Spatially resolved measurement of high doses in microbeam radiation therapy using samarium doped...


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Spatially resolved measurement of high doses in microbeam radiation therapy usingsamarium doped fluorophosphate glassesGo Okada, Brian Morrell, Cyril Koughia, Andy Edgar, Chris Varoy, George Belev, Tomasz Wysokinski, DeanChapman, and Safa Kasap Citation: Applied Physics Letters 99, 121105 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3633102 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Optically erasable samarium-doped fluorophosphate glasses for high-dose measurements in microbeamradiation therapy J. Appl. Phys. 115, 063107 (2014); 10.1063/1.4864424 X-ray induced Sm3+ to Sm2+ conversion in fluorophosphate and fluoroaluminate glasses for the monitoring ofhigh-doses in microbeam radiation therapy J. Appl. Phys. 112, 073108 (2012); 10.1063/1.4754564 Comparison of secondary neutron dose in proton therapy resulting from the use of a tungsten alloy MLC or abrass collimator system Med. Phys. 38, 6248 (2011); 10.1118/1.3656025 Computed tomography dose measurements with radiochromic films and a flatbed scanner Med. Phys. 37, 189 (2010); 10.1118/1.3271584 Off-axis primary-dose measurements using a mini-phantom Med. Phys. 24, 763 (1997); 10.1118/1.597997

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Spatially resolved measurement of high doses in microbeam radiationtherapy using samarium doped fluorophosphate glasses

Go Okada,1 Brian Morrell,1 Cyril Koughia,1,a) Andy Edgar,2 Chris Varoy,2 George Belev,3

Tomasz Wysokinski,3 Dean Chapman,4 and Safa Kasap1

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9,Canada2School of Chemical and Physical Sciences and MacDiarmid Institute, Victoria University of Wellington,Kelburn Parade, New Zealand3Canadian Light Source Inc., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X4, Canada4Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5, Canada

(Received 31 May 2011; accepted 11 August 2011; published online 20 September 2011)

The measurement of spatially resolved high doses in microbeam radiation therapy has always been

a challenging task, where a combination of high dose response and high spatial resolution

(microns) is required for synchrotron radiation peaked around 50 keV. The x-ray induced Sm3þ !Sm2þ valence conversion in Sm3þ doped fluorophosphates glasses has been tested for use in x-ray

dosimetry for microbeam radiation therapy. The conversion efficiency depends almost linearly on

the dose of irradiation up to �5 Gy and saturates at doses exceeding �80 Gy. The conversion

shows strong correlation with x-ray induced absorbance of the glass which is related to the

formation of phosphorus-oxygen hole centers. When irradiated through a microslit collimator, a

good spatial resolution and high “peak-to-valley” contrast have been observed by means of confocal

photoluminescence microscopy. VC 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3633102]

Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) is an experimental

form of radiation treatment which has the potential to improve

the treatment of many types of cancer compared to customary

broad-beam radiation treatment.1,2 It is based on the markedly

different response of tumor and normal cells to this form of

treatment.3 A potentially interesting approach for MRT do-

simetry is the effect of valence conversion of rare earth ions

embedded in a suitable host material as discussed by the pres-

ent group.4 Various papers have demonstrated the possibility

of valence conversion of different rare earth ions in a variety

of host materials under different forms of excitation such as

x-rays, c-, and b-irradiation as well as near-infrared (NIR)

optical excitation.5–10 Among the rare earth ions, Sm3þ to

Sm2þ conversion is of particular interest because the domi-

nant emission bands of Sm3þ and Sm2þ ions are very easy to

distinguish, all dominant bands are situated in a red region

of the spectrum and make a good match to silicon based

detectors used in optical measurement. It should be stressed

immediately that Sm3þ ! Sm2þ conversion may provide sub-

micron spatial resolution with respect to optical storage of

information as was recently demonstrated.7,8

We present data on Sm-doped fluorophosphate (FP)

glasses as a potential dosimeter material to measure both the

dose and the peak-to-valley dose ratio (PVDR), a critical pa-

rameter for efficient MRT therapy. We demonstrate the effi-

ciency of Sm3þ ! Sm2þ conversion in these glasses,

measure the dynamic range of the effect, and illustrate the

feasibility of a spatially resolving dosimetric sensor based on

the confocal detection of photoluminescence (PL).

FP glasses used in this paper have been already

described.11 The x-ray irradiation was performed using syn-

chrotron radiation at the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy

05B1-1 bend magnet beamline, Canadian Light Source, Sas-

katoon, Canada. The spectrum of filtered x-ray radiation had

a maximum around 50 keV and is shown in the inset of Fig-

ure 1(a). The intensity of x-ray irradiation corresponded to

an approximate dose of 4 Gy/min. The steady-state PL spec-

tra were measured using an ASEQ Fiber input Mini-

spectrometer with spectral resolution better than 1 nm within

the 200–1200 nm range. The excitation source for all the

photoluminescence spectra was a laser diode with an emis-

sion wavelength at 405 nm.

Figure 1 shows the transformation of PL spectra due to

Sm3þ ! Sm2þ valence reduction appearing under x-ray irra-

diation. Chemically, this process may be presented as a sum of

two reactions Sm3þ þ e� ! Sm2þ and PO þ hþ ! POHC,

where e� and hþ are the electron and hole appearing under

x-ray irradiation, PO represents a phosphate group and POHC

stands for phosphorus-oxygen hole centre. The possible atomic

models of POHCs are discussed by Griscom.5 Figure 2(a)

shows the spectrum of optical absorption induced by x-ray

irradiation, and Figure 2(b) demonstrates that this spectrum

may be presented as a sum of several overlapping Gaussians.

Three of them marked as G1, G2, and G3 are of particular

interest and their average parameters are presented in Table I.

It is widely accepted that the radiation induced absorp-

tion is related to atomic scale defects appearing in a glass

structure and in some glasses these defects have been identi-

fied by comparing the induced optical absorption with EPR

spectra, e.g., Refs. 5, 12–14 show an example of such an

identification in fluorophosphate glass. It has been proven

that the POHCs in phosphate glasses form several absorption

bands in the visible and near UV parts of spectrum.13 Table I

lists their typical properties and compares them with our

results in this work. The agreement of the results implies that

x-ray induced absorption in our glasses is related to POHCs.a)Electronic mail:

0003-6951/2011/99(12)/121105/3/$30.00 VC 2011 American Institute of Physics99, 121105-1


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Further, the excellent match between the G1, G2, and G3

bands with those reported by Ehrt et al. would deem the

absorption arising from Sm2þ to be a minor effect.

Figure 1 suggests that the Sm2þ appearance during

x-ray irradiation may be characterized by the ratio

RðtÞ ¼Ð 713


Ð 713

676PLðSm3þÞdk, where PL(Sm2þ)

and PL(Sm3þ) are the PL spectra of Sm2þ and Sm3þ, respec-

tively. The time t in R(t) is simply the duration of exposure in

which 1 min corresponds to a dose of 4 Gy. The choice of

integration range from 676 to 713 nm is based on two factors.

First, there are PL bands of both Sm2þ and Sm3þ in this

spectral region. Second, the influence of x-ray induced darken-

ing (which occurs invariably under intense x-ray irradiation) is

not as important in this spectral range as at shorter wavelengths,

as illustrated by the x-ray induced absorption data depicted in

Figure 1(c).

Figure 3 shows that for a large variety of Sm-

concentrations, the time dependence of R(t) may be

universally approximated by RðtÞ ¼ R0½1� expð�t=sÞ�, with

s � 270 s where the parameters R0 and s do not depend on

the concentration of Sm. These results demonstrate that the

present material, as it is, may be used as a quasi-linear dose

recording sensor in a wide dynamic range covering about

three orders of magnitude up to �5 Gy and as a non-linear

sensor up to �80 Gy where the saturation is reached. Figure

3 also shows that R(t) seems to be practically independent of

the Sm concentration over a wide range of concentrations.

This fact implies that the rate of Sm3þ to Sm2þ conversion

and the subsequent saturation of the Sm2þ concentration are

controlled and limited by some dominant process which is

independent of the Sm concentration. The limiting process is

likely to be the formation of POHC. The results in Figure 3

support this hypothesis by showing a good correlation

between R(t) and the amplitude of POHC related absorption


Figure 4 shows a typical result from laser scanning confo-

cal photoluminescence microscopy measurements on an irra-

diated sample. It is clear that Sm3þ ! Sm2þ x-ray induced

conversion in fluorophosphate glass can be used for x-ray

FIG. 1. (Color online) The evolution of PL spectra under synchrotron x-ray

irradiation. The irradiations times are (a) 2 s, (b) 50 s, and (c) 2000 s, respec-

tively. Experimental data are shown by symbols. Emissions of Sm3þ and

Sm2þ ions are shown by thin (red and purple) solid lines. The inset in (a)

shows the spectrum of the x-ray irradiation. Broken line in (c) represents the

x-ray induced absorbance.

FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) The evolution of an induced absorbance under

synchrotron x-ray irradiation. The thickness of samples is 3 mm. (b) Tenta-

tive presentation of induced absorbance after 5000 s of irradiation in the

same sample as a sum of Gaussians associated with x-ray induced defects.

TABLE I. The comparison of central wavelengths (k), central energies (E),

and widths (W) of Gaussian absorption bands (G1-G3) observed in the pres-

ent paper with POHC data from Ebeling et al. (Ref. 13) The widths (W) of

Gaussian bands refer to the full widths at half maxima.

Present paper Values by Ebeling et al.

Bands k (nm) E (eV) W (eV) k (nm) E (eV) W (eV)

G1 321 6 10 3.86 6 0.12 1.33 325 3.82 6 0.04 1.12

G2 430 6 4 2.88 6 0.03 0.97 430 2.89 6 0.04 1.00

G3 521 6 3 2.38 6 0.01 0.56 540 2.30 6 0.02 0.50

121105-2 Okada et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 121105 (2011)

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dose measurements at high spatial resolution. Figure 4 repre-

sents the dose distribution in a FP10 glass sample irradiated

through an 8 mm thick tungsten/air microslit collimator

(MSC) manufactured by Usinage et Nouvelles Technologies,

Morbier, France. The microbeams are 50 lm wide and have

centre-to-centre distance of 400 lm. The simplified construc-

tion of the MSC is shown in the inset of Figure 4. The irradia-

tion time was chosen to be 5 min corresponding to a peak

dose �20 Gy which is close to the upper limit of the linear

response region. The dose distribution was evaluated by using

a modified CLSM (confocal laser scanning microscope) man-

ufactured by Molecular Dynamics with custom-designed soft-

ware. The PL excitation was done by a high-brightness LED

with maximum emission peaked around 460 nm. In this

experiment, the integrated PL of Sm2þ and PL of Sm3þ were

measured simultaneously and independently by two photo-

multipliers supplied with different optical filters covering the

spectral ranges 560-670 nm and 650-850 nm, respectively.

The ratio R(300 s)¼ PL(Sm2þ)/PL(Sm3þ) was computed

numerically. Figure 4 demonstrates the good spatial resolution

of the detector. The measured values for FWHM of the peaks

and the PVDR are comparable to those recently published for

FDTNs, which have the potential to be a prime candidate as a

dose verification tool in MRT.15

Initial experiments indicate that the current Sm-doped de-

tector plate is reusable after uv bleaching. On the speed of

measurement, Figure 3 shows that a significant transformation

of the PL spectra at the peak occurs in a few seconds, but

allowing for a peak to valley ratio of �100, this suggests that

an irradiation time of approximately a few minutes is required

for a satisfactory measurement. The 4f-4f transitions of the Sm

ions used here have lifetimes in the ms region, which necessi-

tates scanning times of a few minutes in a scanning confocal

microscope to achieve an adequate signal to noise ratio.

Research described in this paper was performed at the

Canadian Light Source, which is supported by NSERC,

NRC, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Prov-

ince of Saskatchewan, Western Economic Diversification

Canada, and the University of Saskatchewan. We thank

NSERC and the New Zealand Ministry for Science and Inno-

vation for financial support and Teledyne-DALSA for spon-

soring the project through NSERC.

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FIG. 3. (Color online) The ratio R(t) for glasses with varying concentration

of Sm and the intensity of x-ray induced Gaussians absorbance bands

(G1-G3) vs. irradiation time/dose. The lines are based on an exponential rise

with s � 270 s and varying values of R0.FIG. 4. (Color online) The Sm3þ ! Sm2þ conversion pattern induced by x-

rays through a microslit collimator and readout by luminescence confocal

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121105-3 Okada et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 121105 (2011)

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