Speech Rotary Club of Singapore West


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Honorable President Eric Tan, Vice President Henry Tan, President Elect Chio Poh Leng, Immediate Past Pres. Tommy Lee, Honorable Secretary Perry Tan, the esteemed Honorary Members of the Rotary Club of Singapore West, Ladies and gentlemen. A pleasant evening.

Standing humbly here today, I can’t help but reminisce to more than 2 years ago. That was when I attended the Rotary Club of Singapore West on October 2011 as a President of Rotary Club of Metro Angeles. It was an incredible and euphoric experience for me and my fellow Rotarians during that time. I can still vividly remember and will never forget the genuine hospitality of the Rotarians of Singapore West together with then President, Pek Tiong Boon, my dear classmate. That is why, I always see to it to come by and visit your club every time I come to Singapore, aside from the fact that I am here to attend an important business meeting, I had your club listed as one of my priority place to have an official visit in my itinerary in Singapore.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to your club, for giving me an opportunity to join you once again in this momentous rotary meeting.

At this juncture, I also wanted to take this opportune time to update you about our current and ongoing projects of our club as well as the newly installed officers and honorary members. With no further ado, I will now present the officers for R.Y. 2014-2015.


These are the following community projects that was accomplished by outgoing Pres. Jun Hilomen


I also would like to extol your achievements and I really revered your projects that you have been spearheading for the past few years, particularly:

During the tenure of office of my classmate, PP Pek Tiong Boon.

The donations you had provided to the EQUAL_ARK (Equine Assisted Learning for At Risk

Kids) that helps underprivileged children gain vital life skills through horse therapy, riding and

stable management activities, that enables youngsters to approach and communicate

With horses in a friendly, cooperative way. Also, I would like to commend the Rotary FamilyService Center that plays an important role in helping people in need together

with the social workers for their tireless and dedicated work to serve the less fortunate

individuals of your community.

Another leap of generous hearts from your club during the time of PP Lee Kuen Yip that

had fore fronted the donation of an Ambulatory Van To Bright Vision Hospital which

can greatly help in the medical undertakings most especially in emergency situations.

These are just some of the few projects that I highly admired about your club andThese social service missions just give us all the more reasons to be more consistent and unrestrainedly giving our best to help our fellowmen in our very own community.

My dear Rotarians, I would like to invite you to come and visit Philippines, particularly in the ROTARY CLUB OF METRO ANGELES. We are having our meeting at Café Ola at the Marlim Mansion Hotel Balibago, Angeles City we shall see to it that you will enjoy your stay in our humble country as much as we enjoy your generosity and hospitality.

Once again, on behalf of our members and the board members of our club thank you for the warm and friendly welcome and I am deeply thrilled and grateful to all of you, most especially to Pres. Eric Tan and to all the members of the Rotary Club of Singapore West. Enjoy the rest of the night!
