speech photo story 3


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Miss Scott’s “Best Practices”

Organization is the key to success. I am prepared before my children enter the room. All materials are placed on the table ahead of time along with

the lesson plan.

I provide each student with an opportunity to be independent

and experience success.

Pre-school children love toys and other items that are bright and


I allow children to have fun while they are learning.

Sometimes I have to follow the child’s lead. I allow the student to show me what they are interested in. I have found this to be a good indication of what they are trying to learn.

Non-verbal children can be coaxed into talking or making some form of

an utterance by withholding toys and allowing the other students to model

how to request a toy.

I use board games to reinforce lessons by allowing students to

retrieve what they have learned or to tap into what they already know.

Children love technology! They are highly motivated when they are using the computer for language, articulation, stuttering therapy,

and phonemic awareness lessons.

Shhh…don’t tell them they are really learning, sometimes they just think they‘re playing computer games!

I’m sure I don’t have to tell anyone at this point the Interactive White Board is the best invention since sliced bread! When in doubt, pull this out.

I just love to see kids having fun. Who said learning had to be boring? Okay, now

you know why I love my job so much.