Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet


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  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    S.o.S.planetspecialsimulation issue

    3464 Supplement . april14 2016. not to be Sold Separately



  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    CEAandBullare co-designingexascale technologies1

    CEAboosts industrial innovation

    Harnessing exascale computinganddataprocessingwill openunexploredperspectives for thenumerical

    simulation ofcomplexphysicalphenomenaandindustrial objects,by2020 andbeyond.

    Inorderto tacklethis challenge, CEA, inpartnership

    withAtos, isco-designing technologiesto:


    Process andmanagemassive flowsofdata



    Design fault-tolerant architectures TERA1000,developed inpartnershipwithAtos/BullaccordingtoCEA requirementsandinstalled in2016,

    is foreshadowingexascale supercomputers.


    le-Châtel site,TGCC(CEAVeryLargeComputing

    Centre) hostsCCRT(ComputingCentrefor

    ResearchandTechnology), a shared infrastructureoptimized forHPC.CCRTpartnersreceive1.4Pflops of

    computing power, aswell asservicesandexpertise

    supported byCEAHPC teamskills– anessential asset fortheirnumericalsimulations.


    AirbusD&S, Areva,Cerfacs,EDF, Herakles,Ineris,L’Oréal,SafranTech,Snecma,TechspaceAero, Turbomeca,

    Thales, ThalesAleniaSpace,Valeo, CEA aswellasFranceGénomiqueconsortium (supportedbyFrench


    Numericalsimulationofcombusion inanhelicopterturbo-engine- TURBOMECA

    Simulation ofsurfacecurrentson anaircraftnoseradome- THALES

    Aero-acousticnumerical simulationofa carinterior airconditioningsystem-VALEO

    1 - At the scale of a billion of billions of operations per second (exaFlops) and memory bytes (exaBytes).

    CEAat theheart of innovationforextremecomputing


    To know more  www-ccrt.cea.fr   Contact christine.menache@cea.fr

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    e are going to need more than the good inten-

    tions of governments if we are to limit global warmingto lessthan 2°nowandfeed9billion

    humans in the future. Public-sector and economicplayers must do everything in their power to meet thesechallenges. Although it is no miracle solution, simula-tion enables us to be good diagnosticians by predicting 

    changes, especially climate change. Simulation also

    provides invaluable decision-making tools to improvehowwemanageresourcesanddealwithnaturalhazards.

    By modeling living organisms, simulation will facilitatehuman existence on the only planet we’ve got.Scientists alreadyknowhowtomodelcrop andmicro-

    algae growth. And models can be created in every domain, as Antoine Petit, INRIA’s CEO, explains. Wecan use the same corpus of mathematics to simulate

    physical and biological phenomena, such as bioche-mical reactions and cell migration. Fluid mechanicstechniques used to calculate

    planes’ air penetration have

    been reused to model bloodflow around the body. Other

    techniques adapted to thepharmaceuticals industrywillsoonhelpussimulate clinical

    trials, thus reducing how long it takes for treatments

    to come onto the market. Coupling patient data withgeneral models is leading the way for patient-specificmedicine and more reliable diagnoses.

    Combined with artificial intelligence technology,

    models will become better adapted and more able to berebuilt from huge amounts of data. This means scien-tists will have an even greater responsibility. Just as theparameters chosen for climate models determines how 

    close they come to real conditions, so too the quality of modeling living organisms is the key to renewing 

    medical science and even human existence. Despitespace exploration, 9 billion human beings will have tolive on a single planet with limited resources.   ❚❚

    “Cmbid wihrifici

    iigc chgy,mds

    wi bcmbrdd.”

    9 Billion Humans,onE planEt


    l’usinE DiGitalE


    Président-directeur général: ChristopheCzajkaDirecteurgénéraldélégué: Julien ElmalehDirecteurdu pôleindustrie: Pierre-Dominique LucasDirectrice de larédaction: ChristineKerdellantDirectrice adjointede larédaction: AnneDebrayCoordinatrice éditoriale: AurélieBarbaux

    Chefd’édition : GuillaumeDessaixDirectionartistique: EudesBulardOntparticipé à cenuméro: ClaireLabordeetRebeccaLecauchois (secrétariatde rédaction) ;LaurentPennec (maquette)Supplémentde «L’UsineNouvelle» n° 3464du 14avril 2016(commission paritairen° 0712T81903)Ne peutêtrevendu séparément.Unepublication du groupeGisi,AntonyParcII -10 place duGénéral-de-Gaulle - BP20156 - 92186AntonyCedex.Directeurde publication: ChristopheCzajkaImpression: Roto FranceImpression77185LognesPhotode couverture: Julien Aubert/Finlay, Jackson,Olson,Gillet,UniversitéParis Diderot/IPGP/CNRS


    ayrf simuli   p.4


    ai pi, Ceo f Iri   p.6


    Wd simul hlw   p.8

    aFrchsvir fir p.10Krs f hl p.16


    olivirGu,MééFrc’s duydircrgrl p.18


    SMeS, urllmxrs  p.20


    Cybltch, umricl frmig p.26


    thwgriculurl rvlui  p.28


    nurrvld p.34


    affrdbl immrsi fr vry  p.38DESIGNOFFICE

    thqus fr fully umusvhicls   p.42


    nwrksf ccd bjcs,i’s chllg   p.44


    Slr Imuls100%clculd   p.46



    L’USINENOUVELLE i n°3464 supplEmEnt i apRil14 2016


    fieldintheearth’s core.



    Supplémentdu3464.14avril2016.ne peutêtrevenduSéparément



  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet





    FRanCE’s FiRstRiVERsimulatoR

    A consortium run by the Compagnie Natio-

    nale du Rhône took delivery of France’s firstriver navigation simulator in mid-March.This3D simulatorwasdesigned byAlyotech

    and is used for training and improving theskills of boat pilots navigating the RiversRhône andSaöne,especially the trickiest sec-

    tions. The device has a 10-metre cylindricalscreen with a 240° angle of vision, together with a helm station that can be configured

    into five types of boat. The pilot’s cabinequipment, as well as the signaling system,currents andwater-columndensity,weather

    conditions, river traffic, time of day, etc. are

    also modular. The scenarios include variotypes ofbreakdown and alerts to replicate

    many situations as possible.  ❚❚  J.B.


    Solar System


    Usingmathematicalmodels, resear-chers at the California Institute of 

    Technology (Caltech) believe they have discovered a ninth planet inthe solar system. They reached this

    conclusion while trying to explainthe behavior of celestial objects in

    the Kuiper Belt, beyond Neptune’sorbit. Six of these objects have an

    elliptical orbit converging to thesame point and on the same 30°tilt, suggesting that they are “attrac-ted” by an invisible mass. Since the

    probability of this being coincidenceis only 0.007%, the data could beexplained by the influenceof a ninth

    planet’s gravity. This hypotheticplanet could have an extraordina

    mass – ten times that of Earthand orbit twenty times farther frothe sun on average than Neptun

    Planet Nine couldalso take 10,0020,000 years to rotate around thsun.  ❚❚  JulienBergounhoux



    a nEW 3DsimulationClustER

    The it3D event, organized in autumn by the Bordeaux-based company Im

    mersion, boostedthe local 3D simulation industry. It even generated an idfor a cluster bringing together companies such as ESI Group, LumiscaphandDiodasoft. Usedintensively in theaeronautics andautomobile industri

    for the past decade, 3D simulation now needs to be assimilated by thesub-contractors over the next five years. The hardware has become accesible and «the ‘Factory of the Future’ plan launched by the French state

    a fantastic opportunity to introduce this technology,» explains ChristophChartier, Immersion’s CEO.  ❚❚  nicolAscésAr


    In2015,TERATECorganizedthefirstnumerical simulation trophies.Thesixprizewinnerswererevealedon23JuneattheTERATECForum,heldattheÉcolePolytechnique in Palaiseau (Essonne).Therewere fivecategories, showcasingthe simulation expertise of start-upsandSMEs,aswellastheabilityoftheFrenchpublic-sector research ecosystemto collaborate with private companies.SincethesimulationexpertiseofbigFrenchcompaniesisnowwell-established,theywerenotincludedintheseawards.Thestart-up


    thathasusednumericalcalculationtechnologytodevelopnew productsorserviceswas

    awardedtoPrincipia,whichissimulatingseabed-surfacelinks in offshore systems.TheEuropeanCenterforResearchand

    Advanced Trainingin Scientific Computation(CERFACS)wasthejointwinner(withTurbomeca) of the collaboration trophy,which rewards groupingsbetween a bigcompanyandanSME.Thisawardwasgivenfor collaborative simulation work on a turbojetcombustionchamberandfirst-stageturbine.TheinnovationtrophywasawardedtoHydrOcean,astart-upthathasindustrializeditsSPH(SmoothParticleHydrodynamic) simulationmethodforapplicationtofast,complexfluidflows[seepage24].Finally,thefirstjuryprizeforSMEprojects displaying exemplary innovation

    andpromotingtheuseofnumericalcomputation was awarded to Disteneforitsmeshgenerationtool,MeshGems.TERATECalsomadespecialmentionofDanielsonEngineering,anSMEthatdesignsand manufacturesprototype thermal enginesfortheautomobile,aeronautics,anddefenseindustries.Thecompanyisusingnumericalsimulationtodevelopdigitalmodelswithverysimilarperformancetorealengines. ❚❚JeAn-FrAnçoisPrevérAud

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    e v e n T s


  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    The European Center for Research and Ad-

     vanced Training in Scientific Computation(Cerfacs) took delivery of a new supercom-puter. Built by the Chinese company Leno- vo, with 240 teraflops of computing power(1 teraflop is equivalent to 1 trillion floating 

    point operations per second), and will triplethe computingpower at this Toulouse-basedresearch center.Some1.2million Euroshave

    been invested in this new computer, whichreplacesa20-teraflopHPsupercomputerand


    built by Bull. The Cerfacs is a fundamentaland applied research center specializing innumerical modeling and simulation. It deals

     with technical and scientific topics in variousfieldsofpublic-sectorandindustrial research:

    aeronautics, the automobile industry, space,climate studies, etc. Approximately 150 re-

    searchers, engineers, andadministrative staff  work at the Cerfacs. ❚❚ RidhaLoukiL


    Cnseqences f 100-yer Fl nPrs


    240tERaFloPs at tHE CERFaCs

    240x 1 trllnpertns persecn.


    tERa 1000 insERViCEat tHE CEa-Dam

    Atos has just delivered the first phase of thenewTERA1000supercomputer totheFrench

    Atomic Energy and Alternative EnergiesCommission, Military Applications Division(CEA-DAM).Thissupercomputerhasdouble

    the theoretical computing power of the pre-

     vious generation TERA 100 supercompu-ter and is five times more energy efficient.

    “The TERA 1000 is the third generationof supercomputer resulting from the Bull/CEA-DAM partnership, which started inthe early 2000s. The computing power has

    been increased 5,000-fold,” says FrançoisGeleznikoff, the CEA’s director of military applications. The first phase of TERA 1000

    comprisestwocomputing systems: onebasedonanIntelXeonE5v3processor andanotheronan IntelXeonPhiprocessor. This installa-

    tion is a forerunner of the future generationexascale (1,018 flops) supercomputers that will come into service by 2020. ❚❚  J.-F.P.

    if teRerSene brststs bns,te flwters

    wllrse grllynrent expectetcse

    csltes.a prectnmebytergnzersf te

    EuSeqnexercse,wc between te7 n18fMrc2016smlte 100-yerfl.Neerteless,

    fl le tene n 1910,wen teflwters rse

    8.62meters, wlemjr cnseqencesnte

    ile-e-Frnceregn’s lfenecnmy.accrngt

    nmercl smltnsby tePrsPlcePrefectre,

    sc fl clreslt n5mllnsster ctms,


    wttelectrcty.a stybyteorgnztnfr

    EcnmcCpertn ndeelpmentestmtes

    tt prperty mgeclbe3-30bllnErs n

    cst0.1-3%fFrnce’s GdPer feyers. ❚❚ A.B.

    Fluid Mechanics

    siEmEnsaCQuiREsCD-aDaPCoSieenshscqired CD-dco

    for 970 iion dorstocoeteitsortfoioofnericsitiontoosforrodcts nd indstrirocesses. CD-dco seciizesin fid echnics (Str-CD),soid echnics,eectrocheistry, nd costics.The conygenertes trnoverof roxitey 200iiondors,nincreseof12%yeroverthestthreeyers,ndeoys ore thn900 eoe.


    HYDRoCEanatBuREauVERitasBreVerits recenty cqiredHydrOcen,sin-offoftheÉcoe Centre de Nntesseciizing in nericsition of fid dynicsfor the ritiesector.HydrOcenwssetin2007byErwnJcqinndtheÉcoeCentre de Nntes. It rovides

    design ndotiiztionservicesforshis, offshore strctres,rcing ychts,nd rine-energyrecoverysystes.

    Sound andLight


    GEnEsisThe French softwre vendorOtis thtseciizesin ightsition hscqired Genesis,notherFrenchsoftwre vendorwithexertiseinsond

    sitionnd ercetion.Bothconies shre coonsition hiosohy bsed onsingthehysicsofhenoenthey site.Toos sitinghnsightndheringwihebothconies’ designers tkeccontof“serexeriences”to deveotheir rodcts.

      D  .  R  .

    L’uSiNENouvELLE I N° 3464SupplEmENT I apRIl 142016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    Simulation, especially modeling, is a core activity at the French National Institute for Researchin Computer Science and Automation (INRIA),as its CEO, Antoine Petit, explains.INTERVIEWEDBY AURÉLIEBARBAUX


    “moDElinG isacorEactivity

    at inria”

    What typef imulatin wrk de INRIAd?Modeling is a long-standing coreactivity at INRIA since w

    simulate models, which are needed in every field. But the b

    difficulty lies in designing appropriate models. For exampclimate modeling is extremelydifficultsince there aresever

    models rather than just one. Climate change controversihave all focused on whether or not these models are valiIt’shard toknow whether ornot a model is correct, especia

    since no singlemodel can take into account every parametYou have to omit someof the less important parameters, anthis causes disagreements.


    The French school of mathematics is regarded as one

    the best in the world. In some sense, we’re intrinsicagood at modeling. What’s good about modeling exercis

    is that they require the cooperation of mathematicians ancomputer scientists with people working in applied sectorTherefore, we are not better in any specific appliedfieldtha

    in another. We’ve developed our programs in response

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet

    7/48L’UsINE NoUVELLE i n°3464 suPPLEmEnt i aPriL14 2016   7

    “the Fehhfhe egded

    e f he be he wd. ieee,

    we’e gd deg.”

    interest in modeling from variousdisciplines, it happened in

    healthcare twelve years ago. But we work with every sectorand, on the whole, the techniques are always the same.

    What envirnmental reearch i INRIAcarrying utand whare yuwrking with?We’reworking with institutionssuch as Météo France, Ins-

    titut Pierre-Simon-Laplace, and the University of Versailleson climate modeling – more specifically on air quality – andin partnership with companies such as EDF, modeling wind

    circulation to help position wind turbines. Environmentalresearch is not limited to climate issues.

    Have yudevelpedthereult f thi reearch yet?Generallyspeaking,I don’t like theterm «development» since

    it’s often putinto thesame categoryas financialspin-offs.This

    isn’tnecessarily the caseand other types ofvalue can takepre-cedenceover monetary value.For example,over thepastthirty 

     years INRI has initiated 120 start-ups, which have created3,000 jobs. Several start-upsa year arelaunched in thehealth-care sector. It’s a bitearly forthis in theenvironmental sector,even thoughsome topics lend themselves to development.In

    collaboration with the citiesof ParisandSanFrancisco, we’vedesigned a smartphone application called SoundCity, whichmeasurescity noisepollutionandenables users tocollect data.

    We also have a project looking at microalgae as a protein andenergy source,modeling howenvironmental conditions affectgrowth according to microalgae type. This project is part of 

    the BIOCORE program in Montpellier.

    D yuneed newmdel t imulateliving rganim

    r canyu adapt exiting mdel?There’s often a common basis. For example, fluid mecha-nicstechniques usedto simulate aeroplanes’air penetration

    are now being usedto model blood flow aroundthe body. Wecan reuse an entire corpus of mathematics when we switchfrom one application to another.

    Hw many team wrk nmdeling?INRIA employs 2,700 people, including 1,800 researchers

    (600 of whom have permanent contracts). Modeling couldpotentially interest any of our teams, especially life-science

    research groups (25% of our total teams). Part of our work

    involvesrunning calculation codeson increasinglypowerfulcomputers. To move from petaflops to exaflops, we have

    dedicated simulation (rather than modeling) teams writing software stacks to get the best use out of these new super-computers. We’re working with manufacturers – especially Bull and Hewlett Packard – as well as on virtual supercom-

    puters to take into account processor-failure probabilities.

    Since some computer codes use much more electricity than others, we’re designing algorithms to minimize powerconsumption and are also working on dedicated hardware.

    Reearchi a lng-term effrtwherea digital technlgy mveveryquickly. Hwd yu recncile theedifferentpace?

    It’s a popular misconception that digital technology moves very quickly, although it’s true that this technology 

    can come onto the market very quickly. In 2003, the FrenchNational Science Fund, which was replaced by the NationalResearch Agency (ARN), launched three new areas of acti-

     vity: computer security, bulk data, and new mathematicalinterfaces. These are today’s research topics. But it would

    be a mistake to think that some amazing new research topicis going to emerge in six months’ time that will put all ourresearchers out of a job. They know what the topics of thefuture will be.

    What areyurmain current area f reearch?Everything relating to modeling and simulation, of course.

    We’re conducting research on the Internet of Things, dataandbigdata, developing newalgorithms fordata processing,

    display, encoding, and transport. Another major researcharea is cybersecurity, cryptography, and protocols. Roboticsis also a key topic and we’re very interested in autonomous

    cars.Wealsorun manymulti-disciplinary researchprogramsat the interface of various disciplines.


    We cooperate with companies in several ways. First, com-

    paniesbenefit from skills transferswhenever ourresearchersmove into the business world. We’ve also set up a dozen joint laboratories with the main industrialgroups: Microsoft,

    Alcatel-Nokia, Total, EDF, Orange, Alstom, Airbus Group,etc. What’smore, we’ve established many start-ups. Finally,our INRIA innovation labs collaborate with SMEs– on muchshorter deadlines than with big groups – to change inno-

     vations into products. We’ve already set up a dozen suchinnovation labs and another is currently being established

     with Safety Line, to reduce airplanes’ fuel consumption. In2015, we also launched INRIA Tech in Lille, with support

    from EuraTechnologie Center of Excellence. Although itsname is inspired by CEA Tech, we’re not doing the samething. INRIA Tech has a dozen engineers – and not resear-chers – providing initial responses to industrial needs. It’s

    got off to an encouraging start. ❚❚

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    Even if global warming slows down, it will continue to radically change our environment.Numerical simulation is helping predict these changes.BYALAINCLAPAUD,THIERRYLUCAS, ANDJEAN-FRANÇOISPREVÉRAUD

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  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet





    ofindustrialbuildingsbeforeconstructionhelpsassessandlimitthe dispersionof pollutantsintothe atmosphere.


    heagreement signedby195 countries at the COP21conference in December 2015 is historic, imper-

    fect, and very ambitious. Working towards global warming of less than 2°C – with an aim of 1.5°C to meetthe needs of the most vulnerable states – was not easy 

    to negotiate. Furthermore, funding for energy transition

    in developing countries is far from certain after 2020.Nevertheless, thingsseem tobe inmotion. Apart from their

    financial resources,Western countries havesomething elseto share and promote in the fight against global warming:

    their technological expertise in numerical simulation.Modeling natural systems helps understand and predictclimate change, of course, as well as the consequences of climate disruption (flooding, rising sea levels, and catas-

    trophes) and ways to optimize natural resources. In the

    race to calculate natural resources under threat – such as water– and resources thatneeddeveloping– suchas solar,

     wind, tidal, and other renewable energy sources – France, with its long tradition of applied mathematics teaching,is in a strong position. French researchers, industrialists,

    and a start-up incubator are working on new simulation

    models. They areaiming to reproduceevermore advancedphenomena on their computer displays and study new 

    approaches to numerical simulation making it easier foreveryone to take up.   ❚❚

    L’USINENOUVELLE i n°3464 supplEmEnt i april14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    French laboratories have become experts atsimulating our environment – whether air-conditioning systems, storms or major industrialcatastrophes – as demonstrated below.ByAlAinClApAud



    iBax, hrassscsa fa cf waswa aas.

    Just when we are seeing the first consequences of 

    climate change – including in France – simulation isplaying an increasingly important role in protecting 

    our environment andcombatingglobal warming. Simulation

    calculations are used on all fronts to protect the environ-ment: optimizing human infrastructures and water/energy resources, predicting coastal erosion in the face of rising 

    sea levels, forecasting catastrophes, modeling pollutionphenomena, etc. And French experts – at EDF, Suez, Veolia,the CNRS, the National Institute for Research in ComputerScience and Automation (INRIA), the Scientific and Tech-

    nical Center for Building (CSTB), and the National Researchand Safety Institute (INRS) – are often at the cutting edge of innovation, providing original solutions.

    proteCtion FromClimAteHAZArdSThe worldwide agreement signed at the COP21 confe-

    rence in December 2015 set nations new targets to limitCO2 discharged into the atmosphere. Many countries

    are already facing climate change. France – especially itscoastline – has not been spared, as Antoine Rousseau, anINRIA researcher in charge of theLEMON team (coastline,environment, models, and numerical tools), underlines:“Coastlines face three risks: storms and tsunamis, erosion

    and flooding. We need to design mathematical models tounderstand what’s happening long term, as well as ‘real-time’ risk-management simulation tools to evacuate floodzones in time,” he explains.

    It’s not easy. Every process brought into play – whether

     winds, currents or ground motion – is very complex. Theequations require vast amounts of calculation, not tomention the difficulty of coupling these simulations wheneach process changes at its own pace. Erosion is causedby water/sediment interactions when seabeds influencecoastal currents and vice versa. “Currents change within

    hours whereas modifications to sandy seabeds occur overseveral months or years. From a mathematical perspective,

    coupling phenomena is very difficult,” says Rousseau. Bit’s not impossible. A program funded by the French Natinal Research Agency (ANR) enabled Rousseau’s researcteam to limit silting up in the Sète (Hérault) area. The teaused their calculation codes to place geotextile “socks” o

    the seabed; these “socks” modify currents and hence limcoastal erosion.

    While simulation is invaluable for long and medium-terenvironmental forecasting, it is also essential fordealing winatural catastrophes. TheLEMON team is collaboratingclsely with theUniversity ofMontpellieronreal-time modeli

    of city flood scenarios. Their goal is to design tools for uby the Prefecture and firefighters during evacuations. “Thissue here is working out whether we need a rough, vequick forecast or should wait for a better quality forecasIt’s about finding a compromise. Mathematics has role play in improving the model (at constant calculation timand hence forecasting quality,” says Rousseau.

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    Suez Environnement is also interested in this operationalsimulation. “Intheeventof storms, wehave tomanage waterarriving suddenly in thenetwork,” explains BertrandVanden

    Bossche,who manages the R&D portfolio of the Smart Solu-tions business. In the Paris region, Vanden Bossche’s team

    has started installing extremely complexcalculation modelscombining meteorological data and radar image analysisfrom Météo France. “This enables us to calculate runoff, i.e.the volume of water that is going to pour into our network.Once we know the water levels in our storage basins andnetworks, we can organize the correct pumping strategy toensure wastewater treatment plants are not sent any more

     water they can actually accept. At the same time, we try toavoid dischargingpotentiallypollutedwater into the naturalenvironment,” saysVandenBossche. In Bordeaux, Suezhasgone even further using algorithms to control sluice-gateheight and launch pumping operations to absorb rainwateras effectively as possible.


    KaRimaÏt-moKHtaR,Director of the Environmental

    Engineering Laboratory

    (LaSIE FRE CNRS3474)

    Wha gsshaa



    We’re working onmaterials, especially onsimulating transfer of 

    aggressive agents. This will help work out how long structures suchas the Millau Viaduct willlast in relation to theirenvironment. The goal is todesign more eco-friendly coatings than those usedcurrently, which oftenconsist of chemicalcompounds with low 

    biodegradability. Anotherarea of research is focusing on buildings’ energy consumption and quality of life.

    of as swkg

    hca ascs,wh

    s ha?

    Our theorists are aiming tomake simulation cheaper

    and faster by developing new calculation methods.Computational FluidDynamics (CFD) codes use alot of computing resources,especially for long-termsimulations. But if you usemore approximate models,such as zonal or empiricalmodels, you lose thesubtlety of meshing.   ❚❚

    BetteruSeoFnAturAlreSourCeSSimulation can also be used to act on the causes of global

     warming,helping the main industrial countries reduce their

    CO2emissions. In particular, simulationhelps increase thelevel of renewable energy sources in each country’s energy mixby making themmorecost-effective. Photovoltaics, wind

    power, tidal turbines andnewenergysources require heavy investment. The five offshore wind farms authorized for

    construction off theFrench coast representa 7-billionEuroinvestment. It is thereforeessential to have reliable calcula-tionsof each turbine’s potentialwind power, i.e. estimateas

    accurately as possible how much energy it will produce overits life span. “Calculating wind turbines’potentialpowerover

    their 20-25-year life span requires sophisticated statisticaland dynamics models to understand wind interactions

     where turbines are located,” explains Pierre-Guy Thérond,director of new technology at EDF Énergies Nouvelles. Toachieve this, EDF is increasingly abandoning simple simu-lation models based on laminar flow. Instead, the company is turning to Navier-Stokes fluid mechanics equations (orCFDequations for fluid dynamics calculations),which haveuntil now been used in aeronautics. Thérond justifies thisfar more expensive choice in terms of computing power.“CFD models give a better representation of turbulenceeffects. In complex zones– i.e. very rugged terrain on which wind turbinesare surrounded by complexwind movements

    l’uSinenouvelle  i n° 3464supplement i apRil14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet





    and vortexes – the laminar flow hypothesis is no longersufficient,” he states. EDF’s approach has optimized wind-turbine location in relation to relief and to one another.

    This approach prevents the wake of the first wind turbinesfacing the wind from compromising the efficiency of thoseplaced behind them.

    Water is another natural resourcethat must be optimized.As a result of rising average temperatures and the world’spopulation increasing to 8 billion people by 2025, theamountofwater availableper inhabitant will dropbyalmost

    a third worldwide. France will notescapethis trendsince far-

    mers in southernFrance arealready affectedbywatercoursepumping restrictions every summer. Here too, simulationhas a role to play, as the Astuce &Tic consortium – whichstudied water-table changes on theCrau Plain – hasshown.The triangle formed by Arles, Salon-de-Provence and Fos-

    sur-Mer (south of the Alpilles) covers a water table that  very important for this region and is subject to both climaconstraints andheavy demographicpressure. FabienneTr

    lard, director of research at INRA, has assessed the impaof global warming and economic development on this areHer calculations show that a 14% reduction in grasslancombined with a 30% drop in irrigation water and a 30%rise in drinkingwater extraction would causea 1.5-13-metdrop in the water table, depending on the location studieThis key data must guide political decisions for urban devlopment in this area.

    Water supply networkoperators arealsodirectlyconfront

     with the need to protect water resources, especially fropollution threatening water quality. Suez Environnement simulating how pollutants spread through soil to assess timpact of agricultural fertilizer on groundwater.

    i Fbrry 2010, Cyc Xycbd w gd cffc– cd brc f vr dkd fdg Vdé.s2 wr kd, d wrgd by méé Frc.“t Frc Ggc srvy(BRGm) b cv xg Cyc Xy’ ycc rr bd r. t wbd rgy rc,” yFbrcDr, BRGm’ d f g-rfrc

    cg. t rcc mf, aXa d mffdd J rrc rjwc cr-cckd dwrc c. a d bdrw kg vry gr c fdg d(wr g, crr d) wbdgdg. td w ccrc rd rb dv rgrv cqc f ccr fr b. ❚❚

    Cc Xha – Sa gs c

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    improvinG inFrAStruCturedeSiGnWhile simulation promotes better use of renewable

    energy, it can also be used to improve construction work

    andmake buildingsmore energyefficient.“We’ve developeda simulation code called MATHIS (modeling buildings’aeraulics, thermics and unsteady humidity),” explainsMaxime Roger, director of climatology, aerodynamics,

    pollution, and water purification at the CSTB. This is noconventional fluid mechanics code, such as those used tomodel wind, but rather a nodal code representing every room within a building in the form of nodes. Each node isinterconnected to models representing air vents and otheraccessories in systems. Buildings’ ventilation, hygrometry,and other parameters can also be represented over a year,taking into account many different usescenarios.”TheCSTB

    believes this simplified simulation will facilitate its uptake

    by architects and design offices, especially for compliance with RT 2012 thermal regulations.Nevertheless, CFDcalculations are still essential for simu-

    lating more complex phenomena, e.g. studying the impactof buildings and infrastructures on their environment.

    Cheaper access to computing capacity makes it possibleto simulate how wind acts on a structure and takes into

    account the surrounding buildings within a several hun-dred-meter radius. More developed numerical models canalso simulate phenomena such as rain. “We know how tomodel driving rain in stadiumsor semi-open spaces, suchasshopping malls partly coveredby a canopy,” explainsSylvain

    Aguinaga,head of theCSTB’snumerical modelingdivision.

    It is impossible to carry out small-scale simulationof water

    droplet dispersion in wind tunnels; such phenomena canonly be predicted via numerical simulation. “Our clients –design offices and architects – therefore use concomitantrain/wind scenarios to predict whether or not terraces andgangways will be in the rain. We thensuggest modificationsto a building’sgeometry before constructionandhence limit

    these phenomena,” continues Aguinaga.Simulations of buildings’ microclimate are increasingly 

    sophisticated. The Center for Research in Architectural

    Methods (CERMA) – a CNRS laboratory now merged intotheNantesCenter forResearch in Urban Architecture – has

    developed solar simulation software called Solene. Thissoftware enables architects to view shadebuildings will cast

    A fgsca la Fa-s-m(vé),bas agahf f sghbhs.




    Find out more :


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    April 22, 2016!

    l’uSinenouvelle  i n° 3464supplement i apRil14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    td rb wbrgd J 2015 dccd

    u id’ (Fèr) wrgrd nvbr 2015.t D10 fr d rb dgdby sb b d f-z.sbrd grgcy ar– wc ddd bd rdu id – c c fr d rb.“Crr wr dd gbyrcrdg d -crr r.t wc

    b f d, wd ry,” y erw

    nc, d f ccgrg dg sb.t d rb’ rcr dbd wr zd g cc. CFD, wc w rqrdfrdd dg f cd crb fbr bd, wdby hydroc.egrdd ccdvbrry rg f fdbd, w rb’ fg. ❚❚


    on theground, calculate howlong sunshine will last at apoint in a 3D scene, and estimate direct natural light leveoutside buildings and in their rooms. Although these tooarenowstandard in architects’ anddesignoffices’ palette

    Solene has developed and integrated increasingly complfactors. The impact of grassyareas,pondsand trees plantaround buildings is now integrated into calculations. addition, for buildings’ thermo-aeraulic calculations, thSolene software can be coupled with fluid dynamics simlation tools such as those supplied by the software vendFluent. Simulating local microclimates means architeccan calculate as accurately as possible how comfortab

    buildings will be (both inside and outside) for their userThis would avoid buildings such as the recently construct20 Fenchurch Street skyscraper in London, whose solglare dazzles strollersby andmelts theplastic componen

    of vehicles parked in front of it.

    ComBAtinG pollutionAlthougha lot of resourceshave been poured into simul

    tingnatural phenomena, considerable investmenthas albeen made in simulating theeffectsof human activity. The

    is nothing unusual these days about consulting pollutiomaps for major cities, in the same way as we check weath

    forecasts. Vivien Mallet, an INRIA researcher, underlinthe progress made in forecasting since the 1980s: “Simlation and observations made using sensor networks nocorrelate more closely, which has really helped impro weather forecasts. This is especially true for air-qualiforecasts, which are often very uncertain,” explains MalleFor this reason, researchers improving these models ha

    installed many new sensors. Data from weather and aiquality monitoring stations – e.g. AIRPARIF – is alreadsupplemented by satellite images and is increasingestablished using the Internet of Things. Smart pollutiosensors have been installed on Lyon’s tramways and aexpected to appear on public streetlights in more and mo

    French cities. All these data sources will feed into numrical models to produce more reliable pollution forecastEven cell phones can serve as sensors. For example, thSoundCity application uses cell phones to measure cinoise pollution.

    Besides forecasting atmospheric pollution levels severhours in advance, simulation also helps respond to catatrophes. For example, we can simulate how a dirty bom

     would explode in Place de l’Hôtel-de-Ville in Paris; depeding on the weather, this will tell us the arrondissemenin which to raise the alarm. Numerical simulation is alsused when constructingnewpetrochemical facilities to s

    the impactof toxic discharged into theatmosphere. DurintheFukishimadisaster, theFrenchInstitute forRadiologic

    Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) made operationforecasts to find out whether or not the population wgoing to be exposed to radionuclide emissions. “We neehigh-quality weather data for reliable forecasts,” say

    Mallet.Radioactive smoke plumesmove according to windirection and the risk to the population varies according whether the wind is blowing inland or out to sea. “Weath

    Saba’s d10tb sca sa

    mg sacs asa bshc hbs caf hab.

         D .     R .

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    ns a pas,aw sgaa sf sahs.

    SC – lsg cs a sahs

    t sdCy cw dvd r f inRia’ Cylb v rc. t c rcr r dy g.“tc gv df rr xr, w d crrc cy ,” x Vvm, inRia rrcr. t rb rqyf rdg, wc rrd g b c r,by df,vry b. “t rjc k rgr cbgrc w brv gr-qy b r. Crry,

    g cd b 1 rvry 4 dy, yb 2-3%f c b d crrc .“W’r g rcry d ccw b crrc d r d frc.”   ❚❚


    l’uSinenouvelle  i n° 3464supplement i apRil14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    how much confidence we can have in these forecasts. W want to quantify models’ uncertainty in order to make thbest possible decisions,” explains Mallet.Numerical simlation is about aiding humans make the best decisions

    protect their environment. Equations developed in Frenclaboratories help achieve this goal.   ❚❚

    forecasts can be very uncertain, especially in light winds.During the Fukishima disaster, Japanese scientists usedoperational simulation to predict smoke-plumemovementsand decide when they could discharge gas into the atmos-

    phere to stop the reactor chamber exploding. Wenowwantto calculate not only where smoke plumes will go, but also


    Climate simulation models served as the basis for the conclusions of the IPCC report.Teams of researchers around the world are striving to complete and improve their models.BytHierry luCAS

    none of them appeared on the podium at COP21 or

    madeany decisions affecting the future ofour planet.And yet without them nothing can be done. We’re

    referring to the hundreds of researchers and engineers

    throughout the world who are modeling climate change,i.e. converting global climate phenomena into equations.The goal, after lengthy calculations using the world’s mostpowerful computers, is to predict likely temperature andprecipitation changes over the next twenty, fifty, and evenone hundred years.

    prediCtinGClimAteCHAnGe–CollABorAtiveWorKThis enormoustask, couplingvast amounts of simulation,

    is largely collaborative.Global atmosphere, landmasses(withtheir relief and vegetation), oceans, pack ice, clouds, atmos-pheric dust, CO2 and other greenhouse gases have all beensimulated. Experts are now striving to validate and coupletheir models. “The first atmospheremodels appeared in the1960s and were derived from those developed for weatherforecasting.Simplified ocean models have been aroundsincethe 1970s, but only became 3D from the 1990s onwards,”says Michel Déqué, a researcher at the French NationalCenter for Meteorological Research (Météo France).

    ComBininG20-30modelSIncreasingly powerful computers mean that atmosphere

    and ocean models can now be coupled. Demand from the

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) h

    boosted developmentof this technology since it is impossibto calculate CO2-linked global warming without a coupleatmosphere/ocean model. This core climate simulation central to the world’s 20-30 climate models.

    TheFrench research communityhas focused on twoglobmodels: one produced by Météo France and another by thInstitut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL), a federation of nispecialist environmental laboratories. Other major researgroupshave been formed: theNational Center forAtmosphricResearch (Colorado) and theGeophysical Fluid Dynami

    Laboratory (Princeton University, NewJersey) in theUSA; tHadleyCentre for Climate Prediction andResearchin theU

    and the Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology in German

    diSCrepAnCieSBetWeen reSeArCHerS’“meSHeS”There are no fundamental discrepancies between researc

    teams’ core models, even though each team has its ow

    method of dividing up the atmosphere for calculations. Fexample, each “mesh” in one type of meshing deviseda parallelepiped,100-200 kmlongonboth sidesbutbecomi

    thinner as it approaches the earth’s surface. The paramete(temperature, wind speed,etc.) withineach mesh areavera values,which arevariedovertimeto simulateclimatechang

    Laboratories are also developing many specific models fglaciers, aerosol impact, changes in vegetation, etc. Themodelshave eithernotyetbeen integrated into climate mode


    C-dgrrcr vbrgry crg r r c 1995.evry fv r x yr, Cmip (Cd mdircr prjc) v rrc rg wrd r rd rd cr. t rjc c d’rfrc,

    wr ydvrg, d frrrgr ccc.s crrd frCmip5 rvd b fr ff irgvr p CCg (ipCC)rr’ cc 2013. Rrcr r crry dggcr rr frCmip6.t ,

    f w cr vrcrd, w czdd –fr x ffc fr– wdrg r f .t xrc r xcd r 2016d 2017. svr yr’rrcw b dd cz r.

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet


    Sacaas fthHag,whchsckhphs2014.

    or have been done so in simplified form. “It’s not necessarily  worthwhile integratingeverything since this isn’t thebest useof computing resources or budgets,” says Déqué.

    empiriCAl eQuAtionSForSuB-meSH pHenomenAThe regularly observed discrepancies between climate

    models –especially during international atmosphericmodelintercomparison projects [see box opposite]– have already 

    given researchers a lot to do. The cause of this problem hasbeen identified by researchers as “sub-mesh” phenomena,

     which play a key role at a sub-mesh (i.e. smaller) scale. Sub-meshphenomenaincluderadiation exchanges, air turbulencein the atmospheric layer near the earth’s surface, the role of clouds and sulfate-containing aerosols, etc.Basing calculationson theoryalone isnotenough. Resear-

    chers need to fine-tune their models using empirical equa-tions, which are gradually being improved by the results of measurements andobservations. Clouds in particular, whichcover large areas above oceans, play a key role. “Althoughclouds have a significant impact on global temperature

    changes, their role remains poorly understood. Clouds are

    responsible for many of the discrepancies between variousclimate models’ results,” says Jean-Yves Grandpeix, aresearcher at the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD),a joint research unit on three sites: the École Polytechniquein Palaiseau (Essonne), the École Normale Supérieure, andUniversité Pierre-et-Marie-Curie in Paris.

    improvinGdAtA ACCurACy

    Climate-modeldiscrepancies led to projectsusingsatellitestomeasurecloudsin2007,the results ofwhichare startingtobe taken into account. As with other sub-mesh phenomena,each research team is fine-tuning its models by moving backand forth between actual results and expected values.

    Anotherchallenge forclimatologists is to fine-tune their cal-

    culations, i.e. reducemeshsize. Thispresupposessimulationprograms that can use supercomputer power to maximumadvantage by distributing calculations over many parallelprocessors. For this reason, teams of computer scientists(20-30 people at the Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace) workalongside physicists and now play a key role transforming climate models into effective simulation codes.   ❚❚


    l’uSinenouvelle  i n° 3464supplement i apRil14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    “a gfc f cp

    e deved zg de

    rher h c weher

    frecg. We d h g d


    The quality of weather forecasts depends on how much computing power we have,as Météo France’s deputy director general, Olivier Gupta, explains.INTERVIEWEDBY JULIENBERGOUNHOUX


    “WEatHERFoRCastinGREliEsComPlEtElY on simulation”

    impactonmesh refinementfora territory andonhow sophticated atmospheric calculations can be. The other essentiparameter is algorithms, which vary in their effectiveness solving equationsand incorporatingobservations to initiali

    models. A significant amount of computation time is devotto initializing models rather than to actual weather forecating. New data has to be integrated intelligently since it do

    not cover the whole grid. We mix old and new data and the weight the two. The skill lies in choosing the right weightinfor the initial state to match reality as closely as possibl

    Otherwise, the model will rapidly diverge from reality. Partour research involves fine-tuning these algorithms.

    Whoworkon theemodel?The Météo France research center in Toulouse, which employs 300 people, or 10% of our workforce. For models, w

    collaborate extensively with international centers, especiathe European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecas(ECMWF). It is an inter-governmental organization. We’

    co-developing an atmosphere model on a global scalARPEGE and the European model IFS are two versionAs a result of this collaboration, we exert a major leverag

    effect and obtain excellent results even with a modest-sizteam. We’re theleading organizationin theALADIN conso

    tium – which brings together twelve European countriethree North African countries and Turkey – on limited-armodels. This consortium is developing fine-mesh mode

    for 24-hour forecasts.

    Doyou tacklemore pecific field?

    Absolutely. Our team in Grenoble is responsible for snow

    pack simulation, to predict the risk of avalanches. Whichanother of ourroles.The team focuses on theatmosphere,

     well as themechanicsof snow-layer accumulation, howsnolayers are configured by wind, the probability of creep, etThey’ve developed a specific model for this research. We

    also committed to cutting-edge research on urban climamodeling. One of our research units is modeling town-spcific features, which helps local decision-makers assess th

    need for green roofs, whitewashed roads, and dampen

    WhatwaMétéoFrance’ role at theCOP21?Let’s put our role back into its proper place. The COP 21

     was primarily a series of political and strategic negotiations whereas we were involved in its preparatory stages. Météo

    France’s researchteams contributedto theIntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, which served as abasis for political negotiations. Weprovidedsimulations for

    the fifth IPCC reportthat were carriedout usingtheARPEGE-Climate model. The same modelused forweather forecasting 

    but set for climate simulation. Weather forecasting andclimate prediction are two aspects of the same science. Wealso initiated various COP 21 side events. In particular, we

     werebehind theC3 Challenge hackathon thatran throughout

    2015. There was also a scientific conference at UNESCO in Julyand the Climate Trainin collaboration withSNCF, which was the brainchild of one of our engineers. In addition, we

     were planning various events for school children but they had to be cancelled for security reasons.

    Whatroledoeimulation playin today’ weather forecating?

    A central and increasingly important role. Weather fore-casting and climate prediction are both based on simulating 

    the atmosphere. People often think that weather forecasting is based on statistics. They imagine us making comparisons

     with thepast andwith various situations todeducetomorrow’s weather by analogy. This idea, while widespread, is wrong.Weather forecasting has relied completely on simulation for

    decades. The quality of forecasts therefore depends on how much computing power we have. This power has a direct

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    “We’re he edg rgz he

    alaDincr – whch brg

    geher 16 cre – ed-re

    de. thcr devepg

    fe-ehde fr 24-hr frec.”

    We run the model several times, slightly changing its initial

    conditions to study various scenarios. We can now do thisfor the fine-mesh model rather than just the global model.Our contract runs until early 2019 and the supercomputer

     willbe upgradedmid-termto approximately 5 petaflops. Thiscomputer is split into two units:thefirst is fortheoperationalsystem whereas the other is for climate simulation research

    and for developing the weather forecasting operationalsystem of the future. Models must be tested before they are rolled out. Since it’s essential that we provide a conti-

    nuous service, the research half of the computer can switchautomatically to production mode to ensure an operationalservice. Furthermore, the two halves of this configuration

    are physically separated (by several kilometers) to guaranteeservice in the event of an accident. This supercomputer iscombined with a regularly upgraded storage system. We

    reached 40 petabytes of storage capacity this year, and willachieve a hundred or so petabytes by the end of 2017.

    Whydo yourent intead ofbuying?

    Since the equipment is replaced every 5-6 years, it doesn’tmake much difference. It’s a formality more than anything.

    We switchedto renting about tenyears ago(asdidequivalentorganizations) and only purchase computing power. Thesupercomputer is on our premises and we provide its power

    supply and coolants. But we have it on a rental agreement.

    What arethemain areaof imulation development


    We have four areas of development for simulating atmos-pheric phenomena. First, we want to take more and more

    observations into account. A lot of data now comes fromsatellites, with new instruments. Our first, and very complex,task is to invent new algorithms. We must then initialize

    the model intelligently, reconciling observations with resultsfrom the previous model. Data assimilation algorithms area big project and we must choose the most promising tech-

    nique. Our third area of development is physics (equationsfor models). Considering the full-scale experiments that are

    now possible, we must improve our modeling. One area of research involvesprobing whathappens inside clouds. We’reusing instrumented planes to achieve better understanding 

    of phenomena such as Cévenol episodes, which is helping us improve our equations. Our fourth area of development isconnected with resolution. The global model’s resolution is

    7.5 km whereas the resolution of the fine-mesh model overan extended metropolis (Western Europe and North Africa)

    is 1.3 km. Once you go beyond a certain resolution, new problems appear. For example, if slopesbecome toosteep the

    grid computing and numerical schemes must be modified.In addition, our code must be better optimized to hardware

    architecture. One of our main current research projects is onmodel scalability and adapting models to massively parallelarchitecture. This is a no-degradation, gain factor. For this

    research, we’re working with the ECMWF and the European

    Center for Research and Advanced Training in ScientificComputation (CERFACS), which is located on our Toulouse

    site and in which we are shareholders.   ❚❚

    ground and road surfaces. Our model can simulate the effectof these actions on the temperature, especially during heat

     waves. This is an increasingly important territorial issue inthefight against globalwarming. Some of ourresearchers are working on air quality. Others are simulating land surfaces

    since transfers, humidity, vegetation, andsoil sealing allneedto be modeled.We’re also simulating theupper ocean(waves

    and swell), running back-trajectories to calculate flotsam and jetsam and pollutant (hydrocarbon) drift. These are all jointresearch units attached to both Météo France andtheFrenchNational Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), which also

    ensures we have close ties with academia.

    Whattechnicalreourcedo youue?

    The supercomputer we’ve been renting from Bull since2014 is in Toulouse; its peak power is one petaflop. One

    of our tasks is to purchase computing power suited to ourrequirements, the models we use and their frequency at thebest possible price. This power allows us to produce imme-

    diate predictive models covering a few hours and focusedon France. We also provide overall fine mesh forecasting.

    L’UsINENOUVELLE i n°3464 suPPLEmEnt i aPriL14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    ThAicitypojct –dvlopd yAiaTchnologi – ta thinflunc of uilding intoaccountwhn aing

    howcity aipollutioni dipd ywind.

          A      r      i      A

          T      e      c      h      n      o      l      o      g      i      e      s


    smes, natuRalelement eXPeRts

    Climate change and the deployment of new energsources have given simulation a real boost. Offshoand even nuclear entrepreneurs and engineers havseized on environmental modelling. Some of the start-uand SMEs launched by these experts have made a re

    name for themselves on this new market. Here are eleve

    of these outstanding companies, which are highly rated bthe sector’s experts.


    Aria Technologies was set u

    in 1990. The company prduces a numericalsimulatisoftware suite andcarries o

    studies on air pollutant dipersion, climate analysis, anrenewable energy source

    Tools intended for industri

    lists – in cities suchasRomRio de Janeiro, Peking – and researchers. Some 65%

    studies carried out by Aria Technologies are exports. Thcompany’s climate change business is currently expandinrapidly. This work covers storm frequency calculations, thimpact of rising temperatures on urban pollution, and cidwellers’ energy consumption in fifty years’ time.KeYClients t, Cea,R, sz

    NUmTeCH Is PreDICTINGAIrPOLLUTIONNumtech is located on LPardieu Technology Pa(in Aubières, near ClermonFerrand) and specializes

     weat her fo re ca st ing ansimulating pollutant dispesion into the atmosphere.T

    company’soperational systems feed data 24/7 into airmontoring stations run by associations such as AirPARIF an

    AirPACA. Numtech opened its first subsidiary in Moroca year ago. Pierre Béal – the company’s founder – is allooking into providing pollution forecasts in very fine scalThis service, called NOA, is at the preparation stage ancould give two-hourly city pollution forecasts, accurate

     within a few meters. Ideal for planning your run!KeY Clients eDF, sz evr, t, arv, Cfr,arprf

    spcialization  Atmosphericsimulation

    Dattup  1990

    Location  Boulogne-Billancourt(Hauts-de-Seine), RiodeJaneiro(Brazil),Milan(Italy)

    Wofoc  45 people

    T/O (2014) 4million Euros

    Several outstanding French companies are atthe cutting edge of environmental simulation, whether of air and land phenomena, pollution,or renewable energy sources.bYALAINCLAPAUD


    spcialization  Atmospheric eventmodellingand simulation

    Dattup  April2000

    Location Aubière(Puy-de-Dôme)

    Wofoc  20 people

    T/O (2014) 1.3millionEuros

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet





    Meteodyn was set up by Didier Delaunay – a CSTB(French Scientific and Tech-nical Center forBuildings) re-

    searcher – andhaspositioneditself on the market for windand climatology numerical

    simulationusingitsown sol- vers.The company produces andmarkets a rangeof calcula-

    tion softwareandcarries outstudies forwind-farmoperatorsinEurope, China,andIndia.Meteodynnowemploys aroundfifteen people abroad. It also carries out calculations for theconstruction business, simulating building ventilation andhelping architects constructpassive buildings. Thecompany has diversified into solar energy and has carried out severalsolar-farm feasibility studies, especially for China.KeY Clients eDF, ibrdr, e, Gr ecrc,Jyf mdyWd ergyCpy (Ch)

    GeOmOD Is PreDICTINGPreCIPITATION ImPACTGeomod’shydrology business

    involves assessing the im-pact of precipitation on city  wastewater systems. Suez,

    Veolia, Lyonnaise des Eaux,and the Greater Paris Sanita-tion Authority (SIAAP) alluse

    Geomod’s calculation codes.But this is notthe only string to Philippe Bischoff’s bow. HehasalsopositionedGeomodonmore «land-based» calcula-

    tions. For example, noise maps for urban agglomerations of 

    spcialization  Hydrologyandelectromagneticwave pollution

    Dattup  October1995

    Location Lyon (Rhône),Brest(Finistère)

    Wofoc  12 people

    T/O (2014) 1.4millionEuros

    more than 250,000 inhabitants, and electromagnetic wapropagation maps. Geomod is collaborating with the CSTto develop its Mithra software suite.KeY Clients sz, V, ly d ex,siaaP,

    Byg trvx Pbc

    INNOseA IsOPTImIZINGmArINeeNerGY sOUrCesInnosea – a spin-off from tÉcole Centrale de Nantes –an engineering company sp

    cializing in renewablemarienergy (RME). Its businecoversallaspectsofRMEus

    As such, Innosea has carrieout calculations for EDF

    offshore wind-farm foundations in Courseulles-sur-M(Calvados) and Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). Innoseaengineersareworkingonthenext generation of floatingwin

    turbines, and on tidal energy and wave energy convertersKeY Clients eDF, eBW

    DATAPOLe Is PreDICTINGWAsTeVOLUmesIf ocean currents and vall

     winds can be modelled, wnothumanbehavior too? Thprinciple has inspired Datpole, a start-up establishe

    byFrédéricGagnaire in201The company’s initial id was to provide local auth

    rities with a tool for forecasting waste volumes generat

    by their citizens, thus enabling them to optimize resourcallocated to waste collection. Datapole’s predictive modeare based on collection data, weather forecasts, and shoretail data. Datapole has since developed its initial offer produce an electricity consumptiontool (PrediWatt), andw

    shortly be adding a building management tool.KeY Clients eg,PC ggr cy,Chvr Vy pbcwhry


    Nextflow Software is a spioff from HydrOcean, a spcialist hydrodynamics fir

    boughtoutbyBureauVeritin September2015.Nextflo

    has taken over HydrOceansoftware vendor businesA dozen people have join

    thisstart-up, including Erwan Jacquin,HydrOcean’s found

    Nextflow’s current business should ensure a 1-2 millionEuro turnover, and the company will continue workin

     with the École Centrale de Nantes to codevelop simulatiomodels.Nextflow hasparticularexpertise in simulatingwaeffects,which is invaluable fordesigning shiphulls,offshoplatforms, and for building offshore wind farms.KeY Clients R, mch, arbHcpr

    spcialization   Fluidmechanicssimulationsoftware

    Dattup  June2015

    Location Nantes(Loire-Atlantique)

    Wofoc  10people

    T/O   Not applicable

    spcialization  Simulation ofrenewablemarine energy sources

    Dattup  2012

    Location Nantes(Loire-Atlantique)

    Wofoc  21people

    T/O (2014) 732,000Euros

    spcialization   Forward-lookingresourcemanagementsoftware

    Dattup  May2010

    Location Paris– LaPlaineSaint-Denis(Seine-Saint-Denis)

    Wofoc  11 people

    T/O(2015) 410,000Euros


          M      e      T      e      o      d      y      n

    spcialization  Simulation ofrenewableenergy sources

    Dattup  2003

    Location Nantes(Loire-Atlantique)

    Wofoc  50 people

    T/O (2015) 3.2millionEuros

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



    OPTIFLUIDes IsmODeLING FLUIDDIsPersIONOptiFluides is located on LaDoua science campus in Vil-leurbanne (Rhône) and has

    developedprocess simulationand modelling expertise. Toachieve this, the start-up’s

    founderNicolasBoissonusedsimulation codes produced by the software vendor Fluent.OptiFluide’s calculations simulate flows in industrialplants,

    thus enabling petrochemical companies to optimize theirprocesses. OptiFluide also models air pollutant dispersionas part of risk assessments for industrial sites.KeY Clients t, eDF, Br sc, svy

    OPeNOCeANFOrWeb-bAseDOCeANANALYsIs Jérôme Cuny and RenaudLaborbe set up Open Ocean

    in 2011 to put their oceansimulation knowledge online.Although simulation codes

    are very complex and gene-rate large volumes of data,Open Ocean gives access to

    calculation results viaa simpleweb interface. Thecompany’sMetoceanAnalyticsplatform is the fruit of three years’work.This platform is for industrialists developing projects in thetidal energy, offshore wind turbine, and offshore oil sectors.OpenOcean’s clients include EngieandSabella.OpenOcean

    raised 1.6 million Euros in 2015 and intends to increaseits workforce from 11 to 16 people by the end of this year.

    KeY Clients eg,sb


    AmpliSIMwas set up inPar

    in 2015 by Sylvie Perdri– a former Aria Technolgies’ employee – and OliviOldrini, the founder of th

    consultancy firmMokili. AmpliSIM offers an air-quali

    simulation service for desigand engineering offices. This cloud-based service assesstheimpactof industrial-plantandroad-traffic pollutant emsions on surroundingneighborhoods.AmpliSIM’s founde

    use open-source simulation codes recommended by the UEnvironmental Protection Agency, and free software (OpeFoam and EDF R&D department’s Code_Saturne softwarAmpliSIM is currently negotiating with Qarnot Computinand Bull to increase its computing power.KeY PaRtneRs B, eDF


    EDF SFisa spin-offfromEDlaunchedby three researche

    at EDF’s R&D departmenTheywantedtoset upa company to market the fruit

    their research. Their Pegasoftware (an EMS – energmanagement system) us

    energy consumption and meteorological data for precimanagement of battery charging/discharging processcoupled to wind farms and photovoltaic panels. This soltion is suitable for islands since batteries compensate fintermittent energy resources. Following a pilot project La Réunion, EDF Énergies Nouvelles’s photovoltaic powstation inFrenchGuianawas the first facility tobenefit froPegase’s calculations.KeYClients eDF Érg nv, Écrcéd my,erc

    spcialization  Simulation ofliquid,gas, andmultiphase flows

    Dattup  June2011

    Location Villeurbanne (Rhône)Wofoc  5 people

    T/O (2015) 400,000Euros

    spcialization  Energymanagementsoftware

    Dattup  March2014

    Location IncubateurAgoranov(Paris)

    Wofoc  10people

    T/O (2014) 474,000Euros

    spcialization  Online solutionsfor ocean/weather analysis

    Dattup  2011

    Location Paris andBrest(Finistère)

    Wofoc 11 people

    T/O (2014)  96,500Euros


    OpnOcan’onlindciion-aingtoolcanodlocancunt, wind,andwav.      o      p

          e      n      o      c      e      A      n    ;      A      M      p      l      i      s      i      M

    AplisIm i aingth ipact of pollutanton aiquality inuanand indutial nvionnt.

    spcialization   Air-qualitysimulation

    Dattup  March2015

    Location Paris

    Wofoc  2people

    T/O   Not applicable

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet



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    Les28&29 juin / June 2016

    Ecole PolytechniquePalaiseau - France


    L e r e n d e z - v o u s i n t e r n a t i o n a l

     T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l m e e t i n g

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    Platinum Sponsors :   Gold Sponsors :   Silver Sponsors :

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    Agriculture needs to produce bigger, higher quality  yields while also reducing its pollution. CybeleTechhas taken up this challenge by incorporatingfarmland data into plant-growth simulation.byJean-FrançoisPrevéraud

    a reaL sTar



    What do you get if you take an agronomist, a nume-rical simulation researcher,a student engineermad

    about IT developments, an agri-food marketing expert and bring them together under a name evoking thePhrygian goddess of nature and abundance? CybeleTech, of course – a French start-up established at the end of 2011to model plant growth. “As is often the case, CybeleTech’sstory is first and foremost about human encounters rather

    than technology,” explains Marie-Joseph Lambert, NovartisAgro’s former director of business forecasting. Together with the mathematician Christian Saguez, his PhD stu-dent Paul-Henry Cournède, and two other members of theDigiplante team (Professor Véronique Letort – Cournède’s

    deputy – and Benoit Bayol), Lambert is one of CybeleTech’sfive cofounders.

    Ml b rl-Tm MmtSaguez metPhilippedeReffye – the agronomist in this story 

    (who is not one of CybeleTech’s cofounders) – in the early 2000s. Together they developed a model to simulate plantgrowth and architecture, for use in agronomy and imaging.In 2003, they set up the Digiplante joint research unit at

    the École Centrale de Paris. Under Cournède’s leadership,this research team developed a plant-growth model usedin an online tourist application produced by Île-de-Franceregional council: 3D simulation of the gardens at the Palaceof Versailles.

    This application appealed to Lambert, who was looking 

    for a plant-growth model to synthesize and exploit his owndata. “I thought, if these guys can produce this, I need tomeet them,” he recounts. Several projects were launched to validate the feasibilityof this approach and test its relevance.Following successfulresults, Saguez, Cournède andLambertset up CybeleTech at the end of 2011. The company’s firstorders came from a satellite operator that wantedto develop

    its image-based service offer, and a seed company that hastarted using modelling for genotype selection.

    CybeleTech’s expertise enabled Digiplante’s mechanistplant-growth models to be combined with satellite imagshowing plantbiomasspotentialat anypointona givenpie

    of land. According to theweatherconditions forecast, farmecan now calculate the correct fertilizer and phytosanitatreatment needed to achieve set added-value targets whialso causing as little pollution as possible.

    Tw Plt PLMThis solution means farmers can base their decisions o

    real-time crop measurements rather than on extrapolationfrom previous years’ experience. It is now possible to accurtely predict disease onset according to a plant’s actual stagof development. Consequently, farmers can give plants moprotectionwhilealso intervening less often. In theshort termthis approach will meet the challenges facing agriculture:

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    director of industrial relationsandsubsidiaries at the FrenchNational Center for SpaceStudies (CNES).At the sametime,hewasalsoaprofessorat theÉcole Centrale de Paris,wherehesetuptheMathematicsApplied toSystems(MAS) Laboratory. Hewas president of the TER@TECAssociation (EuropeanCompetence Center for High-PerformanceNumericalSimulation) until 2009. He is amemberoftheFrenchAcademy

    of Technology’s Communicationand IT TechnologyCommission,aswellaspresidentoftheScilabConsortium.

    Paul-HEnRYCouRnèdE,sctfca – Cf

    Paul-HenryCournèdegraduatedfromtheÉcoleCentrale deParis(1997)and Cambridge

    University,andhasaPhDinapplied mathematics (2001).HeisdirectoroftheCentraleSupélec’s Digiplanteteam, working on mathematicalmodelingofplantgrowthintheMAS laboratory.



    maRiE-JosEPHlamBERt,dct – Cf

    Marie-JosephLamberttrainedinsalesand marketingbefore pursuinghis careerin various

    industrial groups. He becameNovartis Agro’s directorofcommercial policy anddistribution marketing in 1997,and itsdirector of businessforecasting in 2000. After the

    company merged with Zeneca,he was key accountmanagerEuropefrom2001to2005,before joiningCybeleTech asits director.


    ChristianSaguezgraduated fromthe ÉcoleCentrale deParisin 1972,andwas

    director of international andindustrial relations at the FrenchNational Institute for Researchin ComputerScience andAutomation (INRIA).Hesubsequently founded andwasCEO of Simulog, and was also

    increase production 1.5-fold while also reducing inputs by 30-40% and improving the sanitary quality of products.

    “The next stage of this technology will enable farmers toselect plant varieties for sowing and draw up a completeprotocol for growing them on a given piece of land, varying this protocol according to the qualities expected in the end

    product. It will be a sort of ‘plant PLM’ [ed. note: productlifecycle management], connecting every step of the process

    from start to finish,” explains Lambert. CybeleTech currently carries outa dozenadhocstudiesa year forindustrialists,butits short-term plan is to provide online services for farmers.This will provide farmers – via their cooperatives – with

    the seed and inputs they need to maximize yield on eachpiece of land. CybeleTech is currently working on arable

    crops (cereals, oilseeds), market-garden produce (tomatoes,strawberries), and perennial crops (vines). The company plans to expand into forestry (developing the value of forestresources, adapting to climate change), andtropical products(coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, bananas). For Lambert, thismeans CybeleTech could generate turnover of 5-10 millionEuros over the next five years.  ❚❚

    L’usine nouveLLe I N°3464SUPPLEMENT I APRIL142016

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    Challenges in agricultural modeling – simulating wheat growth, optimizing inputs, predicting milk production, etc. – have spurred on start-ups and yielded a bumper crop of innovations.byADRIENCAHUZAC


    tHE nEW


    Airinodronescalculatethe nitrogen requirementsof wheat andrapeseed.

    Jean-Hilaire Renaudat farms 1,200 hectares north

    Châteauroux (Indre) and belongs to a new generatioof farmers at the cutting edge of digital technology.

    a few days’ time, he will be applying nitrogen fertilizer

    his soft wheat, barley, and rapeseed crops. What’s speciabout this is that the amountof fertilizerRenaudat appliesentirely adjusted todata collectedby sensors onhisfield cr

    sprayer.TheN-Sensor software developedby theNorwegigroupYarameasurescrops’ light reflectance to calculate thbiomassandnitrogenrequirements. TheGermanagricultur

    giantBayeruses the samemethod to adjust fungicide leve

    as does a combine harvester-mounted software prograthat calculates yields in real time while they are harveste

    Renaudat sees many advantages in using these new tool

    “We made a return on our investment within four yearWe’vecutdown onnitrogen fertilizer,have less crop diseas

    andproducehigher,more protein-richyields,” he says, cleadelighted. Renaudat also uses his smartphone to calcula

    the nitrogen requirements of his rapeseed.As in industry, digital tools mean farmers can now ke

    track of running their business. Above all, these tools hefarmers anticipate, increase yields, and predict the quanti

    and quality of harvests even before production is over. Th

    radical shake up has been dubbed the “third agriculturrevolution” in some quarters, following the first revolutio

    that turned agriculture into a commercial business and thsecond that mechanized it and introduced chemical fertilzers to increase yields. The past few years have witnesse

    an abundance of decision-making andsimulationsolutionadjustedirrigation, crop-disease forecasting, yield simulatiomilking robotsondairy farms,calving prediction, automat

    cowshed cleaning, etc. “One of the main challenges is improve eco-friendly crop management by limiting the uof agricultural inputs,” says Jacques Mathieu, director Arvalis Plant Institute.

    RequirementsCalculated toWithina SquareMeterArvalis and Airbus Defence& Space developedFarmstar

    2003; it was one of the first systems to make crop-managment recommendations based on satellite photos. Althou

    Farmstar has always been very popular with farmers, oth

    systems have gradually caught up. Drones are now usefor precision farming, and France seems far ahead of othEuropean countries on this technology. Airinov is a start-uthat was established in a barn in Poitou-Charentes by tw

    engineers and a farmer’s son back in 2010. Within a fe years, the company has become the French number one oagridrone-based recommendations for nitrogen fertilizatio

    Airinov has developed quad-band sensors that can, fexample,work outrapeseedweightandcalculatechlorophlevels in wheat using green and infra-red light wavelength

    emitted by the plants. Airnov then calculates how mucnitrogen is required for each square meter of a land parce

    “Our technology is the most advanced in Europe. Aftfive years of trial and error, we found our business modthanks to a partnershipwiththeFrench dronemanufactur

    Parrot, which invested capital with us,” explains RomaFaroux, Airinov’s cofounder. Airinov’s technology offe

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    “Our start-upsmustmoe into the industrial phase”

    maRinE PouYat,Director of theRenaissance

    Numérique think tank andheadof

    thelegal department at theFrench

    Federationof E-commerceand


    Whdid ousend thegoernment

    anofficial report on agriculture and

    digital technolog lastNoemer?

    Agriculture is facing many challenges. It must feed theplanet, be eco-f riendly , make its

    profession more attractive, as well as reconnect withconsumers and win back their

    trust. We’ve made sixteenproposals to rethink agricultural

    production, distribution and

    consumption in the digital era.

    Whatare theseproposals?

    We want farmers to receivetraining and support topurchase precision digital tools,

    especially tools reconciling yieldtargets with sustainabledevelopment. We also suggest

    setting up regional open dataexperimental programs in somebranches of agriculture. This

     will bring production costs andretail prices back into balance.What’s more, we believe that

    cooperatives – which haveaccess to agricultural and

    market data – should be at theforefront of agricultural big data

    strategies to defend farmers’interests.

    HasFranceadequatel got the

    measureof thisnewagricultural


    France has a large pool of start-ups, which must now move their solutions into a

    more industrial phase. Frenchpublic and private stakeholders

    should seize on this officialreport now or else it will be toolate. We’re facing internationalcompetition from very powerful

    groups.  ❚❚

    We equip,you compute

    Genci (Grand équipement national de calcul intensif)makes available powerful HPC resources to French scientific

    communities and also to industrials wishing to conduct researchin link with an academic PI, in all fields.

    Climate changes

    Propagation of major firesReducing pollutant


    Prevention of  seismic damages

    L’USINENOUvELLE  i n° 3464supplement i apRil14 2016

  • 8/18/2019 Special simumlation issue : S.O.S Planet




    many benefits. “Although satellite images are expensive,they’re worthwhile if you can recover the cost on large landparcels or areas. Drones can be used for more occasional

    missions, even though they’re still expensive to access [Ed.note: 25,000 Euros for Airinov’s solution],” says Véronique

    Bellon-Maurel, director of the ecotechnology departmentat the French National Research Institute of Science andTechnology for the Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA).

    Since 2014, several chambers of agriculture in the Grand-Ouest region of France have been offering decision-making 

    services based on drone images. “Drones fly over area very quickly and precisely. Weather conditions sometimmake it harder to use satellites, although drones can’t fly

    strongwind,” saysNassimHamiti, anagricultural equipmeproject leader at the Permanent Assembly of Chambers

    Agriculture (APCA). Another constraint is that, for the timbeing, drone-based services are limited to nitrogen-inp

    recommendations for rapeseed and soft wheat, althoug

    Airinov is extending this to other crops.Many other French start-ups like Airinov have appeared

    the field of agricultural digital technology. After tough ear years, some of them are consolidating and have moved in

    a more industrial phase. One example is Naïo, a Toulousbased start-up established in 2010. Naïo developed the O

    robot formechanicalweedingofmarket-garden crops on laparcels covering less than ten hectares. “Oz features eleveinfra-red sensors on its front and sides, together with fo

    electric-motor driven wheels. These wheels are powered blead batteries giving Oz four hours of autonomy,” explaiGaëtan Séverac, Naio’s cofounder. Although Naïo has on

    soldabout thirty of itsOzrobots–whichsell for 21,000Eur

    “or chege pre

    h d hrd pre.

    se f he, kethe,

    cd e e pgrwh.”

    Frç Her, rof hFrh noi foragrrRrh (inRa)

    Aralismodels theresistanceof plants towater shortageusingsensor dataand cameras(RGb imagesof photosnthesis).

           p       a       s       c       a       l       G       u       i       t       t       e       t

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    each – the company has just developed Oz’s big brother: ahigh-clearance robot called Anatis. This robot was designedin collaboration with the French manufacturer Carré and is

    for weeding land parcels bigger than ten hectares. But that’snot all it does since Anatis features 3D cameras and many sensors to collect data on humidity, soil temperature, weed

    infestation, density, and plant development stage.Digital technology is also radically changing agricultural

    research, leading technology institutes to adapt their researchprograms. Two of Arvalis Plant Institute’s experimentalfarms are currently specialist “digital farms”. The first – inBoigneville (Essonne) – specializes in arable crops,while the

    second – in Saint-Hilaire-en-Woëvre (Meuse) – specializes

    in mixed farming and cattle rearing (beef production). By the end of 2016, both farms will have implemented digital

    productionmanagement, combining existing techniqueswithtest tools and prototypes from external companies.

    A Phenotping Experimental StationFundamental research is also adopting digital tools to

    improve its efficiency. Since 2013, the French NationalInstitute forAgricultural Research (INRA) hasbeenworking 

    to f fro ghoogy, w gor ggo hg. thagro edi erooo– wy yrgo y grrorgzoo rov ry xhg whyoryr r – rzg ro-g. “th w ggho oro yh of h

    fr hf of 2016 w y rr o ro oror.coorv hr ofgrr w o hg

    rory,” ybro pré, ceO of agroedi ero. th oooworkg whh uoFrç sr(uFs, Frh r oofor o rr)o roo, horyoro rz or og oror. “th wfFrh r,

    kg hor rov v,” y pré,who ho h Frh yw ro o ero. ❚❚


     with Arvalis on a national high-throughput cereal phenot

    ping program called Phénome. One of the main platformfor this 24-million Euro project jointly funded by the Fren“Investment for the Future” initiative is in the commune

    Ouzouer-le-Marché, deep in Le Loir-et-Cher. This site height large, mobile greenhouses in the middle of a fielSensors measure rainfall, soil humidity, wind, etc. At thfar end of the land parcel is an imposing boom on a ramounted gantry. This boom – fitted with many sensors ancameras – takesphotos toanalyze plants’ phenotype(i.e. th

    physical characteristics) and chlorophyll content. “The gois to create controlled water stress in plants and stop rafalling on the plot,” explains Yann Flodrops, director of th

    experimentalstation.Thispioneering Europeanprogramwhelpscientists select varieties consuming less inputs (watnitrogen, and pesticides) and identify phenotype genes.

    Orléans – Plant Digitalvalle

    The adventof thousands or evenmillions piecesof agricutural data from fields and research programs presupposhigh-securitydata storage facilities.The INRA hasbuilt twdata centers – oneinToulouse(Haute-Garonne) in2014 an

    another in Bruyères-le-Châtel (Essonne) in October 201– which each cost four million Euros. “The challenge is

    promote this data to third parties such as Thales, whicuse it to simulate plant growth,” says François Houlliepresident of INRA.

    Although entering the digital era is a major change fagriculture, digital projects and initiatives remain scattereFacedwith globalforeign giantsat thecuttingedge of agricutural digital technology – such as John Deere and Monsan

    – French projects urgently need to pool their efforts. Som joint initiatives are starting to emerge: for example, ththree-year Smart Agriculture System project launched 2014. This project brings together the Végépolys, CéréalVallée, DREAMEau&Milieux competitivenessclustersanprivate groups suchasLimagrain. Its purpose is todesign

    innovative wheat modeling, yield forecasting, and decisiomaking system.

    “Seed companies will be able to market their seeds faste

    Farmers will be able to discover constraints more quickpredict water requirements, and increase production. Th

     will give a real competitive advantage,” says an enthusiastChristian Saguez, CEO of the start-up CybeleTech, one the project’s partners. Alongside this project, a plant digit

     valley – Agreen Tech Valley – is to be established in Orléaand its suburbs (Loiret) in 2017. This initiative is expecteto bring together several agricultural companies – such

    Axéréal, Kuhn and Sofiprotéol – as well as the University Orléans. “France has all the skills it needs to hold a stronposition in the internati