Spring Sports - The Daily Dispatch - March 11, 2012



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2 The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012

A year ago at this time, Brittany Robinson was manning the hot corner for the Nor th Carolina softball team.

Now the Lenoir Coun-ty native and Arendell Parrott Academy prod-uct is leading the Lady Vikings into a new era.

Robinson is replac-ing Jon Russell , who coached the team for three seasons.

What does she know about the area?

“I ’ve heard lots of good things,” she said. “Obviously, they’ve won some World Series titles thr ough Babe Ruth , which makes me really excited because I know most of the girls here know a good deal about softball.

“…If they know the basics, I can help them apply further learning,” Robinson added.

Check the basics of f the list. NV has a solid nucleus of retur ning players, led by standout senior pitcher Rebekah Edwards.

Edwards missed over

a month last season due to an arm injur y. Although she returned near the end of the sea-son, she wasn’t pitching at full strength.

As important as she is on the mound, Edwards is also one of Northern’s best hitters.

“We’re going to look to her to be a team lead-er, not only as a pitcher, but as a senior,” said Robinson. “She knows a lot about softball. She’s been playing awhile. But she does a really good job with keeping every-body up in pract ice. And she is a really good pitcher, which makes my job really easy.”

Robinson said she has a good mix of upper-classmen and younger players.

Kara Reese will move from catcher to f irst base in an effort to keep her fresh and in the line-up.

Reese will be replaced behind the p la te by K e r r - Va n c e t r a n s f e r Jesse Edwards.

One of the Vikings’ strongest players, both in the field and at the

plate, should be shor t-stop Kendall Wilson.

“She’s just one of those that’s going to go lay out ever y day and work as hard as she can and just have fun playing softball, which is what it’s all about,” Robinson said of Wilson.

N o r t h e r n m u s t r ep lace two sen iors from last year: Sekee-drah Alston and Ciarea Thompson.

Also returning from last season are Katie Smith, Melissa Elliott, Micaela Crowder, and Melleeah Robinson.

“I kind of have a high expectat ion of ever y thing,” said the Viking coach. “My main goal is to win a conference cham-pionship. When I came and I saw what kind of players we did have, I was excited to see that is was basically a whole team that I already had. I didn’t have to do a whole lot. So a conference champion-ship is definitely some-thing I’m looking forward to.”


Former Tar Heel takes over NV fastpitch


“New team, new beginning, new start.”

That ’ s Nor ther n Vance track coach Wilton Bas-kett ’s out-look on the u p c o m i n g season.

B a s k e t t retur ns to t a k e t h e r e i g n s o f the program after sit-ting out last year.

The team doesn’t have many returning athletes but the num-bers are good. The boys squad has 20 and the girls have 16.

Leading the way for the boys are Tray Elam, Armani Williams, Vincent Ragland, and Devin Anderson.

Williams could be poised for a stellar sea-son in the field.

“We expect Armani to be in the states with that high jump,” said Baskett.

For the girls, Bas-

kett will be looking to Kechae Parker and Jazmine Haywood to have strong seasons.

As usual, Northern will have to contend with the likely culprits

in the con-ference.

“ Y o u a l w a y s have to deal w i th Cha -pel Hill and C a r d i n a l G i b b o n s , ”

Baskett said. “While we use 300 students to cover all of our sports, they use 800 students to cover their sports. They’re tough to deal with.”

Despite so many new faces, Baskett is anticipating a more than respectable season as the team rebuilds.

“We’re going to be a force to be reckoned with in some events, just not in 18,” he said.


‘New beginning’ for Northern

track and field

The team doesn’t have many returning athletes but the numbers are good.

Rebekah Edwards poised for big comeback season BY KELLEN HOLTZMAN


DailyDispatch/ASHLEYSTEVENAYSCUENorthernVance’sKendallWilsonthrowstofirstbasefortheout inthisMarch2011filephoto.

Just like the boys team in the fall, the Northern Vance girls soccer team must replace longtime coach David Hicks.

And just like the boys team, Razvan Tegean is the man for the job.

N o r t h e r n m u s t replace six players from last season. Tegean is inheriting nine returners from last year’s Viking squad that finished fifth in the league.

“This is our goal for this season: We would like to get a spot to take us to the playoffs,” said Tegean.

The team has two s e n i o r s : R e b e c c a Falkner and Anne Marie Rivera. The Vikes also boast a junior class of seven.

Tegean is expecting Melinda Farmer, who is returning as an assistant, to be a major help with the team that features a total of 16 players.

Nor ther n will have a new goalkeeper in the

net this season: Tanaua White.

Tegean said White’s athleticism makes her a prime candidate for the spot in goal.

“I think it’s a great thing,” he said. “She has a big advantage play-ing basketball. She has a great grip on the ball. She’s pretty tall . The girls like the idea, so I’m

pretty excited about it.”G a b b y M a t t h e w s

r e t u r n s a s p e r h a p s N o r t h e r n ’ s p r i m a r y scoring threat up top. Matthews is joined in the attack by Ashlyn Reams and new addition, Stephanie Garcia.

Kristin Long should provide a solid presence in the back after a strong 2011 campaign.

“I’m looking at her playing the back, but she might end up playing sweeper,” said Tegean. “She’s doing a good job. I’m looking a lot more for her in a center posi-tion so she can cover a lot more because she’s doing an excellent job.”

Falkner and Logan Brinker are among those expected to be big con-tributors in the middle.

Last season, Cardi-nal Gibbons won the 3A state title. After Gibbons and Chapel Hill, Tegean foresees a competitive Carolina 3A Conference.

“Orange, Souther n Vance, Webb, and us — I think at any point all four of us can fight for a spot in the playof fs,” said the coach. “And of course we’re going to have to fight hard for Chapel Hill and Cardinal Gibbons to show us they are really good.”


Northern soccer gunning for postseasonBY KELLEN HOLTZMAN


DailyDispatch/ASHLEYSTEVENAYSCUENorthernVance’sRebeccaFalknercontrolstheball inthemidfieldagainstChapelHillinthisApril2011filephoto.

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The Northern Vance golf team had a success-ful 2011 campaign, but the Vikings’ two regional per-formers have either gradu-ated or moved on.

Second-year coach

Angela Gorney has three golfers on the roster: Der-rick Nelson, Demetrius Miller and Dominique-Hodge.

“For the most par t, these guys are brand new to the sport. So it is a rebuilding year,” she said. “There are challenges

associated with that. We’re just going to have to build match-to-match, day-to-day.”

The team’s lone senior is Dominique Hodge.

Gorney is expecting the Carolina 3A Confer-ence to be highly competi-tive once again.

“It’s an exception-ally tough conference,” said Gorney. “I’m sure Cardinal Gibbons will be as solid as ever. Orange improved late in the sea-son.”


Gorney enters 2nd season as NV golf coach

Viking tennis benefitting from big numbers

SV baseball team maturing


The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012 3

Rebekah Edwards poised for big comeback season The pieces may finally

be in place for Northern Vance baseball to earn another state playoff bid.

Two years ago, for-mer head coach Mike M c C u t c h e o n l a u d e d his freshman class as the second-best rookie group in his decade-plus tenure.

Those freshmen are now juniors and poised for a run at the postsea-son. Last season, North-ern finished one game shor t of that bench-mark, falling to Orange in a fourth-place playoff.

“This year, the goal is the same: to make the p layof fs . Nor th -ern hasn’t been to the playof fs in quite awhile in baseball,” said head coach Benj i Nelson . “With the talent here, we don’ t want to be f ighting for that last playof f spot this year. We want to be up there in the top-two.”

Gone from last sea-son are Zach and Char-lie Seagrave and Justin Munn. Zach Seagrave was l imited to a DH

role after suf fering an injur y early in the sea-son and Munn missed most of the season due to illness. Charlie Sea-grave was the Vikings’ catcher.

Returning are seven juniors and two seniors, John Nelson and Henry Raynor.

Nelson makes up a third of a speedy, veter-an outfield that also fea-tures Travon Scott and Tyquan Bryant.

“ I ’ l l p u t t h e m u p against anybody’s out-field in the conference,” said Nelson. “Those guys can run, trot down foul balls. I don’t expect anything dif ferent from them this year.”

Z a c h P e g r a m w i l l field third-base duties. Raynor (shortshop) and Barr y Purnell (second base) make up the mid-dle infield. Trey Stain-back and Nate Arrington wil l see t ime at f irst base.

Replacing Seagrave at catcher won’t be easy, but Wester n Har nett transfer Troy Bar tles will get the first crack at it.

Nelson expects Stain-back and Pegram to be the big sticks in the line-up.

“As fa r as power, those guys can hit the long ball,” Nelson said. “But we have some other guys that hit for average and put the ball in play. Those are the key guys that need to get on base for guys like Zach and Trey to drive in.”

T h e r e ’ s n o q u e s -tion who the ace on the mound is for Northern. It’s right-hander Nate Arrington, owner of an outstanding freshman campaign a season ago.

“Every time he steps on the mound, he gives us a chance to win. He’s just that good,” said Nel-son.

Pegram and Purnell will also see time on the bump, along with sopho-more Matt McCutcheon, a utility player that Nel-son expects to play a very important role.

Nelson is expecting a tough conference, one that was topped by Cha-pel Hill a season ago. J.F. Webb finished second

in front of Cardinal Gib-bons.

“If we can stay healthy and not get hur t, we have a chance to do some good things this year,” said Nelson. “If we

come ready to play, and our mentality is where it needs to be...And the intensity and enthusiasm, when it’s time to step on that field against schools like that, we can be right

up there with them, be tough to beat. It’s up to them.”


Viking baseball ready for run at state playoffsSophomore Arrington to lead pitching staff


DailyDispatch/ASHLEYSTEVENAYSCUENorthernVance’sNateArringtondeliversapitchagainstSouthernVance inthisMarch2011filephoto.


Northern Vance ten-nis coach Jeff Arthurs is expecting his boys team to be strong for “several years.”

The Vikings have a roster full of players this season, 22 to be exact. All but one player is back from last season’s team that finished third in the conference.

“We’ve been getting

better every year and I think people want to be a part of that,” said Arthurs.

Of the 22, a good por-tion are underclassmen.

“That’s the thing I’m most excited about is that out of that big group, eight or nine are fresh-men and they are all real-ly good athletes,” Athurs said.

The Viking coach said his top seeds are fairly well-decided, but from the middle on back, it should

be competitive.Ethan Byrom is the

top seed. Barrett John-son, Sam Long, Tyler Manning and Brandon Aycock are among those battling for the next spots. Aycock is one of three seniors on the team.

Arthurs said he has been impressed with the play of newcom-ers Nathan Oakes and Joseph Sharpe early in the season.

“They’re already com-

ing on strong and helping out, so that’s exciting,” he said.

Ar thurs added that last season’s top two teams, Cardinal Gibbons and Chapel Hill, should be strong again. Gib-bons was ranked as the top team in 3A in a pre-season poll. Chapel Hill was third. ”


Viking tennis benefitting from big numbers

SV soccer team ready to kick


The Southern Vance girls soccer team will not only be looking to turn around results from last season when they fai led t o w i n a game , bu t also to turn around the culture and attitude that lack of suc-c e s s c a n breed.

F i r s t y e a r h e a d coach Hector Orozco knows that changing the way players think about the game is the first step to changing how they play the game.

“Our major concer n right now is to tr y to i m p r o v e t h i n g s , a n d change the image o f S o u t h e r n Va n c e s o c -cer being a bad team,” said Orozco. “And to at least give the impression that something is being done.”

Not an easy task given the circumstances he’s stepping into. This is a conference dominated

by two state powers in Cardinal Gibbons and Chapel Hill. But Oroz-co, a native of Medellin, Colombia, seems excited about the challenge, and the chance to teach the

g i r l s h i s b r a n d o f soccer.

“ I w i l l t r y t o i n c o r p o -r a t e t h e c u l t u r a l i d e a s I l e a r n e d g r o w i n g up playing the game,”

said Orozco. “And try to share that with the girls. Really get them caught up in the energy I have for the game.”

Stil l , Orozco knows it will not be easy given where the squad is in its development.

“Kids don’t really grow up here playing competi-tive soccer,” he said. “They grow up with the more of the football and baseball culture. So I am hoping we can teach them to have a fondness for the game while working on the tech-nical skills they will need to be successful.”

“Our major concern right now is to try to improve things, and change the image of Southern Vance soccer being a bad team.”

— Hector Orozcohead coach


The Southern Vance baseball team will be looking to use accumu-lated experience that a youthful team gained to improve on what can be described as a rebuild-ing year last season in which the Raiders tallied only three wins, none of which came in confer-ence play.

“Last year we were very young,” said coach Tony McGhee, who is entering his second sea-son. “Mostly freshmen and sophomores sprin-kled with a few juniors and seniors. Our pitch-ing staff was very young. But, we got better as the year went on.”

This season they will be looking to parlay that experience into a win-ning year. With a bit more age in the team, Coach McGhee hopes to be more competitive in a tough conference that includes Cardinal Gibbons, Chapel Hill, Orange and J.F. Webb — all perennial state playoff contenders.

Said McGhee of the competition within the conference: “I think that Cardinal Gibbons would be the team we have to beat. They’re returning everybody, and they’re strong. Coach (Jeff) Tate at Webb does a great job with his team. They’re always prepared. Orange and Chapel Hill are tradi-tionally very good.”

And with four playoff slots in the conference up for grabs, competition for those spots will be fierce.

“Of course our goal would be to win the con-ference,” said McGhee. “Our ultimate goal would be to win the conference and get in the state play-offs. Of course if we don’t win the conference, our goal would be to be one of the other three teams to make the playoffs.”

When asked about which players he expect-ed to step up and contrib-ute this season, McGhee highlighted the leader-ship he expected from his seniors.

McGhee is expecting big seasons from Jeremy Bullock at first base and

Miller Allen. He said he’s expecting center fielder Melvin Gray to be a “table-setter” at the top of the lineup.

“And Zach Layne, he’s kind of a multi-purpose guy,” said McGhee. “We’ll play him in several different positions on the infield, and he’s one of our starting pitchers.”

In the end, the suc-cess of the team will depend on how much improvement they have made since last season.

“We played in the summer,” said McGhee, “And played much better. So, we’re very optimistic about this spring. We’ve seen a turnaround in their preparation and the way the guys have been getting ready to play.”

SV baseball team maturing


4 The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012


It’s a return “home” for Southern Vance coach Bernard Alston.

Alston coached the Raider boys tennis team in the 90s and after a stint with the Warren County girls in 2009-2010, he’s back at Southern.

While Alston is a Vance High grad himself, he rec-ognizes that if he were a student today, he’d be a Raider.

“To some extent, it’s coaching the home team,” he said.

Als ton has three returners including last season’s top seed, Shaq LeMay.

LeMay has been a very

productive tight end on Southern’s football team and is coming of f of a solid season for the Run-nin’ Raiders basketball team.

“He’s a wonderful ath-lete. He has the ability to be a very good tennis player,” said Alston.

Alston said he’s still working on pegging down his seed order.

“I’ve got a couple of guys that have a measure of talent,” he said. “It’s raw. It’s undeveloped. I don’t have a player who plays tennis as his prima-ry sport.”

The reborn Raider coach classifies the pro-gram as in “rebuilding mode.”

His goal for the upcom-

ing campaign: “To take the guys that we have and make this a good year, to be as competitive as we




Alston back for Raider tennis BY KELLEN HOLTZMAN


Southern Vance girls track coach Dave Jen-nings is back after tak-ing one season off. Last season was his first not coaching track in his Raider tenure.

Without having seen his team practice, Jen-nings admittedly wasn’t too familiar with his team, but was encouraged by a big group of young ath-letes.

Of Southern’s 33 ath-letes, only three are seniors: Simira Daniels, Shequana hargrove and Rakesha Sanders.

“We’re going to be young and we’re going

to try and field as many girls as we can in as many events as we can,” said Jennings. “We’ll tr y to do it by committee. We lost some strong runners, but hopefully the replace-ments will be able to fill in the gaps.”

E m e r a l d H a y e s returns to the field events after a solid season in the triple and long jump.

Said Jennings: “We’re young, but we’re going to look hard, tr ying to improve our times. We’re not really racing the other team. We’re racing to improve each year.”


Jennings returns to coach SV girls track


Last season, the South-ern Vance softball team made it all the way to the 3A state championship series before losing to D.H. Conley. Trying to repeat that success will be a tall order for a team stripped of eight graduated players that included ace pitcher Jordan Garrett, who now

plays at Western Carolina.For such a young squad,

the focus will be shifted from a team that last sea-son dominated from the pitcher’s mound out, to a more collective effort from the team, a fact not lost on head coach Leann Shelton.

“I lost eight seniors from last year, includ-ing four or five starters,” said Shelton. “I have one senior this year, so we’re a

young team, which means we’ll have to play more as a team, both on offense and defense.”

This year’s squad will have to be more reliant on offense than in years past, but Coach Shelton did not seem worried about her squad’s ability to produce runs.

“In our scrimmage, overall I was impressed with all of our offense and

everyone’s hitting,” she said. “So if everyone can hit, get bunts down and do ever ything that they’re supposed to hopefully things will work for us.”

That of fense will be lead by sophomore catch-er Megan Hight, third baseman Kiyanna Kear-ney and pitcher Kaylan Hoyle.

But the success of the team will ultimately rest

on how well they do at keeping runs from cross-ing the plate. And with-out a true replacement for Garrett on the mound, pitching by committee and solid team defense seems to be the strategy.

“We don’t have any one pitcher this year,” said Shelton. “I’m still looking at few girls, but it’s going to take a team ef for t. No matter who

is on the mound, they’ll have to know that the defense has their back.”

Shelton is hoping her team has what it takes to repeat as league champs.

“I hope they do,” she said. “We do have talent all around and wouldn’t say that we have a weak-ness. We just don’t have that one standout player to carry us now, so it’ll be a team effort.”

Without Garrett, SV looking for ‘team effort’

Welcome to the big time.

Kerr-Vance lacrosse is of ficially a varsity spor t . Granted , the Spar tans have been playing a varsity sched-ule the past two sea-sons as a club team.

But Spar tan coach Scott Burnette said this season’s schedule will be “a couple of steps up.”

“I’m excited about our p r ogram,” sa id Burnette. “I’m excited about where we were. Three years ago, we d idn ’ t have a team and now we’re playing a varsity schedule, a loaded varsity sched-ule. And we’ll be able to compete in ever y game.”

K VA h a s t h r e e seniors and six juniors. The seniors are Mark Falkner, Brett Green-way and Chris Mitchell. All three are midfield-ers.

“ We ’ r e c e r t a i n l y stronger of fensively,” Burnette said. “We’ve got some ver y good stick-handlers playing in attack.”

Burnette likens his preferred pace to that of North Carolina bas-ketball and Roy Wil-liams’ secondary break.

“We’re able to wear teams down by running the ball up and down the field,” he said.

Burnette said he has three ver y good mid-field lines. Junior cen-ter mid/faceoff special-ist Troy Bickle is the standout.

“If you haven’t seen much lacr osse , you need to come see Mr. Troy Bickle,” said Bur-nette. “He is what I would refer to as close to a natural lacrosse player as you’re going to see. He has some schools interested in him in just his second year playing.”

Also an impor tant par t of the attack are S a m F u q u a y, C o l i n and Luke Pegram, and returning captain Frank-lin Irvin.

Eighth-grader Jordan Smith is back in goal for the Spartans.

“There’s a reason why he’s on the varsity team,” said Burnette. “He’s only going to get better. You’ll see a lot of Jordan Smith in lacrosse for the next few years.”

NCISAA state tour-ney bids are awarded according to national power rankings. There are 12 spots available in the tourney, which combines 1A, 2A and 3A. Burnette said that after the Charlotte pow-erhouse programs and Ravenscroft and Dur-ham Academy, there are essentially seven teams fighting for two spots.

According to Bur-net te , l acr o s s e h a s grown by 140 percent nationally in the last year and by 180 percent in the state of Nor th Carolina. Over 100 high schools in the state, public and private, now field lacrosse programs.


Spartan lacrosse entering 1st varsity seasonBY KELLEN HOLTZMAN


There may not be a coach in the area with a bigger challenge than KVA’s Todd Wilkerson.

Wilkerson is taking over for Dave Cline, who stepped down last season after two state titles in 12 seasons as head coach.

KVA has appeared in the last three state cham-pionship series.

But gone is — well — almost everything, namely two pitchers currently on East Carolina’s roster, Tyler Bolton and John Allen. Bolton was just as impressive at the plate and Allen came into his own at the dish in his own right during his senior season.

Catcher/outf ielder Cameron Capell, now a Pitt Community College Bulldog, is also gone, along with Chandler Loyd.

Four other seniors graduated from last sea-son’s team and another key contributor, Brad Edwards, is now back with

New coach joins Spartans

Of Ker r-Vance’s 12 tennis players, eight are seniors. But the Spartans are still missing four out of their top six from last sea-son.

“They’re reasonably mature. They know how to put the work in and make the ef fort,” coach Dave Donaldson said of this sea-son’s group.

The eight seniors are Dylan Ellington, Russ Boyd, Dustin Evans, Cody Huber, Chris Makulowich, Andrew Wegner, Anthony Montone, and Stephan Nii.

Boyd is joining the team after playing golf in years past.

“Russ was a bless-ing. He totally surprised me,” said Donaldson. “He worked out with us all win-ter and decided he was going to play tennis instead

of golf. He’s not bad, he just doesn’t have a lot of experi-ence.”

Donaldson said he hasn’t ironed out the seed-ing, but Ellington is the likely No. 1.

The two, three and four sports are up for grabs between Boyd, Evans and Huber.

Donaldson said finish-ing third in the conference is a reasonable goal.

“It’s really hard to tell. I think we’re going to have a decent season,” said Don-aldson. “It’s not going to be as strong as it was last year and we’re still playing in the toughest conference in the state. So we’ve got some real hurdles we’re prob-ably not going to get over, schools like St. David’s and Arendell Parrott.”


Four of Spartans’ top-6 gone BY KELLEN HOLTZMAN


Eagle netters hoping to build on last season


The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012 5

There may not be a coach in the area with a bigger challenge than KVA’s Todd Wilkerson.

Wilkerson is taking over for Dave Cline, who stepped down last season after two state titles in 12 seasons as head coach.

KVA has appeared in the last three state cham-pionship series.

But gone is — well — almost everything, namely two pitchers currently on East Carolina’s roster, Tyler Bolton and John Allen. Bolton was just as impressive at the plate and Allen came into his own at the dish in his own right during his senior season.

Catcher/outf ielder Cameron Capell, now a Pitt Community College Bulldog, is also gone, along with Chandler Loyd.

Four other seniors graduated from last sea-son’s team and another key contributor, Brad Edwards, is now back with

the golf team. “It’s going to be a big

challenge. But I think the players are up to it,” said Wilkerson, who joins KVA after spending two sea-sons as the middle school coach at Crossroads Christian.

Wilkerson does have a couple of key players back in Wyatt Evans and Dylan Marshburn.

Both Evans and Marsh-burn can play all over the field, but should see most of their time in the middle infield and at pitcher.

Evans played a vital role on the team at second base in the past two state title runs.

“Wyatt’s a good player. He’s very sound funda-mentally,” said Wilkerson.

Marshburn will be the staff ace. The team’s lone senior saw a ton of action last season with Loyd, who would have been the staff No. 3, on the shelf after Tommy John surgery.

Marshburn and Evans will be joined in the rota-tion by juniors Tyson Car-

rier and Jacob Bowen and sophomore Pierce Tooley.

Four 8th-graders start-ed in KVA’s season opener against Northern Vance.

“The biggest concern is just being young and not having a lot of playing time in the past,” said Wilker-son.

On the bright side, Wilkerson said the young-sters have a “whole lot of potential.”

Lane Humphries will be the catcher. Bowen will spend time at first, Carrier or Tooley will play third base. Daniel Wilkerson will also see a lot of time at second.

Carrier, Dustin Smith and Channie Renn make up the outfield group.

“I think we might sur-prise some people this year,” said Wilkerson. “Our goals are to learn from our mistakes and hope the pitching gets bet-ter.”


Wilkerson faces task of rebuilding KVA baseball


New coach joins Spartans Last year, Kerr-Vance was forced to end its softball season after only three games due to a lack of participants.

This year, Spar tan coach Pat Pulley says she has 10 kids that “really want to play ball.”

Pulley has only one senior, Ann Tooley, an outfielder.

“I think from what I ’ve seen from these kids, we’re going to be a competitive little team,” said Pulley. “I’m real excited for these girls. They’ve been a lot of fun. If we have fun this year and we get out there and be competitive, what else can I ask for?”

Junior Hannah Pow-el l , who would have

missed the majority of last season with a torn ACL, is back for the Lady Spartans and Pul-ley is looking for her to be the leader.

“This year, Hannah is the rock again. She’s the one that really just pulls us together,” said Pulley.

Powell will pitch and play shortstop. Seventh-grader Kennedy Adcock will also pitch and play shor t when the ace, Powell, is on the mound.

Jordyn Stegall will catch. Morgan King will play first with Foy Park-er or Dana Evans on third. Parker could also see some time at second base.

The outfielders are

Mikayla Stone, Kayla Holder, Tooley, and Jes-sica Moss.

“I don’t know what the year is going to bring,” said Pulley. “I think Halifax Academy and Parrott Academy are probably going to be our most challenging com-petitors.”

“I want to watch this team and see how much they truly can develop,” Pulley added. “I’m a fun-damental coach and I believe in fundamentals. I think if we keep work-ing on the fundamentals of softball, they can’t help but get better.”


Powell will be ‘rock’ for Spartan softball

For the past decade-plus, Kerr-Vance golf has established itself as one of, if not the most consistent high school athletic programs in the area — fall, winter, or spring.

It should come as no surprise that he Spartans are expecting another strong season in 2012, led by Radford signee Ben O’Geary.

“This is my sixth year and Ben is as con-sistent a golfer as we’ve ever had,” said KVA coach Dave Carrier. “It seems like even when he’s not hitting the ball good, he’s coming up with a great score. He always finds a way to get the ball in the cup. When he’s hitting it good, he can play with anybody. When he’s hit-ting it bad, he can still come out and play with anybody.”

Carrier added that he thinks O’Geary has

a good chance to win an individual state champi-onship.

KVA did lose two major contributors from last season, but they picked another one up in Brad Edwards. Edwards had a big season as a sophomore, but chose to play baseball last year.

Carrier said Edwards may be one of the top golfers in the confer-ence.

“Brad is just as good a golfer as there is out there. We’re really lucky to have him back,” said the Spartan coach.

Carrier said he is also counting heavily on Dan-iel Burnette and Bran-don Dickerson.

Burnette had two of his best rounds at the state tourney last sea-son, earning All-State honors.

Dickerson is “still coming into his own as a golfer,” according to Carrier.

“He’s really got a high ceiling as a golfer,” said Carrier. “I think

he’s going to end up putting it all together.”

E i g h t h - g r a d e r Joseph Burnette is also expected to contrib-ute, along with Morgan Watkins.

“She doesn’t have a lot of experience, but she has a lot of raw talent,” Car rier said of Watkins. “I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how she swings the club.”

Carrier expects two-time defending state champion Westchester Academy to again con-tend for a 2A state title along with the Spartans’ conference mate, Aren-dell Parrott Academy.

Last season, KVA fin-ished third in the state and second in the league behind Parrott.

“If we all bring our ‘A’ game on the right day, I think we can play with anybody in the state,” Carrier said.


Another big season in store for KVA golf



J.F. Webb lacrosse has the throwing and catch-ing down. Now it’s time to move on to a higher level of learning.

The Warriors have embarked on their third season and coach David Farabee says there has been marked improve-ment.

“Our guys are better at throwing and catching,” said Farabee. “So what we work on now is get-ting to the next level of how do you see the field, how do you understand the game better.”

“ W e ’ r e m a k i n g i m p r o v e m e n t e v e r y year,” added Farabee. “The things we’re con-cerned about this year are at a higher level than the things we were con-cerned about last year. We’ve progressed each year.”

The numbers are about the same as last season. The Warriors have 35 total players,

enough for a junior var-sity squad.

Webb will compete in the same conference that features Durham Jor-dan, Durham Riverside, Northern Durham, and Roxboro Community School.

“We have a schedule I’m excited about,” Fara-bee said. “We have a number of games where I feel like we can be com-petitive as we move along. I’m looking forward to it. Our guys have worked hard, they’ve improved.”

Farabee said Jordan and Riverside should be the dominant teams with Northern Durham, RCS and Webb being close to the same talent level.

“We’re not at the level yet,” Farabee said of Jor-dan and Riverside. “Can we compete with them? I think we can.”

Webb graduated six or seven players from last season, including its two leading scorers.

The two seniors this season are Matt Roach and newcomer Kameron

Strachan.Returning is Chris-

tian Tilley, who Farabee called one of the best goalkeepers in the con-ference.

Long-stick midfielder Rufus Terry is also back.

“He’s probably one of the best in this confer-ence, one of the best in this region,” said Fara-bee. “He could be one of the best in the state if he keeps working at it. Tre-mendous player, great young man.”

Battling for defensive spots are Justin Wilbanks, Cedric Spence, Zach Wat-kins, and Jacob Williford.

J o i n i n g Te r r y i n the midfield are Roach, Jacob Ragland and Teddy Anderson.

Brock Fuller (sopho-more), Jordan Mallard (junior) and Antonio Jones (junior) are expect-ed to lead the inexperi-enced Warrior front line.


Learning curve growing in Year 3 of JFW LAX


Warren County coach David Keesee is entering his second season as head coach of the Eagles tennis program.

Last season, the team was 9-7 overall, finishing fourth place in the league.

Early on, War ren County had nine players on the roster, including three seniors: Josue Rive-ra, Emile Chapman and

Chris Caldwell. The team didn’t lose

any seniors from last sea-son, but it did lose two transfers.

“It was good because we were rebuilding,” Kee-see said of last season. “Not too bad, I would like to have done better. But we did good for what we had.”

Keesee said Roanoke Rapids was the team to beat last year and the WC coach expects more of the

same this season. “We’re young, but

we’re going to work hard and I think we have a good chance at finishing somewhere in the top-3 hopefully,” said Keesee. “My returning guys have gotten a lot better and I can count on them to win matches. I think we’ll be pretty good.”


Eagle netters hoping to build on last season BY KELLEN HOLTZMAN



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6 The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012


The J.F. Webb boys track team is inexpe-rienced at ever y event, but the Warriors do have some veteran athletes.

Leading that charge are seniors Jeffrey Bum-pass and K.J. Rogers. Bumpass is a high jump-er and also competes in the long and triple

jump while Rogers is the team’s best distance run-ner.

“Jef frey is not the most talented athlete in the world, but yet, he is a veteran and we are looking to him for lead-ership,” said coach Ken-neth Rogers.

Rogers said Bumpass is currently jumping at 6’2” to 6’3”. The Webb coach is hoping K.J. will

break into the “low 5s” and get his 800M down to two minutes.

If the Warriors have a weakness, it could be in sprinting.

“It’s going to be a dif-ficult year to try and get ever ybody ready,” said Rogers. “We’re still try-ing to get ever ybody ready. We don’t have many sprinters and we don’t have many middle

distance r unners. So we’re in the rebuilding stages again this season.”

Senior Michael Wil-liams will lead the team in the field at shot put and discus.

Webb finished fourth in the league last year. Rogers is expecting Car-dinal Gibbons and Cha-pel Hill to compete for the top spots.

On the girls side, Kyle

Blackwell is in his first season as head coach.

“My goal is to build a program and compete for a conference champi-onship,” he said.

Inexperience will be the Lady Warriors’ big-gest issue.

Blackwell said early in the season, Amber Bowden, Ashley Burrell and Corsha Harris had been standing out.

Bowden should be strong in the hurdles and the 400M. Har ris went to states in shot put and discus last sea-son.

Webb also retur ns the bulk of its 4x1 and 4x2 relay teams that advanced to regionals.


Warrior track teams looking to add depth


The J.F. Webb girls s o c c e r t e a m m u s t replace a class of seven seniors from last sea-son, but the Warriors are returning reigning Dispatch All-Area Play-er of the Year Ashton Allen.

Allen, a junior, will lead the team at the top of the attack.

“She’s such a force up top. She just makes it happen,” said Webb coach Allie Urbanski. “I think a lot of play-ers underestimate her because she’s so tiny, but her footwork i s incredible. She has such a good sense of the field.”

In a conference with powerhouse programs like Cardinal Gibbons and Chapel Hill, Urban-ski said Allen’s skill is comparable to any play-er in the league.

“She just has such a good sense of the game.

She knows where to be, when to make the run, always sees the open player,” said the Warrior coach.

Webb has a strong freshman class led by Abbey Smith. Urban-ski is hoping Smith and Allen will form a potent combination up front.

The seniors are Julia T illey, Katelyn Smith, Erin Welsh, and Sara Keranakis.

Smith and Keranakis will bolster the back line at center back.

All-Conference goalie Haley Tunstall gradu-ated from last season’s t e a m t h a t f i n i s h e d four th in the league. Replacing her will be either former All-Con-fe r ence cen ter mid -fielder Sarah Graham or Janae Carroll, the JV’s goalkeeper a season ago.

Last season, the War-riors lost to Burlington W il l iams in the f irst round of the state play-offs.

This season, the goal remains the same.

“My goal is always to finish in the top three in the conference,” said Urbanski. “Have a win-ning record, make it to playof fs and give both Cardinal Gibbons and Chapel Hill a r un for their money.”


Webb’s Ashton Allen con-trolstheballagainstSouth-ernVanceinthisApril2011filephoto.

Striker Ashton Allen at the forefront for Webb soccer

Wa r r e n C o u n t y baseball will have a fresh look in 2012. The Eagles must replace eight seniors as well as coach Pat Draffin.

Ta k i n g D r a f f i n ’ s duties is Derek Alston.

Alston had been the associate head coach for the past five sea-sons.

“I’m expecting great things this year,” said Alston.

Wa r r e n C o u n t y has three retur ning starters including two seniors : A.J . S i lver and Markell Pitchford. The other returner is Colby Ryder, a junior.

Silver and Pitchford make up what should be a dynamic combi-nation in the middle infield, with Silver at short and Pitchford at second.

“They should be, without a doubt, all-conference this year,” said Alston.

Silver had a big sea-son last year and will also provide one of the best bats on the team from the top of the lineup.

“I’m expecting him to turn it up another notch,” Alston said. “I don’t want him to go back, I want him to go forward.”

Joining Silver and Pitchford in the infield are first baseman Wes-ley Mar tin and Pete Johnson and Hayden Sullivan.

R yder is back as Wa r r e n C o u n t y ’ s c a t c h e r. W h o w i l l throw to Ryder, along with getting a brand new outfield settled in are perhaps Alston’s biggest concerns.

S i l v e r, S u l l i v a n , Pitchford, Ryder, Mar-tin, and Daniel Hunter will make up the meat of the Eagles’ batting order.

Last season, Warren County missed out on a wildcard playoff spot

after losing a coin toss. “My goal is to make

an appearance in the state playof fs,” said Alston. “And not just give up like we have in past years. What-ever we have, I want to leave it on the field. I really think I have a good group of guys.”


Alston, Eagles have 3 returning starters



The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012 7

Carolina 3A Conference softball got a lot more inter-esting in the offseason.

After leading Northern Vance to a 51-18 record in three years, which included two conference titles, coach Jon Russell was relieved of his Viking coaching duties.

B u t R u s s e l l h a s reemerged at J.F. Webb, where he will be replac-ing longtime coach Larry Salisbur y, who retired after leading Webb to its first fastpitch softball playof f appearance in school history.

“As soon as I stepped foot here, I felt at home,” said Russell.

Russell said competing

against Webb for the past three seasons helped pre-pare him for the move.

“It gave me a good base,” he said. “I had a good idea of what was here, what was coming back. It definitely gave me an advantage coming in.”

The cupboard is fully stocked for Russell. The Warriors lost only two seniors from last season and are returning the two-headed pitching mon-ster of Morgan Davis, a southpaw, and Shannon Satterwhite.

“I’m not going to say they are going to be split-ting time, but both of them will get time,” said Russell. “I just want them to compete. The one that I feel like gives us the

best chance to win will get the ball.”

Webb has five seniors this season: Allie Hob-good (IF/OF), Samantha Denny (OF), Hannah Moss (OF), Davis, and Satterwhite.

O t h e r o u t f i e l d e r s include Janelle Inman and Victoria Hughes.

The other in f ie ld -ers will be Davis at first base (when not pitching), Brooke Wheeler, Kali Puckett, Bre Lewis, and Addison Ayscue.

At catcher wil l be Hayes Moss.

Russell said every posi-tion is up for grabs and has to be earned.

With so many return-ers back from the prior season that saw the Lady Warriors finish second

behind Southern Vance, Russell feels the “future is bright” for Webb softball.

“Our goal here is to win the conference championship. That’s

what we’ve been work-ing towards since Sep-tember,” he said. “These girls are hungr y and they’ve been working hard. The ultimate goal

is to win a state cham-pionship. If you’re not going to play for the ulti-mate prize, there’s no need to play.”

Russell added that there should be more parity in the league than ever.

What will it be like to face his old Viking team?

“ I t ’ s g o i n g t o b e super-intense. But also, it will be a lot of mixed emotions,” Russell said. “There will be a lot of dif-ferent emotions involved that day. That’s where I got my start and now I’m here at Webb. My loyalty lies here now. It’s going to be intense, very intense.”


Russell reemerges in Oxford for WarriorsBY KELLEN HOLTZMAN



J.F. Webb coach Jef f Tate has plenty to replace from last season’s team that finished second in the conference, but he does have a strong nucleus of returners.

Entering his 17th year as a head coach (seven at Webb), Tate is hoping to guide the Warriors back into the state playoffs for a sixth straight season.

“The kids this year, we’ve got a good nucleus to work with,” said Tate. “They’re working hard and getting better. We’ve got some young kids that we’re excited about that have stepped in and done some good things. So I think the potential is there for us to be pretty good.”

Webb has six seniors this year, led by Ty Womack, who will move from left to center field.

“I believe, ability-wise, with his feet and with his power, is as good as any kid in our conference,” said Tate. “If he ever real-izes how good he can be, he can be a good college baseball player if he puts the time in. He’s unbeliev-ably tough, hard-nosed, he’s everything you want in a player.”

Joining Womack in the senior bunch are Stephen Hill, Lance Ellington, Dylan Wheeler, Jordan Yancey, and Gavin Newton.

Around the horn: Elling-ton will play at first when not on the mound. Chad Frazier and Matt Hob-good will also see time at first base. Dylan Wheeler will move over from third to second base and will be joined by freshman Zach Harris and Sammy Size-more. Hill, a starter since his sophomore season, will start at shortstop and be backed up by Harris. Andrew Watson and Chad Frazier will spend time at third base.

Jordan Yancey is return-ing from an All-Conference campaign in 2011 and will play left field. Newton will fill in beside Womack in right field. Sizemore, Hob-good and Bryan Smith will also play outfield.

At catcher will be David Watson, who is back from last season.

“We’ve got some kids that are versatile, can play different positions. We’re trying to find the right combination,” said Tate.

Tate said his lineup will be a “revolving door,” filled by whoever the hot guys are.

“I really think this group has potential to swing it at the bottom of the lineup,” he said. “When you get that production out of the bottom of the lineup, it

means a lot of difference in high school.”

The pitchers: Ellington, Wheeler, Hill, Hobgood, Frazier, Harris, David Wat-son, and freshman Kaleb Fisher.

“We’ve got some arms,” said Tate. “We just hope we can throw strikes and play defense behind them.”

Tate said Cardinal Gib-bons should be the team to beat this year with shortstop and South Caro-lina commit Max Shrock returning, along with a cou-ple of other potential Divi-sion I players.

“Chapel Hill lost the majority of their pitching, but they had some pretty good young kids and a decent JV team, so they will be tough,” Tate said. “I think a lot of the kids at Northern Vance. I think they’ve got potential to be pretty good. Orange, of course, is always very com-petitive. They’re in every game they play. Southern Vance was very young last year and they have a lot of kids back. We saw them in a scrimmage and they have some good arms to work with.”


Webb baseball has strong nucleus back


The J.F. Webb ten-nis team is a little green behind the ears.

The War riors are comprised of exclusively freshmen and sopho-mores.

Coach Will Darden said his kids have shown “some aptitude for the sport” in the early stages of the season.

“I think the kids found out we can win some games,” he said.

F r e s h m a n D i l l o n Clayton already has

a win under his belt after defeating a senior recently.

“He competes hard, he likes to win and he doesn’t get real down on himself,” said Darden. “I haven’t know him that long, but when he loses, he doesn’t collapse.”

Darden said most of his players are on close to the same level of skill, meaning he will rotate his top seeds “until someone emerges who clearly has more skill or has a better game than the others.”

Webb has only six

total players, like last season.

“I think we’re going to be the ones sor t of looking up. We’re just going to have to work hard and hopefully the kids will enjoy the year,” said Darden. “Just play-ing out the season is going to be a significant achievement for these kids. Getting better and enjoying it. If they like showing up and playing, we had a good year.”


Warrior tennis will be inexperienced group


W a r r e n C o u n t y doesn’t have an expe-rienced team, but they do have a coach with a wealth of knowledge.

Lar r y Godwin and S o n n y P e o p l e s a r e both in their first years as coaches with the Eagles.

Godwin, a Franklin-ton native and cer ti -f ied gol f instr uctor, has been involved with golf since 1980. He’s worked a t Harbour Town Golf Links in Hil-ton Head, S.C. and he’s been a r ules of ficial in Greensboro for the

PGA Senior Tour.Godwin has most

recently been associ-ated with the Lake Gas-ton Golf Club.

A couple of years ago, he and Peoples became involved with the War r en County First Tee Program, an initiative designed to introduce local youths to golf.

“We just want to do some good things,” said Peoples. “We’ve got some good things to of fer and we’re will-ing to spend our time to come out here and expose these kids to some good things.”

Warren County has a total of five golfers and two seniors, Will Lynch and Greg Henry.

T h e E a g l e s w i l l spend most of their time on the road; they have one home match

scheduled. T h e o v e r a r c h i n g

goal: “Teach them a few things: the r ules of golf, golf course eti-quette, being out there with other kids, just get them a good expe-rience,” said Godwin. “They can play golf the rest of their life. Some of these other spor ts, they can’t.”


Eagle golf welcomes new coaching duo


Godwin, Peoples bring

wealth of experience


8 The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012


Warren County’s girls track team is coming off one of its most successful seasons in school history.

But out of 20 partici-

pants last season, only six are back this year.

As impressive as the team was in 2011, they didn’t have much to show for it after a rash of injuries and illness swept over the

team right at regional time. Jessica Davis, Rageane

Watson, Alexis French, and Cheyenne Greene are all returning regional qualifiers. None were able to compete for a shot at

states. “I told them the first

day they have some big shoes to fill,” said coach Morton Jones. “We’re try-ing to equal what we did last year, if not do better.”

Jones said he has a high number of underclass-men, but has no return-ing throwers and only one returning jumper.

Khadija Brown was expected to be one of the

team’s top performers if not for an injury suffered in basketball season.


Lady Eagles track looking to bounce back from injury bug


The Warren County softball team has made three consecutive state playoff appearances and the Lady Eagles are look-ing for a fourth.

Warren County does have a second and first baseman to r ep lace though, along with two outfielders and ace pitcher Jeronica Alston.

The good news on the mound is that Jennifer

Quick has been waiting in the wings. Often, Quick’s role last season was to serve as Alston’s closer.

“She’s more confident this year taking the lead role,” said coach Shannon Jones. “She’s put in a lot of work with the pitching coach.”

Quick, Calena Jeffries, Breyana Faulcon, and Sh-Kiyrah Johnson make up the senior class.

Jeffries is a shortstop, Johnson plays third base and Faulcon will man

first. Taylor Sikes returns

behind the plate this sea-son.

“We’re just tr ying to col lect ively come together as one unit and get things started,” said Jones.

Jones expects Mikayla Hargove, Courtney Mack-lin and Sikes to be among the team’s top hitters.


WC softball looking for ‘Quick’ reload


The golf program at Crossroads Chris-tian is brand new, but the Colts already have a poten-t ia l s tar leader in D.J. Mat-thews.

Coach A a r o n H a l e , a Jackson-ville, Fla. n a t i v e , said Mat-thews has been shooting in the high-70s, boasting a single-digit handicap.

Matthews is the only golfer of the five on the roster with exten-sive experience on the links.

“ H e c a n h a v e a strong season,” said Hale. “I have a lot of confidence in him just from the little bit we’ve

seen so far after a week of practice. He can hit the ball real well. He’s got a complete game.”

Hale arrived in North Carol ina four years

ago and r e c e n t l y graduated from the S o u t h -e a s t e r n B a p t i s t Theologi-cal Semi-n a r y i n Wake For-est.

H a l e says he’s played golf since middle school, including four years on his high school team in Florida. The 29-year-old has also worked at a few dif ferent courses over the years.

There are no seniors on his new team. Mat-thews, Seth Gulledge, Will Nutt, and Clarissa Gay are all juniors. Grif-

fin Martin is a 7th-grad-er.

“He’s actually got some pretty good game. He might be showing up the high schoolers,” said Hale. “He’s already hit-ting the ball real well for a 7th-grader. By the time he’s in high school, he could be a No. 1 seed.”

Hale said he wants the Colts to have fun and play “smart” golf.

“Have fun. Since they are new to the game, I definitely want to help them build an appre-ciation for the game,” he said. “Golf is a men-tal game. So if you can eliminate the big mis-takes — If I can teach them to play a game that’s free of the big collapses, we can real-ly lower their scores a lot.”


Crossroads Christian golf ready for first season


Joshua Bogle is leading the Crossroads Christian soccer team into a new era.

Bogle is in his first sea-son as head coach. He was an All-District player for his high school in Manches-ter, Tenn. He also holds a coaching license and spent six years as a referee.

Bogle inherits six

seniors: Jennifer Jones, Alexis Rush, Kaylee Ander-son, Rachel May, Ashley Waddell, and Ashlee Short.

The team has 11 play-ers, just enough for every position.

“Right now, one of the biggest goals is making it through the end of the sea-son,” said Bogle.

Jones, Anderson, Rush, and Short will make up the back line.

Rachel and Caroline May will patrol the center midfield with Gabrielle Ortiz and Mackenzie Hut-son out wide on the wings.

The two strikers are Waddell and Corey Chop-lin.

In goal is Chelsey Dick-erson.


Bogle leading Lady Colts soccer

“Have fun. Since they are new to the game, I definitely want to help them build an appreciation for the game.”

— Aaron Halecoach

Northern Vance BaseballFrontRow:(lefttoright)ThomasAbbott,HenryRaynor,TravonScott,TabrianScott,KaleBoone,TroyBartlesBackRow:CoachKevinBoone,ConnorMcFalls,KevonteHanks,ZachPegram,NateArrington,MattMcCutcheon,JohnNelson,TyquanBryant,BarryPurnell,CoachBenjiNelson

Northern Vance GolfFrontRow:(lefttoright)CoachBrentMyers,DerrickNel-son,DemetrisMiller,DomoniqueHodge,CoachAngelaGorney

Northern Vance SoccerFrontRow:(lefttoright)GabbyMatthews,SusanaGarcia,KatlynReams,AshlynReams,KaylaRoysterMiddleRow:KristinLong,KaitlynMoody,StephanieGar-cia,BrendaArias,MeredithStevenson,KatherineJarrellBackRow:CoachRazvanTegean,LoganBrinker,AnneMarieRivera,TanauaWhite,HannahBurguss,RebeccaFalkner,ManagerEthanParaham,CoachMelindaFarmer

Northern Vance SoftballFront Row: (left to right) Kiana Alston, SamealYoung,MicaelaCrowder,KiaraAlston,MelissaElliottMiddleRow:RebekahEdwards,MelleeahRobinson,KatieMcAllister,RishannaCheekBackRow:CoachBrittanyRobinson,CoachCaseyMyers,AveryAllen,KaraReese,JesseEdwards,KatieSmith,Kend-allWilson,ManagerTamaraHargove,CoachBillyEdwards

Northern Vance TennisFrontRow:(lefttoright)XavierAdams,JonathanByrom,Tom McKoon, Blake Manning,T.T. Davis; Middle Row:ColtonFloyd,SamLong,DanielWhitaker,TylerManning,NathanOaks,JosephSharpe;BackRow:DylanGrissom,ChrisPendergrass,BarryBobbitt,EthanByrom,BrandonAycock,W.Halter,DJCampo,BlakeNewman,BarrettJohn-son,CoachJeffreyArthurs,ManagerJakeWiggins

Northern Vance TrackFirstRow:(lefttoright)TakaylahPerry,SieraRobinson,Kede-drakSmall,AnnaLegrangt,AlisonYarborough;SecondRow:CoachPerry,KyanaMinor,AneciaWilkerson,JazmineHay-wood,MadisonMurphy,KachaeParker,AngelicaDurham;ThirdRow:CoachKevinPierce,MarkeithRagland, JohnAlvarez, JacquesRainey,DesmondPetterson,TrayElam,CoachBaskett;FourthRow:CotyParrish,DevinAnderson,AdrianTerry,VincentRagland,TerranceThorpe,SonnyJack-son;FifthRow:JasonThorpe,MykelWilliams,ArmaniWil-liams,MontelClark,DashonWIlliams

Southern Vance BaseballFrontRow: (left to right)MelvinGray,MontavionGray,LatrelFields,CodyLong,MatthewReid;MiddleRow:KyleLawrence, Dontae Smith, Scott Jackson, Josh Griffin,DustinBrummitt,DavidAdcock;BackRow:WesCollier,JamalWilliams,JeremyBullock,CoachLarryYates,RickyHoward,MillerAllen,CoachTonyMcGhee,JustinRober-son,ZachLayne

Southern Vance Track




The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports saTurDay, March 11, 2012 9

Southern Vance GolfFrontRow:(lefttoright)CullomRoker,DustinNull,JesseKnapp,MikeBurns,NathanielElliott,EricHunt

Southern Vance SoccerFrontRow: (left to right)KeniaGarcia,AlondraSalazar,CristalPuga,KimberlyEdwards,ToniaMendoza,KimberArcher,JessicaFairley,KallahHester;MiddleRow:Eliza-bethClayborne,TonyaZuniga,LeahWoodlief,AnabelCarrillo,NikkiHenderson;BackRow:MaryKeyMendoza,JessicaSolomon,FlorGuzman,ElizabethGay,TaylorBob-bitt,TaylorStanton(notpicturedCoachHectorOrosco,CoachJamesWagner)

Southern Vance SoftballFrontRow:(lefttoright)AllisonDunn,SamathaPatrick,WhitneyDavis;MiddleRow:RebeccaNorwood,HeatherSatterwhite,KaylanHoyle,HarleyOwen,RashydaBur-well, Bree Simmons; Back Row: Assistant coach AmySimpson,TaylorJones,KiyannaKearney,SarahBethStan-ton,CarslinTalley,MikaylaSellers,CoachLeannShelton

Southern Vance TennisFrontRow:(lefttoright)RobbieBeckwith,AustinBrown,EricPerson,JustinTabourn,WillPernell,CoachBernardAlston

Kerr-Vance BaseballFrontRow:(lefttoright)LaneHumphries,WyattEvans,DylanMarshburn,ChannieRenn,DustinSmithBack Row: Jordan Hogge, Jacob Bowen,Tyson Carrer,PierceTooley,WillMoss,CoachTyWilkerson

Kerr-Vance GolfFrontRow:(lefttoright)AJHolloway,BradEdwards,BenO’Geary,MorganWatkinsBackRow:CoachDaveCarrier,JosephBurnette,BrandonDickerson,DanielBurnette,CoachSamBrummitt

Kerr-Vance JV SoccerFrontRow:(lefttoright)CarrieMatias,KayleeGreen,Sha-nonCash,LilyParker,DevonTabbertMiddleRow:EmmaPelfrey,MeganO’Leary,Emilyoverby,KendallAlmandBackRow:BaileyRedecker, MacyLeeJohnson,SophiaNaradzay,MaryMills,KatieSteg,CoachDevonHoneywell

Kerr-Vance LacrosseFrontRow:(lefttoright)BrettGreenway,DawsonDuck-word,SamFuquay,JordanSmith,JosephEverett,DrewGriggs,MarkFalknerMiddleRow:ParkinsDavis,ColeSmith,JamesAvverette,Franklin Irvin, Luke Pegram, John Robery Carr, CollinPegram,EmilBruce,HunterLaytonBackRow:CoachJohnO’Leary,CoachDr.Burnham,JakeRuggles,HayesGriggs,TroyBickel,ChrisMitchell,NickShort,DarrenDoyle,DallasSmith,CoachScottBurnette

Kerr-Vance Varsity SoccerFrontRow: (left to right)AnnaMaconWemyss,HollandMills, shannonCash, JessicaDarnell,MeredithFreeman,JacyMonahanMiddleRow:RachelRoss,ClaireFreeman,MckenzieJones,BaileyTippettBackRow:CoachAmyJohnson,BrylesCutts,CassidyTucker,PriceWester,AlexandraGwynn,ShannonAyscue,CoachDevonHoneywell

Kerr-Vance SoftballFrontRow:(lefttoright)HannahPowell,AnnTooley,Ken-nedyAdcock,KaylaHolderBackRow:CoachMaryAnstead,DanaEvans,MorganKing,JordynStegall,JessicaMoss,CoachPatPulley(notpicturedFoyParker,MikaylaStone)

Kerr-Vance TennisFrontRow:(lefttoright)DustinEvans,WilliamParrish,ChrisMakulowich,AnthonyMontone,TaylorAbbott,DanielAdkinsBackRow:CoachDavidDonaldson,StephanNii,DylanEllington,RussBody,CodyHuber,AndrewWegner,ChrisNelson,ManagerHillaryWilson

Webb Boys TrackFirstRow:(lefttoright)KendrickPettiford,TevinWhite,SantoraJones,EdonRomero,ThomasGrob,JquisThornton,BrianMess-ner,GaryWilliamsMiddleRow:MaleakYanc-ey,C.T.Berry,JoshuanJones,DavidMcGee,LanePhipps,D’ShaeHalified,TerryGrenard,DeseanMossBackRow:CoachKennethRogers,ManagerKaylaLyons,IsaiahSneed,MichaelWilliams,SemajRoyster,JeffreyBumpass,TimothyAtkiens,TylerThomas,CoachGrahamDowney,Jr.

Webb GolfFrontRow:(lefttoright)WillPerkinson,TaylorCook,JacobBrewerBackRow:GrantParrott,SonnyBurnette,AndrewPruitt

Webb JV BaseballFrontRow:(lefttoright)JustinBailey,NolanEllington,ZachHarris,BaileyHarrell,CoryEvansBackRow:ZachPorterfield,EthanBailey,R.J.Brown,TylerGarrett,BradMize,MichaelDalton,TaylorWilliams


10 The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012

Webb JV LacrosseFrontRow:(lefttoright)RonGoode,NeilLewis,A.J.Yanc-ey,BruceClay,LukeWillisBack Row: Manager Catherine Hensley, CameronBlanchard,PatricMason,LukeHunt,JonStewart,GearlMajors,CodyDeviney,ManagerPaigeDowning

Webb JV SoccerFrontRow:(lefttoright)BrendaHernandez,MorganWil-liams,AlishaMurray,LillyHillMiddleRow:ElizabethPrattWinston,CharlieVaughn,Ash-leighNoblin,DominiqueHarris,LaurenKeithBackRow:CoachFrancisLouis,MariaAscencio,CrystalMurillo,MelinaLogan,A.J.Winborne,GeronimoGomez

Webb Varsity BaseballFrontRow:(lefttoright)KalebFisher,StephenHill,DylanWheeler,SammySizemore,LaneDickerson,TyWomack,AndrewWatsonBackRow:DavidWatson,GavinNewton,ChadFrazier,LanceEllington,MattHobgood

Webb Varsity LacrosseFirstRow: (left toright)JuliusPorter, JosephToto,DylanLawson,ReggieCampos,TeddyAnderson;MiddleRow:ManagerCatherineHenson,OmariPowell,KameronStra-chan,JacobWilliford,RufusTerry, JacobRagland,CedricSpence;BackRow:JonathanGreene,CoachNathanFara-bee,JordanMallard,MatthewRoach,ChristianTilley,JustinWillbanks,AntonioJones,ZachWatkins,BrockFuller,Man-agerPaigeDowning,CoachDavidFarabee

Webb Girls TrackFirstRow:(lefttoright)RavenEdmonds,MaiaWright,VershonBattle,CoraPuryear,BrandyRag-land,ShandreaWhite,MirandaParkstone,AshleyBurrellMiddleRow:EbonyAnderson,ZandraBowden,AmberBowden,HattieChavis,DakitaThrorton,FaithChampion,SmontiaraWil-liams,KyleWilliamsBackRow:DesireePatton,Nad-alieHarris,AlexisWillamson,Tere-saRoyster,JlaisaMorton,CorshaHarris,CoachGrahamDowney,Jr.

Webb Varsity SoccerFirstRow:(lefttoright)AbbeySmith,ArmaniGrillo,AshtonAllen,AnabrilSantana,StephanieMoyerMiddleRow:KatelynSmith,SarahGraham,DomoniqueHarris,ErinWelsh,SarahKeranakis,ChasePerrenBackRow:ManagerTimSmith,ManagerLuisDonaldo,MelinaLogan,CatherinePittard,JuliaTilley,AvaGruchacz,CoachAllieUrbanski

Webb Varsity SoftballFirstRow:(lefttoright)KaliPuckett,AmberWorkman,EllenBlevins,CarlySimton,MonicaFaucette,HayesMossMiddleRow:BreLewis,ShannonSatterwhite,AllieHob-good,BrookeWheeler,AddisonAyscue,MorganDavis,JanelleInman;BackRow:CoachJonRussell,BrittanyPer-kins,HannahMoss,VictoriaHughes,SamanthaDenny,AssistantCoachScottBurwell

Warren County Golf(Left to right): Coach Larry Godwin, Tyler Thompson,MichaelWilson,WillLynch,GregHenry,HunterPowell,HeadCoachSonnyPeoples

Warren County JV BaseballFrontrow(lefttoright):JacobSatterwhite,MichaelWebb,ThomasMcCaffity,AntonioThompson,ZeroyHenderson,DerkeWortham;backrow:headcoachFrankFleming,ChrisPrivette,DontraviousHarrison,DennisWaddell,TavisDunson, Malik Davis, Joshua Moss, asst. coach DerekAlston.

Warren County TennisFront row (left to right)L Emile Chapman, Cory Sond-geroth,JosueRivera,ChristopherFord;backrow:JohnAguas,CodyBarnes,ChrisCaldwell,FabianRussell,BryanBender

Warren County Varsity BaseballFrontrow(lefttoright):ZeroyHenderson,PeteJohnson,ZachEvans,A.J.Silver,AntonioThompson,DerkeWortham;Backrow:asst.coachFrankFleming,MichaelWebb,DanielHunter,HamiltonKing,HaydenSullivan,WesleyMartin,ClydeJones,ChrisPrivette,headcoachDerekAlston.

Crossroads Christian GolfFrontRow:(lefttoright)ClarissaGay,GriffinMartin,SethGulledge,WillNutt,D.J.Matthews,CoachAaronHale Crossroads Christian Varsity Soccer

FrontRow:(lefttoright)JenniferJones,CoreyChoplin,GabrielleOrtiz,MadisonMoyer,MackenzieHutson,KayleeAndersonBackRow:ChelseyDickerson,CoachJoshuaBogle,AlexisRush,RachelMay,CarolineMay,MakaylaBibee,AshleeShort,AshleyWaddellGroup photos taken by Earl King


The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports Sunday,March 11, 2012 11



DailyDispatch/ASHLEYSTEVENAYSCUEKerr-Vance’sWyattEvanspreparestothrowtofirstbaseafter forcingoutaNorthernVancebaserunneratsecondbaseinthisMarch2011filephoto.





DailyDispatch/ASHLEYSTEVENAYSCUEFormerNorthernVanceheadcoachJonRusselltalkswithaplayer inthisMay2011filephoto.RussellisnowtheheadcoachatJ.F.Webb.


12 The Daily DispaTch Spring Sports sunDay, March 11, 2012

Southern Vance BaseballFeb. 27 @ Voyager High 5 p.m.Feb. 29 @ Louisburg 4:30 p.m.March 2 @ S. Granville TBAMarch 6 @ S. Durham 4 p.m.March 9 LOUISBURG 4 p.m.March 12 S. DURHAM 4 p.m.March 16 S. GRANVILLE 4 p.m.March 20 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 p.m.March 27 @ J.F. Webb 7 p.m.March 30 VOYAGER HIGH 4 p.m.Apr. 5 @ J.F. Webb TourneyApr. 6 @ J.F. Webb TourneyApr. 7 @ J.F. Webb TourneyApr. 10 @ Louisburg TourneyApr. 11 @ Louisburg TourneyApr. 12 @ Louisburg TourneyApr. 13 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.Apr. 17 @ N. Vance 4:30 p.m.Apr. 20 J.F. WEBB 4:30 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 :30 p.m.Apr. 27 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.Apr. 30 @ Orange 7 p.m.May 1 @ Chapel Hill 7 p.m.May 4 N. VANCE 4:30 p.m.

Southern Vance GolfMarch 12 @ Chapel Hill 1 p.m.March 13 @ Warren Co. 2:30 p.m.March 19 @ J.F. Webb 1 p.m.March 26 @ Cardinal Gibbons 1 p.m.March 29 N. VANCE 1 p.m.Apr. 16 @ Orange 1 p.m.Apr. 23 @ Carolina 3A Meet (Orange) 1 p.m.

Southern Vance SoccerMarch 12 @ Orange 6 p.m.March 19 ROCKY MOUNT PREP 6 p.m.March 20 @ Bunn 4:30 p.m.March 22 @ Rocky Mount Prep 6 p.m.March 26 CHAPEL HILL 6:30 p.m.March 27 @ J.F. Webb 6 p.m.March 29 S. GRANVILLE 6 p.m.Apr. 2 LOUISBURG 6:30 p.m.Apr.4 CARDINAL GIBBONS 6 :30 p.m.Apr.5 BUNN 6:30 p.m.Apr.16 @ N. Vance 6:30 p.m.Apr.18 J.F. WEBB 6:30 p.m.Apr.23 @ Cardinal Gibbons 6 p.m.Apr.24 @ Louisburg 6 p.m.Apr.25 ORANGE 6 p.m.Apr.30 @ Chapel Hill 6 p.m.May 2 N. VANCE 6:30 p.m.

Southern Vance SoftballFeb. 23 FRANKLINTON (scrimmage) 4 p.m.Feb. 27 HALIFAX ACAD 4 p.m.March 2 @ Granville Central 4 :30 p.m.March 5 @ Franklinton 4 p.m.March 6 @ S. Durham 4 p.m.March 8 @ SW Edgecombe 4 p.m.March 12 S. DURHAM 4 p.m.March 14 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 4 p.m.March 20 @ Orange 5 p.m.March 22 SW EDGECOMBE 4 p.m.March 27 @ J.F. Webb 4 p.m.March 29 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.Apr. 2 @ Halifax Acad 4 p.m.Apr. 4 @ S. Granville 5 p.m.

Apr. 6 @ DH Conley Tourney TBAApr. 7 @ DH Conley Tourney TBAApr. 9 @ DH Conley Tourney TBAApr. 16 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.Apr. 17 @ N. Vance 4:30 p.m.Apr. 20 J.F. WEBB 4:30 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 :30 p.m.Apr. 27 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.May 1 @ Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m.May 3 N. VANCE 4:30 p.m.

Southern Vance TennisMarch 13 @ Warren Co. 4:30 p.m.March 14 @ J.F. Webb 4:30 p.m.March 15 LOUISBURG 4:30 p.m.March 21 J.F. WEBB 4:30 p.m.March 26 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.March 28 @ Orange 4:30 p.m.March 29 S. GRANVILLE 4:30 p.m.Apr. 2 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.Apr. 3 @ Louisburg 4 p.m.Apr. 4 @ N. Vance 4:30 p.m.Apr. 16 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.Apr. 17 WARREN CO. 4:30 p.m.Apr. 18 @ Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m.Apr. 23 N. VANCE 4:30 p.m.

Southern Vance Track & FieldMarch 22 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 p.m.March 27 @ J.F. Webb 4 p.m.Apr. 3 LOUISBURG 4 p.m.Apr. 17 CHAPEL HILL 4 p.m.Apr. 19 @ N. Vance 4 p.m.Apr. 23 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 4 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Orange 4 p.m.May 2 @ Carolina 3A Meet (CG) 1 p.m.

Southern Vance RAIDERSNorthern Vance BaseballFeb. 28 R. RAPIDS 4 p.m.March 1 @ Franklinton 4 p.m.March 2 @ Kerr-Vance 4:30 p.m.March 7 FRANKLINTON 4 p.m.March 9 @ R. Rapids 5 p.m.March 13 @ J.F. Webb 4:30 p.m.March 16 @ Orange 4 p.m.March 19 @ Granville Central 4 :30 p.m.March 23 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.March 27 @ Chapel Hill 5 p.m.March 28 WARREN CO. 4:30 p.m.March 30 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 4 :30 p.m.April 5 @ Webb Easter TourneyApril 6 @ Webb Easter TourneyApril 7 @ Webb Easter TourneyApril 17 S. VANCE 4:30 p.m.April 18 @ Warren Co. 4:30 p.m.April 20 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.April 24 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.April 26 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 :30 p.m.May 1 J.F. WEBB 4:30 p.m.May 4 @ S. Vance 4:30 p.m.

Northern Vance GolfMarch 12 @ Chapel Hill 1 p.m.March 19 @ J.F. Webb 1 p.m.March 26 @ Cardinal Gibbons 1 p.m.March 29 S. VANCE 1 p.m.April 16 @ Orange 1 p.m.April 23 @ Carolina 3A match (OHS)

Northern Vance SoccerFeb. 27 @ S. Granville 6 p.m.Feb. 29 S. NASH 6:30 p.m.March 2 @ Kerr-Vance 6 p.m.March 5 N. NASH 6:30 p.m.March 7 @ S. Nash 4:30 p.m.March 9 NASH CENTRAL 6 p.m.March 14 @ N. Nash 7 p.m.March 16 KERR-VANCE 6 p.m.March 19 CARDINAL GIBBONS 6 :30 p.m.March 21 @ J.F. Webb 6 p.m.March 26 ORANGE 6:30 p.m.March 28 @ Chapel Hill 6 p.m.March 30 @ Nash Central 5 p.m.April 2 S. GRANVILLE 6:30 p.m.April 5 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 6 :30 p.m.April 7 Alumni 10 a.m.April 16 S. VANCE 6:30 p.m.April 18 @ Orange 6 p.m.April 23 CHAPEL HILL 6:30 p.m.April 25 @ Cardinal Gibbons 6 p.m.April 30 J.F. WEBB 6:30 p.m.May 2 @ S. Vance 6:30 p.m.

Northern Vance SoftballFeb. 27 @ N. Nash 5 p.m.March 1 @ Franklinton 4 p.m.March 6 @ Bunn 4:30 p.m.March 7 FRANKLINTON 4 p.m.March 13 N. NASH 4:30 p.m.March 15 BUNN 4:30 p.m.March 20 @ J.F. Webb 6 p.m.March 21 S. GRANVILLE 4:30 p.m.March 23 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.

March 26 @ Orange 6 p.m.March 27 @ Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m.March 28 @ S. Granville 5 p.m.April 17 S. VANCE 4:30 p.m.April 20 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.April 24 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.April 26 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 :30 p.m.May 1 J.F. WEBB 4:30 p.m.May 3 @ S. Vance 4:30 p.m.

Northern Vance TennisFeb. 29 KERR-VANCE 4 p.m.March 2 S. GRANVILLE 4 p.m.March 9 @ S. Granville 4 p.m.March 12 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.March 15 @ Kerr-Vance 4 p.m.March 16 @ J.F. Webb 4:30 p.m.March 19 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.March 21 @ Orange 4:30 p.m.March 26 @ Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m.March 28 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.April 4 S. VANCE 4:30 p.m.April 16 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 :30 p.m.April 18 J.F. WEBB 4:30 p.m.April 23 @ S. Vance 4:30 p.m.April 25 @ Carolina 3A Tourney (CH)

Northern Vance Track & FieldMarch 15 @ Chapel Hill 4 p.m.March 22 @ J.F. Webb 4 p.m.March 29 @ Orange 4 p.m.April 19 S. VANCE 4 p.m.April 26 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 p.m.May 2 Carolina 3A Meet (CG) 1 p.m.

Northern Vance VIKINGS

J.F. Webb BaseballFeb. 18 @ E. Chapel Hill (scrimmage) 9 a.m.Feb. 22 WEBB JAMBOREE (scrimmage)Feb. 27 WARREN CO. 4:30 p.m.Feb. 28 @ S. Granville 5 p.m.March 2 @ Roxboro Community 5 p.m.March 6 @ E. Chapel Hill 4:15 p.m.March 7 S. GRANVILLE 4:30 p.m.March 13 N. VANCE 4:30 p.m.March 15 ROXBORO COMMUNITY 5 p.m.March 16 PARKVIEW, VA. 5 p.m.March 20 ORANGE 7 p.m.March 22 @ Parkview, Va. 5:30 p.m.March 27 S. VANCE 7 p.m.March 29 RAVENSCROFT 5:30 p.m.Apr. 5 WEBB EASTER CLASSICApr. 6 WEBB EASTER CLASSICApr. 7 WEBB EASTER CLASSICApr. 10 @ Chapel Hill 7 p.m.Apr. 12 GARDEN CITY, NY 6:30 p.m.Apr. 17 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 :30 p.m.Apr. 20 @ S. Vance 4:30 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Orange 7 p.m.Apr. 27 CHAPEL HILL 7 p.m.May 1 @ N. Vance 4:30 p.m.May 4 CARDINAL GIBBONS 7 p.m.

J.F. Webb GolfMarch 12 @ Chapel Hill 1 p.m.March 19 CHAPEL HILL 1 p.m.March 26 @ Cardinal Gibbons 1 p.m.Apr. 16 @ Orange 2 p.m.Apr. 23 @ Carolina 3A meet

J.F. Webb LacrosseFeb. 18 @ Cedar Ridge (scrimmage) 1 p.m.Feb. 25 WARRIOR GAMES (scrim-mage) TBAFeb. 28 @ Orange 6:30 p.m.Feb. 29 BURL WILLIAMS 6:30 p.m.March 2 KERR-VANCE 6 p.m.March 5 @ Northwood 5 p.m.March 7 @ Durham Jordan 6:30 p.m.March 9 @ Kerr-Vance 7 p.m.March 12 E. ALAMANCE 6 p.m.March 14 NORTHWOOD 6 p.m.March 16 DURHAM JORDAN 6:30 p.m.March 20 @ Riverside 6:30 p.m.March 23 @ Roxboro Community 6 :30 p.m.March 27 N. DURHAM 6 p.m.Apr. 10 @ Cary Academy 6 p.m.Apr. 13 @ Cedar Ridge 7 p.m.Apr. 17 DURHAM RIVERSIDE 6 :30 p.m.Apr. 20 ROXBORO COMMUNITY 6 :30 p.m.Apr. 24 @ N. Durham 6:30 p.m.

J.F. Webb SoccerFeb. 27 @ R. Rapids 6 p.m.Feb. 29 S. GRANVILLE 6 p.m.March 2 @ Granville Central 6 p.m.March 5 R. RAPIDS 6 p.m.March 8 PERSON 6:30 p.m.March 9 KERR-VANCE 7 p.m.March 13 @ Durham Riverside 6 :30

p.m.March 16 @ Person 6:30 p.m.March 20 @ Franklinton 6 p.m.March 21 N. VANCE 6 p.m.March 23 @ S. Granville 6 p.m.March 28 ORANGE 6:30 p.m.March 29 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 6 p.m.Apr. 11 @ Chapel Hill 6:30 p.m.Apr. 12 PARKVIEW, VA. 6 p.m.Apr. 16 @ Cardinal Gibbons 6 :30 p.m.Apr. 18 @ S. Vance 6 p.m.Apr. 20 FRANKLINTON 6 p.m.Apr. 23 @ Orange 6:30 p.m.Apr. 25 CHAPEL HILL 6:30 p.m.Apr. 27 @ Parkview, Va. 6 p.m.Apr. 30 @ N. Vance 6 p.m.May 2 CARDINAL GIBBONS 7 p.m.

J.F. Webb SoftballMarch 8 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 6 p.m.March 9 FRANKLINTON 5 p.m.March 14 ORANGE 4:30 p.m.March 16 @ S. Granville 6 p.m.March 20 N. VANCE 5 p.m.March 23 PARKVIEW, VA. 6 p.m.March 27 S. VANCE 6 p.m.March 28 PERSON CO. 6 p.m.March 30 @ Taylorsville TourneyMarch 31 @ Taylorsville TourneyApr. 7 @ S. Alamance TourneyApr. 10 @ Chapel Hill 5 p.m.Apr. 12 @ Granville Central 5 p.m.Apr. 17 @ Cardinal Gibbons 6 p.m.Apr. 18 @ Franklinton 6 p.m.Apr. 20 @ S. Vance 4:30 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Orange 6 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Person 6 p.m.Apr. 27 CHAPEL HILL 6 p.m.May 1 @ N. Vance 4:30 p.m.May 4 CARDINAL GIBBONS 6 p.m.May 8 @ Wake Forest-Rolesville 6 p.m.

J.F. Webb TennisFeb. 27 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 4 p.m.March 1 @ Person Co. 4 p.m.March 6 @ Kerr-Vance 4 p.m.March 8 @ Frankllinton 4 p.m.March 9 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 4 p.m.March 14 S. VANCE 4 p.m.March 15 FRANKLINTON 4 p.m.March 16 N. VANCE 4 p.m.March 21 @ S. Vance 4 p.m.March 23 S. GRANVILLE 4 p.m.March 26 ORANGE 4 p.m.March 27 PERSON CO. 4 p.m.March 28 @ Chapel Hill 4 p.m.Apr. 11 @ Orange 4 p.m.Apr. 16 CHAPEL HILL 4 p.m.Apr. 18 @ N. Vance 4 p.m.Apr. 20 @ S. Granville 4 p.m.Apr. 23 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 p.m.

J.F. Webb Track & FieldMarch 6 @ E. Alamance 4 p.m.March 20 GRANVILLE CENTRAL 4 p.m.March 22 N. VANCE 4 p.m.March 26 PERSON CO. 4 p.m.March 29 S. VANCE 4 p.m.Apr. 16 GRANVILLE CO. CHAMPS TBA

Apr. 19 @ Cardinal Gibbons 4 p.m.Apr. 26 CHAPEL HILL 4 p.m.May 2 Carolina 3A meet

J.F. Webb JV BaseballFeb. 28 S. GRANVILLE 4:30 p.m.March 1 CEDAR RIDGE 4:30 p.m.March 7 @ S. Granville 5 p.m.March 8 E. CHAPEL HILL 5 p.m.March 12 @ Cedar Ridge 6 p.m.March 16 @ Parkview, Va. 5 p.m.March 20 ORANGE 4 p.m.March 22 PARKVIEW, VA. 5 p.m.March 26 N. DURHAM 6 p.m.March 28 @ E. Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m.Apr. 10 @ Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m.Apr. 12 @ Person Co. Tourney 4 p.m.Apr. 13 @ Person Co. Tourney TBAApr. 14 @ Person Co. Tourney TBAApr. 17 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.Apr. 19 @ N. Durham 4:30 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Orange 4:30 p.m.Apr. 27 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.May 2 @ Bunn 4 p.m.

J.F. Webb JV LacrosseFeb. 28 @ Orange 4:45 p.m.March 7 @ Durham Jordan 4:45 p.m.March 16 DURHAM JORDAN 4:45 p.m.March 20 @ Durham Riverside 4 :45 p.m.March 27 N. DURHAM 4:45 p.m.Apr. 13 @ Cedar Ridge 5 p.m.Apr. 17 DURHAM RIVERSIDE 4 :45 p.m.Apr. 24 @ N. Durham 4:45 p.m.

J.F. Webb JV SoccerMarch 9 KERR-VANCE 5:30 p.m.March 12 @ Northwood 6 p.m.March 13 @ Durham Riverside 5 p.m.March 19 NORTHWOOD 6 p.m.March 28 ORANGE 5 p.m.Apr. 11 @ Chapel Hill 5 p.m.Apr. 13 KERR-VANCE 5:30 p.m.Apr. 16 @ Cardinal Gibbons 5 p.m.Apr. 23 @ Orange 5 p.m.Apr. 25 CHAPEL HILL 5 p.m.May 2 CARDINAL GIBBONS 5 p.m.

J.F. Webb JV SoftballMarch 14 ORANGE 6 p.m.March 16 @ S. Granville 4:30 p.m.March 23 PARKVIEW, VA. 4:30 p.m.March 28 PERSON 4:30 p.m.Apr. 6 @ S. Alamance TourneyApr. 10 @ Chapel Hill 6 p.m.Apr. 14 @ Parkview, Va. 12 p.m.Apr. 17 @ Cardinal Gibbons 5 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Orange 5 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Person 4:30 p.m.Apr. 27 CHAPEL HILL 4:30 p.m.May 4 CARDINAL GIBBONS 4 :30 p.m.May 8 @ Wake Forest-Rolesville 4 :30 p.m.


Warren County BaseballFeb. 27 @ J.F. Webb 4:30 p.m.Feb. 28 KIPP PRIDE 4 p.m.March 1 @ Kipp Pride 4 p.m.March 8 S. VANCE 5 p.m.March 9 @ N. Johnston 4 p.m.March 13 @ Parkview, Va. 4:30 p.m.March 16 @ Corinth Holders 4 p.m.March 20 LOUISBURG 4 p.m.March 21 FRANKLINTON 4 p.m.March 23 BUNN 4 p.m.March 27 R. RAPIDS 4 p.m.March 28 @ N. Vance 4:30 p.m.March 30 NW HALIFAX 4 p.m.Apr. 5 @ Franklinton 4 p.m.Apr. 9 @ Louisburg Tourney TBAApr. 10 @ Louisburg Tourney TBAApr. 11 @ Louisburg Tourney TBAApr. 17 CORINTH HOLDERS 4 p.m.Apr. 18 N. VANCE 5 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Louisburg 4 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Bunn 4 p.m.Apr. 27 @ R. Rapids 4 p.m.

May 1 @ NW Halifax 4:30 p.m.May 4 N. JOHNSTON 4 p.m.

Warren County GolfMarch 13 S. VANCE 2:30 p.m.March 20 @ Corinth Holders 2:30 p.m.March 27 @ R. Rapids 3 p.m.Apr. 17 @ N. Johnston 3 p.m.Apr. 19 BUNN 3 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Franklinton 3 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Bunn 3 p.m.May 1 @ Louisburg 2:30 p.m.

Warren County SoftballFeb. 28 KIPP PRIDE 4 p.m.March 1 @ Kipp Pride 4 p.m.March 2 N. NASH 4:30 p.m.March 5 @ Halifax Acad 4 p.m.March 6 @ N. Nash 5:30 p.m.March 9 @ N. Johnston 6 p.m.March 16 @ Corinth Holders 6 p.m.March 20 LOUISBURG 4 p.m.March 21 FRANKLINTON 4 p.m.

March 23 BUNN 4 p.m.March 27 R. RAPIDS 4 p.m.March 30 NW HALIFAX 4 p.m.March 31 @ N. Nash TBAApr. 2 @ N. Nash TBAApr. 5 @ Franklinton 6 p.m.Apr. 16 HALIFAX ACAD 4 p.m.Apr. 17 CORINTH HOLDERS 4 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Louisburg 6 p.m.Apr. 24 @ Bunn 6 p.m.Apr. 27 @ R. Rapids 6 p.m.May 1 @ NW Halifax 4:30 p.m.May 4 N. JOHNSTON 4 p.m.

Warren County Track & FieldMarch 22 @ N. Johnston 4 p.m.March 29 @ R. Rapids 4 p.m.Apr. 4 @ Bunn 4 p.m.Apr. 12 @ Corinth Holders 4 p.m.Apr. 17 @ Franklinton 4 p.m.Apr. 25 @ NCC Meet (NJ) 12:30 p.m.

Warren County EAGLES

Crossroads Christian GolfMarch 15 @ Grace Christian-Raleigh 3 p.m.March 22 @ Grace Christian-Sanford 2 p.m.March 29 @ Cape Fear Christian 3 p.m.Apr. 5 @ Wayne Christian 3 p.m.Apr. 19 @ Community Christian 3 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Northwood Temple 3 p.m.

May 7 CCC championship (Grace-Sanford)

Crossroads Christian SoccerMarch 6 @ Kerr-Vance 5 p.m.March 13 @ Grace Christian-Raleigh 4 p.m.March 16 NORTHWOOD TEMPLE 4 p.m.March 23 @ Cresset Christian 4 p.m.March 29 FRIENDSHIP CHRISTIAN 4 p.m.

Apr. 3 GRACE CHRISTIAN-SANFORD 4 p.m.Apr. 5 CARY CHRISTIAN 4 p.m.Apr. 17 COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN 4 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Trinity Academy-Raleigh 4 p.m.Apr. 27 @ Cape Fear Christian 4 p.m.Apr. 30 CCC play-in gameMay 1 CCC quarterfinalsMay 3 CCC semifinalsMay 4 CCC championship

Crossroads Christian COLTS

Kerr-Vance BaseballMarch 2 N. VANCE 4:30 p.m.March 6 E. WAKE ACAD 5 p.m.March 9 CAROLINA FRIENDS 6 p.m.March 13 PARROTT ACAD 5 p.m.March 15 @ Wake Home School 7 p.m.March 19 GREENFIELD 6 p.m.March 20 @ Halifax Acad 6:30 p.m.March 22 @ Rocky Mount Acad 6 :30 p.m.March 29 CARY CHRISTIAN 6 p.m.March 31 DAVIDSON DAY 12 p.m.Apr. 12 @ Grace Christian-Raleigh 4 p.m.Apr. 17 ST. DAVID’S 6 p.m.Apr. 19 TRINITY CHRISTIAN-RALEIGH 5:30 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Cary Christian 5 p.m.Apr. 24 HALIFAX ACAD 6:30 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Parrott Acad 6:30 p.m.May 1 ROCKY MOUNT ACAD 6 :30 p.m.May 3 @ St. David’s 4 p.m.May 7 RALEIGH CHARTER 6:30 p.m.May 11 NCISAA first roundMay 15 NCISAA second roundMay 18 NCISAA semifinals (RMA)May 19 NCISAA championship (RMA)

Kerr-Vance GolfMarch 2 @ Keith Hills Inv. (Buies Creek)March 6 N. RALEIGH CHRISTIAN 2 p.m.March 8 @ Halifax Acad 1 p.m.March 15 GREENFIELD 1 p.m.March 21 @ Durham Acad 2 p.m.March 22 @ Cary Christian 1 p.m.March 26 @ Rocky Mount Acad 1 p.m.March 29 @ Ravenscroft 3:30 p.m.Apr. 12 CARY CHRISTIAN 2 p.m.Apr. 16 ST. DAVID’S 1 p.m.Apr. 23 @ Parrott Acad 1 p.m.May 3 RAVENSCROFT 2 p.m.May 14 NCISAA Tourney (Mid Pines Golf Club)May 15 NCISAA Tourney (Mid Pines Golf Club)

Kerr-Vance LacrosseMarch 2 @ J.F. Webb TBAMarch 7 PARROTT ACAD 5 p.m.March 9 J.F. WEBB 6 p.m.March 13 @ Roxboro Community 5 p.m.March 16 WESLEYAN CHRISTIAN 6 p.m.March 20 CARY CHRISTIAN 6 p.m.March 23 @ Greensboro Day 5 p.m.March 31 DAVIDSON DAY 11 a.m.Apr. 13 @ Cary Christian 4:30 p.m.Apr. 17 @ Parrott Acad 5 p.m.Apr. 20 CARY ACAD 6 p.m.Apr. 23 ROXBORO COMMUNITY 7 p.m.

Apr. 25 @ Pittsboro Northwood 6 p.m.Apr. 27 PITTSBORO NORTHWOOD 6 p.m.May 4 GREENSBORO DAY 3:30 p.m.May 8 @ Village Christian 5 p.m.May 12 NCISAA first roundMay 15 NCISAA second roundMay 17 NCISAA semifinalsMay 19 NCISAA championship

Kerr-Vance SoccerMarch 2 N. VANCE 6 p.m.March 5 GRACE CHRISTIAN-RALEIGH 5:30 p.m.March 6 CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN 5 p.m.March 9 @ J.F. Webb 7 p.m.March 13 PARROTT ACAD 5:15 p.m.March 15 @ American Hebrew Acad 5:30 p.m.March 16 @ N. Vance 6 p.m.March 20 @ Halifax Acad 4:30 p.m.March 22 @ Rocky Mount Acad 6 p.m.March 27 E. WAKE ACAD 6 p.m.March 29 CARY CHRISTIAN 5:30 p.m.Apr. 13 @ Trinity Christian-Raleigh 4 p.m.Apr. 17 ST. DAVID’S 6:30 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Cary Christian 5 p.m.Apr. 24 HALIFAX ACAD 6 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Parrott Acad 6:30 p.m.May 1 ROCKY MOUNT ACAD 6 :30 p.m.May 3 @ St. David’s 5:15 p.m.May 7 GRACE CHRISTIAN-SANFORD 5:30 p.m.May 11 NCISAA first roundMay 15 NCISAA second roundMay 18 NCISAA semifinalsMay 19 NCISAA championship

Kerr-Vance SoftballMarch 6 @ St. Mary’s 4 p.m.March 9 @ Grace Christian-Raleigh 4 p.m.March 13 PARROTT ACAD 4 p.m.March 16 @ Durham Acad 4:30 p.m.March 19 @ Crossroads Christian 4 p.m.March 20 @ Halifax Acad 4 p.m.March 22 @ Rocky Mount Acad 4 :30 p.m.March 27 CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN 4 p.m.March 29 CARY CHRISTIAN 4 p.m.Apr. 17 ST. DAVID’S 4:30 p.m.Apr. 19 GRACE CHRISTIAN-RALEIGH 4 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Cary Christian 3:30 p.m.Apr. 23 CALDWELL ACAD 4 p.m.Apr. 24 HALIFAX ACAD 4:30 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Parrott Acad 4 p.m.May 1 ROCKY MOUNT ACAD 4 p.m.

May 3 @ St. David’s 4 p.m.May 7 @ Caldwell Acad 3:30 p.m.May 15 NCISAA first roundMay 18 NCISAA championshipsMay 19 NCISAA championships

Kerr-Vance TennisFeb. 25 @ Greene Central (Scrimmage)Feb. 29 @ N. Vance 4 p.m.March 6 J.F. WEBB 4 p.m.March 8 @ Greenfield 3:30 p.m.March 9 @ Grace Christian-Raleigh 4 p.m.March 13 PARROTT ACAD 4 p.m.March 15 N. VANCE 4 p.m.March 20 CAROLINA FRIENDS 4 p.m.March 22 @ Rocky Mount Acad 4 :15 p.m.March 27 @ N. Raleigh Christian 4 p.m.March 29 CARY CHRISTIAN 3:30 p.m.Apr. 11 @ Westchester Country Day 4 p.m.Apr. 13 GRACE CHRISTIAN-RALEIGH 4 p.m.Apr. 17 ST. DAVID’S 4 p.m.Apr. 18 @ Carolina Friends 3:30 p.m.Apr. 20 @ Cary Christian 3:30 p.m.Apr. 23 N. RALEIGH CHRISTIAN 4 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Parrott Acad 3:30 p.m.May 1 ROCKY MOUNT ACAD 4 p.m.May 3 @ St. David’s 3:30 p.m.May 18 NCISAA tourney (Cary)May 19 NCISAA tourney (Cary)

Kerr-Vance JV LacrosseMarch 6 @ Wakefield 5 p.m.March 19 @ Heritage 4 p.m.March 21 PARROTT ACAD 5 p.m.Apr. 14 @ Heritage 11 a.m.Apr. 19 HERITAGE 5:30 p.m.May 1 @ Parrott Acad 5 p.m.

Kerr-Vance JV SoccerMarch 5 CARY ACAD 4 p.m.March 9 @ J.F. Webb 5:30 p.m.March 13 PARROTT ACAD 4 p.m.March 16 ROCKY MOUNT PREP 5 p.m.March 22 @ Rocky Mount Acad 4 :30 p.m.March 23 VOYAGER ACAD 5 p.m.March 26 @ Cary Acad 5 p.m.March 29 @ Rocky Mount Prep 5 p.m.Apr. 11 ST. MARY’S 4 p.m.Apr. 13 J.F. WEBB 5:30 p.m.Apr. 17 ST. DAVID’S 5 p.m.Apr. 26 @ Parrott Acad 5 p.m.May 1 ROCKY MOUNT ACAD 5 p.m.May 3 @ St. David’s 4 p.m.May 4 @ St. Mary’s 3:30 p.m.


