Splicebook - gleistein.com · Winch/Rigging Bench It is sometimes useful to utilise a winch for the...


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Tips and tricks for expert splicing and

choosing the approprate rope.Geo. Gleistein & Sohn GmbH

Heidlerchenstraße 728777 BremenGermany

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Splicebook 06|1Prologue

Dear Reader,

the Gleistein splicebook has been updated and is for the first time available in English. The content has been totally revised to give an overview of a variety of different splicingtechniques.

This second edition combines our experiencefrom more than 175 years of rope making andrigging with that of the cumulative knowledgeof both traditional and modern experiencedriggers in the field.

The “splice” is the optimal technical method oftransferring a load to a length of rope. Thesplice’s efficiency also makes it the most eco-nomical method of rope termination, as itsstrength realisation is considerably greater thanany knot, bend or hitch, regardless of the rope’sconstruction or material. In general, the higherthe break load of a rope, the higher the price. In use a rope is only as good as its termination.

Every rope construction has it’s own character-istics, peculiarities and anomalies. The newGleistein splicebook provides all the informationthat you need, in a simple form, to master the relevant splicing techniques. Whatever the application; whatever the material orconstruction; we are happy to share as muchaccumulated know – how as we can, because …

… our concern is that things connect.


Helmut Paul

Splicebook 02|3Our concern is that things connect

A rope is only as strong as its weakest point,which is invariably its end connection. Eachconstruction, material and application has itsoptimum termination solution. We lay greatemphasis on the spliceability of our ropes.

With practice, patience and the instruction ofthis book, anybody can execute a reasonablesplice. The right tools also help and these toowe can supply.

A competent splicer should have no difficulty inapplying the techniques himself, but a visit toour rigging workshop or the premises of ouragents or distributors worldwide should provevaluable to the skilled and unpractised spliceralike.

Our firm was founded in the year 1824 byCaptain George Gleistein and his son. In 1999, Gleistein celebrates its 175th Birthday. The oldest industrial family enterprise in Bremen can look back on the exciting history of a company that has developed from an outfitter of large sailing vessels to a specialistmanufacturer of many different modern andtraditional textile constructions.

What has always counted at Gleistein is the useof existing skills and techniques to develop newones.The combination of tradition and progress.

Main Halyarda) MegaTwin Zylon®

b) Dyna Lite

Topmast Backstaya) MegaOne DynaOne HSb) MegaOne DynaOne

Running Backstaya) MegaTwin Vectran®

b) MegaOne DynaOne

Topping Lifta) MegaTwin Dyneema®

b) Cup

Reefing Linesa) MegaTwin Dyneema® HSb) Cup

Main Outhaula) MegaTwin Dyneema®

b) Cup

Spi-Gennaker Sheeta) RunnerTwinb) Dyna Lite

Genoa Sheeta) RunnerTwinb) GeminiX

Boom Vanga) MegaTwin Dyneema®

b) Cup

Cunninghama)MegaTwin Dyneema®

b)Dyna Lite

Spi-Guya)MegaTwin Zylon®

b)Dyna Lite

Roller Reefing Linea) Dyneema®

Trimmb) Dyna Lite

Spipole uphaula) MegaOne DynaOneb) Cup

Spinnaker Halyarda) TaperTwinb) Dyna Lite

Gennaker Halyarda) TaperTwinb) Dyna Lite

Spinpole Foreguya) MegaTwin Dyneema® HSb) Dyna Lite

Gennaker Tack Linea)MegaTwin Dyneema® HSb)Dyna Lite

Main Sheeta) MegaTwin Dyneema®

b) GeminiX

Genua Halyarda) TaperTwinb) Dyna Lite

Splicebook 04|5The courseThe right rope

Splicing tools and accessories

Multi-strand laid ropes(e.g. Thempest)

Square Plaits(e.g. Nylon Mooring Line)

Hollow Braids(e.g. Polypropylene Hollow Braid)

Hollow Braids out of high modulus fibres(e.g. Dyna One, Dyneema Trimm)

Double Braids(e.g. Gemini X, Tasmania, Harkon, Standard, Bavaria, Dockline)

Braids with parallel fibre cores (e.g. Cup, Cup Classic)

Braids with parallel twine cores (e.g. Riviera)

Ropes with high modulus fibre cores (e.g. Vectran, Dyneema, Dyneema Classic, Dynamix, Dyna Lite, Caribic Color)


Types and uses




End-to-End Splice


End-to-End Splice


End-to-End Splice




Eye-SpliceMethod 1Method 2

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Splicing tools and accessories Splicebook 06|7Splicing tools andaccessoriesTypes and uses

The splicing tools for braided ropes aredifferentiated according to the task they have to fulfil. The splicing fid for twisted ropes formsopenings beneath the strands, whereas the fid and pusher for a braided rope form tunnels in the braids, whilst at the same time, beingmeasuring tools. All other rigging/splicing toolsand accessories are identical.

Wire marline spikeFor braids whose core consists of a twisted or abundle of threads, the wire marline spike is themost suitable. The big eye of the spike is utilisedto pull the core through the cover.

FidA different size fid is needed for every rope with a diameter of 6 mm and over. Themeasurements are marked on the fid.

PusherThe pusher pushes the fid and rope endthrough the cover or core.There are two pusher sizes, one is for ropesup to 12 mm diameter, the larger pusher is for ropes over 12 mm diameter.

TapeSmooth adhesive tape is required to hold therope ends together and prevent fraying.

Markier-StiftFelt-tippens are the most suitable.

Splicing FidEither a solid or hollow (swedish) fid whichopenings can be made between the strands oftwisted ropes. Should be in every rigging kit.

Winch/Rigging BenchIt is sometimes useful to utilise a winch for thefinal closing of a splice with braided ropes. Thisensures that the core of a rope over which thecover is to be milked, is under correct tension.

ScissorsVery sharp scissors are required. All man madefibres quickly blunt scissors. Ceramic scissors are therefore better. Some riggers even use wirecutters, which have proven themselves well. A sharp knife may suffice with natural fibres.

Rigging yarn, sewingneedles, sailmakers palm:Rigging yarns are waxed for easierworking. The thickness of yarnsshould be appropriate to therespective rope diameter. Sewingneedles are required with sewnwhipping. The palm facilitatessewing through materials.

Splicebook 08|9Multi-strand laid ropesEye-Splice

Construction and applicationsThe manufacture of ropes from twisted naturalfibres was a technique used in ancient Egyptsome 5.000 years ago.Fibres twisted together make a yarn. Several of these yarns twisted together in opposingdirections (to reduce the possibility ofuntwisting) produce a twine. Further twinesform a strand. Three, four or six of thesestrands twisted together will form a laid rope.When the direction of twist alternates fromstage to stage (i.e. from fibres, to yarns, totwines, to strands, to the final rope) thetendency of the rope to unlay, or untwist, isgreatly reduced and the rope’s stability andintegrity enhanced.

The laid rope is used in a large variety ofapplications. On traditional vessels it is used as a mooring line, sheet or halyard. It is alsowidely used for many other specialised jobssuch as towing, lashing or as security line.This multi purpose rope should always be usedwith a degree of caution, as laid ropes can havea tendency to kink or deform under certainloading conditions. A laid rope can be opened(with care) by using the opposite twist directionand the splicing technique for laid ropes takesadvantage of this property.

Splicebook 010|11


Tucking through strand (1)The next step is to splice strand (1). The splicingposition is turned towards the body slightly andthe same procedure as with strand (2) is carriedout.

Tucking through strand (3)Now the other side of the eye is turnedupwards and strand (3) is spliced under theremaining firm strand. We have thus placedeach unravelled strand under a fixed strand,always against the lay of the rope.








Tucking through strand 2The fid is used to create a gap under theuppermost strand. The gap is maintained, the fid withdrawn and strand (2) is pushedthrough the gap.

Unlaying the rope end anddetermining the eye sizeThe three strands of the rope are unlaid aboutfour turns. If the rope is loosely constructed one safeguards it from further unravelling by a temporary layer of tape. The strands andremaining rope should keep their originalshape. The three strand ends are protectedagainst further unravelling by heat-sealing,whipping or taping. The diagram shows howthe size of an eye is determined. The middlestrand (2) lies between strands (1) and (3), as well as lying on top of the rope.




Multi-strand laid ropes Eye-SpliceEye-SpliceMulti-strand laid ropes

Splicebook 012|13

The subsequent 3 complete tucksFrom this point, the second tuck is carried outagainst the rope lay over the next fixed strandand under the following fixed strand. The sameprocedure is performed with strands (1) and (3).Each strand is spliced three times. By theremoval of some rope yarns, tapering can beachieved and two further tucks can be done. The tapering gives the splice a slender stream-lined appearance.

Completion of the spliceThe overlapping strands and yarn ends are cutoff – not too close to the rope – and can beheat sealed although a better method is towhip the splice end.



Square Plaitse.g. Polyamid, Geolon


Construction and applicationsTwo pairs of strands twisted in clockwise andtwo pairs twisted in anti-clockwise directions, in such a way that they cross in the centre ofthe rope, form a square cross sectional shapedrope called Square Plait, 8 Strand Cross Plait,Square Line or other similarly descriptive name.Square Plaits have found their applicationsmainly in commercial marine (mooring)applications and fishing, as they cannot kink or deform and are torque-free. They workparticularly well on capstan or hand-tailed typewinches, have a relatively high constructionalstretch and are easily spliced. These excellentproperties make this type of construction very popular amongst yachtsmen and formooring and anchoring applications.

Multi-strand laid ropes Eye-Splice

Splicebook 014|15

Eye SpliceThe four initial tucksWe position the section that is to be spliced insuch a manner, that two pairs of strands lie ontop, and two at the bottom of the rope. The top strands are twisted in a Z- or respectively S-direction. Begin with the Z-pair of strands. As shown in the diagram, they are tucked undera Z-pair of strands. It is advantageous here, touse the fid to form the opening for this (as wellas subsequent tucks) under the strands. Now,take the S-strand pair, and tuck them under theneighbouring pair of S-strands.

The splice is now rotated 180º. At this stage,proceed in the same manner as with the firsttwo tucks. Pull all strands that you have passedthrough the rope evenly, but not too tight, soas to prevent the eye section swelling up.


Measurement of the tail length and eye sizeThe rope end is spliced back so this length islost and therefore needs to be considered in thefinal length of the rope. Remove the tape fromthe rope end, or where applicable cut off theheat sealed section of the rope end. Tape eachstrand end with a layer of tape and thereafteruse a thin layer of tape to stick the respectivepairs of strands together. Unbraid the rope to alength of nine rope lays. Fix a layer of tapearound the tenth lay, to prevent the rope fromunravelling. Now determine the size of the eye.


9 rope lays

Square plaited ropes are braided from 4-strandpairs. The strands are twisted either clockwiseor anti-clockwise. This is also referred to as Zand S rope lay. The diagram illustrates how thedirection of rope lay can be easily recognised.The splicing technique requires that Z strandsare spliced only under Z-strands, and S-strandsonly under S-strands.

We have also tested this the other way around:Z-strands under S-strands and vice versa. Thetest results are the same. The first methodcorresponds more to “rope logic“: In the case ofa twisted rope, a strand twisted in one directionis also spliced under a strand likewise twisted inthe same direction.Splicing tools: Fid and tape

Square Plaits Eye-SpliceSquare Plaits Eye-Splice

Splicebook 016|17

3.The next five double tucksThis step describes what happens to a pair of Z-strands that have already been tucked throughthe rope, in order to complete the splice. Theremaining three pairs will be dealt with in thesame manner later, hence we shall not repeatthe description.Remove the tape from the end of the pair ofstrands. The two strands are now lying againsteach other. Apart from the fixed pair of strandsof the rope that were tucked under during thefirst step, there is another fixed pair of Z-strands.They are now individually tucked. One strand ofthe opened pair of strands is now tucked undera fixed strand, the other strand passes over thestrand that has been spliced under and thenpasses under the second fixed strand.The same procedure is repeated four times.

At this stage, the neighbouring pair of S-strandsis treated in the same way just as the tworemaining pairs of strands. After completion,the splice must look like that depicted in thediagram.

Completion of the spliceThe strand ends still sticking out after thestrands have been evenly tightened, are melted off smoothly, or the ends of the pairsbound by tape and then heat sealed.The best looking method is to heat seal thestrand ends until they are very short, and then to cover with a well sewn whipping.


Hollow Braidse.g. Polypropylene Hollow Braid



Construction and applicationsA hollow braid is a round braid without a filleror core. It is essentially, a tube, woven orbraided from an equal number of clockwise and anti-clockwise twisted strands.The simple, effective construction of hollowbraids makes them easy to splice using thecharacteristic of the hollow centre within therope contracting when the rope is undertension. Anything (such as the tail of the ropeitself) inserted into that hollow rope centre willbe held securely by the contracting braid.Hollow braids are widely used for mooring andsecurity lines. A hollow braid is a round braidwithout a filler or core. It is essentially, a tube,woven or braided from an equal number ofclockwise and anti-clockwise twisted strands.The simple, effective construction of hollowbraids makes them easy to splice using thecharacteristic of the hollow centre within therope contracting when the rope is undertension. Anything (such as the tail of the ropeitself) inserted into that hollow rope centre willbe held securely by the contracting braid.Hollow braids are widely used for mooring and security lines.

Square Plaits Eye-Splice

Splicebook 018|19

End-to-End SpliceEye-Splice

Hollow braid is like “empty hoses“ that uponhaving load pressure exerted on it, drawstogether and contracts. If one wants to splicetwo ends together as a ring for instance, or for repairs, one lets the end of one ropedisappear within the other and vice versa.For safety’s sake, our splicing recommendationsadvise four tucks to be carried out beforehand,in order to prevent dislocation of the two thatmight otherwise occur when there is no load onthe rope. The fid and pusher normally requiredfor braid splicing are not imperative in this case,although still useful. Here, the splice can oftenbe carried out without tools.What is definitely needed are tape and scissors!

Tapering of the two rope endsEach rope end is tapered at staggered intervalsand bound with a layer of tape.

Measuring the tail length, the initial tucksMeasure the distance of a long and short fidlength on each rope and mark each rope at thisposition. Using either the fingers or the pusher,an opening is made at the marked spot on onerope and the rope pulled through up to themarked spot on it. One proceeds in a similarfashion, pushing the rope end back as depictedin the diagram.



Determining the length and eye sizeMeasure a length of 50 cm from the end of thebraid and mark it. Then determine the eye from the point marked. It makes sense to makea second mark at this stage.It is recommended to cut the rope end at ataper and to secure it with a layer of tape.

First and second tucksThis splice can thus far be carried out withouttools, the fid and pusher are nevertheless veryuseful. At the second mark, push a hole straightthrough the hollow braiding and pull the rope end through this hole until mark 1 reaches mark 2. At a distance of approx. 1–2 x ropediameter once more push a hole through thehollow braid and proceed in the same manneras before. The diagram shows the course of the braid.

Third and fourth tucks, completion of spliceCarry out tucking 3 and 4 in the same way asbefore. The splice is complete by way of lettingthe rope end disappear in the hollow braiding.




Hollow braids for all intents and purposes, lengthof “hollow hose“. Upon pressure load beingexerted, these hoses become extended in length.Thus reducing the hollow space and holding fastthe end of the rope that was introduced earlier. In order to prevent the rope end from being pulledout of the braided covering too easily upon easingof the load, four tucks are made, prior to the ropeend disappearing.

1 long and 1 shortfid length

Hollow Braids Eye-Splice Hollow Braids End-to-End-Splice

Splicebook 020|21

Third and fourth tucks running inopposite directionsOpenings three and four are tucked through the rope, first in the one rope, then in the opposite rope in the same manner. Theprocedure is demonstrated in the diagram.

Tapering of tail ends of the ropesand housing of these within thehollow braidworkIt is advisable to unlay both rope ends a littleand to taper them somewhat at staggeredintervals, thereafter binding a layer of tapearound each respective end. Having completedthis, the fid and pusher are used to make therope ends disappear within the braiding cover.As an additional safeguard, we recommend thatthe crossover point of the braids, whippingtwine is used to briefly sew both ropestogether, to ensure that nothing is displaced inrespect to each other.



Hollow Braids out of highmodulus fibrese.g. Dyna One, Dyneema Trimm


Construction and applicationsThe construction principle is the same as withstandard hollow braids, the difference is the raw materials used and their very special characteristics. When splicing hollow braids of high modulus fibres, such as Dyneema,Vectran, Kevlar or Twaron, one must ensure that sufficient tail of rope is buried inside thehollow braid to give enough friction to holdthese extremely high strength ropes.If the splicing instructions are followed scrupulously, break loads superior to those ofwire ropes of the same diameter (especially with DYNA ONE) can be achieved.A correctly spliced DYNA ONE can be advantage-ously used in highly demanding applicationssuch as backstays, backstay runners, spinnakersheets and spinnaker runners.

Hollow Braids End-to-End Splice

Fid is passing through the braid mark 2

mark 1

splicing mark

Fid is fixed to therope with a pieceof tape

Splicebook 022|23



Eye-SpliceDyna One is Gleistein’s man-made fibre “steelwire rope”. Its construction requires an accuratesplicing technique. There will be no problemswith our splicing instructions if they are strictlyadhered to.



Determining the eye size andmarking the ropeMeasure three fid lengths from the end of therope and mark the braid with a dot. This is mark 1. Determine the size of the eye and mark the rope (mark 2) adjacent to mark 1. If a (reinforced) thimble is required ensure that the

rope is pulled tightly around it before makingmark 2. For splicing mark (mark 3) measure onefid length from mark 1 towards the end of therope.

Hollow Braids

out of high

modulus fibres

Eye-Splice Hollow Braids

out of high

modulus fibres


3 fid lenghts

splicing mark mark 1

mark 2

Rope consisting of 12 pairs of strands

Cut and remove 1 yarn each of 6 strandslying next to each other

Cut and remove 3 strands of every secondstrand of both directions

Rope consisting of single yarn strands


splicing mark

Feeding the tail into the hollow ropeInsert the rope into the fid bore and fix the fidto the rope with a piece of tape. This fid isintroduced into the rope at mark 2 and should

emerge after about three fid lengths. Bunch upthe braid until the splicing mark reappears.mark 1 and mark 2 should be close together.

Tapering the rope endStart tapering at the splicing mark. Dyna One isa twelve-strand braid of which 6 strands runclockwise and six strands run in an anti-clock-wise direction. The tapering procedure should

halve the rope exactly. Look at the strands. If they consist of two parallel yarns, a length of 6 strands lying next to each other must bemeasured from the splicing mark.

Completion of the spliceStart from mark 2 to milk the slack out of therope. The rope end disappears in the hollowbraid. It is essential to secure the eye splice withlock stitching and a well-sewn whipping toprevent the splice from being pulled out beforeits initial use. Ensure that the splicing area iscompletely smooth.

First cut and remove one yarn from onedirection (e.g. clockwise), then repeat theprocedure with the yarns running in theopposite direction. Where the strands consist of only one yarn, three yarns of every second

strand of one direction are cut and removedfrom the braid and the same with the oppositedirection. Cutting ends at random now tapersthe last 5-10 centimetres of the tail of the rope.

Splicebook 024|25

End-to-End Splice

Double Braidse.g. Gemini X, Tasmania, HarkonStandard, Bavaria, Dockline




Construction and ApplicationsThis construction is produced by braiding around cover over a round core and gives a compact rope with a high break load evenlydistributed between core and cover.Double Braids have numerous applications onboard such as halyards, sheets, lazy jacks andmooring ropes and provide a versatilityunequalled by any other modern construction.

Hollow Braids out of highmodulus fibres


Place both ropes in splicing positionFix one rope end with a piece of tape to the fidbore and insert it into the other rope end atmark 1, feed the fid through this rope until

both mark 1’s are adjacent to each other.Secure this area with lock stitching and a securewhipping and repeat with the other rope end.

Measurement of splicing allowance and splicing marksMake mark 1 three fid lengths from both of theends to be spliced, measure one fid length frommark 1 towards the end of each rope.

Tapering the rope endsRefer to point 3 of page 23. Taper both ropeends in the same way.

Completion of the spliceSmooth both ends from the whipping along the rope.





mark 1

mark 1

3 fid lengths

splicing mark

splicing mark

tapered Rope End

smooth braid smooth braidwhipping


splicing marksplicing mark

bunched-up rope area

Splicebook 026|27


Pushing of fid through the coreThe fid is introduced into the core at mark 2,further through the cover, and reappears atmark 3. A tunnel is formed in this way, which is

utilised in step 5 to house the end of the coverin the core braiding.

Pushing of cover through core tunnelCut the cover end to a taper with scissors or aknife – and bind this pointed tip fast with alayer of tape. The tapered point is positionedwithin the fid bore and pushed into it firmlywith the assistance of the pusher. The core is

held lightly at mark 3, in order to push thecover from mark 2 to mark 3 through the corewith the aid of the pusher. The end of the coveris pulled out of the core a little.



Cut and bindwith tape anew

introduce cover

mark 2

mark 2

mark 1

mark 1

mark 3

mark 3

Measuring of the eyeThe rope end must be taped – not heat sealed.mark a thick dot on the rope, one fid lengthfrom the end of the rope. Use this marked pointas the starting position for forming the eye tothe required size and mark the rope at thatpoint with an “x“ as shown in the sketch. Instep 2, the core is extracted from the cover at

this position. Now tie a slipknot into the ropeabout five fid lengths away from the “x“ mark.This knot prevents the dislocation of theremaining rope from the cover during thesplicing procedure. Where a thimble needs tobe spliced into the eye, it is necessary tomeasure the eye size around the thimble.

Removal of core from coverMake a sharp bend in the rope at point “x“.Carefully push the cover yarns to the side so thata hole is created in the braiding. The tip of thepusher is useful for enlarging the hole at thisstage. Push the tip of the pusher under the core.

Before extracting the core from the cover fully,draw position mark 1 on the core. Remove thecore from the cover completely, so that the endof the core is fully outside.Bind the end of the core tightly with a soft tape.

Marking the coreAs evident from the diagram, extract more ofthe core from the cover. From mark 1, measurea short fid length and mark that position on thecore as mark 2. Then from mark 2, measure thedistance of one whole and one short fid length

and mark that point as mark 3. Compare thesemeasurements with the drawing once more.It is advisable at the start, to indicate mark 1 by one ring around the core, mark 2 by tworings and mark 3 by three rings.




The core is extracted fromthe cover at this point

Extraction ofcore

engraved mark on fid

shortfid length

1 long + 1 short fid length


1 layer of tape


mark 1

mark 3 mark 2 mark 1


1 fid length

Desired eye size

Tie a slipknot into the ropeabout five fid lengths fromthe point marked “x“

1 layerof tape

Double Braids Eye-SpliceDouble Braids Eye-Splice

Splicebook 028|29


The cover is “milked“ down over the coreEither hold the rope by the slipknot madeearlier, or even better, place the slipknot over a hook. Now hold the rope taut by the corebraiding and “milk“ the loose cover, keepingthe core under constant tension, whilst theloose of the cover moves over the core between theslipknot and “x“. This should result in the coredisappearing within the cover. This step is the

only one that may present some difficulties tothe layperson. Do not attempt to complete thisprocedure in one go, but rather in severaloperations. Ultimately, the core is swallowed bythe cover at the crossover point. The core endstill protruding is cut off. Then it is necessary topull on the eye-splice to smooth the rope.

Completion of the spliceWhen the “swallowing“ in step 8 does nothappen easily: If not enough care is taken, thecore bunches up at the crossover point. This can hinder the “swallowing up“ process. Wherethis occurs, the “milked“ cover must be brushedback in the direction of the slipknot and the

earlier step repeated, until the core has completely disappeared. The whole procedure can sometimes be made easier by moving the rope to and fro in the area around thecrossover point.

Final stepThe splice should look like the one shown in thediagram. We recommend a simple whipping ofthe eye at the crossover point. Should a hollowspot appear at the throat because the core tailwas cut off too close, this is merely aestheticallyirritating, but does not reduce the strength.

The reason for this is that in the eye of the rope,the tension load is distributed over both sides.Each side therefore has to withstand 50 % ofthe total load, a feat that the cover alone iscapable of handling.



Beginning at theslipknot “milk“ the covertowards the eye Milk the cover

until the coredisappears here


crossover point

The end of the core is latercut off



Pushing of fid and core end through coverFirst look at the diagram carefully. It will bediscerned that the core end must be passedthrough the cover, namely between the dot andthe opening “x“, more precisely, approximatelyone rope diameter further behind “x“. The fid isinserted in the cover at the marked dot. This isthe crossover point. The fid is pushed throughthe cover to a distance of one rope diameterfurther than “x“. The taped core end is pressedinto the fid bore, and the core end pushedthrough the cover with the fid and the pusher.

The core end is pulled until the core has fullypassed through the cover. By pulling the end ofthe cover, the crossover point is pulled shut. Itshould be noted that with small eyes, the stepsoutlined above suffice. If the eye is required tobe larger however, the fid will not be longenough to reach from the dot to “x“ in oneprocedure. In this case it is done stepwise bycoming out of the braided cover and carryingon the task from that position.

Reintroduce the fid and core end at thesame point at which they emerged

Fid and coreend emergeone rope coverat the dot


crossover point

end cover

Fid and core are introducedinto the diameter furtherthan “x“ from the cover

cover end

mark 3crossover point


tapering of theend

tapered end ofcover disappearshere

Tapering of the end of the coverThe end of the cover remains in the core uponcompletion of the splice. A tapering of the endof the cover makes the splice look good andincreases its strength. To facilitate tapering, thetape must first be removed from the end of thecover. Thereafter, the cover braid is unravelledas far as possible and then cut out stepped

fashion. Now the rope is held at the crossoverpoint and the loose of the core “milked“ away.This causes the end of the cover to disappearinto the core. Hereafter, the loose is “milked“ orbrushed out of the cover (refer to diagram),until the braid cover is once more taut.

Double Braids Eye-Splice Double Braids Eye-Splice

Splicebook 030|31


Now look at the core braid more closely. Itconsists of braided yarn groupings. Some runclockwise and some anti-clockwise. As in thediagram, first mark 2 groups of yarns lyingparallel, but running in opposite directions,then jump two and repeat the marking untilthere is a total of 4 x 2 groups marked.Each group consists of an even or unevennumber of yarns. Halve the marked groups,sever half of them and pull the fibres that havebeen cut out of the rope end. The tape at theend of the rope maintains the shape of the “leftover“ rope. Halving is simple in the case ofeven strands of yarn. With an uneven number

this can only be done in the following manner:Remove one yarn from one group, two from thenext, then one again, and so on.The end of the cover is tapered correspondingly.From the dot, count 7 pairs of yarns in thedirection of the cover end, and mark thecrossover point “k“ there. From “k“, all pairs ofyarns of the cover are halved by cutting oneyarn out of each pair and pulling it out. This isbest done in the following manner: From “k“ inthe direction of the rope end, mark six pairs ofyarns of each lay direction, so that one is alwaysskipped over. Of these pairs, one is always cutout and removed.

Tapering of core tail and end of the covera) Plain methodThe core end is tapered by way of the alreadytaped rope end being cut off diagonally. Theend of the core on the other hand is taperedfrom a point seven yarn pairs away from thedot marked earlier. This crossover point ismarked with a “k“. Remove the tape from the

end of the braided cover and unravel the ropecover up to point “k“. The bundle of fibresresulting from this must be cut in a steppedmanner in order to taper it . The new rope endis taped.

b) Precise method In the precise method, both the core and coverends are halved exactly. Pull more length of thecore from the cover and place a layer of tapearound the core ends. Measure one short fidlength from the position marked 1 to the slip

knot on the core, marking the spot as 2 (or even better draw 2 rings around the core).Next, measure one complete fid length frompoint 2 in the direction of the slipknot and mark it as 3 (3 rings around the core).

1 fid length

mark 1mark 2mark 3

short fidlength

The splicing tools for the End-to-End splice arethe same as those used for all braided ropes.There are two variations to the End-to-Endsplice: With the plain method, there is a slightthickening at the rope end, whereas with the

precise method the thickened end disappears.The decisive difference lies in the tapering ofthe respective core and cover ends. It is of greatadvantage with End-to-End splicing to havemastered the eye splice with this double braid.



Marking the coverTape both rope ends with adhesive tape, do notheat seal them. If the ends have been heatsealed, these parts have to be cut off. Positionboth ropes i the manner portrayed in thediagram, as exactly the same measurementsmust be marked on each rope. Measure one fidlength from the end of the rope and mark witha dot. From this dot, measure three-quarters

of a short fid length and mark the spot with an“x“. From “x“ (on both ropes) measure five fidlengths and tie a slipknot. The reason for this isthat during splicing, the core is pushed anddislocated from the cover. The knots prevent afurther shifting of the displacement down therope.

Extraction of the core from the coverMake a sharp bend at the ropes at “x“ and pushthe yarns of the cover away from “x“, to makean opening. The braided core now appears.Before pulling it out of the respective braidedcover it is marked by a 1 or even better, by a

ring around the core. The respective core is thenpulled out of the cover using the pusher andthe end of the rope is taped firmly with a layerof tape.

3/4 of

the short

fid length 1 fid length

1 layer of tape

End-to-End-SpliceDouble BraidsEnd-to-End-SpliceDouble Braids

Splicebook 032|33


Guiding of core and cover, pulling in cover endsInsert fid approx. one rope diameter next to“k“, into the cover and push 3–4 cm throughthe cover on the other side of “x“. Place thecore end into the fid bore and push the coreend through the cover with the pusher. Therespective ropes then cross each other at point“k“ and position 2. Pull carefully on bothrespective rope ends so that the point ofintersection can settle. Avoid pulling in any

lumps. Now the first intersection position is held by one hand from where the core issuccessively stroked smooth and even. The cover end now disappears completelywithin the core. Now the cover is strokedsmooth, starting from the crossover point so that the core will attain the correct position.Needless to say, the same procedure must be carried with each “part rope“.

Drawing together and completion of the spliceWe now place a slipknot over a fixed hook andpull the core of the rope that we have attachedto the hook, taut in the region of the splice, to-wards the hook. With the other hand, we milkthe cover over the core. First the position mark3 will disappear, then the crossover point at 2.After this, the slipknot of the other rope is fixedto the hook and the same procedure carried outas with the other rope. This results in the holebetween the two “part ropes“ becoming increa-singly smaller until it ultimately slips togethercompletely. If all the taperings in the previoussteps were carried out correctly, then the left

and right cover openings will be pushed againsteach other and the splice will not have anyswelling. With the plain method on the otherhand, a swelling will remain, since only the endof the cover was tapered not the core, the coreis thus doubled up in this type of splice. Cutthe core ends till sticking out close to their exitpoints. Hereafter, sewing (whipping) of thecompleted splice is recommended. If all themeasurements were made precisely and thework was carried out according to the instruc-tions, the splice will succeed at the first go.

crossover point


Placing of ropes in splicing positionWhen both rope ends have been tapered in thesame way (more precisely: the 2 core ends andthe 2 cover ends), the ropes are placed in splic-ing position as demonstrated in the diagram. If a continuous rope loop is to be spliced in, it isimportant to check that the ropes have not be

come twisted. This does not matter when tworope ends are spliced together. Should it benecessary to splice a ring into a rope loop forinstance, it must be slipped over one of theropes at this stage.

Pushing the cover end through the coreThe fid is introduced into a core at the positionmarked 2 and exits it again at position 3. Theend of the cover of the second rope is placedinto the fid bore and held there by the pusherpassing through the core until it emerges atpoint 3 after having entered at point 2.

The cover end of the second rope is treatedcorrespondingly. Both cover ends arerespectively positioned correctly when thecrossover point “k“ appears at the markedposition 2.

mark 2

mark 2mark 3

mark 3


End-to-End-SpliceDouble Braids End-to-End-SpliceDouble Braids



Splicebook 034|35



Marking of the coreExtract more of the core from the cover, thenmeasure a short fid length from mark 1 on thecore and mark the spot as mark 2.

Thereafter, mark the core mark 3, one short andone whole fid length distance onto the core.

1 short and 1 full fid length

mark 3 mark 2

mark 3mark 2

mark 1

Pushing the cover end into the coreCut off the tapered end of the cover at an anglemarking a point that is held by the tape.The fidis inserted into the core braid at mark 2 andemerges at mark 3. Place the cover end into the

fid bore, jam the cover end into the bore with the pusher and push the fid and the coverthrough the core.

The back splice in double braid is a clean andsafe way of finishing a rope end. Whipping isnot required, one has a flexible rope to the endand can halve all the measurements given bythe instructions if the back splice appears to betoo long.Splicing tools: You will require the tools thatare used for the other braided rope splices inthis book.



Measurement of the rope endThe rope end is taped with a layer of adhesivetape. Should the rope end have been heatsealed, that section has to be cut off. Measureone fid length from the rope cover end andmark it on the cover with a dot.

Make a slipknot in the rope about six fidlengths from the dot. Reason: During splicingthe core is displaced in relation to the cover.This slipknot prevents further running of thedislocation.

Extraction of core from coverBend the rope sharply at the dot. Spread thecover strands to the side with the fingers sothat an opening results in the cover braid. Prythe core out of the cover with the pusher or

another pointed tool. Then mark the core witha 1 where it emerges from the cover, pull thecore end out and stick a layer of adhesive tapearound the core end.

1 fid length

short fidlength

Double Braids Back-SpliceDouble Braids Back-Splice

Splicebook 036|37


Positioning (burying) of cover end in coreRemove the tape from the end of the cover.Unravel the cover end somewhat and cut somefibres off stepwise so that the end of the coveris tapered. Milk the slack of the core from mark2 into the direction of mark 3. When the end of

the cover has just disappeared within the core,hold the core fast at mark 3 and now milk theslack in the direction of mark 2, until all theslack has disappeared.

The slack is milked out of the coverAttach the rope to a hook by the slipknot. Milkthe slack out of the cover towards the rope end,initially very carefully, thereafter progressivelymore intensively. The core will engulf mark 3first, then mark 2 and ultimately even the dot.

The procedure is a little difficult, so do notattempt to do it in one go, but rather instages.occasional kneading of the end of the ropehelps in splicing.


Finishing off of the spliceCut the end of the core close to tthe point ofemergence at the splice location and milk theremaining slack from the cover.The core end


disappear inside the rope and the splice hasbeen completed.

Double Braids Back-Splice


Construction and ApplicationsA construction composed of tightly packedparallel fibres surrounded by a protective coverbraid. An intermediate braided cover is usuallyincluded to improve the ropes stability and givea better friction adhesion between outer coverand core. This unique construction providesoptimal realisation of the fibre’s tensile strengthwith minimal stretch behaviour. The parallelfibre core gives zero constructional stretch.This construction requires a special splicingtechnique, as the core of the rope will notcontract under tension. Properly spliced, thisconstruction provides an excellent solution toapplications requiring the highest strength,lowest elongation and greatest durability for agiven raw material

Braids with parallel fibre coresCup, Cup Classic


Splicebook 038|39

Eye Splice

Marking of the coreMore of the core is pulled from the cover. Thecore-cover displacement which occurs here

ends at the slipknot. From mark 1, measure ashort fid length on the core and the spot 2.



Preliminary information: Braids are always“hoses“. Under tensile stress they becomeextended lengthwise, thereby becoming nar-rower. This “draw-stocking-effect“ is utilised, by allowing the braid ends to withdraw backinto themselves, thus holding the eyes together.This principle is not facilitated by CUP, as thecore is compact, filled with fibres, which does

not allow the core to be spliced back. Hence theend of the cover is taped to the core by a layerof adhesive tape. The cover lying above, pro-duces the necessary pressure against the core toeffect a friction hold. The splicing tools are thesame as utilised with other ropes.

Measurement of the eyeA layer of tape seals the end of the rope. Itmust not be heat sealed! Cut off possible heatsealed sections. mark a conspicuous dot about10 cm from the end of the rope. Starting fromthe dot, form the eye to the desired size. Thuswe locate the point “x“, opposite the dot mark(after having formed the eye). At the point “x“,the core is pried out of the cover during step 2.

Tie a slipknot into the rope at a distance ofabout five fid lengths from “x“. This knotprevents the shifting of the core in respect tothe cover in the remainder of the rope duringsplicing. Where a thimble is to be spliced intothe rope, the eye-size is measured over thethimble.

Extraction of core from the coverMake a sharp bend in the rope at “x“ and bendit to and fro at this spot to make it moreflexible. Push the covering yarns to the side withthe pusher until a hole has been made in thebraiding.

The core is pulled out of the cover at this spotand marked as 1. Cut off the core end at anangle and shape the point at the end with alayer of tape. Do not heat seal!!!

10 cm

mark 1



mark 1mark 2

1 short fidlength

Pushing of fid and core through the coverThe fid is inserted in the cover braid at the dotand re-emerges 2–3 cm the other side of “x“.The core end is placed in the fid bore andpushed through the cover with the assistance ofthe pusher. At the point of re-emergence the

core is taken out again and pulled through thecover zone until mark 2 of the core disappearsunder the cover. The core is then fixed in thatposition with a taut layer of tape. The tape iswound tightly around the cover at the dot.

Braids with parallel

fibre cores

Eye-SpliceBraids with parallel

fibre cores


Braids with paralleltwine corese.g. Riviera

Eye Splice


Splicebook 040|41



Tapering and fixing of the cover endThe tape is removed from the end of the cover.The trail of the cover is unravelled up to thetape near the dot. The bundle of yarns that isestablished by this means is cut stepped withscissors, tapered and thereafter wound aroundthe core – starting at the dot, it is tied fast tothe core. Care must be taken that the tape issmooth and wrapped around the rope withoutobtrusive kinks.

Milking of the bunched up cover out of the eyeIn the vicinity of the eye i.e. between the dotand “x“, the cover has bunched up duringsplicing. The splicing section is now held nearthe dot, and the bunched up cover milked awayin the direction of “x“. During this proceduremore and more of the core end disappears

within the cover. After all the loose of the coverhas been milked away, the end of the core iscut off closely at the point of emergence. The remaining core disappears completely uponthe final milking away of residual bunches.

The cover is milked down over the coreThe final step is the only one that might beproblematical to the layperson. The cover ismilked back over the core loop. However theloop ends up swollen because of the layer oftape holding the yarn ends, which causes theshape of the cover braid to be impaired,resulting in resistance. Here it is advisable tofollow the directions carefully: Place the slip-knot over a hook as shown in the diagram. Pullthe core taut. With the other hand, milk the

loose bunched up cover over the core. Ulti-mately, the cover swallows the entire coresection. Should this step prove difficult, then it is useful to brush the possibly bunched upcover back again and repeat the step a furthertime. Another possibility is to beat the splicearea soft and flexible with the fid or a woodenmallet as by this means the yarns of the coverbraid will more readily rearrange themselvesinto the new position.

Construction and ApplicationsThese ropes consist of a core of an equalnumber of clockwise and anticlockwise twistedtwines held together by a protective andcompact braided cover. Although less expensiveto manufacture than double braids they do an excellent job as sheets and halyards onsmaller cruising vessels and provide a costeffective, economic alternative for the OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer).

Braids with parallel

fibre cores


Splicebook 042|43


Eye Splice


Opening of the cover and extractionof the core from the coverThe cover is opened at the spot marked “B“. Ifthe splicing instructions are adhered to, thisshould prove to be relatively easy. All othermethods may prove more difficult. Take the fidand push its tip under a strand (this strand canfor all intents and purposes consist of severalparallel yarns), and loosen the yarns. Turningthe marline spike around in the process turns

sufficient looseness into the strand. Repeat thisprocedure with a number of strands around thelocation of “B“ and pry out the rope core withthe aid of the marline spike. Place the coreparallel to the end of the cover and put a layerof tape around the core at “A“ as well as onelayer around the cores end.

Milking back the looseness andwrinkled braids of the cover, andinsertion of the wire fidMilk all the slackness that was created in thecover during step 1 in the direction of the slip-knot in the direction of position “B“. The coremust not shift its position regard to the cover inthe process. About 35 cm from “B“, in the dir-ection of the slipknot, the splicing needle re-emerges from the cover at “A“. Care must betaken not to snag the core during this activity,

as this would bunch the core up. Halve the coreby cutting out and removing yarn fibres, thenplace the core tail into the fid bore and pull thecore end from “A“ to the point of emergence ofthe fid. The points “A“ and “B“ now lie next toeach other. Taper the core end a little more instepped fashion.

35 cm

These instructions are applicable to all the othertypes of braiding in which the core does notconsist of braiding, or where there is a CUPconstruction. The splice is load bearing, as thecore tail which has been led back is held by thecover.

The most suitable splicing tools are aconventional Swedish fid and a splicing needlewhich can be made from a thick bent piece ofwire with a slot drilled in one end. The wireshould be 40–50 cm long and have the otherend doubled up as a handle.



Preparation of the spliceTie a slipknot in the rope at a distance about 3cm from the end. The core tail that is led backmakes the cover swell up. The cover will onlyfollow if it has adequate looseness. If the rope

end has been hed sealed, it is cut off, and in thecase of taping, it is removed. Now push thecover about 15 cm over the core, and milk theslack created into the direction of the slipknot.

30 cm

Measuring of the eyeMeasure 30 cm from the end of the cover andmark the cover with an “A“ at this spot.

Determine the eye at the desired size and placethe mark “B“ on the cover.

Eye-SpliceBraids with parallel

twine cores

Eye-SpliceBraids with parallel

twine cores

mark A

mark B

mark A

mark A

mark B

mark B

Ropes with highmodulus fibre corese.g. Vectran, Dyneema, Dyneema Classic, Dynamix, Dyna Lite, Caribic Color

Eye-SpliceMethod 1, Core-to-Core SpliceMethod 2, Core-to-Core Splice

Splicebook 044|45


Tapering the end of the cover andbrushing the splice area smoothThe end of the cover is now tapered progres-sively along its complete length. Then the slackis stroked out of the cover, beginning at “B“, in the direction of the slipknot, after that, theprotruding strand ends and or cover ends are

cropped close to the point of emergence. Oncemore, stroke the splice area smooth, until theyarn ends disappear into the braid.

Splicing in a thimbleIf a thimble needs to be spliced in, this is inser-ted in the eye shortly before the last milking ofthe slack. After this, the remaining slack of thecover is stroked into the direction of the eye.

Pulling of cover tail into the coverand taperingUnravel the end of the cover up to “A“. Theninsert the splicing needle into the cover about20 cm from “B“. The needle re-emerges at “B“.Now place the tail of the cover in the slot andpull the cover into the cover braid.


7. Construction and ApplicationsThese ropes are highly specialised constructionsfor the most demanding applications. Braidedcores of high modulus fibres, such as Dyneema,Vectran or Kevlar feature technical character-istics, in terms of break load and stretchbehaviour, that can be an improvement onthose of a steel wire rope. The load-bearingcore has a braided protective cover of hightenacity polyester. An additional intermediatecover over the core improves friction betweenthe load bearing centre and the protective cover for more efficient use in stoppers.

This section of our splice book introducesadvanced splicing techniques, which requireclose adherence to the instructions and care intheir application. In this way splices can beproduced that will transfer the physicalproperties of these high quality lines intopractical use on board resulting in the ultimateperformance, durability and safety for halyards,sheets, guys and other applications.

Eye-SpliceBraids with parallel

twine cores

mark B

mark B

Splicebook 046|47


Precise tapering of the coreAt the position marked 1, the core is nowpulled out from beneath the cover. This mayprove more difficult with a 32 braid. The fid and tip of the pusher are appropriate here, in forming the hole in the cover. Care must be taken, that the core is not disarrangedrespective to the cover between mark 1 and the slipknot.It is advisable to fasten the braids at bothpoints with a spike, nail or similar object pushedthrough them. A layer of tape seals the coreend. Now we come to the precise tapering ofthe core. This step is decisive for the strength,quality and appearance of the splice. Inspectthe core braid closely. It will consist either ofsimple yarns, or twofold, threefold or evenfourfold yarns. This braidwork must now behalved over a long section. At this stage, alength of six braids lying next to each othermust be measured from mark 1 on the core

(refer to the diagram, where this procedure isoutlined clearly). The tapering is to be donefrom the sixth braid onwards. First taper onebraid lay direction i. e., those braids runningclockwise. Halve the braids according to thediagram. Where the braid consists only of oneyarn, “one over the other“ yarn is cut andremoved from the braid; with 2 yarns, everyother yarn is removed alternatively braid bybraid. Where there are three yarns, first twoyarns are cut and removed, then from the nextgroup, one yarn is severed and pulled out etc.When all the yarns running in one directionhave been halved (e.g. clockwise), then thesame procedure is carried out with those yarnsrunning in the other direction – refer todiagram. The tape on the end of the core holdsthe residual braid together adequately duringthis procedure.

mark 2

mark 1

mark 1

6 braids


Preparation of the rope end andmeasuring of the eyeThe rope end must be taped not heat sealed.Should it have been heat sealed, then that section must be cut off. In the case of our rope types Vectran andDyneema there is a white staple fibre coverbraided around the core proper. This interme-diate cover must be removed from the entirearea of the splice. Milk the cover over the coreto such a length that about six fid lengths ofthe core can be seen. The intermediate cover is then cut off at that point and removed fromthe core. The remaining end of the intermediatecover is fixed to the core by means of a layer of tape. The cover is then milked back to cover

the end of the rope. This step is not necessarywith Dynamix or Aramid rope, as the inter-mediate cover is missing.Now, a three-quarter fid length of the core iscut off, and the cover brought back to the new core end. A layer of tape seals the end ofthe rope. The cover now has some slack, which is stroked away from the rope end.Measure two fid lengths from the end of therope and mark position 1. Form the eye to the desired size and markposition 2. Tie a slipknot into the rope about five fid lengths from mark 2.

mark 1

mark 2

2 fid lengths

Eye Splice, Method 1

With all ropes made of high modulus chemicalfibres, the load is carried almost exclusively by the core. The cover provides protectionagainst light and abrasion. Consequently duringsplicing, the core must be spliced back into the core and the cover bound into the eye.There are basically two splicing possibilities.

These differ essentially in the whereabouts ofthe end of the cover. Both methods aredescribed here. Both methods presume basicknowledge and require care. The second one is the more elegant of the two but requiresmore time. The splicing tools are the same asthose used for all braided ropes.

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 1

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 1

Splicebook 048|49


The core tail lies in the correctsplicing positionThe diagram shows what the results of the workthus far should look like. The core bight bearsthe core tail within it. mark 1 lies directly at thedot. The tail of the cover that is devoid of a core hangs limply at the side.

Milking down of the cover over the core bightThis step may present difficulties to the novice,as the cover is meant to engulf and cover a corebight that in turn contains the core end. Thecover can tend to bunch up the core bight. Thishowever can be avoided by keeping constanttension on that section of the rope that is to be milked i.e. the one between the knot andmark 1. When a point is reached where pro-gress becomes difficult, the (incomplete) eye isattached to a hook, the rope itself to a winchand put under tension. This normally does thetrick, and the core slips into the cover. Shouldthe procedure however still prove difficult, then

the cover is milked back again and the wholeprocess repeated. To ease the job, the cover canalso be beaten soft with the fid or a woodenmallet. Where a thimble is required, it is placedinto the eye with the tip at mark 1 shortly priorto the workpiece being drawn together the lasttime. The final drawing together firmly fixes thethimble in the eye. Now cut off the cover tailabout 10 cm behind mark 1, unravel it, then cutback the yarns in a stepped manner and whipthese yarns onto the rope. The whipping at thethroat of the loop should be sewn through.




Making the core loopThe cover is carefully opened behind mark 2 (as in step 2) and the core extracted to form a bight, in such a manner that within the actual eye-sector the cover is not disarranged in respect to the core. Place a dot directly next to mark 2.

Splicing the core-end into the coreThe fid is inserted at the core bight at the dot. Itre-emerges from the bight after two fid lengths,as the core bunches up, the fid emerges fromthe core whilst at the same time the end of thefid at the dot is still sticking out of the core. Thecore end is placed into the fid bore and pushedthrough the core bight with the pusher.

Hold the core end tightly, so that the dot andthe core at mark 1 do not become disarrangedin relation to each other. Using the other hand,milk the slack and bunched yarns out of thecore bight. The core tail thus disappears withinthe bight.

mark 2


1 layer of tape

mark 1

mark 2

mark 1

mark 2

mark 1

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 1

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 1

Splicebook 050|51


Precise tapering of the core endA layer of tape is bound around the core end.This is the beginning of the tapering of the coretail, an important step for the strength, qualityand appearance of the splice. Upon closerinspection of the core, it will be seen that thebraid consists of either single yarns, or twofold,threefold, or even fourfold yarns. This braidingmust be halved over a relatively long section.Measure one fid length from the core end. The tapering is carried out from this lengthonwards. Start by tapering one braid directionfirst, those running in a clockwise direction forexample. Halve the braids according to the

diagram. Where the braid consists of singleyarns, “one over the other“ yarn is cut andremoved alternatively. Where the braid consistsof two parallel yarns, one of these is cut andremoved, braid by braid. In the case of 3 yarns,first two yarns are cut and removed, then fromthe next group, one yarn only etc. When all theyarns running in one direction have been halved(i.e. clockwise), then repeat this procedure withthose running in the opposite direction. Refer tothe diagram.

Measurement of the eye andextraction of a bight of the coreThe eye is formed to the desired size directlybehind “A“ and point “B“ marked. Point “B“can be fastened with a layer of tape, as duringthe following steps, the eye section must notsuffer displacement between core and cover. Itis a good idea at this stage, to use a pin or anail pushed through the rope to secure therelative positions of the core and the cover. Thecover braid is opened at “B“. This can besomewhat difficult at first. Bend the ropesharply, ease the

yarns apart with the aid of a tool such as apusher, fid etc. until an opening has been madein the cover braid, and pull out a section of thecore in a bight or loop (see the diagram). Note:To be able to loosen the yarns sufficiently toallow an opening to be made in the braid, thetip of the fid is pushed under the yarns, the fidis then turned around (rotated) so that yarnscurl up, thereby creating sufficient slack toenable a hole to be made.

1 fid length

1 layer of tape

2 fid lengths

Eye-Splice, Method 2


Shortening of the cover andfastening of the end of the coverThe cover is severed one fid length from the endand removed. Care must be taken that the coreis not damaged during this process. The cover ispositioned relative to the core in the followingmanner: a sharp instrument such as an awl,nail, thin fid, pusher etc. is stuck through therope two fid lengths from its end, this is point“A“. In front of point “A“, the tail of the coverremains for the length “X“. “X“ = 10 times the

diameter of the rope. The distance “X“ isunravelled for three-quarters of its length andtapered. This is done by cutting away half of the braided yarns progressively in steps.Beginning at “A“, the cover tail has tape woundaround it until it is securely fastened to thecore. NB.: Make sure that only one layer of tapeis wound around so that the rope section is nottoo thick.

Preparation of the rope end andremoval of the coreThe rope end must be taped not heat sealed.Should it have been previously heat sealed, thenthat section has to be cut off. Remove the tapefrom the rope end and pull the core out of thecover a distance of about six fid lengths. Withour rope types Vectran and Dyneema, a whitestaple fibre cover is braided around the actualcore. This intermediate cover must be removedfrom the splicing area. This cover is cut rightaround the six fid length point and removedfrom the core. Care must be taken that the core

is not damaged in the process. The remainingstaple fibre end is then fixed firmly to the corewith a thin layer of tape. The cover is thenmilked back to the end of the rope andfastened loosely by a layer of tape. This step isnot required in the case of our Aramid andDynamix ropes, as they do not have the staplefibre intermediate cover. Tie a slipknot into therope at a distance of six fid lengths.


2 fid lengths

Drift pin, nail etc.


10x rope diameter

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 2

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 2

Splicebook 052|53


Splicing of the core tail into the coreThe fid is introduced into the bight of the coredirectly behind point “B“. It re-emerges fromthe bight after two fid lengths. As the corebunches up, the fid emerges from the core,whilst at the same time the end of the fid stillsticks out of the core at “B“. The core end is

now placed into the fid bore and pushedthrough the core bight by the pusher until thewhole tapered core and cover end disappearinside the bight. The core bight is then milkedsmooth.



Milking the cover over the bight of the coreAttaching the slipknot to a hook, milk the slackof the cover over the core bight. This is relativelyeasy at first, but becomes progressively moredifficult due to the core having to accommo-date the end of the rope, thereby becomingmuch thicker and causing the cover to resist.The core bight then has a tendency to bunchup. Attach the (incomplete) eye to a hook,

place the rope around a winch and pull theremainder of the core bight forcefully into therope. If a thimble needs to be spliced into theeye, it is placed into the eye shortly beforeeverything is drawn together for the last time.The thimble is positioned such that its tip pointsto point “B“. The final pulling together fixes thethimble firmly in the eye.

Whipping andSeizing

Construction and ApplicationsWhippings are used to prevent rope ends fromopening up and fraying and to add extra pro-tection to a spliced rope. Before a newly splicedrope is put into use, and before the newlyaligned yarns have bedded in under load, it is sometimes possible to pull out a spliced end. A secure whipping or seizing will prevent this. A secure whipping can prove a better solutionthan heat sealing or cutting and taping a ropeend, as tape can be destroyed by salt water anda heat sealed rope end can separate betweenthe melted and intact fibres.We show only two of the many types ofwhipping or seizing.

Ropes with high

modulus fibre cores


Method 2

Splicebook 054|55



Rotate the rope through 180º, sew the whip-ping twine through underneath the whipping,parallel to the twine sewn over the whipping.Repeat this procedure once more

Now the whipping has been sewn fast threetimes by a yarn. Sew one more parallel yarnover the whipping by sewing through the rope.The diagram shows what the whipping lookslike when it has been completed.Note: with braided ropes, the whipping twineruns parallel to the lay of the braid.

Sewn Whipping

1. Pierce the rope about 1–2 cm from its end witha needle and fix the whipping twine tightlythere with two stitches. Wind the twine tightlyand uniformly for one whipping which corres-ponds to approximately one rope diameter.Using the needle pull the end of the whippingtwine underneath the wound whipping.

2. The twine is sewn over the whipping and thendirectly behind it, sewn through the braid.

The whipping is best applied about 5 cm fromthe end of the rope. The whipping twine formsa loop placed on the rope in the direction of therope end, as the diagram shows. Hold the loopin place and wind the whipping twine tightlyand uniformly, with constant hand tension,towards the end of the rope around both therope and the twine loop.

The wound whipping ends about two cm fromthe end of the rope. The whipping twine end isthen put through the small loop sticking out atthe end – see diagram.

Pull on the left piece of whipping twine (asshown in the diagram). The loop is drawn tightand holds the whipping twine fast in its bight;it furthermore pulls the loop under thewhipping, when the loop end has reached moreor less the middle underneath the whipping,both loose ends of the whipping twine are cutoff close to the rope and the whipping iscomplete.

Simple Whipping




Whipping secures the end of a rope. It issuperior to heat sealing of a man-made fibrerope, as the rope end is compressed indiameter and does not bulge at the end as withheat sealed ropes. The whipping is best carriedout with waxed whipping twine of a thicknessappropriate to the diameter of the rope (anessential item in any rigging kit).

Whipping and Seizing Whipping and Seizing





kTips and tricks for expert splicing and

choosing the approprate rope.Geo. Gleistein & Sohn GmbH

Heidlerchenstraße 728777 BremenGermany

PhoneSales department: + 49 421 69049-49Purchase department: + 49 421 69049-59Technical department: + 49 421 69049-69

Fax: + 49 421 69049-99E-Mail: info@gleistein.com


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