SR News - the guitar and Lilly W on the drums. We had some great...


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  • It is hard to believe that we are half way through term 4 already! As usual, there are lots of things happening across our busy little school. As end of year activities quickly approach, please make sure you are checking newsletters, Skoolbag messages, Facebook posts and notes to ensure you are informed of everything that is happening.

    We were extremely fortunate to escape without any damage from the storm on Monday, apart from losing power and lots of children and a few teachers getting saturated! Our thoughts and best wishes go out to the families and wider community members who sustained damage or loss as a result of this extreme weather event.

    A lot of children were sent home in dry clothes from our second hand uniform pool, which luckily was well stocked. If these clothing items can be washed and sent back to school, we can replenish the supply…but hope we won’t be needing it for such an event again anytime soon!

    SRC News A big thank you to all who and attended and volunteered to help out at the Halloween Disco. It was great fun and a huge success. We raised just over $535 which will be used to build the football goal posts. The SRC meeting this week has seen some spirited discussions regarding the pros and cons of suggestions to minimise the amount of rubbish being left in the playground. Some of these include waste free lunches, classes taking turns to pick up rubbish and picking up rubbish as a consequence of being sent to the planning room. Further discussions will take place next week. The SRC executive will then take the nominated suggestion to Mrs Burton for approval.

    10 Nov 2017

    D A T E S F O R T H E D I A R Y

    Mon 13th November Partners in Learning 5/6L 9.30-10.30am Wed 15th November Nobbys Surf Day Fri 17th November Kinder 2018 Orientation 12.30-1.30pm Assembly 2.30pm Monday 20th November (2weeks) Intensive Swimming Program Years 2 & 3 Partners in Learning 5/6M 9.30-10.30am Friday 24th November Memorial Pillars Centenary Mon 27th November Partners in Learning 3K 9.30-10.30am Tuesday 5th December Final Transition Day Year 6 Thursday 7th December Year 6 Farewell Dinner Wed 13th December Presentation Day Fri 15th December Last Day of Term 4 CANTEEN ROSTER Monday 13th Nov Allison G Toni L Wednesday 15th Nov Paul H Melinda B Friday 17th Nov Kristy S Tania S Monday 20th Nov Danielle Q Wednesday 22nd Nov Bernadette S Paul H Friday 24th Nov Leanne P Hope R Elesha C

    T E R M 4 W E E K 5

  • N E W S L E T T E R - T E R M 4 W E E K 5

    PBL Awards for Week 3, 4 & 5 Be Safe Alyssa P, Trixta F, Nayte G

    Be Respectful Billy C, Chloe 5/6L, Mia W Be an Active Learner Cooper H, Liam T,

    Chloe B 2G Week 1 Class Attendance K/1W & 4/5K

    Music Bus Concert Last Saturday I had the pleasure of watching some of our very talented Music Bus students perform at their end of year concert at Charlestown. It was wonderful to see the confidence and skill these students have gained throughout the year, as well as the enjoyment and sense of achievement the concert gave them. Our Rock Band Vidaz performed, with Lilly R and Jayla C on the guitar and Lilly W on the drums. We had some great guitar solos by Bralie and Kayden W, Kyra Walker and Lilly R, as well as some cool drum performances with Hamish W, Flynn R-J, Lilly W, William H-M and Chloe B.

    Surf Fun Day On Wednesday 15th November, 60 stage 3 students will be attending Nobby’s Beach Newcastle, to further develop their knowledge of rip identification and safety near water. Please arrive at school by 8.45am to ensure we leave by 9am sharp. Remember to place your towel, sunscreen (STRICTLY NO ZINK), hat and underwear in a separate bag clearly labelled with your name, and wear your swimwear underneath your blue tri- colour school clothing. Bring all food items and extra drinking water.

    World War I Display Last Thursday, we were extremely fortunate to have an amazing WWI display in our hall for our students to visit. This exhibition was very generously provided to us by Mr Greg Ingle, who has been assisting us in preparing with for the Memorial Pillars Centenary. The students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity and we are very thankful to Greg for volunteering his time, expertise and memorabilia. Greg was due to showcase his memorabilia, as advertised in the last newsletter, at the Cessnock Ex-Services Club this weekend, however, it has now been moved to the Cessnock RSL Sub Branch hall on Wollombi Road.

    K-2 Home Reading Congratulations to the following students for their Home Reading efforts. 25 nights: K/1W - Phoebe. 50 nights: KH - Ella and Toby K/1W - Allyrah, Coby, Caden, Marshall, Nikita, Jack , Harper , Landon and Nate. 75 nights: KH - Chloe C, Billy and Benjamin K/1W - Ella 100 nights: Ella J K/1W 150 nights: Milla KH.

    University of Newcastle Prac Students Once again we are extremely fortunate to have two students from the University of Newcastle completing their practicums at our school. We welcome Miss Kate Gallagher and Mr Tim Lang, working in 3K and 5/6L respectively. I am sure they will enjoy their time here with us.

    Library News Wow, we are half way through another busy term! Fourth term means all books must be returned so I can make sure all books are ready for borrowing again next year. Borrowing finishes at the end of Wk 7 - could I please ask all families to help their children to return any overdue library books. During Wk 8 I will send out overdue book reminders. Thanks again for supporting your school library. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

    Magic and Comedy Show 58 family and community members ordered free tickets to the Rotary Magic and Comedy Show which was held yesterday, Thursday 9th November, at West’s City Newcastle. Children of all ages were enthralled with cutting edge illusions & dramatic presentations of classic magic. Thank you for embracing opportunities to attend special days out to help lift the spirits and bring well needed joy, laughter and amazement to local disadvantaged children, & those with special needs.

  • N E W S L E T T E R - T E R M 4 W E E K 5

    League Tag Gala Day 2 teams represented Pelaw Main at the League Tag Gala Day yesterday, Thursday 9th November, at Mount View Oval. Both teams competed with sportsmanship and courage demonstrating their hidden talents. Well done to all League Tag teams who represented our school in 2017. We can’t wait for the new season to begin in 2018 and already have some eager new recruits!

    Assembly Awards Congratulations to the following students who received an award at the Week 8 Assembly.

    Principal’s Awards: Cooper H 5/6M and Chloe S 4/5K.

    Citizenship Awards: Madison 5/6M and Jacob A 3/4R. Library Awards: Chloe B 2G & Brodie S 3K..

    Class Achievement Awards: KH - Lexi H & Elara H. K/1W - Nate M & Allyrah J, 1/2C - William A & Jaxin Q, 2G - Charli J & Alexis L, 3K - Braydon Q & Isabel B, 3/4M - Hunter B & Lily-Mae, 3/4R Eve O & Blake B, 4/5K - Indyana S & Trixta, 5/6L - Mitchell P & Max J, 5/6M - Rylee N & Mia B.

    Memorial Pillars Centenary On Friday, 24th November, our school will be hosting a very special service to celebrate the unveiling of the Memorial Pillars 100 years ago. The service will be starting at 10am and it is anticipated to attract a large number of people. Invitations have been sent to relatives and decedents featured on the gates, as well as local and state dignitaries. Due to the limited space, only a selection of students will be able to take part in the service. However, the significance of this occasion was shared with all of our students at today’s Remembrance Day service at school. As part of the Centenary, the Kurri Kurri RSL Sub Branch have very generously donated a plaque to mark this occasion, as well as honouring Lieutenant James Bruce, of Pelaw Main, who earned a Military Cross and Distinguished Conduct Medal for his gallantry, bravery and leadership during WWI. We are fortunate to have 4 descendants of Lt. James Bruce currently attending our school: Amy & Kye B, Caleb J and Hayley R, who will be assisting the Honourable Mr Clayton Barr, in unveiling the plaque. We have sought permission from Cessnock Council to use Jacob’s Park for parking, with the Cessnock Volunteer Rescue Association directing cars and pedestrians. More information will be sent home closer to the event advising of these changes in relation to morning drop off, etc. As you will also be aware, the P&C have sent home raffle tickets as part of this occasion. The raffle will be drawn on this day. Many thanks to Mrs Margaret Summerville, who initiated this raffle, as well as Kurri Kurri Bowling Club for the very generous prizes offered.

    SPORTS SHED AWARDS Weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4 Be Safe Ella R KH, Coleby C 3/4R,Toby A KH, Brady H 5/6P Be Respectful Flynn R K/1W, Zane C 1/2C, Cody H 2G Be an Active Learner Mason J KH, Elara H KH, Toby A KH, Jack T K/1W. Merilyn Burton - Principal