Srimat Sitaramanjaneyam4



Shri Rama

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Srimat Sitaramanjaneyam4Hanuman began to narrate as follows, there lived a famour emperor by name Dasharatha who was famous for his good deeds, truthfulness, and valour. He was indeed equal to Indra. He had four sons, the first of whom, Rama, is dharma incarnate and is in fact incarnate to protect and resuscitate dharma in the world, weeding out the wicked and saving the sacred. That Rama, intent upon saving the reputation and truthfulness of his father, not only renounced his kingdom, but what is more, took upon himself the arduous task of an exile spending fourteen years in a forest, not caring for his weal or happiness. Rama's brother Lakshmana accompanied him to the forest to serve him. Sita, the daughter of Janaka and the wife of Rama, who was a great pativrata , also followed Rama to the forest. There, since Rama had of necessity to kill the demons for their atrocities, Ravana, the king of demons got wild with Rama. Then Ravana, adept in evil and deception, stole Sita, hoodwinking Rama, so that he was not near her. On that count, Rama and Lakshmana subjected to untold grief went on searching for Sita in the thick of the forest.

Rama and Lakshmana thus roaming in the forest in search of Sita, by a stoke of luck met one Sugriva, a monkey-hero whose wife was also abducted by his brother named Vali. Friendship ensued then between Rama and Sugriva, each promising help to the other. Hence Vali was killed by Rama in a battle therefore. Since Rama, having killed Vali, bestowed on Sugriva both his wife and kingdom. Hence the latter in gratitude assembled an army of monkeys to help Rama in killing Ravana. In the first place, that army has been sent to the four directions to search for Sita.
