St. Frances abrini Parish · dom of heaven is at hand. For this is the one referred to by Isaiah...


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St. Frances Cabrini Parish “I can do all things, in Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

December 23, 2018

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 2 Allen Park, Michigan

Weekend at Birney’s

Fourth Sunday of Advent On this the last Sunday before Christmas, our Gospel reading prepares us to witness Christ's birth by showing us how Jesus was recognized as Israel's long-awaited Messiah even before his birth. The Gospel turns our attention from the ministry of John the Baptist to the events that preceded John the Baptist's birth. The story of John the Baptist and his parents, Elizabeth and Zech-ariah, are reported only in Luke's Gospel. Luke pairs the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus, establishing John's early connection to the Messiah. Our Gospel reading recalls Mary's actions after the announcement of Jesus' birth by the angel Gabriel. Mary goes to visit Elizabeth, her cousin, who is also with child. Elizabeth greets Mary with full recognition of the roles that they and their unborn children will play in God's plan for salvation. If we were to continue to read the verses that follow in Luke's Gospel, we would hear Mary respond to Elizabeth's greeting with her song of praise, the Magnificat. Both women recall and echo God's history of showing favor upon the peo-ple of Israel. In Luke's Gospel, the Holy Spirit helps reveal Jesus' identity as God to those who believe. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and sings Mary's praise because she bears the Lord. We sing these words of praise to Mary in the Hail Mary. Even John the Baptist, the un-born child in Elizabeth's womb, is said to recognize the presence of the Lord and leaps for joy. It is appropriate in this season of Advent that we consider the role of Mary in God's plan of salvation. Elizabeth describes Mary as the first disciple, as the one who believed that God's word to her would be fulfilled. Mary's faith enabled her to recognize the work of God in her people's history and in her own life. Her open-ness to God allowed God to work through her so that salvation might come to everyone. Because of this, Mary is a model and symbol of the Church. May we be like Mary, open and cooperative in God's plan for salva-tion. (Loyola Press) A Christmas Welcome There is no better feeling of being welcome, when you enter a new or unfamiliar place. With Christmas upon us, I pray that we do our very best to make all who will be joining us for Mass, will experience nothing less than

a radically hospitable welcome at Cabrini. We have much to share with God’s people, and the more wel-come they feel ‘amongst us’, the more likely they are to ‘join us.’ Let us be unlike those who told Mary and Jo-seph…’there is no room at the inn’….and welcome with open arms, those who come to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. In the spirit of Blessed Solanus Casey, I ‘thank you ahead of time’, for your support in this very worthy endeavor. A Special Thank You I would like to thank all who have been so kind with the many gifts, cards and baked goods for the myself and the other members of the ‘God Squad’. We have each been blessed by the generosity and thoughtfulness from the people of Cabrini. I pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Quote for the Week ‘No man can love anything unless he can get his arms around it, and the cosmos is too big and too bulky. But once God became a Babe and was wrapped in swad-dling clothes and laid in a manger, men could say, ‘This is Emmanuel, this is God with us.’

– Venerable Fulton Sheen Football Predictions Seems like the season just started, and now it is ending … good news for some teams (aka-Lions), and bittersweet for those in the college ranks. So, here’s to a good slot of college bowl games, and our prayers for … ‘there is al-ways next year’ … will continue for our beleaguered Lions. Vikings 30 – Lions 20 (the Vikings will not be kind to the struggling Lions) Notre Dame 24 – Clemson 21 (the underdog Irish continue their march toward a national championship) MSU 34 – Oregon 31 (a high scoring match up, but the Spartans will end the year with a victory) U of M 21 – Florida 20 (the Wolverines will win a close one against the Gators from the south) That’s all for now, see you in Church, Fr. Tim Birney, pastor

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 3 Allen Park, Michigan

Make ready the way of the Lord

“Now in those days, John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilder-ness of Judea, saying, ‘Repent, for the king-dom of heaven is at hand.’ For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness, make ready the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.” (Mt 3:1-5) Christmas Eve Masses Dec. 24 at 4 p.m.- Children’s Mass 6 p.m.-Praise and Worship Choir Midnight with prelude music at 11:30 p.m. Christmas Day Mass Dec. 25 at 10 a.m. Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God A holy day of obligation Dec. 31 (Vigil) at 4 p.m. and Jan. 1 at 10 a.m.

Did you miss taking the Dynamic Catholic Survey? St. Frances Cabrini is one of only 20 parishes in the United States chosen to be part of Dynamic Parish, a five-year initiative of Matthew Kelly and Dynamic Catholic to help us grow together in faith! One of our first steps is to take a Dynamic Catholic Survey. We recently took time at the beginning of Masses to take Dynamic Catholic’s Bigger Future Survey, part of the parish’s five-year partnership with Dynamic Catholic to help our community grow in powerful ways. Children 10 or older are welcome to complete the survey. If you were not at Mass to take the survey, we would love for you take it electronically by texting NUMBER on your phone or visit the parish office to take a paper version. The survey take 5 to 7 minutes to complete. By doing so, you are helping both our parish and Dynamic Catholic determine the right resources for our community. The majority of the questions focus on our individual faith habits. No matter where you are in your faith journey, by taking the survey, you will be joining me in this parishwide effort, striving to become all God dreams we can be. We are grateful for every response received. The electronic/text survey is available through Dec. 31. Thank you! Fr. Tim Birney, Pastor

Prayer for our Christmas Guests Dear Lord, As we prepare for your coming, let us reflect on the journey Mary and Joseph took on their way to Bethlehem. They were tired and alone, and there was no room for them at the inn. Help us to open the doors of our hearts and our parish as we welcome guests this Christmas. We pray that those who come will feel welcome and experience your great love and peace through each of us. Help us to see with your eyes, serve with your hands, and to embrace those who will come into our midst. Amen.

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 4 Allen Park, Michigan

From the Desk of Fr. Dom ...

What No One Tells You About …

By: Fr. Dom

Question: Was there a historical St. Nicholas? Why is Christmas on Dec. 25? St. Nicholas, along with being a “jolly ol’ soul” was a monk and bishop of the early Church around 300 A.D. He was born in Patria, Lycia, which is in modern day Turkey on the Mediter-ranean coast. His defining characteristic was his charity for the poor. He had heroic virtue in this regard and there are numerous stories corroborating this charism. His parents died young and left him a sizable inheritance, which young Nicholas used for many acts of charity. On one occa-sion there was a resident of Patria who had lost all his money and had three daughters to sup-port. His daughters couldn’t find husbands because of their poverty so their father was re-signed to give them over to prostitution to survive. St. Nicholas provided all moneys needed for dowries so the daughters could get married and they soon were. He was also a champion of justice. Eustanthius, the governor of Patria, had taken a bribe to condemn to death three innocent men. On the day of their execution, Nicholas stopped the execution and secured release for them. His actions and words also caused Eustanthius to repent of his misdeed. Further examples of Nicho-las’s heroic life are found at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Nicholas tirelessly fought against Arianism and helped to convince the Metropolis of Myra of its error. And he was instrumental in stemming the tide of paganism by destroying several pagan temples dedicated to Artemis. After Nicholas’s death, his relics were venerated and God worked miracles of healing and conversions through him. The relics were also known to emit a sweet-smelling myrrh. They were laid to rest primarily in the city of Bari, Italy, since 1087. The Roman Catholic Church celebrates Christmas on Dec. 25 based on several historic dates. Commentators and historians have connected the Church’s date for Christmas to the Christianization of three pagan feasts. However, these connections are not concrete. The Roman god’s, Saturnalia, Sol and Mithras, had feasts dedicated to them on or around Dec. 25. Saturna-lia’s feast is well documented to have begun on Dec. 17 and end on Dec. 23. The thinking is early Christians chose the 25th because it was already a time of celebration. However, this is rejected by some because many early Christian writers note the Church’s distancing from pagan feasts. The feasts of Sol and Mithras (thought by some to be manifestations of the same god or two united as one) was Dec. 25, as noted in the historical docu-ment, “Chronography of 354”. However, the problem with the 354 A.D. date is that it is the first historical men-tion of the joint feasts of the pagan gods on Dec. 25. This is after the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus had al-ready been established. A more Catholic and historical answer to the Christmas date can be found in the writings of Hippolytus of Rome in 202 A.D. In his commentary on the book of Daniel, he states the birth of Christ occurred on Dec. 25. He makes the connection that this date is nine months from March 25, where he places the date of creation. For those of us who are savvy with the liturgical calendar, we know that March 25 is also the date of the An-nunciation. Nine months after Jesus was incarnate, He was born. Submit your questions by email to In the subject line write: Bulletin Article Questions. God Bless you all, and have a Merry Christmas!

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 5 Allen Park, Michigan

Christmas Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical Ministers Monday, Dec. 31

4 p.m. Mass Lectors Ron Pelley

Faith Strickland-Pelley Sacristan

Colleen O’Connell-Fix Altar Servers Brendan Fix

Lauren Schulte Eucharistic Ministers

Erica Nine Colleen O’Connell-Fix

Jill Ferraiuolo Nathan Schulte

NEED FIVE Tuesday, Jan. 1

10 a.m. Mass Lectors Marge Wolber

Pat Csatari Sacristan

Cheryl LaPalm Altar Servers

Hannah Stecki-Jacek Haley Stecki-Jacek

Eucharistic Ministers Barbara Kostoff

Jerry Celmo Linda Garazei Cheryl LaPalm

Gayle King Stephanie Mintoff


December 24 4 p.m. Lectors: Joy Trombley and Pat Tardiff Altar Servers: Kathryn Clark, Stephen Schumm and Ben Maffesoli Sacristan: Steph Cortez Eucharistic Ministers: Colleen O’Connell-Fix, Colleen Schumm, Karen Lieby Sarah Maffesoli, Kim Sanford Katy Wisser, Kenneth Pasciak, Diane and Joe Schembri 6 p.m. Lectors: Sheila McAfee and Jill Ferraiuolo Altar Servers: Chris Courtright, Andrew Courtright and Eddie Hughes Sacristan: Amanda Courtright Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Jaszcz, Gayle King, Stephanie Mintoff, Chuck Gregoire, Barbara Kostoff Rosanne Kidd, Darlene Kmita, Jillian and Carolyn Ferraiuolo

Midnight Mass Lectors: Jim Shannon and Tomas McDonald Altar Servers: Haley Stecki-Jacek, Hannah Stecki-Jacek and Brendan Fix Sacristan: Colleen O’Connell-Fix Eucharistic Ministers: Erica Niner, Liz Sabo, Cheryl Robb-Genevich, Colleen O’Connell Fix, Pam Schierschmidt NEED FOUR December 25 10 a.m. Lectors: Chris Bowen and John Cicotte Altar Servers: Haley Stecki-Jacek, Hannah Stecki-Jacek Sacristan: Cheryl LaPalm Eucharistic Ministers: Bill Hazelrigg, Jerry Celino, Linda Garazi, Cheryl LaPalm, NEED FIVE

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 6 Allen Park, Michigan

The Cabrini Boosters Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in Holy Family Hall. All men and women are invited to join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs at Cabrini Schools, as well as the Parish. Booster Club membership is $25 –Register online at Booster Club questions, please send email to Follow us on Facebook: 2018 Discount Cards available at Parish Office for $10 each

Upcoming Events Membership Meeting Jan. 9 Beer and Wine Tasting Jan. 19 Trivia Night Jan. 26

Weekend of Dec. 15 and 16, 2018 Weekly Collection Received Debt Envelopes $ 15,961.00 Total Debt $ 3,533,089.55 Automatic Deposit $ 3,792.50 Payment* $ Loose $ 2,273.00 Debt Reduction Envelopes $ 390.00 Total $ 22,026.50 Total $ 390.00 Actual Weekly Contribution Year to Date $ 538,193.00 Current Debt Balance $ 3,532,699.55

*The monthly payment ($20,784.00) towards our 10 year MCC commitment is applied the first of each month CSA 2018 Goal $ 155,000.00 Total Donated to Date (519 gifts) $ 126,932.50 Needed to meet goal $ 28,067.50

Cabrini Athletics

Steve Dolunt, Athletic Director

High School Athletics Has a NEW website-check out

Jacksen Kamen is a unique student in terms of his maturity, poise and ability to take and process evaluations of work. When a suggestion is made in class regarding a presentation, paper or response, Jacksen regards the suggestion as an op-portunity. Jackson learns by his mistakes with true dignity, self-respect and appreciation for the learn-ing process. Teachers are also impressed with his humble, kind and sincere approach to learning. Jacksen makes the most out his time at Cabrini in terms of the work he is submitting and the relationships he is build-ing. His attitude is impressive and so is his desire to learn and consistently improve. Additionally, anytime an adult needs help in the school, he graciously volunteers his assistance.

Preparing for the Birth

of our Saviour

Advent Reflections online:

“Advent in Two Minutes” at

A daily email program

to help us slow down and focus on what matters most in the midst

of the holiday bustle:

then “Free resources” then “Best Advent Ever”

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 7 Allen Park, Michigan

Christian Services

Dec. 23, 2018 Fourth Sunday in Advent

The mystery of the Incarnation was the permanent inspiration of St. Vin-cent’s life. It must be ours, too. We

shall only fully see Christ in the poor when we have fully seen God in Christ. That is why all that we do and say will have meaning only if it is born of our relationship with Jesus Christ, tru-ly God and truly man. What we bring to the poor must be more than a program for the betterment of their material and eco-nomic condition. We must bring something of the peace, the joy and the spiritual freedom that we ourselves have experienced from being present to Jesus Christ through prayer and the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance. It is our hope that through giving some time this Christmas to the poor and lonely-often a listening heart is of more value than money - you have enriched the lives of some of those millions of people who have so much less to eat than we have, and so much less to live for.

December Food Collection - Our Lady of the Angels

Healthcare Ministry Corner Programs offered as a free service to community

On Jan. 19, at 11 a.m. in Holy Family Hall, the topic will be end-of-life options, including Palliative Care (comfort-focused care WHILE receiving curative treatments) and Hospice Care (comfort focused care WITHOUT curative treatments). Healthcare options will be presented by Jeanne, nurse practitioner and Cabrini parishioner.


Fr. Saylor Knight of Columbus Council 3774

17113 Champaign, Allen Park, MI 313-386-1850

Here are a few facts that many Catholics don’t know about the Knights of Columbus: The K of C started when a parish priest wanted to help

Catholic families in 1882 and anti-Catholic sentiment was running high. Young Fr. Michael McGivney gathered the men of St. Mary Church in New Haven, Conn., to establish a lay organization. The goal? To unite men of Catholic faith and provide for the families of deceased members.

The order is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organiza-tion.

Today with nearly two million members worldwide, the order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism

The Knights have councils in over a dozen countries. Knights are active in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the Philip-

pines, Dominican Republic, Poland, Panama, Guatemala, Lithuania, Bahamas, Saint Lucia, South Korea, Ukraine and more.

The Knights stood up to ISIS, producing a 280-page report detailing the genocide against Christians by ISIS, which was decisive in getting the genocide recognized by the U.S. State Department.

The Knights are saving a Christian town in Iraq that was desecrated by ISIS. They are raising $2 million to save Karamies, a town recently liberated from ISIS.

Columbus was chosen as the Knights’ namesake because the American public loved this famous Catholic explorer at a time of general antipathy towards Catholics.

We’ll follow up six more facts in the coming weeks until we’ve shared all 25 with you. Don’t forget to visit our website: for more info about all our events. Thank you so much for supporting all our efforts!!!!

Len Vokal – Grand Knight

Parish Service opportunity to Focus:HOPE Saturday, Jan. 12, 9:20 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

We will be working in the distribution center of Focus:HOPE packaging food boxes for local food pantries, eligible seniors and soup kitchens. To participate, call Therese in the Parish Office (313)381-5601, Ext. 1051, or email her at to reserve your spot. We will meet in the HFH prior to departing for the service.

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 8 Allen Park, Michigan

Youth Ministry

Sunday, Dec. 23 and Dec. 30 No Evening Gatherings

“Jesus is the Reason for the Season” Enjoy time with family and friends

Sunday, Jan. 6 Epiphany Dinner Party

5:30 to 9:15 p.m. Marriott Courtyard Hotel, Dearborn The Youth Ministry Committee is your host for this special holiday dinner. There will be prayer and music, swimming, trivia, prizes, a gift exchange and a great meal. Bring bathing suit and towel. We’ll have board games and Euchre for those who don’t want to swim! Also bring a $10 gift to exchange. Meet in HFH and we’ll drive to the hotel as a group. So we can plan for food, a permission slip must be turned in to the Parish Office by Jan. 4. Don’t Miss Out!

Sunday, Jan.13 9 a.m. to Noon Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

For all those interested in raising money to help defray the costs for Youth Ministry-sponsored events, sign up to help serve yummy pancakes to our parish community. Set up will begin at 7 a.m. in Cabrini Center, breakfast served from 9 a.m. to Noon, and clean-up runs to 1 p.m. If you are able to help at this fundraiser please let Mrs. Tardiff know by Jan. 6.

Sunday, Jan. 20 7 to 9 p.m. Young Neighbors in Action Prep Meeting

Everyone participating in the YNIA program in 2019 are ex-pected to attend this meeting in the Holy Family Hall. You’ll get your group assignments and remember, the second pay-ment of $155 is due. Make checks payable to St. Frances Cabrini.

Sunday, Jan. 27 5:30 to 7 p.m. CYO Rainbow Conference Prep Meeting

Everyone signed up to attend the CYO Rainbow Youth Con-ference must attend this meeting. We will go over important conference details and decide on a T-shirt design.

Evening Mass/Social 7 p.m. After the CYO Rainbow meeting, we’ll attend evening Mass and attend the social in the Holy Family Hall. If you would like to EM at this Mass, please sign the book in the back of church when you arrive.

High School Youth Group Therese Tardiff, Coordinator of Youth Ministry

313-381-5601, Ext. 1051 or

Annual Lock-In Rec Night! 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 27

Cabrini Center (Elementary School Gym) $10 Admission

This is our annual fundraiser open to all junior high school students. For $10, enjoy an evening of basketball, dodge ball, games, movies, Wii, music, pizza and snacks! We will need many parent volunteers to help with this fundraiser! It is especially important for those participating in Just5Days to help support this awesome event!

—————————Check this out———————————

Summer trip filled with faith, fellowship, fun!

Parents-For eight years, we have taken a group of middle schoolers from our parish to St. Joseph MI to participate in Just5Days, a Catholic service learning program created just for youth going into grades 7, 8 and 9. It is similar to the Young Neighbors in Action program that our high schoolers attend. There are a few spots left for the trip we have planned for July 8-12, 2019, and we encourage you to prayer-fully consider sending your child with us. The program offers age-appropriate service, hands-on learning about Catholic Social Teaching, dynamic prayer and liturgy, and a meaningful experience of Christian community. The cost is $335, and we offer fundraising opportunities to help offset the price. Con-tact Maria Wyatt at or (248)867-8109 for more information about participati

Middle School Youth Group Maria Wyatt (734)283-1929 or

All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast Can and Bottle Drive, too!

Sponsored by Cabrini Youth Ministry

Sunday, Jan. 13, 2019 9 a.m. – Noon in Cabrini Center

Cost: $5 per person (Includes pancakes by King Pancake, sau-sage, Eggs, milk, juice, and coffee) All proceeds from the breakfast will benefit the teens participating in youth ministry sponsored events such as Young Neighbors in Action, CYO Rainbow, Conference, Steubenville and other special events. Cans and bottles can be dropped off at the side door of Cabrini Center or in front of the Holy Family Hall Thank you for your support to our parish teens.

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 9 Allen Park, Michigan

Mass Schedule

Monday, Dec. 24, 2018 4 p.m. Christmas Mass 6 p.m. Christmas Mass 11:30 p.m. Choir Prelude Midnight Christmas Mass Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2018 10 a.m. Christmas Mass Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2018 8:30 a.m. Jose Rodriguez (Sixth Anniversary) by Family Joseph and Helen Germak by Family Carl Kostoff by Barbara Kostoff Genevieve Mierski (11th Anniversary) by Daughter Thursday, Dec. 27, 2018 8:30 a.m. Jim Tondreau by sister, Vicky Fred Crupi by Margaret Doyle Friday, Dec. 28, 2018 8:30 a.m. Catherine Kerrigan by great-grandson, Terry Roy B. Cicotte by Family Leona Nowak by Family John Iannucci by Family Saturday, Dec. 29, 2018 8:30 a.m. Judith Grimski and Family, Living and Deceased 5 p.m. Janet and Joe Grand by Family Patricia Hellar by Page and Family Deceased Members of Fr. Saylor Knights of Columbus Barbara Brithinee by Nappos Sunday, Dec. 30, 2018 8 a.m. Bernie Tieppo (26th Anniversary) by Mom and Dad Richard Hirsch by Kozlo Family John Moses by Cheryl Robb-Genevich Joyce McAneny by Donna Johnston 10 a.m. Joseph and Mary Sitek by Sitek Family Dolore Quinn by Family Lucille Bastien by Helen Keenan David and Gregory Boik by Family Noon Mary Ann Grillo by Husband, Sal, and Daughter. Lisa Helen Szpyrka by SIL Sal and Granddaughter, Lisa Evie Carr by Charles and Marjorie Resetar and Family Mary Gerczak (Ninth Anniversary) by Family 7 p.m. Virgil and DoloresKozfkay by Rick and Linda Norbury Lou J. Gaty, Jr. (12th Anniversary) by Wife, Kathleen

Altar Care


Fourth Friday Barbara Kostoff


Fifth Sunday Alice Klenczar

Readings for the Week of December 23, 2018 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Advent Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45 Monday Vigil Mass: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 or Mt 1:18-25 Tuesday Solemnity of The Nativity of the Lord Christmas Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-2, 2-3,11-12, 13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Wednesday Feast of St. Stephen, The First Martyr Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc and 17; Mt 10:17-22 Thursday Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a and 2-8 Friday Feast of The Holy Innocents, Martyrs 1 Jn 1:5-2:2; Ps 124:2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8; Mt 2:13-18 Saturday St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Sunday Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10 Col 3:12-21 or Col 3:12-17 or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24; Lk 2:41-52

See Page 3 for our Christmas Mass schedule

Please pray for the family and friends of our dearly departed

Dorothy Varady July 20, 1930 -Dec. 16, 2018

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 10 Allen Park, Michigan

Adult Faith Formation Series:

Our ongoing Adult Faith Formation series features relevant topics of our rich Catholic faith. This do-not-miss series will enliven your faith life! Jan. 22: Dynamic Catholic Enrichment Evening Pastoral Staff

Feb. 26: Beloved – Mystery and Meaning of Marriage Formed Program

March 26: Christian Spirituality Dr. Patricia Hathaway

April 30: Youth and Family Laura Piccone

May 6 to 8: Parish Mission Presenter: Fr. Steven Bell


Have fun being a part of a fantastic event that benefits our parish schools! The Auction Committee is looking for a Bookkeeper for the an-nual event that raises $75,000 for special school projects. The time commitment is a couple of hours each week leading up to auc-tion night, which is March 30, 2019, as well as being on hand for set-up and night of event. For more infor-mation, please call Lisa Hughes, Auc-tion chairman at 313-381-0110, Ext. 1008.

Dear Pastor and parishioners of St. Frances Cabrini,

All the men from the Capuchin-operated On the Rise Bakery want to thank you over and over again for your welcome, interest and support of the program. All of your encouragement helps us to stay steadfast. We especially want to thank the many volunteers for all their enthusiasm and hard work-you really helped to make the weekend a success for us.

Thank you again and Merry Christmas! The Men from On the Rise Bakery

St. Frances Cabrini Bible Study

The Acts of the Apostles:

The Spread of the Kingdom

Tuesdays Jan. 8, Feb. 12, March 12, April 2 and May 14

7 to 8:30 p.m. in Holy Family Hall

The Acts of the Apostles is a story of hope. It’s a story of how a few Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit

were chosen to bring Christ and the Good News to the ends of the earth. They taught as Christ did.

They performed miracles as he did. Some even gave their lives for him. They faced secular forces, internal strife, hostile crowds,

yet, despite all of this, they brought the kingdom of God to a broken world

and the love of God to the hearts of men.

Join us to enrich your faith and rekindle your love for Christ as you live the lives of the first disciples.


Did you know that each Box Top is worth 10 cents cash for our school? Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school earn cash and they add up so quickly! To help out, just look for Box Tops on many prod-ucts, clip them and bring them to the parish office or elementary school office. Box Tops are found on many every day products, such as Ziploc, Yoplait, Kleenex, Hefty and General Mills to name a few. For more infor-mation on the Box Tops for Education Program and a list of participating products, visit Be sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupon offers and recipes along with extra ways to earn for our school. Thanks for helping to support our school!

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 11 Allen Park, Michigan

Monday, Dec. 24, 2018 Parish and School offices closed Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2018 Parish and School offices closed 10 a.m. Al-Anon ....................................................................... MCR 8 p.m. AA ....................................................................HFH Bsmnt Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2018 Parish and School offices closed Noon Cabrini Seniors ........................................................... MCR 3:15 p.m. CYO Girls 7/8 B Basketball ......................... Cabrini Center 4:45 p.m. CYO Girls 5/6 A Basketball .................. WWW/HFH Bsmnt 5:30 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 1052 ........................... HFH/Bsmnt/WWW 6 p.m. Girl Scouts ............................................................... Annex 6:15 p.m. CYO Girls 7/8 A Basketball .......................... Cabrini Center 6:30 p.m. School Advisory Commission ........ FCM Conference Room 6:45 p.m. Kairos Retreat Prep .................................................... MCR 7:45 p.m. CYO Boys 5/6 A Basketball ........................ Cabrini Center Thursday, Dec. 27, 2018 8 a.m. Parish Office reopens 6 p.m. Lock-in Middle School Youth Group ........... Cabrini Center Friday, Dec. 28, 2018 3:15 p.m. CYO Girls 5/6 B Basketball ......................... Cabrini Center 4:45 p.m. CYO Boys 7/8 A Basketball ........................ Cabrini Center 6:15 p.m. CYO Girls 7/8 A Basketball ......................... Cabrini Center 7:45 p.m. CYO Boys 7/8 B Basketball ......................... Cabrini Center Saturday, Dec. 29, 2018 9 a.m. I-League Basketball..................................... Cabrini Center 1 p.m. AA ....................................................................HFH Bsmnt Sunday, Dec. 30, 2018 Parish and School offices closed

The Week Ahead Liturgical Ministers

Saturday, Dec. 29

5 p.m. Mass

Lectors Thomas McDonald

John Cicotte

Sacristan Steph Cortez

Altar Servers Jack Fitzgerald

Tyler Bielak Kathryn Clark

Sunday, Dec. 30

8 a.m. Mass Lectors

Connie Samoluk Vickie Beck

Sacristan Robert Powell Altar Servers

Leah Andrysiak Aaron Andrysiak Colin Maffesoli

10 a.m. Mass

Lectors Kristina Rushlau Mark Courtright

Sacristan Amanda Courtright

Altar Servers Andrew Courtright

Chris Courtright Ben Maffesoli

Noon Mass

Lectors Marge Wolber Eric McCann

Sacristan Kim Sanford

Altar Servers Bobby Collins

Matthew Dmitruchina

7 p.m. Mass Lectors

Chuck Gregoire Sheila McAfee

Sacristan Mary Williams

Altar Servers Eddie Hughes

Kaitlyn Jabczenski Connor Tomsic

Parish Office Holiday Hours Closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26 Dec. 27 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 28 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 29 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Dec. 30 and 31 Closed Jan. 1 and 2 Jan. 3 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 4 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 5 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 6 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Year-end giving offers several tax advantages Parishioners looking for ways to lower their tax bills through year-end charitable giving may want to consid-er gifts of Appreciated Securities and/or IRA Rollover Qualified Chari-table Distribution, just two examples intended to provide useful infor-mation of a general character only. For specific advice and assistance, please consult a qualified tax or fi-nancial advisor, since neither our parish or the AOD are not engaged in legal or tax advisory services. For more information, please con-tact the Parish Office, 313-381-5601, Ext. 1053, or the Archdiocese of De-troit Department of Development and Stewardship, 313-596-7400, or

St. Frances Cabrini Church Page 12 Allen Park, Michigan

St. Frances Cabrini Parish 9000 Laurence Ave., Allen Park MI 48101

Phone: (313) 381-5601 Fax: (313) 381-7837 Website:

Parish Liturgy Schedule Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 and 10 a.m., Noon and 7 p.m. (There is no 7 p.m. Mass the weekends of Easter, Memorial Day, Parish Festival and Labor Day, or when July 4 and Christmas fall on a Sunday or Monday) Daily Mass 8:30 a.m. Monday - Saturday and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday (Labor Day to Memorial Day) Perpetual Help Novena at 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession) 4 p.m. Saturday and upon request Holy Day Masses 8:30 a.m., Noon and 7 p.m. Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed for lunch Noon to 1 p.m.) Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Please see Page 11 for office holiday hours

Sacraments Baptism Registered parishioner for 3 months, or children of registered parishioner. Contact Darlene, Ext. 1049, at the Parish Office for information. Marriage Registered parishioner for 6 months, or children of registered parishioner. Arrangements must be made by the en-gaged couple at least six months before wedding date by con-tacting Darlene, Ext. 1049, in the Parish Office.

Cabrini Facebook Pages Church - High School - CHS Alumni -

Elementary/Middle School -

Parish Bulletin Deadline Noon Friday, nine days prior to date article is to be published

Vicariate Newsletter Contact

Rectory Staff Pastor

Reverend Timothy Birney .................. Ext 1048

Associate Pastor Reverend Dominic Macioce ........... Ext 1052

Permanent Deacon Reverend Mr. Luis Flores ....................

Budget Director / Office Manager Jill Ferraiuolo Ext 1054

Facilities Manager Don Timpf ........................................... Ext 1065

Director of Music Ministry Luke Simpson ................................. Ext 1047

Liturgical Coordinator Darlene Kmita .................................... Ext 1049

Religious Education Shanon Collins, Director ..................... Maureen McParland (Assistant)

Coordinator of Christian Service & Youth Ministry Therese Tardiff ................................... Ext 1051

Bookkeeper/Tuition Joy Mousseau............................... Ext 1053

Bulletin Editor/Front Desk

Sheila McAfee .................................. Ext 1050

Phone Numbers Rectory Office .................................................................381-5601 Religious Education .........................................................928-4727 Cabrini Elementary School ..............................................928-6610 Cabrini High School .........................................................388-0110 High School Attendance ..................................................388-2566 High School Athletic Office..............................................388-0576 Extended Day Program ...................................................928-6116 CHS Campus Ministry ......................................................388-0110

St. Frances Cabrini Staff and Directory