spection itself went very well and the team assessing us...


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~ This week’s attendance ~



St Piran Y1

Penhaligon Y2

Boscawen Y3


Y4 Trelawny

Y5 Davy


91.7% 96.1% 81.7% 99% 90.8% 91.1% 97.7%

Thank You!

What an incredible year! I would like to take this opportunity to say an enormous THANK YOU to the community that makes up Perranporth Primary School. This year has been another fantastic one, with so many successes to be cel-ebrated. It seems like quite a while ago now, but back in December we welcomed Ofsted through our doors. The in-spection itself went very well and the team assessing us seemed to really understand what we’re about and appreciated all of the brilliant things that happen here every day. There were lots of lovely things that came out of that day, but for me, one of the most touching things were the exceptionally kind words and messages that parents and families shared with the inspector in support of our school and the hard work that goes into it. It was lovely to know that we had your support. That’s something that makes Perranporth such a special place to be; our strong feeling of community and to-getherness It’s what I love most about our school! More recently we had a hugely successful Summer Fayre and Talent Show. The fayre was absolutely brilliant and came on the back of lots of hard ‘behind the scenes’ work from our amazing FOPS team. They did a simply outstanding job and raised heaps of money to put back into the school. The talent show was truly excellent! We’ve always known we’ve got talented children at Perranporth, but to see them perform, with the added pressure of a live audience and then to bring the house down with their different acts made us all exceptionally proud! We’re very fortunate to have such a marvellous school, we have dedicated and caring staff, supportive parents and fam-ilies, governors who challenge and defend us when we need it and most of all… absolutely incredible children who ‘wow’ us everyday in a hundred different ways! We all work extremely hard and extremely well together to strive to-wards our common goal of doing our best for the children. I am exceptionally proud to be Headteacher of Perranporth School and feel so privileged to be a part of this unbelievable school community. Thank you all for another wonderful year and, for everyone except Year 6… see you in September! Have a lovely summer.

Official Opening of Reading Cabin

This week saw the official opening of the Reading Cabin. As

many of you will know, the cabin was donated to the school by

Mr and Mrs Polmear in memory of their daughter Esmee who sad-

ly passed away in 2015. As Esmee’s original class, the current Y6,

are moving on to secondary school, this was the perfect oppor-

tunity for her parents to open the cabin. We invited ITV West

Country and Pirate FM to the occasion and lots of her old class-

mates. We also invited Cory from Y3 who won the Esmee Polmear

Reading Award and Rhiannon from Y2 who has won it last year.

We’re very grateful to the Polmears and the community who sup-

ported them, for this wonderful resource that the children will con-

tinue to enjoy using for years to come. Thank you!

FOPS Summer Fayre - Thank You!

On Friday 19th July FOPS hosted the annual Summer Fayre to raise much needed funds for the school. Mother nature

was not kind to us, with the first rainfall in weeks. However, despite moving inside the school we didn’t let it dampen

our spirits! A massive thank you to all the staff for allowing us to overrun their classrooms and afternoon lessons to

allow the fayre to go ahead. We know that it is a big faff but it is very much appreciated. A big thank you to Mrs

Barrett must not be forgotten – she was essential in all the arrangements and in securing our star raffle prizes!

The fair raised a massive £2000! HURRAH! Thank you all for your support!

The raffle and several of our prizes were provided by the local community and businesses. This year’s raffle had a

monumental 56 prizes! We had even more donations than this and have held some back to allow a second event

later in the year!

Thank you to the following businesses for providing prizes for us! (There were so many, we struggled to keep up! If

you provided a prize and we’ve missed you off, please let us know and we will send a shout out to you too!)

Lost Gardens of Heligan

Seal Sanctuary

Newquay Zoo

Lappa Valley

Callestick ice-cream

Eden Project

Camel Creek

Atlantic Blankets

Chapmans Butchers

Perranporth Golf Club

Snippets hair

The Tywarnhayle Pub

The Waterfront

The Watering Hole

The Willow

M S Solutions

Stepping stones

Perranporth Gardens Charities

The Cove School Stationary Supplier


Skinners Brewery

Teaching Personnel

Ben Skinner

Perran Surf

Carve Magazine

Floral Fancy

Happy Daze

Newquay Cinema

Aztec Leisure

Jungle Jacks

BF Adventure

Marks and Spencer Perranporth Ballet School

Green & Blue

Hattie's Beach Hut

Mr Fruity


Jean Aitken

Higgins Perranporth Treasure


Goonbell Riding


Bay Tree Restaurant

Kate Attwell Pompoms

Goonhavern Garden


Summer Reading Challenge

The annual Summer Reading Challenge is coming around again. This year there is a

spacey theme with ‘Space Chase’. Children just need to pop into their local library and

read 6 books over the summer to complete the challenge. More details can be found:


What’s coming Up ?

The Summer Holidays - see you back on Thursday 5th September

Goodbye and Good Luck

At the end of this academic year we will sadly be saying goodbye to several

members of the Perranporth Team. Mr Thompson, who has done a wonderful

job of supporting Marshall over the last few years, will be moving on as Mar-

shall makes his way to secondary school. We’d like to thank Mr Thompson for

all of his great support during his time here.

Also leaving us this summer is Mrs Donnithorne who has been providing ex-

cellent support to two children in our school. She is going off to make use of

her creative talents by making the decision to be a fulltime furniture maker!

We say a huge thank you and good luck to her in her new venture.

Mrs Dearing from Y4 and Miss Chapman from Year 5 will also be moving on

this summer. Again, an enormous thank you to both for their support.

And finally we are saying goodbye and good luck to our fantastic Year 6’s. They have been a fabulous year group

who have achieved a great many things during their time with us. They are moving onto to the next stage in their

education and the many exciting challenges and opportunities that await them. We thank them for all of the effort

and hard work they’ve given to Perranporth and for simply being fantastic children who we are all immensely proud

of. Good luck Year 6, work hard and aim high! Have a wonderful summer everyone.

Davy Class Leavers’ Production

On Monday and Tuesday evenings this week, Davy Class have wowed audiences with their spectacular end of year

production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. The children put on an absolutely incredible show which had brilliant acting,

awesome singing and such brilliant dancing! A huge amount of hard work, rehearsing and staging went into these

performances; but it was all worth it as the shows were wonderful. Thank you to all of the children and adults for put-

ting together such memorable performances. Well done Davy Class!

Y6 Leavers’ Video

This year’s Y6 Leavers’ Video can now be seen on Youtube by following this link:


Term Dates 2019-20

Perranporth School INSET

(Non Pupil Days)

Wed 4th Sep 2019

Mon 28th Oct 2019

Fri 20th Dec 2019

Wed 26th Feb 2020

Thurs 23rd Jul 2020 *Please note the change of Bank Holiday

It is now Fri 8th May 2020
