority of the variability in the centralGoM circulation averaged over several months andlonger timescales is driven by the fluctuation ofdensity gradients in the GoM. To model thiscirculation and its fluctuations successfully, theevolution of these gradients must be captured bythe model or imposed by the data used to constrainthe model solution. Two approaches exist, neitherof which are mutually exclusive.

A model able to run for the timescale of waterresidence in the GoM could be forced by theobserved surface heat and buoyancy fluxes and byobservations of the density of the water enteringthrough the NEC and the SS. The main obstacle tosuch a model is the lack of measurements in the SSand the NEC of sufficient spatial and temporaldensity. In the absence of detailed knowledge of theinflows, or in the absence of confidence in the abilityof the model and forcing to capture mixingprocesses accurately, some form of data assimila-tion must be used to constrain the large-scaledensity field in the model.

Recent efforts at modeling the GoM have assimi-lated sea-surface temperature (SST) by nudging themodel surface temperature toward observations(Chen et al., 2006; H.J. Xue, pers. com.). However,a brief consideration of the thermal structure of theGoM suggests that this may not be useful inconstraining the extent of vertical mixing in the

winter. In most oceans, temperature decreases withdepth, so excess deepening of the mixed layer willover-cool the surface, while insufficient deepening ofthe mixed layer will leave the surface warmer than itshould be. Nudging the surface temperature towardthe observed value will cool the surface if the mixedlayer is too shallow, increasing mixing, and willwarm the surface if the mixed layer is too deep,inhibiting mixing. Thus, nudging will tend to correctthe model errors in an ocean with a more typicalvertical temperature distribution. However, in theGoM, temperature increases with depth below theseasonal thermocline. Over deepening the mixedlayer will make the surface anomalously warm, whilea too-shallow mixed layer will leave the surfacecolder than it should be. Nudging the SST to theobserved SST will thus tend to cause the model tomix less if the mixed layer is too shallow, and mixmore if the mixed layer is too deep. Thus, theincorporation of SST into the model with nudgingwill not tend to correct any problem the model mighthave with vertical mixing in the winter. It is unlikelythat any more advanced data assimilation schemewould tend to do better, for in the absence of surfacesalinity data it is not possible to unambiguouslyascribe any error in vertical mixing to insufficientsurface cooling, erroneous deep temperature/salinitystructure, or the model incorrectly parameterizingmixing. No assimilation scheme can remove ambi-guity from a poorly observed system.

If data assimilation is to be used to constrain aGoM circulation model, we must observe density inthe basins at the deeper depths where the densitygradients that drive the geostrophic transport exist.The necessary frequency of sampling is set by thedecorrelation timescales of the density in the basin.As shown in Table 3, the decorrelation timescale ofdensity after the removal of the seasonal cycleranges from 0.27 years in the deep Georges Basin to

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half a year or more in the mid-depths of the basins(see Ramp et al., 1985 on rapid change in the T/S

properties of water entering through the NEC).Thus quarterly monitoring of the density in the deepbasins could begin to provide the data needed toconstrain the modeled circulation of the centralGoM through the assimilation of the deep densitystructure in the basins.

6. Conclusions

The variability in the time-integrated transport ontimescales of several months and larger in theGoM is driven largely by changes in the densitystructure (at least in the interior of the GoM), andto a lesser extent by the SS inflow, and finally by thewinds. However, neither the observations needed toaccurately capture the SS inflow variability, nor theinformation needed to capture the variation in theinternal density structure of the GoM have beenmade sufficiently often to meaningfully constrainthe models. Thus our models will fail to inform usof the nature of the true variability of theGoM circulation, no matter how perfect the modelsthemselves are.

If the year-to-year variation in the circulation ofthe GoM is to be understood and quantified, itsboundaries must be routinely monitored. Thevolume of water entering the GoM from the NECand the SS must be recorded on timescales shortcompared to the variability of the inflow (about 10days). More importantly, the density of the watersentering the GoM at depth and near the surface, inthe SS and through the NEC, must be routinelyobserved. If this cannot be done with sufficientfrequency, the density within the GoM must bemonitored at least once a quarter to constrain thecirculation in the central GoM through data assim-ilation. If we can afford only one of these methods,measuring the inflows is preferable for it wouldallow us to understand why the GoM circulation ischanging, and could perhaps be used to understandthese changes before they happen.

The scarcity of hydrographic data preventedsimilar calculations from being made for the Mainecoastal currents, but it also seems likely that muchof the variability in their transport is a function ofchanges in the density field that are poorlyconstrained in present models (e.g., Brooks, 1994;Hetland and Signell, 2005; Xue et al., 2000;Pettigrew et al., 2005). Thus there is, at present, amismatch between what we know and observe and

what we must know and observe if we are tounderstand the variations in GoM circulation. Nofurther refinements in our numerical models will beas useful as an effort to improve the observationsthat drive the models. Efforts have begun tomeasure the relevant data, for example the moor-ings monitoring the NEC and SS inflow maintainedby the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System(, and the routine salinity/temperature measurements made by the NationalMarine Fisheries Service (Taylor and Bascunan,2000). These must be maintained if we areto understand the year-to-year variation in theGoM circulation and its effects on the ecosystem ofthe Gulf.


This paper is stronger for helpful comments ofKen Brink, Dave Mountain, Bob Beardsley andmany others who commented on it in variousGLOBEC meetings. It would not be possiblewithout Changsheng Chen’s excellent developmentof FVCOM for the Gulf of Maine. It is based ondata from many groups, including all who con-tributed their data to the hydrographic databasemaintained by the Bedford Institute of Oceanogra-phy. It was funded by NSF OCE-0219709, and isGLOBEC contribution no. 308.

Appendix A

The GoM is numerically modeled with theFVCOM. FVCOM is a free-surface, hydrostatic,primitive-equation numerical model with an un-structured triangle-based finite element mesh (Chenet al., 2003). The model was configured to theGoM as described by Chen et al. (2006). The modelmesh, shown in Fig. 1, has a resolution of about8 km in the central GoM, reducing to 1.4–4 km onthe steep portions of the northeast flank of GeorgesBank and in coastal regions where the bathymetryhas the shortest lengthscales. The depth of the slopeand ocean outside of the GoM is truncated to 300mto reduce the computational demands on themodel, and cross-comparison with full depthmodels indicates that this does not effect the resultspresented below (Chen et al., 2006), though itdoes reduce the magnitude of the flows along theslope by removing the deep density gradients thatdrive them. The bathymetry is not truncated withinthe GoM.

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The model is initialized at each month with aclimatological monthly mean density field, de-scribed by Chen et al. (2006). Because of theincrease in hydrographic data density at later dates,this climatological density field is heavily biasedtoward the past decade, with 68% of the data from1990 to the present.

The wind forcing of the GoM is coherent over themodel domain. On the 2–14 day timescales overwhich the GoM responds most strongly and coher-ently to wind forcing, the vector correlationcoefficient between the National Center for Envir-onmental Prediction (NCEP) winds (Kalnay et al.,1996) in the central Gulf of Maine and on the modelboundaries is greater than 0.8 everywhere, and themagnitude of the correlated part of the winds variesrelatively little over the model domain (cf. Nobleet al., 1985; Brown, 1998 on the GoM windresponse; and Chen et al., 2006; Manning andStrout, 2001 on the extent and effects of spatiallyvarying winds in the GoM). Thus, the model isforced by a uniform windstress whose magnitudeand direction is equal to the NCEP reanalysiswindstress at 42.8�N and 67.5�W, roughly in thecenter of Georges Basin. The NCEP winds comparewell to observations (Manning and Strout, 2001)and in comparison to Beardsley in situ fluxestimates on the South Flank of Georges Bank(cf. Fig. 2.). Uniform winds also have been used inmost prior modeling (Greenberg et al., 1997;Hannah et al., 2001; Naimie et al., 1994, but forexceptions see Chen et al., 2005; Brown, 1998).

The winds force circulation not only in theGoM and SS system, but, because of the longlength scales of the winds, they also force circulationoutside of the model domain, which can affect themodel solutions through the open boundary. Theseeffects are most important on the SS, for it is theboundary from which coastal trapped waves canenter the domain. In order to capture these effects,the free surface at the SS open boundary wasmodified to reflect the coastal setup/setdown drivenby alongshore winds as observed by Schwing (1989)as part of the CASP. The setup was calculated fromtheir observations, interpolated to their kilometer300, which is the location of the SS open boundaryin FVCOM. The cross-SS windstress was found tohave a negligible impact on the coastal sea-level, soits effects on the elevation on the open boundarywas neglected. Schwing (1989) calculated that a 1 Pawind along the SS (i.e. from 68�T) would lead to a50-cm rise in sea-level at the coast at the location of

the model open boundary (from Schwing’s, 1989‘‘L’’ model, which implicitly includes the effects ofthe winds on the SS and the winds to the northeastwhich are correlated with these winds). Unfortu-nately, the observations of wind-driven setup/set-down from CASP do not greatly constrain thecross-shelf structure of the sea-level signal. Thisstructure determines the transport driven across theboundary by the winds. As can be seen in Fig. 1, thebathymetry at the boundary slopes to a maximumdepth about a third of the way across the shelf, andthen rises onto Emerald Bank before reaching theshelf break and slope. Any cross-shelf gradient insea-level imposed on the Bank drives a circulation,which in the model joins the coastal transport,though in reality it is likely that little surfacepressure gradient would be wind-forced on such abank (Brink, 1983). Any cross-shelf gradient im-posed on the open boundary offshore of the Bankjoins a slope circulation which has little impact onthe GoM. We choose to impose the free-surfacecross-shelf gradient associated with the along SSwind linearly from the coast to the deepest point ofthe offshore basin, with a uniform free-surfaceoffshore of this point. This is roughly consistentwith the observations of sea-surface pressure changeacross the shelf at Halifax as observed by Schwing(1989). Spreading the wind-forced cross-shelf sea-surface gradient at the boundary farther offshorewould tend to decrease the impact of alongshorewinds on the GoM by moving more of the wind-driven circulation onto the slope. Whether this isappropriate must be determined by further model-ing or observation.

For the model runs used to estimate the transfercoefficients between wind and transport in theGoM, the model was spun-up with no winds for10 tidal cycles (similar to Naimie, 1996; Hannah etal., 2001), and then the winds were applied at halfstrength for half an inertial period and then fullstrength for 3.6 more days. This stepped forcingnearly eliminates inertial oscillations forced by theonset of the winds. The duration of forcing is withinthe times over which Noble et al. (1985) and Brown(1998) found the maximum coherence betweenwinds and currents. The transfer function betweenwinds and currents is only slightly changed if theseresults are calculated with a wind stress 50% greateror smaller, and is also only weakly affected if thewinds are run at full strength for 2 or 7 days.

Besides the winds, transports through the SSboundary can be forced by cross-shelf density and

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steric height gradients along the open boundary(Schwing, 1989; Anderson and Smith, 1989; Smithand Schwing, 1991). The alongshelf transport acrossthe SS boundary forced by cross-shelf densitygradients depends on the choice of a level of nomotion. The nearly universal practice on the SS hasbeen to assume that the cross-shelf pressure gradientcaused by the hydrography, and thus the alongshelfgeostrophic flow, is zero at the bottom. Thus thelevel of no motion is the water depth (Hannah et al.,1998, 2001; Hetland and Signell, 2005; Han andLoder, 2003; Naimie, 1996). The alongshelf trans-port across the open boundary is calculated by themodel and is consistent with thermal wind. This, inturn, is consistent with observations of the verticalshear of alongshelf currents on the SS (Andersonand Smith, 1989).

The variability in the SS inflow to the modeldriven by changes in the cross-shelf density gradientwill be simulated by varying the sea-surface pressurealong the boundary. On timescales less than thatneeded to advect density from the boundary to theinterior of the model domain, this essentiallybarotropic forcing has been confirmed in modelruns to produce the same effect on the interior ofthe model as changing the cross-shelf densitygradient on the boundary of the model. The longertimescale changes in the density field on the SS andin the GoM driven by changes in the inflow areconsidered elsewhere, as part of the examination ofvariability driven by changes in the density field.Changing the boundary inflow changes the flowfield of the model within a day and a half. As withthe winds, models run with modified boundaryconditions are run with the unaltered boundaryconditions for 10 tidal cycles and then the alteredboundary conditions is imposed over two steps ahalf-inertial period apart, and then held steady for3.6 days. The transfer function between the alteredSS inflow and the circulation in the model arecomputed from the last tidal cycle of this period.The results are little changed if the period of thealtered flow is increased to the decorrelation perioddefined below for the SS inflow variability.

Attempts were made to alter the volume of waterentering the GoM through the NEC in the model bychanging the alongshelf break flow entering themodel domain through the northeastern openboundary, and by changing the baroclinicly forcedshelfbreak current. Neither of these made significantchanges to the NEC inflow. Only by changing thewind field, the SS inflow, or the density field in the

GoM was it possible to alter the inflow and outflowthrough the NEC (consistent with Ramp et al.,1985). It seems that the circulation through theNEC is a function of the forcing on the GoM, andthus that this inflow is controlled by the GoM. Ofcourse, the heat and freshwater transport throughthe NEC is influenced by the water properties at itsmouth.

The open boundary conditions and the data usedto forced the M2 tides, and the details of the openboundary conditions on the Mid-Atlantic Bight andthe offshore ocean, can be found in Chen et al.(2006).


Anderson, C., Smith, P., 1989. Oceanographic observations on

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