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SPARTAN DAI LAY VOLUME 126 � N(NIBliR 52 Serving San Stith: liii er’,jh aticc 193-1 111 [LSI) \ 1 � \l \1 I 2006

Iii 1,111.111,itil,

Opposing Views: Should the United States

intervene in Sudan? Opinion Page 2

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rcD 72*F 51*F

Woman earns degree after

61 years 79-year-old set to graduate

By Erin Keilah Chin


Some students think it takes a long time to graduate. The) have nothing to complain about once they take a look at Audrey Wright’s transcript.

Wright will graduate from San Jose State University this semester, just like many other seniors. But the difference between Wright and other graduating students is that she will be 80 years old when she finishes school.

Wright. who is majonng in art with a con-centration on pictorial art, began her college career more than 61 years ago


Speaker follows Steinbeck’s trail Stanford fellow traces route to study ecology

By Jamie Visger


With a booming owe that captured the attention of a loom! il I ill students in San Jose State 1 no visit) ’s Duncan I jail, Jon Christensen. a reseal,It tell ..Ns at stanlord University. spoke on \\ ednesday about his journey. from San Diego t,, the Sea of I ’t lie!

us trip mirrored a similar v oy age made by John Steinbeck. a novelist, and Ed Ricketts, a biologist, in the spring of 1940.

Lester Parr. the biology department’s semi-nar coordinator. Inv tied Christensen to speak as part of a \seek!) gradiutte seminar series.

"We tried to look lOr an inspirational sci-entist and sev eral 01 us faculty had heard him speak earlier this ) ear at the library ’s Steinbeck center." Parr said " \\ c thought he %%mild be in-teresting and appeal to the public."

Christensen focused on the importance of


Preventing date rape


Health educator Dana Hughes of the San Jose State University Student Health Center leads a discussion on the prevention of date rape Tuesday in the Pacifica Room of the Student Union. The event was presented by Delta Sigma Theta as part of the sorority’s May Week activities.

Sorority leads forum on how to avoid sexual assault By Tandrea Madison


For Delta Sigma I hods sett turd night in their "RFD) for the World- N lay Week, they held a date rape disors--snit] with a mixed group ml more than IS people

Ikha member I )ana l’inilkner introduced the night’s speaker, 1)ana Hughes, coordinator of the prevention education program at the Student I lealt h (’enter.

I lughes began the discussion by lay ing down a quick rule

"Feel free to laugh when I make jokes. hut please keep the mood respectful of the topic." she said

To get the discussion going. Hughes asked the room what was the first thing that came to mind when they heard the word "rape " Several people called out words such as sex. violence. dirt), shame and embarrassment

"That one’s important." I lughes said

anbarrassment is a big part of rape When asked vi ho perpetrated the crimes, students

leaned toward men and gangs I he also said that rape occurred 1110re I requcritly »hen drugs or alcohol vv ere involv ed .ind at parties and college campuses

"Rape tends to be drug and alcohol -induced at parties," I lughes said.

Hughes deli tied rape as "forced or coerced sexual intercourse, including oral, anal and or vaginal sex."

She went on to sa) that almost 90 percent of rape v loons knovv their attackers

.Slier discussing what rape is. Hughes asked for two v (aunteers I it play a date rape situation.

Iota l’hi Theta member Abel I labtegeorgis and public relations maim- Ashley Blunt v olunteered

The scenario that Hughes set up vv as one that she said could happen almost any n hoe \ guy and a girl like each other and have been drinking and flirting with each other all night They decide to go somewhere more private and friends see them leave. After some time, she comes out of the room angrily. and he’s left there !Alter. she says she Iva. raped. he

denies it and says she "wanted it." "It could happen at a party., at a club, ani where,"

Hughes said. After the role-playing, Hughes asked kir feed-

back and hands shot up immediately Delta member Thmika ( ireer said the girl’s friends

should have been looking out for her "People need to go comfortable enough with

their friends to be nosy in that situation," she said. "I would have been asking where they were go-ing."

Ilabtegeorgis said that for men, the situation is seen differently, there’s no danger.

"The male perspectiv e is totally different," he said. "His friends think he’s getting luck)."

During the discussion. Hughes stressed that no matter vv hat, with [ape, it is nit tithe victim’s fault.

"Even if she puts hersell in a compromising situ-ation, it’s never her fault." she said

Barbara Powell, a marketing major, said that


Poet shares through art experiences of escaping from Iran, loss of family


Iranian poet and writer Majid Naficy came to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library on Tuesday to give a reading of his poetry. Nancy came to the United States as a political refugee in the early 80s after losing his wife to the Khomeini regime.


RIII)thinic sounds 01 poor) Idled an I uesdav night is \ land

NAIL’) . an 11,1111.1111/00. ,ptIke tI Inn" eN.perlellle, !lift/Ugh III, poems

co sponsored 1) the Calitoirna ’enter for the Ittiiik and IN wiry

Center Stint Jose. a stni,nll group 01 faculty and Inends attended "An lv ening of pooty vv ith Xlapd Natio in the Di \ Lirtin Luther King in ionit I limn

" Hu. series has teen (about) po-ets vv consido nansplani vv ni-ers." said Rita I ones. sent,’ libiar Ian at the King I alirary " the wiry I ’enter of San Jose has been In ing to include poets vv ho are front other cultures and it seems to he sinking a chord with people "

.kccording to Amy Macl.ennan. program chair (:(inumnee of the general collections unit in the King rbiary. Nancy has published poet-

- criticism and an award -winning children’s book

"(Naficy) was born in Iran in 1952," SlacLennan said. "During

I Inc PrOs. Nalicy vv as politically at: II’,- Ag.1111�1 Itie Shall regime

Iliu I netohnion, "ills s lust �� de find hi’, hrOther

It (’IC among those vv Ito Vt ere CU. t tiled. \lac I .ennan said

\ lad eiman said that Nalicy fled In inn m 19/0 and eventually settled in I tts \ nudes with his son.

In a soothing, staccato lone. N.ities started the es erring by feed -111L! .1 somber piece about Sept II titled "Nov 1 oft

" It day Nov 1 oi k bends down and cries inn the tIlaIlhe waters,-Nalicy read "She sul toed a wound to her spine Then she remembers the old wounds of her kids. From black . \ frica Front Holland and the l’kraine and the oasis of the I loly Land No she will rise again and the sun shine on her face and her chil-dren will hold hands and come hack to dance around her whirling skin."

Another poem. "I Do Not Want You, Petroleum." appears m anti-war poet Sam I volume of

"Poets Against War" ’I don’t want you. porole

Nalicy said. "For a long time. I thought that you burnt for me Now

I see that I am burning Ion otit no! I don’t %%ant I don’t %yam ou petroleum I ill’ Bloody slicani Lot

111)::::::11_ m Ott made me .t link’ I th, WI

I n Inn lie I poe m that Nahey vv it ’A lat ked ’Freasure.- he de-scribes the execution ot his vs he

"I ss rote ’NI:irked I ica.itte. for in) late is twat. vv Ii. s as exe-cuted Oh � alley said. "I lei body and the body ol the oth-ers (U110 N� ere executed) were hur-led in the f ’enieter of Infidels with-out at* gray esione SO the family had to measure the gravestone by pacing, and that’s the motive for this iwn.

()ther poems that Naficy recited were "Three Gifts." which was in memory of his brother. "Secret of the River" which he wrote for his son; "Tu et Snail’?" a humorous piece about a snail he stepped on, and Naticy’s first Spanish-translated poem. "The limply Piece of Eddie." which is about Santa Monica high School student !Arlie lope,, who



Opposing Views:

YES are killed. We noted to step in before more people

du, oil are a woman in Darfur. constantly living with the tem it t om tillage being attacked by Janjaweed militia (Me day, this teal I reah/ed as you are lowed to the ground, struggling Your limbs :nu bioken to pre% Lilt you hom fleeing and a number of Jamatt eed sol diets ha% e their tt ay tt ith you

ou see the same thing happening to other alai& women the saute time men. t% omen and children are being tortured and killed as s4 ’Idlers burn you’ i illage ii tlw ground

sound impossible ’ 55 ell it 1.10, and this ty pc ol violence has been pit’ sent since 200 t. as the 510:mew got ernmein has uhlued the Jantatt eed militia 14) emilicate the I tn. lasaht and /Agit:ma groups 01

xirtur in ttestern Sudan. Well its el 2041.1XX/civilians hate been killed, with another 2 5 nul-

ihsplat ed A 2005 reptin b .thmesty International reports that the people di’

placed were not able to return home and instead stem redirected is: "settlements." or camps up to 30 km outside it the city Nlany dies!

from disease and malnutrition Sound familiar’ It should Do %:ii ienwuthem

the Holocaust lists about the Ina’, �Is Milli I between the !lulus and I nisis in kt% anda ’

What is hanwning in I mart ur us gem.. Me, and the current Khartoum legime has :Ions ii

to stop these atrocities Instead the isgone is sup

porting them by backing the militia tt tilt aenal attacks

I /nee Min mg villages has e been t% wed out tt ith all twins 01 agricultural support desuoyed Buildings and irrigation systems hate been

burned. tt lie i ...nice. I s misi ned. liii td and seed sit wks eradicated and cattle looted I hese people :lie isticed into uninhabitable re gionS wheuc theme is ittileL halite sit suit is al

Agiie ultinal modut non III the area is mot noll esisteni. and is production IL’IllaIlls slisuti.ii lie I ’nited Nations estimates that in the future up Isr int11144n people could be in need of lood assistance in a populani , it 5 million

In \hiuii ol 200-1, Koh Annan Nought light to this conflict at a I 5: commemitimum of the 1994 genocide iii ’,Wanda. tt here he demand ed minus cd :1C1.1:55 to C111/1:11, III need 01 :110.11dallt:C :11K1 ph tIcs. iii ’ii iii

I kid UT I Ic said that it humannaii:in %% other. and human rights e�pens were 1101 giseut the opportunity to pioi isle aid ii, / MEHL 111C 1111erfla

11011.11 c 0111111111111 kid 10 be pep:tied 10 takc action

I lit’ Nutt:muse go% eminent continues to met cult hill access 111 the

tssiillll lintlilt] agencies have been able to reach souk. ot the sits phsed St ill that is not enough. and hundicds oh thousands Lummine lit illy and it cil more Inc. imam at nsk

111/ClIs it I %trim IICed hut no one has come to then aid

55 hal ’s the point 01 helm! stiperpos�et - a smintus that takes the lead it tt e don’t lake the lead :it the ,Ipprimpnate time ’ II the vial %sm. 10 slop 11111lick11.11c1�. ill/clis Id I >drip would

continue to the limn the desperate litimannarian situation as many as 1(t0,00n, says a report by the I 5 S gcmy ii Internationm

)e� cl,,pinvnt the numbers pale in companson to tt hat the totals of dead

551 displaced citi/ens could bc ii the star %% hich Is %%II% the lined States should Inters ene beton: the death toll becomes et eit

Mole staggering

Tatiana Getty

1, 5115 55 5


"No. The U.S. shouldn’t intervene because

every time it has, it has screwed the places up."

Andrew Maurice



"Yes. People look at the t’.S. as kind of a world

police. It’s not a personal interest like Iraq."

Mark Ulanday


occupational therapy

Should the United States intervene in Sudan?

Nit to) wit-y 1,11

t ,N.

to t�xit co)t)(1 Ilia S11.)


Illustration by C1’

Online poll: ; Should the United States intervene in Sudan?

Yes r No

Results to last week’s question: Should the international community place sanctions on Iran it

they refuse to stop enriching uranium??

43 0/0 Yes 57 % No

What do you think? ft

----.-- - "les. There are innocent people dying because of

who they are. We as a pow-er:fill country should help


Sara Bingham


liberal studies


"No. The British should do something about Sudan, because America cannot carry the tvorld on its

back forever’

Seanjohn Barksdale, Jr.


English literature

NoGetting involved could be bad for the United States.

W hat is happening in 1)arfur. Sudan. is a t rat esty and is sickening

Someone should step up and intervene in the killing of .�fricans in the country.

But it shoukIn’t be the I Oiled States \\ Ink the I S should do something to help, the American govern.

meni should lea% e this situation to the I Mited Nations lust, the I s iiiimilar� is %Lori, a little thin right not% With the hulk

of the Litwin-A ’s 1150115 lighting in liaq and . \fghanistan. the unlit:11y can’t :ill:mid to send troops to anothei country.

ccitiding to an article on 1:enteis com. since the stall of the tt cur in Nlatch 21x1.3. about 2.300 I. 5 troops have been killed and 13301(1 troops ale still cunently stationed in Iraq.

It seems as though every tkiy there are headlines about troops being killed in battle I don’t think the Stnencan people L:111 hear about .tit

mote deaths ea mime I s soldiers. and it isn’t tau to send our mill

/555 to another count] y tt it limit !tilly analyting the situation ly second reasini to slat ::iii ol I )artur is that I don’t think this will

end as quickly and %NIA% ;Is poiple thttitk Rellienlber Inn% 1110s1 its iliustuglil time Iraq

X% al %%s tille! be titer :Wei a couple ol months’ \Veil, that didn’t go as smoothly as Ste

thought it %%mild Insingents and rebels hat e helped drag the %tar out. tt Inch led to bloody tesults

Die same Call Ilappe II 111 1 tarltir 1 don’t

111111k sending .5merican nosy,’ to the region t, 4iild help or he good lot either country

In a recent audiolape :illegedly put out by. 4 isaina bin Laden, he urged \ luslinis to tight anyone from the \Vest t% Intel lets., in Darfur I he 55 ashington Post sit sue posted a transciipt :41 the

Its this regard. I L.III oil die ;11h1 Olen supporter. Si siiilan and the I S iabiain Peninsula to prepate all that is necessait to it age .1 long knit \tar against the crusaders in tt estern Sudan. Laden said

this plesenee ill I \ tritops itt Darinr could Callst- 11101e %101eilLY

I loin the iebels �t ho coin iol the kind, and by Sending troops, America titlist be making the .ituattott \too":

’iced to look at It hat is going on in Iraq to see tt hit could happen things go In I I:III tit

\ report put otit by the state I tepartment stated that 151 151151 :it ticks iripicif in I List twill 21104 to 211115Iiusitigcttt attacks against I S limes also most how 2i petccitt tit 2(14)5_i repOri hi % the t. hi% eminent t: mutability It lit C

lIl nit \ getick. I lance I ’lesse arlICIC, IIL Ilael SCIleller, the for mei head ol the I I 5. said that I troops in hail hat e increased the hatred of some \ luslints Ii sit usl t .11Ir multi> Darin’ will not help the tiitliili s image I think the got eminent will use this as a way to ot eishadim oilier maim et ems giillig on in our country Shipping the gent wide of thousands of [wimple would give our country a much ’needed is HI 11 K Had 100k gtbol to our people and people across the tt orld. lint I am afraid that the gin - eminent %% mild use this as a shining moment ill CI dark time "Iley tt something good,- the government cituld say. "Now cut iis some slack on the little things that are going wrong

1 on Knott, the little things like surging gas inices, a never-ending Iraq \tar, munigiat(on rights and that tt hole issne about not finding I aden yet

1 es. someone should linen env in Sudan, but it shouldn’t be our Hoops I he I ..S sl Id back any measures taken by the I N to end the genocide, hut for now we should hold hack on starting another

,u that may lead to many Amencan and Sudanese deaths

fe,rre: 11 Spilt-Ian 1)(1111 slat/ 111111q.

Andrew Torrez


"No. The 17.S. cannot get involved on its own. We have stretched ourselves

too .1dr with the Iraq

David Patterson

senior communication studies


"Yes. I think the funda-mental block is (that) the United Nations won’t get

off its butt and do something..."

Ian Patterson senior

communication studies




















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t. �

THURSDAY � MAY 4, 2006 OPINION 11 1 1 \ 1)111 1 � t

C1:1 Null 11\11

The illegal immigration issue is complex Nlost of us who are going hi iollege toda missed

the turbulent era of the cis il rights mos ement of the

60s and -us

We missed the marches in the South demanding

equalitr III luting and schools and the end to segre-


We missed the student movements in I..os Angeles

schluils where I lispanics demanded better opportuni

ties for them to go to college

55c missed ’esar ’have/ rallying farm is to

demand better is conditions

It the past fess months base been our generation’s

opportuniti to witness social change in the making

-1 he inunigratiiin Issue has fostered debate across

the nation. culminating in marches Mondirs where

hundreds 01 thousands took to the streets in tumuli

S cities

Si the heart of the Issue IS is hat we should do with

ognificani population that has entered into the coun-

iir is ithout going through the proper channels

here are several ideas floating around in i’,ingress.

is Inch run the gamut f rom expelling the estimated I 2

million undocumented munigrants to granting them

all amnesty

I will not attempt to solve the debate.

frankl. I am still on the fence

Students, however. have an opportunity to

witness something that will he spoken about

lin sears to conic

Re,gardless of what the politicians in

Washington, 1)1 decide to do, the ramifica-

tions will be felt lot the rest ot our lives

And here we are at the center of it all.

In a press conference on Tuesday. San

Jose State Iiii’.ersity President I un Kassing

noted that students are experiencing history

-We are hi ing in an interesting time.- Kassmg

said It is important that (the I S gos eminent) take

time to talk about the issuer address it and find some

solution for ii

’ertandi it is ip to the politicians to iron out a war

iii deal %t itti immigration, but It is up to the people

Ii, speak out (iii is hat iher belies e the :insist.’ should


r � t


Write letters to the editor and submit Sparta Guide information online. Visit our Web

site at You may also submit information in writing

to DBI1 209.

Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon three working days before the desired publication (lale. Space restrictions may- require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are recei%ed.

It )111.11.

R.5.1 /Mt:

,C11:1 Sigma lbeta Son int) Inc host, the et CIII UtNW

’I S1 ling center al 0 p III 1-11I- more intormation.

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511511.1: 51:111i1g1:111C111 :111(1 51:11.11:11111: Success- riot

to I 211 p in in the Nli,filalt room 1.01 more

int( M11.1(1011. C1111111(1 1.111.11 liiiat 024 50111

NISI � \pal Ian .11(.111,11t11,11,11,C1

feminist and ink. lusts e ��eekl) mass is ith Res Vntoria

Rtie I -runt I 2 p iii in the Spartan Nlemorial I�or

mow inlormation. e mail s ictortir,i s tutorial tic C11111

IlSadt’// I ht1.51

\ p:1111111. IN :1 111111: 11/1 praising. hearing God’s word and a

1/C11C% cr. 5.00 p m at the Spanan

mine information, email sjsucrusade.,, r a

boo till

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S.151 1111,1cssi1I \h111 S.,1(11.4sk% let.1111es oil Sall HAM. is....

11:11.11,..1111X 111 111C Ili Martin I Jolter King Jr J0iiii

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FilloAch’S ALIVE!








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5, an added bonus lot students. the

debates are going on right in oui baik


fit Nliinda, the Sim lose Police

I /eparfinent estimated "Well islet -

1.1 IOU popk Mak lung, ut 4 fit 11111

the Sluiciti r Swiss wpoited mote than

10(1.000 people took to the sheets

I ithei ii.i. theie sidle mow people

in dim -ilium It sail Jose int tondo)

than in some sl11 11,1111(111111 elites will

him ieih 11 is k1111t1 ShallIc ii sltisheiits t11(111�1 engage

themseli es in this debate, in expel [owe all that is go

lug oil

\ sI Mentioned 11c1..11C, 111.111 II, %%Cre 1101 alit e

II III I: l’( )T1 II I I )1 )R

learn about it (fitting the Iasi scum!. social mos intent . sill..

knew\ s %kilt:11 1 he next one w ill be

It is rtie to sar that rim tiedI thwitigh Instoi

students, heti: is 0UiL !lame

It is also important s learn about the issue 1 he

S congtess ,Iiiiclunt hills. ill iii

is inch Lim be himmi oitltnc I iui,k it the issue bons ifilleient points oh slew

(he debate has ses vial lar Cis alit’ 111CIC Is 110 east an

ei. matte] ii hut people sai

1.1111. 1 suIt11.11 1;0 into ing to soli e the debate.

1 is 111 �1111) .1s1s dill stitsleitts fei III (S1

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take is ill be I einembeied Is x eats to ,iine

/i,ii’ I,ii, r,i is ill, Ni,11 hut I ,,55/1 1111111t101114

Spartan Squad thanks A.S. board I I, ti ii

1 .1.1 ssi�ek the 5ssotritiM stii.1.11i 11,11,1 I ’is 1.oled oll its tiss.iI 1,thle, 211111,

11- 1 111C ICS1111, ./1 111,11 111CC111112. 1

t1111t1 to take this oppoittimis to e�tend a (.1\

big heart tell -thank s Ila.sident mberlii

iIutieliet and the lest oh the Ss oi I niei.tois

lot choosing to alloL-a w te tin s er to partan squad.

thus ensiii mg its continued n nex existece t s o eal n

m capus

I hough in the students’ er es, the shirts. gis eassar

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winendiewil lot making 5 s s.isttllilliiiiciil kisisuslt

both in the short .1115I ’rig term, is iadi as 11,

telling to the neeils ot the students

11:111/1.11 I.

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VW’ 1

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Contact the Spartan Daily at


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RAPE- Speaker, audience discuss ramifications of using alcohol and the ways in which both men and women can socialize safely continued from page 7

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primary health care for students. Sexual assault prevention education is available

through the Prevention

Education Program.

Free condoms are available in Health

Building Room 209.

Counseling Services

(408) 924-5910

Free individual,

personal and group counseling. A

counselor is on call at all times for crisis situations and can be reached via the

University Police Department in the

case of sexual assault.

University Police Department


(24 hours)

Self-defense classes

for women are taught

through UPD. Officers

are trained to respond

appropriately if sexual

assault is reported.


(408) 295-4011 ext. 231

24-hour hotlines (408) 287-3000,

(650) 493-7273

The YWCA Rape

Crisis Center works to

minimize the traumatic

aftermath of sexual

assault by providing

a 24-hour hotline,

immediate in-person

crisis assistance and advocacy and

counseling services.

programs rapecrisis.html

Valley Medical Center: 751 S. Bascom Ave. Still


(408) 885-5000

VMC offers a Sexual

Assault Response Team

trained to deal with

the aftermath of sexual



Health educator Dana Hughes of the San Jose State University Student Health Center leads a discussion on the prevention of date rape Tuesday in the Pacifica Room of the Student Union. The event was presented by Delta Sigma Theta as part of the sorority’s May Week activities.


Veronical Stahl, right, practices for her upcoming junior recital with

professor Joseph Frank after class at the Music building on Tuesday. The junior recital is scheduled for

Sunday at the auditorium in the music department.


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omen should he more aware of their sur-unindings

" ks women. tt c need to be loon: cautious ’I the situations ue put ourselves in.- Powell

said I highes agreed. saying that having a so-

hei friend is a good idea. "Hut ’lobos’) can watch out for you better

than you can.’ she said Phi Beta Sigma member Jamonte co5

said the situation could he re% ersed "Wailer] Lan be sneaky too." ’ii5 said. Blunt amtt Lied to that. WL. should watch

our male timid. too, sometimes oils has e hiLkkaa agenda. "

When Lt lapping up. Hughes reminded the group that alcohol is the number one date� rape drug and that rape is inure often about power and control than se s

"It all comes (limn to moials. %aloes and Judgment," hitt ell said

At the end ot lIe night. ti cult organizer and Delta member Iilona relt good about the program

"I fed the program turned out really nice." Citoper said -The men and is omen Mu, came ga� C a lot 01. input that made it go sinoolld nd Barbara reallt hit it 551111 tt lot she said about morals and s aims I hal summed it up. tight there "

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1 r A ’4" MGO anOVIefOrte,0

Survey shows half of children not ready for kindergarten

I ii \ 1 \ S11 55 SIr I v�� ei than lull I lit’ cliddivn

Ii bsanla I �lara and Sam Mateo qinties enter kindergarten

equipped is oh essential school manneis. site h as the abilitt .11 sOIl listen and sok e con-flict.. a lieN% stirs e shows

lInt most chIldtcil Mel their teachers’ e�pectato ins tin ’sri

all readiness, es en IlioniA the. mat not be probe tent ii

denucs or the ahi lit LiL on( y then ’vita% lo,I. itt, rtuluuig It) the

%MN lek.Ised Sit,11111 hi, ihe salmi ’mints Partnership or in RealillICS, and

the Peninsula Partnership for ’hildren. S outh and Families.

St’s emit’, lour percent of San Mateo Countv kindergartners and 62 percent in Santa rlara Counq met leacheis’ e pecta-mins. according to I he surrey.

The sun t� asked teachers in the two districts to et ablate more than 1.41111 of their stu-dents on 20 different "readi-ness" skills. Including how to resoll e it is and the ability to pay attention

Teachers said the children who are hest prepared children have educated parents and at-tended preschool.

"The ones who didn’t go to preschool run around and push each other and act like the are at home, so it’s hard for Its he

we need to go through the basics of getting them used to a rotltuiie.’said ( st na (Jte ri no, a kindergarten teacher at Seven Trees School in San Jose.

1:1 S1)

pit t

37 an. Rut

is Su


ski del lilt





55 a

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"I I I t 1*M:11 � \ RV 4, 2006 A SPAIL’IAN I) \II Y �

Author Sedans ’talks pretty’ By Kiersten Gustafson


�I iRTINt / 1 M. id Sedans is at it again. hiltIls entertaining sold -out cross (Is %s tilt his shag/ ii 1. pitch black humor and is � alslel 1 iiIl 011 Ille %Salt stories and essai s


1)uring his tour ol cities in 1- clays. the best selling author and regular on \ ational Public Radio’s his \ merit an I 11e’

suet! �upeitino s I 11111 I ’tiller Sunilti, and addicssed an eager audience it ith a lreshlv it fallen notebook in hand

.’ts alit ,is Net111(1,. uneanns skill ol pi. king up on the absuid details or lilt’ and translating them into tutu Ilk Si rItten gems ism. present in his nes. %s inks

\ the lights \sent do.s it and the hist siiuls111 11111% einent slirted upon the stage. the ciosscl hushed to a silen.e. expecting Sedans to appeal

histeml. Its it giggling teenage girls Ira% eled it uss the stage hl ssards the nut. and began to tell

a Iractured skits about a staling./ little man- and a blat k iii e

I ’


’1 urns out. the s., � proached b the ci cult i.. 5 fool (/ man in liont ol the Ilint (*enter and asked it the) ...nail in trodute 111111

011 t all 5,i tt 11:11C%er Soil

.1111.- them

its limit lit introduction is rust a Ilet k ol sugar in the it 11117 on the cake. as lar as Sedans’ quirkiness ii es

( /11LT ’,OA:III, Millie II to the stage. he slatted is ith a grotesque.

et engaging animal fable that %sirs I/x a nature shim that he smt. di sctibing hoss iOtisl sometimes pet It out the is 01 bah) Sheep

I he S101- %%Ts 1110! hitt ,ilitl a liii disturbing. but ilk. Its dialogue Sedans acted out bosseell the CPAs and moiliet slit ep begged the attention oh all ears in the t Linos

\ mid his depi.l ion ta lire teali ties ol nature ‘sedans ’Meths tiled the ivalities ol 1111111,111 HAW e ,is

t’uu lit it"fientim"- pet tile iuilli d’i lel elli es 11,11sIII.ti and Illor�11111. inlet au t it Ii each other

lie proceeded to share some ot his oft autobiogiaplik al essa.5

1111C essas that he sink. al let moi irig Ii [sari, iii’ lies lii’ adoption ot the I I C II us ,,R1

cord. � si hii h tianslate. into "i /1s: , /1 � alitght

S1114247 he can barel untlerstantl the language anvssav. lie adopts the peinussise %sold. si likkr leads

an ill 1.1) 01 ail% entitles lilt miii

mg a inassise mouth opeiation and getting trapped in a hospital’. \salting it tin In his inklers.e.ii

In his essti and 1 .,1111111. Sedans describes a plane iitle liiih a %s ell to do 1111. -band and ss ite In then (di,. it ho make 111111 let’! "the shanie ot the tragical’. outclassed \s the -state! s couple- opened then mouths, host tier, then 1.00211.1;7e pia the sit caring sailor ,11. lid ts lie Ii, shame

It appears to SeilariS as II the �il kidnapped people Iron) a

I amen ad and forced them into .1 I /as \ Lintel plas

I 11C C1 /11111C 111,1111C ’1,1.111, It, 1C,111/C 111.11 " the toll’ � �1 sit L’,11111e 111..111 lit’ nit lded to ss hates et /a/minions the speak et desiles

\ sI lie e� citing progressed and an hour ,tild a half quickl sped In. Sedans %% Lipper! up the last hall -how it ith (..)-and \ session it ith the audien.

In it’s ICS% 1ifl1 11,11 Ii1 is

tine c111 0111i Coot lai It’s an .0 tempt it esplain the iiiiesplain able 1 hits iii titlei tai liilI es

c ’sedans in all his gloix. 1 sirougl. suggest .11...king him itilt Itt�til.


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New Flaming Lips CD upholds bizarre reputation


’Flit. I laming I ups nes% album. ". \ \\ ai 55 ith the \ Is stk..- lives up to the liand S leputation of pro ducing ssitird. cati, liv 0111’. it


\ I 55.11 \ ilk ilie \ is the hist .oriipai di, sm., the band s 2002 ielease, ��\ oshinu liaatles the Pink kto1.4, "

to ersthing .11./I0 I I la/ � laps Is 1,1/,111c I 10111 lilt’

111:1111C It, 11, 11111�1,.. Anil 11t� Ilie pouf)

I WI III 111C Xl/s

’SlI)T1tttst’t Is !.! 1111.11Is1 55.0 lit’

.1 NO 1,1 111,1/11

1111:11Is 1 1...111 .1 t 1111It It III Ills 11.111,

/k1:1111,111,1 1 lii 11111 \1.1111.’,1 ii 1,.111,1

I 2 tak k ( ’Ills 1111k Ii It’Iit’I pla)t’d un si,I111 .11 ,i lone Si ant/hi I/it/mull

I .1.11 ,�,11U is !Well:sling it, 11,1111

it,, 1,111 \\ 1,1(1 111,1 \ the ) iii its C11111121,). 11 11Ct’ollit’s a t hole hi the ear I Ile clitIle .111,11111 ledi es listen

si tali 11111:2 1 al 11 SIM!! ha, ChlittI Iiiit,s it it’ll

edit Cci MA the elestil. ils/ quids and . h,1,iis ill Ilik�

I lit’ 1"11‘1 �1’"1111"1l,d d 11 \�11l1 ,111 I kind, I,

m lilts I I

I he ninth song oillilt ,iII’uiui I las en ’t lii .1 / Ini is ith II

heat. pop ele.tionit s, stub iis Ismssliti I t’l

1111It’ .\ 4,11 shill’ %,1111

I ii .1111 it, plink litte tI 1 hose simaik her,




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An explosive scene dominates the cover of the new Flaming Lips release, "At War with the Mystics."

citi’re 1101 sine slipposeil to hind it Intim, but soil ..inV help but laugh

’lite lea!’ eali ...di ’,mg" is Latch. It ss lilt hi into the biains

listeners and Timm.. them slots Iv stink thev sing alonit ins at landoni moments

I he set ond song on the album. I tee Itadit al..- is perhaps the

best lIlt It iii the / �I I I ead �111112er

’t 1) Ile�s I.Ii�L’Ikt Alt ing it tb the I link pop music in the background

leates an KOs, Prince like quitut

It Amids mil as being the /1,,,k sheep ,iri the (’I), solintinig

di! lutelit Irmuni llT 01


I he message on the ( mtcnit.

Itt be ilk. ding intim ed tlliit ii Luning ol ban.1 that has nes ei wall hut ii that big, hut stmt.-Ito.% 51111 111.111.1!2e, It, ueleuse IlletlIt it IL’

.111,11111s l’t ti It’tt L’Als

55 In do tile naming 1 ups get to sit on the its al ’home lit .1111 liand status ’ It’s .1 III slel

ht. 11111% illIt’s11011 1 lit .111st1

Is 11 11.11 t upu t tillt 1,111.11 I ’listIII 1 lit’ I 1,1111IIII2 1 Ills It the \Solid 10 listen It ile \ I ’

I lis’ hand tlt ti 11.1%e 011C111.1111) that lii tilt T. do in \ t\\ 55 ith

Sit slits is mild,. ans thing that is out light nos\ 55 h. Ilk Ws .n11.011111! itiS Iii Ii,tII 5 ii ant to lisk n to that 1 an I ,iie,ssei

� � �

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� �


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for male singers Voices In Harmony is looking tor talented male vocalists to help us become one of the top male choral ensembles in the world. This 100-member chorus is dedicated to musical and performance excellence, primarily in the barbershop style. Our repertoire is generally 20th entury American popular music, performed a cappella. We produce a

hill concert series each year, as well as participate in contests and festivals through the Barbershop Harmony Society

Under the dynamic direction of Dr. Greg Lync, we focus on excellence in sound, showmanship, and musicianship. Or, Lyne holds a PhD in choral conducting and has directed choruses to world championships of the Barbershop Harmony Society four times, in addition to being a world-renowned choral clinician.

We are continuously auditioning enthusiastic vocalists to loin our .iward-winning ensemble dunng our weekly rehearsals on Tuesday nights in the Fremont Senior Center, starting at 7:30. Previouserffem erienatuenaicinude itaining in choral singing is highly desired. This ensemble

vportunity for experienced singers to focus on musical excellence,

ytio up to the rhallPrule,


MEE NI By Kiersten Gustafson


\ blight snide and all ca.% laugh seem I,’ tome nattuall% Itti line \ lint don’t Ici lit.i eas% tofil ii

\\ [thin Ow of a �11 lilliillIlT pi

a pot% el 111.11 Mole origin than not lea% es het opponents c� hausted and panting in her %take


siine tianstening nom I riegon ’,tale 1 nit eisit% this past ball se int:stet. the 2! %eat old how "’a...1.1111CW" has mitckl made a name it lieu sell in the stt 11111111111! L(111111111110 I intim/ het hist 11MSMI

Ai San .1oNe Slale 1 Illt visil). she hioke the school’s tecords in both the �7,1/ and 1)111 t ald Irec�it It:. and tontinnes to %hip :m a% at lici in% II

\ larhenke Nall] ’Ile (hilt cs 011 111C 51111101 .111(1 C e (1110111e, 01 111C �11,111 (11,1,1110: it (Ails

She ’,lid het specialt% is the 50 and liii %aid licest%le. ttilii the Si I t icest% le being hut la% ow,

"I ’,At. the 11:1% its so last.-\ said. "11 %on make a mistake. it’s \ split set 11111!

mailers I h.-1We het quit k times ill, i itt

enteling the spattans stmin tilt

\ has 511.11 ed oil ioughl% 1 25 �0..111(1, III 110111 01 110 et ellls

-111 Ille �tt 111111111111 It III Id. 11 � .1 �111.111 01111111111111t .t oil knot% tt 110� last tt 110 11.1, 11 Ill it.

@MEEK’ Junior transfer swimmer makes waves in pool with Spartans


In her first year on the team, San Jose State University junior swimmer Brie Marhenke has set new school records for both the 50 and 100 -meter freestyle.

Ills ki Ild ti 1111(10 1111: latli11.- 5.1111 .1111cile i iole/. \ team matt.

\ larlienke is nude’ ilic iadai it hillel Act ha% Ing ill 1111(10011c(1 �c.1,111 Ill 11Ic Sit Ilec�It le .111(1 ;2t, 1102 ’1 1 111 Ille ii iii 110:�I

Si 111( �11Ce(lo Ilp

( ’11.1111111011�11111 111 Not she at 1110 ed \ ’S S pro% isiothi1 (111.111110 11t ’It miming 2 44 in the linals iecoid :it S.ISI at ihat nine

In 1 ebruar%. slit. %tent on to

511’111 11,1 �-�( S S ti a 1‘1011,11 qualilici for an automatic (111:111

her al the \1estern \ Ihletic ’onleicnce S%% limning and I )1% ing hanipionship b% s%% miming a

indium:it% time ol 22 54 in the SIt licest%Ic

li% the end 01 the 51 51’ ’hampit Inship. hulk:like had

rold medals in high the and

100-freestyle. and was on her wa% "She’s %cr.% nonchalant about to the S:(’.5...5( lampionship, a feat her so miming," little, said "lint that hadn’t been accomplished 11% when %tin see her get up on the a female Spartan swimmer since block. she’s t en focused She has Charlotte Plerce, who competed this time in het that ’whin!) else

20( i butted]) in \ larhe reall% has -

nke is in both the 100 and

knonn for her 2000

cha m pit, nships in .5tlanta Ira ,

gg i people k ri 0 w "light hearted"

andl tin- Pelson .5t the NC.1:\

alit% that seems Nlarhenke missed who have

to inlet:Wu*

the 50-lrecst% le spread amongst trained f()rever and s

her 101111 finals b% 01 see oink She raced they’re still not at -sli.s...1%,.,, 0 .10 in the 100 the level that she’s , 1:l pt "III% I.’, 5

%ard e% cm, 1111�S- alld It Ilene% en in the finals, hut at. She’s pretty there’s :1 pcga pas" her school record reniarkable.

let el

- i,l:.:: I th.vir::’,....:::is. - Katey Nelson, SJSU iiiiie) makes the

that she is :at is Icani laugh,- said amiiiing:- said swimmer 1..111101 Nlar. one \ larhenke’s team- or Slarlienke’s mate Kale % Nelson teammates ’I knot% people It ho ha% e trained Since going to the N1 ’.5. \ tour fore%er and the%’re still not :It the nament. \ larlienke has cast some le% el that she’s at she’s Fen% re insinuation into the spartan pool, markable.- and 111.111 01 Ilel 101111111.11eti :UV

Sage 1 lopkillt.. Illy IleadCoaell 01 1111 1111 :tied to 11 nii het nest %eat Ille 5.151 V(011101.� st% limning and -Nile It tills int ire people 10 go it’

di% 11111 1/1-00:1111, attributed pan ol nationals milt her, so she’s reilll

and compelult�e Ntrlite.nke’s silt-Cuss 10 0 11 ’Ant I: 1111111ped lip .1110111 It alld 11 ’� mak a mg the team ,11:it i

pumped up Ile said that Brie Marhenke ;thou! it.- Slit

Illicit it’s tinit: rot swim season highlights 5,1111 1 Ii i, ti g li

I )espite her ac Speedo L..up Championshrp:.3.4-1 Slat hen Ku has no lear - (50 -freestyle). 52.13 ( I 00-freestyle) college sit im

complishine Ms. WAC Championship 2296 (50- 11111111ateel Slarhenke has 1101 freestyle), 50.48 (1 00-freesty)e) vk ill lic 1rp


10 110 01110111: I ICAA Championship: 22.83 (50- ’shed 10151 �1100.� go to Iier freestyle) 50.30 ( I 00.freesr,Jei %eat, there head ma% �� ell be

"1 call, it’s iibire medals Kett% cool.- she in the Imitate. latighingl% said. %%ith a meek %et ’Al% goal is to gel 10 IIIC I 11 1111111 bright smile %%hilt: she %%as asked 1 nal.... she said. "I’m ’.1111111 ill! It abi tut one success :alter awither the i )1%1111,1, �

he! ill face. -she

Aggies on deck for SJSU baseball team in three-game home stand By Tatiana Getty


1 he San Jose Stale I int visit% lia." team had a 11,112 %Neel, �tt uepitig duce Hattie 55 cstelll SlIllellt ( se lies against the 1 1111 0,0 of Nut ada. 14:110 1111, past Ukeekelld alld It11111111t! a 10111 game 11 11111111,2 �Ileak ’1 11C �0111t111.1 11:10 Ille sticA to diopping a non conlerence game to Stanionl I in% gisii!, on I iiesila� night

S.Is1 kit:Kett oll the !Ince game sellcs

IIC 55 I /II Pat k 1 l’Idat al Pet it tie Park in bteno, taking the game 1 4

55 ith the Spattans lip 2 0, s.ISI short stop John shank.’ hit a home 11111 to I held, din ing in design:lied hitter linan

’has,: gilld 11,211t IldtiCt I )011611" I TIM Wall°

itt 2111’ Me ‘Tartan...1 It II ead I he \\ Pa%k tallied in the ninth III

lung to hi 1112 tI tIll tuns it loss thc plate Put II ��,1�11 1 01111101 1.11 \ add. us Ille "(11.111.111, li1.11, 111c .1111c It 4

spartan put het I men \Il’Iit’ 1111111) it’

cdt eil the 11111 pit% lied 111111 the ninth inning heroic living wile% ed 1)% stet e Jones \ lone% ’,emit% Ahmed old% Hilee runs and !hitt. hits all in the moth in rung

saiintla% ’s game %%as once again .1 tough 011C lot Illu Nliatlall� Net :Ida 011010.1 111C �0 11 Callt, It 1111 It% o 111115III 1111: hush. and remained uncinitcsted mud the sIShil

It hen the Spartans posted Ill C 11111’. oil Hie 1%,.111.1

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pillt II 11111111 101 tail 111:1 1,1��111:111. ’011.1,1101 a 11011Ie 1 1111 to k criler Ncoring 1 lall and slit itstop Sh,ilien 1 he spartans stiiied ’me mole iiin, ending llic 111111112 and taking the lead 5 2

Ne�atla stored one tun 01 the si�111..11111 took the lead again in the se% enth 111111 Once ihhlis litit the sparians tied the game

(till Hie ninth. and bitted the game to es 11.1 innings %% hew the% took the game S (, 11 ith III Intis in the I nth lo steal the series limn the \\ Pat.

1 he spartans I. OW 511M:1)

(’ loll



1 he spanans seined tt nsimentl% 111111111111 lilt the game. stilt tine inn in the thud. one in the suvlii, one in the set enth and duct. Ii the eighth Ne% ada sciiied its lone 11111 ill the eighth as � e�ada len field LiI let"! I rstilln stow,’ on Ill HIII �1110c 111101101 It’ll 110(1 lit �eu.11111 ham: 111.111 1 Mt Id ( lii 1(1

’,pal 1.111 11111 ’ICI .10,11 SIllItc1�011 IC tell ed the It ill, pitching se% en innings and holding the 55 011 Pat-k itt sis hits and the one 11111

It 11:15 .1 good senes.- said 50:0111.1 ham:111111 1 III id helm -( /111 pitching did

"di and Net ada has a good ollense, and me held a good ot I ense. It Inch is rough

1,, do ill that i� ’11.1 11;1111i:ilk

1 his seri,’ 11111 boosted the Spartans to in 1- 0% ciall 111,1 :ORAL. their 28 wins in the 21 103 5015011 and’) (t Ill 55 .5( ’, %%1111e (hopping file \� 011 Pack lt, I- 23 and

iiesda% night Inought S.IS1 to Sunken I riamond Ill stanlord to lace nonconicr ent-e opponent Stanford 1 utit et�Ilt 1 111: spartans thopped the single game to the I animals 1. 2 lilt’ Cardinals scored late

take Mc 11111. breaking a 2 2 tie in the eighth It ith tom 11111s

-( /III ph:11111V (11(1 tt ell agallINI 111011.-1 ’ICI-Csoll said ’11111 our ollense tt 1,111 .1111C 10 11111,10 1111 elloligll nulls

1 Ile 511,111.111s It III ieturn home this ��eekend lat e 55.5C opponent Nell \ mat, I nit eisit% in a three game Stilt’s stall ing I I Ida% at (111111al \ Inalicipal Stadium

It a M Iiir 115.- l’IC1’,011 Nald ’I Iiipel 1111 t�c tan music’ up some runs

and get in, ’I IIIIN 111:111 tIC did Tuestla% I

ii,’ 2...�les. .1111101101 Ctilicullt

the last Ha,’ spot In the 55.51 - Mule sisl is tied h,ti sccond II all bresno state 1 no visit% ale on a lour 11:1111C 11111 �I leak .1110 5tt ce1t111g. 011110010: 11111011011 1 0111,1.111.1 I Cell I 1111 ettal 1111, 1/.151 vieek end 5 2.0 4 and X

55 e.% e been pla% mg %%ell :Ind we should ablc to take care 1)1 business against Sett \ lesico.- said Spartan hr.! ba,e111:111 lirandon I romm_ ttlio is out be-cause 01 mins% en though thQ ’IV lot% et iti the standings, the %’%e shin% n II hat filet tall titt �tt cep11112. 1.011Pa111d 1 0:11 hills

psi a "’ken(’ Thu Spatial’ (1001SC all lace !Sell


San Jose State University outfielder Sam Hall dives to first base before Fresno State first baseman Kent Sakamoto can make a play during game three on Sunday at Municipal Stadium.

\ lemco’s 01 lensi%e arsenal. including sophomore first baseman laike Illipkins II ho, although missing ele% games due to 11nm%, is batting 432 I lopkins %%ent 4 lot against 1.0111,a:111a ’I Cell. 11 1111 011e 110111C run, ill e1(111 and Ilve t%alks in the series I le leads the 55 51 in hoth hitting and 1:1i1 he Ihrs 29 this Neilson. alld Is

1111111 III 1101111: rims 111111 AI %oil.% e !Aimed Its throughout the

seast ’n. mni kill III that %% hen Ile lace a 51111111! of lense. II %%males said ( l’tiiui I’ll-tilt -1.111: standings don’t inean

1111101 the ellang a Ild �te could %el-% t%ell be competing lot lust It comes dot% n to mu detense. out delense needs io ke,:p them :it ba% and ICI11.1111 0111,1,dt:111

Nett \ le 101 Slate 1Cad� the all lime se ries beMeen the reams, 14 - and cilitenll ha, :lir III Clall 11.4:011.1 01 18 214, and is 3 in III \\ m ’ pla%

lilt series will 1102.111 1’1 Oat al ft p lit, 011111111Ie S,ut 11111.1 and ut tilt, Illtle Swidat 11 1111 110111 H,ilIIes tt 1 11111 \ II games arc schedulcd to be pla%ed at Shinn-mai Stadium

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SJSU men’s golf team achieves highest finish at WAC tourney DAILY STAFF REPORT state 6 John 4 ..1,salS, Nevada.

73 -2 -1-216 Men’s golf

The San Jose State I ’tan cr.!!\ men’s gull teaut Mashed third out of nine teams at the \Se-skin Athletic ( ’onterence championship

oil Wednesdas at the ( ’lane ( ’tea ( ’own’) ( ’tub in Boise, Idaho

The team so ’red a15.7g on the liar 71 course

and posted As highest finish t A the season

sISI \ Monte/ (-5 -4 (,9 2I4

lead 111c leant indis lot StAe11111

plaCcIii( 11.111,111d A..1 :WI I- -4 -I Moo! ’ham: State 1 no crsits and iii 1cl kaiak! (-6 -5 6- 218101 [remit, State

Senior Res in Nabbeteld (6’) -9-"I -2191 led the lint found and lied for 10th place $s lit

Ltsiiui \\ Ilhams (-I -1 -5 2191 of Por,

Team scores.

I. Ness Mexico State I ’nis ersity. 1’(6I

2. Fresno State, 866

3. San Jose State I aus ersitS. 878 4 Boise State I nu eusit!., 8-9 5 1 ’III% cl�lt. (A I lassari. 8-9

6 I ’tin sisals tit Nes ada Reno, 885 7 1 in crsit or Idaho. 98 tg

K. 1 tali State I ’ins erSit), 909

9. I 41111stalLi -1-cch I ’nis ersits. 911

ludo idual leadeis

1 !skin I Ass anis, Ness Nlesico State, 72 69

-(1 211

2 Jaren I lainamoto. Ihm alt. 73-6g 211

3 .1:v(011.1’11110ns. 1 testa, Slate.

-2 -4 69 21

Brian Kelles. 1 testa, ’,hoc.


lien Klegct, \x( \ lc 5k Ii "late. - 1 -4 1.8 21’;

7 Graham I )4.- Ael, Boise State, 73-74-71-21K

Ryan Mel ionakl, Fresno State.


Malt \ SiSt . 5-4 69 218

ll) KO in S.151 ,

69 -9 -1 219

Jason \ Brest: Slate.

71 521’)

( Allet SJSI sLi fres

12 I kin Buell. -; -K 220

r Aitiun(�onnid.-- -s 22i

46 letandro Prieto. 452 -1 224

Women’s golf

1 oi lie 111,1 11111c suttee the 2061t season. the s IN) nonicifs poll team u IIC4,1111)411: al

‘st \ \ \ L.S1 Reg!. ( I1.11ltpll etships on \ 1,13 11 I I in Las \ ash

\tel 4) Inning Ilk. .\( VI omen s (

lampionship on .\pi ii 26. the Spanans re

cened an automatic henh into the NCAA ent

’AA Women’s ( 1141 ( ’hampion.ships west regional teams (listed in order of seeding)

1 II ’I Mite 10 champion) 2 1 ins eratS oil icc rgia

.; Purdue 1 tits ctsi) Mfg IC11 rhanyinell

4 I ol \ 5 1 ’NI 1«taitam \c r1 champion)

6 1 Ills i_l’.Il it\ 11/�Ilit

- SI:111101d I L’1,11

K I iusersiis 01 Nets \ Ii, SICO

9 I tin eisiis 01 \kaslutigton III ( ’al staic I amp. Beach

11 111 I4411.110 oting I nisersits

12 I ( inc (Big \ \ cst Chal111)1011) I { S,IS1 t \\ \l IL1111111�41)

1-1 I III� cIsII ./1 1 k’ll% CI (Sun Belt L ham


I S ( fic)toil State I 1114 11511 In. ’11 .fslungion State I nis visits

1- Ness few() State I tus visas

to end season IS ( ieorgia State I ins erstt ’ok quid

.�thletic .ksmwaation champ’, ( )ral Roberts I nnersit Mid �1 ’ontinent

champ, nit 20 Bradley 1 Ms erseq (Missouri Valley

champion) 21 1 ’ins mils Montana (Big Sks champion)


( her 150 5.151 - student athletes and staff

s iltIlltecred at I ’ail ’s Run tin Sunda. at I xland

I !nth School in San Jose

Spartan s titmice is comprised of members

nom the \some:Ms basketball. �501114.11.S gull.

12,\ Inn.1511c5. 55% ainnung and dis mg.

tennis. ball. 1, mthall. men’s St XXVI%

ttWIIS Ill’s’. cttIUtti4 iitiI Cheer Icallls

The niale athletes encouraged the flamers

In un the shin and Mush ot the nut ’ll’he he-11111kathletes s olunteered to pass out water

and ga$ i dues non to part IcIllants (Wring the 42 in& sonase

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8 9


1 2

2 4

5 8

4 7

7 4

2 1 5 6






3 5

4 IFS/14F DiSI by United Inc

HOW TO PLAY Each raw moot contain the numbers 1 to 9 Pad, adlumn must car tarn the numbers 1 to 9 and each set of 3 by 3 boxes must contarn It* numbers 1109


5 38

7 42

1 6 9

1 4 2

6 89

5 7 3


1 3 5

8 2 4


9 8 6

3 1 7

2 5 4

72 5

8 , 6 4

9 3 1

3 , 4 1

5 , 9 2

6 8 7

4 , 2 1

8 , 7 5

6 9 3

35 8

4 96

2 1 7




4 5 8

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ClAstill:111) RA:l’ELNE0RNI1\’I’l( 1-irli lune Tot all’s 2 spati, 1 Alit niumbel. pmerininoil !Intik_ awl space is lot 11.1111cti into an .n.1 mime. TN. fast

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�k Ills ski t’IlV171711, ’NIX � Ali tS NItt, PREPAID � Ntt kE.11’NoNt r 11J.1.17 ADS � NI 1’1 I iNAL 1,11 ikl NNW RV& /LI/.%1 vi,it,skiiFiil SI tio Nst

fitELWENcY.O1Sc.OUN’E-COOW� um, maws 10.� discount.

51SU STUDENT RAIL Iii’. In Ads mmt I.e pbord in person m 1)811 209 Runt Intuit or 3pm 51111).5 1 Ill IC 1.Q1I’IREI a kale applics to student’s intInsdual ads only.

Not intended toi loisitirsses att71/77F olhet iiNtasxy discount Elms nom app)..

NOW Salmon ( :Looted, i Minor at WWWTIIESPAN I \ 511 1.111(1:01kiwidi the rmika�Mentre of a credit cant I, 6 0? 1.3277


ACROSS wtstt- as a seeei

5 Chain dance 10 Viking name 14 Make a shainbleN of 15 Decorate 16 Threshold 17 Aroma 18 Send, as money 19 Quartet minus one 20 Fiesta delights 22 Resettle 24 Bubble - 25 On the vine 26 Backs out 30 Light meals 34 New singles 35 Lash of oateis 37 Comet - -Bopp 38 Diet target 39 Kind at detector 40 Greet formally 41 Eurasran nange 43 Place for a window

box 45 Hookah 46 Frances neighbor 48 Traveled

tor NASA 50 Fruitcake go -with 51 Draw a bead an 52 Canvas shelters 56 Scales 60 Cate au - 61 Mac maker 63 Caligula’s nephew 64 Long-tailed

animals 65 Eva or Zsa Zsa 66 Harold

of the comics 67 Toboggan 58 Hairpin curves 69 Assns

DOWN 1 Shore up 2 BMW rival


K.E.P. I 0411111.H A. T ON NO I SE H. T E S JOKER A , LAMIN jAiED P11

DAM H.0.1. ADVERSE TETHF II S W 0 R 0 N.O.R.A Y E A r. P’E ’ I 0.4 .11.F R Ii ’ A I L ’ GEMS 5k � t-’) CII f R S C E .


M . ’ f I L t A4cr ’ H E N 6 H H A 1 A S RAVE

171 O.; ?OOR lenno Coati Sc’-O, I,

3 Circus performer

4 Makes furious 5 Chewy candy 6 Keats works 7 - de guerre 8 Forbidding 9 Flea -market

find 10 Largest bird 11 Turkish coin 12 Perched 13 Ice sheet 21 Move by pulling

forcibly 23 Sec -shooter 26 Fixed -up

building 27 Napoleon’s fate 28 Locale of

Katmandu 29 Oregon capital 30 "Hasta

Routine 32 Wed on the run

33 Repaired a seam

36 Get - of thar junk’

42 Caught fire 43 Tourist’s load 44 Blackboard

cleaners 45 Ohre stutter 47 Free electron 49 Razor brand 52 Poor-box filler 53 Go like a siren 54 Riviera resort 55 Fitness centers 56 Medicinal plant 57 Poet’s

contractionl 58 Remnant 59 Heirs often 62 This Old

House- network


111191111111111 MEM MEM MEM MEM MUM MUM MEMOmmll




WRIGHT - Pictorial art major returned to school after moving to San Jose

continued from page 1

Illv 1,11 \ iii

Ill lieuti rahlorma) ii r, 1 s A-te’ .2tacluating Irom high ,c1c,icl." SS right said

SS II ttht got [named at the age id Is and her husband ss as in the army ’us a result. they trar stied of - ten. and SS tighrsaid she took class-es %s hell and %%heir she could

Situ she is a mother and grand-inc it hei

bana SS light. SS I ’girt\ slaugh-ter. said she :ind the Lundy are thrilled that her moths.’ is gradu-ating

" 1.1 Cry hat mg a big party to celebrate hei buthday and gradu-ation.- I halm said

S\ ridirs 2 2 year old grandson ht ,:1.1v111.11111,1 this year I rum

the I its ,1,11r 11 VI 1 1.d11 1110k crl 1 10111 Southern

alilitima to the San Jose area 12 ears ago lii be closer I. her tam -

she said I mting that tone she decided to Mush her l.�,11ce career and started at \\ est \ alleyI .ollege. earning her . \ ssociate oh ifs de gree

I ’CIS me in mt lanmmh has a &glee.. SS right said V. hen I came up lulu. I decided to do it too I needed to base a degree �’

Alter S\ est S:iller I ollege, Woccht began .ittending s.ISI

\\ iicht Nair! she has been here lot about three ri lour y eals

Student, and proles,cus mtike said tites cilltied has ing " light II bet, lasses

s-1,tant Professor c itihe \ ss is her prolessoi !or colic’. .1 1,.151i. color them\ class. as %sell Is tel nil ism ;ind mentor

" prolessiii. 5.11 don’t hare this opportunity to meet ;Ind iii gage and har t 1 letitioiisliiii uith a student id Smiley s history and nature.- \ ntokal said -she is such a worn. comfortable pc’ She

s% as plcaSUIV to %Oa sr Ith la,.111,11c Stephan Crandall.

moiling in pictorial an, had a kw i’Llsses sr 1111 \\ light throughout the seal,

�’She.s so motis tIed. I randall said "II she disliCt get (her work) e\ac tis light. she �d go back and do II again She’d even do Other proj-ects that were related to enhance her understanding She Assays did more "

s I ruts eli. administra-tive assistant in the school ol an and design, said she really admires Wright

clunk .Sudrey is a great inspi it at It es cis I,, ls t t is ell said

-she has purser ere,1 Though S1 It hit s ige may seem

to set her apart [tom other stu-dents, one shouldn’t underestimate her ahilltts

I he lost time I es et uorked %stilt her ss a, in a basic colic] then) ryclass. Snliikal sutut I lei %sods Sr as as ciii. �,1 better than am body else in the class

tter 20111,..! iisC1 \\ 1 1g Ill’s Hall script to SelilS SS 111111V1 01 hot she could graduate. she said that she and ntokal lonnit that a 55 ateicuti ii lass ss as missing

-somehoss 1 ssas short." S\ 1101 said -1�se alrsays taken Cl err thing I needed. so it u as kind ,d sprung iii 111e

"michit is ii"" taking " alcivolot with ’lessor I cmos ’talker

SS tit:Itt sod she enjoyed her Ilium at ’.1St

"I really has e emoyed icing to school.- SS uight said -1 Ile kids are nice to me The leachers ale Ince to me "

Alter graduation. Wright said she plans to cinninue taking mcire class

"I lust %s ant to take classes that ’mind enjuisabte. " tight said " be ill irS lo gel laNiers degree."

COMO 510V MAY 17TH - 24TH

STUDENT POPULATION hut snu swamis *gym lot um, toclo


VOYAGE - Journey was aimed to track changes after famous author’s trek continued from page 1

consen h in. as he detailed both the ielatioll-

ship bet�� cell Steittheck and Ricketts and the I’a111011,1111) bellti:cii the tut, sinnlai trip,

students and current and wined Liculty member- attended Chnstensen s presenta tion that SS is accompanied sink:shirr%

relies illiediating Ins trip that started in san I /lett., and ssent ilorr it the Pacific coast. mound c also San Lucas and hack up into the Sea

111S cry interested in en risers :Ilion and is read steinbeck:s book. I he sea id c ’orte/.�said c Indy Pick. a 11111101tniyquic in biology "S\ bat 1 1i ’rind most interesting %rims the duller clues itt he et.ttittptial steins bel�NIXII then and nits%

Nora l’akiihs. a graduate student said she enistyed hearing the insight C hrtstensen of - teredim�lellibl’a

NAFICY - Poet writes his works first in Persian

continued from page 1

N�ii, :2110111:d dim it

�I Is rite in Persian lint. than I translate it into LttglishNaticy said in a (.,,f and . \ sess1011 alter the reading "1r:1,1111 is where I can express iny self."

Re/a \ /aim]. a teacher at San Jose c is College. said he firund it interesting to see a Persian poet lor the first time.

�1.0 he able to listen to someone translate Irons Persian to 1-.I111,11 Is ailla/ mg. :Ind he is %cry :when-late,- /amp said. "Ile is capable ol transmitting the message Ito Ins andience) and the 111r-ssagt� SS Iused on his peisonal esircrienc,



"I’m reading ’Canners Row and this pre-sentation reallv gas c me a ss hole nets perspec-tise on Stembeck and his influences.- liaktilis said.

Christensen talked about the friendship be-tween Steinbec in and Ricketts that turned into a %rotting relationship as they bras ekd together on a scientific ads enture to study the ecology in the Sea id c ’, ullc/ I lmstensen said

1 heir palmy ss as recorded in Stembeck’s nose!. "1 he Sea i4 I tInt, untten entirely I rom the tick-. kickelts recorded in his diary during the siv %seek top, I Instensen said.

In 2014. I ltristensen. along ssith a group ol scientists, decided to re-create the same s oy - age by stopping at the same 20 sites record-ed in the book over a period of wto months to immix citmparisons to the earlier observations. he saki

is anted to compare the change in the ecuil -s ’1 ’Imstens, I lid " \ ,and it to he

quite sast )11e 01 the changes Christensen observed

ss :is the Ilse in community -based conservation in \ lesico. he said

"I lies protect their coastline and it provides loi them." I ’hostensen said.

I hese conservation efforts are key in pro-tecting the ecology of the Sea of C.ortez and ensuring the sun is at of many species, c 1111,u:risen said.

he challenge we lace is to understand our tole in the ever-changing ecosystem."


(1111,1i:risen said. "In the Sea of I ortez, we can lelill its iii resilient living in this ever-chang-mmtc

Parr. %shit coordinated the event, thought bristerisen’s message was moving, she said.

"I was brought to tears," Parr said "A lot of us in the biology department are Ed Ricketis tans and the presentation was very in icg



ctlichaels *




Directions: From a take the

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From qp, take the

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