Spiritual Gift Inventory



Not sure what your spiritual gifts are? Follow this inventory to see where you may be best suited to serve.

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Music (Psalm 150:3-5)

Definition: The ability to communicate God’s truth through music. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy singing praises to God either when alone or with a group of other Christians? Do you enjoy worshiping God by playing musical instruments? Do you enjoy contributing musically to worship services? Do people affirm you for your musical abilities?How to use this gift: This person would volunteer to serve in the music ministry of the church.

Music: No way Maybe Definitely

Pastor/Shepherd (Eph. 4:11)

Definition: The ability to nurture, care for, and guide people toward on-going spiritual maturity.Could it be your gift? Do you consider it your God-given duty to take responsibility for the growth and nurture of other Christians? Do you enjoy helping Christians grow spiritually? Are you willing to take the risk of encouraging wayward Christians to recommit themselves to God?How to use this gift: This is not only a gift for paid pastors! People using this gift will naturally desire to nurture people, care for them, and guide them. A Sunday School teacher might have this gift. This gift could also be used in one-on-one relationships.

Pastor/Shepherd: No way Maybe Definitely

Spiritual Gift InventoryCarefully read through the descriptions of each spiritual gift and mark whether you think that could be your gift or not. This exercise, along with prayer for discernment and counsel from a trusted Christian friend, will help you discern your spiritual gifts.

Administration (1 Cor. 12:28)

Definition: This is the “gift of organization.” It is the ability to organize, plan, and execute to accomplish the goals of a ministry. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy organizing events or delegating tasks to other people? Do you enjoy making organizational decisions? Before you start working on something, do you like to organize your thoughts and lay out a plan of action? Do you generally follow through on plans to see that they are successfully carried out? Do you like to set goals and objectives and work toward accomplishing them? How to use this gift: People use this gift to help organize meetings, ministries, or events so they accomplish their goals and run effectively. This person may help to organize a women’s event, keep a student ministry organized, help organize a Wednesday night meeting, etc. Typically, this person will work with others to help keep things organized and ensure that details are covered so the event or ministry runs effectively.

Administration: No way Maybe Definitely

Craftsmanship (Exodus 31:3)

Definition: This is the ability to work creatively with wood, cloth, paints, metal, glass, etc., or use artistic ability to decorate the church to enhance church ministry. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy art? Are you gifted at creating or decorating? Does your hobby involve making hand-crafted items? Do you find satisfaction when you create or fix things with your hands? How to use this gift: It seems churches always need decorating or fixing up! People with this gift would use their artistic gifts to draw, make banners, decorate, etc. Talents could also be used to help build, construct, or fix things in the church. This person would also volunteer their time to help people in the church who might have projects in the home (things that need fixing or building). They might especially look to the widows or the poor and use their gifts to help them.

Craftsmanship: No way Maybe Definitely

Administration (1 Corinthians 12:28) Definition: This is the “gift of organization.” It is the ability to organize, plan, and execute the goals of a ministry. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy organizing events or delegating tasks? Do you enjoy making organizational decisions? Before you start working on something, do you organize your thoughts and lay out a plan? Do you follow through on plans to see that they are carried out? How to use this gift: People use this gift to help organize meetings, ministries, or events to make them more effective. This person may help to organize a women’s event, keep a student ministry organized, help organize a Wednesday night meeting, etc. Typically, this person will work with others to help keep things organized and ensure that details are covered so the event or ministry runs effectively.

Administration: No way Maybe Definitely

Craftsmanship (Exodus 31:3)

Definition: This is the ability to work creatively with wood, cloth, paints, etc., or to use artistic ability to enhance church ministry. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy art? Are you gifted at creating or decorating? Do you make hand-crafted items? Do you find satisfaction by creating or fixing things by hand? How to use this gift: Churches always need decorating or fixing up! People with this gift would use their gifts to draw, make banners, decorate, etc. Talents could also be used to help build or fix things in the church. This person would volunteer to help people in the church who might have projects in the home (things that need fixing or building). They might especially look to the widows or the poor and use their gifts to help them.

Craftsmanship: No way Maybe Definitely

Discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10)

Definition: It is the ability to distinguish between truth and error, good and evil, right and wrong. It has been described as the “sixth sense” gift - a God-given ability to recognize whether someone or something is sincere and of God or not. Could it be your gift? When you see a person in a group, do you sense when that person is happy or burdened? Without a critical spirit, are you able to tell whether a person has pure or fraudulent motives? Are you careful to evaluate people and the things they say as to whether they are right or wrong? How to use this gift: God gives this gift to serve as a check or balance to the gift of prophecy, to sort out that which is valid and real from that which is counterfeit. This gift should be used to help people understand whether certain teachers or teachings are real or counterfeit. This can be done in one-on-one conversations or in discussions with people.

Discernment: No way Maybe Definitely

Encouragement/Exhortation (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to strengthen, comfort, or urge to action those who are discouraged or wavering in their faith.Could it be your gift? Do you find it easy to listen to people share their joys and sorrows? Do people come to you for advice? When you’re with someone who is troubled, do you lose the sense of time? Do you enjoy giving spiritual encouragement? Do you enjoy sending notes of encouragement or affirmation?How to use this gift: This usually takes place in one-on-one relationships. People with this gift will try to “encourage the discouraged” through a hug, phone call, letter, etc. They should constantly look for ways to build people up so they will remain faithful to God. This gift also carries with it the idea of “exhortation” – pushing a person (in love!) to greater faithfulness. An example would be a friend who is discouraged and blaming God for their problems. The person with this gift will not only encourage them but will urge them to not blame God and move on in faithful living.

Encouragement: No way Maybe Definitely

Discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10) Definition: It is the ability to distinguish between truth and error, good and evil, right and wrong. It has been described as the “sixth sense” gift - a God-given ability to recognize whether someone or something is sincere and of God or not. Could it be your gift? When you see a person, can you tell when they are happy or burdened? Without a critical spirit, are you able to tell if a person has pure or fraudulent motives? Are you careful to evaluate people and the things they say? How to use this gift: God gives this gift to check the gift of prophecy, to sort out that which is valid from that which is counterfeit. This should be used to help people understand whether teachers are real or counterfeit. This can be done in one-on-one conversations or in discussions with people.

Discernment: No way Maybe Definitely

Encouragement/Exhortation (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to strengthen, comfort, or urge to action those who are discouraged or wavering in their faith.Could it be your gift? Is it easy for you to listen to people share their joys and sorrows? Do people come to you for advice? When you’re with someone who is troubled, do you lose track of time? Do you enjoy sending notes of encouragement?How to use this gift: This usually takes place one-on-one. People with this gift will “encourage the discouraged” through a hug, phone call, or letter. They should always look for ways to build people up. This also carries the idea of “exhortation” – pushing a person (in love!) to greater faithfulness. If a friend is discouraged and blaming God for their problems, this person will urge them to move on in faithful living.

Encouragement: No way Maybe Definitely

Evangelism (Eph. 4:11)

Definition: The ability to effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers so they accept Christ and begin to grow.Could it be your gift? Do you think often about whether people are Christians or not? Do you enjoy learning Bible verses or concepts in order to verbalize your faith to others? Are you able to clearly explain salvation? Do you regularly look for opportunities to share your faith? Do people generally respond positively (i.e., they do not get angry) when you do speak about the Gospel?How to use this gift: This gift can be used publicly through preaching and teaching (to non-Christians). This will also be used in one-on-one relationships with non-Christians. While all Christians should share their faith, those with this gift will have special joy and success as they do.

Evangelism: No way Maybe Definitely

Faith (1 Corinthians 12:9)

Definition: The ability to act on God’s promises with confidence and unwavering belief in God’s ability to fulfill His purposes. Could it be your gift? Do you believe God will do great things in the life of your church? Even when circumstances are not positive, do you still take chances to accomplish something that will be beneficial? Are you a future-thinking person who enjoys giving God the opportunity to do “impossible things”? If you believe it will help the Kingdom grow, are you willing to take risks and try new things?How to use this gift: The person with this gift is very willing (and even excited!) to take a risk and step out in faith, believing that God will fulfill His purposes. If God calls, these people respond – even if there is risk involved. People with the gift of faith are also able to use this gift to encourage others. In sermons, Sunday School classes, congregational meetings, etc., this person might stand up and say, “God is calling us to this... God is faithful and we should say ‘Yes!’” In one-on-one relationships, this person can encourage others to step out in faith and trust God.

Faith: No way Maybe Definitely

Evangelism (Ephesians 4:11) Definition: The ability to effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers so they accept Christ and begin to grow.Could it be your gift? Do you think about whether people are saved or not? Do you enjoy learning Bible verses to verbalize your faith? Are you able to clearly explain salvation? Do you look for opportunities to share your faith? Do people generally respond positively when you do speak about the Gospel?How to use this gift: This gift can be used publicly through preaching and teaching (to non-Christians). This will also be used in one-on-one relationships with non-Christians. While all Christians should share their faith, those with this gift will have special joy and success as they do.

Evangelism: No way Maybe Definitely

Faith (1 Corinthians 12:9)

Definition: The ability to act on God’s promises with confidence and unwavering belief in His ability to fulfill His purposes. Could it be your gift? Do you believe God will do great things in your church? Are you a future-thinking person who enjoys giving God the opportunity to do “impossible things”? If you believe it will help the Kingdom grow, are you willing to take risks and try new things?How to use this gift: The person with this gift is very willing (and even excited!) to take a risk and step out in faith. If God calls, these people respond – even if there is risk involved. These people are also able to encourage others. In group settings, this person might stand up and say, “God is calling us to this... God is faithful and we should say ‘Yes!’” In one-on-one relationships, this person can encourage others to trust God.

Faith: No way Maybe Definitely

Giving (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to contribute money and resources to the work of the Lord with cheerfulness and liberality.Could it be your gift? Are you careful to spend less than you earn, save, and give generously? Are you willing to go without some things in order to give more to the Church? Do you at least give a tithe of your total income? When you hear of people or ministries that have needs, are you eager to help out? When you give to a cause, do you desire to not have others know about it? Do you see giving as a God-given spiritual ministry for you?How to use this gift: Give (lots) of money to the Lord’s work! This person will not only tithe (the Bible is clear that if you don’t at least tithe your income, then you don’t have the gift of giving) but will give above and beyond with joy and generosity. The issue isn’t how much you give to the Lord’s work, but how much you give in relation to how much you keep.

Giving: No way Maybe Definitely

Helps/Service (Romans 12:7, 1 Cor. 12:28)

Definition: The ability to serve and help others in practical ways.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy helping others in ways that are often unnoticeable by most people? Do you find fulfillment in doing the necessary tasks such as ushering, cleaning, helping with special needs, etc.? Are you eager to help others when you hear of a need? Do you see yourself in a supportive role to others rather than being in a place of leadership?How to use this gift: Examples of how to use this gift might include: raking or mowing lawns for the elderly or ill; volunteering for church work days or projects at the church; delivering meals on wheels; offering to do mechanical work on cars (change oil, filters, etc.); or volunteering to do office work at the church. There are hundreds of ways that people can help other people. A person with this gift will keep their eyes open to needs and respond willingly and joyfully.

Helps/Service: No way Maybe Definitely

Giving (Romans 12:8) Definition: The ability to contribute money and resources to the work of the Lord with cheerfulness and liberality.Could it be your gift? Are you careful to spend less than you earn, save, and give generously? Are you willing to go without some things in order to give more to the Church? Do you at least give a tithe of your total income? When you hear of people that have needs, are you eager to help? When you give, do you desire to not have others know about it? How to use this gift: Give (lots) of money to the Lord’s work! This person will not only tithe (the Bible is clear that if you don’t at least tithe your income, then you don’t have the gift of giving) but will give above and beyond with joy and generosity. The issue isn’t how much you give to the Lord’s work, but how much you give in relation to how much you keep.

Giving: No way Maybe Definitely

Helps/Service (Romans 12:7, 1 Corinthians 12:28)

Definition: The ability to serve others in practical ways.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy helping in ways that often go unnoticed? Do you find fulfillment in doing the necessary tasks such as ushering, cleaning, helping with special needs, etc.? Do you see yourself in a supportive role to others rather than being in a place of leadership?How to use this gift: Examples might include: raking or mowing lawns for the elderly or ill; volunteering for work days or projects at the church; delivering meals; doing mechanical work on cars (change oil, filters, etc.); or volunteering in the church office. A person with this gift will keep their eyes open to needs and respond willingly and joyfully.

Helps/Service: No way Maybe Definitely

Hospitality (1 Peter 4:9-10)

Definition: The ability to care for and encourage people by providing fellowship, food, and shelter.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy providing food and lodging to people who may drop by? Are you overly concerned when you house is not immaculate when guests come? Are your guests able to relax and enjoy themselves at your house? Do you invite both Christian and non-Christian friends over for meals or “fellowship”?How to use this gift: Invite people over to your house for a meal and/or fellowship. The real mark of hospitality is when you do this with new people in the church or community or with your non-Christian neighbors. (The gift of hospitality is more than regularly inviting over the same friends for meals or games).

Hospitality: No way Maybe Definitely

Knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:8)

Definition: The ability to discover, accumulate, analyze, and clarify information and ideas which will help Christians grow. It is the God-given ability to answer questions relating to spiritual issues. Could it be your gift? Do you have an interest and ability to learn and acquire knowledge about God’s Word? When you study the Bible, does understanding difficult subjects come easy to you? Do others look to you as one who has “the answers” to theological and Scriptural issues?How to use this gift: In Sunday School, for instance, a person with this gift will be able to recollect Bible verses which will help to answer questions that may be asked during a discussion (this person may or may not be a teacher). This person will be able to answer many questions that begin with, “What does the Bible say about...?” If this person also has the gift of teaching, they will incorporate it into their teaching. If they do not have that gift, they will be involved in discussions in Sunday School, Bible studies, etc., or will be able to help answer people’s questions in one-on-one conversations.

Knowledge: No way Maybe Definitely

Leadership (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to cast vision, motivate, and direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of God.Could it be your gift? Are you decisive and able to lead others to attain specific goals? Do other people follow you because they see you going in a direction that will build up the church? Do you tend to assume leadership if there is no one else does?How to use this gift: This gift can be used in boards, committees, or ministries to lead the group to a common goal. This person will naturally desire to lead people to greater commitment, more ministries, or a brighter future. Not all people with this gift will be involved in formal leadership of the church (i.e., boards or committees). In more informal situations, this person is able to take charge and enable a group to accomplish something. People with this gift should be open to leadership positions in the church.

Leadership: No way Maybe Definitely

Mercy (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering or are in need; it is compassion moved to action.Could it be your gift? Do you feel a compassion for those who are neglected or looked down on by others, such as the disabled, the prisoner, or the poor? Do you find fulfillment in talking to the elderly, the shut-in, or others largely ignored by the majority of those around them? How to use this gift: This person will be especially sensitive to those who are hurting and will go out of their way to minister to them. This will not be done publicly, but is a gift that is carried out in one-on-one relationships. This is similar to the gift of encouragement but is generally more than cards, phone calls, etc. This person will do acts of kindness for those who are suffering.

Mercy: No way Maybe Definitely

Giving (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to contribute money and resources to the work of the Lord with cheerfulness and liberality.Could it be your gift? Are you careful to spend less than you earn, save, and give generously? Are you willing to go without some things in order to give more to the Church? Do you at least give a tithe of your total income? When you hear of people or ministries that have needs, are you eager to help out? When you give to a cause, do you desire to not have others know about it? Do you see giving as a God-given spiritual ministry for you?How to use this gift: Give (lots) of money to the Lord’s work! This person will not only tithe (the Bible is clear that if you don’t at least tithe your income, then you don’t have the gift of giving) but will give above and beyond with joy and generosity. The issue isn’t how much you give to the Lord’s work, but how much you give in relation to how much you keep.

Giving: No way Maybe Definitely

Helps/Service (Romans 12:7, 1 Cor. 12:28)

Definition: The ability to serve and help others in practical ways.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy helping others in ways that are often unnoticeable by most people? Do you find fulfillment in doing the necessary tasks such as ushering, cleaning, helping with special needs, etc.? Are you eager to help others when you hear of a need? Do you see yourself in a supportive role to others rather than being in a place of leadership?How to use this gift: Examples of how to use this gift might include: raking or mowing lawns for the elderly or ill; volunteering for church work days or projects at the church; delivering meals on wheels; offering to do mechanical work on cars (change oil, filters, etc.); or volunteering to do office work at the church. There are hundreds of ways that people can help other people. A person with this gift will keep their eyes open to needs and respond willingly and joyfully.

Helps/Service: No way Maybe Definitely

Hospitality (1 Peter 4:9-10) Definition: The ability to care for and encourage people by providing fellowship, food, and shelter.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy providing food and lodging to people who drop by? Are you overly concerned when you house is not immaculate when guests come? Are your guests able to relax and enjoy themselves at your house? Do you regularly invite Christian and non-Christian friends over?How to use this gift: Invite people to your house for a meal and/or fellowship. The real mark of hospitality is when you do this with new people in the church or community or with non-Christian neighbors. (The gift of hospitality is more than regularly inviting over the same friends for meals or games).

Hospitality: No way Maybe Definitely

Knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:8)

Definition: The ability to discover, accumulate, analyze, and clarify information which will help Christians grow. It is the God-given ability to answer questions relating to spiritual issues. Could it be your gift? Do you have an interest and ability to acquire knowledge about God’s Word? When you study the Bible, does understanding come easy to you? Do others look to you as one who has “the answers” to theological issues?How to use this gift: A person with this gift will recollect Bible verses which will help answer questions that are asked during a discussion. This person will be able to answer many questions that begin with, “What does the Bible say about...?” If this person also has the gift of teaching, they will incorporate it into their teaching. If they do not have that gift, they will be able to help answer people’s questions in one-on-one conversations.

Mercy: No way Maybe Definitely

Leadership (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to cast vision, motivate, and direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of God.Could it be your gift? Are you decisive and able to lead others to attain specific goals? Do other people follow you because they see you going in a direction that will build up the church? Do you tend to assume leadership if there is no one else does?How to use this gift: This gift can be used in boards, committees, or ministries to lead the group to a common goal. This person will naturally desire to lead people to greater commitment, more ministries, or a brighter future. Not all people with this gift will be involved in formal leadership of the church (i.e., boards or committees). In more informal situations, this person is able to take charge and enable a group to accomplish something. People with this gift should be open to leadership positions in the church.

Leadership: No way Maybe Definitely

Mercy (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering or are in need; it is compassion moved to action.Could it be your gift? Do you feel a compassion for those who are neglected or looked down on by others, such as the disabled, the prisoner, or the poor? Do you find fulfillment in talking to the elderly, the shut-in, or others largely ignored by the majority of those around them? How to use this gift: This person will be especially sensitive to those who are hurting and will go out of their way to minister to them. This will not be done publicly, but is a gift that is carried out in one-on-one relationships. This is similar to the gift of encouragement but is generally more than cards, phone calls, etc. This person will do acts of kindness for those who are suffering.

Mercy: No way Maybe Definitely

Giving (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to contribute money and resources to the work of the Lord with cheerfulness and liberality.Could it be your gift? Are you careful to spend less than you earn, save, and give generously? Are you willing to go without some things in order to give more to the Church? Do you at least give a tithe of your total income? When you hear of people or ministries that have needs, are you eager to help out? When you give to a cause, do you desire to not have others know about it? Do you see giving as a God-given spiritual ministry for you?How to use this gift: Give (lots) of money to the Lord’s work! This person will not only tithe (the Bible is clear that if you don’t at least tithe your income, then you don’t have the gift of giving) but will give above and beyond with joy and generosity. The issue isn’t how much you give to the Lord’s work, but how much you give in relation to how much you keep.

Giving: No way Maybe Definitely

Helps/Service (Romans 12:7, 1 Cor. 12:28)

Definition: The ability to serve and help others in practical ways.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy helping others in ways that are often unnoticeable by most people? Do you find fulfillment in doing the necessary tasks such as ushering, cleaning, helping with special needs, etc.? Are you eager to help others when you hear of a need? Do you see yourself in a supportive role to others rather than being in a place of leadership?How to use this gift: Examples of how to use this gift might include: raking or mowing lawns for the elderly or ill; volunteering for church work days or projects at the church; delivering meals on wheels; offering to do mechanical work on cars (change oil, filters, etc.); or volunteering to do office work at the church. There are hundreds of ways that people can help other people. A person with this gift will keep their eyes open to needs and respond willingly and joyfully.

Helps/Service: No way Maybe Definitely

Leadership (Romans 12:8) Definition: The ability to cast vision, motivate, and direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of God.Could it be your gift? Are you decisive and able to lead others to attain specific goals? Do people follow you because they see you going in a direction that will build up the church? Do you tend to assume leadership if there is no one else does?How to use this gift: This gift can be used in boards, committees, or ministries to lead the group to a common goal. This person will naturally desire to lead people to greater commitment and a brighter future. Not all people with this gift will be involved in formal leadership. In more informal situations, this person is able to take charge and enable a group to accomplish something. People with this gift should be open to leadership positions in the church.

Leadership: No way Maybe Definitely

Mercy (Romans 12:8)

Definition: The ability to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering; it is compassion moved to action.Could it be your gift? Do you feel a compassion for those who are neglected by others, such as the disabled, the poor, or the prisoner? Do you find fulfillment in talking to the elderly, the shut-in, or others largely ignored by the majority? How to use this gift: This person will be especially sensitive to those who are hurting and will go out of their way to minister to them. This will not be done publicly, but is a gift that is carried out in one-on-one relationships. This is similar to the gift of encouragement but is generally more than cards and phone calls.

Mercy: No way Maybe Definitely

Music (Psalm 150:3-5)

Definition: The ability to communicate God’s truth through music. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy singing praises to God either when alone or with a group of other Christians? Do you enjoy worshiping God by playing musical instruments? Do you enjoy contributing musically to worship services? Do people affirm you for your musical abilities?How to use this gift: This person would volunteer to serve in the music ministry of the church.

Music: No way Maybe Definitely

Pastor/Shepherd (Eph. 4:11)

Definition: The ability to nurture, care for, and guide people toward on-going spiritual maturity.Could it be your gift? Do you consider it your God-given duty to take responsibility for the growth and nurture of other Christians? Do you enjoy helping Christians grow spiritually? Are you willing to take the risk of encouraging wayward Christians to recommit themselves to God?How to use this gift: This is not only a gift for paid pastors! People using this gift will naturally desire to nurture people, care for them, and guide them. A Sunday School teacher might have this gift. This gift could also be used in one-on-one relationships.

Pastor/Shepherd: No way Maybe Definitely

Music (Psalm 150:3-5) Definition: The ability to communicate God’s truth through music. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy singing praises to God either when alone or with a group of other Christians? Do you enjoy worshiping God by playing musical instruments? Do you enjoy contributing musically to worship services? Do people affirm you for your musical abilities?How to use this gift: This person would volunteer to serve in the music ministry of the church.

Music: No way Maybe Definitely

Pastor/Shepherd (Ephesians 4:11)

Definition: The ability to nurture, care for, and guide people toward on-going spiritual maturity.Could it be your gift? Do you consider it your God-given duty to take responsibility for the growth and nurture of other Christians? Do you enjoy helping Christians grow spiritually? Are you willing to take the risk of encouraging wayward Christians to recommit themselves to God?How to use this gift: This is not only a gift for paid pastors! People using this gift will naturally desire to nurture people, care for them, and guide them. A Sunday School teacher might have this gift. This gift could also be used in one-on-one relationships.

Pastor/Shepherd: No way Maybe Definitely

Prayer/Intercession (1 Timothy 2:1-2) Definition: The ability to consistently pray on behalf of and for others, seeing frequent and specific results. While all Christians are called to pray, people with this gift find special joy and effectiveness in praying.Could it be your gift? Do you find that time passes quickly when you spend time in private prayer? Do you feel closest to God when you are praying? Do you find yourself desiring to pray for others?How to use this gift: On your knees in your “prayer closet”! People with this gift will spend more frequent and extended periods of time in prayer. They will have a burden to sincerely and intensely pray for people.

Prayer: No way Maybe Definitely

Teaching (Romans 12:7, 1 Corinthians 12:29)

Definition: The ability to understand, clearly explain, and apply the Word of God causing greater Christ-likeness in the lives of listeners.Could it be your gift? Do you have an ability to explain Biblical truths clearly and understandably? Do you enjoy teaching people to apply God’s Word in practical ways? Are you able to present Biblical teachings in such a way that people learn something and are built up in the faith? Do you enjoy studying the Bible? Have people affirmed you for your teaching?How to use this gift: Teaching Sunday School, Bible Studies, etc.

Teaching: No way Maybe Definitely

Music (Psalm 150:3-5)

Definition: The ability to communicate God’s truth through music. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy singing praises to God either when alone or with a group of other Christians? Do you enjoy worshiping God by playing musical instruments? Do you enjoy contributing musically to worship services? Do people affirm you for your musical abilities?How to use this gift: This person would volunteer to serve in the music ministry of the church.

Music: No way Maybe Definitely

Pastor/Shepherd (Eph. 4:11)

Definition: The ability to nurture, care for, and guide people toward on-going spiritual maturity.Could it be your gift? Do you consider it your God-given duty to take responsibility for the growth and nurture of other Christians? Do you enjoy helping Christians grow spiritually? Are you willing to take the risk of encouraging wayward Christians to recommit themselves to God?How to use this gift: This is not only a gift for paid pastors! People using this gift will naturally desire to nurture people, care for them, and guide them. A Sunday School teacher might have this gift. This gift could also be used in one-on-one relationships.

Pastor/Shepherd: No way Maybe Definitely

Wisdom (1 Corinthians 12:8) Definition: The ability to apply spiritual truth effectively to meet a need in a specific situation.Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy helping people solve problems with relationships? Do you enjoy helping other people make important decisions? Do you have an ability to give counsel in a humble and helpful way? Do people seek your advice in difficult situations? How to use this gift: The gift of wisdom is generally used in one-on-one relationships where one helps others to solve problems (i.e., discerning God’s will, working through marriage problems, etc.).

Wisdom: No way Maybe Definitely

Music (Psalm 150:3-5)

Definition: The ability to communicate God’s truth through music. Could it be your gift? Do you enjoy singing praises to God either when alone or with a group of other Christians? Do you enjoy worshiping God by playing musical instruments? Do you enjoy contributing musically to worship services? Do people affirm you for your musical abilities?How to use this gift: This person would volunteer to serve in the music ministry of the church.

Music: No way Maybe Definitely

Pastor/Shepherd (Eph. 4:11)

Definition: The ability to nurture, care for, and guide people toward on-going spiritual maturity.Could it be your gift? Do you consider it your God-given duty to take responsibility for the growth and nurture of other Christians? Do you enjoy helping Christians grow spiritually? Are you willing to take the risk of encouraging wayward Christians to recommit themselves to God?How to use this gift: This is not only a gift for paid pastors! People using this gift will naturally desire to nurture people, care for them, and guide them. A Sunday School teacher might have this gift. This gift could also be used in one-on-one relationships.

Pastor/Shepherd: No way Maybe Definitely

What did you find?

Maybe my gift (list all):

Definitely my gift (list all):

If you would like to learn more about how to use these gifts to serve at First MB, please contact Linda at loelze@firstmbchurch.org. She will be happy to help you find a place to serve.
