SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


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  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    SSTF & BSILinking It All Together

    Patrick OBrien

    ( Resource CoordinatorShayla Sivert( InterimDean, Languages & Literature

    Palomar College
  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    In the beginning...out of the primordial ooze...came the

    creative notions from faculty, staff, andadministration...urged along by ACCJC and the state ofCalifornia...supported in process by the academicdepartments and the planning councils and newcommittees and new workgroups and money from grants,

    BSI, and internal mechanisms and lots of conversationsbehind the scenes and a very key group of people with ashared vision, work ethic, and ability to work welltogether.

    Starting the Conversation

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    HSI/BSI grants

    has allowed for faculty, staff, and administrators

    to see what was happening in other places to return with a rekindled passion and clarity of vision

    to develop a plan that included needs assessment,implementation, evaluation

    (HSI Hispanic Serving Institution; Title V)

    Starting the Conversation/Identifying Projects

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together



    energetic, visionary faculty take ideas to the departments todiscuss different ways of teaching, different projects that

    support our students

    Grant Committee/Workgroups

    Committee provides oversight

    Workgroups hash out the details of the vision of the grants,break the work into tasks, and go back to the constituencies tovet the direction the group hopes to take.

    HSI/BSI Workgroup, STEM II Workgroup, Tutoring Workgroup

    Starting the Conversation/Identifying Projects

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    Strategic Planning Council development of objectives that address SSTF annual progress reports Goal 2: Increase student retention, success, and completion by

    identifying and implementing academic and non-academic studentsupport strategies designed to reach more students.

    Objective 2.1 Assess existing academic and non-academicstudent support services for overlap and to consolidatewhere possible to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

    Objective 2.2: Strengthen matriculation services for first-year students. Objective 2.3: Implement strategies to improve student

    progress through English, mathematics, reading, and ESLsequences.

    Starting the Conversation/Identifying Projects

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    Tutoring Workgroup training, hiring, budgeting, marketing, best practices

    HSI/BSI Workgroup, STEM I, STEM II

    common goals, common activities, coordinating outreach with otherareas in the college

    Grant Writing Workgroup includes instruction (all basic skills areas), student services, and Research

    and Design provide continued opportunities

    to evaluate where we have been and where we are to assess areas of need & determine areas of overlap to define institutional strengths and weaknesses to create projects to identify and meet with key players and seek buy-in before moving forward to identify faculty, staff, and administrators who will be instrumental in bringing

    ideas to fruition

    Objective 2.1Assess existing academic and non-academic support services

    for overlap and to consolidate where possible to improve

    effectiveness and efficiency.

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    Academic Advising Module

    refining the processes of the evaluation of prior course

    work from external institutions, degree audits, prerequisiteenforcement, and grad checks

    Pre-enrollment Services

    continuation of Early Acceptance Program (EAP)

    EAP to include ed plan

    development of a web-based student orientation

    Objective 2.2Strengthen matriculation services for first-year students.

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together



    alternate scheduling to provide for fast-track sequence learning communities (English/Reading, English/Counseling, English 100/Lit)

    Math embedded tutoring pre-stat classes accelerated pathways to calculus learning communities new textbook series

    doing HW in class, studying concepts outside of class Reading

    revised curriculum learning communities (with English, Chicano Studies, Psychology, ESL)

    ESL LEAPSTART (year-long learning community with workshops & field trips)

    On Course Curriculum Integration Project

    Objective 2.3Implement strategies to improve student progress through

    English, mathematics, reading, and ESL sequences.

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together



    workgroups, one-on-one

    a lot of conversations to prepare for smooth sailing



    Strategic Plan Priority Funding

    funding of projects which are tied to the Strategic PlanObjectives

    Moving Forward

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    Tutoring at our college, through the years, has evolved in severaldifferent locations and by way of several different departments.For the first time, everyone has been brought together to sharebest practices and problems and to work on coordinating andcentralizing our efforts where possible. CRLA (College Reading & Learning Association) Certification Tutoring Training (General, Site Specific, Discipline Specific) Data gathering mechanisms Managing future growth Discussions re: centralization of hiring, training, tracking, and

    budgeting Tutor Recognition Day

    Tutoring Workgroup

  • 7/30/2019 SSTF & BSI Linking it All Together


    Goals 200 students...then to scale up

    Who priority given to those students whose first credit enrollment is that fall

    What enrollment and financial aid assistance, ed planning from the start career and major search components directed first-year course options counselor contacts Early Alert (3 contacts per semester with faculty who have FYE students in

    their classes) workshops (academic, student support services, campus culture)

    How staffing plan funding

    Where TLC San Marcos

    Our First-Year Experience ofOur First-Year Experience
