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South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

Year 2 - Week beginning 18th May

Reading Tasks

Access BugClub online using your login and complete the activities below.

1. Retell the story in as much detail as you can after you have read it. Explain whether you like the story or not giving examples from the text to explain your feelings.

2. Ask 3 questions to an adult or sibling listening to you read to check they are listening carefully. Make sure you know the answers too!

3. Describe a character using 3 words to a sibling or adult. Can they use your clues to guess the character?

A ‘Battle of Hastings’ reading comprehension is attached in the worksheet section below. The reading ability level of the text is white/lime. For more confident readers, read and answer the questions independently. Alternatively, this text may be read to your child for them to answer the questions independently.

Vocabulary challenge- After reading the Battle of Hastings reading comprehension, find the meaning of the following words in a dictionary. If you have a paper dictionary available this is the best method for teaching dictionary skills. If not, a website such as can be used.

- Crowned- Defeated- Troops- Kilometres- Advised- Fortress

Don’t forget to also read your own books for pleasure throughout the day. I know many of you enjoy reading or listening to a book at bedtime.


Continue to learn, practise and test Year 1 and 2 common exception words.

The /ʒ/ sound spelt s televisiontreasureusual

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

Writing Tasks – We hope you will enjoy being creative and writing your story this week.

Monday 18th May Story writing (beginning/middle)Spend some time talking about and retelling your version of Jack and the Beanstalk referring to the story map you made last week. Think about how the story is going to start. Remember the beginning of a story should describe the setting and introduce the characters. Start writing the beginning when you are ready. This is a great opportunity to use lots of descriptive language, commas in a list and interesting vocabulary.Once you are happy with the beginning of your story, leave a line and start a new paragraph for the middle. Remember the middle of your story is when the problem/dilemma/adventure happens. This is a great opportunity to use a wide range of punctuation including question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes (for words such as can’t, isn’t or to show possession if your child knows how), commas in a list and full stops. You could include exciting words, description, speech (if your child is confident with this) and funny twists. Take a break when you need to. You can finish the middle tomorrow.

Please write with a pencil in joined up handwriting. Remember to check your work as you go by reading each part out loud. Have you remembered punctuation, spelling, finger spaces and does it make sense?

Tuesday 19th May Story writing (middle/end)Read out loud your writing from yesterday. Have you remembered punctuation, spelling, finger spaces and does it make sense? Before you continue, make any little changes that could improve yesterday’s work.Continue to write the middle of the story referring to the plan you made last week. You could make your story serious, funny, adventurous or exciting depending on the word choices you make. Take your time and think about what you want to write before writing it.

Once you are happy with the middle of your story, leave a line and start a new paragraph for the end. Remember the end of your story is when the problem/dilemma is solved. Are you going to have a happy or a sad ending? Is everyone going to go back to their lives as normal or will they be changed?Please write with a pencil in joined up handwriting. Remember to check your work as you go by reading each part out loud. Have you remembered punctuation, spelling, finger spaces and does it make sense?

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

Wednesday 20th May

Editing (we call this purple penning in school)

Today you are going to try to make your writing from Monday and Tuesday even better (Mrs Stride, Mrs Holding and Mrs Clark are very excited about reading these stories once they are finished!). This is often one of the more difficult tasks as it requires more time and thought. To edit a piece of piece of writing you need to –

- check it makes sense and change sentences that don’t- look for any errors (misspelt words, missing punctuation, missing capital letters etc.) - look for ways we could improve our work even further (more descriptive words, changing

word choices, adding more detail etc.) - check you have included many of the Year 2 expectations such as a range of conjunctions, a

range of punctuation and using the correct tense throughout (went/going, saw/see)

Take your time. This may require two or three short sessions rather than one longer one.

We would love to read these stories once they are finished. We hope you feel proud of your creation.

Thursday 21st May

Read the character description about the Gruffalo. Choose different coloured pencils to find and underline the following in the text:

Expanded noun phrases. These add extra detail to a noun. For example: The shiny, white diamond sparkled on the ground.Adverbs. These tell us how something happened. They sometimes end in –ly but not always!Similes liking something to something else. For example: as tall as a house.Conjunctions. Words used to join two phrases together. For example: Marmaduke purred because he liked the taste of tuna.Interesting vocabulary or words you need to ask the meaning of. For example: knobbly

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

Friday 22nd MayRead each sentence below. They aren’t very interesting! Add expanded noun phrases to improve them. The first one has been done for you as an example.


Follow the links to BBC Bitesize to their science area. Both lessons have videos and quizzes to support learning.

1. Parts of a plant continued

2. Awe and wonder – Fireworks in a glass

How do we make squash? We mix water and fruit squash together to make a tasty drink. Both liquids mix and become one so you don’t get some gulps of water and others of squash. Have fun experimenting with oil and water to discover how some liquids are different. See instructions below.

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

Foundation Subjects

1. Music

Draw a portrait and write a musical memory. Start by listening to Elgar’s Enigma Variations and then Join CBBC’s Naomi Wilkinson and take inspiration from Elgar’s musical portraits. Draw a picture of someone you miss and write about a piece of music that reminds you of them. Send your artwork and music selection to your special person to show they are in your thoughts. (Copy of a template online and attached below)

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning


2. Art- cutting and folding

Make a paper caterpillar. See instructions below.

3. History – The Bayeux Tapestry

The Bayeux Tapestry is a 70 metre long hand embroidered (stitched) record of the events leading up to, during and after the battle of Hastings. You could think of it as a very long and detailed comic strip of a real event. Watch the video below to listen to a historian talk about the tapestry.

Using your knowledge of William the Conquer and the Battle of Hastings look at the picture of part of the Bayeux tapestry below. What do you think is happening in this part of the story of the battle of Hastings?

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

A replica copy of the Bayeux Tapestry is displayed at Reading museum and would make a great day out once we are able to visit museums again.

4. PE

Get active with Jo Wicks daily at 9am on Youtube. Previous episodes can be found by following the link below if 9am is not convenient.

Extra fun ideas to keep your children active and entertained Sign up free to GoNoodle and enjoy many free songs, dances, relaxation and breathing videos.

Cosmic yoga is a great way to get kids active but also promotes relaxation. There are many fun, themed Cosmic Yoga videos available on Youtube. I have attached two to get you started.

Trolls Yoga Star Wars Yoga


South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning

South Lake Primary School – Home Learning