ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 300 Fourth Street … · 2020-02-28 · Mary Martha Guild...


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ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 300 Fourth Street East Chaska, MN 55318

March 2020

Church and School Staff

Gregory Snow Senior Pastor

Matthew Barry Associate Pastor

Al Holthus Visitation Pastor

Gordon Thomas Church & School Administrator

Julie Pallas Director of Parish Music

Kristin Johnson Head Organist

Kendra Gilmore Principal/Teacher

Deanne Hofer/ Tracy Koepsell

Director of Time to Grow Early Childhood

Brad Willmsen Maintenance Manager

Mindi Baker, Chris Krentz, & Kaye Wikstrom Administrative Staff

Church 952.448.2433 School 952.448.2526

Fax 952.448.9500

St. John’s is a congregation of The Lutheran Church-

Missouri Synod



Lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar which dates to the 5th century. This peni-tential season of the church year is part of our rich tradition and history. As we again approach this time of reflection, repent-ance, devotion, and prayer we do so with both sadness and extreme thankfulness. The sadness comes as we remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ but at the same time this same truth brings great joy as it is His sacrifice that brings life to all who believe.

The 40 days of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday where we are reminded of our sinfulness and ends with Maundy Thurs-day as the Lord Himself invites us to His table. These 40 days allow us to mirror a time of spiritual testing and waiting for the Lord to deliver according to His perfect timing. There were 40 years of wilderness wanderings by the Israelites after the exodus from Egypt (Numbers 33:38 and Deuteronomy 1:3) and there were the temptations of Christ after He spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13).

In the Bible, the number 40 holds special significance in the measurement of time, and many other important events revolve around it. During the flood, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:4, 12, 17; 8:6). Moses fasted on the mountain for 40 days and nights before God gave the Ten Commandments (Exodus 24:18; 34:28; Deuteronomy 9). The spies spent 40 days

in the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:25; 14:34). The prophet Elijah traveled for 40 days and nights to reach the mountain of God in Sinai (1 Kings 19:8).

When the characters in the Bible wander-ings follow God’s direction, what do they see? They learn to trust God and His plan for them. In the same way, our 40 day Lenten journey points us to the center of God’s plan of salvation: Jesus

Our Lenten series this year, Eyes on Jesus, is based on the Passion according to St. Mark. We will examine how the various people around Jesus viewed Him—and how we should view Him. We will “fix our eyes” on what Jesus has done to save us from our sins by His holy, precious blood and innocent sufferings and death, and celebrate what God sees on account of His work: our justification for His sake.

As the church has entered the season of Lent, I invite you once again to use your own eyes, your own history, your own per-spective to see for yourself how much God loves you. We see clearly that for you Jesus suffered the torture of the cross, all that He may save you from death by His blood-bought forgiveness.

O come, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Gradual for Lent, based on Hebrews 12:2)

From Pastor Gregory Snow

Lenten services are Wednesdays at 4:15 and 6:30 p.m. with a light supper from 5:00-6:15 p.m. Please join us for worship and a meal as we gather in community as a family of faith.


Men’s Choir

Thank you to all the tenors and basses for sharing their time and talents to lead us in worship on February 2 with their strong voices!

Lent Services

March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1

Holy Week Worship Schedule

April 9 Maundy Thursday Services with Holy Communion: 4:15 & 7:00pm (stripping of the Altar)

April 10 Good Friday Services: 10:00am (Passion Readings and Hymns) 7:00pm (Tenebrae “Words from the Cross”)

April 12 Easter Sunday Services with Holy Communion: 7:00am (Sunrise) 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45am (Festival Worship)

No Education Hour or Monday evening service.

The Messenger

Families Moving Forward - thanks you for your sup-port. Our most recent hosting was February 2 - 9, 2020. Sincere thanks to all who signed up and helped with Set-up/Take-down, Activities, Meal preparation and help, Overnights, and Laundry!! Also, thank you for do-nations (food, supplies and monetary) and your prayer support. We are making a difference to help end home-lessness! We could not do this without your help! Our next hosting dates are July 12th to 19th.

God Bless, Families Moving Forward Team






Members of St. John’s Family Please continue to pray for these members who are unable to worship with us on a weekly basis:

Celebrating Marriage

As a congregation committed to supporting God’s children of all ages on their journey of faith, St. John’s wants to consistently affirm and support marriage and families. This is one way we celebrate life together as the people of God in Christ.

On March 8th, we will be celebrating March anniversaries with special recognition given to couples celebrating ‘5 and ’0 year anniversaries as well as any year over 50: Gary and Helen Anderson (52 yrs), Ron & Teresa Crognali (10 yrs), Scott & Barb Ewing (25 yrs), David & Lori Heacock (5 yrs), Scott & Kimberly Marella (15 yrs), Drew & Katherine Sinke (10 Yrs), Julian & Gretchen Smith ( 35 yrs).

As we support each other in living a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ, the Anniversary of Marriage Milestone is an opportunity for us to lift up the gift of faith, family, community and unending love that flows out of the cross and to each of us as children of God.

Mary Martha Guild Circles of Love Ladies Luncheon

The St. John’s Mary Martha Guild will be hosting its sixth annual Circles of Love luncheon on Saturday, April 4th at 12 noon in the St. John’s Fellow-ship Hall. Tickets are available between services on March 22 and 29 or by calling Karen Canfield at 952-448-4875. Come enjoy the uniquely decorat-ed, themed tables and a delicious lunch served by members of the Mary Martha Guild.

The entertainment this year will be provided by We Three Kings. This singing father/mother/son trio will inspire you through Gospel and oldies music, along with their fascinating story of what God has done in their lives. They love to tell the story of their delightful son, Justin, who has an incredible ability of reciting and sharing God’s Word through word and song. Justin was born almost 4 months ear-ly and weighed only 1 pound, 5 ounces at birth. Although blind and developmen-tally delayed, this young man has shown them that all of us have a purpose in God’s eyes.

At Home: Art & LaVerne Abraham, Jan Forner, Bernice Kuchenmeister, Earl Meyer, Derek Rosenwinkel, Helen Schalow, Linda Westlie All Saints Sr. Living: Hilde Grev Auburn Courts: Marguerite Craighead, Amber Kamerud Auburn Manor: Gerry Grapentine, Malinda Meuwissen, Clara Myers, JeNola Panning, Darlene Rosenwinkel, Barb Schmitz, Alice Siewert Chaska Heights: Gerry Schmitz, Loraine Schoen Cardinal House, Chaska: David Clausen Castle Ridge Care Center, Eden Prairie: Verdelle Bachman

Friendship Manor, Shakopee: Mavis Deis Good Samaritan Care Center, Arlington: Donna Litfin, Bernie Gnan Lutheran Home, Belle Plaine: Clarice Henning, Jimann Sears MN Masonic Home, Bloomington: Carol Ott Nagel Assisted Living, Waconia: Rudy & Val Schlefsky Shorewood Landing, Shorewood: Roger Preiss Schule Haus, Jordan: Hazel Grewe Summit Place, Eden Prairie: Anita Doss Talheim: Gordon Bielke, Orline Moore, Vicky Ostlund


Christian Education Third Grade Class By Renee Siegle

March is here already! The first part of the year has flown by with many fun learning projects and activities! Many firsts happen in third grade; and as it’s my first year at St. John’s, I had a few firsts myself!

Third graders have the wonderful opportunity to write to Pen Pals, many of whom reside right across the street at Auburn Manor! It has been fun to get to share details from our classroom with them, and it is so exciting when we receive letters back and get to read them to the class! (This is also where the exciting new skill of Cursive in third grade comes in handy!) Having Pen Pals is an awesome service project that allows students to practice their English writing skills. Students first create a rough draft, then edit their writing looking for spelling errors, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Finally, they write a final draft nice and neat! Students also attach a picture that they’ve colored or drawn especially for their Pen Pal.

Another opportunity students have to be creative in their learning is through Book Reports. Third graders are encouraged to read each night to foster their love of reading and become better readers. At the end of each quarter, students choose one book that they’ve read recently and present it to the class. They write a short report on the book and share a project they made that goes along with it. We have seen many creative mobiles, dioramas, timelines, and more while learning about other books!

Last month, students gave a Presidential Speech. This was a fun opportunity for students to research a past president of the United States and learn about 15 presidents while listening to each other’s speeches. There were lots of interesting facts and some funny ones too! We had great fellowship after as well! Everyone looked sharp and enjoyed seeing their hard work pay off with a successful afternoon!

Last month third graders also had the privilege of leading chapel for our whole school! They were able to create their own props and perform a skit with many speaking and acting parts. The whole class enjoyed performing this comedy while sharing the lesson from 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.”

It is an amazing blessing to be able to attend a school where we can learn and share our faith in God every day with our peers that we are able to call friends. Third graders work together every day demonstrating leadership, compassion, and respect to one another. The highlight of the past few months for them has been building snow forts together. It is fun to watch them work together, pushing the big snowballs and brainstorming ideas for construction. We praise God for our many blessings in life and the reminder that He is greater than our ups and downs. Having an awesome group of third graders that can lean on each other to go through life’s ups and downs is one of those many blessings He has given us.

The Messenger


National Lutheran Schools Week

National Lutheran Schools Week was celebrated January 26th - 31st. Our theme this year was “Joy: Fully Lutheran” based on 1 Thessolonians 5:16-24. We kicked off the week on Sunday with songs of praise by our students in all three church services. Together, our school students and congregational members joined in reflecting on what brings joy to their lives and wrote those thoughts on a bright and joyful poster that you can find hanging in our commons area.

Most of our days started off meeting in the gym together for time to focus on worship and learning about the people and country of Mongolia through Lutheran Hour Ministries. It was amazing to see how vast God’s love is for the people in Mongolia and what their life is like through a series of videos and discussion. Our week-long Coin War and offerings for the month helped to raise over $1,800 for Lutheran Hour Ministries! What awesome servant hearts our students have!

There were special dress-up days, favorite lunches, all school DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time, and Cravings Store treats. Mrs. Baker’s famous estimation station was a week long hit with students as well! They could read up on facts about Mongolia and take their chance at guessing the number of items in the jar for a prize. Special events also included a field trip to Mayer Lutheran High School for praise and worship with other area Lutheran schools. On Wednesday students participated in a service project, making Valentine treat bags that were distributed to residents at Auburn Manor. In addition to learning time in our classrooms, the rest of the week was filled with a school dance, electronic time with donuts, and an all school movie to end the busy week. What a terrific week we had rejoicing in the gift of our amazing school!

The students and staff at St. John’s are truly blessed and thank all of our congregational members for their continued commitment to supporting Christian education and the ministry we have here at St. John’s.

Continued on next page

6 The Messenger

National Lutheran Schools Week Continued






Mayer Lutheran High School By Norm Glock

“Prepare to Soar” 2019/2020 School Theme.

“but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

We have 35 new students registered to continue their education at Mayer Lutheran High in August. (Prayerfully, we can reach 40 or more.) Prayers of righteous people avails much.

Mrs. Barbara Hoback, mathematics teacher for 33 years, is retiring in June. Thank you, good Lord, for faithful servants at Mayer Lutheran High School.

Mayer Lutheran High School’s Board of Directors are interviewing and will recommend people in mathematics, Spanish, Theology and Recruitment. Pray that the LORD continues to supply Spirit-led people. They have ex-tended calls to current teacher Megan Polzin to teach upper level theology, Keith Traska to teach mathematics and his wife Kay to teach Spanish. Keith and Kay’s son will be a freshman.

Spring is coming. Softball, baseball and track practice begin Monday, March 9. Also, the Spring Concert is on March 9.

March 15 is free open gym from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Choose your own activity or pick something from the PE clos-et. Everyone is welcome. Ages under ten need a parent signature if an adult is not present.

March 20, 21 and 22 is the stage play titled The Island of Dr. Libris. Friday and Saturday evening times are at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday 2:00 p.m.

Winter indoor walking at Mayer Lutheran High in the field house is Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. Avoid the cold, enjoy friends, coffee and a snack near the fireplace.

Spring Break is March 23 thru 27.

An anonymous donor has set aside $40,000 to be matched dollar for dollar to support the Timothy Fund which helps encourage newer families using full-time Christian education. The Timothy Fund has been in existence since 2007. Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, Jesus, for 50 students and 23 adults who traveled December 26 thru January 4 on Mayer Lutheran High School’s Sharing Jesus in Anapra, Mexico trip. They taught Vacation Bible School, shared Jesus one on one, and helped build five houses the size of a single car garage. In the past fifteen years, they have helped construct fifty-three homes.

For more information, contact Joel Landskroener, Mayer Luther High School Executive Director, at or 952-657-2251 x1007.

Building houses in Anapra, Mexico.

8 The Messenger

Christmas in May Chaska

Christmas in May Chaska is a local non-profit organization that coordinates a one-day project to rehabilitate the homes of Chaska residents who do not have the financial or physical ability to maintain their homes. We rely on volunteers to do

the work, which includes skilled and unskilled labor. Help us make a difference in our community on Saturday, May 2. To learn more, to volunteer or to apply as a home owner needing help go to:

Applications for home owners are due by Monday, March 16.

Daylight savings time 2020 in Minnesota will begin

at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 8.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour before

going to bed on Saturday, March 7.

Highlights from the January Executive Council Meeting

The January 21, 2020 Executive Council meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Devotions were led by Pastor Snow. The minutes of the November 19 and December virtual vote were approved. Treasurer Kreg Schmidt reviewed the December Financials; they were approved. Bob Swenson updated the council on the status of the Director of Family Life Ministry position. The Board of Personnel has chosen to begin the search again and has contacted the MN South District for candidate names. Jon Thom reported that a First Responders Team has been created. Dick Schaefer provided an update on the Renovation Project. The sanctuary remains the main focus. Housing allowances for 2020 for called workers were presented and recorded in the minutes. Executive council will host the Lenten dinner on March 18. Pastor Snow reported on the recent four funerals. He also reminded the council that Ash Wednesday is February 26. He asked the council to pray for the health of staff and students. Pastor Barry is currently making contacts with potential members. Karen Stephen will be the director of this year’s Vacation Bible School. Pastor Barry also reported that a team is working with Magnetic North to develop a new Church Website. He updated the council on the status of Small Group Bible Studies. Gordon Thomas announced that he is taking an online course titled “Day to Day financial management”. Work on the 2020-2021 budget continues. The next Voters meeting has been set for May 17 at noon in the Sanctuary. Meetings with the Wellspring Group continue in preparation for the upcoming capital appeal. Kendra Gilmore announced the schedule for upcoming open houses and kindergarten round-up. Re-enrollment for Pre-kindergarten is underway. Planning for All For One is underway. Ticket sells are available online. All For One will be held April 24. Gayle Degler suggested that it might be time to consider a new picture directory. The Elders are looking for Communion Assistants. The Board of Education is working on a revised tuition model. Social Ministry reminded the council that St. John’s will be hosting Families Moving Forward February 2-9. Volunteers are needed. There is also an opportunity to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children on February 27 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. The Trustees installed new marker boards in the school class rooms during the holiday break. The steam oven in the kitchen was repaired. The cost will be approximately $11,000. The next Executive Council meeting will meet February 18 at 6:30 p.m. Pastor Snow closed the meeting with prayer.


The Messenger Staff

Editing…………………………....Amy Feek Julie Pallas Layout………………….……...Chris Krentz

Please note: The Messenger deadline for April is March 16 by 12:00pm. Send all electronic articles to:


You can listen to our Sunday church sermons online. Go to: Click on “Listen to our Sermons” on the

right side of the home page. Click on the date you are interested in listening to.

Lutheran Hour Ministry broadcasts every Sunday at 6:05am on WCCO.

St. John's School Gerten's Plant Sale

Help support our school by purchasing beautiful plants from Gerten's. There will be a variety of hanging baskets, patio containers, annuals, flats, herbs, vegetables and peren-nials for sale. Look for a table to be set up between church services on Sunday, March 8th and 15th to make your order. You may also place an order with any St. John's student. Plant pick up will be Friday, May 8th just in time for Moth-er's Day which is May 10th. Proceeds of the sale will go to-wards funding educational programs, family fun night events, transportation funding for field trips and gym/recess equipment. Thank you for supporting St. John's School!

Annual St. John’s All For One Dinner & Auction

St. John’s Lutheran School is excited to announce the 7th Annual All for One Dinner and Auction on Friday, April 24, 2020 at Hazeltine National Golf Club. We encourage you to be involved as this is our primary fundraiser for the school year. The All for One Dinner and Auction has been established to enhance the building security, technology, and gym. The event cannot be successful without commitment and support from you!

Event details: St. John’s Lutheran School All for One Dinner and Auction Friday, April 24th, 2020 Hazeltine National Golf Club Tickets are $75 per person Social Hour & Silent Auction at 6:00 p.m. Dinner served at 7:00 p.m. Wrap up of silent auction and beginning of live auction following dinner

There are several opportunities for you to participate and contribute. Time commitments for volunteering vary depending on the committee and work needed within each one. If you have any questions, would like to volunteer to help, or plan to donate to the auction, please contact any committee member or email us at

To purchase tickets go to, home page. Tickets are available for $75/person and can also be purchased in the school office, at church on specific sale dates, or by contacting any member of the committee listed below. Corporate tables are also available for purchase and will include a promotional spot in the program for your business.

The All for One Committee Members: Al Dutcher, Kendra Gilmore, Tracy Koepsell, Jennifer Nordick, Dana Lane, Abbie Foster, Jocelyn Boll, Josh Kloos, Lacy Atkinson, Chad Reisner, and Bonnie Landree.

Thank you for your support!

Mary Martha Guild will be hosting their monthly gathering on Tuesday, March 10th, in the Fellowship Hall. All ladies are invited to come and join us! Fellowship and dessert will be at 6:30 p.m. Devotion and Topic will be led by Joel Landskroener. Our hostess-es for the evening are Deb Lenz and Donna Olson. Mary Martha Guild members please bring your mite boxes to collect mites. A Blessed March to All!






Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:00am Worship w/HC 9:30am Education Hour 9:30 & 10:45am Sonrise Worship w/HC 6:30pm Men’s Basketball

2 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 5:15-6:15pm Gathering Place 6:30pm Worship w/HC

3 9:30am R.O.C.K. 6:30pm Board of Trustees 7:00pm Sunday School Teachers’ Meeting

4 4:00pm Confirmation 4:15 & 6:30pm Lent Services 5:00-6:15pm Lent Supper 7:15pm Messengers of Praise

5 9:30am Women’s LifeLight 1:30pm Ladies Aid 6:30pm Board of Ed

6 *No SJS School

7 *Turn Clocks ahead one hour before going to bed.

8 *Anniversary Milestone 8:00, 9:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Education Hour 6:30pm Men’s Basketball

9 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 5:15-6:15pm Gathering Place 6:30pm Worship

10 9:30am R.O.C.K. 6:30pm Mary Martha Guild 6:30pm Board of Elders

11 4:00pm Confirmation 4:15 & 6:30pm Lent Services 5:00-6:15pm Lent Supper 7:15pm Messengers of Praise

12 9:30am Women’s LifeLight

13 14 9:30-11:00 8th grade Confirmation students and parents gathering

15 8:00, 9:30 & 10:45am Worship w/HC 9:30am Education Hour 6:30pm Men’s Basketball

16 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 5:15-6:15pm Gathering Place 6:30pm Worship w/HC

17 9:30am R.O.C.K. 6:30pm Executive Council

18 4:00pm Confirmation 4:15 & 6:30pm Lent Services 5:00-6:15pm Lent Supper 7:15pm Messengers of Praise


9:30am Women’s LifeLight

20 21

7:30am Bible & Bacon

22 8:00, 9:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Education Hour 6:30pm Men’s Basketball

23 *No SJS School 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 5:15-6:15pm Gathering Place 6:30pm Worship

24 *No SJS School 9:30am R.O.C.K.

25 *No SJS School 4:00pm Confirmation 4:15 & 6:30pm Lent Services 5:00-6:15pm Lent Supper 7:15pm Messengers of

26 *No SJS School 9:30am Women’s LifeLight 7:00pm Women’s Bible Study

27 *SJS No School


29 8:00am Worship 9:30am Education Hour 9:30 & 10:45am Sonrise Worship 6:30pm Men’s Basketball

30 *Confirmation Interviews 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 5:15-6:15pm Gathering Place 6:30pm Worship

31 *Confirmation Interviews

9:30am R.O.C.K.

March 2020
