Splash Screen. Chapter Intro 2 Section 1: First Amendment The Constitution of the United States...


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Chapter Intro 2

Section 1: First Amendment

The Constitution of the United States establishes and protects fundamental rights and liberties. The First Amendment protects five basic freedoms that are essential to the American way of life.

Chapter Intro 2

Section 2: The Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the United States establishes and protects fundamental rights and liberties. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution describe the rights of American citizens.

Chapter Intro 2

Section 3: Extending the Bill of Rights

A constitution reflects the values and goals of the society that creates it. Some Americans have not always enjoyed the full rights of United States citizens.

Chapter Intro 2

Section 4: The Civil Rights Struggle

Political, social, religious, and economic changes influence the way Americans think and act. In the 1950s and 1960s, many African Americans began an organized fight for their rights as citizens.

Chapter Preview-End

Section 1-Main Idea

Guide to Reading

Big Idea

The Constitution of the United States establishes and protects fundamental rights and liberties.

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms

Soon after ratification of the Constitution, the First Amendment was added to guarantee basic freedoms essential to American democracy.

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• The First Amendment guarantees basic freedoms to all United States citizens.

• Protection of civil liberties and basic rights:

– Freedom of religion

– Freedom of speech

– Freedom of the press

– Freedom of assembly

– Freedom to petition

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• Freedom of religion:

– Prohibits Congress from establishing an official religion

– Separates church and state

– People free to practice their faith as they wish

– No specific religion favored by government

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• Freedom of speech:

– Free to say what is on our minds

– Speech as Internet communication, art, music, clothing

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• Freedom of the press:

– People free to express themselves in print

– Ensures people are exposed to a wide variety of viewpoints

– Prevents government censorship

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• Zenger Case:

– Publisher Peter Zenger arrested for criticizing governor of New York in New-York Weekly Journal.

– Zenger was acquitted.

– Regarded as a landmark in development of free press in America.

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• Freedom of assembly:

– Allows people to gather peacefully in groups

– Implies freedom of association

Section 1

First Amendment Freedoms (cont.)

• Freedom to petition:

– Guarantees people can petition or make a formal request of the government

– Allows people to express their ideas to the government

The First Amendment

Section 1

First Amendment Limits

All constitutional rights are limited. These limitations are necessary to ensure our other rights are protected.

Section 1

First Amendment Limits (cont.)

• The First Amendment guarantees certain rights, but it also places some limits on those rights.

– Civil liberties interfering with the rights of others

– Rights of individuals balanced against the rights of the community

– Personal opinion as opposed to slander or libel

Section 1-End

Section 2-Main Idea

Guide to Reading

Big Idea

The Constitution of the United States establishes and protects fundamental rights and liberties.

Section 2

Protecting the Rights of the Accused

In addition to the important civil liberties protected by the First Amendment, the other nine amendments in the Bill of Rights guarantee the right to fair legal treatment, as well as other freedoms.

Section 2

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

• Several amendments in the Bill of Rights guarantee fair treatment to people who are suspected or accused of committing a crime.

Rights of the Accused

Section 2

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

• Fourth Amendment:

– No unreasonable searches and seizures

– Search warrant required to search a suspect’s property

Section 2

• Fifth Amendment:

– Indictment by a grand jury required to put someone on trial for a serious federal crime

– Protects against double jeopardy

– People cannot be forced to testify against themselves

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

Section 2

– Guarantees due process

– Limits the government’s power of eminent domain

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

Section 2

• Sixth Amendment:

– Requires the accused to be told exact nature of charges

– Provides right to a trial by jury

– Guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

Section 2

– Ensures right to hear and question witnesses

– Assures defense by a lawyer

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

Section 2

• Eighth Amendment:

– Forbids excessive bail

– Forbids excessive fines

– Forbids “cruel and unusual punishments”

– Punishment in proportion to the crime

Protecting the Rights of the Accused (cont.)

Section 2

Other Protections

In addition to the First Amendment freedoms and due process guarantees, the Bill of Rights includes other protections for American citizens.

Section 2

Other Protections (cont.)

• The Bill of Rights assures citizens of other rights.

• Second Amendment:

– Each state maintain a militia

– The right to keep and bear arms

– Government control of the possession of weapons

Section 2

Other Protections (cont.)

• Third Amendment prohibits soldiers moving into private homes without consent during peacetime.

• Seventh Amendment:

– Concerns civil cases

– Provides the right to a jury trial in federal courts

Section 2

• Ninth Amendment:

– All other rights “retained by the people”

– Prevents claim that the only rights people have are listed in the Bill of Rights

Other Protections (cont.)

Section 2

• Tenth Amendment:

– Powers that the Constitution doesn’t give to the national government belong to the states and the people

– Prevents Congress and the president from becoming too strong

Other Protections (cont.)

Section 2-End

Section 3-Main Idea

Guide to Reading

Big Idea

A constitution reflects the values and goals of the society that creates it.

Section 3

Civil War Amendments

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments are called the Civil War amendments because they grew out of that war.

Section 3

Civil War Amendments (cont.)

• After the Civil War, several amendments were ratified that gave rights to formerly enslaved African Americans.

• Thirteenth Amendment:

– Outlawed slavery in the United States

– Outlawed forced labor except as punishment for a crime

Section 3

Civil War Amendments (cont.)

• Fourteenth Amendment:

– Defined who was a United States citizen

– Required states to grant citizens “equal protection of the laws”

– Forbade state governments from interfering with citizen “privileges or immunities”

– Nationalization of the Bill of Rights and the Gitlow v. New York ruling

Section 3

Civil War Amendments (cont.)

• Fifteenth Amendment:

– Guaranteed suffrage to African Americans

– Protected only men

Constitutional Amendments

Section 3

Later Amendments

Amendments added to the Constitution in the twentieth century deal with a wide range of topics.

Section 3

Later Amendments (cont.)

• A number of the amendments to the Constitution in the twentieth century addressed inequalities in voting and elections.

• Seventeenth Amendment:

– Allowed voters to directly elect their senators

– Gave Americans a greater voice in government

Section 3

• Nineteenth Amendment:

– States previously made laws concerning woman suffrage

– Gave women the right to vote in national and state elections

Later Amendments (cont.)

• Twenty-third Amendment gave voting rights to people who live in the District of Columbia.

Section 3

• Twenty-fourth Amendment:

– Trouble with the Fifteenth Amendment

– State poll taxes prevented many African Americans and poor whites from voting

– Outlawed poll taxes in federal elections

Later Amendments (cont.)

• Twenty-sixth Amendment guaranteed citizens 18 and older the right to vote.

Section 3-End

Section 4-Main Idea

Guide to Reading

Big Idea

Political, social, religious, and economic changes influence the way Americans think and act.

Section 4

Struggle for Rights

Although amendments to the Constitution guaranteed rights to Americans, African Americans and other groups still did not enjoy civil rights.

Section 4

Struggle for Rights (cont.)

• African Americans and others had to struggle against discrimination in order to secure their civil rights.

• Segregation is the social separation of races.

• Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas ruling against segregation

• Rosa Parks and boycott of the Montgomery bus system

Section 4

Struggle for Rights (cont.)

• Martin Luther King, Jr., led nonviolent resistance.

• Demonstrations and sit-ins

• King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is inspirational.

Section 4

• Civil Rights Act of 1964:

– Prohibited discrimination in public facilities, employment, education, and voter registration

– Banned discrimination by race, color, gender, religion, and national origin

Struggle for Rights (cont.)

Section 4

The Struggle Continues

The struggle for equality in America has persisted and has extended to include many groups.

Section 4

The Struggle Continues (cont.)

• The civil rights struggle began with African Americans but has grown to include many different groups.

• Voting Rights Act of 1965:

– Ensured that all citizens would have the opportunity to vote, regardless of race

– Renewed in 2006

Section 4

The Struggle Continues (cont.)

• Affirmative action:

– Designed to make up for past discrimination

– Encouraged hiring and promoting minorities and women

– Considered by critics to discriminate against men and whites

Section 4

The Struggle Continues (cont.)

• Continuing struggles:

– Workplace discrimination

– Racial profiling

– Hate crimes

Landmark Civil Rights Acts

Section 4-End

VS 1

Rights of Citizens

The Bill of Rights—the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution—guarantees certain basic rights to all Americans. The Bill of Rights ensures constitutional guarantees of

• freedom of expression and belief;

• individual security; and

• equal and fair treatment before the law.

VS 2

Limits on Rights

• An individual’s rights must be balanced with the rights of others and the community’s health and safety.

VS 3

Equality Under the Law

• Limits on rights must be reasonable and apply equally to all.

• This is especially critical in the courtroom, which is where the right to due process comes into play.

• Due process means that government may not act unfairly or arbitrarily but must follow a set of reasonable, fair, and standard procedures.

VS 4

Civil Rights

• Civil rights are the protections granted in the Constitution that recognize all citizens must be treated equally under the law.

• In the United States at one time, there were widespread segregation laws.

• In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that separate-but-equal facilities were constitutional.

VS 5

Civil Rights (cont.)

• In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the Court ruled for complete desegregation.

• The civil rights movement made possible the passage of legislation guaranteeing basic civil rights for all Americans.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

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civil liberties 

freedoms to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair legal treatment



the banning of printed materials or films due to alarming or offensive ideas



a formal request for government action; a process by which candidates who are not affiliated with one of the two major parties can get on the ballot for the general election in most states



spoken untruths that are harmful to someone’s reputation



written untruths that are harmful to someone’s reputation



a means of communication with large influence



something suggested rather than directly stated


search warrant 

a court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect’s home or business and take specific items as evidence



a formal charge by a grand jury


grand jury 

a group of citizens that decides whether there is sufficient evidence to accuse someone of a crime


double jeopardy 

putting someone on trial for a crime of which he or she was previously acquitted


due process 

following established legal procedures


eminent domain 

the right of government to take private property for public use



a sum of money used as a security deposit to ensure that an accused person returns for his or her trial



the size or amount of something in relation to something else or to a whole



to take part in or include as a necessary component



the right to vote


poll tax 

a sum of money required of voters before they are permitted to cast a ballot



to fail to keep or to break, as in a law



to mention exactly or clearly



unfair treatment based on prejudice against a certain group



the social separation of the races


civil rights 

the rights of full citizenship and equality under the law


affirmative action 

programs intended to make up for past discrimination by helping minority groups and women gain access to jobs and opportunities


racial profiling 

singling out an individual as a suspect due to appearance of ethnicity



an area or division



a notation of the sex of a person


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