Spanish and French Numbers


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Spanish #s

Intro to Class, Yes & Teach, OK

Practice Class, Yes & Teach, OK

Let the numbers begin.

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Zero (0)=Cero (say-ro)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Spain

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

One (1)=Uno (oo-no)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Mexico

Spanish #s

*This is the flag of Costa Rica

Class, Yes

Two(2)=Dos (dose)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Peru

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Three(3)=Tres (trace)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Panama

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Four(4)=Cuatro (kwat-ro)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Guatemala

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Five(5)=Cinco (sink-o)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Honduras

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Six(6)=Seis (saze)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Cuba

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Seven (7)=Siete (see-yet-eh)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Chile

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Eight (8)=Ocho (och-o)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of El Salvador

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Nine(9)= Nueve (new-eh-veh)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Nicaragua

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Ten (10)= Diez (dee-ace)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Dominican Republic

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Eleven(11)= Once (ohn-say)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Puerto Rico

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Twelve(12)= Doce (dos-say)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Venezuela

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Thirteen (13)= Trece (treh-seh)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Ecuador

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Fourteen (14)= Catorce (ca-TOR-say)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Columbia

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Fifteen (15)= Quince (KEEN-say)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Bolivia

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Sixteen (16)= Dieciséis (dee-AY-see-saze)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Uruguay

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Seventeen (17)= Diecisiete (dee-AY-see-see-AY-tay )

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Paraguay

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Eighteen (18)= Dieciocho (dee-AY-see-och-o)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Argentina

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Nineteen (19)= Diecinueve (dee-AY-see-new-EH-veh)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Equatorial Guinea

Spanish #s

Class, Yes

Twenty (20)= Veinte (Veh-een-tee)

Teach, OK


French #s

*This is the flag of France

Class, Yes

One (1)= Un (OOO-N)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Belgium

French #s

Class, Yes


Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Benin

French #s

Class, Yes


Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Burkina Faso

French #s

Class, Yes

Four (4)= Quatre (Kahtr)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Burundi

French #s

Class, Yes

Five (5)= Cinq (saNk)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Cameroon

French #s

Class, Yes

Six (6)=six (cease)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Canada

French #s

Class, Yes

Seven (7) = Sept (seht)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Central African Republic

French #s

Class, Yes

Eight (8)= Huit (WeEt)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Chad

French #s

Class, Yes

Nine (9) = Neuf (Nuhf)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Comoros

French #s

Class, Yes

Ten (10)= Dix (Deese)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Cote d’Ivoire

French #s

Class, Yes

Eleven (11)= Onze (OO-N-Ze)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

French #s

Class, Yes

Twelve (12)= Douze (Dooze)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Djibouti

French #s

Class, Yes

Thirteen (13)= Treize (Tre-aze)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Guinea

French #s

Class, Yes

Fourteen (14)= Quatorze (Kahtorze)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Haiti

French #s

Class, Yes

Fifteen (15)= Quinze (Kanz)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Luxembourg

French #s

Class, Yes

Sixteen (16)= Seize (Sey-z)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Madagascar

French #s

Class, Yes

Seventeen (17)= Dix-Sept (Deese-Seht)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Mali

French #s

Class, Yes

Eighteen (18)= Dix-huit (Di-WeEt)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Monaco

French #s

Class, Yes

Nineteen(19)= Dix-neuf (Di-Nuhf)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of Niger

French #s

Class, Yes

Twenty (20)= Vingt (Vehhn)

Teach, OK

*This is the flag of the Republic of the Congo

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Rwanda

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Senegal

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Seychelles

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Switzerland

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Togo

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Vanuatu

Today’s Warm Up

*This is the flag of Equatorial Guinea

Today’s Warm Up

Spanish is an official language in:

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

French is an official language in:

Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, France, Guinea, Haiti, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo, and Vanuatu.
