Spot's Schooled Proddings



This booklet collects bits of poetry and prose responding to assignments given through Spot's earlier educational career.

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Schooled Proddings

2 + 2 = 37 ?

Spot’s Schooled Proddings is copyright © 2006 by Aaron Victor Steimle. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from that guy. Published in the United States of America by Lulu Press, Inc.

Seven-Year Edition - 2013

A Note from Spot…

Hi there. Unlike those in my other collections, the pieces found in these pages don’t have a connecting or recurring theme among them. In fact, they’re all collected here merely because they were created in response to various schooling assignments. Further, a couple of these pieces can be found in either same or altered versions in the other collections. So I suppose this one is for educators ever prodding this lazy writer to do… something.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Spot’s Schooled Proddings


In Between (expanded) As eyes of the keep I stand at my post Ever vigilant and on task, My eyes alone Standing between approaching disaster And the safety of those kept within. Ever focused they must remain, Ever watchful and wary, Unwavering in their aim. Long have I thus stood, Alone at watch. But from eyes corner down A waving hand within Grasps for my attention, Slender fingered and pale, Growing closer with each moment; But my view remains focused. Stepping up, The handbearer heads to my Watchspot on the wall, A maid bright in youth With blooming beauty's gift Enhancing each feature.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


As grace herself glides here on her steps, Glittering flashes from her smile Stab to my side eyeshot; But my view remains focused. Now so near, Sweetness' scent surrounds my stance While words wonderful on wispy wing Invade my ears and Meld deep into my heart. Then tender touch across my arm And loving kiss placed on cheek Lean to lasso a reflective look; But my view remains focused... ...but within my heart tears to pieces, Crying out to inner voice:

How do you describe What makes you feel love For someone you don't know? How can you say What blooms in your heart, But you're not allowed to show? What do you do To help step on in your life, But you're not allowed to start? How do you act To hide how you feel And do all you can To deny what is real;

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To strive to deceive; Disclose the whole truth For fear of reprieve; And denial of youth. What can you do but hold it inside you And lock it away in your heart? That is all...

So my view remains focused.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


This Green Life Green blood flows through green veins of plants across this green world. Green blood turns to green stains on knees of green boys and girls. Green stains depart for green feelings when faced with growing strife Caused by seeking only green instead of living lushly green life. Green monsters grown fester into bitterness, leaving only decay Because eyes turned green forget to take time to see the green day. They neglect the fact that they need to retrieve those green stains To show they truly live their life, to achieve all its gains.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


An Unfulfilled Life Mine is a life of untapped potential. Here I rest, day

after day after day, ever waiting to give to any whom would the liquid of life, yet day after day after day I remain unused, unappreciated, and unimportant.

'Pon my hilltop perch I have ever rested, vigilantly keeping my watch o'er the countryside's rolling waves of grass as I keep my containment of the precious savor within my bowels for everyone's availability. I have seen from here as the days and months and years pass by numberless celestial glories, sparkling stars and careening comets. I have gloried in torrential storms with their symphonies of thunder and downpour highlighted by the ever-dazzling crescendos of the striking lightning. I have felt the comforting warmth of the summer's sun and the tearing chill of the winter's wind. I have endured it all, remaining a monolithic reminder of the essentials of life.

Many would say my life has been all good and well, without care or disturbance. But what is my life without my ever being used for my purposed creation? If none take advantage of the precious gifts I offer, then my existence is meaningless. Yet this has ever been the case with me.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


The nearest I ever came to fulfilling my self-purpose happened on one of the many clear summer days in an early May. I remained in my sitting ever vigilant at my post, admiring as I do the swayings brought about by the passing breeze, when the silence of the day was pushed aside by an awkward sound.

"I know that sound," I thought, remembering an inkling from my infancy a sound in similarity. The sound continued to grow into audibility as I pondered upon the recollection. Soon the voice came to understanding in my ear.

Laughter. A child's laughter. This was the sound of happiness I hadn't heard since first my stony brim was placed in order.

The sound grew from a direction lower upon my hill-tower, so I turned my view from the swaying grasses to the life that called out in joy. There I saw what I had never expected to see again: people. A pair of people.

A human boy and girl, ripe within their youth, ascended the swaying-bladed hillside below. Dressed in light clothing appropriate to the season, they stepped joyously, often pulling back their heads and releasing again that most blessed of sounds. Their eyeing of each other clearly revealed the common fondness carried between them, as well as the enwrapping of their five-fingered hands around the handle of a small brazen pail. Still further was this affectious feeling enhanced with the great lack of care they took in their ascending steps.

Could it be that these two young aficionados were coming to see me? Could it be that they want the blessed juices I ever offer? Could it be that my life's purpose will finally be fulfilled, that I may provide the savory sustenance

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


which I have so ever long held in retention for any willing to receive?

My wishes and speculations seemed to be nearly fulfilled, the boy and the girl climbed the grassed hillside and nearly reached the pinnacle. But, for the lack of care they took for their step, and owing to the steepness of the surface, the young boy suddenly lost his footing. Slipping on a spot of dew, he fell backward, his hand still holding tightly to the pail for safety. But this only served to pull the young girl backward along with him. Together the two youths, began to roll down the hillside, pulled by the ferocious force of gravity, and disappeared from my view.

In that instant my hopes were also dashed away. I never saw the two again. I never have seen anyone else since. I have ever since been yet again alone.

Thus my life continues to remain unfulfilled. I remain at my post still for someone to draw from me my gifts held within. But I suppose... that's just the life of a well.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


A Run-On Sentence A run-on sentence is one that goes on as long as you please as you add more and more words, like a growing disease, to either stretch out the thought or add yet another that holds no connection to the first idea presented,

adding these extensions onto the tail end of your previous writing with either an awkward use of punctuation –

such as the use of a dash to interrupt your writing – or the use of varied conjunctive and comparative words including (but not limited to) and, if, but, yet, or,

and because,

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


some of which show cause and effect while others merely make the connection between one set of clauses and another as you continue this run-on sentence, which is moderately acceptable in today's writing world because many writers have finally given permission within their psyches

relative to the allowance of the communicating English language's flexibility,

allowing for former taboos to broken, former unacceptables to be welcomed, and former big-time no-no's to be even utilized for learning style assignments, an excellent example of such being this poem formed by what, if you read through the entire wordset here included, ultimately is an excellent example of a run-on sentence.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings



Squared-off block of marble Seated firmly in the grass Adorned in attachment

With embossed plate of brass. Glittering gilded flora

To last through time immortal Reflect the bright sun setting

As opening a portal From our still-running lives

Not here yet represented, Envelop'd and embodied Then merely re-presented

As a stone.

Gone are days of happy smiles, Of stories of the past.

All of it now takes Into carved shape, at last To rest here, in this place

Of collected lives transform'd Into empty monoliths.

None here were forewarn'd That all they had grown to be

Would suddenly be wrenched, Chipped away and molded off

'Till finally entrenched As a stone.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Still, Visiting the empty rocks

Of they dear who have passed Triggers up within your heart

Remembrances massed Through the years of postponed life.

These loved live again As if they’d ne'er departed;

Children, aged, women men Returned to their lives

Freed from their strangling, clutching, And disfiguring disguise

As a stone.

The true memorial of a life Is found in neither obelisk,

Statue, nor mausoleum'd urn; It's in the little things we've miss'd

Since that life took its departure From us. There we now will start To realize that the true memorial

Is chiseled within our heart, Not on marbled edifice.

From within us we will cherish plenty The lives of those we love, now pass'd. Else, their memorial remains as empty

As a stone.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Stupid Time

Years that lumped with merely stupid time Tried not to sound different as a matter of love. Years morphed in a modest and unique clone

Of comfort were calling frustrating a lady Blessed and lucky in everything real.

From obvious disadvantage of confidence She grew into emotion of being,

Striking as a personality hot with passionate enthusiasm. With time, she considered wending her way out,

And followed on the walk. The years of love felt to convey

From time, a fall.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight This is the summary of the Knight of Green And Sir Gawain, both of whom will be seen. Even though this plot summary's in verse I hope it will not make my grade any worse. Winter it was, and as cold as night As through the dark there was but one light, That being the holiday of Christmas, A season viewed holy by most. The overgrown Knights of the Round Table Partied and feasted as much as they were able 'Till stepped in a stranger from the cold (not the hot), And, judging from his height, he was a juggernaut. Emerald-dressed was he from head to toe; None knew from whence he came, or where he would go. Armor he wore not, and carried no sword, Neither a shield; not even a board. He carried a weapon in his right hand, An axe that was so great, the best in the land. Its broad edge was sharpened to that of a razor; It could slice through anything a person could crave for. In his other hand he held a bough of holly, Showing you he had not a cause to say, "good golly!" Yet it signified peace, neither war nor a race; He came to issue a challenge to the knights of this place.

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The Knights, afraid of the Green Knight's size, Would take no such challenge, no matter the prize. Only Arthur, that mighty king, Would take the challenge to have his glory ring. But one brave young Knight would not let this be: Gawain was his name, for all others to see. Not the strongest or greatest Knight was he, But without a king a kingdom could not be; To have that mighty king Arthur's life spared, His nephew, Gawain, would have anything dared. 'Twas then that the knight all clad in green Allowed the method of his challenge to be seen. A single swing to slice off his head And that was it all; they had nothing to dread. And if he spoke after his head had been sheared Something would happen that Sir Gawain feared: In a year and a day Gawain must search Throughout the land for this one church; The Green Chapel it is called, after the knight living there. When Sir Gawain reaches it he will have to spare Some time to have a performed ritual quite the same As the one to be done here by the man named Gawain; But in this case the axe will be swung By the Green Knight whose head was flung Off from his shoulders with the first swing By Gawain, starting the whole thing. Those were the terms, and the knights they did scare, But Sir Gawain still began to prepare For his swing of the axe that had not a rut; Gawain hoped it would take but one cut. He tested the swing, balance and edge,

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As the knight clad in green laid his neck on the ledge. Ready for the cut, the Green Knight did not flinch As Gawain raised the axe o'er his head, inch by inch. With a wild scream the axe did soon fall And off came the head; ears, face and all. The Knights all stood up without a sound As they saw the head, and soon kicked it around. But then the headless body did then rise from the ground; The Knights all fell silent, none dared make a sound. It lifted the head by the green locks of hair And turned to Sir Gawain, at whom it did stare And speak to remind him of the terms he did tell: In one year and a day, at the Green Chapel. It was then that he mounted his horse and left the grounds, But still Sir Gawain did not make a sound. Such barbarism did the Knights so greet That King Arthur declared, "Now we can eat!" Time passed 'til two days short of a year, Three days short of the day Sir Gawain did fear. It was on this day that he did reach the Green Chapel Without any provisions, not even an apple. On these three days did Gawain and Green Knight engage In a gentlemanly gift-giving exchange. On these days did Gawain receive a deer, boar's head a fox; And from the Green Knight's wife, a scarf (not some socks). The fourth day came, the day Sir Gawain had dread, For this was the day he would lose his head. He met the Green Knight in a forest glen, The look on his face so very sullen. Sir Gawain set himself up casually for the blow; If it would hurt, Sir Gawain did not know.

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The blade was raised and came also down hence, But stopped ‘fore Gawain's neck when Gawain ‘gan to wince; He struck not the blow for Sir Gawain's loss of honor, So Gawain begged that the Green Knight try once more. This time Sir Gawain did not flinch But the axe only sliced not even an inch Into his neck; not enough to kill Sir Gawain, so lived he did still. "Sir Gawain, your honor and bravery is great, So I could not desire to make your head fall to the plate. You will live still and yet will not know whether I am possibly able to live 'til forever. Have honor in your trials and many tribulations And you will have even more joyous celebrations." With this the story does end, The Green Knight and Gawain as kin and friend. I'm sorry to have taken your time, Especially with this pathetic rhyme. (The quotes were ad-libbed, as well as fake, But they made it sound better for the story's sake.) May your days continue to hold much promise, And may all problems stay far away from us.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


A Letter to Tim Dear Tim... Remember the days we used to laugh, The days we used to cry, The days we used to live? Remember the ways we used to smile, The ways we used to weep, The ways we used to think? Remember the times we used to grow, The times we used to play, The times we used to wait? Remember all of the times we used to be together as friends, The best boyhood had to offer? Why did those times have to leave? Why did the passing days have to see you leave this life, Leaving me, without a friend once again?

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Small Group Haikus

1 Six scattered soulmates Returned in a group as one To unite their focus.

2 Time and work remove Those prior to each unknown, Into one compact.

3 Lost, lost, lost are we. Removed from singular life For a small group's growth

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4 Beyond our own sight Is printed the graded mark, The sought-out alpha.

5 Tasks are presented But we all work together For more than the task.

6 Four loosest cannons, Forced together through crisis, Mirror our own lives.

7 Galloping crazy group All through stages and roles Examined at once.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


The Ballad of KAMA

Hearken and hear, ye lads and lass, Of a project performed for a small group class. Four members, students, brought all together To work in the increasingly scorching weather, Bringing purity to a Life School polluted For students whose learning time had been looted. United as KAMA, they brought in this change; How it all happened isn't really that strange: Life School's Benchmark is where it all starts, A place for growing children to get all their smarts. Contacted there was one Mister Don Ring, The principal around whom all the students sing. But the campus grounds were really thrashed: Covered with litter, garbage, and trash. So KAMA came in with brooms, mops, and rags, Picking up refuse and changing out bags, Cleaning up classrooms and sweeping the dirt. Through all their efforts, only the mess they did hurt. All of the garbage piled up, disgusting, Were cleaned and left spotless through KAMA's fussing. The whole school was cleaned, from trash-covered bushes To classrooms with tables and desks for their tushes.

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So KAMA cleaned up Benchmark School To let the students allow learning to rule The time they spend on campus there. With this project KAMA has learned to care For maintaining the facilities that we all use; If we don't help do it, then we all will lose. Then we will find satisfaction knowing, That like KAMA and this project, we're... "...keeping the goodness going."

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Umialik Tales of the Earliest Days

The First People Before people walked upon this world, all was

darkness. The Great Light of the Heavens had decided not to shine across the ocean until all spirits lived well together. But through the great deep there was discontent. The fish and the whale, the seal and the walrus, the bird and the caribou; each wanted to be proclaimed the highest of the spirits, master of the rest. To this end they constantly bickered with each other: "We are the largest, so we should rule," said the whale. "But we move swiftest through the deep," returned the fish. "But we can rise above the surface," the seal and walrus proclaimed loudly. "What there will you see? Only we can look through the darkness above," decreed the bird. "Down with all of you," the caribou commanded, "None can match my power."

The bickering continued and grew, distressing Mother Baleen very much, forcing two tears from her eyes. Those two tears fell through the deep, mixing and churning with the ocean's sands, until finally formed there were two

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people. Having found themselves new life in the darkness, the two clung to each other as they kicked their way to the surface. Inspired by these new people's working together through their struggles, all of the animals agreed they, too, should work together through their own struggles, no one animal greater than any other; all, that is, but the caribou.

Infuriated by the animals' decree, the caribou charged at the two people, intent on stamping them back to the sands. But Mother Baleen would not let that happen, stepping in to block the caribou’s path. But the caribou’s rage would not let it stop its charge, leading it to trample upon Mother Baleen's body and end her life. Shocked at the caribou's behavior the animals removed its water breath and cast the caribou from the ocean.

Mother Baleen's body then arose in the deep, reaching the surface, and became the land. Her bones became the mountains, her blood the forests. Her eyes became the lights, changing shades as they watch over the people across her land. Her breath became the warmth of the summer. Her spout spewed its last and placed the stars in the sky, as the spout itself became the moon, opening and closing its light to show her varying favor. Her slumber became the snows which finally began to fill the land.

Knowing the new people did not yet have their water breath, the animals led them to this new land and began to help them live upon it. These animals continue to help the people to this day, so we must live well with them, as with one another.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


The First Night Seeing that all the spirits now lived well together, the

caribou having been cast from the ocean, the Great Light of the Heavens began to send down his warm rays. This helped the new people to live in comfort as they established their home upon the land. Time passed, and the people began to become more and more comfortable, with the constant help of the animals and the Great Light of the Heavens.

As the people multiplied and became more comfortable they began to quarrel with each other, one trying to place themselves above another, just as the animals did before the first people were formed. The Great Light of the Heavens, seeing the people not living well with each other, decided again to remove his light from the land. The people panicked, calling to their animal friends for help regarding the Great Light of the Heavens.

Knowing the people to still be young and inexperienced, the animals placed them into a sleep. During their sleep the animals taught the people the importance of living well with each other. Slowly the people learned this as they slept until they awoke willing to live well with each other. Seeing this change the Great Light of the Heavens chose again to send his warm rays upon the land.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


But the people forgot their lesson quickly and in time began again to quarrel. So again the Great Light of the Heavens removed his rays, and again the people panicked. Again the animals caused them to sleep and again they were taught their lesson. Again they awoke and the Great Light of the Heavens returned to shine.

Having forgotten their lesson yet another time, the people panicked and called out for the animals' help as once again the darkness fell. This time the Great Light of the Heavens visited with the rest of the animals to discuss the people's forgetfulness. Together they decided to keep teaching the people the lesson of living together well until all the people of the land do not forget. Each time the Great Light of the Heavens would remove his rays the animals would place the people in a sleep and teach them until they all again learned to live well.

To this day the people must still learn the lesson of living well together every night during our sleep as the Great Light of the Heavens withholds his warming rays until the morning.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


The Chickens Had to Die I suppose the chickens had to die To allow soundspace for my babycry; My father had to remove their clucking, Preamble to postmortem plucking, So they could even hear my yucking Before the stench would tear their eye. Perhaps it was to free some seed For my additional mouth to feed, Keep it from their chomping beaks And beady eyes all taking peeks, As with my diapers I have leaks To signal what it'd be I'd need. Whatever reason they came by, The day that labor deigned for my Arrival, somehow they knew Their numbered children no longer few Would perhaps suck up some stew; So I guess the chickens had to die.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


216 Syllables

Two hundred sixteen syllables cut in the page, Not given with purpose but holding to a form Strictly presented for assignment's becoming.

The result, a poem hoped not ever to rage Assignment's presenter. But instead to perform

Responsibility's result from the summing.

Twelve syllable lines irregardless of meter Of rhyme and of order, and of other known whim,

Somehow to make sense in poetic precision Were directions given to students by Peter

Or Patricia or Sally or Bobby or Jim, Or from whomever the text was a decision.

Put into three stanzas made of six lines a piece,

Resulting in two hundred sixteen syllables Made from words into sentences about nothing Beyond how to ultimately make this task cease,

Not dealing with any existential troubles; Only filling the space, the paper, with something.

Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Spot’s Schooled Proddings


The Balance Upset

All things consist of energies and the forces. When at the beginning of time the forces came together at the center place, they mixed and churned in conflict until the forces finally balanced each other out; from this balance of forces and energies was formed the earth. Residual energies that tangented from the conflict of the forces spun themselves together and formed the multitude of creatures upon this earth. The earth provided nourishment to these creatures in abundance, insomuch that they wanted for nothing, and the animals in return gave to the earth their wastes and decomposing corpses for its nourishment. This way the creatures of the world maintained the balance of energies that made up the earth, neither giving to nor taking from the earth more of the energies than necessary. In maintaining this balance, the creatures of the earth lived joyously peaceful lives.

Other errant energies left by the conflict of the forces in time spun themselves into Man. Now, Man differed from the other creatures of the earth in that Man possessed the quality of greed, which led them to take more from the energies of the earth than they returned to the earth. They would take these energies by tearing apart the land for their stone hoardings; or pulling down the woods for their excessively extravagant shelters; or by stealing the lives of

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creatures and vegetation for their vain enjoyments and leaving their carcasses into contamination. In taking more of the energies of the earth than they returned to it, they began to upset the balance of the energies and forces that make up the earth.

This unbalance caused by the Man’s greed was relatively inconsequential when only a hand of Man was upon the earth; but when Man multiplied and increased in number, the unbalance caused by their greed also multiplied and increased. In time the unbalance of energies caused by Man’s greed became so great that the very balance of the energies and forces making up the earth became upset, leading the earth to seize in its fury. The earth began to shake and quake, storms arose with fierce thunderings and lightningings, and winds of the strongest power began to bellow, all causing enormous devastation to those who lived upon it. This shaking and quaking and thundering and lightninging and bellowing wind tore down the many extravagant shelters Man had built, forcing Man to seek their safety in the natural shelters of the earth. When they hurried and entered the natural shelter, they found the many creatures of the earth also there, seeking the same safety.

“Why is the earth shaking and quaking so as to destroy us?” callow Man asked the other creatures. Being on the earth for a time longer than Man, the creatures were wiser to the understanding of the ways of the forces.

“It is because of the greed of Man that the energies of the earth have become unbalanced, causing the very fiber of the earth to begin to unravel,” the creatures responded. They slowly moved toward Man with a fiery look within their eyes before unseen in any creature but Man.

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“What must we do to restore the balance of the earth’s energies?” Man asked of the creatures, beginning to be wary of the look they received of them.

“Man must cast away their greed and learn to live in balance with the energies of the earth, taking no more energies than they return to the earth,” the creatures instructed Man, “but first the balance must now be restored.” Immediately, with a fury before unseen in any creature but Man, the creatures leapt upon Man and tore all of them into pieces; all save for two of Man, a male and a female.

With the energies making up the torn bodies of Man returning to the earth’s energies, the balance of energies and forces was restored and the joyous peace of the earth returned. The quaking and shaking ceased, the storms of thunder and lightning dissipated, and the bellowing winds calmed into gentle breezes again. Again the earth gave food to the many types creatures in abundance; that is, to all the types of creatures except for Man. Since the forces were weary that Man’s greed may once again arise and upset the balance of the energies of the earth, the forces caused that the earth should not give to man its food freely, but that Man must struggle and work to obtain their food.

Additionally, the other creatures of the earth also ever remembered the troubles created by the greed of Man, causing an enmity to arise between Man and the other creatures of the earth. This enmity continues to this day.

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Spot’s Schooled Proddings


Effective Heat

From tiny glimmer Breathed upon for growth,

Fuel is taken across, And consumption begun.

Sudden bursts into flash cause a roar Growing in strength as it continues to devour

And destroy all placed within it. Crackle!

The claws scratch into the air Seeking even more to consume.

But, Failing to find substance, Slowly dies into embers,

Finally residing as a warming glow. The height of effective heat Comes with final collapse.

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Poems Page 216 Syllables 33

A Letter to Tim 23

A Run-On Sentence 14

Effective Heat 39

In Between (expanded) 7

Memorial 16

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 19

Stupid Time 18

Small Group Haikus 24

The Ballad of KAMA 26

The Chickens Had to Die 32

This Green Life 10

Prose An Unfulfilled Life 11

Umialik Tales of the Earliest Days 28

The Balance Upset 35

Collect all seven of Spot’s Poetry Chapbooks:

Heart on a Silver Platter Reflection on Relations in Poetry and Prose

Angellic Visitation Lost in Thought

Finally Finished with Life, Lessons, and Love

Schooled Proddings Three Muses & Picking up the Pieces

…and the Complete Poetry Collection:

Spot’s All Together Now…

Or collect all three of Spot’s Storybooks:

Three Pigs When three pigs head out to build new homes, they find

themselves suddenly faced with all-too-familiar troubles standing in their way, leading to an ending that none of the pigs could foresee.

Bphlats What are the Bphlats, and where are they today? Discover the

secret behind these ancient animals and uncover their hidden connection to the longevity of the Chicken.

Three Bears and the Golden-haired Girl When a young blonde lady stumbles onto the abandoned

porridge of the Bear family, she soon finds her overpowering hunger to be more a burden than a boon.

2 + 2 = 37 ?