Specialized Cells



Specialized Cells. Specialized Cells. A multi-cellular organism has levels of organization. All cells, tissues, and organs have specific functions. Specific functions requires specific abilities to fulfill roles!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Specialized Cells

Specialized Cells• A multi-cellular organism has

levels of organization.• All cells, tissues, and organs have

specific functions.• Specific functions requires

specific abilities to fulfill roles!

• You started life as a single fertilized egg (1 cell) -> multiplied to be many cells-> cells DIFFERENTIATE to perform different functions in different parts of your body

• SPECIALIZED CELL- cell that can perform a specific function, certain genes are turned “on” and others “off”

Specialized CellsSpecialized Cells

Cells that have physical and chemical differences that allow them to perform one job very well.

Specialized Cells

Lung tissue cells are different from brain cells, are different from intestinal cells, are different from blood cells, are different from skin cells, are different from nerve cells, are different from…….

• EMBRYOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgT5rUQ9EmQ

Specialized Animal Cells

Specialized Cells - Animals Red Blood Cells

Contains hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.

Smooth – they easily pass through blood vessels.

Specialized Cells - Animals Skin Cells

Fit together tightly forming a protective barrier and reduces water loss.

• SKIN CELLS- provides protection from external environment, reduces H2O loss

• BONE CELLS- collect calcium from food, allow growth and repair of bones, build up bone around them

• FAT CELLS- have large vacuoles to store fat molecules (chemical energy)

• SKELETAL MUSCLE CELLS- arranged in bundles called MUSCLE FIBRES, contract/relax to make bones move

• CARDIAC MUSCLE CELLS- beat on their own continuously; as a tissue, they undergo synchronized contractions and conducts electrical impulses even when not stimulated by a nerve impulse

• RED BLOOD CELLS- carry O2 and CO2 around the body

• WHITE BLOOD CELLS- ameoboid cells, engulf bacteria and fight infection

• SPERM CELLS- have flagella to swim outside the body, carry male DNA to join with female DNA (egg)

• NERVE CELLS- “neurons”; long, thin, branched; conduct electrical impulses to coordinate body activity

Specialized Cells - Plants Plants also have specialized

cells. Cells of the leaf perform

different functions from the trunk cells, different from the root cells, different from the stalk cells, different from the …

Specialized Cells - Plants Ground Tissue Cells

Storage of starch and energy for the plant.

Specialized Cells - Plants Epidermal Cells

Protect the plant and facilitate water absorption from roots.

Specialized Cells - Plants Guard Cells

Control water loss from the leaves of plants.

VocabularySpecialized CellsRed Blood CellsMuscle CellsFat CellsSkin CellsWhite Blood CellsNerve CellsBone Cells

Sperm CellsPhotophoresTransport CellsStorage CellsEpidermal CellsPhotosynthetic CellsGuard Cells

• STEM CELL- an undifferentiated cell that can divide to form specialized cells, two types:– EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS- can differentiate into

any kind of cell– TISSUE STEM CELLS- adult cells existing within

specialized tissue, can only differentiate into certain types of cells, ex. bone marrow cells can differentiate into white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets ex. cord blood banking

• HOW STEM CELLS WORK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUcE1Y_bOQE

• INTRODUCTION TO STEM CELLS: cord blood stem cells and embryonic or adult stem cells: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWfw5en2MEM&NR=1

• SAVING LIVES WITH DESIGNER BABIES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Z0J4SCqek&feature=fvsr

• OBAMA ON STEM CELL RESEARCH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63Uqp9VcCq4&feature=fvst

Stem cells

Video about stem cells: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/tech/stemcells/scintro/

How stem cell lines are made:http://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/stemcells.html

Mouse heart:http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2008/01/14-02.html

HOMEWORK: Info about cells for pro/con tablehttp://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/tech/stemcells/quickref/

www. Eurostemcell.org – the ethical debate

Homework1) Why are complex organisms made up of specialized cells?2) Think about your own body. List at least four activities that your body must

do to keep you alive.3) Choose two specialized cells. Compare their structure and funtion.4) Every cell in your body came from one fertilized egg cell. What does this

tell you about the DNA differences between one body call and another?5) Do plant cells specialize in the same way as animal cells? Use examples of

each to illustrate your answer.6) Why do single-celled organisms not show specialization?7) What is the meaning of the term “cellular differentiation”?8) What is the difference between tissue stem cells and embryonic stem

cells?9) Why are stem cells from a newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood considered

to be tissue stem cells?10) What is the significance of being able to harvest stem cells that can

specialize into any type of cell?11) Briefly describe the process of bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia.12) Complete “Cell Types Worksheet”***
